Daily Reflector, March 24, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

A, J WHICHARD, Bditor and Owner.


TERMS: 25Conts a Month.



Vol. 5.



No, 704 "


S ceove s comtnoce q+ co,� MIG 'Q SOONG SUL SOQ LO] =




For Everybody.
et. ¢¢

Fruit of the Loom

o| After his exhibition at a local resort

quest of him,the champion dodged out of
the door and down the street.

Bleaching 6 cts.


One Yard Wide.

jamped toward the stranger and swung

Reed Deciines to Reccenizs the Popu-


ne mn

He Knocks Out a Rude Eaglishman
and Runs From Corbett.

San Francisco, March 22."Rcbert

Fitzsimmons knocked out an English

traveller nathed Campbell in she Bald~

Win hotel barroom early this morning.

last night, the champicn, Mertin Ju-
lian and W, A. Brady, Corbett man-
ager, returned to the hotel and spent
the night discussing a return match.
Along towards morning Campbell 4 rift-
ed up to the bar and, addressing the
Cornishman, said the Carson affair was
not a true fought battle, and that the
best man did not win. Fitzsimmons
his left with territfic force, knocking the
intruder down.

Corbett was at the Baldwin early to-
day, watching for his conquerer. He
wanted aninterview, bet was not ta-

vcred. When told that Corbett was in

Corbett says if he canTt meet Fits~
simmons he wonTt meet anybody. Jim
has an offer to manage a big athletic
clab in New York at a maguificent sal-
ary. Should his show prove a failure
he is liable to take the job. But he has
made his mind to go back on the stage
for awhile. His friends are importun"
ing him to go direct to New York and
commence an engagement.

Washington, March 22 "Speaker

The past week has been a disastrous
one at sea.
dreds of iives lost.

One of the boats belonging to the
lost steamer St. Nazaire has been pick"
ed up at sva.

On Monday morning at Arling~on,
Ga., a cyclone demolished a school
building. Several cf the school children
were instantly ki'led and a large num-
ber were badly injured.

Two Views,

The Philadelphia Record tells of a
successful advertisement writer of the
west who says that when he starts his
daily task he thinks first of the time of
year, then of the weather, and then he
appends othe list of goods which will
appeal strongest to the general public
under these conditions.� This is. a
winning plan for most businesses. if not
forall. Some men when they go into
print think chiefly of what they want to
sell ; others, more shrewd, think chiefly
of what the people want to buy.

The Way to Cure Hog Chclera.
has broken
I send
you a prescr:ption that 1s said to be very
effective in its cure. Very truly,
EvuGene Horcome,, D. D. L.
Lumberton, N. C,.
For Hog Cholera: Take 4 pound
arsenic, 4 pound Cape aloes, } pound
blue vitriol, 1 ounce black antimony.
Grind and and mix well.
Directions: Fora large hog, give one

I see that hog cholera

out in Mecklenburg county.

Reed is not disposed to regard the pop-
ulists in the house us a separate organ-|!
ization. About ten days ago the pop-

ulists presented a petition to Speaker

Reed, reciting the tact that at the last

election they had cast about 2,000,000

votes, elected governors in five states,

elected twenty-sev:n members of the

present house, and requesting therefore,

that they have a representation on the

committees on ways and means, judic"
lary. appropriatious, banking, coinage,

elections and others. Mr. Reed has
just replied that he preferred to recog"
nize the populists as a part of the dem"
ocratic organization and that decision
will stand for this congress at least.

Four Aunts,
Advertising is the pulse of trade.

Quit advertising is a good way to
quit business.

A spring tonic in the form of a liber:
al dose of alvertising, is timely just


No business is ever go large but that
it can be made larger by judicious ad-

Ms, Cotien Wil Taik.

Mrs. Sallie Cotten, of Falkland, has
accepted an inviiation to make an ad.
dress betore the Alumna Association
of the Greensboro Female College, ear-
ly in May, She goes to Washington
in April to work for the National
School, outlined in her paper betore
the Congress ot Mothers."Greensboro

teaspoontul a day for three days ; then
sk p one day. Repeat this until hog is
cured "Charlotte Observer.

Several vessels and hun"

It contained six bodies. |'

the Northern Markets and now
a word with you about

You bead it, T haye it,and as the vrice is low
what's to hinder us making a dicker? Noth-
ing at all, and if yon will inspect my stock, I
am sure to sell you a Spring Suit. Clothing é
is cheaper today than it ever was before, and
the Styles are pretty. My line of Snits 1s
is larger than has ever been shown here,you
may be c.rtain I bought them right"and
cheap. Of thus buying, you are benefited.



ThatTs what tasty people say of my late shape


It is a dead sure rioger.° I am also very
proud (justly so, too,) of my entire line of


None better, you know. Ask your neigh"
«A Mrs. Hopkins Boy.� bor about my stutf. If you are not already
a customer, we will make you one.


Last Warning,

Thisis the last w eek ot tax collectin .|
All who owe taxes and fail to pay this
week are hereby notified that I will
proceed at once to levy on their land
and advertise the same for sale as the
law directs. It you want to save costs
donTt delay in making settlement.

R. W. Kine,
Ex-Sheriff and Tax Collector.

Good enough for all practical trade

And vet
Colonel Ingersoll is wasting time trying
to convinve people that there is no pun.
ishiment after death.

A California town has a
ghost that wears bloomers,�

Hooker have ovened an art stcdio for
making crayon portraits. They do
beantifult work, all by hand. Speci"
mens can be :een at J. L. WootenTs
drug store.

Hatten Perry, colored, who was sen"
tencened to be hanged at Washington
for committing a crime on a little girl,
temporarily escapes the penalty through
an appeal to the Supreme Court " It is
not believed that court will reverse
the decision of the lower court,


Mrs. T. E. Hooker and Miss Rosa}




Ta A Cut,
=f BAGK _.

from the Northern Markets and
my new goods are coming in
every a


should not fail to see my beautiful line of


Shoes, Oxtord Ties, and other goods specially
for their use.

o.. 9. i. oa Oe
Sas i "
~~ . ~~


poem nts


Se =
we JUST recalyed a big 2 e 0faa

a i.

[ have a superb line of Spring »

Blothing, Shoes, Ff ats, Shirts

Ties, &e
in town.

~The largest and best assorted line
Come to see me if you want oT


_ -Exploder of High Prices. . | *

Uy en ete


ti (aisha e

red as second-class. mail matter.


ey mamma e tie «AONE


oe OS
ta eum, - soos

~~ Delivered in town by carriers without
_�"� qdvertisng rates are liberal and can be
pad on spptteation to the editor or at
the office;

We desire a live correspondent at
avery postofiice in the county, who will
aend in brief items of NEWS as it occurs
fa each neighborhood, Write plainly
aad only on one side of the paper.


Wepyespay, Marcu 24, 1897.

i cmenaal

~i a

Gov. Russell appoints as directors
on the part of the State for the North
Carolina railway, Dr. R. M. Norment,
who will be president; V. S. Lusk,
Charles A. Cook, H. N. Butters. Wil-
liam Gilchrist, J. S. Armstrong, A. Wi
Grabam and John Graham. Not one
of these live on the line of the North

Carolina railway.
Renee a aaa

We were shown arare old relic of
the past today. Mr. G. Rosenthal has
a German Bible in his possession, dated
Basl, owitzerland, printed in 1665. He
informs us that it was received ina bale
of rags sent from Salem to his ectton
mill several years ago. His attention
being called to it he rescued it and
had it rebound. There is a map in it
giving the vomplete 40 years wan-
derings of the Jews, as well as other in-
teresting illustrations. "Raleigh Tri-
bune. : .

H. S. Pingree, mayor of Detroit,
Mich., was elected governor of that
His has taken his office
but also helds on to the
he refuses to

state last fall.
as goveror,

mayorality job, which he
surrender, and an effort is being made
tc oust him through the courts. Noting
this fact a contemporary says we have
a similar case nearer bho.2e. Governor
Russell is not only governor of North
Carolina, but he is mayor ot two towns
_-Wilmington ani New Bern, The
legislature amended the charters of
these two owns so that Russell appoints
halt of the aldermen im each and can
therefore practically control the gov-
ernments of these towns regardless f
the voice of the people. And yet for
years local »elf-government"the right
to vote for all officials"was the battle
cry of the republicans in this State.
Was there ever a worse case ol lying,
deception and hypocrisy ?."Statesville


Organ and Governor at Outs.

Our readers, no deubt, have discov"
ered in reading The Tribune that there
has been a little diffeaence"a little
coolness existing between Governor
Russell and The Tribune on account of
the position we have taken on the lease
question"a non-partisan matter * *
The Tribune cannot be injured by this
course of the governor, tor its columns
always teem with live, sparkling news"
news trom all over the world"and our
rerders will miss but Jittle by this
cor temptible effort on the part. of the
{tis well understood that
the governor has carried his petty spite
so far as to publicly declare that The
Tritune wou'd be short jived, and he
has taken this course to help along its
death. But, my aear governor, permi'


-vertise them.T !
Many a good cause has been won

and many a good thing has been
brought to pass simply through believ-
ers in it resolutely and incessantly
obooming� it. :
The merchant who goes about with
a long and sorrowful face, and who
sighs like a lover when the subject
of business is broached, scares away
from his store many an intending pur-
chaser. ~
The business man who, when asked
to adveriise, wrings his hands. and,
almost with tears in his voice, replies,
oMv dear sir, times are so hard and
business is so slow that I cannot afford
to put one cent in adyertising,� hide®
himself from the seeker, after the very
articles he has tor sale; practically
draws his curtains and closes his doors
to the public. ;
~The man who stands at a door with-
out knocking, simply trusts to luck to
have it opened to him. ~The man who
stocks his shelves with the best in the
market and then does not advertise.
simply trusts to the chance of customers
stumbling on to the bargains he can
give them.
The merchant princes of this country
know the value of printers ink, -and the
huge fortunes they have made are
founded on the rock of persistent,
liberal and judicious advertising. Ask
any one of them and he will tell you
that every dollar spent in advertising
has borne him compound interest.
Do you want good times? Then
advertise for them. And keep on ad-
vertising. Do not overdo it, but de it
sieadily and within your meaps, and
put brains in the work. Change your
advertisements frequently, and say
something new to the public each time,
and the result cannot fail to beT satisfac-
tory to you "Durham Sun.

i snaenimeigreouniind



Special to Charlotte Observer.

Wasnineton, March 22."Rep-
resentative Harry Skinner, the
Populist leader from North Caro-
lina, has concocted a bil!, and
presented it to Covgress, which
he claims will solve the financial
problem and bring about practical
bimetalism. His bill provides for
the issuance of bimetallic certifi
cates of yarious denominations,
which shall have a positive value
0; 100 cents on thedollar. These
certificates are to be issued to any
person who may deposit 11 6-10
grains of gold and 185 6-25 grains
of silver (ata ratio of 16 to 1.)
These certificates, according to
their face value, are made receiv~
able for public and privete debts,
and when received for public tax�
es shall be reissued and on its
face guarantee the bearer shall
within twelve months, at any
United States depository, receive
50 cents worth ofT gol d 50
cents worth of silver, according to
the market yalue of the bullion,
as declared by the Secratary of
the Treasury:

The bill further provides that
the Secretary of vhe Treasury
miy issue said certificates in the
same proportion ayainst any gold

equal proportion, the present out:
standing gold and silyer certifi-
cates. It is also provided that

us to remark chat you are not the

Stute oe

att y . aout SD

. ot North Carolina, nor do you ree uo sinking fund for redemp-

the people of the State. You are nota

_ loyal republican and have no claims,

upon the repubiican party. You have
never done anything for it which
amounted to a row of pins and we take
_ gheat pleasure in giving you che benefit
oof this little tree advertising. Crack
your whip, do your worst and yet The
Tribune will be living when you are

¢ither officially byried or put upon the

retired list without pay."Raleigh Tri.

bien pili poses. Tu cusw vf wu de-
peeciation in the price of silver

authorized to purchase silver in

lopen market iv meet the de4-


Mr. Skinner says he has sub-
mitted his bill to many of the
leading Republican and Demo-
cratic bi-metalists in both hoases
of Congress and they~admit that
it is one of the simplest and at

_|the same time practical proposi-

Rist sch


threugh the enthusiasm of its adherents, |

or silver in the Treasury and 2° AANA
when so issued shall retire, in| x

the seigniorage shall be covered a
'.ato the Treasury to be converted

iu» Svcretary of the Treasury is dc

eS ate a. ae re a eee,
| tions that has been made In con-

on with the money question.

Do you want good times. Then ad-|Tt carries out the very spirit of
~~ Tthe Republican platform it ~re-|

gard to bi-metalism, for it pro
vides fora one hundred cent dol-
lar"one half gold and the other
half silver. lf the silver depre-.
ciates the gold will surely appre-
ciate and thus the combined yal-
ue of the two metals equalizes the
face yalue of the bi-metallic cer-
tificates, and keeps its face value
at 100 cents. Under any circum-
stances the holders of the cer-
tificates can demand of the gov-
ernment 50 cents in gold and 50
cents in silver. ;

When the question comes up
for consideration, Mr. Skinner
says it will be difficult for the

cessfully oppose it.

Senator Chandler and other Re-
publicans who are interested in
carrying out the Republican
promises in bebalf of bi-metalism,
have examined the bill and they
declare that it will challenge the
thoughtful consideration of every
one who honestly believes in &
bimetalic currency system.


Baptists, See Here !

[he Southern Baptist Convention
meets this year in Wilmington, N. Ci;
May 8th. Now, you want to go to this
convention, and you also watt to go in
style andc mfort. ~There is only one
good firstclass line from the South and
Southwest to Wilmington, and that line
is the Seaboard Air Line, which runs
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt be fooled into mak--
ing your arrangements until you have
consu'ed one of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, General
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
to write you or call on you, or you can
upply tony of the representatives of
the Seaboard Air Live in any town or
city. This 1s the official route. Do
you want to go with your friends ?

npn nf


When there is i¢ thing to prevent
their coming 10 a land like North
Carolina it is strange that people will
live in the bleak and inhospitable north
and the blizzard-stricken west. The
(only explanation there can be is that
the people in other portions of th®
country are not posted on what this
State has to offer to industrious home
seekers. Such people will fiad hospitable
neighbors, sunshiny hea.thful
breezes and the certainty of making
muney easier and under more pleasant
almost any other


surroundings than
part of the world. Energy and industry
will surely bring a competence in this
highly fayored land._-Rocky Mount

aman eed

lt is estimated that twenty-one
acres of land are necessary to
sustain one man on fresh meat.
The same space of land, if de-
voted to wheat culture, would
feed forty-two people; if to oats
eighty-eight, and if to potatoes
and rice, 176 people.


c@ «"««Offfers_-his services to the
© citizens of Greenville and the ¢
public generally. .
Spouting and Stove Work, QB
a specialty. y
Satisfaction guaranteed or @
no charges made. Tobacco
Flues made in season, . Shop
in rear of 5 and 10 cent store. 3


single gold standara men to suc-}

: the i es ur oo sold: ae phat suit
MS |to run we sell at a close

5}. 8. M SCHULTZ Green


7 10 ¢

sf s0¢



ai Ag 3

ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED t9,care s27 case of ¢ Cascarets are the Ideal
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING BEMEDY CO«t Chicazo, Montreal, Cax.s or New Tork.� ar



R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.

loans and Discounts $41,761.19
Over Drafts 133,275
Premium on Stock ~ 1,000.00

Due from Banks 38,567.54
Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00
Current Expenses 285.52
Cash Items 2,652.12
Cash on hand 25,875.38

Total $112,974.50

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.

J. L. LITTLE. CashTr.


_ The Bank of Greenville,


At the Close cf Business March 9th, 1897.

Capital stock paid in 23,000.
Surplus and Profits T 2 303.60
Deposits subject to Check 85,691.14
Due to Banks 732.36
Cashiers Checks ontstanding 863.34
Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00



We study carefully the separate needs of our patr 1
ly th patrons, and shall be glad y
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good ar ae .

ee ALTOS. SADA rhea
. 4 190 i) 2 =

* ~4 4 =| he =a

a "" ee
® J Oo ee

nla TERE; » a " au fo S 225 os Se Oo
ee mn o3 5 a aia so 8 0

om Org " a AG,
=) si eats Q E85 Se aX &
nanan | mo apy BS. he :
frenomenaset Our Fw 8 of » o O as, fl

Lenin | oa oS Sq of
q = eB | eoas wa eae f ea, CAD

nO fe oo 1] OS 2°" oO Bg stsele dans
" | = 2 Ag g02°9 ao =
emt | MH Om Gd | Sots chr e 2 ec oo8 wy
. = 30 w@S95924 99 (4
A= og SS g 2-35.48 age ao;

ao m�"� Os a4oa'h 94a

om a==1 Boo 33 Sun AS osT
cm ace | Coenen Sao wus gsOPseezo
aad 8 sso 4 sq

j.000 poisoR

A SPECIALTY cnaarys::2°
' orsT
mtiary BLOOD POISON permanently
curedin 15t035 days. You can betreated aj
me ome forsame price under same guaran:
ee ta ty. Ifyou prefer tocome here we will con:
tractto pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
nocharge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer-
cury, iodide potash, and siill have aches and
rng Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we pms eeeT tocure. We solicit the most obsti-
nate cases and challenge the world for a
case we cannotcure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi-
cianse $500,000 capital behind our uncondl
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on


""is now ruaning a""


and can farni h Wood at the shortest
notice. Buys Wood by the car load.

Your patronage solicited. hn

Nl eT


Cuba,, by Senator Quesada, Cuban
representative at Washington. Kn-

ppplication. Address COOK R
803 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ELEC

O- | dorse ! by Cubin patrio.s. In tremen-

dous demand. A bonanza for agents.
Only $1.50. Big book, big commissions,
Everybody wants the only endorsed, re«
liable book. Outtitsfree. Credit given
Freight paid. Dropall trash, aud make
$300 a month with War in Cuba. Ad-
dress today, THE NATIONAL BOOK
CONCERN, 352-366 Dearborn St.,


of as 2 Ra i
7) ve �
Mrs ~ule a
if ~




ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befcre pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete

u allits branches.


anal & |


Tobacco, sr~ft &c,

we buy diroc} from Manufactu.. 3 en
lin: vouto buy at one proilt, A eod-
c.e stock of





Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty



Special attention given to cleaniné
Gentlemens Clothing

J. A, Buresss, Mgr.
Washington, N. O,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec
tric bells to every room, Attentive ser*
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily-
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited-



~ale Headey.

The next session of, the school will
open on;

MNDAY SEPT. 7, 1891"

bought and
aving no 1isk

close , 4
. N, 0.


and continue for, 10 months.
The terms are as follows.

Primary kK nglish per mo, 2 00
Intermediate 66 is be ~92 50

a iT] o6 en 33 00
Lang ogant $1 00

Berge and disclpline of the sctiool
il be 4 pajemee ee .

~We ask a continuance of your
liberal ciate ia



Re me

44 fe , . ; A *

ts Velen ect ag tee alttax 414d be gendemen in social lite. Some-
x eee , ab 4.00 yy:

w., Geeenville 647 p, m., oKinston 7 $d tinn sthcy were men et culture. Not
2m. Returning, leaves-Kinsion 7.2- j.sy with puyitism.; There was ne re-

& M.Greenville 8.22 a m. Arriviny | . 7 ; .
Hali' x at 1100-8. m., Werdon 11.20 amg 4 five went at Carson City last Weines-
ekcept Sunday. . day. ~I've weman who figured ws the

~ 4 5 .

I'raigs on Wasknigton Braach Jeavedayite ot one of be
Washington 8.00, m., and:3.(00 p.m!) .- . .
arriveaParmele 8%0 a. m.,-and 4.40 . Jaiflair, distinguished herself on ake oc"
eo ewe sarc Pat rennet ok exves jacision by explavting a volley of course
as . m., arme @..11).20) a. m. ~| :
rand 6.30 p. m,, sarrives Washington |
111,50.a, t2., and 7M p.m. Daily ox-j shocking even. to the thugs gathered
rept Suaday. Connects with ~riing ou)... |
' Scotland Neek Braach. faiere on

Train deaves caroory, N.C, via Albe-!
emarile & Raleigh &.8. daily except sun-

participants jn that

yrcfanitv thad »seems tc have been

that occasion. The whole

#uir was brutakging and mostet those


~~ ani

Last year there were 175 ocean
wrecks, invo'yipg a toss of prop-
erty amounting '0 $7,000,008, and
drowning 15,000 people.


MADE. Ag: nts wanted in every
~ocality for For. W. J. BryanTs great
and only book, oThe First Battle.T The
best selker ever produced. Agents are
taking as many as 2 0 orders per week.
Jeware of fraudulent imitations. Send
for out&it and'begin work at once. W.
B. CONREY COMPANY, Pablishers,
341 Dear'born-Ntreet, Chicago.


diay, at 440 p, m., Sunday 300 P.M:

vartive Ply nouth 9.00 P.M, 8.25 p. im. j "
4. HIGGS, Pres

~Returning icaves Plymouth daily excep"
sanndey,:600 a. m., Sandav 80 an.
arrive Tarkoro 10.25;a.m and 1). .5

~rain on Midland N.C, braneh leaves
(Geid3boro Baily, exceyt Sunday, 6.03 a
Mawriving Smithtield 27°30 a.im. Ree
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00.2. m,, ar-
vives at Gokdsbors 9,80 4. m.

Trains onJuatta brangh, Florence R
«d,,iwave Latta 6.40 pm,aurive Bunbar
7.50 p m, ~Elio 8.05 iP 0. Retarning
wave Clioté6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
ico al atl am, daily except Sun-


Reprecerting a Capit#i of More Thar a Halt
ee Million ®ollars,

Ww. T. Dixon, President Nationai
Exehange Bank, Beltimore, Md.

Train onClinton Branch leavesv¥T ar"
awdfor Clinton caily,, exoppt Sumlay,
14.a,en. and 8.50 p, om Returairg
Aves Clinton at 7.00 a. m..a8d3,U0 ; am.

Train No. 78.makes clase conneetion

Neek, W. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotleud Neck, N. C.
R. R. Fleming, Pactedus, N, C.

1. S$. HIGGS, Gashier



Wiaj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashier.


D. W. iHardee Higgs
Greenville, H.C.

a cena tant amen

We respectfully solicit theaccounts

The Scotland Neez Bank, Seotland of firms, indwiduals and the general


Checks and Account Bo furnished
.ed on application.

at Weldeo forall points daily, allrailyia
-Richmone. alse at Rewky Meunt with
Norfolk aad Carona lt & for Noriabs
che all poiats North via Norfolk.
Generas Supt.
T. M. EMERSON, Tratlie Manage:.
J. R. KENCY, Gen . ~2 weer.




o8 SEE THAT? Wax

ana .t is the equal of any of

WILAINGION & WELDON AR}. Dueling ant Poginm [present wereol te ery lowest order| Greenville Market. | oPox mnosr 10 suowans.�.
o AND BR ANCHES, eo nail, OME ee sn ne - ef men. Tke contestants themselves | " Corrected by 8. M, Schultz. e ali ; ' i i a nn?
AND FLORENCE &adp ROAD, » oly ae aoe oxpressed their contempt for each otber. | Buiter, per Tb are | MO or Id i MOA
6 vsiciafildivaser atte ne '-oT of many now living, when the auelling | The exhibition was revolting to hu-| Western Sides _ mee) ed fe ete
Ccoauenseu penedule" a d oo oe. Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124 Both are such desirable ob
ogee | Coe We geneially recognized and duels | manity. Public opinion grew s0 pro | Corn ae o40 to 30 jective Pointe tukT Winkel
Ge gf Wele frequently fought to settle per" nounced against the once ocommon pital sat ~it ce trip thet i's perhapa hard for -
TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . soual differences, Some of the most practice ut duelling that it bas been Lard 54 to 10 » youto decide whee te go "
ma pmiaent men in the nation were at} abandoned, Public sentiment has | Oats 83 to 41) :
Dated eb] times mixed up with or participated i»! made pugilism impossible in most of the tite Wek Let us Help You to
@ Noy. 15th [sg 2 these affiirs o: huner, so called. States. in all of them it may be said» | Salt per Sack 7510 14851g Decision
1896, z, i : ais 1 Chickens 10 to 25 :
a % wo) wenn joeee | = Alexander Hamiltor, one of Ameri- Nevada is not a State"only a rotten Keys per doz "to VW "i te Va New Oren éhd
: SWE OR, Bt, geaaest oG . . borough. Knoxville Journal. ees Wax. Der 20 : ~ .
Lanta Wilden * x ~~ G1Ts greatest stetesmen, was slain by | 0070Ug e Gis Mcathern Prsili: bo alitler
Ar. Rocyk Mt 1 00)10 9 Aaron Burr na duel. Andrew Jacksou woe ego Mexico or the Pacitic C ast is
" men fo fm killed Dickinson in a duel, fought not A Lady's Abscntmindedness. Cotton and Peanut, one you will never forge.
7 F far from Clarksville, just across the Below are Norfolk prices of cotton T eas
ped shall: sh " | Hehieg i cee Out of a jal fought Ce - ; and peanuts for Sei ny, us furnished It Sa Transition fr om
Ly Rocky Mt 1 00/10 | 5 45 : ; ! ie ~ is ~ ° ; There is a good lady in Concord who} by Cobb Bros. ig Commission� Mer Fros t to Flowers
Lv Wilson 2 05/11 6 Qu | between two of ~their friends a quarie has false teeth. The other night just chants of Norfolk - : ~i
Selma 2 53 rose between Thimus Hy Be d 4 COTTOM: ~
arose between Thimes H. Bentun an ie » : ob ne
wv Fay'tteville| 4 96) 147 VA ea, deck r he publie | tOre Fetiring, she took the teeth out | Good Middling : And the service is so laxuri-
Ar. Florence | 7265) | | eave rei eee ~ ; ie! : ©! of her mouth and placed them beneath -paegieny dling ait ous that peopl who have
Keteanisin Loe iss ne Cae re i ~tiny j t : w . + . 4 a 2 ; Pes, | ~ + ~ �
ee es! , onde ee fs they : : hig ; i her pillow. Next morning when she | Good Ordinary 6 1-16 janie Finder Limited� call
togt ed « chase ar y ice o| louked for them they were gone. Every Tone"tirm. er acs ah saat dnenh serie Rie
7 vUtON, ailer DIS relbuve uv aalssour, a 5 :
nook and corner of the bed beneath | pyjne -1Ifvou Think f
te " | fought a duel with Mr. Lucas, and og' te � y are iNKIng oO
P.M. ~A.M . , and above, was ransacked to find tne | Extra Prime 23
} i y slew Lueas r rolti: , . . | oancy 3 : s a
a aa. -* : foally slew Lueas ae revolt 8 teeth, without avail. The sorely dis" sparta 6) to HI Going, Write Us. s
, ~Lv Magnolia 4 16 0 shy Manche eet enencnrel tressel Jady informed her landlady of | Vone"quiet. We have a trek entitled
; | y + cited ; between me '
Ar Wilmington Boa a ha � cates ° oats ° , * 7 the fact and asked her to have mish Seemann = - oThrough Stervieud to Suan-
. oe PEQUIDENE: 18 pub. 24k apOUF - prepared for her diet, as she would be sot Soas,� abauls we volume
middie of the present century, an . td fui cf 205 pages, fclly i lustrated
OTREH ' . wu cn , per hd,
PRADIS GOIsS Ff | before and afterwards. unaple ~0 Tle ap ho, tt i" SI whieh we will send on recolpt
| Que of t secre Aomdidratiane ol account of the loss 2 er teeth. ) of 16 cente in Maine iC duvur
Dated |2p, 8 G08 6 Hees ssary qualacations | partook heart ly of the soft food at : postage. We also havea de-
Ber. | $3 | $ 7 oz ae a Some purts ee breakfast, went shopping, and at the Finds my place well supplied th» cary Hg see to weg
Se sions psalm outll, prior Uo the tate war Was SKI IM} oon meal the same diet was prepared "very choicest of" co, Which we wil send on
_ A. M.\P.M. haudling dueling pistols. Such en-} ¢, her, but she was prevailed upon to A pees ae cents to cover
ere ile iH 7 ou 7 SEITE an ESCH APewa lH ORY an those fake some Very juisy and tempting Frail onteetia li nb ee
~Ly Fayetteville oye wer Men and ae da . Ib ars
Lv'Selma = {} 12 37) " | dzys were quite comuon, and it 43 cat, and was told that ske could cut it i ' ~| You Really Ought to
~Ar Wilsn = {| 1 20/11 33 only in tke last iweuty-live years that 4 up very fine and partake of it that way
~ st ( oo" the practice las goue vut ot date. ~To the She consented, and placed it in her Bedht itcti lta Should try Read them Both.
i ' : etedit of the meu who participatedaa | a outh. It was raturel for her to wasti- T cere. ,
ede sg +l tyce affine the lid some� resect lor . : Das I also have Malaga Granes, Shall we put you down for a
eens a ee ee a080 a airs y a respec o(cate sclid tood aad, to ber astonishment} Dates, Figs, Oranges, Apples, copy? If so, or if you want
Lywimi }Ay * 4 iP. M, tke pringiples oftfairness. Tae practice she found that ber missing teeth were in Nats, &c. in great abundance. any xpecial it formation, it
oLy Magnolia 10 52 4 , a wus decried and vendere 1 discre dite her mouth, and had beenT all the time. Cheapest place in town. hh 2 cheerfully farnished
pee ona | e i { 4 36 lee ene someone ilo Hot have | She had placed them in her mouth at Leading brands of Cigars. Ss dala
~Ly Tarboro ! ase ' 10 22 i arian Other in order tu setide night and was not aware o! the tact." Fresh Candy every diy. S. F. B. MORSE,
- ; cir differences. oneord § ; Let me grate your Coco ae
ike Ae It cannot be-said that pugilism fer Concord Stannard . . eteoaunts General Passenyer and Ticket
ae | loe oo) ) ss BE ) oo j
"| O'R 12. = er oa nem retour . Ageut,
~| ZA reas jsers a love of fair play or anything of ; MORRIS M YE R. WAW ORLEANS.
, ~~ M ~ wart ithe Kind. It requires only the qualicies} When lions and tigers are born
Ly Wilson i 1 20 10 soot a bull-dog «to b.come a_pugilist. in captivity, the greatest care has ares ""n -
Ar Rocky Mt | 217 "-- 13 18] practice enable pugilists to ward off to be exercised to keep them
ArTarboro |! 400) re M iblows, and this is callcaT sciznce. It |for several days in the dark ard O Ou ant { ya
Alb oat eal 217 12 | science, it is pusely animal, Wien duels] undisturbed, as otherwise the y
Ar Weldon havere fought iatdormer days, the aneu mothers will almost invariably adwnticadivisehciba sapeindblarsihiniadabs. Stidams icin woctsa
nt ~ who gathered there as witnesses, and destroy tkem.
Train on Seotiaiid Neck Brauch 2204 4 seconds and suecreons did know ew to """-



Here is an opportunity to vet this excellent.
magazine for little money


We will send the Cosmo-

politan and the Eastern Re-

flector both one year f,
$1.75. : a

Or We will send the Cog-
mopolitan and The Daily
Reflector, both, a whole
year for $3.50.

Na al Nag

If you want a good magazine and a good
home paper, this is vour cheaee, Compare
the Cospmopolitan with the $4 mavazines

Send your orders to the Re

cat inetieeiteatnt die ethan ins ents alesse essi
ocr sent a apse te sais

You may never,
But should you ever Ga.

op baby What Is'It-? pbphbb|Btst
The Oldest ~" It is a picture ot tae celebrated 7 Want Af ob Printin a


The outfit ot no business man it|%
complete without one.

a , The Only Flve-i:silar Daily o The Reflector Book Store

- its Class inthe State [has a nice assortment of these Fountain Pens,
a way | |also a beautiful line of Pearl Handle Gold Pens,
4 _ WH, BiRVARD | You will be astonished when you see them and
2 ~Wilmington, N. Cljuarn how very cheap they are. |

Daliy Newspajar ip


North Ca-aisa.


Rest in use,



Visiting Card.

Luk ""T0 A+.
E*ull |

~ : in Al o dls i
1 Bie ; 4 if sh ~ee ~i ne ~
ng Oe @ i M \ ve ft Ts 4 ~
T a . rs
héeet Poster,
© He

j 4 |

-ally tor us,

9 "" AND"

I ah

a nas eee�

We want that Sh tet

| because we have a fair

equiva ent to offer for
it. Our goods are the
~Tight kind at the right


We havejust received
a new stock of the Cel-
ebratad and Famous

for Menand Boys, inall
the newest shapes and
colors, for Spring and
Summer. Our Ox bloods

are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful line of sty-
lisu:, neat, durable
and elegant


tor ladies, fresh from




Blows Some This Wuy and Scmeé


By Teiegraph to
C:tron Buyers and Commission

sore 7,10 740 7.00 7.01
Aug. 7.14 7.14 7.06 7.06

WHEAT" i ;

July 712 (713 © The 714
July 8.87) 8.875 8.75 8,873

July 4.70 4,724 4.70 4.70



with light frost Thursday morning.




Lent is half gone.
A vacant lot"a erowd of idiots.

Music teachers usually pay their bills
in notes,

March got here today"at least the
windy part cf it.

Sevices will be held in| the Metho"
dist church tonight.

Extra-Moire Velour and two tone
Taffeta, at LangTs.

The fellow who knows all zbout how

the factory made SpeCi-| the fight was won is still talking.

The latest
newest, nobbiest a
prettiest styles.

Remember we have) nished on short notice.

alsoreceivedanew sup-
ply of


susta perfect substi-|,

tute for Linen, only 10|:

All sailors are not pugilists but a
good blow will semd them to the ropes.

D.essed lumber and mouldings fur

Fresh Carr Butter i povad package

at &. M. Schultz.

Most everything im markeT quota"

r evihinnt onl ;
Cannon tions showed a downward tendency to-


A room ia being added to the rea--
dence of M.-H. Quinerly, in Vorbes"


It seems strenge how a, plate: of 1¢e

cents per yard one yard cream will make a girlTs heart warm wp
wide, the cheapest and |1o a young man.

best thing made for
Embroidery and

Drawn Work.


Beautiful, fancy

Baskets ,

Neat andnice. Just the
thing to please the

0 Hamper Baskets, Fan-

Work, Scrap, Key
nd To Baskets. Come

to see them.

We can please both)'
youaad your hake

Nearly "every. day |-

brings us something

new andjust the thing):

you want.

Come andi ins ect our ||
Mammoth Stock of Dry
Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groceries, Hard-
ware, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. They):
are desirable new and|:

heart cheering.

Beautiful Hall Racks
it received.

Remember we oper-
ate our store on a deter-
mined policy of fair,|
square vraed ing and
come to see us, or

OO, wa

Your triends, ae

Corbett may now get on a figat with
Veyler. He is now in that gentiemanTs
lass apparently.

The high winds will prove a blessing

by drying off the land so farmers can

get in some work.

Afew days of wind and sunshine
will show a marked improvement in
the condition of streets and roads.

Mr. Leon H. Pender received a tel-
egram from Tarboro, Tuesday after-
noon, announcing the death of his
mother, Mrs. M. M. Pender. She had
been in poor health for some months.
Shirt Waist Silks just received and
they are beautiful and cheap. A lovely
line of Mouseline de Soir and Chiffon
also just in, Call and see them at Mis.
J. S. Tunstall & CoTs., opposite Re-
FLECTOR office.


Portraits !

Mise 'T. B. HOOKER and



have opened an


and solicit orders for Cray-
on Portraits.

All work executed by hand.

Portraits made hfe size
* and will not fade.
e ; Spesmnens of ge On @x-
hibition at. J- L. WootenTs,
12 Store, ~where a
can algo be left... Pric
work furmshéd oh ap ar




Fair tonight and Thursday, colder,

Borrowed, Given Away and ~Other

That. Fs


ing for Kinston.

day evening from ~toldsboro.

R. W. King went to Raleigh today


tor a trip to the Virginia tobacco mar-.

A. A. Tyson, cf Black Mountain,
formerly a citizen of Pitt, is un aT visit
to his ol home,

E. V. Cox passed through this morn-
ing for Raleigh to aitend a meeting of
the Trustees of the A. & M. College.

at Pat Gornvan and rem hia off this
morning. They sent hmup to Goose
Nest after feathers.

We have heard some people say that
when they opened rows to plant peta"|-
toes they found the ground fullT of peta-
to bugs. ,

The Wilmingtom ~Star hasT entered

ts aixticth volume. The paper during


Dr. Geo. W.

head, next season. His presence means
that the Atlantic wili be well maraged.

A. FA Critcher is canvassing the eust-
ern counties selling they Bemis ~Tolaeco
Transphanter. Tnisis oe of the bes,
things a tobacco farmem ever invested


Mrs. M.D. HiggsT new millinery:

goods will be m this wesk. Wait der:

her spring opening and yew willsee cae
of the handsomest displays ever shown.


hip, brought the Reriseror a twin.
og that ia different from avy we ever


gether om one side and end.

Spring:sees to have knocked winter
out, but hke Corbett winter muy be
jumping up again, first hin you knowy
and trying to strike another blow oz
two after being declared licked.

«A Bargain For: You.

At the barn of New Jersey exper
ment station was tounds a pile of te-
bacco stems which were used ass bed"
ding and absorbent. ~They cost $6.a
ton, while their ma nurtial value as com-
pared with other manares, is reported
by Rural New Yorker to be $10. Mixed
with straw, they makea good bedding.
There isa bar,ain fomyou! It pays: to
know what these waste products con-
tain. The man whe finds out first reaps
the aavartage of a lew price.

Your choice of eight different Columbia sad

dies. Every requirement =e

is satisfied, Cobambia
saddles fit everyone.

Pegi of the World.

$(QO to aii alike

The new adjustable Columbia
handle-bar is stronger and more |,
perfect than ever.


C. 8. Forbes left this morning for |
Rev. E. D. Brown left Tuesday even-

Rev. N. M. Watson 1eturned Tues~

tu settle taxes with the State ~Treas"

W. T. Lipscomb teft this morning

its entire existence kas been under tlre}
| management of Mr. W. H. Sermard.

Blaeknall willl have '

I. A. Nichols, of Beaver Dam town |

They are thoroughly joined to»)

i Bi ee

Be Comfortable :

Catalogue ree by calling. = o-

ee ee as Sees ee

Wish to call the LadiesT shai on. to: the
~H.egant ae of


nba AA ae BARA : 6
i oh
Saki :


A ) 39.9 BR ROR RS A RS A as

{ OO IO) yf if

rae uaived' eohiisting of
India Linens, Victoria Lawns,
Persian ~awns, Dimities, Plaids,
Is nglish Nainsooks, Tarletans,
oQwiss Muslin, Organdies, Baptiste
Linen Lawns ~and Imperial ClothsT

The tobseco boys got tired looking! % ie

00006 WEIR sashes | uw

in cadlens varieties. All the popular brands

of Sheet and Shirting on hand at low prices,

A T V.Y.9


4c othing and Shoes.§

, CO

~We mike a specialty of the above and can suit:

charge of the Atlantio-Hotel, at More-/' §

you in fit, finish and price.

bc aaaiaeaeil

ee ene nc ecm

Aeok over this thet of


amd see if you would not like to have some
of them :

Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peacees,
Mince: Meat, Apple: Butter, Preserves,
Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, early
June Peas, Clives, Cellery Sauce, Royal
Baking: Powder, Cream Baking Powder,

which is as good as Royal for less money, and a@
thousand. other good things. Phone No. 70.


ce eeeetnennre tt iy eae ene

= - :
A a a
ae +
Cx 6; cae
f = " W) ; """ jee mee
o~_ a Oo " Co x
pe bane cme
ces cs Os = ee "
- 0 = 5S = pa
8, Ol== C) b = \ i
© cy i. -
b | Ue "
. mn ene = tin
B Fos a
ec a Saat


For Sp ring-Summer Attire

We have! ashes: ie are receiving every day
laige lines of exquisite novelties in
Dress Goods, Notions,
La sand Embroideries.
fe. believe. that an in-
| spection will convince
their S SORE __
os Biro Al he lity. ,

Daily Reflector, March 24, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 24, 1897
March 24, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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