Daily Reflector, February 19, 1897

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


_D.J WHIGHARD, Editor and Owner,


TERMS: 25 Cents a Month, |


Vol. 5.



No. 675



NO. 4.

Oe ete ~



one yard
wide. MuntordTs price


MunfordTs price

Per yard cash only.
4971 yards, let you


have all you are able

to pay cashiior.

¢. T. Munford

~The Originator jof the
Low Price System. "

Cre ir ener Ten uc cre

opiate a

Condensed Report of Proceedings.

The senate met at 11 0Tc'ock.
The following bills and] resolutions
were introduced :

Person, to prevent co-habitation be-
tween the white and the negro race.

McNeill for relief of street railway
employes; aleo to regulate loss on bu'ld-
ings by fire. |
~ Hardison, to prohibit the sale of li-
quor in two miles of Cole, in Craven
county, and in four miles of Stumpton-
town in Onslow county.

college ; also to give Charlotie further
power in collection of taxes, where a
person is believed not to have made an
honest return; also to give Charlotte
the righ; ot acquiring real estate for
better regulation of its water system.

Shaw, to abolish the circuit criminal
court of Robeson county.


At the afternoon cession the following
bills were disposed of-:
To incorporete the Bank of Pitt
To provide a dispensary for Louis-
burg. |
To weorporate the Tar River and

Carolina railroad.

To incorporate the James Baker Lum-
ber Company.
To authorize Charlotte to issue bonds
for water supply.
To incorporate the grand lodge of
Knights of Pythias of the domain 0:
North Carolina.

By leave Moye introduced a bill
to establish graded schools at Green-


The house met at 10 oTclock.
Bills and resolutions were introduced
as follows :

Craven, 10 create a board to control
the convicts and roads of Meckien-
burg. |

Ormby, to require sheriffs in sale of
mortgaged land for taxes to give notice
of such sale to mortgages.

Alexander, to allow Tyrell townships
to levy a school tax of 15 cents on the

Sutton, of Cumberland, to incorpo"
rate oOrder of Unity,� secret fraternal
benevolent society.

Dixon, of Greene, to incorporate the
Snow Hill railway.

Parker, ot Perquimans, to divorce
the Agricultural and Mechanical col-
lege frem the agricultural aepartment
and put it under control of fourteen

Person, of Wilson, to provide cotton
and peanut weighers tor Wilson.

Clauton, to incorporate the Inde-
pendent Order of Farmers and Me-

Dixon, of Clev land, to protect
freight shippers by 1equiring railways
to pay cost price of goods if there i8
great delay,

Dancy, to incorporate the auxillary
board of health of Edgecombe county.

Alexander, io ivcorporate Elizabeth:

| Meares, to allow Bladen county to
pay election officers; also to entitle
widows cf sll contederate soldiers to
fourth class pensions.

Bryan, of Chatham, to give the gov-
ernor the appomtment ot the clerk of
the railway commission also to repeal
the act making $10,000 appropriation
for the geological survey ; also to repeal
the act of 1891 making $15,000 appro-
priation to the university ; to also pro-
tect coal miners.

Lusk, to allow judges of supreme and
criminal courts to appoint stenographers
and regulate their pay.

Ferguson, to repeal the act of 1895,
requiring railwuys to redeem unused


BETHEL, N.C., Feb. 17, 1897,

Caey J. Hunter, of Raleigh, was
here Monday night.

W. F. Harding, of Creenville, spent
last Tuesday here on legal business be-
tore Justices J. P. Jenkins and D.C

J. A. Dupree, of Greenville, spent
day here.

Our townsman, S. ~T. Carson killed
two hogs today, weighing respectively
459 and 516 pouads, making a total of
975 pounds. _ Who can beat this ?

S. T. and J. R. Carson have com
menced work on their brick store.

At the home of the brides father, Mr,
B. F. Ward at 5 oTclock P.M. today,
Mr. H. W. Brown was married to Miss
Jennie Ward, D. C. Moore, Esgq., offi.

The attendants were :

J. E. Brown, Jr., with Miss Nannie

D. A. Moore with Miss Dora Brown,

Jehn Carson with Miss Huldah
Brown. :

John oames with Miss Mary Brown.
L. L. Vard with Miss Lela Mavctin.
Miltou .zighsmith with Miss Maggie
John Barnhill with Miss Carrie Dan*

After the marriage ceremony the brie
. dal party and invited guest went to the
| residence ot Mr, H. W. A. Martin, in
Bethel, where a reception was held and
and all partook of a bounteous supper,
The bride and groom were the recipients
of quite a large number of handsome
and valuable presents. We wish them
a long and happy voyage through lite.

~she German.

A very pleasant German was given
last nigitt by the Columbian Club com-
plimentary to the visiting ladies. It
was led by C. S. Forbes with Miss
Winnie Skinuer.

The following _ partici-.

The Itahans furnish-
ed the music.
pated : Miss Nannie Fleming with J.
B. White, Miss Louise Latham with
Ed. Flanagan, Miss Betsie Greene with
Phil Crawtord, Miss Florence Williams
with J. EK Starkey, Miss Henme Shep-
pard with Ed. Patrick, Miss Annie
Foley with J. W. Wiggins, Miss Lula
White with J, L. Fleming, Miss Rosa
Hooker with W. J. Corbett, Miss Sal.
lie Lipscombe with R. M. Moye, Miss
Sallie Rountree with W. W. Moore,
Miss Lillian Cherry with Dr. R. L.

�"� *


4 new line Of casa


arriving daily. Come and seeus



EX. C.

nen an egg gg eee Ah mata pte

Sea: |

sland 7


FOE Ries

W. J. Carson with Miss Alice Car-|


Its Better_.

The Early Bird
Catches the Worm.

to bea young Junebug than
an old bird of Paradise. con,

""egy� ) 2


So be first to come to our store this week and get some
of the many bargains we ave going to offer. Fall in
line. Climb into the band wagon before it 1s too lateand
enjoy the sweet music of low prices and liberal policy.
We have goods which you ought to have, and in order
that you may have them, we have simply knocked tie
bottom out of prices for this week.

and Gents Furnishings,

and everything else wall go at the lowest prices you ever
heard of to make room for new goods which are begin
ing to arrive:



New Spring Goods



i, } 5 ¢

, + prot
oA ig ay

We have a beautiful line of




| [| |

Which are here for yourinspection. Comeand
see usand wecan certainly save you money.

To close out we will offer special prives{on all

WEN GOeOps "

Comein and see us.


Exploder of High Frices.



Reedy SE era NOT Rt aL RUE A eCbaesyt Tees my RY EY
ee CG Ue RETR ROR abe er yee ne





~ @

the office



On February 19-22, at Winston, the
Y. M. u. A. State Convention will


oe Enred as second"lassT mail matter.


A~vertisng rates are
nad on application to the editor or at

oWe desire a five eorrespondent at

avery postoffice inthe covnty, who will

send in brief items of NEWS as it Occurs
ta each neighborhood. Write plainly
aad only on one side of the paper.


| Fripay, Frsruary 19, 1�,�97.


Mr. J. T. Harvey, a young farmer in
Nottoway county, Va., was prorounced
dead by his physician a few days ago,
but in ashoit time he began talking,
keeping it up for tive hours without dis-
playing unother sign of life, with the
single exception of a slight movement of
the throat and opening his eyes. T He
died then, surrounded by his distressed


~The story, as it reaches Richmond
through a reliable source, is that the
young man had been suffering from the
grip. The seriousness of his case was
not realized, and his condition had be-
come critical before a physician was.
summoned. ~To all appearances he
passed away at about 5 oTclock in the

For some reason the attending physi-
cian remained after the body had been
laid out. While in the room alone his
attention was attracted by a whistling
noise, Which he discuvered was caused
by air or gas exhaled by Harvey. He
placed his hand on HarveyTs head, and
the latter began talking, but not in an
intelligent Manner, all that he said being
confined to sentences of two or three
words repeated in succession for many
minates at a time, such as, oDie young.�
~Die young.� oDie young.� He finally
stopped suddenly five hours later, with
a remark indicating that he recognized
that dissolution was near at hand.

The physician made a caretul exami-

-nation for some other indications of life
white Harvey was talking, but only de-
tected a very slight movement at the |
rear of the jawbone. Not the slightest
movement of the heart, pulse or tongue
was apparent, and the throb of the jug-
ular vein was totally absent. The body
was pertectly rigid and cold.

Partial decomposition had set in sev-
eral days before HarveyTs death.

The case is said to be as mucha
mystery to the physician as to every
one else.

Mr. Harvey was about twenty-two
years of age, and lived with his parents
near Noitoway Courthouse." Richmond
Times. |


feaeueaynantaaseencemncnngstaivnnsny anaene mma ianest

Special Bibie for Mr. McKinley.

A special from Washington says the |,

Ono year, - - - ° $8,00
neT month, Oe a . 2
Dne week. - - " ney 10
~ Delivered in town by,carriers without
Xtra cost. shy
agra liberal and can be

| meet.

Gov. Russell has appointed Andrew
D. Cowles, of Statesville, Adjutant
General. o

School work has suspended at the
Oxford Orphan Asylrm on account of
sickness. eG

A suall colored boy, about 15 years
old, was smothered to death in the
Raleigh oil mills.

*Chas. A. Cook has been appointed
Incpector General of Small Arms,
with®ank of Colonel.

Ai Mt. Airy recently a thief robbed
a store in an ingenious way. He crawl-
ed under the house and bored a hole
through the floor precisely where the
owner had placed a bag of coffee and
held a sack under it and thus secured
about 65 pounds of real good ccffve.

DonTt Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your
Life Away.

If you want to quit tobacco. using
easily and forever, be made well
strong, wagnetic, full of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-
worker that makes weak men strong.
Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac
rom your own drugyist, who will

in the salt cellar in front of you. If
shakers arc used put some on the indi-
vidual bread plate.

DonTt tuck your napkin anywhere,
lay it unfolded once on your lap.

DonTt wipe your mouth, if necessary
just press the lips with one corner of
the napkin.

DonTt have indiyidual butter plates ;
they are passe. Bread and butter
plates are almost exclusively usec now.
DonT butter bread and then break or
bite it, Butter each small portion as
you want it.

DonTt spoon soup toward you, push
the spoon away from you and always
take it from the side of the spoon.
DonTt ask for a second helping of
soup or anything at a formal dinner, it
is i 1 execrable taste.

DonTt absve all things make a noise
in eating. Nothing is ro ill bred.
DonTt unfold your napkin without
feeling if your soup bread is inside, you
may be very much mortified by having
a Catastrophe,

DonTt fold your napkin if staying
only for one meal anywhere, lay it
carelessly at one side of your plate.


~ eaten ey

No Rhetirical Biemish,
Up at tne Institute the teacher said
to his class in rhetoric, opoint out the
ibsurdity in this figure of speech: *At

Six companies of infantry will attend

+ | the inauguration of McKinley.�

leftective February 7, 1897, this line

We will

fe vl wom the Tue Day Re-
f E TOR, the Cosmopolitan. if rite

~ind oLesliesTs Illustrated
whole year for $5.75. Did you ever
hear ot a better offer? TheT regular
price of the three publications is $8.00
Better get them while you can"this
offer may be ~withdrawn.

This Yeur's oMardi Gras.�

At New Orleans will be grander than
ever. DonTt miss it. The Seaboard
Air Line will make a rate of one fare
for the round trip (half rate) and give
you choice of their swell trains, oT he
Atlanta Special� or the oS, A. L. Ex-
press.� By the ckange in the schedule

now makes close connections at Atlanta
for Mobile and New Orleans, offering
by far the best and mest convenient
service from any pointin the Atlantic
States to the great earnival. Apply to
agencies of the Seaboard Air Line, and
take no other route.

ork 4

) aia ss , we GULATE oTHE LIVER ne Ly
ABSOLUTELY. G YARANTEED to cure any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Scists

ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY co.. roto pal ating re : orkew Tore oe





J. W. HIGGS, Pres, J, S. HIGGS, Cashier Maj. HENRY HARDING, Ass't. ashir.



Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,

D. W. Hardee miggs br me
Greenville, N. C. is hana
P ihe T. pine Lcanident National atin

xenange Bank, Baltimore, Mad. We respectfully solicit the accounts

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general

Neck, N. C. : nublic,
Co ¢

Noah Biggs, Seotland ~Neck, N. I .
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. , y bape) ou forum Books furnish



at my same place ready to serve
you with

Fruits, Confections, (igs,

and Oysters. I have nice Malaga

"_"0 ".




ane § eee
We haye just received & new

tins and Oasxets, in weed, metal-
lic and cloth ever brought to

We aia prepared wo do embalm-
ing in al its form.
Personai swwention given to con.
ductiug fuuerals ard bodies en-
trusted to our care will receiye
every mark of respect.

Oar prices are lower than ever.

We do not want monupoly buat
invite competition.

We cau be found at any and all
times in the John Flanagan
Buggy CoTs building.


Greenville Market. .

Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.. :

hearse-and the nicest line of Cof-| "

R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt, J,TL. LITTLE, CashTr,

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.


Bank of Greenville,


22322 03E030232 2

Statement 6f Condition December 17th, 1896.

guarantee a cure. Booklet and sample Grapes, Oranges, Apples, Loans and Discounts $10,456.36 3 Capital paid in $23,000.00
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co, Nuts, Figs, &c. Due from Banks 38, 263.303 Undivided Profits 3°045.54
Chics New York | Furniture and Fixtures 1,500.00$ Deposits 81,787.59
/hicago or Ne ork. Leading brands of Cigars Current Expenses 1,764.755 Due Banks 1,131.87
g gars. Premium on Stocis 1,000.09 § Time Certifieatés 1,255.00
lad Fresh Vandy every diy: Cash Items 7,792.60 § Cashiers Checks 1,480.59
TABLE DONTTS. F Let me grate your Cocoanuts. Cash 20,923.58 § rset "_"_""
"_"~ ota $111,700.5
. "e ~ Total $111 700.59 3 ,
Fi | . 9 é ,
eri | MORRIS MssYER. ;
DonTt sprinkle salt for celery on the Accounts Received. Correspondence Invited.
cloth or on your plate. Dip your celery _ hh
nme =


We herehy give notice that a petition
will be presented to the Leyislature co


Eee Fi ees (Chane the charter of the ~I
ae met ~ e 'l'owr
NA SPECIALTY cassie Greenvale rn of
mnt s agri at fhe eral permanent; ALFRoD FORBES,
home toraam - You can betreated aj J. G. MOYE,

�,� price under same gua .
4 ty. Ifyou prefer tocome here ze willcon,
eau tracttapay Trailroad fareand hote! bills and
arge, it we fail to cure. If you have taken mer
Cury jodide otash, and still have aches and
a Ds, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat
mples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
an7 part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO
we ee tocure. We solicit the most obsti-+
mate cases and challenge the world for a
case We cannotcure. This disease has alwa
patiod 4 feanek the moat eminent physie
° . Capital behind o T
tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent pealed or
Brplication. Address COOk REMEDY co.
7 Masonic Tempio. CHICAGO, ILL.



Cuba,, by Senator Quesada, Cuban
representative at Washington. HKn-
dorse' by Cubin patrio.s. In tremen-
dous demand. A bonanza for agents.
Only $1.50, Big book, bigcommissions,
Everybody wants the only endorsed, ree
liable book. Outtitsfree. Credit given
Freight paid. Dropall trash, aud maka
$300 a month wit: War in Cuba. Ad-
dress today, THK NATIONAL BOOK


7 mee . |CONCERN, 352-336 Dearborn 8t.,
" oeee a Chicago.



ae pai
alee es epeiien "_ - ¢


Patronage solicited. leaning, Dyeing
and Pressiag Gents Clothes a specialty

hs ae a.


Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing


J. A, Burexss, Mer.

and bowels, cleansing the entire system

plan of some of the colored bishops or} this time the Emperior, Frederick»
the Methodist church to have prepared | hatched out a scheme,T ete.�

and presented to President-elect Mc-
Kinley a special Bible'upon which he
will take the oath of the office on| pogection,

March 4, weil carried out, violate) q¢ does? Explain, if you please,
presederts. The Bible upon which|how he could have ~hatched outT a
Presidents haye heretofore taken the
oath of offic: has, with one exception,
been provided by the clerk of the Su-.
| preme court, There is however, been
mo cule governing the matter. At Mr.

ClevelandTs first inauguration he re-

quested that a Bible givea him by his

mother should be used.

oIt seems tu me to be all right,TT re-
plied one of the larger girls, after some


oWell, he might have had his mind
set on it,� she said sweetly.

oSchool's dismissed,� said the pro-

= "

When bilious er costive, eat a Cas-

caret, candy cathartic, cure guaranteed
r aa 10c, 25c. MiG
A Househo'd Necessity.
me nec hc! epee the most :
_ ~wonderful medical disconery of the age,| Just try 2 10c. box of Cascarets, the
_ Plearant and refreshing to the taste, act | finest liver and bowel regulator ever

| gently and positively on kidneys, liver | sage, ,

_ dispel colds, cure headache, fever, ha- :

_ bitual constipation and biliousness,| When bilious or cestive, eat a Casca
_ Please buy and try a box of C. C. C.| ret, candy cathartic, ctre constipa-
today; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and|ion |
| guaranteed to cure by all druggists, 1"



Bntter, per lb 16 to 25

Western Sides 44 t04 S AM Vi SGHULT L

Sugar cured Hams 10 to 120 . ® a i

Corn 40 to 65 y 1

Corn Meal 50 So 65 P ORK SIDES &SHO (LDER

Flour, Family 5,50 to 6.26 cae

ing their yearTs supplies will tind

Oats ~+ 4) theirinterest to get our prices befere pua

Sugar 4 to | chasingelsewhere, Ourstock iscoxaplete

Coffee 13 t0 20)" allits branchea. ~3

Salt pe: Sack 75 to 1 66 FL Our F

Chickens 10 to 24 1 EE A R

Eggs per doz 120 200 F 4 SUG a

Bees wax.per

Cotton 2nd Peanut, eee
Below are Nortolk prices of ~cotto.
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Com ". oxd- & Commission Mer-
chant "tok »


Tobacco, sr ff &¢,

COTTON: it y, |
Good Middling we buy diroc} from Mauufactu. 4 en-

Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughiy reno
vated, several new oooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. Attentive ser
vauts. Fishand Oysters served daily*
Patronage of traveling puvli¢ solicited�


Male Academy,

The next session of ~the school will
open on

,\MNDAY SEPT. 7,° 189°;


Middling 6 1316 | bling you to bay at one proir. A ev a-
Low Middling 6 7-16 lcte stoek of , :
Good Ordinary 5} SNe 3

Tone"quiet. RN TU RE

PEANUTS. : FUF in IT. Fain haat

Prime 2
Extra Prime " Beg ee 4 sold at pricesto suit
maney thf olafoc OAH otaters bamteaten tne
Bpanish 60 to.76| to ran, we sell at a close margin.
: no] M: SCHULTZ Greenville


and centinue for 10 months,
The terms are as follows.

es rat Ag oyna | : oi
Languages (each) ** = i)



We ask a continuance ef


_aelrain onClinton Branch leayes War-

onside neni

aliiitiaea E

. Usavensea poaedule
Dated RE
Nevin 2
A, M..Mi A.M
Lerve Weldon | 11 85| 9 44
ar, Reoyk Mé | 1 e0h0
LyTarsoro |1212) |
tw Recky Mt {| 1:00)10 5 46
Ly Wijson 2 (OR! Bt 6 20
fa Séima 2 53
iw Bry'tteville| 436] 0..7
Ar. 'Plorence @ 23) 8-4
ae ,

; P. M4 A.M
Iv Wilson 2 08 0
~Lv Goldsboro | 38 1g 5
iiv Magnolia 4 16 0
-Ar'Wilmington| 5 43) 9 45

Pe. Mi! | A.M






» mM. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.97 |
@.�"�., Greenville 8:22 a. m. Arriving |
Hali*:x at 11:00 a. m., We'don 11:20 am:

except Sunday. .

I'rains on Washwigton Branch leaveT

Washington 8.00 a m., and 3,00 p.m,!
arrives Parmele 8.60.4. m., and 4.40 p_.
Q., Tarboro 9.45 a.m., returningleaves.
~Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m. |
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington ,
11,50 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-!
ept Sunday. Conneets witb trains on!
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves suroere, N C,, via Albe-
marie & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun. |
day.at 450 p.m., Sunday 300 P, M;
wtive Plymouth 9.40 P. M., 5.25 p. m.
Returning i2aves Plymouth dail y except
Sundvy, 6.00 a, m., Sunday 9.30 a .,
wrive Tarboro 10.25 a.m and 11. 45

Train on Midland N..C. branch leaves
Gold8boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m.arriving Smithtield 7°30 a.°m. Re.
fuming leaves Smithtield 8.00 a. m,, are

a as ¥ y : i


jective points for a

a Decssion.,

Frost to Flowers.
And the services is so
us that pep.

tested * Sunsc
| IncOMparail:,

Going, Write Us.
"We have a iw«ok

:89t Seas,� ahandsome


~Cullformia ty ~fexigo?
3 Both wre such desirable ob�

trip that itTs. perhaps hard for
you te decide where to vo.

Let us Help Youto |

A trip via New Orleans and|e suns of ti.
theSouthern Pacitic to either
Mexico or the Pacitic Coast is
ove you will never forget.

ItTsa Transition from wa


s} id

Ifyou are Thinking of . izton Mondvy, Wednesday and Friday

~oThrough S:orvinnd to. Sue-

of 205 pages, folly lustre ted,


~Tea tes tauy « new business,
Enlarges many an old business, °
Preserves mwxny a large business:
Kevives many a cull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
/ Saves imauy a failing business.
S-cures suceess to any business



a at }

~To oadvertise judiciousiy,TT use tne

A eying Casently ett Lrings Soooes


a aes + oe

aguid dad mail train poing
an ain poi
have oth arives!:62 A.M. Going scuth,

o mives G16, Uo ou,

(T re Hr?

Steamer ~lar River arrives from Wash-

oives tor Weshingten Tuesday, Thurs
hited and Saturdas,

Baptisis, See Here |
fhe Southern Baptist Conventicn

volnade | evts this year in Wilmington, N. C,,

w i] ° ~ ep \T T nV y y 1

~Nov. ey eee bs whieh we wil send on eced in Mav 8tp. Now, you want to go te this

o ¥g96. � A | 5, a3 of 10 cents int stuns te coe ey lconvention, aad you also wart to go in

enna PER, "-|28 postage. ~salso baveade-jsivle ande mort. ~There is only one

Ly Fuure ae ee mm lightful littie guide to Mexi- ood firstclass line frem the South and
7 urerce ee co, which we will send on)... vey :

V Fayetteville} 11120, 9 40 a Svuthwest wo Wilmington, and what line

Ly Selma 12 27 receipt of 4 cents to cever|: Aw Li ect

Mar Wilscn | 1 ablia 35 | cost of mailing. is cae Seaboard Au zine, \ eh sone
a "' .! . the fiuest aud fastest trains in the South

| * = \ | You Really Ought te and makes the dJewest rates ot any

| ; : x

ae | Read them Both. ratroad yuanivg trom the Svuth or
an ene crened (ounce Southwest. DonTt be toolediinto mak..

oiy Wihni ey P.M. Shall we wat you down for aling your arrangements until you have

v Wilmington] 9 25 7 00: - eee La:

- Lv Magnolia || 10.82 8 30; copy? Ifsa, or if you -want| consulted one of wae Seaboard Air Line
iuy Goldsboro || 12:0] 9 361 any Special ~information, itjeccuts, who always esteem ® a pleasure
te Wilsen | 1 06 ~ 1 16 27) will be cheerfully furmishec jt» serve you. B. A.Newlan?, Generel
Wey Farboro £48 A by addressing, Agent Pesenger Department, 6 Kim"

© ys ee i bul txowse, Atlanta, Ga., will be glad
33 " Be es S. F. 5. MORSE, to write youor call on jou, or you can
yA) Me a upply to.ny ot the representatives of
~ ~ oa ben to ee ~General Passenger and Wicket/the Seaboard Air Line im any town or
Ly Wilson - oa he Fw Agent, city. ~This 18 the official route. Do
4 a TA P r vO wh 4 37
~Ar Rocky Mt | 247 12111 1] 15 NAW ~ORLEANS. you want to go with your friends !
Ar Tarboro | 400 |i ances ae ne ee ee
Lv Tarborc |
Lv Rocky Mu | 2 17 ie |
Ar V/eldon .
} ,
Train on Scotie: d Neck ranch 20a |
aves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4,10)
p.M., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 y
»., Greenville 6.37,p, m., Kinston 7.45: . a

Ht: =

U = xan ee


43} (

tives ut Goldsbors 9.30 a. m.

Trains on Latta branch, Florence R
&.,deave Latta 6.40 p ma, aarive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.30 a. m,
arrive Latta 7.50 am, daily except Sun-

saw for Clinton caily, except Suuday,
110a,m, and 8,50 p, m-: Returnirg
eaves Clinton at7.00.4. m. and3,00 1 ai.

om (taba No, 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via
Richmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and CarolinaR R for Nonolk
¢.ne all points North via Norfolk, -
General Supt.
T,M,{EMERSON.Traffie Manager,
J. R. KENLY, Gow Manager,�


; 1 Oldest ,
Naity Newspaper: in|

Rorth Carolina.

The Only Five-Dollar Daily o
ts Class in the


or Reviews will miss

throughout the world.T



oIf only ome magatine can be taken, we would suggest the
- REVIEW OF REVIEWS, as covering more ground than
_any other magazine,�"Board of Library Commissioners |

of New Hampshire, 1896, |



features, what its readers, who include the most noted

names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call
oabsolutely up to date,T ~thoroughly abreast of the times,�T
oinvaluable,� and oindispensable.� It is profusely illustrated
with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles
are of immediate interest, by the best authorities on their respect- i
ive subjects. The EditorTs oTProgress of the WorldTT gives a i
ciear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human |
race during the current month. The ~~ Leading Articles of the '
Month� present the important parts of the best magazine a.tu.es
that have been written in.every part of the world. The newest
and most important books are carefully reviewed.
chronological records, and other departments complete the
certainty that the reader of the Review

or magazine is, in its contributed and departmental

significance that is said or written or done


nothing of great Send 10 Cents

in Stamps for |
Specimen Copy i


o= SS HS ie
|THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO., 13 Astor Place, New York.

4 Single Copy, 25c.# . . Trial (five months), $1.00:

Year, $2.50.


Dadly: Ty
ve inns [Sa PRL saa
) ae Ahad ee) ~
oe : i OE


pba W

ae eee et

"" =

Best in use.


eekly 8: pr
a ree ay . ay
ihington, 2 2 @


bits agai

hat Is It ?- shbhah

It is a picture ot tae celebrated =

The outfit of no business man it
complete without one. bs

Re L ay
assortment of these Fountain :
ful line of Pégrl Hand!'s'Gold'Pens, |
be astonishe1 wheri you'see' them and|
now very cheap they are.





er Book. Store.

j When you »-ed

Gur Work and Prices Nill Our Pay

~Pens, |

Dowou inl ing
Wantthe_ ssT

Here is an upportuuity to get this excelleut

magazine for little money.
We will send the Cosmo-
politan and the Kastern Re-
flector both one year for
$1.75, ne

Or We will send the Cos-
mopolitan and The Daily
Reflector, both, a whole
year for $3.50.


a aa a ae n'a nent

If you want a good magazine and a
home vaper, this is vour chunce,
the Cospmopolitan with the
and -t is the equal of
Send your orders

$4 mayazines
any of them,
to the Reflector,

DonTt ia"* s 4
Reflector Co dia ..

TS crc,






People You Know, or May Know. i

: D, C. Moore, of Bethel, was heie



By Teiegraph to a Ne See tae
: | Mrs C. T. Munford and son went to
SPFIGHT & MORRILL, * Wilson this morning.
C»tion Buyers and Commission oe ae
~ *:| Miss Jessie Harper is visiting at the
" Merchants, residence-ot Altred Forbes,
sae ose NEW YCRK COTTON vag | .

Wehave justreceived a| "°r#Tc. mcu'sr. row'sr. oxose

| Mar, 681 6.94 681 6.87 . ee
new, line {of ori 694 7.03 6.94 6.98 | Bntertamment Given, by,the Students c= RON ALLS:

of the State Normal School Com-

; : 7 ' CHICAGO MEATAND GRAIN. plimenvary to the Educaticaal em )
i i ! mm i
Ni WHEAT" iar iecacercreauaaa Ot GOODS
| 4 : z Legisiature. \ \ .

May 753 76} 752 794 ae
PORK" . o : 3 j
HANDKERGHIEES |atsy "sor 05 00 00 |usissnono, N--Feb 17461897 | 4 ake room for Spring arrivals, This is

Bins Epitor RErLector :"On last fri-}
| dey evening, February 12th, a large oo .
4-5 May 412} 412 410 410 [on oie ania your opportunity. It includes

enthusiastic crowd asscmbled in the
= |briliiantly lighted auditorium of the

VAT ENGINE | AGES WEATHER{BULLETIN. State Normal School 10 witn.ss and | .
T i enjoy one of the most interesting and Dres 8S G ood S, Clothin g,
Fair tonight, Saturday partly cloudy, amusing entertainments ever given by

warmer Saturday night. _,, that Institution. "
(ne eR RET ne aa cemece rer The feature cf the eveilug Was a Shoe, I lat and

HAMBIIRY HN} \W ~i FAXANFANCY. P | County fair, Out of the ninety"six


ey ES

counties, ninety-three of them are rep"

| " resented in the school. Each girl was ' IN
FMBRL INERIES: Don't Put any ifsin This Month, | credit to her county ; each county to : : -

t , "_" her siate. We wish vo especiaily meu-
man Yesterday was seal spring like. tion dear old Pitt, the most wondeitul oo ~
March winds will soon be with us. | Of all counties. This IS No joke but plalo facts.

We will give a full deseription ot her |

Norchon Lace, White! Next Sunday is Sexazesima sundayT
: ws. representation, for we believe tnat there
Goods, Counterpaines| | ae men say there will soon be |. 19 onein Pitt who will not be glad tu
~ise in canvas, ' |
and Lace Curtains,


know of her success.
There is # lot ot stealing going on} Her representation was a tobacco

which it willpay you CO} around Weldon. sale. ~The followmg sign, written in

examine. Also They are laying a brick pavement in| bold letiers was suspended across te | & ,
froat of the Bank of Greenville. stage : a |
o | ~oKastern Lobaeco Warehouse, O- L. .
Cannon SOF $2;¢-08 FONE One six! Foon -aoure Joyner, Proprietor, Greenville, Pitt 0 al is §:
an | lot. J. Je CHERRY pa , P , ,
- Arbuckles Coffee only 20 cts a pound.

He. Shinn will preach again _ in the Miss Bessie Harding being Prop, Q,
Clo th ie House tonizht, The public M-|7 Jooner; Miss Ayimer Sugg, we-|Granulated Sugar only 5 ctsa pound.
vited. : A
tioneer. ~ihe other young ladies r ;
eee eee ee Yo o| HeinzTs Baked Beans only 15 ets a can.

No, Frank, it does wot take steam | resenting the tolwcconists ot Greenville
f C ta electricity to operate an oyster follows: Miss- Myrtle Keel, K. B. 6-pound Buckets of Preserves only 40 cts.
for Doilys, Tray Covers) plant. vicklen; Miss Lela B , P. i. Gor-} 3 |

YR, oTay 1 aaa ements 3-pound Can elegant Apples only 1@ cts a can.

al ) q j W I do f it ¢ y At e man ; Miss Mar y : Smith J e W , Mor-
W Or k O Embroider y " i nm nee *. : ° ate , Pan : : : rig " pp J pound ®

Miss Bettie Iripp, B. E. Parham; Miss . .
ndera, GJ. Woodward These: goods are all strictly first-classas we de

, : 4 _ '[ Susie Saunders, G.J. Woodward; Miss
-@ substitute for Linen) ajten Warren & Son made a ship-| 1 adie Haddock, tugman; Miss Beulah! not pot deal n shoddy oods; Welead a the
at 10 cents per yard Lj ment of evergreems, trees, &c:, to the} yr.) a little negre boy. : | � 8
* ,, | New Berne Fair today. We. vot | grocery business, others try to tollow.
yard wide. DonTt fail The auctioneer and. proprietor made J

: Fresh Carr Butter 1 pound packages} things hustle ~The. buyers bid briskly. |
to see our at S. M. Schultz. and were not afraid of giving good. - eC burl i QO,

prices, the break closing with a sale to



fing to-night.


To rae Pusrio."I keep ice on J. W. Morgan for $100 per hundred


hand ail tue time and it cam be procured

in any quantity. W, R. Parker. pounds; - ) ,
Moore county deserves special men-. N BY GRO CER y STORE

a Lee Langley was fatally eur} as tion. After the agricultural products
ay afternoon between 5 and 6 oTclock were exhibited two young ladies came a.

me) F' "". by Mr. W. B. Quinerly, He diedina|, - . .
pohly forward and unveiled the pictnre of the} jayed @ Grocery peuve next torS.JT. White's and have a full line of

few moments. ~The coroner was cent] lest, most wonderful sou, not only et
j e +

BEmbroideries for, He came and held am inquest! ntoore, but of the State of North Cas-
Afterwards Mr. Quineriy had a prelim-| 1. | Dy. Chas. D.. Melver. HONG

nary trial before Justice of the Peace,




: ° . nae The most important feature of the
marked J. A. Lang, who allowed Mr. Quiner- ; | Ey E ; re ya
every piece y wale bond tor $8,000 for seh . vening was the Legislature, in whieh CIGARS AND TOBACCO.
. ~ P| about fitty or seventy-five girls took|to select ftom. Everytuing fresn and low down in price. A eod ia
ss ee css JAMES B. WHITE
OvICce, ~ , : rs
secmmmvaaes Notice is hereby given that The Bank ee vd ba # ie Leguiatare _" ie vd
of Groenville will make application to pass a bill increasing the appropriation .
hey Sy
Goods to go cheap to ~~ The exercises closed with a tableau,
| make room V/ ILLIAM BRITT, | ihe seal ot Nort Carolina, in which rN QDps
: one representative from tach county i
a and can anbag wig re the coe eae | Fire Near Methodist Church.
; . S t oud,
: age no a ae uk ens Last night, about 1:30 oTclock, the |
® balarm of fire was turned in and it proved) Ss oa ,
% : to be the part of the Methodist parson-| ee
: If you are spending an M Wk Ook uge left standing when theyT moved tte : , ink,
doors, take a stroll in| | ~ done. | :
the direction of our} WANTUAMAKER, ~ AButhday Tea, chance of a life
Store. Comein and you | Don't forge the oBirthday Tea,�
fat , until 11 o'clock at the residence of Mrs.
come anda brilliantar-| ._ ~R. W. King. It is to be given under),
: On Dickinson Avenue next to/|.the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society.|.
ray of Goods. Presbyterian church. cf the oChristian church. Remember |�
Your friends, Have had several years experi-|¥° Pay one cont for every. year old)
citizens of the commnnity. All/as fine a svpper as you ever smacked
kinds of ladies and childrens sew- ee, over, Help the tadies...
ing done. Satisfaction will, be " | .

al BargainT °. 14 otthe :
down to are 8 pearance at the April term ot court. part, each performing her part with|ivitation extended to ail. Come see me, will make it pay you. -
All our ~Woolen Dre8s)| the General Assembly for a Charter. | ' the State Normal School to $400,- p Re
""is now running a"" book part,
/main portion of the housé. It was en- 4
idle, weary hour in tirely consumed. No other damage was to close them out.
es ae ~ean Berd: ;
will finda ge nial wel- eee er : to be given Friday evening from 7:30 ~ time.
ence and solicit work from the|yov are aud this includes,they ¢o say, |
»igivan on all work. ,

Daily Reflector, February 19, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 19, 1897
February 19, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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