[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,
TERMS: 25 Cents a Month...
~Vol, 5.
ae ae sara tvtesninacnniveesnet is o3 a aa ea
soa a pe
No. 691
* O ® 7
\ /
MuntordTs price
"E = |) "agip-
MunfordTs, price
Per yard. casn only.
4971 yards, let you
have all you are able
to pay cash ior.
~The Originator of the
Low PriceT System. °
chiang: nied
ey - me
oe tata
Condensed Report cf Proceedings.
The senate went into executive ses"
sion to confirm the appointment of the
trustees of the Normal and Industrial
schos]l, A.J. Moye of Pitt, J. A.
Blair of Randolph, and A+ S. Peace of
Granville. They were confirmed.
The bill was taken up to amend the
election law. This is a substitute to the
original bill introduced by Grant. Tne
substitute is also introduced by the
same senator. ~The bill provides that
the clerk of the court, register of deeds
and chairman ot the county commis"
sioners shall appoint all the registrars
and judges of eleetion, without recom.
mendation of any one, It ignores the
chairmen of the state ard county exec-
utive committees. It also provides for
three ballot boxes, one for township
officers, one for county officers aud one
for state officers. The length of time
to register is extended to the fifth Sat-
urday until 12 oTclock when a voter 1s
The reason shall be stated
on the registration book; that each
chaitman of the state and county of each
political party shall file with the secre
tary of state and clerk of the court a
duplicate ticket that is to be used in the
election, with the names of all candi-
pensary at Rutherfordton and, also,
one in Cleveland county if the people
at an election in May so decide #s to
printing to Guy V. Barnes, of Raleigh,
was discussed. A substitute was of-
fered leaving the whole matter to the
governorTs council. The debate was at
times very warm. The substitute was
adopted"54 to 45.
By this time it was 1 oTclock and be-
tore the vote on the Goldsboro bill was
reached the special order came up,
this bia, the North Carolina lease
Cook, chauman of the special com.
mittee, reported the senate substi~ute |:
bill without amendment and the speaker
handed to the clerk the following
opinion of the supreme court on the
matter, in respouse to the house resolu-
tion adopted yesterday afterncon. |
oYour resolution is before us. Prece-
dent and courtesy due a co ordinate
reply to your request without expressing
any intimation of opinion either way
upon the question whether the power
o lease its road 1s vested in the North
Carolina Railway Company by its
charter. We are of opinion that the
power, if it exists, is now vested in the
stockholders and the provision in sec
tion 6 of the bill submitted to us, which
makes the validity of a lease dependent
daves and with or
without a design or J
Any other tickeis shall be de-
clared counterfeit and the party issuing
them guilty of misdemeanor. In city
elections the mayor shat! certify the
If he
be a candidate, then the clerk shall cer-
tity, and if he be a candidate then they
shall be certified by the chief of police ;
registrars and judges of election.
that city registration books shall be
kept open forty days preceding election,
In removals from one precinct to
another the voter is allowed up to the
day of election to get a certificate. The
vrovisions uf the bill do not apply to
cities or towns vbich have a charter
prescribing for an election.
~he bill passed its third reading, the
senator from Pitt, (Mvye) remarking
that the law would not benefit any but
upon ita acceptance by the board of
directors would be an amendment to
the charter, transterring the power from
the stockholders and invalid, unless
accepted by the stockholders in general
or special meeting assembled.
(Signed. ) W.T. Farrciora. T
Chieti Justice of North Carclina, for
tae Court.�
reference to the court. Was wrong when
this very court might be called ou tu
pass upon this very question. He said
the court had never before passed upon
such a matter as this. He ofiered an
amendment to the substitute as follows:
~Amend section 6 by inserttng after
the word ~companyT in line 17 of the
printed biil, the words ~and accepted by
The bill to encourage local taxation
for public schools next came up. This
is che bill which appropriates $50,000
for three years, and allows school dis-
tricts to vcte for increase of taxes tc the
amount of $250, the state treasurer to
duplicate the amount raised. "
Atwater offered an
appropriate $100,000 direct from the
treasury and distribute it pro rata among
the school cistricts.
The amendment of Atwater was lost
and the substitute passed its third read-
lng"ayes, 41 ; noes, 8.
The resolution for purchase otf por-
~|trait of Senator Vance, appropriating
~1 $500 came u,
The picture is valued
at $1,000. Rollins stated that the
tiiends of Senator Vance in Ra'eigh
would furnish $500, thereby making up
the price. The resolution was adopted
unanimously by arising vote.
The bill passed to establish a dis"
amendment to
meeting assembled.T
oand stockholders,�
pubnilfate bill.
The debate continued an hour.
the whole matter"the onginal bil
which passed the house.
those who d
of this state to pass bis substitute.
It was lost"ayes, 00 ; noes 03,
ieies AGM 0 lta
Odd Fellows meet tonight.
{@ndance is desired.
ee De"-
a Just received a big line ofta_
The senate bill giving the public
branch of the government impel us to,
Murphy said it made no difference |
what the supreme court said, that tu: |
the stockholders in general or special
Amend section 7 after the word odi-
rectors� in line 8 by adding the word
Murphy moved the adoption of this
and concurrence in the
Cook sent forward a substitute for | 6
He called on |Z
~red to put these foreign
companies on the same footing as those
A jury on one of the railroad suits
went up tlie road today to view the land
{upon which the claim for damages is
ItTs All Over Now.
oS I=
The inauguration of McKinley
but it i3 not all over with me in
the way of selling Fine
Itis given up that I carry the finest line of
Clothing for men and boys ever shown in thy
town. Don't forget that my line of
ae? AND
Gents Furnishings
are unsurpassed and the prices rule low.
Iam now 1n the North-
ern Markets making my
Spring Selections and I
tell you I will have the
nobbiest line ever shown.
Wait for me,
ec line Of
thatcan be found. °
1] $e -
The first @) ae
degree will be conferred. A full at-
And to make room will close out all mi
WEAR .°. GO:
at big reduction.
SaaS He
Watch this Space,
Exploder of, High Prices.
fel a ate | Re a eat
i r
sie : pe
J. WHICHARD. Editor.
is c
ee Se ae
oBuerred ag second-class mail matter.
== iene eree tne:
Oe per - lt C7 HO
o 016 month, be ® * Ps 20
Ov week. Ne ee
Delivered in town by carriers without
extra cost.
Advertisng rates are liberal and can be
~gad on application to the editor or at
the office ,
. We desire a, tive correspondent at
avery postoffice inthe county, who will
send in brief items of NEWs as it Occurs
ta each ueighborhood, Write plainly
gad otfiy on one side of the paper.
Turspay, Marcu 9, 1897.
Did you ever think what a
st:uncge letter Sis? asks an ex-
char e It isa serpent 10 dis-
guise. Listen"you can hear it
ohiss. It gives possession and
multiplies indefinitely by its touch.
Tt changes a tree into trees and a
- jrouse into houses. Sometimes it
ja very spiteful and will tarn a
pet into a pest, a pear into @
spear, a word iatoa sword, and
a laughter into slaughter, and it
will make hot shat at any time.
Farmers haye to watch it closely.
Tt will make scorn out of corn
ard reduce every peck to a speck.
Sometimes he finds it useful. If
he needs more room for his stock
-it will change a table into a stable
for him, and if be 1s short of hay
he can set out a row of tacks. It
will turn them into stacks. He
must be careful, however, not to
Jet his nails lie around loose. The
serpentTs breath will turn them
into snails. If he wishes to use
an engine about his farm work he
need not buy any coal or have
water to run it. Let tne serpent
glide before his horses. The team
will turn to steam. It you ever
get hurt call the serpent to your
aid. Instantly your pain will be
in Spain. Be sure to take it with
you the next time you climba
mountain if yon desire to witness
a marvel. 1t will make the peak
~gpeak. But donTt let it come
around while you are reading now.
Tt will make this tale stale
Why He Did Not Start.
A lazy man is seldom so very
lazy as not to be abie to invent
some excuse for his inactivity.
Harper's Round Table teils a story
in point.
Patrick was the captain of a
gp hooner that piied between New
York and Haverstraw on the
fludscn. One day his schooner
was loaded with brick ready to
ptart for New York, but Patrick
~gave uo sign of any intention to
get under way. Instead of that,
he sat on the deck smoking a
The owner of the brickyard, who
ws also the owner of the schoon-
_ er, had reasons for wishing the
bricks landed in New York at the
Garliest possible moment, came
hurrying on board and demanded
Ofthe captain why he did not set
oShure, vour honor,� said Pat-
Tick, othereTs no wind,�
oNo wind! Why, whatTs the
Matter with you? ThereTs Law-
Bou's schooner under sail, going
down the river now.�
oYis, I've been watching her,
but itTs no use my gettinT under
way. SheTs got the wind now and
~se there isnTt enough of it fo+
Just wy, a 10c. box of Cascar ets ,th
finest liver and bowel fregu ator ever
Made, ny |
_ When bilious or costive, ext a Cas
aret, candy cathartic, cure gua
naga 7 rant
| Be, 25. ~ ee os
Rt te ly att,
a ears
2 pets bd hi al
} | The Secretaries Take Charge of There
ce - Departments. oe
: Wasninoron, March
d screta-
department about 11:30 o'clock:
He received the bureau officers,
the chiefs of divisions, the clerks
and several huodred visitors who
were about the corridors. Ex-
Secretary Herbert stood with his
successor. The officers and clerks
were first introduced to Secretary
Long, sfter which they passed to
the ex-secretary and bade him
farewell. ~The reception lasted
about thirty minutes, and at noon
Secretary Long assumed his
duties as secretary of the navy.
General Alger took charge of
the war department about 11:45
o'clock. Hecame fromthe White
House with the governor of Wis-
consin and his staff who, with ex-
Secretary Lamont, stood wih
him while he received the officeis
of the war department and their
subordinates. |
Tre new postmaster general,
James A. Gary, arriyed at the
postoffice department at 11:45
o'clock a. m. accompanied by J.
A. Richardson, of Washingtan.
The gentlemen went at once to
the room of the postmaster gen-
eral where they were awaited by
ex-Postmaster General Wilson.
The several assistant postmaster
generals then called in turn and
were presented to their new chief
and then presented the employes
of their respective bureaus.
Secretary of the Interior Bliss
reached the interior department
at noon and went immediately to
the secretaryTs room where Mr.
Francis awaited him, and after
cordial greetings had heen ex-
changed, the new secretary,stand
ing beside his } redecessor,vecely-
ed the officers of the department
who presented their subordinates.
All were cordially rsceived by Mr.
Secretary Sherman reached the
department of state shortly after
12 o'clock. Assoon as he entered
the building the officials of the
department were notified and
soon presented themselves. Many
were introduced by ex-Secreiary
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson
reached the scene of his new
duties shortly afier noon and had
a conference with the outgoing
secretary, Mr. Morton. Mr. Wilson
Was at the department yesterday,
posting himself on the affairs
that will now come under his
supervision. Today he met the
heads of bureaus and chiefs of
divisions. He will receive the
clerks and other employes Mon-
The newly appointed attorney
general, Hon. Joseph McKenna,
of Calitornia, has not yet assumec
the duties of his office.
Field YortiticaTions,
During the civil war in this coun-
try the importance of temporary
or field fortifications was so highly
appreciated by the troops on both
sides that the moment a halt was
made the men began to throw up
breastworks. The great difficulty
was to induce them to wait untila
proper line of defense had been se-
lected by the engineers.
Wanted the Best,
Mrs. Goldbags"John, just look
at thom invitations to the Vere de
VereTs dance! What do you suppose
them letters ~'R. 8. V. P.TT mean?
Mr. Goldbags"That must be for
*Neserved Seats Various Prices.�T
JusT seud down and get the best
they ve got. Them Vere de Veres
canTt he.ve nothin too govd tor us."
Don't Tobacoo Sytt and Smoxe Your
, Inte Away. |
If you want tw quit tobacco using
easily and tur.ver, be made well
strong, magnetic, full of new life and:
vigor, take Nou-To-Bac, the wonder.
worger that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days,
Over 400,000 cureT. Buy No-To-Bac
rom your own druggist, who. will
guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy bo
yor New York.
ong, of the tavy, reached the
A Househoid Necessity:
Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most
| wonderful medical disconery of the age,
pleasant al ~ {re reshing to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
and bowels, cleansing the entire system
dispel colds, cure headache, fever, ha-
bitual constipation and - biliousness.
Please buy and try a box of C. C. C-
today ; 10, 25, 5!) cents. Sold and
guaranteed t6 cure by all druggists.
Baptists, See Here!
. fhe Southern Baptist Convention
meets this year in Wilmington, N. C.,
May 8th. Now, you want to go to this
convention, and you also want to go in
style and csmfort. ~There is only one
good firstclass line from the South and
S uthwest to Wilmington, and that line
is the Seaboard Air Line, which runs
the finest and fastest trains in the South
and makes the lowest rates of any
railroad running from the South or
Southwest. DonTt be fooled into mak.
ing your arrangements until you have
consu!ted one of the Seaboard Air Line
agents, who always esteem it a pleasure
to serve you. B. A.Newland, Generel
Agent Passenger Department, 6 Kim-
bail louse, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
to write you or call on you, or you can
apply to eny or the representatives of
the Seaboard Air Line im any town or
city. This 13 the official route. Do
you want to go with your friends ?
On Dickinson Avenue next to
Presbyterian church.
ence and solicit work from the
citizens of the community. A!l
kinds of ladies and childrens sew-
ing done. Satisfaction will be
given on all work. :
Finds my place well supplied the
"very choicest of"
Fruits, Gonlections, Gigars
Every housekeepe s
my select Dried Pears.
I also have Malaga Grapes,
Dates, Figs, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, &e. in great abundance.
Chearest place in town.
Leading brands of Cigars.
Fresh Candy every day-
Let me grate your Cocoanuts.
Greenville Market.
| Corrected by 8S. M. Schultz.
Butter, per lb
15 to 20
Western Sides 43 S04
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 121
OCorn 40 to 65
Corn Meal 50 to 65
Flour, Family 5.50 to 6.26
Lard 64 to 1
Sugar 4 to
Coffee 13 to 20
Salt per Sack 765 to 1 56
Chickens 10 to 124
Eggs per doz Vo
Bees wax. per 3
Cotton and Peanut,
Below are Norfolk prices of ¢otto.
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cow. 1g. & Commission Mer
chant fok °
Good Middling , it
Middiiog " 7
Low Middling | 64
Good Ordinary 5 15-16
Tone"quiet. oY
Prine reine g
Extra Prime At
oancy os a
Spanish 60 td
R. L. DAVis, PresTt.
Have had several years experi- | Sega
= ;
aed Mes ee
lot gS
25+ 50¢
200- oseee:
ple and booklet free.
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED t2.cure any case ot constipation. Casarets are the Teal Iaza
Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York,
ALL ...";
Accounis Received.
, Vice-PresTt. J. L. LITTLE. CashTr
UNE 15th, 1896.
* .
The Bank of Greenville, |
@O@OD 3-00-00 .
Statement of Condition December 17th, 1896.
Loans and Discounts $10,456.36 3 Capital pail in 28
Due from Banks 38,263.803 Undivided Profits eat
Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00$ Deposits 81.787.59
Current Expenses 1,764.75$ Due Banks 1,131.87
Premium on Stocx 1,000.09 ;' Time Certificates 1,255.00
Jash Ltems 7,792.60 § Cashiers Checks 1,480.59
Cash 20,923.58 eee
onoo Total
Total $111,700.59 } $111,700.5
Correspondence Invited
° E18
Coed Q 8
"_ = 9O33
o-= Soe 0
Sees fom te:
" Soe = 5.88
an 3 i ee
betes! | 4 oo | Sot
=n dE
Ames ede
, eS
excn FSSR 20%t
oo PSE cfus
= "" Fen.
es Ute� aly pe er Sata satioety
8 | °
f sal 55 33
@ ofp PO Lh .
= ory o. 3° Oo
g ao? a a5 s)
agc�"�~ 62 =
Doa" a my
© Sa om 2) qq B
3 227 Fg 8
oT § ares © a £5 ;
® do
re eee ex 29 uh
P im @ Q, a bear fy a2
Oo 4 Sa" 664 = fy
4a g29O 9 S55 a
3 Oo 83 HB pe 2S Kl
ee Betw &@ Foc
v4 72 e259 274 2o~ (4
4 Setar | 2 o eS n
6%" 35,2 2988, 08
oes @M « owos i ar
-° Zusioe9oq .
A of balms ogo 2 uh
o = SUE OB ae Oo tw
Pa ewes eo se 30
9 «= Mio 42 39
PS sta al
® A SPECIALTY cnanyorsc2
a reap
( naliary BLOOD POISON permanent];
Af cured in 15t085 days. You can betreated at
vals (ean home for same price under same guaran:
Gane y bY. If you prefer tocome here we will con
tractto pay railroad fareand hotel bills,ang
nocharge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mere
cury, jodide potash, and still have aches and
ains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we gvarantee tocure. We solicit the most obsti=«
nate cases and challenge the world for a
case wecannotcure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi-
cians. $500,000 capital behind our uncondic
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on
application. Address COOK REMEDY CO
303 Masonic Tempte. CHICAGO, ILL.�
""is now running a""
and can farni fh Wood at the shortest.
notice. Buys Wood by the car load:
Your patronage solicited, =
Cuba,, by Senator Quesada, Cuban
representative at Washington. Kn-
dorse 1 by Cubin patrio.s. In tremen-
dous demand. A bonanza for agents.
Only $150. ig book, big commissions,
Everybody wants the only endorsed, re-
liable book. Outtitsfree. Credit given
o| fFreight paid. Drop all trash, aud make
$300 a month wit: War in Cuba. Ad-
dress today, THE NATIONAL BOOK
CONCERN, 852-326 Dearborn St,
Le ih tt
ESTAB) isha V 1875.
ing their yearTs supplies will ting
their incerest toget our prices befere pua
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is cocaplete
n allits briuches.
cal O-~W;
Tobacco, sr ff &c,
we buy diroc) from Manufa wu... 3 on
ling yo1t to buy at one proiic. A eow-
cie stock of
4 it : 1 | | f 7 Primary k nglish per mo.
| FURNITURE meer ge
Aasbeke aye! step Higher x i, � $3 00
~glW ys on hand and sold at prices to. suit Mee. ork ag dieshittes of the Po Sor
© times. Our goods areall bought and will be.as heretofore. it
old a pape erm bros no1 ~. his? ask a continuance ef your pas}
"aM SCHULTZ, Greoa v8! eee HL RAGSDY LB,
Patronage solicited. (leaning, Dyeing
and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty
Special attention given to cleaniné
Gentlemens Clothing,
J. A, Bur@uss, Mer.
Washington, N. O,
This Hotel has beet thoroughly reuu
vated, several new "ooms added, elec,
tric bells to every room, Attentive ser,
vants. Fish and Oysters seryed daily,
Patronage of traveling puvlic solicited
Wale Acageay,
The next session of, the school will
open ony
MNDAY SEPT. 7,° 189
and continue for 10 months.
The terms are as follows.
aires Ai MES RS AI AREOLA MICE Ay SS MBAS BI ad aa. TORRENS 1 ap OR Fay pi gry RL ple MR MiSs
Cashier Maj. HENRY-WARDING, ~Ass't © Ci
% | f
5 satan Sf
Pe ~ 2s
é : y
" " . o *
7 & ae pe & e
i 2
ann Fe 3
| ak ke Peak
a, s 3 : | oa i
* : " mo
GREENVILL,V.c. y : |
Ucaumisey sovedule «|
a eer eee + STOCKHOLDL..3. : | ;
A i eae a _____ | Represesténg a Capital of More Than a Halt D. W. Hardee Higgs Bray,
al : | Mitlion Dollars, Greenville, N.C.
8 e op é a . a me
peng Ph oe ee . A : Wm. 7. Dixon,, President National Te Do t Ou
1896, m1 4 ; : | Exehange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We respectfully solicit the accounts | « | :
: "_ olo Ml | The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general .
ae Bed AeMi eR MC. vublie, :
i ni} 1. 56 ° i Oey, 7 . .
Ar, Bottke Mt | 1 opit¥ -9 | Noah 3/743. Seaatt Nest, N.C Cheeks and Account Books furnish WV ant the
ses ree) 1 Caley aa RR? salty. Bla, 7. ed on application. Hate i
Lv Tarkoro 12 lz ee P3 : Of AE ee� NT RM BC NI nae OE dee :
--" os ge PNG nl eececare NAM: D AFTER SATS | Gallet Dewn, | :
Lv Rocky Mt 1 du/lo 5 45 . $a qhot Fe lowes + of th«
Ly Wilson 2 O05) 11 6 20 a . | Put. that 2 low a one of the
iy ya ill bs Lvl The following wives ts uamas | basement reom-,� remarked satan
Liv FayTtteville| 4 36/4 a ad ea he | carciessly.
Ar. Flos ne oer pe oh emmy olber oFellow! Basoment!'T sputtered
wee as a sae | the now arrival. oI would have you
33 | Adabemais in New York aud) to know, sir, that] was a prominent
Zu | Wiscousia. citizen in my late home, sir.�T
oa een aes Wy io. ee er ee +} Satan smiled. ~That may have
bes P.M 4, u | Arizupa t8 iu Lonisiaus and been,� he said, obut you won't cut
Lv Goldsboro | 3 It 5 | Nebraska. jany ice down here.�T"Cincinnati
re ae i 4 mK 0 | Adavka ar in Indiana, Michivan, Enquirer,
c Py aa " Mt A.W West Virginia aud \Wiscousin. | Potatoes aud Tomatoes Grafted.
| otkangas is in Wisconsin. oo Me can nglaes nen a dhe
TRAINS GOING NOTRH. : ae = on potato plants mM fy T YO 8 ° . :
| Cal.fornia is in Lowa, Ker- a crop of tomatoes above ground and Here Is an vpportunity tO gel this excellent
| back 4T Martdaud, Micaigan, Mis-| of potatoes below. Le tatoes grafted ; ~ : "
S e . oO u a, i
Rees = Bi .2 | suuti, Ohio and Pennsylvania. | on tomatces have produced flowers Mag azine for little money.
1896. 55 | z ae | Colorado is iv Lhnois and wn apples and a few tubers.
} i 4 tt} t
= re ae Bots. Good Shots. W be ll d th CO
Ly Fivrerce a yiert | | Sep ci, _| ~My wife is an expert in handling e�,� Wl sen �,� UOsSmo-
Ly Fayetteville] 11:40) 9 40 | Delaware is in Arkensas, Indi-| rife. Put upa coin for a target,
is Sal Tak 12 87 ~nua, Lowa, Kentucky, New Jer-|and she'll hit it in the center every . :
ome lifoad |S woe. � politan and the Eastern R
~ ne ain Ole: ): | oThatTs nothing. My wife rifles po 1 an. an. : �,� &. as ern. e-
ae \ | Florida is in Lilinois, Jadiana, oy pockots of all the coin in them | sais
: | Aassuciosetts, New York, Nok gua never nas aaime�"Derot le@tor both one year for
einen mere ea ~ ah bans "-|_.. | Varvliva and Obie. Free Press. :
Ly Wilmington| 9.25 ee Ms _ 4Gaorgia is in Ladtans end Ver- | a 1 "5
Re hones 10.82 | 8 3G) tout. SrROM ERSOT TO FROWKRS.� ~ a
~i LyGoldsboro | 120®1 Qe) . - ,
ar Wilsen 1 00 108 Idaho is in Aiabama, North; alifnenir ; ; 9 ;
Ly Tarboro 1248 . i ihe vole aud Onbio. (Aue it (| WARE Or We ill send the Cos
_ crmnancmene I apie + | ' ; E |
. b an kia or war é W b
se ae tudane in Pougeywaaia. Both are such desirable ob-; we
AO woe _ iowa is in Louisiana. jective poiits for a Winken
~ ae , . . | trip that its perhaps hard for: . d Th D a
~ a r Labsas is, lin@as , . | t
o. iP. ML 2 aera = oe , youtto decide where to go. | mopo 1 an an : e ally
Ly Wilson 1 -1¢ 3, dLentucky, Ohio and Teanessce. bag ; °
ry 6 i . er ° ° ° ;
Ar Rocky Mt | 2187) |__| 11) Louisiana is imT Miseoon. Let us Help You to ~Reflector both a, whole
Ar Tarboro 400 Fe uf Maine is in Minnesota, New/& Decision. T T
Lv Tarborc | Pate r a |
Lv Rocky Mu | 2 17 ~é i ork and New vOrsey: . A tip via New Orleans and f 3 5O
Ar Weldon ~Maryland is in New York, the Southern Pacific to either year or ; °
Michigan is m North Dakota.| Mexico or the Pacific Coast is |°
Train on Scotle..d Necks ranch 6. Moutanais im Arkemses, Kar- one you will never forget.
eaves Weldon 3.55 p.m., Halifax 4.)
p. ie arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 5 wr, Misouri, New Jer-ey and {tTs a Transition from
W., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.4.) Wiscousin. 7 Frost to Flowers ~
m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7 - Neher ar k. ; oe ; V Oo Z\ D or)
a.m. Greenville 6:22 8. m. Arrive, | N@Otaeka 1s in Arkan-ws,fudi-| And the service is so laxari- If you -¥ ant a good AS SALnC a da 2 od
Hali':x at 100 a. m., Weldon 11.223, @R2, Clic aud Pennsylvania. i ons that people who have home bdaper, this IS vour chance. Compare.
Beains.on Wachigion Branch leave! 7 3° 208 #10 Huinois, Tudians,| tested © sunge ieT "\lehe Cospmopolitan with the $4 mayazineg
ton Branch levve - - ' it j ar . ~
Washington 8.00 a, m., und 3.00 Be . | Iowa, .Kentueky, Mi-sissippi, Ty ID COMPAre DIO o1 sp h p I of eth =)
arrives Parmele 8.50.a. m., and 4.40 | Oldo aud Texas. ~Thi j 7 é | Me equi 1
t., ~Berboro 945 a.m, retineingione, ONO tM ss fyouareThinking of ana .t is the equal of auy of them.
Tarboro 3.30 p.m. Parmele 10.04... ?W Hampshire 1s im Ohio. Gomeg, Write Us. : S U , d to the Refleetor
song) 9 ter) Yass) ye ie T �,�iiv your orders to & ~
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washingtis New York is an New York and ~a hav :
11.50 m.,xnd'7.10 p.m. Dail ets . We have a book evtitled
ept Har nday. Connects. with trains an Lowi, my oThrough Scorviand to Sun- *
Scotland Neck Branch. | Qkio is iu Colorado, Likaois | 89t Saas,� «abandsome volame _
i gr . Par aa 9205 pnges, { ] ated,
Traix leuves Larpory, IN C, via Alta FAH ba LS, Missouwsi, New York and cf page , tally uluste ated,
marle & Raleigh R.R. dcily except Side | Penge wale 1 We Whit seud on re6elpt Wh oy
. day, nox: 50 p. m., Sunday 300 PA, os of 10 cents in stamrus te cover en you Lewd
altive Plymouth 9.00 PB. ML, 5.25 p. aw.) Okiwhoma is 1a Virginia. | postage. ~Ye also bavea de- 4
ora ping eaves Plymauth daily exer pgvOn sin Avkansas, Lilmota, | lightful tittle guide to Mexi- ye 7 : : eee , pin
eV . ry sure a 930 t id. i: 4 1 fa iy ' Xi ey " i } i, . f
arrive liarboro 10.25 a.m and ty. \; Lodiape, Marylend, Michigan, non whieh i vil ver et d (is PR 1 \ I i N ~q ¥
awe - Yr 1 : 3k » 4 Ce 5 a
Trainen Midland.N. Cx branch leays SEs, Noeth Carolina, Poun- saat of mailing, " -
Gold3bou daily, exeept Senday, 6.05 « sylvam'a, Tennesses and Wincou- ~
m, arriving Smithtleld 7-80 a. ta. hel o~~ {You Really Ought to Don: tacen. J
urning daives Smithfield-800 alpi.ur om ae a : uv an 40. v4
rives ie Galdsbors 9.30 a. a, eS Penn +s. is im Din sis. Read them Both. :
| IN yams on: Shall we pnt you down for a f° a
Trains@n Latta branch, Floreuce R- Texae isp Alabama, Go wzia, 8 : vyoue om ee ee a Weta ¢ «@
4., leave Latta 6.40 pm, aanive Dunbar ~Kontaei:, Marglard, Miebi can capy ! if BOs 08 if you want SS it tor SPL a ae
7.50 pm, Clio 8.06 p w. Returning) x a, k Ohic "_ ~~? aby special. ivoformation, it
Jeave Clioté.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 « m,)~ Ow Lurk. lo uni West Vn- wil be cheerfully furnished WEPHAVE Alweuk PACILITIES
Arrive Latta 7.50 a m, daily.except Suy-) Q)nde- by addressing, _ aan y- tos Go ALT LES
aay YeKeept Suu-! & dy addressing, FOR TH WORK AND DO aus
Utatyis in Tiliceis and Pepn- S. F.B. MORSE, KINDS Ok COM MEWCIAL AND :
Train ow�,�'linton Branchleayes War) sylvaui i 1h ter 1
0 s Ware | Sylvania. . . A CH YODSR r
sawfor Clinton caily, except Suuiay, | bas: General Passenger and Ticket UBACCO WANHHOUSE WORK
Fi 10a, m, aad 8.50 p,m: Relirnirg| Vernon is in Wilinvis, Tadiana Avent,
eaves Clinton. at7.00a.m, and3., im.) qd Missourti-"Boston Globe. NuW ORLEANS "
Train No. 2 makes close eos icetinn | =e
sore ~bur | ¥ ork and Prices | Suit: Our Patrons "
at Weldon fovall points daily, ail ail vin |
Riehmone, alae at Rowky Mower wth |
: , eat cat ateaiia ees | reve
Norfolk and GerolinaR B tor Noroli ac Rec PA bho Vict %) S H) i; [ HA 9 ei Lhe |
¢ ne all points North via Nerfol:. | oy �"�o ar i i i . ost a 14 o
i. U vot ¢
General suypi 1} ) r)
T, M, EMERSON, Trattie Marise: : : ev rare CTO ,
a. R. KE TLY. (ten?| M we.cer, " : ~ y ' 5 iin we ait (at He HERE oot :
gg |= MMS What Is It? ahhh
The Oldest
|~"~sx Itis a picture ot tae celebrated
Daily Newspaper in m m orhe
North Carolisa.
bigs Best in use The outfit of no business man it
The Only Five-Dollar Daily o | complete without one.
ee The Reflector: Book Store
Favors Limited Free. Coinaze 0! | rt :
of Amenci a ay and-repru] has achiceT assortment ot these Fountain Pens,
a Oe a
tate Bade. Det. Tx ©� also a beautiful line of Pearl Handly' Gold Pens,
per month oWee eo) (LES be astonished when you\see them ana
ee aaa Hea nhow very cheap they are. |
Ee " Wilaingioa re ae Bat , : ) /
q [DAILY REFLECTOR,| =momsuronrm
NL. Whitfield went to Oxford to-|"
day. Perro.
Donnell Giiliam,-f Tarboro, is at~T
"me ;
Oveates many a new business. MI COUT OO GU US OOOU0U DOUIUIOUIOU G
Enlafges many an old business, tending covrt here. IOI AMOR NR RI BO VON
Preserves many + oe toe ek tweak 4 ~ttl oe 3
Revives many a dull business, rs. Kk. L. Humber and little son .
_ * New York City,
Rescues many a lost business ; ay
Saves many a failing huatnoes, returned Monday evening from a visit
32cures success to any business | to Hobgood.
March 5th, 1899.
ee Mrs. John Flanagan and daughter, Dear Reflector --- 3.
, ..__| MissT Dot, returned Monday evening 9 OI ad 3 -
~ Pq oadyertieg, Judiciously,� mes, toe from a visit to Washington. : 4 »s , I pl omised to let
columns of tu RE¥LECTOR.
you know about the
spring styles for my ad-
Mrs. W.F. Draughan, of Eégecombe,
arrived Monday evening to visit her
K ening Constantiv al if Brings SUCCESS daughter, Mre. Zeno Moore.
2.2128 Oe {e)'s ee, 8) 2. 2 ieee 2 ie
POA CC CAC *sfs *
* of as : H ~ *%
By ae Ae sama) HE Yertgoment. when I ar
| : T af . W. Baker, of Lewiston, a member : f . 3
equivalent to offer for| oped " ete gogo of the firm of Baker & Hart here, came rived here but my time 3
-, it. Our goods are the} piseoger ana mai train going| Vet Monday evening for @ short visit. has been taken up mak-
i | Le i Nevth, arrives 8:52 A.M: Going South, see ae : ~wis . ? ° @e):
a kind atthe right vineo Aer Ea. : Miss Sadie Rodgerson, of Williams- g ing se ections and cannot C2
price nas scar ~Tas Hibs arrives teas Wash top, who has been visiting her sister, ° t d " ti . | t "Ge)
e e : - 10D)
deisel ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mrs. M. B. Dawes, returned hume to- © write you escryp 1vé 1�,� op ~
ter. Just tell the good
people of Pitt that 1 am
"464° %4 a ik
oP ~ aves for Washington Tuesday, Thurr-| day.
We havejustreceived| sy and saturday f ca ghgee
is -4 Register of Deeds J. J. Perkins
a new stock of the Cel-} "-"""" sm
Oe i i? ROO ) * "
o**e- Ivy YUeVey ee VUE eee Sse ey
. 2
i OR A
for Menand Boys, in all ; Board of Councilmen met last niguct to
the newest shapes and OPEN G. HIGH ST. LOW 8T. CLOSE | | nsact the usual monthl y business.
colors, for Spri and |Jure 7.05 7.05 | 7.00 7.0 Among the orders allowed was one
Summer. OurOxbloods|4vs. 7-08 710 706 710 | paying for the fire alarm bell, 300 extra
and I am buyirg heavy.
Yours truly,
ebrated and Famous MARKETS, returned Monday evening from Wash- : Cope . ds
: oe ington where he had been to attend 3 ce making the finest selec- qc P:
By Teiegraph to the inauguration. DS tion of Sprin g Goods ever es
dO op e ° qc
SprIGHT & MORRILL. 40 3 acd
s Cotton Buyers and Commission Town Matters. hey = carried . by any firm In gc |
_ Merchants. Not having any meeting at the regu. oe Gr eenville. 1 he styles q 22
NEW YORK COTTON. ular time on last Thursday night, the A De are beautiful this se2son
* ae ~
yu we
wy ee ee ee
3 @
are� beauties. Every CHICAGO MEATAND GRAIN. feet of hose for Hope Fire Company 5
pair guaranteed. WHeaT" | and eight rubber buckets for the Hook 260 ORI OANA ACH AOR ICH HON RICA HICH IOAN 2 .
suse July 712 714 70g 7ogsa]and Ladder Company. The hose and aa Seeneneses iepiaaeneeeatsaacsunstamt ot
Jy 4 { 3 tos buck se . he r FOAM VE VUE VY URE VEU KW Y
roRK-~ ucke.s were turned over to the respec- Ke
Remember we have) 335 345 335 845 _ {tive companies.
also received anew sup- Bina. The Chief of Police was instructed
. ©» ply ot July 4.40 4.472 4.40 4.474 | take charge of the bell, to ask con
ae ie ean ~~? Tgent of the chairman of the Buvard of
County Commissioners to the erection
EATH: . A - SO "
Cannon WEARER BULLE of a towr for it on the Court House Py
~ __|square, and to have the same put up as a
Local rains tonight and Wednesday | early as possible.
r Cl O th morning, followed by fair, warmer Wed-!" Gaveral members of Hope Fire Com- # .
nesday. pany who had paid their poll taxes
oo = ""-="===-="= | were refunded the same, the active o |
Just 2, perfect substi- LENT, . members being exempt from paying Arbuckles Coffee only 20 cts a pound.
otute for Linen, only 10 wens such tax. _ |Granulated Sugar only 5 cts apound.
centsper yardone yard |®:wed, Given Away and Other] J. W. Ferkins tenderea his resign) Fr ein 7s Baked Beansionly 15 cts a can.
wide, the cheapest and wise, tion as Chief of Police, to take effect on
*hoat thing mado for _ the 28th inst, which was aecepted. 5-pound Buckets of Preserves only 40 cts.
Embroidery and A cally fntbing:"Ahe. G26. weioR ein sree 8-pound Can elegant Apples only 10 cts a cam.
Drawn Work. A foot rule"donTt wear tight shoes. ae : ~Dried Apples'only 5 ctsTa poun d
smstons Sesllitp DenTt Miss the Sandwich Spread in] WUICHARD, N.C. March 8th, 97, : * a °
Ladies! donTt forget| Gms ull leriliam oWe hope they may na} ese goods are all strictly first-classas we do
, 4 . . 4 ; * ~ ° : r °
hou iecowe ae continues to show ils) se to wear long faces when it comes{ NOt NOt deal in shoddy goods. We lead in the
time to pay for it.
grocery business, others try to tolfow.
| Fresh Carr Butter 2 povnd package Several from hete attended the!
at S. M. Schultz. oo .
4 Washington fair last week. : ~
| , | Whose nose? Go to the Sandwich e dhe 4 Ee urn O. ~
T. Simmons, of Washirgten, was |},
Spread tonight and find out. rs .
here Friday, just getting back from the} |
: ""OF" : The inanguration " ot LeslieT|} New Bern fair. = =
Teekly was fi blication. a go
. ° oe ia . ad aie anes ape Miss Emma Flemmg, ot House, 18 fotos K _"
/Embroideries Easter is coming says the rooster-'visiting friends here. "=" . a i) |
, Yes, ITm laying for it the hen. =|; mene |
a ana teri a . Capt. Wm. Bissell returned Saturday f fr, " : W) a "_=- =a aS
and Laces ~ For Rent."Six room house in de- sand will take charge ofthe new loco- o D " oO Cs Can oc
* | sirable part of town. R. J. Coss. |imotive of the Greenleaf Jolinson 0 ae O ". se aS
ia ~ on . + . = i
We can please hoth| Dressed lumber and mouldings fur a Co. which ia eapectedTte arrive) gg is Sane | aq LL | ~"
you and your purse. nished on short notice. J.J. CHERRY, yo oys fs} CO Seen ( ), . = =
} \ eo �,� ° x ot ; * e
Powder is like gossip; it does no : pant Desks cirome Nie, BENE - ond y. a
. been suflering with lagmippe are much 2 "_ et """ _
' N 1 every d ay barm until somebody starts the report. ioroved a """ a %
goatee ' : | " pr oD
Vokes us something Remember 1 keep Ice all i time} Misses Hattie and Lena Woolard P sone Sa 20 a
new and just the thing Sunday hours from nat heres, A. apent last week at Hollands visiting co~_" ="2 o
: 1 7. R. PARKER. se .
you want. - relatives.
| aaa : The outlook is that there will be much D. E. Whichard returned to school a
+ Come and inapect our i878 he nn ecm ink two Our Inauguration.
: ng session. : ae
mmoth Stoc of Dry eo , Rev. E. E. Lundy,. of Virginia,
a eodk Notions, Shoes, | SaturdayTs mot in the House ot Rep- preached at Briery Swamp lass Friday. OF
: : d as th
Hats, roceries, Hard- resentatives was-equally as bad as the Facet aiad to t9e With Mace
ware, Crockery, Furnl- ae eerie who formerly lived near: bere,, but now | !
ture and House Fur-| The fellow whose bank account is| (¢ vey York, in town last week. : SP RI N( : ST \ ~ LES
nishi Goods. aney overdrawn is forced to draw on his ae
are desirable NCW AN] imagination tor the rest. J. "Ry Mobley, aay! 1 ty #9080 ,
oedt ; t Sunday in Washington.
heart cheering. : , To know how to do our work in life ee ee eee : amonsnes TS FOE IN sien
Beautiful Hall Racks well is the cardinal foundation of suc"
Inasmuch as a majority of the senate
istr ~ : could not be toreed by Govenor Rus-| | : 7 one |
x ote receiv ate cess in whatever, wo undertaXe. sell, who is acting mn the roll of a dicta-| 7 °
as ee : tor, to support tne radical anti-lease rO j } | Is al Y '@) | ) ~ |
pen te Sine \ber we oper- ~~. Goes to Lumberton, bill passed by the house, His Excellen-| 3
ate o
ur store on a det
1, | Times, has purchased the Lumberton|" The new senate has 42 republicans,
Robesonian from the widow of the late | 33 democrats, 6 popalists and 6 silver-
a sque ". ome W. W. McDairmid and will move to pies 9 he a vacants Cyt teenage 3 hei
ees Your triends, Lumberton and continue that papers) fk entucky, and Mitchell, of Oregon. 4
ene mn He can hardly hope to fill the place} 4+ ig not certain that the republicans | ||
| \ | i with the people and press of the State] will control. Hanna will, do hegle wt! te ;
ooT | KTR 1} | that editor McDairmid occupied, but} with hoodie. He is the telow who)
By t', Uv. Vil » {he can give Lumberton a good paper.) °UYS"" sion anaaioenaa se :
a : ! qe ' | ae