Daily Reflector, April 6, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


DJ WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,


BS ad

Vol. 5. :


APRIL 6, 1897.



" n C=





is now in the


buying moregfor the

Come to see us and
save money.

ecient tannin tni rte

~a few weeks remove to Williamston to


Wuicuarp, April 5, 1897.
_ Miss [Hattie Legrett, of Greenville,
returned home last week,

Miss Mattie Woclird,of Washington,
who, has been visiting relatives,returned
to her home last week,

H, W. Whichard was o
list last week.

the sick

J. H. Woolard & Sons have been
shipping quantities of lumber recently.

Capt. Bissell is out again after a se"
vere attack of La Grippe.

Reuben Butler who has been criti-
cally ill is reported as now out of dan-

Mrs. Henry Jones spent Friday here
on a virit to her son, W. L. Jones,

Harvey Carrow,
spent a few hours here Friday.

cf Washington,

The farmers are up and doing, hav-

ing had one wore good week in which
to put in some good work.

H. M. Griffin, of Washington, who
has been clersing for Pructor & Co., is
now clerkinag for them here as they
have sold out in that town, and will in

do a general merenendise as a branch
~o their brs ness here.

Capt. J. W. Roberson spent Satur-
day and Sunday at his home near }


The first number ot the Lumberton
Robesonian under the management of J.
R. Whichard has come to hand. It
shows evidence of good work and_ will
rank with the best
State. oo

weeklies of the

The Journal is the name of a new
evening paper at Winston It makesa
fine beginning, full of news and nevtly



The Board of County Commissioners
held their usual monthly meeting on
first Monday.

The total amount allowed paupers
was $81.75, amount paid out for gener-
al county purposes $918.02, in Swift
Creek and Contentnea stock law terri-
tory $151.53, in Greenville stock » law
territory $1.50.

J.D. Pope, W.G. Windham, Ned May,

Edith Wiggins, M. Heath and Martha

Tripp were added to the pauper list for
monthly allowance,

The Sheriff reported:that he had Jaid
out a a public road in Greenville town-
ship through the lands of Shade Cox,
Marv Hardee, M.D. McGowan and
others, as ordered at March meeting.

T. W.C. Moore released trom 50
cents taxes on personal property.

The Beaufort County Lumber Co.,
was released trom $7.92 taxes errone-
ously charged to them.

Land ot C. A. Worthington, 3}
acres, was reduced in valuativn from
$304:-06 to $55.

Property ot West Pitt was ordered
to be placed on tax list and the Sheriff
collect for same.

R. W. King was allowed $13.20 for
traveling expenses to Wilson and return,
being certified by the Commissioners to
be paid by the State,

The price paid tor board for prisoners
in jail was reduced from 30 cents to 20
cents per day.

J. R.
thowing that he had settled for the hire
of Geo. Gray and contract was can-.

Surnhill presented receipt

The pay of the Chairman of the
Board was increased from $2 to $3 per

The fqllowing were appuinted to ~isc
the State and county taxes for 1897:

Greenville"J. F. Boyd.

Chicod"R. G. Chapman,

Contentnea"W. B. Moore.

Switt Cre:x"Fred Johnson.

FarmvilleR. L. Joyner,

Goirg Home.

As the tobaczo season draws to al
close the boys are getting off one by
one to spend a few months vacation at
their homes. M.L. Richmond made
two or three attempts to shake off the
dust of Greenville but coald not get
rurther than the water tank. This morn-
ing he took his umbrella along and de-
clared that he would drive clear thrcugh
1o Danville, but the boys are betting
that he will not get {urther than Raleigh,
oN, C.�

Billie Corbett also had the boys
weeping over him this morning as he
pulled out for Durham. Billie was all]
broke up and showed that he hated to
leave, We are not allowed to tell too
much, but there are some folks. lef,
behind who are also broke up at BillieTs
gaing away and will be glad to see the
first cf July roll around when he heads
back toward Greenville.

I will make a beautiful display of
Pattern Hats on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, April 6th and 7th, and cordial.
ly invite the public to inspect them,

Falkland"H. 8. Tyson.
Beaver Dam"J. H. Manning.
Belvoir"H. L. Stancill.
Bethel"J. S$. L. Ward.
Carolina"J. J. Rawls.

Pactolus"J. H. Langley.

McNamuara Stirring Up Strife in Nor-

Norfolk, Va., April 3."Ex-Priest
McNamara has been making anti-Cath-
olic addresses here for some days, and
so severe haye been some of his state-
ments that a representative Catholic
called on the mayor today to see if the
police cou'd i:ot be usel to prevent the
repetition ot such statements as those
compluned of. ~The mayor disapproved
of the statements, but suid he could
not interfere unless something was
dong that wovld provoke a breach of
the peace Mrs. McNamare, wife of
the ex"priest, called on chiet of police
Dornin to complain that she and ber
husha:id have been stoned ih the street.
The chief was -perfectly willing to act in
the matter if the guilty parties could be

Mrs. Georaia JAMES.

pointed out, or their names learned,

mame rumen i | on

of ws

t he ees uo al poe

4 : ia ag # a dtm | ve wat ~ a " : ry a me i i ole 6 Wie a We f ty : hy


The King Clothier,

RAIA, BAA ate A Ne it PN Nl a NM, PE AANA Erp ie

Spring Opening of.�


Also fine Neckwear, is now on.
. . Weinvitethe |

public to come andsee the val-
ues weoffer, andcompare them
with thoseanywhereelse. This
is of special interest and impor-
portance to all who desire the
fullest values for their money.
Weintend to sell:as wellas show
goods, and the prices will prove
this. Our store was the pion- [|
eer in low prices, it is the ead. , |
er to-day. We have better and |
finer goods than ever before.

SD. | (iat
Our stock of Spring ry


is very large and invite your

| * = hey




My store is closed for a


few days to have damage by

fire adjusted. I ask my

friends to wait on me and L


will soon be ready for them "


; es


IN (


Bn.eted as second-iass mail matter.


oye lt ltl BM
de oath, eo 25
e One. week, * ~ Lae 10

elivered in town by carriers without

* advertisug rates are liberal and can be
gdon application to the editor or at
the offier ~ |

We desire a itva correspondent at
~avery postoffice inthe covaty, who will

gend in brief items of NEWws as it occurs
Ja each neighborhood, Write plainly
~ oni oniy on one side of the paper.


Turspay, Apri 6, 1897.


: The next session of the Nurth
Carolina TeachersT Assembly,
i qhich ~meets at Morehead City,
Jane 15, bids fair to surpass any
- occasion of the kind ever held in
North Carolina. The work of the
session bas been planned on &
, different system, oand will be
conducted differently from that of
eny seggion yet held.
The most important innovation
18 tn the introduction of depart-
mental work. Half of each day

will be devoted to the study of
the subjects taught in our public
~gchocls and academies, specia
"emphasis being given to methods
of teaching these subjects most
successfully. Each subject will be
handled by a teacher of distin-
guished ability and experience.

There will be informal discussions

and the opinions and experiences

of all can be beard and discussed:

There will also be classes in

Elocution, Vocal Music and

Drawing ; aud lectures on School

Law and Civil Government. All

of these departments will be

presided over by teachers from

this and other Southern States

who are in thorough sympathy

with our Southern people, and

who fully understand the condi-
tions and needs ct our schools and
teachers. .-

Special departments are being
organized for the County Exami-
ners and other school officers,
college presidents and professors,
city school superintendents and
tcachers,academy and high school
principals and teachers, p:imary
teachers. Each department will
bein charge of a commitvee ap-
pointed especially to prepare a
program that will interest and
ivstruct those. engaged in that
particular work.

The Convention featrre will be
managed differently, and is ex-
pected to be wore interesting and
profitabTe thap it bas been possi-
ble to wake it heretofore. Ques-
tions will be discussed that will
interest all classes of teachers
and intelligent ciizens. The
speakers will include leading
educators and others"among
them, some of the leading business



Do the sooth

Do the soothsayers, magicians
and necromancers of the Com=-
mittee on Ways and Means sin-
cere.y believe that the duties on
imports are paid by the foreign
producers, as they proclaimed in
te House of Represen~atives last
week? Or do thev regard this
merely as oa useful superstition,T
to be constantly inculcated in the
minds of the vulgar lest the
masses should grow weary at
last of the grievons protective
tariff burden and fling it off for-
ever ?

The belief that American con-
sumers do not pay the oduties on
imports, but that by some hocus".
pocus they are shouldered upon
the foreigners who produce them,
is about as consonant with reason
as is the superstitious dread of
thirteen sitting at a table, of be-
ginning @ voyage on Friday, of
spilling the salt or of seeing the
new moon oyer the left shoulder.
It is as silly as the beliet that an
old crone can eyolve the destiny
of the future from a greasy pack
of cards orT trom the residuary
grounds in a coffee cup. But as
the great body of Protectionist
doctors, prophets, soothsayers
and magicians are too intelligent
to belieye a thing so palpably
absurd as the theory that the
consumers do not pay the taxes
levied upon imports, there is only
one alternatiye"these teachers
and beneficiaries of Protection
are arrant impostors and hum-
bugs, and they are endeayoriug
to decviya the people to their
own undoing. if they entertain
the balief thut the foreigners pay
the duties on imports, why do
they not take coffee and tea and
hides off the free list and make
the duties on ail imports high
enotigh not only to support the
Government but to give every
man in the country a pension out
of the residue of reyerues levied
upon the foreign exp orters !"
Philadelphia Record.

"_" ye raya mnanpeve am

Confidence the Keynote to Success.


oDoubt and unbelief mean de-

own uffairs finds failure awaiting
him in @ short time,�

Journal. oUncertainty disquali-
ties for work and usefulness in
every sphere'of life. It was un-
certainty and doubt that caused

our business interests. Financiers

views regarding the political
causes of this feeling of insecurity

rectly attributing the reverses to

circles. Confidence is essentia:
to success in every pursuit of life.

evident in Spiritual things than
it is in temporal affa.rs. The

and professional men and ediiors
of the State. So that the question |
of education and its irflvenes and
effect upon the professions aud
- business interests will be discuss:
ed from every standpoint.

~The evening, or oCuliure� lec-

only Christian life that is useful
to the Church of God as to fel-
lowmen is the one which 18 as.
sured of its own sulvation, Dis-
trust and unbelief wean sadness
and care toTany soul; but joy and
rest come with the certain knowl-

tures will be of such a nature us
to instruct and entertain every
body. The pleasure feature wi:!
~belooked alter with greatest vare
and the musical part of the pro
grata will be complete.
_ Hotel rates same as heretofore,
and railroad rates will be less
_ than ever offered before.

raiser Montgomery arriy-

a talk of a filibus-
edition leaying Tampa
Montgomery probably
pt there as a sentinel.


edge of forgiveness and favor
j with God.�

beeen eral

ont Tobacco Spt and Smoxe Your
Lite Away.

It jou want to quit tobacco using
easily and tor.ver, be made well
strong, magnetic. full of new. life, and
vigor, take NN v-To-Bae,- the wonder-

Many gain ten pounds in ten
Over 400,000 cureT, Buy No-To-Ba¢

guarantee a cure. Booklet and ss
mailed free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,

Chicago or New York.

~ Z 5 i
we MO iy keen

struction to any business, and | 2¢ynaAp
man who loses confidence in his} ie"

writes |

Eyangelist Moody to his Bible ; :
Class in the April LadiesT Home x

the recent state of depression in | x

and economists differed in thejy | x

but they genarally agreed in di- .

the lack of assurance in business | a#�,�

And this selfsame truth is no less |:


worker that makes weak men strong, % an

rom your own druggist, who wi rape ry

sample | §

; Keysvill », Va., loss $15,000. ale
| .Geotiand won the championship :

football game Saturday defeating
Rogland by a score of 2to l. ©

MadiidT was gayly decorated
Saturday with flags in honor of
the victories of the Spanish troops
in the Philliphine island.

Rev. Dr. E. M. Peterson, one of
the oldest and best. known Meth-
odist preachers in Virginia, died
in Petersburg Saturday.

General Carlos Roloff, who was
arrested for participation in the
Woodall expedition, jumped his
bail and is now reported to be in

Among the applications for
appointment ~o the treasury de-
partment was that of E. 8. Probst,
to be assayer of the mint at Char
lotte, N. C.

The Spanish cruiser Infanta
Maria Theresa has been ordered
to New York, where she will
represent Spain at the ceremonies

attending the dedication of the

Orans monument. "
A Household Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical disconery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the. taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
and bowels, cleansing the entire system
dispel colds, cure headache, fever, ha-

Please buy and trya box of C. C. C.
today ; 10, 25, 5! cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.

~ "" ees

Just try a 10c. box of cascarets, the
finest: liver and bowel 1egu ator ever

They now fill teeth with elec-
tricity. A woman wih a tooth
full of electricity and an eye full
of fire will be a balmy object for
& man to meet on the top Jandirg
when he comes from balancing
his books at 2 a. m."Orange (Va)
neem wend

When bilious or costive, eat a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, cure constipa-




Offers his services to the
citizens of Greenville and the
public generally.

Spouting and Stove Work,

a specialty.


Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charges made. ~Tobacco
Flues made in season. Shop
iniear of 5 and 10 cent store.


RS. 'f. E. HOOKER and

| have opened an

ia yt Gal wintry ee oe 4
and solicit orders for Cray"
D on Portraits. ° : ie

Oe SEK Oe eee


» .Portrails made life size ¢
U ade. _

bitual constipation and __ biliousness. |

All work execnted by bends. &.
i Ret a bys Ads @| ling yoa to buy at one prollr. A eo ds.


Wehave alarge7 =




see us.

R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.




loans and Discounts
Over Drafts

. $41,761.19

Premium on Stock 1,000.00
Due from Banks , 88,567.54
Furniture and Fixtures 1,500,005
Current Expenses 285,62

Cash Items 2,652.12
Sash on hand 25,875.38
Total $112,974.50

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

J. L. LITTLE. CashTs.

The Bank of Gr eenville, |


Atjthe Close cf Business March 9th, 1897.


Capital stock paid in 23
Surpius and Profits _ T Piss oe
Deposits subject to Check 85,691.14
Due to Banks : 132.36
Cashiers Checks ortstanding 863.34
Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00

Total $112,974.50

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking,

meme alapiasignisuniniaalileih Madina eniti 2 o6h
nA Primary. Seg

A PECIALT Y cant oryver
A SPECI PUISON permancntl,
macured in 15t035 days. Youcan betreatcd at
home forsame price under same guaran:

nae by. If you prefer to come hero we will con
were: erp beh! patil "piso hotel bills,and
F ail to cure. If you *

tng ot j ave taken mer
ains, Mucous
imples, Cu
any part of the

otash, and still have aches and
atchesin mouth, Sore Throat,
per Colored Spots, Ulcers on

dy, Hair or Eyebrows falling
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
~we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti-«
nate cases and challenge the world for 3
case Wecannotcure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi-
tians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondle
tional guaranty. Absolute roots sent sealed on
application, ress COOK REMEDY CO
303 Masonic Tempic. CHICAGO, ILL.

PLS g gio 28 oe
= Con a So es .
o Se ASé"e 2 893 Fo Ck Oo
oO 4 ReT © @O Cs
cee ease - @ 386 ~9 S39 2 33 UO
M cain o ag @ 2 =
oc sog? So- ae Rie
PS is gece § aoe. a 3 :
= Gwen 8 "~ 58 2 Sta
beter a SS [osc 2 5, 5a99F a 5am
ro inched * M2" © Se eS eeQe aan
CaM ose? waa eee eee |
ome!T mises 22 asks aaso, Me
, Oe BB Sao DOS
" 45 ° an 2
Aas 2t5°s a250u.988_,,00
7 oo Sioa ad ou take ene
on ne oe
"" eer ere
a ac " Bae Seu si sORSE ENO
aed © wo 4 sm

""is now running'a""


and ean furni lh Wood at the shortest.
notice. Buys Wood by the car load.

Your patronage soiicited.
SO! co WANTED ~for
o7.8 Dr. Talmages ~The
Earth Girdled.TT? or his famous tour
around the world,a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-

he =
~ Ne
oe gente
~ ae wig Aal o
f * ~, CAN Se Sie! ~at
WG RE CERN tee Tlie
SG i oe: Tie sed ~i
SD DRS Mees xR
y Boe F Beso e KH,» pghn
ha� i
eo} ee %
e oe f
i ~ 4
ae, ce ee |




i ing their yearTs supplies will ting
their interest to got our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere, Ourstosk is coraplete
n allits Usauches.



| Tobacco, svt &c,

we buy diroc) from Manufactu. 3 en

cie stock of

d _ rhe

hon TalmageTs books s:ld, and ~The
Earth Girdled� is his letest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous, Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50. Big
took, big commissions. a gold mine Stor
workers. Credit given, freight paid,
ionttit free. Drop ail trash and sell the

_ jking of books and make $300 a. month.

Address for outtit and terri ory, The
Vominion Company, Star Buildiug. Chi-


eC ce mitment Sh ee

Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing

nei " A entrance ne

J. A, BurR@Ess, Mer.
Washington, N. U,

This Hotel has been thorougil
vated, several new rooms add
tric bells to every room. Attentive ser*
vants. Fish and Oysters seryed daily
Patronage of traveling puuvlic solicited

, elec



¢ Acatemy,

The next session of the school wil]
open on;


Pete |


«MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189

and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows
Primary English per mo.
Pe sebagai mi . .
r s ry ;
ghe (each) ~$ :
work and disclpline of

mo, &


en fod
ho ae


ave P L.
o eye a i
; tre

; | | | Franklin Times.
| \The frievdsnip that does oz

: , Brother Thomas pass him on
o|prompt you to assist afrieud 1s | to Rocky Mount "Rocky Mount
bet worth labeling as sub. Phoenix,
) oOsaward apd npward� is the} Do not pass us hy.
motto ef the seryaut girl who * sas ie
Dated 18 ¢ uses kerosene to start the morning Baptsis, Bes Hore! ,
» Noy. 35th 1s 3 fire. The Southern Baptist Convention
SS hima pall nS Bae "!| , a meets this year in Wilmington, N. C,,
: ors JA, M./D.M. a See ~ime ~a good name May 8th. Now, you want to go to this
Leave Weldon ; be . 3 o | was considered better than great convention, and you also want to go in
ve sac wi "-|"" |"". |Fiches. but that was a long time style and ¢ miort. There is only one
a Terhore. ne� good firstclass line from the South and
/ The moviug seacen is now ripe | Suuthwest to Wilmingon, and that line
uy dig ! and house-cleauing fairly im bud, | is the Seaboard Air Line, which iuns
Lv Selma Pasteraze for cold stoves will eb | the finest and fascest trains in the South
pe om iage the next new wrinkle. awd makes th: lowest rates of any
sg ies dea oes ee i me railroad running from the South or
|Sm Whv is : mau named Williom Southwest. DonTt he tooled into mak
) en | ere likely tu be happy vere ~ing your arrangements until you have
ae a he en. wage than one with � differact | consu'*ed ne of the Seadourd Air Line
Lv Wilken aoe as , icon ? Because his wife will agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
Ly Goldsboro ;| 3 10 ! 5 jniwave bave ther owu sweet Will to serve you. :B. A.Newlan?, Gener: |
A ri mi ere 5 45 9 4: Se Agert Dussemger Department, 6 Kim-
P. M. A.M N.C... & L. Digaaives. bail trouse, Atlanta, Ga., will be giad
' oO write you er call on you, or you ¢an
TRATES COLNG BOTEE: | a upply to. mg ot the representatives cf
vo a The N. �,�. Buildiog acd Lean the Seaboard Air Live in any town er
wert | bs 8 « ! Aysociation with boadq uarters at city. This is the oficial route. Deo
1896. ZA 2, os {Ubarlatte~has goneento the bauds jou Wantdo vo with vour friends ? |
""""| "" | |_"_ tof receivers. It operated at various " "
by Wiekerse eer 7 ¥ '|poiuts iz the state.as branch de-| Whenrbilious or cor: - eat a Cas-
~fv Fayetteville 11/10) 9 40 i partmepés of the business. Since Gtvet, camdy vatharic. vuce guaranteed
- ae en sit a . ~the 6 per cent kew it is found | lic, 250
~ ~"" if impossible to operate with w profit 3 anees
nn on ; and therboard of directors advi-ed) Yout best judgment requires
ion : jaclosing up of business. There | Vou @ Wake an immediate pro-
iiprsriciins Pee ye ae ade \ will be.no losses probably. iLudeed | ¥ ae sot NORE tamtly: . .
Ly Wilmington! 9 25) f | 7 we bhe association would probably |- By msurlug today, your estate
lv Magnolia (116 52) yw have eoutinued in busieess if | '8 1vereased in value xt once,
Gy Goldsboro ||.12 01) Y $6 i
AT Wilson 100) fF) 10 29) had wot been for the bdianeh [was Ever Tuvs.
~Ly Tarboro 248) bastres."Raleigh Press Visitor; A few days since an ingueance ageni
Ds " ye as accepted an invitation to imspeet.anew
~33 y = a and beautiful house built by a 4eiend. |
clea ces Weread in the Coarlette Ob- Atterstuking a peep at the whole estab-
ee fe, M. IP, M, | Berver that Mr. Schoolfield, an RH OF 4 bottom, inquived"
Tarboro bag) Pe Mj Et es wid the otown is bemg rev-| ya ao you insure é for?�
a let 400 joluticaized sparitually,ald feuds! .peosuse at MIGHT burn,�
Lv Rocky Mu | 2 17 iL Jare being healed, old debts paid] oWot surE of it, ure you 2�
Ar Weldon | | and other evidences giver, of al oNo.� .
he = oe 3 { religiao� awakening.� We are path life insured ?�
sgumes Welton sponse lr oiyyMl¥As�,� Plossedeo ear of a roe] RO"
p. m., arrives Seotland Neck at 4.5; p) Vivat et jieligion and of people Wes.�
se it pe e m., Kinston 7.45, beirgaade better, but the point oSure 2� °
i. het ning, leaves Kineton 7.92 i , .
i& M., Greenville 8.22 a. m. atriva,,. #4 the.above which particularly oVes.�

i Baliccx at 22:00 2. tat, We
except: Sunday.

Trains OMY ashaigwon Bre «
~ Washingtons�,� .00 a, a
waTrives Parmele 8.502.
in.,:Tarboros9 45 a,
i Tarboro 3.30,p..m., Parmele Magy,
aand 6.20 p. ww, arrives
11.60 a. m.,,art 7,10 p. Mm.
rapt Sunday. Conneets with
Meotland Necka3ranch.

� Pram leavesssar
abarle % Raleigh RR, da tye keggit sun
May. xt 450 p,m +» Sunday

sattive Plymontn 9.00 Pi.
oRevuraing Jaaves Plymong ix
~Sunday, 6.00 a. @., Sunday 2.38y a»

carrie T'arboro | 10.25 4.0) and jE,

~Train on Midland
titol3boro daily,
i..avriving Smithweld 7-30 5
bUrniig lexves Sm
fives.xt Goldsors

Trains on Letta branch, Bore
di. leave Lucta 6.40-p m, vurive
7.50 yp m, Clio 8,06
leave �,�liot6.10 2m,
atriveLatta 7.56 a.m,

~deve 11,20 «;

~h leav


Jiaily «x

oe ey)

Dore, sv:

~4.30 a. m.

use R

unbar 4.30 a @n,
daily exeept Sun-

Train onClinton Buanch leaves War-

awfor Clinton éaily, except Satilay,
10 a.m. and 8.50 P.m-°
Aves Clinton at 7.00.8. gn. an

Train No. 78 1
at Weldon forall points dail
Riehmone, alse at B olkgr

Norfolk aud Caroling RE

G3,U0 ¢ om,

Mount # ith
for Nottolk
points North via Norfolk,



General Supt.
{rafia Manager.
. R. KENLY, Gap

' Maneeer,



The Cites:

vy Ncwspaper in

North Cazatina.

The On!7 Five-Sollar Daily
its Clags inthe State


Bs stip ced) tala
and ge) pom. (POWerS&s such that he

M...a@i! 4.40 p. | people api y
M., revurudugiexves

Wadiington and Loi a meetin

Vee vi lDe-~

300 (P.M;
» JehG P. ,
lailKe xcept

N.C. wanehdnaves
except Susday, 6.05 2
tthileld 8 @ 2. Wes iT

Pw. Beturning

Retuirnirg |,

Nakes qlose conneetion |
y, all real via:

| Best in us

tee ae
- The Reflector Book Store
, | ~~ - T : a a hg Rigs ae li


wisterests ux is.éhat o* old debts
being paid. If Mr. SekoolfieldTs
ean make
* ld debis�.we bere-
Witu juvite him to come this way

oThea why not inswre your lite as
wellias your house?� |

oWell, really, [ never thought of the
matter justin that light before, anid-will

give i early attention.� " Tvavelers


o| Rest time to insure : wew.

Best Company to insure in: -the Mu-
tual Renetit Life Iasarance Cu., of
Newark, N. J. Represented by J...
Sugg, Greeaville. N.C,


Leandmass k.
Aud wreu he sts through at
Matesvike, Brother Clark, you


® ~ siden nr�

ee AL CS a ge

PDD ccagee er


SA aa tp ra STI wy lle oP aan NS. ain peaeaaget.





©6024. "". PP Oem
eros -



Sam- |


ple and kaoklet free.


Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa
cause easy natural resumltg,
treal, Can., or New Yonk,

~40 onte any case of constipation.
ED paete sey erip or rm
G BEMEDY C0., Chicage, Man













OBSERVATIONS. gan-rerd-him to -Lovisburg." |

jflector both one

mopolitan and The Daj
Reflector, both, a wh
year for $3.50.

home vaper, this
adi it

oBelow are Norfolk prices of cotton.
| and peanuts for yesterd:y, as furnished aa
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer- ;
chants of Norfelk - Dae LOU
Good Middling 74 Both are snch des le
yee 2 of jective points for a Wr '
ow Middling trip that v's perhaps hard fe
gy teed org SINS} | youlto decide where ty gu
Prime at
rere. a Let us Help You to a
anc 23 ss
RnanichT 60 tyj7» | @ Decision. oe
T ne"quiet, ~ eae . hee
' A trip via New Orleans and "
Greenville Market. the Hoathiern Paaitie tu ea her
M México or the Pacitic Coast iy
Corrected by 8S. M, Schultz. : one you will never forge.
Butter, ote she - : - He f } te
Western Sides dg ty 6 T iti oe
Rebar cired Haves 0 to 14 bs sa Vransitionfrom
Cor ° BUS to
Gorn Meal i550 60/LTOst to Flowers.
Flour, Familiy 42550 6.74 | | ee
Lard as $54 to 10 And the serv ee 1. x0 lnxu.d-
Oats 85 to 4" ovs thac peo. who have
rool Pile tested oBuns: amite .� @all
ottee cs fan a
Salt pea Sack 78 to l BE biDcCoMpalus!.,
Chickens to? = ,
Egys per doz 7to | Ifyouare Thinking of
ee8 Wax.per 0 : | |
Going, Write Ts.
| 1.2 We have a luck + mithed
: G Ui La oThrough Su rviand to San-
| s3t Saas,� abn: daonw ovolume
| cf 205 pages, fully ilnstrated,
| Sure? whieh we will send 9n receipt
of 10 cenixin ttam: 98 te cover
postage. We also buve a de-
lightfa' little enide to Mexi-



All spokes may break"the |
spokes that break the least are} You Reall
the spokes you want"the Col- Bead them Both.
umbia bicycle direct spokes can't | |
easily break"-they are almost |
spokes of certainty"over.
100,000 mileage without a.
treken spcke. |

eo, which we wil) send on.
receipt of 4 cents to cover
cost of mailing.

y Ought to

Shail we out yon down for a
copy? Ifsxo,: if .on want
any sxvevcial i formation, if :
will be cheerfully farnisheda
hy acdressing, :



Catalogue free if you ca"!


Do you Want the


General Passenver and Tie


PPP INL NLP all Panes


Here is an opportunity to get this excellent
magazine for little money,

We will send the Cosmo-
politan and the Kastern Re-
year for
Or We will send the Cos-



If you want a good magazine and a

is your chence,
Cospmopolitan with the $4
is the equal of any of them
our orders to the Reflecto

Send y




a CF. )



muah ~=What Is It? pbbbbbs

Itisapicturaot tae celebrated: 5



° |


e, The ~putt ot
- coniplete with




You may never,
But should you.ever

no business manmit|¢ |

* se
mi ee


f . : ol Bdy
Linm |
, ear ey ye it] 1
fi i stat


» Cire | sok i
Wg hagad gM

) iG, * ~


MMIC) Oi.) i
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we J OO Oh;



r i hy 2 . it eos i; .
x Ps ~ ha! ideale ha. ify

| ae Te
a 2 aan Taken Here and There in the Report- SPRI NG EF r


W. R. Smith has moved into the new

Creates nany 4 new busil.ess, , 7
i aja many an old business, Griffin house in Forbestown.
Preserves many a large Lusiness. T. W. Hawking, of Littleton, came is already warning your bined. nd shaping

Revives miny a dull business,

Ltescues many a lost business, /down Monday evening to attend court. your thoughts. We caught it a week

Saves many a failing business. Walter P PS Hill, is h g
Sveures suceess to any business alter Pace, of Snow fill, 1s here ag
ae taking a look ~at Greenville attractioas, ae , Map it are scattered |
~Yo oadvertise judiciousiy,�T a He Cept. Orren Williams, of Tarboro, all OVE IS Store. It breaks
clumps of i. REPLECTOR. | was here today looking after insurance out -in dainty He In?


We want that money i Hike Chis lV ati Tings SnGoes W. J. Corbett, book keeper of the ;
because we have a fair! - a a sent Star Warehouse, left this morning for | bn

equivalent to offer for| o41 AND BoaT SCHEDULES. pee Ba x
it. Our goods are the a 11 Che x ve
ad. rry lel. ois morning for
right kind at the right PassengerT and mati tram going| Richmond to attend a meeting of tle eh bi ight Silks, in oeficate feather- weight
Grenadines, Oreandies, Lappets and diverse

- oM, ings ~
price. Nevth, eed ede 1, Going South. || ustees of the Odd Kellows widows

eee ae ar rives 6 G7 P.
oWe have justreceived | mzcon vou rer are a ee ~Spring F abrics ; it shows in the new Shirt Waist
a new stovx of the Cel-| eves for Washington Tnesdiy, Thure-, ~goods, such as Perales, Grass Linens, etc. No

day and Saturday | Initiation and second degree work |

ebratedanc Famou
: a " = | with the Odd Fellows tonight. ~department is free from its influence.

| ( : | ~The civil cases now in progress at RS
By Teiegraph to seus aftord very little inlerest to ou(~_
it 9} serio & Monit. Tiders. You will need a piece of Bach

Cotton Buyers and Commission " |


for Wen aha Bo S, in all Merchants. | Teday has been ail right, the kind |
y NEW YORK COTTON. thet makes everybody feel like getting | ~When you lay your eyes: OA OUT printed 8 Spring

the newest shapes and Pe |
colors, for Sprin and OPENTG. HIGHTST. LOWTST. CLOsk {around out of. doors. Fabrics, we scarely know where 0 b: ein to

June ) Zell 7.02 7.09 | eo
Summer. CurOxbloods |T Woo ve (S| 3G. Rawls is introducing among : tell about them. We are anxious to hear what
are beauties. Every ae (120 713° 717 our dealers some very fine cigars which |
y =
-you think of them. A perfeet paradise of pretty

: pair guaranteed. """" Te is manufacturing in W ilsen. They |
A beautiful line of sty- WEATHER, BOLLETIN. are an excellent smoke. ~things. We ask all the ladies to accept t this
lisn, neat, durable Medivh oe UG We frafiw announcement as an invitation to come: in and

and elegant os eA bite days longer and all wishing to have | insp pot these new spring beauties.
Pius their eyes examined or glasses fitted |

SLI PPERS : = wmwmees ican find him in the Rialto building. | y

The members ot the Presbyterian |

for ladies, fresh from |v. Geta Now spritkis ok hd eg aind . oo ge es
Se factory made speci-|*�"� 7" "sro szener re A toes ng] ~Emporium of Spring ee
ally for us e latest ars dedics ated on the third Sunday in May. | | rs mea ara a iia

newest, nobbiest and | :
Kainir"For sale at reduced price! The physicians of the county ohet | Tw. HIGGS, Pres, 1,8, HIGGS, Cashier © Maj. HENRY HARDING,.AssTt Cashie

prettiest styles.
oe tby A. Forbes. here Monday and made out their black [ op H E G REENVILLE BANK

Remember we have} fresh Carr Bune � pond package list. There was a full attendance at

alsoreceived anew sup- |:t §. M. Schult: , the meeting and we understand that!
\ ply of Bic line of shirt waist and°skict the list is a very large one. GREENVILL, N. C.
i ig line of shirt waist and ski | gtonxuéénsias-
S C a. | patterns for sale by Mrs. L. Griffin. Geveral of owr people bave been re", Representing a Capital of More Twian a Halt D W. Hardee Maggs Bruins
| al: non Mrs. Louisa Yates, of Williamston minded of the approach of the summer Million Dollars, Greemmlle, N.C.
died 3 oo ta 1 r 4 | geason by receiting through the mail a. Wm. T. Dixon, President National ee
led very suddenly Om Ouacay NETRING: ar Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We-respeetfully solicit the accounts

ticketsT eood fora. glass of co co cola at.
re J } 10,000 Ocean N. �,�. Cut Herings) a te a ee de The Scotland "Neck Bank: Scotland of firms, individuals and the generad
Lot just pees oak tae tele bY LJ ShelbarnTs. ItTs a fine drink. , Neck, M. �,�. vublié.
: Noah Biggs, Scotland Neok, N.C. Checks and Account#Bouks furnish

The Insurance: Companies represent- |

sosts perfect substi- Cherry, | el by W. L. Brown have satisfactorily |. 2. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed ow application.

sbi for re only on Ludies and Misses dress patterms,!,justed.the lossI sustaimea on my |

centsper yardone yard | Spring styles just received. siosk wate i Frid " eee saemenngipensentaitin
wes k of g y the fire on Friday

wide, the cheapest and Ms Te GIIPFINS | Oot, the 2nd insh. Loolt « over - thie: Hist of -

best thing made for| Mrs. M. D. Higgs will have her open-| ~fyis April 6th, 1897.
Embroidery and ing Tuesday and Wednesday, April 6th! Cox & Co.
Drawn \ Work. and 7th. The public cordially invited | | |
People out Monday night noticed an snap Bln :

J UST IN WHAT i unusual phenomenon. One half of the , ; o
UST IN, WHAT? ow ne cars and ee if you would nat Tike to have seme
4 the moon and stars shining brightly, He oe will deseribe and illustrate of them : .
Indian while in the other half a storm wus the Old Virginia Plantation Negro, end Premier Bran dofExtza Cali fornia Poars
ig with thunder, lightning and Lam free to say that he does it. After Cherries, Plums Apricots, and Peaches, :
Baskets, aon M. D. Higgs and Mrs. Georgia a a sot ah ence Meat, Apple arena peg a
Neat andnice. Just the James both had ole millinery openings ike seas oven ia Cork aad Coch- Rabat t Mixed Pick! yin Eickles, early

~thing to please the today. The weather was all that could |ney andsat St. James Hall, London, I
Ladies. be wished tor and many ladies were oat|am gladito hear Mr. Miller correct this oie oe yal 7 Tes ayaa
Hamper Baskets, Fan-|to see the attractive cisplays of new) miseonception with the real thing.� Na es fier a0 a tig or less Phonox 2.70. 70.

Cc Work, Scrap, Key goods. Both stores were as beautiful) Polls Miller will appear in Greenville

and To Baskets. Come) as a flower gerden, the displays of hats,| Friday, April 9th, at the Court House.
to see t em. flowers, mbboas and ctker goods bemg Reserved seats 35: ccmts on sale at Re ' C i O.

We can please b oth arranged with charming effect. WootenTs drug stere and at the doer.

you and your purse.


brings us something
new and yt the, thing
Laug is fire-proof this time and has no

you wan
smoked, scorched or damaged goods to offer.

{ Come and inspect our
Mammoth stock of Dry

Entire stock is new, bright and the prettiest
in town.

Central, Give me Phone 64, Please.

Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, any
ware, Ur kere. = urni-

re and House Fur-
~nishing Goods. They
are desirable new and
- heart cheering.

~Beautiful Hall Racks


* Reme abhen! we. ~oper-
: q 6 Our wore on a deter-

y.' ey i $a. | All the latest styles in
a: ae Be a0 {Dress Goods and Novel-

ee | if alla y Ot FE

RN url : 2

| \cAitovely tine e of Shoes and Sli pers , fot phi LANG SELLS HPAP.
- women and children at LANG'S ASH mOU ea

Daily Reflector, April 6, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 6, 1897
April 06, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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