Daily Reflector, April 1, 1897

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TERMS : 25 Cents a Month, .


APRIL 1, 1897.








G. rr. M.

is now in the



buying more for the

" cash:

Come to see us and
save money.

{to but one conclusion, that tobacco pro-.

neighbors, This pers-n was the only
one using this brand of guano in his



In view of the tact that land planted
continuously in tobacco for a number
of years deteriorates orlcses some very
important plant lite producing element
in the tobacco crop, tobacco faimere
lastead of complaining as we are all
prone to do about poor crops and low
prices, should set about to ascertain
what is lacking in the soil to make to-
bacco better. ~Tobacco culture is a
branch of agriculture that requires the
exercise of. a good deal of serious
thought and business judgment to make
it profitable and unless it is profitable
it is a most expensive crop.

After noting a good many instances
of this kind I am led to the ~conclusion
that in order to make better tobacco we
need more potash. I think it would be
a good idea for tebacco farmers in ad-
ditiun to the quantity of guano they are
accustomed to use add enough potash
to run it to at least 4 or 5 per cent.
potash. Almost any guano man can
order the potash for you and as ths
additional cost will not be very much.
it would pay to try it.


Corbett Following Jitzsimmons.

~San Francisco, March 30,"Jim Cor,
bett, the ex-champion, heavy weight
pugilist of the world, left this city last
night with his trainer, McVey, for Salt
Lake City, where he is booked to give
an exhibition on Wednesday evening.

Champion Fitzsimmons will also give
an exhibition in Salt Lake City on the
same evening, and the spcrting people
are anxious to see how the fighters will
draw. Some small bets were made yes"
erday that Corbett will attract a larger
crowd than thechampion, The Cali-
fornian says that.he will try and ex-
hibit in every town and city that his
successful opponent will appear in on

, nis journey through the states to New
should change his managemene Just as); yp

The business of a bank president is
to see toit that the deposits are not
overdrawn, and when they are largely
overdrawn banks sometimes fail. The
farmer should see to it that his land
~s not overdrawn, and if he neglects this
important duty it will net be very long
before his tarm w.ll be bankrupt.

It « merchant realizes that under his
established methods of doing busioess
he sees his trade gradually, but surely
eaving him, he will change his tactics
in order to control his trade, Ifa
farmer realizes that by his oid system
of farming his crops are poorer he

any other business man,

Corbett says that he will keep after
There are not many farmers that

Fitzsimmons until the champion will
afford h'm another opportunity to either
win back his lost laurels or go down a
whipped man for the second .and last

have been planting tobacco for the past
four years who do not realize that land
planted continuously in totacco does
not produce as wellas fresh land or} ji,

land that has been rotated. ~This leads .

Supericr Court.
duces a deficicncy inthe soil that we
fail tu put back by the ordinary use of
ordinary fertilizer. Realizing this and
not knowing what this deficiency was I
wrote Dr. Battle, whose letter in reply
to my opinion on this subject appeared

The following cases have been dis-
posed of since lust report :

M. A. James, Sam James and lid
Mayo, assault with deadly weapon, ii.
A. James pleads guilty, Judgment sur"

. ; yended vpon payment ot costs. Otheis
in lat weckTs RerLECTOR. Summing i ; pay
, ; not guilty.
the whole thing up tcbacco requires a
Silas Harris, assault with deadly

great deal of potash and after being
planted continuously on the same land weapon, pleads guilty, Judgment suc
for a number of years the supply of | pended upon payment of costs.
potash as a matter of course is largely ' Louis Hines, alfray,
demolished and unless potash in an motion for judgwent continued.

increased quantity over what we are! L,. B. Mettenger, A. RK, Nelms aud
accustomed to use is added the crops| Joseph Walters, gambling, plead guilty,
ace bound to become puorer each year. | fined one penny and costs each.

Since the publication of Dr. Battles} Qjiver Smith, false pretense, nolo
letter I have thought over the matter| contendere, judgment suspended upon
considerably and have talked with a good | payment of costs.
many on tle subject and every one
azrees that where tobacco follows crops

which require a great deal of potash it

pleads guilty,

Elias Daniel and Sampson Little,
affray, guilty, judgmeny suspended upon
payment ot costs.
does not do so well, and vice versa.
Again I have investigated the brands of

guano that have given more general satis-

Jane Foreman, Jane Foremar, Jr.,

Elia Foreman and Willie Foreman,

larceny aud receiving


fection under tobavco and I have inva- 8)

riably found that the brands of fertili- )
zer which analyzed the highest p2r and Adolphus Ma.thews, 2tfray. Rob-
ceiit. of potash gave the best results.) et Gurganus guilty, judgment suspend.
for instance in one locality in this} �,�¢ upon payment of costs. Others not
county where formerly the farmers were guilty.

accustomed to grow good tobacco, last} George Leach, carrying corcealea
year there was but one real bright crop | weapon, guilt).

nade and that was made on lani noT! The grand jury Thursday afttersoon
especially extra for tobacco. I have] returned a bi!l against W. B. Quine: ly
made inquiries as tothe guano used/ for thekilling of Levi Langley in Febru-
and I find that it runstrom three quar"|ary. This case was continued until
iers to one and a half per cent. higher] September. ~The detendent gave bond
in potash than the guano uved by the! for $3,000,

Robert Gu -vanus, Henry Gurganus


~ac Just received a big line ofaa_"

LIS! a l

vee Oi Acai



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igs fl He |

Poy ik ERG stock of



Goods are extra cheap this seas )n.

with his customersT interest in view and the
money to back his judgment he had
bought largely in

~Shoes ul Notions,

Uur store is fled in in every department in all
the new styles and new things that spring rep

Ea. Cc. FLOOR EBReé& co




~ Buered as second-nlass

omes an Onion Trust. Tiose who
ohave tears, prepare to shed them now |

- -Commonwealth.

% should the duty on Sumetra wrappers
and imp rted raw tobacco be increasea
fully twoethirds ot the pvople now
engaged would Le driven out of work,�

© all, It will ve amusing to observe how

i ahd Oa iE 2
4 i ti
Ci as wd

oD. J, WHIOHARD, Editor.


5 a IT sda

s nememeal

mail matter.

im ona ennai cma

F coueteeremantataenae


mye 6 tt $8.00
oa month ge Oa ce

One Weeks *. *

Delivered in town by carriers without
xtra cost. |

A~lyertisng rates are liberal and can be
- ad on application to the editor or at
the office i
"" = L

We desire a hive correspondent at
avery postoftice inthe county, who will
gend in brief items of NEWS as it occurs

ia each neighborhood. Write plainly
and only on one side of the paper.



Tuurspay, Arriv 1,. 1897.

Li ",


Thirty merchants have been indicted
ia Surry county for not returmng their
purchase tax. :
ee TS

~The Southern Railwey is said to have
had. suits to the amount of $500,000
brought against it in the past twelve
months in the State of North Carolina.

Newton has a curious town ordi"
nance. They finea �"�an $2.50 if his
chimney catches on fire. What would
the fine ve if his house burned down?

\ a


The decision of the Supreme Court
regarding Trusts was thought to be
preity strong, but right on top of it


In Wilmington, cn May 12th, the
Grand Chapter of North Carolina,
Royal Arch Masons, and the Grand
Commandery ot North Carolina Knights
Templar. will hold their anaual con-

The aunT yersarTy of the surrender on
April 9° ¥8C5;-of Lee to Grant, at
Appo:natiox, is to be. celebrated, in
Philadelphia, by the Union Vateran
League, 1. is said that President Mc-
Kinley will review the parade.



The Record says Mr. R. R. King, of
Greensboro, boughT his little son an
axe-and, before he slloved the boy to
handle it, be decided to show him hLew
the axe should be used, so there would
be no danger et his son cutting himselt.
But when
began the very first pass the old man
made he cut offa portion of his own
toe. 0

the lesson of instruction


Perhaps chis couatry has never heard
more inst.cere promises than during
the past two years. There was a great
battle between the two. great political
partics last year us to national interests,
neither oae ot whica couid have possi.
bly kept them all. In North Caroliia
there were many promises made the
odear people� by the tusionists, and the
time has come and gone for the work
ot the Legislature and the odc ar people�
~are much worse .off than ever. We
hear the ery of hard times everywhere,
and we wonder why; but we ought no
"the Bible says that when the wexed
rulethe people mourn, And who are the
wicked it liars are not?""Seotland Neck


Ata meeting of tue Central Labor
Union of New York on Sunday last one
of the speakers declared: oThere are
about 100,000 pe sons working in tie
cigar industry in the Uneted States, av!

The resu't of the meeting was the
adoption ot a formal protest to Congress
gainst the enctment of the present
obacco schedule in the Dingley Taritt

: the party which claims co be the bosom
pend of reroan industry wil gt
: but it will turn the


: hard times. Mere +
ee since the beginning ot
oa people tte taking care of the pennies in

: the hope that the pounds will take care
of themselves. ~Thus we have just read
~an anncuncement f the purpose of the
Ladies Club, of New York city, to
disband. The membership and support
of this swell organizaticn came fron

yet it is given out that its expenses of

appropriate $50,000 to entertain certain
guests who have been invited to be
present at the Grant monument d2di-
cation, the Governor has declared his
purpose not to consent to a bill allowing
~a greater sum than $25,000, In Penn-
sylvaniz, too, they are not ashamed to
practice a little ecoromy now and then.
For instane?, the state house, at Har-
risbyrg, was not long ago badly injured
by fire, At once ,schames, for the
building ot a $1,500,000 stateT house
were formed, and had back of them
some of the most inflvential politicians
of the state, but Governor Hastings put
his foot down upon them at once. He
will only agree to an expendi.ure of
$550,000."-Richmond Dispatch.

the late. war,

the wealthiest. women of New York,

late have exceeded its income. Hence
the conclusion to disband. So, tuo, we
hear that, though the state of New
York was confidently relied upon to


On the 28th of Apri! there is to
be held at Southern Pines, North
Carolina, a oSouthern Inter-
State Insurance Conference.�
The members of the Conference
are to be delegates appointed by
the Governors of Southern
States, presidentsT of Boards of
Trade and Chambers of Com-
merce, Mayorsof cities aud towns,
and editors of lsading newspa-
pers. -

The object of the conference is
to specially calT the attention. of
the Southern people to the large
amount of money that'is annually
going out of the South for life
and accident insurance. It is
said that for every dollar paid to
persons insured South, two dol-
lars zo out. Itis certainly time
Southern men ware investigating.
There is no reason why this busi-
ness can not be conducted in the
South, and we are glad to see a
movement under way, that will at
least cause people to think, and
not only vo think but show them
that they ought to patronize and
sustain the insurance comprnies
already established in tne South-
ern States.

It is weil for us to say, that
this conference is not plaoned
and worked up by the Southern
[osurance Companies to boom
themselves, but it is being pro-
mored by men who haye the
good of the South at heart: ln a
conversation a few days since
with the repregentative of this
paper a gentleman said:
oIn North Carolina we send
out to foreign insurance compa-
nies annually, about two million
dollars and get back just one

sustain bome enterprises.�

feroncas oAb ant sho

made money CAL

of the |
conducted by the

panies who will loan


. }
nee me

OE fae

mark made to the young man to :

million, and I for one am going
to work until I cau see the larger
bulk of this money going into the
treasuries of home companies. 1! 9,

havenTt @ dollar's interest in a) ayo
Southern Company, and donTt ex. | sé
pect to have, but it is every South- | %
ern manTs duty to Keep all the
money he can at home, and to

1 said in reference to the con-
be saved 19 the
sour if we will patron Zz. home
iusurance aud take such steps as
will conclusively show our peo~
ple, that the insurance business
Sou bern States can be| x
Southern Com-|:

panies or by those outside com~/
a fair part)
of their surplas to Southern en~)

the effect thut success is not tue
result of others friendship, but in
spite of the opposition of men.
This world is full of jealousy;
envy, hypocricy and insincerity.
[t will not be said that a majority
of mankind are liars and slander-
ers and assassins of character,
but there are many such and they
are perniciously active.

There sre men in every com-
munity, called men by courtesy,
who bear the the same relation to
decent humanity as mosquitoes
tu men or fleas to dogs. Gossip
is ordinarily harmless, but these)
creatures are malicious gossips
and where they can get the ear of
some one who will listen they
spit out venom by the yard. One
has spoken of them as natuteTs
mistakes; but that is a micno-
mer; they are the devilTs own
creation. Asa general thing such
caricatures ao not earn an honest
dollur in a whole vear"their
cheek is their capital. If credited
for a half dozen cigars or a suit
of clothes they are just that much
ahead, for it is against their prin.
ciple to pay anything. They exe
here in Knoxville and every where
elss this side of the pearly gates,
and their mission is to demon-
strate how mean & man can be-
They are the curs of creations
biped curs, and when kicked ava
cuffed they accept us the only
tavor to which they are entitled.
"Kuoxviile Journal.


DonTt Tobacco Spit and Smoxe Your
Lite Away.

If you want to quit tobacco using

easily and forever, be made well

vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Bac
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York.

a e "

Then You Said It.
Somebody is making a fool of
himself about that railroad lease.

ing $120,000 a year is rot. It
reminds one of the remark made
by a sort of a worthless fellow
once when there was a heavy
mast. Hesaid he had lost $100
that year. Whereupon, he was
asked how it happened. He said
he had sustained the loss because
he had no bogs to ge. fat on the
acorns. =

It may be a wise thing for But-
ler aud Russell to divert the at-
tention of the people from more
important matters, but we see no
sense in the Democrats joining in
the pursuit of this political will-
"o+the-wisp."wenoir Topic.

ornate aa

When bilious or costive, eat a Cas"
carct, candy cathartic, cure constipa-
tion, :




Offers . his, services to the &
citizens of Greenville and the
public generally. .


» aspecialty, ,
Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charges made, ~Tobacco |

strong, magnetic, full of new life and I

All this talk about the State los-|

- Spouting and Stove Work, « 2%

R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.


your account, promising every



The Bank of Greenville,


At the Close cf Business March 9th, 1897.

Loans and Discounts } $41,761.19
Over Drafts 133,275
Premium on Stock 1,000.00
Due from Banks $8,567.54
Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00
Current Expenses 285.52
Cash Items 2,652.12
Qash on hand 25,875.38

Total $112,974.50

r SsS 2) 5 " ox :
ee 0 ee
: = SO esc e, @ ".
oO ke ond oo : .
rn == ."" \ Wahi g
g ee ~) PE :
= a
B a) Za S

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt. ae :

J. L. LITTLE. CashTr.


Capital stock paid in $23,000.00
Surplus and Profits 2,332.66
Deposits subject to Check $5,691.14
Due to Banks . 132.36
Cashiers Checks ortstanding 863,34
Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00

Total . $112,974.50

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
accommodation consistent with good banking.


, a

sos =.
= 9 GT
es See
"" sei e
ees AB Gey
rae mea | ee)
"_ P=
" | =

We haye just
hearse and the nicest line o

received & new

f Cof-

tins and Caszets, in weed, metal-

Qo ¢ to g¢ ae
»- § Sap GE SS
we 3 9 e's m tn
a 9 9g « Sa -O
mo 2 228 Aa
S a aid� a3 ea VU
g fe) 9o= aq & ao B
wed PS aa,
c «3 Go « a x
w 3 pBo3ka aga
gua odego gone
o ogs ay"-4%gars
it ama°Oo F225 =f
S5og,4%§ £29008
a O82 ftw 3 Foo
S Oe sas agea2o~,,
= Beso, 9OFD @
aBqoen4 9A 06
" On aneocib 0.4.30
o's 38 O tp qaq0 8"
ag %,@as we tem
aR o8 sa Bngefon
oe wm e a sOR Sesto
=5 8 sts 8 sm

cary, fedide

Pimples, Cy
any part of she bo

Bons! rea iagy Pa ocagg bi:
npplication. ress oO
B07 Maso:





uallits : swaches.

_ O-


lin: you to
cte stock of

Flues made in season. Shop. .

A 1 ey swe ~ ui 3 . . ea 7 8 ~ a

_ When bilious or cor'rys, eat @ Co 5/398 in rear of 5 and 10 cent
Joarer, candy cagbartio, cure guaranteed |p

106, 25c yi aa ve O00


A SPECIALTY coastyo: 0s

i ~Ler
tiary BLOOD POISON permaneatls
macured in 15t035 days. Youcanbetreatcd ai
ume home forsame price under same guaran
ty. Ifyou prefer to come hero we willcon:
tract io pay railroad fareand hotel bills,ang
it we fail to cure. lf yon have taken mer-
otash, and still have aches and
ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
- Golan ed, Bue the oe on

, Mair or Kyebrows falli
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POLO.
we | age bonamgy te tocure. We solicit the most obsti-
nate cases and challenge the world for a
case wecannotcure. This disease has always
baffied the skill of the raost eminent physi-
cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondie
lute pio� sent sealed on

mic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL.

; ' . * :
~ ii (ae ; ' My
i Mi? a I reel f £ alc ee ie ~ y" ~~

dnp 6 2 if
ae: ~
h t
ing no)
f ui i i * *
ww i Pel



""is now running:;a~"


and can furni li Wood at the shortest
notice. Buys Wood by the car load. | a

_ Your patronage soleited.
af Pr. Lalmages ~The
Earth Girdled.� or his famous tour
around the world, a thrilling story of
savage and barbarous lands. Four mil-
ion TalmageTs books s»ld, and oThe
Earth Girdled� is his letest and grand-
est. Demand enoromous. Everybody
wants this famous book, only $3.50 Big
book, big commissions. a gold mine oor
workers. Credt given, freight paid,



ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their incerest to get our prices befere pu
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complet.



Tobacco. pr ff &c,

we buy diroc) from Manufattu.. 3 er
buy at one proilt, A eo d-

onttit free. Drop ail trashRand sell the
~king of books and make $300 a month.
\Address for outfit and terri ory, The
Dominion Company, Stac Buildiug. Chi-

{ pes


Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty




Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing

J. A, Buraess, Mgr.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thorougily reno
vated, several new oooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. «ttentive ser
vants. Fish and Oysters seryed dajly*
Patronage of sraveliug puvlic solicited�


The next session of the school will
open on; . .

| . MNDAY SEPT. 7, 18%


and continue for 10 months,

The terms are as follows.
~Primary knglish per mo,

aes ine ~ ss 6 Ob ~ os
say BE nn tani ts

pesto suit will be as heretofore, =
ok .. We ask a continuance of your past

a a a W H. RAGSDAL

Miale Academy,



Dated oF uk :
Noy. 15th 49
1896, 7
A. MPM. A, 3.
Leave Weldon | 12 54] 9 «4
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 1 00j10 9). z
LyTarhoro | 12 12 ts
Lv Rocky Mt 1 OO;10 5 4)
Ly Wilson 2 08/11 6
fv Selma 2 53
Lv Fay'tteville|. 4 36) 1 v7
Ar. Florence Feby
Cl ede eel beeline
P.M. (A.M |
Lv Wilson 2 08 0
Lv Goldsboro | 3 10 5
Lv Magnolia | 4 1¢ 0
Ar Wilmington} 6 45 9 44
Fr. M.. che
' Dated {2p Pay Fd
Nov. 1, 6a ole les
1896. ZA) A bes
, A. MPM.) 0 [TT
Ly Fivrerce 8 :4U) 7 4
Lv Fayettev@le) 11 10; 9 4
Ly Selma 12 37 |
Ar Wilscn 1 20/41 35 [
Fe oe
A. Mi Poy
Ly Wilmington} 9%& yn
Lv Magnolia | 10 52 8 4U
Ly Goldsboro | 12 & 9 26
ar Wilsen 1 00 lo 27
Ly Tarboro 246 ;
eS) ge
Za es
(ie, "~
�. M. P.M,
Lv Wilson 1 20}. 10 By!
Ar Rocky Mt 247 ___| 1 15s
Ar Tarboro 400 fy M ~
Lv Tarborc. 4h,
Lv Rocky Mu | 217 any
Ar Weldon


Train on Scotland Neek Branch toa
eaves Weldon 3.85 p. m., balitus ait
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.5. ;.
w., Greenvilie 6.57,p, m., Kinston 7.45
yet. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.27
a. 1., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arrive...

: Halifix at 11:00.a. m., Weldon 11.20 ain
except Sundey.

Trains on Washnigton Brauch leny.
WwW ashington 8.00 a, m., and.3.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 8.60 a. m., and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a.im., returningieaves
Tarboro 3,30 p.m., Parmele 10.20.a, w.

and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washingtox
11.50 a. m., and 7.20 p.m. Daily ex-
-ept Sunday. Connects witt trains ot
Scotland Neck Brauch.

Train leaves sarporu, NC, via alve-
marle & Raleigh kt... daity except sun
day, at 450 p. m., Sunday 300 P.M.

oArrive Plymouth 9.00 P. Ml.) 6.25 p.m.
Returning .2aves Plymoutindaily excepT
~Sunday, 6.00 a, m., Sunday %.30 a ou.
~arrive Tarboro 10.25 ar oane Ji, 4h

Trainen Midland N, C. praach leaves .

~Gold3boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
M. arrivipg Smaithtield 7°30 a. m. Ree
turning leaves Smithtieli 8.00 a. m,, ar-
ives ut Goldsbors 9.30 a. wm.

Trains an Latta branch, Florence R
«&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, aarice Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
feave Clioté.10 am, Duabar 6.30 a m,
arrive Latta 7,50 a m, daily exeept Sus.


Train on@¥nton Branch leaves War-'
@wfor Clintom caily, except Sauday,:
108, m.and 8.50 p, m:° Returning!
ves Clinton at7.00 a.m. and3,W 1 mM. |

Train No, 78 makes close connection:
at Weldon forall points daily, alfeail via;
Richmone, alse at Rooky Mount with!
Norfolk and Carolinn R % for Nonolk,
- n�,� all points Nort via Norfolk.

wi General Supt.

. M. EMERSON, rattie Manager.

J. R.KENLY, Gen�"� MM anegor,

~The Oldest

Daily Newspaper in
~ North Caxolina.

The Only Five-Dollar Daily: t

its Class in the State.

ABER cin acts,

~jin thé agonies cf ceath, offered

~ ~"" jifoud by artificial means, and in

|thir-t he cffered first hundreds,

0,000 fc


ae ae

N.J, a octogenarian, writhing

his doctor jast Friday uight $10, -
000 for one drink of cold water,
The aged gulf rer was weil able
fo pay this sum, and bigger, for
rélief from tbe thirst that con~
suwed hiu. He counted his

auud-. He owned broad acres in
Moumotlr county, handsome
blocks 1n cities and strong boxes
filled with stocks and bona-, yet
all nis wealth was powerless to
purchase him an instantTs respite
t om Lis teriure.

It was a strange disease which
held this wealthy Long Branch
landlord, whose vitalicy, until a
tew weeks ago, had caused as-
tonishmeut in the community.
His jot lack hair aud beard, his
firm tread acd upright bearing,
watked biak 88 & dan Whose
strength bad uct yielded to age.
luis said he hua recontly been
coutemplatiug » tourth marriage,
haying already buried three

Then came that awfal contrac-

aesa@phagus, the doctors call it.
The yictim disappeared from the
streets, »nd soon it beeame known
hat Russell Maps was dvuomed
~odeath by ~slow torture, which
uwdical skid was urabie to com~
bat. The disease -elutched his
turoat tighter and tighter, until
a length the sufferer could ewal-
low uelther a crumbof tood nor a
drop ot water.

ahen the doctors gave him

this way kept him alive for a
While buu as Lhe trouble was iD-
teueitiea it fiually becom s 1mpos-
Sibic tomlumisier water to the

Mr. MupsT sufferings were iD
d sciibable. In the agony of

tuen thamsauds of doll.rs for a
coving draught, until ut jast be
was vager to give $10,000 for a
siug.e déiuk: Death retieved his
torture at 4 o'clock on Wednes-}
day worulvg.

Just try a iGc. vox of cascarets, the
tinest. liver and bowel yegu ator ever

ru Drink of Water.
ge* we Fea Z o |

wealth by the hundreds of thous=|

tion of the throat, striciare of the; upply to. ny ot the representatives cf


A Meseehatl wescanty
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonder{ul medical disconery of the age,
plearant and refreshirg to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
aul bowels, cleansirg the entire system
dispel colds, eure headach , fever, ha-
Litaal constipation and _ biliousness,
Please buy and-trya box of C. C. C
today; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all craggists.

Cnet ad
Baptists, Soe Here

~The Southern Baptist Conventioa
meets this year in Wilmington, N. C.,
May 8th. Now, you want to go to this
convention, and you also wa~t to go in
style and c mtort. ~There is only one
good firstclass line from the South and
Svuthwest to Wilmington, and that line
is the Seaboard Air Line, which runs
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt be tuoled into mak
ing your arrangements until you have
consulted one of the Seavorrd Air Line
agents, who always estvem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newlan?, Generel
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
bail liouse, Atlante, Ga., wi'l be glad
0 write you or call va you, or you can

the Seaboard Air Lice in any town or
This is the oficial route. Do


you want to go with your friends ¢

Your best judgment requires
you to gake au immediate pro-
visions for vour family.

By insuring today, your estate

is increased in value at once.
"Twas Ever THUS.

A few days sinc? an issurauce agent
uecepted an invitation to inspect a new
and beautiful house built by a friend.
After taking a peep at the whole estab-
lishment trom.top to bottom, inquired"

~*House insared ?�


~What do you insure it, for?�

~Because 1t MIGHT burn.�

~Not SURE ot it, are you 2�T


oIs your Hie insured ?�

® No,�T °

oDi, won't you ?�.


*OQure 9?


Thea why vot
~well us your house

oWell, really, [never thought ot the
matter justin that light before, and will
vive i early attention.� " ~Travelers

insure your life as

Best time to insure : NOW.

Best Company to insure in: the Mu-
tual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of
Newark, N J. Represented by J. Is

| Sugg, Greenviile. N.C.


0M... 2... ool ee.

oian . =: é


oo Nua . & :

; OVA Ye.

° 7 6

¢ ~

loé ;

to cure any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxed

tive, never srip or cripe. bul cause easy natural results, Sam-

ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLIN G@ REMEDY CQ., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New bork,




oThe outfitT of no business man, it|*
completejwithout one. $f

T " ah % ~
e Reflector B
ee ey Me Ea tob

Best in use,

Sa ore

w H,


Wilmington, N. C

BERNARD: » *\}


iflector both one year for


Correeted by 8. M, Schultz

= ga ee 1b he or Te ere Cee a
estern Sides $0 i a ee ae
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124 Both ie ca he h desir ob oe
Sorn ' 40 to 5f jective points for a Winter "
Cornu Veal 45 +0'60 trip that ir perhaps hard for
oe Family 425 to et you to decide wheré to go.

arg 54 to ay
Oats sto 4) Let us Help You to

ugar |
Cotfee 17 to 20 FoF
Salt per Sack bahay . a Decision. : -

} 08 le, |
ees oa os 7 to 1 A trip vin New Orleans. and
ves WAX. DE. o0 the Scathern Peitic to either

Mexico or the Pacilic Coast is
one yon will never forget. "

ItTs a Transition from |
~Frost to Flowers.

And the serviee is 80 luxutis

Cotton and Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and pennuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros.T& Commission, Mer-
chants of Norfolk «

Good Middling 7 ous that peop who bave |
Por witaiin *6: tested oSuc: citwitel� call
Good Ordinary 6 }-] it jacompu. ah 4th .
Tone"tirm. . : :
n PEANUTS. ,|Ifyouare Thinking of
ExtraT Prime a Going, Write Ta. |
ancy : a
Yan igh? �,�0 to7 Aa
Tokeeaules We have a fiek entitled

oThrough Sierviand to San-
sot Saas,� a handsome volume
of 205 pages, fully illustrated,
whieh we will send on receipt
of 10 certs in stamns te cover
postage. We also bave a de-
lightful little gnide to Mexi-
co, which we will send on:
receipt of 4 cents to cover
cost of mailing.

You Really Ought to
Read them Both.

Shall we put yon down for a
copy! If so, or if you want
any special iformation, 16
will bs cheerfully furnished
by addressing,


General Passenger and Ticket



Finds my place well supplied the
"very choicest of"

Fruits, Confections, Gigars

Shculd try


Every housekeeper
my select Dried Pears.

I also have Malaga Geipes
Dates, Figs, Oranges, Apples, |
Nuts, &e. in great abundance.

~heapest place in towa.

Leading brands of Cigars,

Fresh Candy every day-

Let me grate your Cocoanuts.


sce anninnisen scion ont Naber
mn tical

Do you Want the. i

NAR tn = I a det dia diaieaalindinadll


dat lad ad lal,
PP LPO LDAP ALP NP ar PRADA A ae Be ee ae Na NN eg

{Here is an opportunity ~0 get this excellent,
~magazine for little money.

We will send: the Cosmc-
politan and the Eastern Re-


Or We will send the Cos-
mopolitan and The Daily
Reflector, both, a whole
year for $3.50.

NN Peal Nall Nall Nal as

If you want a good magazine anda good.
home paper, this is vour chance. Compare
the Cospmopolitan with the $4 mavazines
ana .f is the equal of any, of them.

sie What Is It? saibish

a 6 isa picture ot ~tae celebrated or |


oai j


ook Store

SezT your orders to the Reflector.

" scataaiamanpeiiilieessuna diac

You may never,
But should you ever}@a==.

Want Job Printing ~4

""=eCome to see us, ~a


4 6

Ss Card

~ Toammead 49) Ant ny : | ak 7 oh
Full Sheet Poster.

ag from


Anything fr

© od) toh ee



; DonTt Stike Such Folks as These.
"_" J. S. Jenkins went to oDanvill2 to-
st tes inany 4 DeW "" sf aS . ""
~nlarges many an old business, : : = are
Peearevs many a lar again ons 3, B. Dherty, 9h ,,cemne Lhe cai . re ""S [Sa :
pg teh many a dull business, aay evening from a trip. re : oe co ~
gorge mae lage = nk Se Geneva Gardier arrived from cf ove lty. Warie ty. : Val ués.. | ;
oe S:cures eueress to any business | Hamilton Wednesday evening. j :
| ee saan Rev. A. W. Setzer arrived from This Spring
"To oadvertise judiciously,� use tne vol deer | rape dabaem oe xt ad to
f° t ik ¢ |columrs of t REVLEOTOR. J. N. Gorman a . Dp mp e 0
~a ° VN, , of Richmond, came : *
ep e==" ~ Wednesday evening to visit the be Su a oe
| cane : oe ~tobacco boys. um
We want that money} Kisity Constantly al it Brings Soccess he DressGoods
because we have a fair ~~ Night Watchman Daniel now rings | surpassing
ee oe a offer i TRAIN AND BOAT SCHEDULES. the hours of the. night on the new fire tide oh i ahd 4 soe
: ur goods are e oe bell. ude, beau and value any weT
. ~ ; :
r ight kind atthe right Pussengur and mail train going) ~Te printer made us sey yesterday | ever bought efore. Our f oresight:
price. Nevth,wrtives 8362-8. M. GoInROUS Hehgt the year wan soh@ual� eonb in buying bibenat oe pe ng ad
| ~ Steamer ~lar River arnves from Wash} when his cor d one- : low in price and while manutac--
We havejustreceived| inion Noudsy, Wednesday and Friday | gel apa turing was dull, gave usthe goods:
a new stock ofthe Cel-| leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-| Rev. R. M. Bustler, editor of the ; h 1 h
ay wad dacarias -. we at prices much less than value..
ebratad and Famous 5 Home Visitor, ut Win~erville, passed Weare able
o , through Wednesday evening retuming ff :
. MARKETS. home frum Tarboro. He tells ns that 4 7; cf rae.
Y]. oe vate ial Styi1s @-
. he has leasea the Tazsboro Southerner i ;
| iin Pe and takes charge of that ithiv ii sirable apes
, 5 es charg hat paper wiltlt iis : d
: SPFIGHT & MORRILL. next issue. He will albo continue his| mer. FOOus
foe Menand Boys,inall) OC" Pere Commehe paper at Winterville. | abt to obe
the newest shapes and ashame atin Mareh passed awayT yesterday very e vied. We
] cf? NEW YORK COTTON. : ; q a
colors, for Sprin and pie pe quietly but the twelve borzowing days have provi-
Summer. Our Ox bloods evi ~s oa G. pe ST. nea Tage are to come now. How much blow and} 8 ded such
are beauties. Every Hi or a ee rte mn ey will give usis not known. | mate Y ials
pair guaranteed. © The origia of the borrewing days %s that may be
as iV CHICAGO MEATAND GRAIN. not. understood by some but if you wild .
A beautiful li as i vant worn with comfort not on-
: eautiful line of sty- WHEAT" turn to the 117th Psalm and read i a
lisr, neat durable July 70 703 653 701 jeight verss commencizg with the ly pe Ree ae bie tare
: 4 d ? t o 8 eSB , bg Winn | Me out the entire summer,and
nae ean Fi ian wes third you will bz able re decile for the styles and general
~ .60 67% 6 8.674 ~self.
SLIPPER s oe 7g 8.60 8.674 | yourself character of these mate--
bid 4 ; i bs 7 oPolk Miller is a wonder. I have} rials excel anything here--
tor jJadies fresh from July 4.65 4705 4.65 4.70 | heard him several times and could lis- | tofore displayed ana the
the tact ory made sp eci- aaa | ten to him every ~night of: the year. ~ prices are exceedingly low?T
ally tor us The latest WEATHER BOLLETIN. He is never tiring,T for he 1s alwayet RICKS eke 7 A ee
8 4 - ae a
newest nobbiest and " orginal and sparkling. He is undoubt- | : ; *
prettiest styles. Fair, slightly warmer. edly the plattorm success obthe nine" | ; neo:
eens ES, teenth century.�"Prot. J..U. Lloyd, f)W. HIGGS, Pres. J. S. HIGGS, Caster = Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashie:
Remember we have] raxsrcomzinsaowers, | (ienne Obbe- ag bh a EE a" NIE
also.received anew sup- ean Polk Miller will appear in-Greenville | | H E G Ie NVI LLE BANK
ply of And You Get a New Spriakling Eyery Friday, Apri}»9th, at the Cowrt House. GREENVILL, N.G.
: Even'hg. Reserved seats 35 cents om sale at! ee
) siti WootenTs drug store and at the docr. | Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt D. W. Hardee miggs 5fore»
Cannon April Be nib mamas ° - Mitlion Dollars, Greenville, N.C. :
: . Wm..T. Dixon, President National sero
Ol] oth Fourth month. Mominginane by me zene _ Exchange Bank, Baliimore, Md. We respectfubly solisit the accounts
atk: eae Washington, Mareh 30."The presi- The Seotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the generat
waster not long on. dent toaay sent to the senate the fol~1 Neck, N. C. public,
2Justa perfect substi-| vid the Apil tool catch you today ?|lowing nominations: Frank. W. Pal"-| Noah Big gs, Scotland Neck, W.�,�. Checks and Account Books furnisle

~| mer, of lilinoia, to be publie printer ;.

tute for Linen, only 10 The Keel trial begins tomorrow morn: ri
Alexander M. Thackara, of § ennsylva~

cents per yardoneyard ing. | paneennis tmnt ee
: ) nia, to be consul of the United States.- c CV | '
wide, the cheapestand| i, the Bapust church to-l nine Fame Look ever this list: of


R. R. Fle ming, Pactolus, N, C. ed on anplication. ©

best thing made for| . = "
Embroidery and = | | Py ;
Drawn Work. There was another heavy frost this Married. | | |
aes morning. On Wednesday evening. at 8:00. ae |
, A THI 6 . T ; r.,
JUST IN WHA ? Karnit"For sale at reduced price o'clock, at the home of the brideTs : =
4 f py A. Forbes. mother, Mrs. 8. E. Mayo, m-Fulkland, | 206 See if you would not like to have some
] n EK. C. Kang Li is ~
Beautiiui, fancy April will give us five ~Thursdays Mr. E. C. King and Miss Daisy M Ayo of them :
° : ae were married by Rev. J. B. Morton,.of : ; : :
Indian RGA reais a few reauves oad} Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches,

Fresh Carr Buiter 1 pond package | friends of the coupie were present. A ;
Baskets, at S. M. Schultz reception was held ummediately after the Minos Ee oe ghee iin

: ia cp wee 1xe ickles, Sour FicK1es, early
Neat and nice. Justthe| Dressed lumber and mouldings fur June Peas, ¢ lives. Celery Sauce, Royal


; is h ] } t i © e a; - 4 4 hd °
ete ; to please the | nished on short notice. J CHERRY Lost Baking Powder, Cream Baking Powder,
Charley Wilkinsoa got April fooled| Same where in Greeavils oF between | whichis as good as Royal for less money and a
mper Baskets, Fan-| 7°"? oy enville a large | 4: T |
Hamp this morning. He got on the train to hfe screen o Thomas | *Ousand other good things. Phone No. 70.

cy Work, Scrap, Key

ke the boys think he was going away, | J. Jarvis, containing blank proots of :

a sket ° Oo me nee J Ble y,\J. Jarvis, contaming : i

. : aoe oy a ) 0 and intended to get off at the tank: death of my father, B. H. Sugg, pare HH Sh elbur re] O
" tinlly filled out by Dr. OT Hagan, Kd- e 4 .

: The tun came in when the train did not
| ward Flasagan and Rev. N. M. Wat"


: We can please Doth | stop at the tank for water. Charley}. , oe cere eect
you and your purse. says he jumped cff, but it is believed that , Any ere finting these papers: will, } ~

- enema he walked bace to town from House. kindly return them tor me and. greatly Central, Give me Phone 64, Please.

e Nearly cvery day). eee | OUlige. I. A. Sue.

i thi , :
ae ee ee
youwent: St _MDCRHION 5/0 Nickel Steet
Come and inspect our A :

Mammoth Stock of Dry ~ Portraits ! , A
~Goods, Notions, Shoes, 5 ies
Hats, Groceries, Hard- ae }

ware, Crockery, Furni- Mas. 'T. B. HOOKER and
ture and House Fur- ISS RUSA HOOKER

nishing Goods. ~hey have opened an

are desirable new and

heart cheering.

ONLY IN (897

f |
Columbia Bicycles

oBeautiful Hail Racks

a just received. % and solicit orders for Cray-
4 bb rays ere: on Portraits. They are the strongest bicycles in the World
ber we oper- All work executed by hand, the Standard by which all others are judged.

$100 ft all alike.

minec polic of fair, and will not fade.
sau Specimens of work ov ex-

c Presinann oh wee Oa, | Memes NEED $75, $60, $50, $45.

ate our store on a deter- : Portraits made life size
ee 4b a
a ne cometo see us, \ ; Drog Store, where orders He a

iA ' Vy tygerr =
i # ~ fyT

| i ~ : . Your triends,T can art olan aan of : eet sieete ee Ati
fa i | . ' Eee oe el | ff eo aa wi MNT (ip Wes tld We
ron farmed oo spice: 4) §. E PENDEE & CO.) . a lovely line of Shoes and Slippers for men, "
sguagaaaeresora8 758208262) LLB S| bwomen and children at ~LANG'S CASH HOUSE.


| i

Daily Reflector, April 1, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 1, 1897
April 01, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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