Daily Reflector, April 14, 1897

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So, 5 MNO PSR 0 ae ea gope tek a eace he ARs mtat os yond eyo
at rd .

he si ty

0.3 WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. -


a wae

Vol. 5.




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: v.9.%






.- AA aad vane Cis nds Ao AAA ~A A a LATE Oe
poo ae roo | Aburricane did much aamage in
Cc re De | portions of Alabama Monday.
| The Governor of Arkansas has called
| ~| an extra session of the Legislature.
~@)- ;
OF! Charles O. Scull, general passenger
| | agent of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad,
m / has resigned,
back from the ae The General Assembly of New York
Sp | passed the Greater New York charter
N O rth ern S| bill over Mayor StrongTs veto.
j )
Os A company capitalized at $2,000,000
M arket Ss 2 P has been formed at Minneapolis, Minn..,
3 P to manufacture sugar trom, beets and
: : fight the sugar Trust.
witharightnew 3 ©
line of Ps Contrasts.
: | | When the frost is on the windows
~Spe | nnd the kitchen pail is froze, when the
OD ° . °
Sp | little icy needles come with every breath
ap that blows; when chilblaias make us
3h | Sick and taint, and cold feet give us pain,
oe itTs sate to bet we will all wish for sum-.
Ds mer day: again. For while we sweat
x and tume around in gauzy summer
OP | clothes, itTs an easy thing to get cooled
me y Ps off, as everybody knows. But is difficult
IX | in winter, when the wind is tull of ice
as |! T T
such 3 | and the weather is as hard to beat asa
: OF | pair of loaded dice. We may talk about
TRIP ED OIMITIES | our climate, and avout our spring and
: ~Qe | full, but the balmy days of summer are
| ® P A er
I aney Nainsook, 3 the days that suit us all."Orange Ob-
. Ope | server.
Muslins, When the sun is hot in summer and


White Lawns,
Lace Curtains,

Val. La x8,

Call-and see for


We are now
ready with



Swell business
suits, three-but-
ton sack, colors
brown, green,
grays, in plaids
and over vlaids,
and checks.

Our business Is
erowing, We.

know the secret

ItTs _ well-made
quick "_ se.ling
profit. That is
low prices for
you. We are.

~jness and ~get

at at

hustling for bus-

4h | the sweat runs off your nose, when the |
s |ice-h.use is a-melting,
She | neea any clothes ; when the mercury is
2p | dropping,
| you will long tor the pleasure of a cold
a | winter night.

Spe | you will think of these assertions, Mr,

o iong for cold December, and the bless-

sf | parlor tires and the jingle of the sleighs.

und you donTt
dropping down out oT sight,

When the weather is op-
pressive und the leaves retuse to shake,
Robinson which you make. You wili
ing which it brings, you will hate vein!
;| summer, and say many naughty things,
you will think of snowflakes, and the
bracing winter days, ot the crackling

; "farmville Journal.



All the members of Hope Fire Com-
pany are requested tu meet at the store
of W. C. Hines Thursday night, at 7:30
o'clock. The engine will be tested at
the cistern. F. M. Hopers, Capt.

Lecture Tonight.
Miss Lura V. Thompson, of Illinois,
general organizer ot the Christian Wo-
men Board of Missions of the Christia®
church, will deiivera lecture tonight,
in the Methodist church, Her subject
will be *Whacis That in Thine Hand.�
The public cordially invited,

Indebtedness of North Carolina Cities

Asheville $ 781,000
Wilmington 750,600
Winston 400,00)
Raleigh 207,000
Durham 173,600
Chartotie 175,000
Greensboro 150,000
Wilson 92,250
Fayetteville 49,500
Newbern 47,500

Bonded indebtedness of the

State of North Carolina 6,080,000

~Will Seil Her Finger.

For one thousand dollars a young
and pretty woman is willing to sell
one of her fingers. She is Misa Grace
Dinsmore, and her home is in Bing-
hamton, N. Y. She saw an advertise-
ment in a New York paper giving pay
fcr the middle finger at middle joint, to
be used in a neoresis, or bone-grafting
operation. oMiss Dinsmore answered
the advertisement in person. She is
anxious to become a singer and wishes
to complete her musical education ».
the Boston Conservatory of Masiv, and
tukes this means of securing the moury.

Her Answer in Three Letters.

He loved her with all his heart, but
he was not certain that his affection
He determired to
trap her into a promise to marry him.
He made a wathematical calculation.

was reciprocatea.

Eariy Morning Marriage.

This morning at 8:15, in the Meth- .
odist church, by Rev. N. M, Watson.
Mr. Thos. McGee, of Goldsboro, was
married, to Miss Delia W. Marshal of

this town.

Just as the clock ety to 8:15

| Mrs. J. B. Cherry began playing the

wedding march, and Messrs. J. G.
Moye and Phil Crawford walked up the
right aisle and Messrs. J. L. Little and
Jarvis Sugg up the left, immediately

man, Mr. R. M. Harper, of LaG ange,
and up the opposite aisle the bride on
the arm of Mr. J. B. Cherry. The
| bride and groom met at the altar, and

ye | were then made man and wife.

~ # anid Ai tt Fg

| x. C.HOO rs

bride ani groom tock the morning train
for Goldsbore, where they will make
| taeir home. .

Mr. McGee is a live insurance man
of Goldsboro and he is to be congratu-
lated in having won the heart of a wo-
mn, whose amiable character and love
ly aisposition has made her a favorite
in Greenville perieiy,

following came the groom with his best

Immediately after the ceremony the

~Mary,� he said, his voice trembling
with emotion, oI Jove you.
ing to ask you tobe my wife.

I am go-
you give me your answer in word ot
three letters ?�

Her face was turned partly from
him and her eyes were downcast. A
taint blush mantled her cheeks and
her lips trembled as she softly mur-
mured, o1 will.�

His eyes reflected the joy in his
heart at her words'and more tremuous-
ly, more tenderly than he had spoken
betore he whispered :

oMary, darliag, I love you ; will you
be my wif 7T

éNit.�T"Chicago ~Times-Herald.

An old time country darkey was
on the st~vets Friday afternoon and
while passing along in the front of
J. §. MallerTs grocery store, having
noticed th: watering trough at the
pump laying down upon the ground
und drank freely. As he arose he
remarked: ~I neber suffers fur water
whin I kin git to it.�"Concord Stand~

iw �,�

ne ~ by?
162 eek uae


Our stock is complete with all ae latest in

pe aoe


The King Clothier,


st line of"


"Come in and look at: the larg


Lhave ever ver Tid All makes, colors and prices.
A pertect fit ouaranteca.


Dress Goods, Shoes,


Gents Furnishings |
is superb and your inspestion is Inv ited.



Aud ready to show the people a beauty ©
""line of-""

ING coons

Everything new, neat and stylish.

_""Zi/ia Bae...

iy Dress Goods, Shoes, Sli

avd GentsT Shirts

_|f am in the lead,

In fact: all my stock will please you cai
low prices will make you wonder how. sae

goods can be sold so cheap.
You: have only to call in to be convinced.

s Air Line in. Virginia, North and


ae ies

ograss, her. clothing caught afire
oand she wis horribly. burned,


~Ov a ll
Ow " ex ® * 20
P one. week. F », ~ ~ 10
Delivered in town "se carriers without

ae or
tisng rates are liberal and can be

ee aaon 8 ha cation to

) fa-each neigh

ek ~ Willosghby Jackson, an old

gets another $4;


x re @ wiped the tears from her eyes,

i _ that a woman was at the bottom

evbry' man's trouble ~and :now| from Mis. Myers), in, England, |


¥] [For the a Reflector.

: a DEAR ONE THAT'S come, }

rh a: ~BY L. Ww. re me


Ps sae wes
ila é x ed

| How well do 1 remember

When first 1 heard your voice ;

_| Little did I think then


the editor or at

We desire a 11¥e. correspondent at
ae tna oo

f items of NEW
send ag porhood., Write plainly

and only on one side af the paper.

ee Gs

mm a amd

| Apriz 14, 1897.


St Mean

One a of Grief, the Other of Joy,
Animpressionable Paris banker,
the owner of immense riches,
died of grief on bearing that he}
had lost everything in the world
except 100,000 francs! His pau-}
~per brother on inheriting that sum
from him died of joy. orlando

» Bits.

8. A, L. Industrial Agents.
- QOBARLOTTE, N. C, April 7."The
~industrial agents of the Seaboard

South Carolina and Georgia, met
here today. Twenty-eight of the
SeaboardTs experiments farms are
now in operation, 30,000. truit and
ghade trees had been set out
along the line, fower gardens had
_, been etedlished at all stations,
. oand� forty towns improvement

society organized. This movement |

was inaugurated by, the Seaboard
two months xgeo
eee atin]

Burned to Death,


colored woman, was burned to
death near Maucbe ter Saturday
while burning grassin a greve-

oA pumber df colored people
owere to meet and clean out the
graveyard that day, but only this
good old woman kept faith. She
ooandertook to do the cleaning
herself, and while burning the

dying in great agony soon after-
wards."F'ayetteville Observer.

The Editors Luck.
A Georgia newspaper maa is
going to give up journalism, be-
canse he thinks editors are not
treated fairly. oA child 1s born,�
he says; othe doctor in attendance
gets $10, the ~editor notes it and
gets 0; itis christened the minister
geta $4, the editor writes it up
and gets 00; i: marrries, the
minister gets avother fee, the
editor a piece of cake or 000; in
course of time it dies, the doctor
gets from $510 $10. the winister
the undertaker
gets $25 to $40, the editor prints
it and receives (000. Ex.

rt ER

Miss Demeaner Did at.

That I should be your choice.


I had been 1nyited

To attend an evening ball ;

Is was there that first I met him,
My dearest dear of all.

He did not like dancing, »

So we passed the hours away
By chatting and coquetting,

Tn the long and broad hall-way.

After this most glorious evening,
. It is useless to deny ;
Tha: he made me special visits,

And to please hm I did try.

How well do I remember,
How he held my little hands;
And told me over and giten

His love was the truest of manTs

I never one moment doubted
Those words so sweet and true ;
And only a short while afterward,
~J rested with him secu-e.

I was always very happy,

During these few short years ;

But Oh! before eight years had passed,
My joy was changed to tears. ;

This part of my story is painful to tell,

ItTs so sad but yet so true,

For the Angel of Death has crept into
our home,

Leaving one where there has so long
been two.

But God in his infinite goodness,
Knoweth and doeth all things well ;
Therefore to His will I must eubmit,
And through Him my sorrows repel
But yet I have one hope left to console
' me,
And the memory of it brings a sigh ;
Not until I pass through the valley of

death |
Can I see my dear one thatTs gone by.

Adopled Their Own Son.


the preambulator in which she

son of M. F. Brition, at Montreal,

from the local English garrison.

was gone.

little ove but without avail.

in the hope of securing a reward:

his care.

year his. wife kept the boy with
her. She was greatly troubled in
her conscience, and finally resolv.

ea to devise some plan of return-

her story, and by way of reaching
them secured employment ad a
domestic in their household.

The Brittons were without a
child of their own, and when Mrs.
Myers suggested that they adopt

iher oson,� a bright lad of ten at

the time, they reedily fell in with
tue plan. Mrs. Myers soon after

Monroe Enquirer: Anold lacy
raceived a letter from the presi-,
_ dent of a college, which her ron
was attending, stating that her son
had been expviled on account of
ee The old lady read

@ letter carcfully and said, as

oWell, well I've always: heard

@. young woman, Miss De-

left their employ. She kept up a
idesultory correspondence " with
tiem for several years and finally
dropped entirely out cf sight.

~n the meantine the Brittons
anil their supposedly adopted son
removed to a farm in northern | §

another. near Akron, Ia. A few

giving | full partica of |

On a

ar let

a! m ~BOR John rf
onble that -he|a
Se school |

of their child,
mgthod Bhe, adopted
his own father

In 1576 acareless nurse deserted
was wheeling the two year old

Canada, while she went for a short.
walk with a soldier sweetheart

As has recently developed, it
was stolen by a man named Myers | 40

After the crime was committed he iC
became so much alarmed that he | x
never dared to claim money from | #6
the infantTs family and the child) x
reached the age of 7 years under x

In 1883 Meyers) died, and for a| x

ing the lad to his family. She G
feared to go directly to them with | m

New York und afterwards to},

days ago they received a letter] |

A Carious Monstrosity.

last week in the shape of a lamb.

jour.ears, two eyes and two tails.

Fiom the middle of the body
back, there was two bodies, while
~in front there was one body only.

If-any doubte,the ebove they, are,P
referred to Mr. G. B. Revef, who/}
gave the Elkin Times the item. -.

His Valet Does Well

~rhe greatest aoay in the
world 1s prince Albert of Thurn,
Germany. This fastidious young
man attires himself in a new suit,
of clothes every day"enough
yearly to Keep twenty experienc-
ed workmen going, and ran up a
bill of £3,000. Each suit of wear-
ing apparal is highly perfumed
with attar of roses, at £5 an ounce

ties during year, being an aver-
age of three every day. His cast-
off boots number 200 pairs a year.
"London Woman.
aia teaeieammeatinagel
A Househoid Necessity.

Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disconery of the age,
plearant and refreshing to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
nd bowels, cleansing the entire system
dispel colds, cure headache, tever, ha"

bitual constipution and "bilousness.
Please buy and try a box of C. C. C
today ; 10, 25, 5! cents. Sold . and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.



Baptists, Seo Here !

fhe Southern Baptist Conventioa
meets this year in Wilmington, N. C.,
May 8th. Nuw, you want to go to this
convention, and you also wart to go in
style and c mfort. ~There is only� one
wood firstclass line from the South anc�
Suuthwest to Wilmington, and that line
is the Seaboard Air Line, which iuns
the finest and fastest, trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt he fooled into mak--
ing your arrangements until you have
consuled one of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, Generel
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball House, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
o write you or call on you, or you can
apply to any ot the representatives of
the Seaboard Air Lite m any town or
city. This as the offizial route. Do
you want to go with your friends ?

When she returned her charge) ® f PAAM
Tie Britton rds, %
mads every effort to recover the|




Offers his services to the &
g© citizens of Greenville and the
ae public generally.
Spouting and Stove Work,

a specialty.
q Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charges made. ~Tobacco
Flues made in season. Shap |
in rear of 5 and 10 cent store. }


~Portraits ti.

oa &

RS. ~f. E, HOOKER and

: sazstaR9

- All work iebdaia by hand.

hb pa ade, life size
and will nok inde, iJ

| ecient soak

on @

| R.A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.

om © hs was Ma or o
Ranting Creek, Wilkes county

It. had eight well developed |

He wears ro fewer the 1000 neck~| \


% | we buy diroor feos Wandta wires

Drag gy where orders 2

R. L. Davis, PresTt.

i ~wien |


Atithe Close cf Business March Sth, 1897.


Joans and Discounts $41,761.193 Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
ia ~Drafts 133,275 $ Surplus and Profits 2,332.66
ium. on Stock 1, 000. 09 $ Deposits subject to Check ee
Die tron Banks 38,567,643 Due to Banks ; co
Piritars and Fixtures 1,500.00} Cashiers Checks ortstanding 863.34
-|Current- Expenses "985.525 Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
|CashItems 2,652.12 ee
Cash on hard. 25,875.38 Total $112,974.50
Total): , $112,974.50 sh

We tune Sinton y the separate needs of our patrons. aud shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accummodation consistent with good banking.

Wehave alarge *



just arrived. Comeand





1, 0, COBB: & oO




en (ee


We haye just received & new
hearse and the nicest line of Cof-
tins and Casgets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth. ever brought: to

_ We ais prepared to fo embalm-
ing in ah its forms.

Personal atiention given to con:
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Onr prices are lower than ever.

We do not want monupoly but
invite con. petition.

We can be found at any and all
times in the John ie. iam
Buggy Co's building.


: Primary.

Ls Y car. ore
LUOD "POISON perm eae
15t035 days, You can be treated at
ome forsame pricé undersame guaran:
ty. Ifyou preter to come here we willcon
anil pres cz pet xpiroad fateand hotel bills,and
re at if Phe fail to cure. If you have taken mer=

lcurea in

0: tash, and still have aches

hateoah Yates in mouth, Sore Threat
eather Scares eh

» Hair or Eye Pg

out, it is this Secondary BLOO POISON
we guarantee to cure. We solicit ber ston obsti-e
nate cases and challenge the world fora
case we cannotcure. This disease has always
baffied the skill of the most eminent physi-
cians. ° oho gap P45 ed a behind our uncondie
tional guaranty. ute ore sent sealed on
Rpplication. Liteer co D
803. Masonic Temple. CHIGAGO.


nyt anton




ing their yearTs supplies will tind

their interest to get our prices befcre pu

chasing oise where. Ourstock is cocaplety

{U0 albits ucancher.


contienaieiil ieidiaock
' Tobacoa, rtf &c,

lin: you to buy at one pro tt, A G04:
ote StOR of

Os, |savage and barbarous lands.

| 2


""is now runningga""


and can furni h Wood at the shortest
notice. Buys Wood by the car load.

Your patronage solicited.

S . Dr. ~Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.�? or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
Four wil-
lion TalmageTs books sold, and ~oThe
Earth Girdled� is his letest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine tor
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
outfit free. Drop all trash and sell the
king of books and make $300 a month.
~Address for outtit and terri ory, The
| Pominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-
| cago.

Sar pers.

. Seem ~"



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing


HW. (and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing

i. JA. BURGEss, Mer.
Washington, N. CG,

This Hotel has been thoroughly
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bells to every room. Attontifp ser.
vants, Fish and ny haa ad
Patronage of travel ited




The next session of, the sv Kea will
o Wi ae


and continue for 10, ate
The terms are as follo

I i Ta a 8 ei Nn

hiss oer


direct estn

WL id Ne. i BUDS ce ae RB i s Has Foated = er ee |
AND Rare Dr. Tanne's feat of fasting
us: FLORENCE Ba 8 yan, forty days iy about to be eqnated
ven a pénedule in Norfolk | by a colored boy, who
o1a Mek ! . ~bears ~the distinguished name of
�"� rks GO1"@ SOnRAL, George Wishington, ~While the
is ay doc or's effo-t wis voluntary, that
~~, 6 of tha colored } to tl
Noy. Jéth |: = 2colored lad 1s quite 1@
1846, ot | _ |coutrary aud bis frequent cries for
A. Ml°.Mi IA. \ |Uread are almost heartrending.
Leave. Weldon 1� Mn he George Washington is the son of
~At Boovk Mt soso pa Juhu H. Waskingion, who sells
| | | wood, coal and ice at the coruer
(Lv Tarhoro 13 12 ie ee of Bank and Bute streets aud who
Ly Rocky Mt | 1 0v/10 5 45] ives No. 72 Scott street. He is
Pditong are de 6 20/14 years of.,age, and from h's
Lv FayTtteville| 4 36 1 v7 iufancy bas been erippled slight -
pease sami ae a aoe ly. Liky many other people, old
wigs on - tand young, he has a hobby, audT
o- / |it was to this that he cau now
Bi Nake lice (secon: ils ascribe his coudition.
P. . A.M\! Whenever George saw a bottle
Ly Wilson 20 U
oEW Gaulaboro | ¥ 8 5 [Dy-had an ancontrollable desire
Lv yee eres 4 14 0 jt@driuk some or all or its con-
Wilmington|, 6 43 9 45 i
P.M. ..mM;sents. He preferred something
L strong, aud this being known to
TRAINS GOING NOTEH. his pareots, he was carefuily
-{watcbed while at bine. Last
Nomets mb py S, | November he Was visiting tho
1896, Mt rig aa |home of a neighbor and walking
me ec " |_"__\duto the bitchen espied ca a shelf}
aM. o wh. { : : Bs 8 : f .
Li Ss dik a ; 8.401 7 4 | within his reach a bottle. There
iy enn 1510} 9 40 ~was nO label on it, and when ov
¥ ceima 12. 87,
ar Wilacn 1 golt1 33 pone was near he proceeded to
;drink therefrom. [ts contents, )
! % \ ~carbolic acid, proved a lictle too
| % | |) sucoug »yen tor George, aud con-
Teatro TE wl a Pere yulsions immediately foliowed-
Ly Wilmington; 9 25 r rr Ho waswearried home and wedical
Ly Magualia ~} 20 62 ~ 40}a dat ouee sammoned, bat not |
Ly Gol sbore 42 01 9 46
ar Wilsea: | 1 00 10 ei withstanding every effort on theirT
Ly ear ie ~part, be is-now 10 bed, a tiviny,
| Bos 42 | meathing skeleton. !
i CR | | Altbough he sutfered inex pres- |
silat esc Li itsably itwwas vot until foar weeks,
fo. M. i. wjilavo that the boy found i impor-'
Ly Wilsoa [| 1 20 | | % 421 Obie to retain aaythi hi
ArRoeky Mt |) 217) |__| ay ney" se Yipine On ais
eT aeal yap tewach. Not a mouthkfw) of food:
oy Disboro | 400 ul | i bas heihad durinz the past menth
Ly Ropky Mx |; 217 a jhis-ouly nourishment being a» sip;
AY Weldon eres fof wilk, or Whisky wow and dden.
a | Brow & WVely lad of about one
ra n @n Scotia: i | Neck fetta hid wt
eaves Weldon 3.56 p, m., ae uit undred pounds in weight ihe isT

p. m., arnives sootland Nevk at 4.50 4 {0 w nothing but sktn and ~bones:
®., Greepwille 687 p.m., Kiustew 7. 45) ylug by inches aud wotghmy bot
. in. ecurniny, leaves WKitsbuum 7.2. q were thun thirty pcamds) His:

&.m., Greenville 8.22 acu. arrivsi|
Hali-.x at 11:00. m., Weston La « } coustauberies ate fur something
to driuk, but veverally whenever:

except Sunday.
TV oread or auvy other food is offered

l'raing on Washnigton Granch deve |
Washingten 8.00 @, m,, and suv p. , he rofaves tt. Phyeiewma say Tis

arrives Parmelé 8£0a. w.. aud Lv p. | death I vuly & question. of tine,

Mi. Tarbone 9.45 a. m., returuingieuves | but lis appearence ia difeis tint

ad aa i Parmele to. rn ons of au ossitied being:
a os 4s Oli Pare ne ye *j 1

11.60 a. m., and 7.40 ee A. DailyT ox: be: ve beceme recouciled to ihig

Jute, Wutle the boy " hinaself does

itis parents ,

ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotinnd Neck Brarch. :

Train leawes warporu, . ., via adbe-
marle & Kaleigh Rott, way except mant |= "
day, at 4 50 p. Mx, Sunday 4$ 00 PRP. OM: 3

that be is a sufferer.

Hot comprohend anything save |

ent os em



Have you heard of the Sundown sea, ~om
With its blue and ~golden skies,. |

Where the ripples play the livelong day
And the summer never dies?

There are wealth any health for you, love;
There are health and wealth for me;

There is all that's best in the golden west
On the shores of the Sundown sea.

It will give back the rose to your cheek, love,
For there like a river it flows -

On the sunny breeze through the orange trees,
The breath of the blood red rose,

Go get the old light in your eye, love,
"Neath the shade of the pepper trée"

You know where; thereTs enough and to spare
On the shores of the Sundown sea.

There's a tear on every thorn, love,
Of the storm scarred locust; there
Are dripping leaves and icy eaves}
ThereTs a wail on the weeping air;
ThereTs a song in the frozen rill, love,
But itTs lost to you and me;
ThereTs a smothered cry in the rain swept sky.
Then away to the Sundown sea.

The luster is gone from your hair, love;
~Your cheeks are thin and pale}

Your dark eye turns and your spirit yearns
For a glimpse of the sunset trail.

I will sing a new song to you, love,
And youTll sing a new song to mo,

And we'll grow young as we journey along
On the way to the Sundowhi sea.

"Cy Warman in New York Sun.

Willing to Prove It.

The coach was being driven up a
steep mountain road, and at one side
the cliff ran straight down for 100
feet. A youth seated on the back
seat next to a loquacious damsel of
uncertain age was in a state of mis-
ery. The one being he loved most
of alltbe world was in the front
with his hated rival, and nothing
could dispel liis gloom,

oOh, Mr. Foster,TT tittered the
young woman next to him, break-
ing in upon his meditations, ~~sup-
pose the coach should upset or ]
should fall out, would you try tu
save me?�T

~Why, of course,TT was the reply.
ooCertainly"to be sure.TT

~Would you really?TT she asked.
oNow, teil me exactly how.�

~Oh, I "ehTT-" began the young
man, intent upon other things.

| Why IT.--

; oOh, Mr. Foster,TT sighed the fair
one, oyou donTt know really what
youTd do.�

~~Well,T� he answered, thoroughly
aroused, oif you doubt me, why,
1Tll show you just what.�

oHow can you show met�T
whispered, ~~Can you truly give me
4ome prooft q��

~Yes,T he returned. oAll you have
to do is to proceed to tumble out,
and I'll prove the rest to every-

bodyTs satisfaction.TT -" Scottish
A Worried Woman.
Mrs. Meek"Of course I am wor-.

ried. As a dutiful wife I canTt help
feeling so, for I am sure my hus-
~band is keeping something from
me, and I shanTt be content until I
know what it is.

Mrs. Freak"My husband is keep-
Ing something from me, too, and I

umn worried because I know what

it 18,
Mrs. Meek-"Indeed !

Wine Brpale TH! 9

What is it?



ative Plymeuth 9.00 2. M., 5.25 pu in. 4
Returning i2aves Plymouci daily exeept| 2
Snndsy, 6.00 a. m., Sunday %.30 a ~a. | 8
arrive Tarboro 10, OF vom and i. 45 T

frain on Midland N. v. branch lewves|
Gold3boro daily, rept Sunday, 6.05 a i
m. arriving Snaithiield 7-30 a, m. Re-| »
turning leaves Smithtielu 8.00 a. m,, ar ¢



fives ut Goldsbers 9,80 u. m.

Trains on Latta brauch, Floreuce R
&., leave Latta 6.40 pw, arrive Duabar
7.50 p.m, Clio 8.05,a m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dyubar 6.30 a aad

" Lattu 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-}

Train onClintoa Kraach leaves War-
wawfor Clinton eaily, except Suuday,

Ad. STERLING RENEDY beam oaten- Montreal, Can., or New York,


oS Seo -


pe an) coo Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa

Of gripe. but cause easy natural results, Sam

10 a,m.and 8.40 p, m: Heturateg
#23 Clinton at 7.00 a. m. a1 3,00 t .,

Train No. 78 makes close connection |
at Weldon forall puints daily, ailrail via
Kishmone, alse at; Rovky Mount with
lorfolk, and Carolina &B for Noniolk
¢né all points North via Neefolk.

| General suprt.
T. M. EMERSO!",.'ratie Manage-.
J. 8. KENUY. GeyT M aor.ger,


igture ot

The. Oldest . EEG BY


Is It? es

tae celebrated a


pe , AVN she NT ij . f.
Laity Newspaper. ip | ih f Ps

Bat ( _

te ear ca aac AL TUbe ia a Ah lb a

o' f
* .
£ ; ate pie
« é % .
OF E i nied rae Clara he
aed when you. sae themT:
Ae te EA PL? oaT ree
7 oe: eta saan

-_ i a
, i Win ae
ve ate ae
Ro 0: *

she !


Cotton ang Peanut, - owen�
Below are Norfolk. prices of cotto sense tobe Ol soe .

und peanuts for yesterday, as furnished f.

| 2 Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer- ( diforia U. farico?.
ants of Norfolk - J

Good Middling ee ? Both are such | Ldusratiet ob 7

Middling | it jective points for a Winter .

iy eat o3 64 trip that ivTs perh:ps hard for

ood Ordinary o16 ' Pee
* i a you to decide where te gn

Prime a

Extra Prime 24 Let us Help Yo u to

oancy 2 -

Spanish | BU to 75 a D ecisi0n,


apenas wie 4 A trip via New Oreans aml
the Scathern Pocitiy te either

Greenv ille Market. ~Mexico or the Pacitic Cours is
Corrected by S. M. Schultz. one you will never forge:.

West estes "BRO ItT 1 ti nfrom

6 e = .

Suger cured Hams o4 o - 124, Sa ~Tansitlo

,/0rn to a0

Corn Meal 45 to 60 Fr ost toF lowers.

r, F 25 to 6.75 ; ae
He ig : 1359 to 10 And the service '~ so laxuii-
Oats 35 to 4) ous that per. who. haveT
be Pen tested "Suns: Liwite p call,

omee rt) i ;

Salt pet Sack tol ss) ib ine rmpur aie,

Jhickens to

Eggs per doz 7 tol * Ifyou. are Thinking of

ees Wax.Der
"| Going, Write Us.

Over 10, 000 Miles of We have a book entitled�
oThrough Sioryland to Sun""
s3t Sans,� a bandsoma volume

Road: R Ridin of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
g. which we wil] seud op recwivt

of 10 centsin stamns tc cover

postage. We also bavea de-

Not a cingle 1897 Columbia was offered for lightfai little gvide to Mexi-

sale until 30 were practically tested. Each . ; :
was ridden from 1,500, to 10,000 miles"100 ~ co, which. we will send on
miles a day, mind you"over the roughest roads receipt of 4 cents to cover
in Connecticut, Not a single break in any cost of mailing.

part of the thirty, We know that You Really Ough t to
Read them Both. 4

| Shall we put vou down for a
| copy! Ifso, or if you want
any special information, it
will be cheerfully farnishea
by addressing,


General Passerver and Ticket
Ageut, 2

will give greater satisfac-

tion in 1897 than before. $(00 foallatle,
Hartfords, next best, $75, $60, $56, $45. |

Handsomest Catalogue ever issued, free if you call.



You may never,
But should you ever}¥4==-

Want Job Printing

=a Come to see US. "


ig from A).

Visiting Card

""T0:A """
EF'ull Sneet Poster.

The Daily Reflector.

Gives the home news
every afternoon at the
small price of 25 cents a
month. Are you a sub-
scriber? If not you
ought to be.

The Eastern Reflector. #9

ix only $1 aT ites i
contains. the. news:

week, and; igives ~infor?

tion; £0. the. farmers, Ch
specially:. those Bro

tol acco, that! i
Mb: | many tices oom
the subse

~~ s

o eentsper yardoneyar

because we have a fair

-also received anew sup-


, i

~ » ee

* BY :




Try on These Names and See How

Hal TRE ud
pele 3) Saaaeeread
We want that'money

equivatent to offer for


Creates many a new business.
Eplarges many an old business,

columre of ti. REVLEOTOR.

Keeping Coustaatiy at it Brings Success


eee Fee

Preserves many a large Lusiness,
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a Jost business, |
Saves many a failing business.
S scures sueeess to any business


ap eens

To ~advertise judiciously,� use tne


it. Our goods are the
right kind atthe right

We havejustreceived
a new stock of the Cel-

day and saturday

ebratedand Famous
~ le
for Menaud Boys, inall|

the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful line of sty-
-lisn, neat, durable
and elegant:


tor ladies, fresh from

the factory made speci-| Wavar"
allytor us, Thelatest,|Juy 67; 7% 678
newest, nobbiest and rors"
prettiest styles. july 8.40 8.40 8.85 BOTS
" Riss"
Remember we havelduly 4474 465 4.55 4025

ply of


Just a perfect substi-
~tute for Linen, only 10

wide, the cheapest and

best thing made for

Embroidery and
Drawn Work.


Beautiful, fancy


o Baskets,

Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please he
(| Hamper Baskets, Fan-
cy Work, Scrap, Key
and Tcy Baskets. Come

to see them. |

We can please both
youand your purse.

Nearly every day
brings us something
new and just the, thing
you want.

ee aeeeeel

Come and inspect our
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries,
ware, Crockery,
ture and House
nishing Goods.
are desirable new an
heart cheering.

just received. 7


_ - ORememiberT~we oper-
teour storeon a deter-

ie Ad at spon Ny Ol joa ofelt as it something was running down
lea iB | an her nerves on feet of diamonds, escort-
see o1! 1 9 by, several little cupids im chariots

Nevth. arrives 8:52 A. M.
arrives 6357 P. M.

ington Mondsy,




(| And You Get a New Spriakuxg Eyery


d represent the Wilmington Steam Laun-

Hall Racks


train going

and mail
Going south,


River arrives from Wash-
Wednesday ind Friday
aves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-

Steamer ~lar



By Teiegraph to
SprigHT & MORRILL. "
Catton Buyers and Commission









tr OI, .

emaciuas :-stemrnenstemensesamiiaiititiaie: saat ate Ais 8 AR ARE Le

Jucreasing clcudiness, showers Thurs-




Hay, Hulls snl Meal at S. M.

~The present week is full of tast days
a .d eggs will suffer.

oSilver Dollar� Fountain Pen, Fars-
e: make, at Reflector Book Store.

Fulten Market Beet and Chipped
Beef just arrived at J. S. TnstallTs.

10,000 Ocean N. C. Cut Heriings
just received and for sale by J. Jd.
The man who puts a plugged penny
in the plate is usually the severest critic

of the eerimon.

The White Mountain is the best Ice
Cream Freczer. You will find them |
at 1), D., HaskerttTs.

A new lotot the 1amous Parker
Fountain Pen at Reflector Book Store.
You ou,ht to se3 the oSilver Dollar�
style. It beats any pen in the world
Workmen commenced today to f=
move the debrs from the site of the
Greenville Warehouse, preparatory t
the erection of another one.

Acent WantED."We want a
good reliable agent in Greenville to

For terms address
Wilmington, N. C.


A Richmond paper says that a young
wowan of that place deélares taat whén
she received her first masculine kiss

| drawn by angels, shaded by honey-
suckles and canopied by melted rain-

{this morning,

seviial days.

Washington City.

Tuesday evening.

today on business.

up Tuesdey evening,

spending the dey here.
Sophie Jarvis is quite sick.
his home at South Hill, Va.
the better we are glad to learn.
his daughter, Mrs. W. B. brown.
is stopping with Mrs. R. W. King.

Walter and Ernest, spent the day here.

death of Mrs. Bettie Lawrence, mother
of our townsman, Mr. James Long, at
her late residence on Dickenson Avee


Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your

easily and torever, be nude well
strong, magnetic, full of mew l
vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Ba
rom your own druggist,
guarantee a cure.
mailed tree.
Chicago or New York.


a aman

They Sound,


J. L. Marphy, of K'nston, is here.

Lee Staten went to Rocky Mount
Mrs. S. M. Merritt bas been sick |
J.J. Perkins left this morning for
Mrs. J. T. Smith went to Ayden
The oela man� went to Washington
John H. Small, ot Washington, came
R. M. Harper, cf LaGrange, is
We are sorry to learn that Miss
W. T. Mangum left this morning for
The condition of J. H. Blount is tor
L. D. Ames, of Virginia, is visiting
Miss Lura V. Thompscn, of Illizois,

Mrs. W. R. Whichard and s ns, |

Mrs. R. R. Carr, of Willow Green, |

= on ate


Just as we go to press we learn of the

emer rey aek


W cvelties.

Silk and Wool Dress Goods

Clothing, Hats and Shoes.

spent yesterday here visiting Mrs J. L. | F .
Sentthh: Perfect fit guaranteed. Foreign and Domestic.

Fashionable |






The variety of
our Spring and

In beautiful pat-
terns for coOSs-



tumes, waists,&c Summer offer-
These at remark- ing was never
bly low prices. before equalled

Come see them. Come see them.


Emporium of Spring Fabrics.

ca enema ee TLS OED COD,

Funeral notice tomorrow.

Lite Away.
It you want to quit tobacco using

ife and

who will
Booklet and sample
Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,

Kiaston Naval Ressrves.
Commissions were yesterday issued
by the ~vovernor to the tollowing uewlY
elected officers of the Kinston Division
ot Naval Reserves : W. D. Pollock,
Lieutenant; W. R. Miller, Jr., Lieuten-
ant, (junior grade); N. B. Moore, Es-
sign; W. W. Merrill, Adjutant with
rank of Lieutenant (junior grade) and
w. A. Dick, Assistant Paymaster. The
two jatter officers were appointed by
Commanaer Geo. L, Morton, ot Wil-
ton, Lieutenant DickTs commission dates
from June 13, 1896. The commissions
ot the elected officers date trom March
31"Raleigh News and Observer.


Your best judgment requires
you to make an immediate pro-

visions for your family.
By insuring today, your estate
is increased in value at once.


A few days since an insurance agent
accepted an invitation to inspect a new
d beautiful house built by a friend.
After taking a peep at the whole estab-
lishment from top to bottom, inquired"

~+House insured ?�


oWhat do you insure it for?�

~sBecvuse 1b MIGHT burn.�

oNot SURE of it, are you 2�

aD | 0.�? t

oIs your life insured ?�

* No,TT

oDir, won't you


~Sure *


oThea why not insure your life as
well ag your house ?�T

oWell, really, [ never thought of the
matter just iu that fight before; ~and will
give it early attention."�� " Travelers

Record, :

_ Best time to insuve . NOW, |


tual Benetit Lite� Inearance Ov,,T of





Every Day is Opening Day
All the latest noveltes.


Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt

Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.

Neck, N. C.
Noah Biggs,

oBest Company to ingure in: the Lda DAY



SS (1



as heis recelving some-
thing New Daily.

Be sure to go to

a et


.W. HIGGS, Pres, j, S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashier,



D. W. Hardee miggs
Greenville, N. C.


Million Dollars,
Wm. T. Dixon, President National


We respectfully solicit the accounts

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general

Checks and Account Books furnish

ed on application.

Scotland Neck, N. C.
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C.


Look pee this list of

000 THI

and see if you would not like to have some
of them:

Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches,

Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Preserves,

~Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, early
June Peas, Olives, Celery Sauce, ss by

WwW er,

Baking Powder, Cream Baking Pc
whichis as go0d as Roy alfor less money,an 4d
Bd. Phos ae


| Sugg, Greenville, N. C,

Newark, N. J. Represented by Jews

er good T
i ma
: ah eget $ , . ow Sal i ei
Pe ae ey 4 hd ooa | :
x } 7 { ve i t E o i
i ao Re
: y Age
T eo 4
I a, ; i
y ~ ; "
~ = o
a * 7

Daily Reflector, April 14, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 14, 1897
April 14, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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