Daily Reflector, March 20, 1897

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0.3 WHIOHARD, Bator and O¥oer


TERMS: 25 Cents a Month, ~

i J

Vol. 5,


No. 701.


PPP PLL LL ne Nhl al eg NTL al Lal dat


New Stock now Reauy

19 "eoeie

a )) a


All the Late





ena ti Peo

Styles in

Prices Down Low.

semrennems () ore dioumts

Dress Goods, White

Goods Laces and 'Em-;


Frat of the Loom


ee Ie eae


The Originator of the

~Low Price System.

Corbett Shows no Ill Eftects of the
Fight"Fitzsimmons Complaias of
Aching Arms and Sore Joints
He Wiil Retire From the

San Francisco, Cal, March 18"Cor-
bett arrived in this city on a special
train last night. There were yery few
people at the station when the ex-
champion alighted and he at once en-
tered a cab and was driven to his homee
This morning he shows no ill-effects of
his contest with Fitzsimmons. He is
up and around and appears to be in his
normal condition. It is said that he
has no plans for the tuture and that he
has ca.celled all engagements.

Carson, Nev., March 18."Fitzsim-
mons retired at midnight last night. He
His, muscles twitch-
He got up at 7
o'clock this morning and tcok a rub
down, He complained of sore joints,
but otherwise never felt better. He
dined at the penitentiary today as the
guest of the warden.

did not sleep well.
ed and his arms ached.

Fitzsimmons is willing to give in for
the sake of his family and will fight 10

A number
which were telegraphed to the cffect
that Fitzsimmois was dangerously ill

ct sensational rumors

caused a little excitement in the town.

When they became current there was a
scurrying for the hacks to transport
inquirers to CookTs ranch and_ the
jaded livery horses were robzed of an
hourTs rest by these ignorart ~vapor-
ings. When FitzsimmonTs quartert
were reached and the visitorTs missior
made known the champion and his
tamily expressed their indignation free-
ly at tbe cruel canards. The fact is
that Fitzsimmons at no time after he
stepped out ctthe ring suffered any
physical pain beyond that caused by
a slight fracture of right thumb
joint which he received the second or
third round of the battle. A piece
of flesh colored court plaster over his
split and swollen upper lip, a heighten-


his thumb were the only external evi-
dences of the conflict.

FitzsimmonsT reply to CorbettT after
they had shaken hands in BobTs corner

| yesterday indicated that the Australian

was thinking of retiring.

oYou've licked me faic and squar-,�
said Jim. oNow I want you to give
me another chance.�

~The champion repliedtoldly : I will
not fight you again.�

oThen I will punch you in the head
the first time I-meet you vn the stiect,�
was CorbettTs retort.

oTf you do,� answered Fitzsimmons,
with a bitter smile, and in an even
tone, ~I will kill you.

Mr. Corbett isin ved and is feeling
very badly over the result of the tight:
Hu would rather not see anyone just
now, as he does not feel able to discuss
t. He wishes to say, though, that he
was defeated fairly and squarely and
has no complaints to make ; ~but he ia
not hurt, and is willing and anxious to
meet Fitzsimmons panei

fmt «

backing him for a race.

Open For a Challenge,
* Hugh Parham is a sprinter right,
and the tobacco boys are thinking ot
Hugh was
working a fake on the boys this morn"
ing. Hetold them goodbye at the
depot and boarded the train, At the
crossing he jumped off and made six
feet strides for his factory to escape ob-
servation. But the buys had eyes on
him and applauded his fine run.

The Verdict.

When Mr. F. G. James returned
from dinner to his law office today he
founda man stretched out upon the
floor dead (drunk.) No amount oi
shaking would arouse the prone figure
to activity or consciousness and a num-
ber of the lawyer's friends gathering
around they decided to oset� on the
body. The
oKnocked ont by a blow below the |
belt at the hands of King Alcohol.�

unanimous verdict was

Church S:rvices To-morrow.
Methodist church"Sunday-school at
9:30 A.M. WPreachinga: 11 A. M.
by Rev. N. M. Watson.

Episcopal church."Sunday-school

at 9:30 A. M.

Baptist church"Sunday School at
9:30 A. M.

Presbyterian church"Sunday school
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. by Rev. Wm. Black.

The Meeling.

Last night Dr. Black gave his con-
gation atthe Presbyterian church a
digvourse on tke invitation to the wed-
ding feast, oCome, tor all things are
Much interest was mani-


buying |
Spring 1
and i




OF. oat yee
Peper ae Millen of pe.
~oe o9 (m) ita aa

now ready.

the alter meeting.

~This morning his text was
appointed you a watchman unte
house of Israel.� The duties of the
watchman for God were very pi tiuly | |

pointed out.
There will be services again tonight

oT have

at the usual hour.

ing of his ordinary ruddy complexion {
and a white liaen band wrapped around ,


Projected Railroad.
The last Legislature chartered a
company to build a railroad from
Greenvilleor Wasnington to some point
on the Seaboard Air Line near Raleighs
or to connect with the Norfolk & Wes
tern road at Durham, the projected
line to run via Snow Hill and Wilsoa.
The purpose of the company is to open
up this teriitory to the Norfolk & Wes.
tern road, giving a competing line to
the west independent of the Atlantic
Coust Line. If the enterprise succeeds
it is probable they will connect at Snow
Hill with another line running to Golds-
boro. ~The road in contemplation will
open up aluge territory that is now
untouchea by any railroad and that is
greatly in need of such transportation
favilites. Having such a road touch
Greenvill will be of vast importance to
the business of the town. Several of
our best citizers are interested in the
interprise and we understand that the
company will organize in a few days.

All kinds ot fruit trees are bloom-


tested both in the regular servi e and |

' NN al
Ne ON NR NN AS PPS SEMEN PRLS Pg me at ti ical Be Nad asa ae



TP ta Nal PE Ag al Ml Nl ll ta Nl IO OE II PE NNT NN Nate

It you want a fine

~ait formy return and I wi

show you the finest line of

My Spriug Samples srein
and will take your measure -
and guarantee a fit.




ever display ed here. I have

Great Bargains

to make room tor the above



a wine all ee Semen ems kd

ar gona SA i ley ime hag iio

every day.

for their use.

he ya

b= o. , HOOKER & CO


_~a Just received a big line ofa.

PD hm 4
from the Northern Markets and
my new gods are coming in

I have a super) line of Spring j®

Blothing, Shoes,
Ties, &¢

i n to wh.

should not fail to see my beautiful line of


Shoes, Oxtord Ties, and other. goods spequally


The largest and best assorted line
Come to see me if you want bargans_


~Exploder of hic Prices.


? qos


ay will be} nd Mrs. Juan
evtitled to @ pension when the) ~children, San Domingo, Coe
hill sa we oh | a law. ; he oworst - The officers of the vessel were white

part of this dirly, swindle 1s stab. mep. Tae rest of the crew were color-|


(y | age, residence, ote., th nd Mrs. Juan de Dois Tijada and ein

@ men operating it cannot be}

zach blank that oit is to secure

rosecuted, agit is printed upon)

ed. Captain Bern was a passenger,
although not on the list. He is an


the names and number of persons | officer ot the steamship company. The

in each state entitled to pension oe be theT
"| under the Thurston pensicn bill,� rue sareivers WEY picked up by the
o=== | a the fea is charged for filling |schocner Hilla on Sunday afternoon
ATES. the blank. | about ten miles off Fenwick island.

| thnewred as gecond-claanT mail matter.


O9OO+3-5-5 OS OO @-

One year. - - - * $3.00) ie nomination of Henry White | Four aead men were in the boat with :
spl " ee aha . to be Secretary of Embassy at|the four living. The survivors are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED tive, mever ipe, but cause
~Delivered in town by carriers without London, was almost as pg all in a fair way to recover théir health, ple and booklet free. id. STERLING | EDY �,�0., Chicas
M eriiing rates are liberal and can be priate Wale wae ie although all four were insane when r Pai cc
ohad on application to the editor or at] Ge rigorats when it was made by|tescued. The vessel left New York } - RL. DAVIS, PresTt. | 3
"" : Mr. Cleveland about four years| March 6th. The wreck occurred March R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt. | sd. L, LITTLE, Cash's.
= === aco, ~Some of them are inclined | gth and the survivors were rescued REORGANIZED JUNE 15th, 1890,


to be sarcastic about it. For) ysrch 14th.

We desire a five correspondent at

avery postoffice inthe covaty, who will | instance, the man whosaid: oWhe Th B k f G ll
send sohghone en� Wate pulaly says White isnTt an American! PR ae me on c an O r eenvi e,
ee : He has lived abroad for many A Housshoid Necessity.


and only on one sice of the paper.
| At the Close cf Business March 9th, 1897.

A, 1897.

years, but didnTt he come over), Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
from Europe Jast year, live at) yo: derful medical disconery of the age,





Savorpay, Marcu Newport just long enough to cast es | RESOURCES. LIABILITIES,
ie : ~ : _|hia first yote and then go back, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act p aaa sis Wei Gasilad ook Gata
o : 7 Whito is all right. His help is| gently and positively on kidneys, liver) Oren pratt 133,975} Surplus and Profits 7339.68
WASHINGTON LETTER needed to make : ohn Hay popular | and bowels, cleansing the entire system | Premium on Stock 1,000.00 Deposits subject to Check 85,691.14
~ ~| £ ieee in LondonTs swell society.� dispel colds, cure headache, fever, ha- Due from Banks 88,567.54; Due to Banks 132.36
- | a : alee Daeg. Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00 Cashiers Checks ontstanding 863.34
. (F:om Our Reguar Correspondent.) (bas haveptoas ee Rabe re bitual constipation and__ biliousness. red hc Expenses 1 289.52 Time Certificates of Deposit 355.00
ne iG TON . 19, 1897. | : Y 1�,�~| Diease buy and try a box of C. C. C.| Vash Items 2,652.1: ; wasted
ae. 6 nef times BDectE sph ia than the McKinley today ; ~or 25 rf cents. Sold and ash on Hand ch itagh "_ siecle
There have been sev biil, butit is going to be crammed Naa et Total 8112.974.60

present week when an/ down thethroats of the democrats guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
McKinley|of the House with less than two 3 ae

weeks debate) There are also
quite a number of republicans in

during the
open rupture between
and some of the biggest men in

We study carefully the separate needs of our patrons, and shall be glad to have
your account, promising every accommodation consistent with good banking.

~ repent


ne "

When bilious or costive, eat a Cas-

his party seemed inevitable, but the House who ere opposed to|carct, candy cathartic, cure constipa- BlLlo 4 gio #2 Ha
_ by sacrificing some of his personal | thig bill, and afew of them have] tion, cme = 2 3 2. : 9 a S 5 3 a :
friends Mr. McKinley has so far|threatened privately to vote = ae ~ $ a § oe g 3) Ze O
avoided it. The bone of conten-| against it, but there will not be ~ 2 mn os 3 q o3 S ag 2d O'
a the big offices. lt is the enough ot them to affect the result. Baptists, See Here ! c= 8 Sog2 6 Son As a 6B :
_, tion are the big ; 'The democratic opiniou of the 4 or oes fc goss 3 283 53 8
fierce fight oyer each of them that bil was voiced when Representa- Che Southern Baptist Convention M4 " ry S2En oO or 39 9 48 en Fe
accounts for the small number of|tive Berry, of Kentucky, said :| meets this year in Wilmington, N.C.,| Emil | ef Soo | o 9 9 ad = ae2 : a 430.8 ra
nominations sent to the Senate.| ~It is an excessively high pro-| May 8th. Now, you want to go to this ream a hei ail " a - 2 aeee fens EE SS A
Slates ate no sooner made up tective tariff measure. It will, if} oonvention, and you also wart to go in | fmm Saad Be 34 ae 33 bo 7 Boe os fa
than some objectors gets backing passed, inevitably raise the price style and c mfort. ~There is only one or ' : Qs ao. ~ 3 SEG" 28 4 2� (4
of the necessaries of life, such as : "" A ee | ogSSg Peas ote ag oO
enough tosmashthem. A number} sycar and woolen goods worn by good firstclass line from the South and : "" ao = 82 ao 23h 608.80
of mex who had Mr. McKinleyTs| all classes. I donTt see how it|Svuthwest to Wilmington, and that line} Gaye 5 cod «2 won 23 : 2 bres =| og % Sg Pa
positive promise that they would|can fail to add to the burdens Of| js the Seaboard Air Line, which 1uns coremen-ote ") i : So al ae + s 5 Poe 3 ee 0
get certain positions, have had to fe perete eee ae toicids the finest and fastest trains in the South a " ee 35 ao a A h: a a)

and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt be fooled into ma~-.

give way to the objectors, among
~them being ex-Gov. Merriam, of
Minnesota. and ex-Congressman

markets by raising the cost of
production and thus curtail the
manufacturers sales. As a conse-


quence the mills will need to run
only six months, instead of all
the year, 43 they ought to do.�

Storer, of Ohio. It was not in-
tended tc makeauy but necessary
Aopointuients until after the tariff
pill got trough Congress, but it
will require soaio very adroit
maneuvering to do even that
much without starting a bitter
factional fight in the republican
party. ~CucreTis a tght in the
~~ Congressional delegation of near-
ly every state, especially bitter in
. those having republicau Senators,
over the men who shail get the
offices which are to go to those
states. Still, there are columns
of rot being printed about the




BerriTs disconnecied remarks :

New York for Port au Prince.

New York, March 18."Augustin
Forget, the French LineTs agect at this
port, made the following statement of
the disaster to the steamer st. Nazaire,
as he had learned it from Captain

o'The St. Nazaire encountered attemp-
est when forty-eight hours out trom
steamsiip had mde about 270 miles

ing your arrangements until you have
consu!'ed one of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
Bb. A.Newland, Generel
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
ball house, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
to write you or call on you, or you can

to serve you.

upply toiny or the representatives of
the Seaboard Air Lins in any town or

city. This 3s the oxicial route.
you want to go with your friends ?

Ot A
belt """

We look at cur neighborTs errors
with a microscope, and, at our own
through the wron , end of a telescope.


A ~ven
tiary BLOOD POISON permanentls
cured in 15t085 days, You can betreated aj
home fersame price under same guaran:
ty. Ifyou prefer tocome here we willcon:
ie Gastis pad faltrced fareandborstitece,
nocharge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer«
cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and
ains, Mucous Patchesin mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers or
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin:
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO
we cage ed tocure. Wé solicit the most obsti-
pate a a enelenne the world fora
é ure. is disease has 2
baffled the skill of the most eminent physte
tianse $500,000 capital behind our uncondie
tional guaranty. Absolute eroor sent sealed on
Bpplication. Address COOK REMEDY CQ,.
303 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, ILL.

""is now running a""


and can furni h Wood at the shortest.
notice. Buys Wood by the car load.
Your patronage solicited.

Cuba,, by Senator Quesada, Cuban
representative at Washington. En=

oo tbe

-|dorse 1 by Cuban patrio.s. In tremen-

dous demand. A bonanza for agents.
Only $1.50. Big book, bigcommissions,

Everybody wants the only endorsed, ree
liable book. Outtitsfree. Credit given
Freight paid. Drop all trash, aud niake
$300 a month wit: War in Cuba. Acs
dress today, THE NATIONAL BOOK

existing harmony. between the

adminisiration and Congress.

The honest patent lawyers of

Wa-hington are aiter the fake
concerns who have been bringing

discredit upon their profession in
dead earnest now.
emp!oved Mr. William Small,
Attorney at-law, McGill Building,
Washington, D.C., to undertake
the duty cf suppressing and
prosecuiing swiudling concerns,
and he invites correspondence
from inventors, newspaper pub-
lishers avd others who have been
deceived and defrauded by and
throuzh false and fraudulent
representations, specious devices,
including cflers and awards of
prizes, medals of honor¥ certiti-

cates of stcck, etc.,, of alleged
procurers und seilers of patente.
\ Those who have had unsutisfac-

e tory dealings with these fuke
patent coucerns Shouid accept
the invitation aud wnte to Mr.

Using a bill introduced in Co -
gress, which has uo chance to
pass, as u basis to swindle the
ignorant js by no means a new

odge, but, according to the cor-
respondence of mavy southerners
in Congress is now being success-
fally worked among the ignorant
-megroes of the southerw states | 5
unscropulous men During the
first sexsion of the last Congress,
Senator Thurston, of Nebraska,
_ introduced by request a bill
_ providing for the payment of a
pension to all negroes who had
been slayer. It was well knownin
shington that the bill would
¢ be seriously considered in
ittee, to say nothing of
pa-sed by either House or
but that bill is beng
the basis of a swindle upon
~negroes, who are being
upon the payment of 25
filling ont an official

ae 4
eh AA al Dane re
eee aa hit a
at nip i ey

They have

from this port and was somewhere off
Hatteras. Heavy swept the
steamsship continually from Sunday
afternvon to midnight. ~They poured
down the hatches and put out the fires in


the engine room, rendering the vessel
Captain Jacquanau ordered
out the boats, sesing no other hope


Feur beats were launched, ouly to be
crushed aguuov the ship, In a momen-
tary lull the other four boats were
launched in the lee of the wreck and
ali on board crowded into them.

oThe boat in which Captain Berr;
got contained thirty-seven persons, al!
iold, including a woman and four chil-
dren, Captain Berri took commaud
and ordered signal lights carried tor
the other boats to follow. ~The four
boats parted company, however, almost
at once, an] Captain Berri never saw
trace of the other three after leaving
the smp. Everybody worked hard t
keep the boatTs head to the waves and
all suffered most intensely through the
first mght. Some froze to death and
others jumped over board. Of the last
days of the terrible experience Captain
Berri has only a hazy recollection.�
Alphonse Dumois, one of the passen�"�
wers on the St. Nazaire, was a brother
t Litopelyte Dumvis. Lead of the firm
vil, Dumois & Co., truit uealers of
gamen Jimi z, another of
the passengers, was the head of the
firm cf R. J. Jiminez & Co., contractors

this ciiy.

\Puezyna Sarnolle, Port au Prince;

We have two sets of weights and meas-
ures"one for home use, and the other
tor foreign, Every vice has two names,
and we call it by the flattering and
minimizing one when we commit it, and
by the ugly one when our neighbor
does it. Everybody can see the hump
on his frendTs shoulders, but it takes

sume eftort to see our own."Dr. Wat-


Don't Tobacco Spit and j-n»x
Lite Away.

If you want to quit tobacco using
easily and torever, be made well
strong, magnetic. fall of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men_ strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac
rom your own druggist, who will
guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,
Chicago or New York. |





ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is coraplete

uallits branches.

It has been said that money buys
everything except happiness and leads
everywhere except to Heaven.

When bilious or corte, eat a Cas-
caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
10c, 25c.


eel Od


Tobacco, sr-ff &c,

we buy diroc} from Manufactu... 4 en
lins youco buy.atone prodc. A eoa-

Just try a 10c. box of cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel 1egu ator ever

\CONCERN, 352-356 Dearborn St,

. |Chicags.


eer or



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing

and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty


wield EDMUNDS.

Special attention given to cleapiné
Gentlemens Clothing

J. A. Buraxss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno -
vated, several new "ooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. Attentive ser,
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily.
Patronage of traveling puulic solicited




ale Academy.

The next session of the school will
open ons


MNDAY SEPT. 7, 1851

4 ie pat er ai ak WW

and engineers, #!s» vf this city. Agent] " ce stock of

Forgot furnished a complete list of the| [IFTY DOLLARS AWEEK EASILY | ; |

passengers and crew who were in the]; pally wr setae s tesa pee ~ F URN ITU RE |
oo whe ~she or eo were but | and onl Deok, +The rie cad CoO) es ls ne ee a
eleven passengers all on the ship,| best seller ever produced. Agentsare| © Hee Lee ae gaat
but the crew tet numbered acmthons tanga may a8 A Dveion 2 er weok. | always on hand and nial ricésto rile
: me ; a ty AO { n Mes. bough and
men. The names ot the pas are] for outfit and begin work at lor CASH lore, having no 1isk
as follows: A, Dumors, L. Dumow, |B. CONKEY COMPANY, Pu n we sell ats close
San Domingo ; on rity 341 Dearborn Street, Chicago. 8. M SCHULTZ Greenville. N. C.

ts eo wwagel Bi eee Bone

and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows.
Primary knglish per mo. $2
ores apt : oa . . #2
LE eee al stike ot tho Gee
: ork and disclpline of the schoob
will be as heretofore.
We ask a continuance ef your past

liberal patronage.







Ccoacensea senedule



eee oie

: The fourth Sunday found the super-
jintendent. ready ~to acmic the profit
atid loss accounts, and be commenced
with JuhnnieTsT cless. :

~How have you done, Johunie ?�
~My haif dollar has earncd another


~Let's sing about the goud . time: "the
happy umes to be"- :

As sing the rivers rippling of in. music ,

to the sea !



sy ~ . . � . a 4 * : ¥

e As siag the birds "they know not why | 9) said Johnnie, with the air of one
TRAINS GOING SOUTH. : "-Wh on spring time days begin; having raid dae on a halo, ; a

a] ? * * 6s : wat °

/ So let us sing-the sad times out, and Good,� said the superintendent ;

otis : sing the vlad times in! Snot only is fohnuie a good boy in

Dated 2 | helping the school, but he shows dusi-

Noy. J5th 4 a LetTs sing about the good times, when | ness talent. Doubling oneTs money in

1896, ze every cot and clod a single month requires ro common

A. M.'?.M LA M Shall send a2 benediction to the living talent. Who van tell but we may

Leave Weldon |.17 05) 9 a4 o kies of Gud ! have a budding Wanamaker amoung vsT
Ar. Rooyk Mt | 1 -00)10 :9 Whe. the world a brighter beauty and | Johnnie, youhave done wall.�
om al ed cece § a rarer grace sball win: oAnd now, Thomas, how much has

a 49 1 Aud hte shall sing the sad times out, | you halt doilar earned ?�
* * r xf } a bg ~«

Ly Rocky Mt | 10 10 6 451 Ls sing about the good times! ay bat, not onl». failed 0 carn #4)
Ly bt 2 - W 6 20 They'll vrect *s on the way" thing, but actually lost?� said M-

Selma 2 Bi Eee the mn smith, oFE ras that 2�

pa , ill 4 86) 1 *| A rose upon the morningTs breast"a Smith, oHow bids that 2 ;

a EB wow lte id Da | Y taiec? ~I matebed with Jobnnic,T� was the
Ar. Florence 7 28 sun throughout the day ; be waka b ae Lit T
ed ee | When lite springs like a blossom from | PY) "and Be Won, Lite.

| SG | the colcr-of the cled, ee ener a aan
oR ad the word rolls cn in music to the | yo
Zo And (he ford Polls on , | Pohttieal Notes From Bil:yille,
a Jemcee | Sey ene shining gates of God !
ip. M. A.M "bRANK L. STANTON .

Ly Wilson 2 8 0 , We don't know what McKinley will

Ad eeevare ; ? do with the silver bill; butif he'll just

Vv Magnolia par ae "tr 2

: T » the $5 bill we'll try end be

Ar Wilmington 5 45 9 45 Weds a Ccivict Lover. harry up the $5 bill y

Pp. M. A.M satistied.

{ : yr , , * 4 *

| Although William Graver is in We want a_ foreign appointment

' hae ce 4 1 Make « : ~_ .
~ in community where rope 18 89 cheap

or ~ ns | tence ot fifteen years in ise penitn-| vg pe. ple so willing.
Nov. 1 ae | * 22 jtarv for filing Henry Voight last Par
rn * T © 7) Om . ie . r an ert ; , a or
1896. | ZA | 4 7 = |October, this cid not stop ~him from I Bh ha ri aac arias ia
anes ence eee es) gpm ete | SO eee ay T | . , ~ ees * . a Cc in ey, u e are Sur ys a

IA. MIP.M. gctlingia girl of his choice as Le just the-danes and fall over his aide when

Ly aperea a 8 4u! i Ay cowne to leht. He was married 0; he was elected.

- vd aad - mM 9 40 Miss Sareh Reilly, of Savannan, on Ww sive whether we
| ~ | te 96 | og : ee Ve are note positive whether we
: g Jauuary 1! : parlors Sherif) .

Ar Wilscn 1 20/11.83 January 19th, in an p M oma st : named our tenth boy after Bryan cr

a aes John T. Roman in the jail building by | yf¢Kinley. HeTs named Bill, however,
;~ ' | Father Quinlan, of the Cathedrol. land we have always been iu favor of
| They have long loved each other and , the bills we ¢ uld el.
OO ALM. | ry y, | Miss Reilly did not aliow the tact of 7

Gy Wilmington) 9 25 | ay | CruverTs tia and vourictic Sather.

Ly M; soite i a0 32 | le GruverTs trias and couwicuon to inte Sian ubianl Weeki.

Ly Geldsboro | 12.01 de g oe ftere wath ber purpose of marvying him oThere 13 one thing,� said the

4 ° ~ v Y 4 . . . Jd .

to south ~aad i@ 27{ ah sat by his side duiing the entare} heavy ten of the theatrical compa.
Tarpero 4 . ~ gs ts T , : re)

wy o| tial and in many ways indicated her ieutte i} set ° to care hee
~ " ; , ; é 1t? re stag
it ree live fer bom. She is a clerk in a snstaver " o 10 Sage

. o's s re ~ 109° Pre , + 4, ~ Ae iD , oN 7 ~
ZA 90% | ladiesT fursishiag siore, and, the store | you remember thescenein which
~ Ip M oT = lelosing on account of LeeTs birthday | J pledge the princessT health in this

Ly Wilsen 1 20 or My she wert quictly to the jail and was} crystal goblet of foaming wine?�

; ; rey . ONT AG 99
Ar Rocky Mt 217 11 16|/ married. The news of the wedding hae b
ln . 7 = oWell, youcan. do one of three
M7 has just come out. Gouver is making ; T
Ar Tarboro 400 7 : i ing Dh, mar . things. You can make that cold tea
vi arbor | Wy | sre HUGE t. turts bo 8 Cure a hey tral, weaker, put some sugar in it or else
Lv Rooky Mv 2 17 | and he ang his wite believe ho will yer gs
Ar Welden H get some man who isnTt in danger

Train on Scotiaud Nesk Brasea con
eaves Weldon 3.85 p,im., Halifax 4,)
p.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 ,

w., @reenville 6,57 p,.m., Kinston 7.45


m. Returning, leaves Kinsten 7

A. Te, Greenville 8.22.8. m,
Hali x.atie 1:08 a. tu., Wo'dow
~xeépi sunday.



aa tOn 8.00 a, mi.,
iyes Parmele 8.50 a,
atboro®.45 a. m,,
Tarboro 3.30\p. m., Patmele 1).20.a, m.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives ~Washington
11.60 a. m.,aad 7.10 pom. fi
ept Sunday. Connects with
Scotlnud Neck Branch.

~m.,.and 4340 p,

~Wiains on

Traiw leaves i arpor
marle & Raleigh RK. R, daily ex@ept Sun-
day, at 4.60 p.:m., Sunday, 8.00 P,
altive Plysnoute 9.00 P, AL,
Returnin g.caves Plymouth daily except
Sundsy, 60 a, m., Sunday 9.30 a. n..
arrive Tarboro 10.26 am and ll. -§

Train on Midland N. C. drsanchfeaves
Goldsboro duily, except Sunday, �,�.05.
Mm. arriving Snaithteld 7°30 9, m. Re«
turning leaves Smithfield 8.09.9. m,, ur-
rives at Goldsbors-0.30 a. m.

Trains on Latta branch, Figreace K
t., leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dian bar
450 pm, Clie 8.05 pw. Retucuing
Jeave Cliot6.10 2m, Dunbar 6.30 11 .m,

arrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily ex -
a. y except Man

va C, via Alve-

Train onClinton Branch leayes War-
eawfer Clinton caily, except Suule
10 a m.and 8.50 p, m-° Returning
aves Clinton at7.00 a. mm. and3,00 Lm,

Tyain No. 78 makes elage conuuection
at Weldon forall pointy udli¥, all rail via
Kiehmone, alse at Ravky Mount with
Norfolk and Carolina 8 ik for Noriolk
, ne all points North via Nerfolk.


a Sua General supt.
o Ms SON, Traitie M *
J. R:KENLY. Gel taupe

enT! fan rar

i Bieta ieee 2 ee

| The Olde:
Daiy Newspaper in
North Cacolina,

oe iil sila

Tae Only Fiv.-Dollar Daily 0

ogee ingtony: 3, ©

11.20 am

18 on Washnigion Braaeh iefve
and. 3.00 iP. . m,
returning leaves

Waily ex-

5.25 p. mn.,

- |


finaily De acquitted, .
ee Ee, of making a wry face to play the
port? Waschincton Ston.

|Hew a Sunday Schcol Scheme Came:

to Grief.


oVou should make ellowances for
your wife. Probably she does not
intend to beextravagant. You know
how fond of dress women in general
are,TT said the kindly old gentleman
to the fuming husband.

~~Make allowances!T he gasped.
oThat's where all the trouble ies. I
have to make hers so big that there

Tie Sunday School needed money.
and Mr, Smith, the superintendent,
har a mew way of zetting uw.

He jaroposed viving each bov half a
dcHar. Atthe end of a month the
principal, together wit. what it earned,
Was to be returned to nim.


The se.eme was yood, but it} ig hardly any left for me!TT"Chica-
didyTt work quite as Mr. Saith had. go News.
antivipat dd. I

J. W. HIGGS, Pres, J, S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashier.




ST 32H HI ILDL.... a.
RepresentingT Capital of More Than a Hal
A@illion Dollars, ©

D. W. Hardee miggs
Greenville, N.C.

Win. T. Diacon, President National Soman
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We respectfully solicit the accounts

Phe Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Neok, N.C. nublie,

Noah Biggs, Seotland Neck, N. C. Checks and Account B
Rh. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed oh analdentiant sa




Wi Vn

Seta yyyt


the {|

whe oi

ahh What Is It ?

; It is a picture ot tae celebrated x a

+a yee T

if ve aa WM then
Ti cee




PE : . oSee Pa oF rie od be bin : :
Best in use, The outfit ot no business man it

_ complete without one.

aoe |
b. fl


MOUS Boh las |

tor Book
UN ; j *
{ i g

The Stor

Bde Gt Ce ee Vien Broan aa ~ be fata :
ae 2 es: 2 i. pe / ak op mada © . yada yi than | j ioe F ~ if
ene a5 A oe ai Po gibt. ee re | '
OW Bohl nt s.e5itcd i DardenT
~ * � o Me * ~

ot theseT
earl Haidle
you s6e'the

S22 Se me ee a

4 Se
¥ 4 6
¥ mallee
e oi
pe i T ~S 4 Ga . a #6-#
, iy : ~ Oia
agi ; =. Ca} *
s,| Visitin.
mi T V4
~ a } yeh eal ae ee ri 4 rie | ae oy
xf 4 i y 4 : want



- Greenville Market. 7

Corrected by S, M. Schultz. | oflalfewalarT ka We
| Butter, per lb " (1h 10 25 alitornia \? Me) ae
| Western Sides 5t $96 Cote te ee oe fo
Sugar cured Hams ~10:to 124) Bosh are such desirable ob- "
con ~eal cope _T jective points for a Winter
Flour, Family 4.2510 6.7 trip that i's perhaps hard for
Lard : to 10 you to decide where to go.
Oats to 4! :
Sugar 4to5| Let us Help You to
Coffee oa '7 to 20
Salt per Sack - 75 to 1 55 ig]
Ohhbens 10 to 15 ( Decision.
Ie se py pete
pees per ies � o0 A trin via New Orleans and

the Scathern Pacitic to vitber
° Mexico or the Paciiie Cast is
one you will never forge:. @;
ItTs a~Transition from

Frost to Flowers.

Cotton ang Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotto.
und peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission�"� Mer-
chanis of Norfelk -

COTTON, _ : :

Good Middling it Aud the serv «+ is so laxucd-
stat 65 ous that Fae bo have
sOW Miuaiing i Can ee « T
(ood Ordinary 5 15-16 tegted dure nite "eal

Tone"quiet. re ROC pS }


Prime ? | Ifyou are Thinking of
ExtraTPrime , at cay
anc 2 ® ®
spanish! 60 to 7; | 4O0ing, Write Us. 3
Pala, aa We bave a,bo k entitled

oThrough Storylaud to San-
s3t Saas,� a bandsume volume
of 205 pages, lally i lustrated,
which we will seud on receipt
of 10 cents in stamos tc cover
postage. We also buavea de-
lightful little guide to Mexi-
co, which we will send on
receipt of 4 cents to cover


Finds my place well supplied th)

"very choicest of"
cost of mailing.

Fru, Cunilions, Liga, yp, ee rne ougntto

~Read them Both.

Shall we put rou down for a

Every hovsekeepe: shculd try
my select Dried Pears.

I also have Malaga Grapes.

Dates, Figs, Orauves, Apple:, copy ! If so, oy if you want
Nuts, &e. in great abundance. nov special i formation, it
hearest place in town. will be cheerful] furnished :

hy addressing,


Geueral Passerver aid Ticket

Leading braads of Cigars.
lresh Candv every diay-
Let me grate your Cocoanuts.


Do you Want the



NNN INN Ni ENN Na Ne Nas Maes Nat oy yal Ned Nal Nat Nal ct Nl NNN Ne Nui Neal Ned Nall lM ¢

Here is an opportunity to vet this excellent
magazine for little money. |


We will send the Cosmo-

politan and the Kastern Re-
flector both one year for

Or We will send the Cos-
mopolitan and The Daily
Reflector, both, a whole
year for $3.50.


If you want a good magazine and a good
home paper, this is your chance. Compare
the Cospmopolitan with the $4 ma saZ\nes
ana .t is the equal of any of them.
Send your orders to the Reflector.

Sennen merce Sanenaenine tier nnainn tere chelates: on annie water anss

You may never, "
But should you ever}@=.. 3

Want Job Printin

""-Come to see us. dealer


WA ey


Anything from a

+ a



nt : A ND.

SS pies"
We want that money
because we have a fair
equivaient to offer for
it. Our goods are the
right kind atthe right
We havejust received
a new stock ofthe Cel-
ebrated and Famous


for Menand Boys, in a!l
the newest shapes and
colors, for Sprin
Summer. Our Ox bloods
are beauties. Every
pair guaranteed.

A beautiful | line of sty-
lisr, neat, durable
and elegant


tor ladies, fresh from
the factory made speci-
allytor us, The latest
newest, nobbiest an
prettiest styles.

Remember we have
alsoreceived anew sup-

ply of


Justa verfect substi-
~tute fcr Linen, only 10
centsper yard oneyard
wide, the cheapest and |
best thing made for
-., Hmbroidery and

| Drawn Work.


Beautiful, fancy


Neatandnice. Justthe
thing to please the

Hamper Baskets, Fan-

cy Work, Scrap, Key change hands without even having
and Toy Baskets. Come} jins,

to see them.

We can please both
youacd your purse.




breeze today.

every day shipment by Bob Greene & Co.our efi-
brings us SOmMethING) cont undertakers.






Crestes many a new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Kevives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
Secures success to any business

es ene et


,� use tne

To oadvertise judiciousiy
columns of ti. REVGECTOR.

Keeping Coustautly at it Brings Spocess


Passenger and mail train going
Nerth, arrives 8:52 A. M. Going South,
arrives 6:57 P, M.

S'vamer ~'ar River arrives from Wash-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure-
day and Saturday


By Teiegraph to :
Cotton Buyers and Commission
| Merchants.
7.11 «7.11 7.69 T11
7.16 7.17 7.15 7.18



July 72} 427 723 72%
July 9.073 9.074 8.973 8.97 3
July 4974 4.975 4,80 4.85


te ena


at dinate

Generally fair tonight aud Sunday.



coger ee

Borrowed, Given Away and Other

A losing bet "Corbett.

Ice cream signs will soo *.: g ht

~Town politics w il soon be the talk.

Dressed lumber and mouldings fur

nished on short notice.
Stalk and chopped Celery, Michigan
Plums and Peaches, in jars, at J, 58,

Pansy PLantrs."Pansy seed, Gar-

den seeds and Flower seeds.

Frese Carr Butter i povnd package
it S. M. Schultz.

As the ran stops) March can find

time to blow some. Ic got in a lively

Lumber is being placed on the Court
House square with which to erect the
tower for fire bell.

Money isa queer thing, Withows
vocal organs it alway talks and it cam

The remains of Mrs. D. D. Gardne?T
whose death was reported yesterday, |
were taken to Kinston on theT evening

train. The body was prepared for

new and just the thing),

you want.
Come and inspect our

Mammoth Stock of Dry};

Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Groc-ries, Hard-
yare, Crockery, Furni-
ture and House Fur-
nishing Goods. They
are desirable new and
heart cheering.

A \ 4 + |
t a iF
ae ta
on a ia
Ey :

Beautiful Hall Racks x ak a
1 | ¢ , is services to the 3
just received. 136 Pi ay ot Greenville and the ¢
op ae : aaa ~ i i ee ic rally. amet }
~Remember we oper-|me publicgencry. we
a Lan nn rs 132 ROOFING, GUTTERING, ¢
ave ur store ona deter 10 Spouting and Stove Work, 3
min aC ge vt of fair, ° ae specialty. a
square dealing and) caisfaction guaranteed or Op
-cometo see us. ak SG be charges ase Saenies 4
1 een iends,. a Flues taade inT season, Diop
. : sour eo ae in sal of 5 and 10 cent store. OS}




- x)


r] ) 9




* 9.4 *
a nn at ot
fe Ee HOPE



| Walter Heghes, as he was in the act

~OmT | was a railroad man, but has lately been

3 | cave, in which the kidnapped child was

| these depositories, it would result in

Coming and Gomg, Weather or no

Thos. McGee, of foldsboro, is in

Dr. C. M. Payne returned to Wash-
ington this morning.

| M. R, Lang returned Friday evening

from the northern markets.

Mrs. B. F, Patrick went to Tarboro
today tc visit her daughter Miss Bessie
who is at school there.

Jo3 Stokes, Charlie Briley aml Ed
Patrick went down the 10ad Friday
évening toattend a dance.

ter, N. H., arrived Friday evening to
visit the family uf W. F. Morrill. "

Mrs, Annie Pond, of Lumberton, who
has been visiting the family of W. 5.
Leggett, left this morning tor Washing-
ton. ae

Mrs. W. E. Lewis, Miss Lizzie
Lewis and K. R. Tunstall leftT today

dedication of anew church at OrmondTs
Chapel tomorrow.

March has given us one beautiful day
No onecou!d complain of what the
w eather has been today.

It will not take many spring days to
get people to talking picniis. In fact,
they will be glad to get out atter being
hemmed in so long by bad weather.

Harry Skinner did not capture the

successor. This position was on Thurs-
day given to Powell Clayton of Arkin-


When we read accounts of factories
giving employment to many people ir

wore to see them established in Green-


Marriage Licenses.

This week Register ot Decds Perkins
issued seven marriage licenses, two for
white and five for colcred couples,

Henry Fulford and Fannie Pearee.
Charley B. Powell and Louisa Lew-

John Tyson and Hattie Barrett.
Geo. W. Gray and Amanda King.
Greene Tyson and Henrietta Jenkine.
D. 8. Brimage and Bessie White.
James Thigpen and Sarah Teel.

A Dating Crimanal Kilea.

March 18."The
most darmg attempt at crime ever
known. fers was frustrated this
ing at 3 oTelock, when detectives killed

Houston. Tex.,


of entering the house of Frank Dunn,
a wealthy yesident of this city. The
police resewed information some ~time
ago that a scheme was en foot to kid-
nap Dunn's little daughter. The pur-
poss of che kidnappers was to keep the
girl in captivity and demand $40,000
ransom for restoring her to her parents,
The detectives had heen on guard at
Mr. DunnTs house for several nights,
but no developments occurred. until
this morning, when it was discovered

One of the officers inadvertently at-
tracted the attention of the marauder, |
who, findiag he was discovered, drew |

and the intruder fell dead. Hughes
working as a carpenter. He had renied
a house near Mr. DunnTs, and under the
floor of one ot the rooms had dug a

to be secreted until the ransom was
paid. Ata point some distance from
the city, Hughes had arranged a num-
ber of tin boxes, where he intended to
direct that the ransom money be de-
posited. hugh s also intended to give
notice that it any watch was kept over

the death ot the child When Hughes
body was searched,a revolver, a keen-
édged butcher kiiite and a botte.. of
chlorofor was found. An immense
crowd has gathered in and; around : the
morgue, where the body, lies: Mrs
Hughes has been arrested, but. will nog

malts :
i o's ¢


so 8


C. F. Green and wite, of Manshes" |

for Greene county to be present at the}

mission to Mexic) as Matt RansomT's!

other tows it makes us leug ali the}!

Look at This. .

that a.man.was attempting to force one |.
of the windews of the Bunn residence.

Valenciennes and T
wath up to the wid


Our buyer has returned
from the northern markets
and we,are ready to display
the most attractive stock of



Dress Goods, Trimmings,


Silks, Hambugs, Laces, White Goods and all
ithe novelties of the season. Our stock is large


and selected with great care and you will have
no wrouble to select just what you want and at



prices that are always the lowest. Come see ts.

Arbuckles Coffee only 20 cts a pound.
Granulated Sugar only 5 cts apound.
~HeinzTs Baked Beans only 15 cts acan.
5-pound Buckets of Preserves only 40 cis.
3-pound Can elegant Apples only 10 cts a can.
Dried Apples only 5 ctsa pound.

These goods are all strictly first-class as we do
not not deal in shoddy goods, We lead in the
erocery business, others try to follow.


Coleen = " amen

= rs = -
f = 4 oc = an]
is SS Wy ds = =
77 7 As Ss B
oi Seems Say
ahi coe Ss = | =
~ ( fae 0. ae .
OD fw vet oo .
- Pp + == =
3 LS Oo a3 wages :
; = ee
B oo 5a. =

~a revolver and fired twice at the de-|AAQR
o| tective. The detectives then opened fire

'" (Goods,

L ACE &s _.,, We have a handsome collec-

Pi Liaw e**tion of new White Goods, Em-
broideries and Laces, which we have placed on
sale and invitean early inspection. In White
Goods we show a great variety of dainty pat-
terns for little folks, such as fine dimity checks

and stripes, sheer linen lawns, Persian lawns,
English nainsooks, etc, Our line of Embroide-
ries are very attractive and quite moderate in

ce. In Laces we are showing full lines of

orchons, from the tiniest
age oy ie ae bebe aes


Lippe tal



Daily Reflector, March 20, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 20, 1897
March 20, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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