Daily Reflector, January 23, 1897

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and Owner, .


Vol. 5.




~ Avan



"u0 aJBS UO adRId OAA


~| dead.



First complete line to
be shown.

Come and see them.

For Ladies, Misses
and Children.


o@ T. Munford):


of-goods sold on installment.

all trusts and combiaes. On motion 100
copies were o.dered printed. McCas-
kie secured the printing of 100 copies
of his bill to establish a Keform School.

lution :

tatives in the. Cohgress of the United
States be and they are hereby instruct-

portunity to vote forthe tree and un"
limited coinage of silver at a rato of 16

or foreign agreement, whether the same
be in the nature of an independent. bill,
or if the same be attached asa rider to
any other species of legislation.

Gov. Reynolds, Grant and McCarthy
broke into a broad grin, as much as to

elected our gold canidate, and it is too
jate now to instruct him.

cial order for next/ Tuesday at noon"
accepted by Abell, Carried.


five, 2 Reps., 2 Pops., and 1 Dem., to

that no committee shall be composed ot
morethan ten members, four Republi-
cans, four Ponusi.ts, two Democrats"
the chairman of committees to remain

as at present.

office at Weldon"they are now in Vir"



Condensed Reportfof Proceedings.


Mr. Alexander to prevent forfeiture

Rav, to declare. unlawful and void

Abell introduced the foilowing reso-

That our Senators and Represen-
d-upon all occasions and at every op-

o 1, inaependent of any inteFnavional

As the Clerk read this resolution, Lt.

ay owhy talk of silver now : ? We have
Grant moved to make the bill a spe-

Butler, to prevent discrimination be-
ween different kinds of legal tender

Anderson, to appoint a committee o!

econstruct the Senate committees 80

~To compel Roanoke Navigation and
Water Company to have its principal

Clark said the men who were
then officers were Virginians are now
~The presentT officers are North
Caroliaians and want the offic? in this
State. Passed second aud third read~
Grant intoduced a resolution to ap-
point five from the Senate and eight
from the House to conside. amendments
to the Election law and the Ccunty
Government. He said there were some
detects in théelection iaw"its imper-
fections should be cured. ( McCaskie
went over td confer with Grant and
they had a whisper.d conversation.)
Rules suspended and passed second and
third readings.

The House was called.to order at 11
oTclock by Speaker Hilemaa,

Among the bills



co:d of election.

work for the repeal of the tax on trui



called Dr Curry *Dr, MeCurry�;

on anything we

was willing ;j{;ndt, héwould bbject,

* wh

~ RevsMr. Glenn opaned wi: h prayer.
Heart were,

Harriss, of Halifax, to repeal the act
alluwing two additional county commis-

Hancock, to amead the charter of
| Newbern.

Hare, to make it a felony to steal
any election book, or other official re-

Hare, resolution instructing senators
and Representatives in Congress | to

.Purgason, to amendTths divorce law,
so that'if a man is in jail, his wife can

A resolution was introduced inviting
Dr. J. L. M. Curry to address the Leg-
islature hext Thutsday., Col. teas

said if vhe Dogtor was going to ak
T i yee in he

way at Wus & prom-

Southern literature and was a Baptist

Cunningham said he had written a
book on Spain, also.

Murphy added that he was also ex"
Minister to Spain under Cleveland.
Col. Lusk asked if that made him
popular (laugliter).

There were several passages of badi-
nage, when Dockery made an orderly
stitement of the whole matter, making
the day next Monday. Hancock, Show
ever interrupting to move not to concur
McCrary wanted a conference commit~
tee. So Dr. Curry was invited to make
his addresss next Monday.


-_" woe

Thirty-Two Happy in one We-k.
During this week the Register ot
Deeds issued sixteen marriage lic-nscs,
cight for white and eight for colored

S. S$. Moore and Beulah Edmondson.
Oliver Hodges and Annie Carr
J. L. Smith and Mamie Little.
B. P. Willoughby and Fannie
George Owens and Molly Dildy.
J. R. Moye and S. Novella Higgs.
Ed Smith and Alice Baker.
Robt. Brown and Emily E. Cobb.


Julius Clement and Mary Tuckev.
Charles Greene and Bettie Chapman.
Henry Harper and Abbie Strong.
Wn. Rasberry aud Martha Street.
Charley Sutton and Jare Blount.
Jackson Pitt and Mariah Forbes.
Moore Lassiter and Sarah Cannon.
Anthony Atkinson nad William A.




BETHFL, *. \., van. 22rd, 1897.

Oa Wedue cr, danTy 20th, at tie!
s wother, Mis. Mary
vol ex BP. Mi, Moss ~Tra |

home of thei tre

E. Ward,


a Wardawi.. H, Cate were m) weted |
D. a Moure. ficiatiog, The attendant,
were 8, CO. b.. ciu.d Miss Mary Brow n, |

A.J. Moore id i Miss Cuddie Whicaard,
W. F. Ward and Miss Mattie Edmond.
son, Wilson Andrews and Miss Anna
Whichard, L. L. Ward and Miss Mol-
lie Ward, C. F. Page and Miss Nannie
Waid. After the marriage ceremony
the bridal party aud invited guests wen t
to the home of the groomTs father, J. W
Page, Esq., where a pleasant and joyfu
entertainmeat was given. May their
joursey through life be a happy one.

New Era Institute.
Tne New Ena Institute under the
plan ot co operation for North Caroli-
na will convene at Sycamore Hill Bap.
tist Church on ~Tuesday the 26th inst-
Ex Gov. ~T.:J. Jarvis will deliver a
lecture on ~Lhursday on
oChristian Educatioa,� and Rev. E. D.
Wells will deliver two lectures on oThe
| Gospel Mini-try.� TheseT meetings
haveT been ot untold good for the
for they were primari'y


colored peopl,

originated to help.

Rev. J. A. Wuitred, Gen, Missionary,

Rev. U. C. SomERViLLE, District,

Church Services To-morrow.

Methodist church"-Sunday-school at
9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
by Rev. N. M. Watson and 7:30 P. M.,
by Presiaing Elder B. R. Hall

Episcopal church."Sunday-school
at 9:30 A.M, Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 7:00 P. M., by Rev. A. Greaves.

Baptist church""Sunday School at
9:30 A.M. Preaching at 11 A. M.
and 7:00 P. M. by Rev. E. D. Wells.

Presbyterian chureh"Sunday school

at 9:30 A. M.


Forbes & Lipeconth a are selling leading
brands of fertilizers tor tobacco and can
save monev to the purchasers. See their

The Baptist Suinday, School had a

We are giving away

Wool Suits


of every de:
Hats, Shirts,
Notions, Fur-
nishing, and
a full line of
Fine Dress


Come see me.
Get our prices. The
lowest. e are onot

below cost. CanTt afford
We will save you money.

DonTt miss__"

this chance.

oA Mrs. Hopkins Boy.�



ait pa hea:

Afterthe Inventory

We find after taking our inventory thet we nave
some rare bargains to offer you. We |
can save you money in

ress Goods, Obnes, Hats, Neti

(~ome and see us and we will save you mony



e*Tust tell them that you saw� :
Our New Lines of


and Wash Goods. Theytare 23
beauties and cheap. ie

P. 8. ~Wehavea tew Winter
Goods which must go regard-
"�"� mt bia

Aa aa ai

eaters aie af (ft

+, AAW. ~


AAS a{e,e,e





sais. sie G00

48 i}, rs

easent time a! theTparty iu Germar.-

tignT & book on

¥ ay

a FA,
dol hh


hall last ae seins

oe a : r f a = . ey A "F ; : "i : ow é us Bcd nS Ge om oe
AY OR was amended by, the § be 7 3 8 ej

~| House wij] be given an opportunit | ne


: Bs aes
1, S., HIG
ara t be
~3 a

a, fe
% a .
�,� TR aad +
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so haart 2

Be oe
seldom |-


~ ae

vote on the Senate amendments, just ht a sie fn ae _ �,� : aha] ¢
Ad ae t does rich"| , one :
as it might done. when the bill first |�"�4 68 one ric Troms hip ieee i oss :
came ah from the Senate bad not|es are a curse. There is no such thing : , GREENVILL|N. C.
~ ee ~ 1) wofapred | a8-dishonest success. Pb. STOCKHOLDERS. co A Ee
oo J oa "| Speaker Reed ordered tlie bill referred | #8 sie) 1) [ee sontingta Capital ~of More Thana Ha 0. ~W. Hardee miggs Br vac
MERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY).| 1. Committee. ~The committee} ?. Work. The world is not going | "ePrese�"� o Milton Dollars, Greenville, N.C. :
= : Ty matter, refused even to accept an amendment, | 0 pty YoU for nothing. Binety pet) Wm. T. Dixon, President National = ene
Sen vd ratchet a exempting from the operation of the | cent of what men call talent is only a Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. We respectfully solicit the accounts «
___ SURSCHIPTION RATES. sf 3 bill the lands which the government is| genius for hard work. : : Bes ir so Neck Bank, Scotland of fom individuals and the general
ee alta 001 ilino ag trustee fo" the Indians. 3. Be independent. Do not lean pte, ae _ MuONE. oe
ne month, oe Ns 25 ws apres % : vey 8 2 - +, | on others to do your thinking or to con- Noah Biggs, Seotland N eck, N.C Ciecks and Account Books fi urnish
Sue week. - - . 7 AO) Represeptamep Swaneen, of Nira, | gee R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C. ed on application.
Deli er ¢ in town by Cahiers without one ot the most prominent ot the young- quer your difficulties. sli ray ice 3 eens
sxtrt fete 4. Enter into that business or trade] R, L. DAVIS, PresTt..:: R.A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt. J. L. LITTLE. Cash fs

~Aclyertigng rates are liberal and can be | er democrats in the House has this to

ad on afip'ication to the editor or at)... in 4 pyblicinterview about the fu | that you hke best, amd for which nature REORCAMEEV TE ee


the a - _-"- | ture of the Democratic party oThere has fitted you provided it is honorable. Th : B .; k f Gi ee - ~all :
We desire # v2 correspondent at} wil] be no re-organization of the Dem 4, Be conscientious in the discharge ec L an O reenvi e,

) office nty, who will ie : " a
EE Ot of awe 28 I occurs | ocratic party. It is today stronger of every duty. Do er se GREENVILLE, N. C.
fH each selginornnnd. ooo and more compact, more aggressive oughly . No one can rise: who .shghis : $333032-2022
ad oniv on one side of the PAPE": ___fand buoyant thanT any defeated party/hiswork = = ss sss Statement of Condition December 17th, 1896.
~-Liera: Commission on sudscriP-)cyer wasbefore. Without intimidation, s DonTt try to begin at top. ~RESOURCES. Su ABILITIES.
fon saben paid Wr ARR. J eoereion, or corruptiyn a vast majority | Begin at the bottom and y ou.will have) ans and Discounts $40,456.36 § Capital paid in $23,000.00
cr : ; of the voters of this country today are a chance to rise, and will he sure of Due from Banks 88,263.30; Undivided Profits 3,045.54
SaTuRDAY, JANUARY 23, 1897. MORE reacT.ing the top some time. ae Furniture and Fixtures 1,500 00; Deposits 81,787.59
oe , "" in accord with it. Having divorced 7. Trust in hard work. Inscribe| Current Expenses 1,764.753 Due Banks Sara
WASHINGTON LETTER. self from the present adminitrabo2, on~your banner, oluck is a fool, pluck -pesprveenig Stocks baba poe eae 1490.58
it is building near the affections and | js a hero.� Cash 20°923.58 itd a
i the 3. The wemo- . ]. Keep your ap- oe ne Total $111,700.5
From On een cheshire i ae : ia Re ak i Pas - ie betas Total $111,700.59 2° y :
WASHINGTON Jan: 99nd, 97. cratic party will continue its aggressive pointment. e there a wut ee ae 3 ay eee : 7 : a
= ve ssehe. has only a| fight for both gold and silver as legal] time if you have to lose your dinner 0 | AGcoumts Received. Correspondence Invited.
Senator Cameron, who, has only © 5 : oI do it. | acl , ice

tender money and against special priv"
Hoge ws trusts, combines and corpora~| snite vill be money in yeur pocket.
Hons. Phose who failed to act with} jo ~pena less than you earn. Ds
us in the last election will most of them] ynct ran in debt. Watch the litle
doing some very plain talking"like his return to the party. Many have already | leaks and you can live on your salary.
father, tue late Simon Cameron, he has done so. .No concessions in principles) 11. Be generous. Meanness makes
an expressive vocabulary"about the | F politics will be made, though, to gain | enemies and breeds distrust.

few weeks more ot public life and who
considers himself entirely out of politics
and who consequently doesnTt care
whose political toes he treads on, is

9. Be polite. Every bow, every

flipflop certain Republican Senators the support ~of these. Shorn of their care enn rorentan

have turned on bis Cuban resolution, | Power of patronage and discredited as A Houschoid Necessity. e. wh
He is especially bitter against John loyal Democrats those, who do not Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most io¢ OS ») E 3
ogee maeass! al, return w:ll not be potential tor evil in wonderful medical disvonery of the age, 954 so¢.

Shermat, who he says assured him be-
fore he was compelled to accept the
position of Secretary of State in Me-

the fat The Dem __ | pleasant and refreshirg to the taste, act
hice re Memocracy proposes | cently and positively on kidneys, liver
to beat no retreat from the advance | and bowels, cleansirg the entire system

+ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED to cure any case of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Laxa
} ; tive. never crip or cripe, but cause easy natural results, Sam-
ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New Tork. © 217.

i ion f 2 � ay . 2 Cure xs 1 yar So ;
KinleyTs cabinet that he was for his grounds it bas tuken. ee pe ale metres tis ha-| ov, " " meee
; : f itual constipation an iliousness. : : 2

resolu ion and who has since then used - nn sy fed wer Cotton andj Tcanut, GENTS WANTED"For War in
: are a Please buy and try a box of (. C. C. ee Cuba., by Senator Quesada, Cuban

his influence among Senators who wish Nothing New Under the Sun. today ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and| Below are Norfolk prices ot cotton representative at Washington. . Kn=
to be solid with McKinley against the " cuaranteed to cure by all druggists. and peanuts for yesterday, a8 furnished :dorse by Cubin patrio.s. ~In tremen-
ct steinely toat i : . : by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer |dous demand. A bonanza for. agents.

resolutions so industriously tat if the) Modern sanitary conferences. might | """"""---""""" y Only $1.50, Big hook, big commissions,

ens | Chants of Norfok «

' yesolution wes now brought to a vote it learn something trom the ancient Ro-} Everybody wants the only endorsed, re '

COTTON. liable book. Outfits fr ~redit given
nahh » defea an. In che first place 1 s _. {liable book. Outfitsfree. Credit gt
would probably ve defeated, mun In che first pl we, Roman build Good Middling . i} Freight paid, Dropall trash, aud make
A Washington real estate agent said, | ings were all more or less rectangular, Middiing , 6£'g300 uw mouth wit: War in Cuba: Ad-
nent ing aboutT Sherman and how|and it 1s important to in mitd Low Middling 64) dress today, THE NATION AL) BOO
spea ing ibout John her po bear in mit Good Ordinary 51316|CONCERX, 352-336 Dearborn St,
he acquired some of his wealth: ~oIt|that there was no jerry building inj Tone"stecady. Chicag .

may be only a coincidence, but it re.|those times. Their mortar was laid PEANUT?. Fann ecaue nema p op ess lentes |

minded me of a former transaction of] on hot, not allowed to get rotten first, Sy be ~o |

the wily Sirerman when I saw that just] as is the case with us, and their ce- ile rime rae |" |

about the time it became certain that he| menting material was so strong and Spanish " 60 to i ky i te |

was to be the next Secretary of State] durable that it remains to-day while a rea a A SPECIALTY nists |
; i : : , ~ver

he took out a permit tor the erection of great many of the stones it cemented Greenvi I le Marke t. soon Penge ot gl Fig dep er wry

Kby S. M, Schult WEP i youpreree ttiine ce eeearan
Correctediby S. M, Schultz. uy refer to come here we will

Jorrectedyb) 8 ms tract to pay railroad fareandhotelbills.an
Bntter, per lb i) to vb | ROcharge; if we fail to care. If you have taken mere
Western Sides 4} ty 5| SUEY: fodide potash, and still have aches and
db s + *T | pains, Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat,
Sugar cured [lama 10 to 12) ] Pimples, Supper Colored Spots, Ulcers on

: ~ " ""f
built a block of houses in an undesirable | most perfect system of continuity ot |} Poe 1 A o._ ; | any part of the body, Hair or Eyeb
: geo : they P ee T : y E AK E ARY Corn 4) to % | out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POIsG:
section of East Washington and they | the drain inside and outside the house. \\ ' p%.8 | Corn Meal 5G to 6 we fusrantes tocure, We solicit the most Ohstie
~. » Treas«|'T | eth oa rap): ur, Family 5.50 to 6.35 vdvethotons tho ie
were zi sold to employes ot the Treas-|The Roman excavations at Silchester WOMEN ? Bidet 1 |Pattted the skill ofthe merece
ere ell so ploy é YUN aN Lard 64 to it baffied the skill of the most eminent piyae

lanubt BE , » that Mr. a naetars = QF to jy | Clans. 00,000
ury. I ¢anuot say, of course, that ; show a most elaborate and perfect sys Oats 35 to 1 | fone sidreney? a hentien peeing our uncondje

a block of dwelling houses in East/have disappeared into dust. Their
Wasbington. When he became Necre- | water supply was admirable. Then in

tary of the ~Treasary under Hayes he|the matter of drainage, they hala

nn ° i ; | pLUte sent sealed on
coin: ade those Treasury em"| tem t arteris pane: » | Are peculiarly benefited by P. P. P., | Sugar 4 to 6 |ppplication. oAddress COOK REMEDY
Sherman made hoe aa , arene drainage, and something LippmanTs Great Remedy, the most | cotfee +3 to 26807 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, CO»,
ployes buy undesirable houses at a big | like 1,700 years ago in the south of | wonderful Tonic and Bloud Cleanser in | Salt per Sack 75 to 1 70
price, but you can imagine -how it) England, they were sufficiently advanc seo ; mee Halacha 0 art ee )
; whee ba ~: as - * A . restores snattere nerves. g2zs per 0zZ #9 | pel eran ia a en Aas ana

worked when the real estate agent w ho |}ed in sanitary matter to do very much gives strength and tone to the entire | Resawax. ne = 3arpders

} e


handled the property approached a} the same sort of thing that Manchester | Systen, revives the worn out, nervous
sury employe with a proposition to | ; ~Avia ~eka tine he and debilitated. You cannot but be

Treasury employe with a p P t lis now attempting 10 do in sending her | nervous if your blood is impure.

buy one of these houses, which every-|,ewage by a system of arterial drains| P. P. P. gives the proper nourishment

Body knew belonged to the Secretary | down to the lower waters of the Mer- to the blood, and cures. nervous pros
cee E ce tration, debility and nerveus head-

of the Treasury, and gave him a gentle|sey. ~Cheir water supply was exceed-| ache.

hint to the effect that that the Secre-|ingly well organized, and whenever e P, P. pad that Need, languid,
ia po a . : ' all gone� feeling, cures dyspepsia, in-

tary would not like ly to discharge a|they could bring the supply through | gicgestion, and that awful distress of

clerk who was buyirg one of his houses. | the city or a villa they did so, They | thestemach, os

T shall keep my eye. on those houses|/sank wells sometimes to the depta of P. P. P, cures that weak, nervous con-

: ' ~ : dition, that dreadful jumping of the

7 Mr. Sherman is now having built. 1) 100 teet, and they were well acquainted | heart, followed by dizziness and sink-

have a curiosity to k2ow whether any with the artificial methods of obtaining | ing spells. Make your blood pure by

mere at otters - tr ee "

Patronnge solicited. (Meaning, Dyeing
and Preesiag Gents Clothes a specialty



Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing.

hall ~ wig bi | taking P. P. P., LippmanTs Great Rem-

: ot them will be bought by State depart-| water, ~Their method of heating their | edy, and you will be well and happy. OTKL NICHOLSON

: t emploves.� lwellings was the most perfest that; Women are benefited, their organiza- mani )

- ccnnccies sag e ee ~®" | tion regulated, and their weakness and ) J. A, Bura@xss, Mer.

Czar ieed is nearer to having an|could be devised, consisting of a heating | Jassitude cured by P. P. P

a open revo't on his hands than at any | chamber in the basement trom which a !
} period since he became the autocrat of | vast number of flues radiated through | | WEAK TIRED

Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms added, elec,
tric bellsto every room. attentive ser,
vants. Fish and Oysters served: daily

Patronage of traveling puuvlic solicited.

the House, A respectful petition} the dwelling. '

signed by 208 members of the House a PEOPLE
kas been presented to him asking him Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoxe Your ve ees
to suspend his arbitrary ruleagainst late Away. should take P. P. P., Lippman's Great ESTABLISHED) (75. |

Remedy, without delay. While not

public building bills and to aliow} Jf you want to quit tobacco using} actually sick, you feel weak and tired, oy | priiegigyt :
a rime tobe set tor the considera-| easily and forever, be made well ready to get sick, and what you need is S o vt i| CREENVILLE

a . oO oF : ee : ~ strength to drive ont of your system
a -_ 4 ty things bills now on the} strong, magnetic, full ot new life and| that which is the cause of dine Fever, | PORK | SIDES & SHOULDER
5 calendar. He intimated quite plainly | yigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder- P. P. P. is needed at once. +e ueen bak: URRUHANTS Brit

bead the soaecgaash whion. presented the worker that makes weak. men strong. aaeee Hae Work sage Rel pcyactiage * ing their yearTs supplies will ting " Hin Ano
petition that he didnTt wish to grant the Many gain ten pounds in ten days. poor hanlth and that her case devel- their interest. toget ur prices befere Pre ry
request, although he took it under ad"| Ovcr 400,000 cureT. Ruy No-To-Bac| oped into nervous prostration. She chasing Syne e. mratock iscotaplete)

vieement. If he grants the request, from your own drugist, who will ey from era are ie : ! }
guarantee & cure. rvteddde aud sample OF Limes Was Gnenie Ge eny wor FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAR The next session of the school wil}

there will be plain sailing for him, and| $4." eae 1 atall, She could not sleep, and was
Mailed fies, «Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.|} go nervous that she would have to get open on:

Rot much show for the bills to get

Chicago ur New York. " up at all hours of the night and watk | | ae | |
o through the Senate during the remain-| ae the floor, and the opening of a door s
4 Lg time of this session; if hz retuses it, resinumemeamea 32°? a woels startle her But het weakness AUR ARE $F rama ABN aie ore MNDAY SEPT. 7, 189%
a ae - chexe inti , hi and nervo ess a Bei Fe ks pe, MP Tas 0
: _ there e ye may be'a lively row., 208 mem- sin die Pine ahr was mata her. ier appetite Tobacco, sr ff &c, ~6 Groh
Madera " is ; ~ met CU, Son wns ee ee sh Woda \
gre"almost two, thirds of thelHfouse"| Pings that given in the Baltimore Bap-| ofthe past and che thanks P. P- Py {we-bUY ditochtrom Manntartins. se AS tarard ore Ge tellers.
| can easily uncrown the Czar, if so dis~ tist. It rends; oBo patient, brethren; it is! Lippian's Great Remedy, for her com- pall trrched ged one prot, A e0U- | primary Anglish per mo, $2.00
: ae 7 ~a contemptible, prem chai | aveeemaration oonmnine | °°" PR iL ii ais Intemingdiate ne $2 50
By Coma.) ings eze-huetg, bess litting, shiver- oir y teeta ol RNIT free chains a
ed to t yf ~Migund likea ae ] wv : | on Bi Rat ee CRC Em ANC fs eh Ng an isclplige.of the erhool
fecineT 10 tolley | comes like a thiet, stops like @ poor, re- | MIPRMAN BROS.. Apotheceris, $9 hand and soid at prices so,auit will lhe Aa el Har ay 7
sh ) concerning maa and W en {goes it generally Lippman's Block, Savannah, Ca, Fano a preter! oy mph iy Al We Gat a continuases of yale wal
; va ° j : hh i " a Ma ye 8 Ge tal Dts 7 , y ' past
Free Homestead bill. The bill has / manages to forget 60 ing, and has See ie ee ae r ~isk |Miberal patronage,
~sabipn reported to the House just as iti! come back two or three times.� | Forsaleby J. L, Wao.tea. we See itis RAGSDJLE



Mega yike seo se
£ Ca a. Ge epi itis copie cae aeulis bs ieicen aici
is PIER OER ee ee aE ee

ge: ?
a :
a bie .




What He Ras Suffered and What He
Thinks He Has to Fear.
oWere you in the wartTT inquired
the young hero worghiper of a se-
"| cret society guard in this city. as the
scarred and gray haired, veteran ~of


al Sohn aces i o
_epanepeya penedule

ae ee ; oh ok tik whe os See Ones remit Pore
Ae :


sad ante

rong otime; and my N08 ~Nas been 4 a il
crooked ever since. D you.

_!*When: Iwas 10. years old, I was
the only boy in school who got lick-
ed and kicked by bigger boys every

new: seats er orn

aoe . "
ae Se :
® mee | i] o *


day, and a year later I was the only : Cay
one in the town who had cholera. an e S | hs

When I was 15, I went to a circus,

- The Only Five-Dollar Daily 0

Seg ee gee ee eT ae ee ee ee "_

Se ee er

Dated a a long life painfully hobbled across
wonton |e 5 fhe or of the anteroom, am Neon who was stepped upon
1896. 1 A. oT oNo,� he sighed, obut I couldn't or Ae and the ee acai
= lay M.IP.M Ne lk have been more injured if I had walked ~over me. It .was three
: Weldon | 11 55| 9 44 : been,�T said he, rubbing one of his : :
Leave Weidon |). O° . months before I recovered from that
Ar, Rocyi-Mt | o1 001069 | Yeas tenderly aa he epokss affair, and six months later I fell
. | | ce | oWhat was the trouble?TT persist- ' :
2 : ! hee Belews ee Ras through the ice while skating and
3 } -ed the young man sympathizingly.
Ly Taroro 12.12 é ee, igra was pulled out half drowned. A
| "" | mm dura itia, been ppthing but! wear later, While rabbit shooting, a
Lv Rocky Mt 1 00}10 | B45 trouble since f ones earth,� sad- friend shot ~me in the hip gall I
Ly Wilson: 2 0811 6 20} ly replied the afflicted one, oTT was) x ;
Ly Selma. ,. 2 83 aw i. ett ; have never fully recovered from it.
4 + , born unlucky. I am a living picture, : uae
Lv Fay'tteville) 4 36) 1.7 Past ; ~The next summer lightning struck
Ar. Florence 7 al 3 of bad luck, and the more I think! suis
: ne 5) 3 4 of my misfortunes the more f orcibly a tree I was standing beneath, and I
oo veg fo Leah ce ee ee was picked up for dead. Wjhen I was
$ 2 dace? anced ofthat temeee me 25, I again fell through the ice, an
o�,�4 good hook which says that the sins .
. yA eee of the father shall be visited u n| the wetting gave me pneumonia and.
wen amet | ae | | : es ee pom jeft my lungs weak. Soon after I
o P.M, * tar ag. |dbechtldaen, fo, the thin, and four | ot well I caught cold, which nearl
Lv Wilson... 2 08 620| generation. My father was a good 8 ited mechs eg eh The f ¢
; A815 oat ae I resulted in consumption, The fol-
i sectiie, : : 7 He man, and so was his father, but owing yoar rheumatiza attacked
nolia 4. ba snead y veld ba hi Bee:
Ar Wilmifigton 6:45 179 a5 fae hililpaiaes ne ~ pp Rated no me, and at times I cannot Use my
i P.M. A M|® pita e _ oY, DY BCR OTe ey left arm and leg, and my last mis-
. that Iam visited with all his sins.TT; page pina aa
" pope is : Ifortune was to receive a paralytic

TRAINS GOING NOTRE Gan h Bony commented the stroke, which has rendered my right

Cg fe soe ie 'gide froz the top of my head to my
Dated mi & was thes aid mon luck pagan whoo I toot absuiately useless, as you have
apie l, oa\s sg doharteste me Pon ge eg eee | observed, when I hobble about.

96. Za 4 7, : ) T og poms 1! ag :
AS 2 |"- |" | nouse took fire and I was nearly | i uppoEe, ne ad, witha world
Ae of pathos in his sad voice, othat

A. M.|I suffocated and cremated. Before I patter
Ly Fivrerce 8 4) 7 4) . : some day I'll sit dn a barrel of dy-
Lv Fayetteville] 11 101 9 40 was 3 years old a servant dropped |. nite which will explode, and then
Ly Selma 12°37). me to the sidewalk, and I had brain, my troubles will be ended �__Wash-
Ar Wilsca . 1 20/1185 fever as a result; I fell down stairs . - :
sinning athena |ington Post.
@ l___.|and broke my collar bone, and I eid
ait got lost and was found by a police- The Chinese Dictionary.
Ss : man half perished in an ash heap.� inese dictionary authorized
PO p od 1n.An A Cap The Chis y
"_ "" "|"__"|"-| ".|____ | The victim of misfortune sighed|py the imperial government con-
er A. M. Pp, M, | deeply over these incidents in his tains 214 classes of words, of which
ue Ma ce i ~0 pe 7 00| career and rubbed his paralyzed,159 include the more important.
Lv Goldsboro | 12 01 : i hand. Continuing, he said: This famous dictionary, the most
ar Wilsen 1 00 10 27| . 2 was but 4 years old when 4 ancient of any recorded in literary
Ly Tarboro ied playmate cut off the ends of three history, was arranged by Pa-out-
: 6 ,s am ig og es of my fingers with an ax, and two she, who lived about 1160 B. C.
~ © years later I had measles, whooping a:
ZA %, A ~cough, chicken pox and scarlet fe- Disproved It.
(ose ver. When Iwas8,I fell from a| oThis is all rot about pure grit
, . M. P. Mp. M,| cherry tree and broke a leg, and as, winning success.�
ri eae uk 7 H rth 10.32] goon as that got well I was knocked| ~~How so?�T men
y 1) 11 18! gown and trampled over by arun-' ~~Isank a fortune Ina grindstone
Ar Tarboro 4 away lorce. That kept me in bed a factory.TT--Detroit Free Press.
Lv Tarborc sj se ae
Lv Rocky Mi 2 17 12 11 STRAT LE ET OORT Ee a! i ert pega
Ar Weldon 1 01

_, Train on Scotland Neck Branch 20a
eaves Weldon 8.55 p.m., Halifax 4.10
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p
m., Greenville 6,57 p, m., Kinston 7.45
.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2.
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving
Hali x at 11:00 a. m., We'don 11,20 am

except Sunday.

Trains.on Washnigton Branch leave
Washington 8.00 a, m., and 8.00° p.m
arrives Parmele 8.50 a. m., and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington

; 11.60.a. th., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
~eps: Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

. Train leaves waroore, N .C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. &. daily except Sun-
day. at 450 p. m., Sunday 300 P. M:
arrive Plymouth 9.00 P. M., 5.25 p. m,
Returning .2aves Plymouth daily except
Sundey, 6.00 a. m., Sumday 2.30 a m.,
arrive Tarboro 10.25 am and 11. 45

~ "Prain on Midland N. Cc. branch leaves |":

Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6,05 a
m. arriving Smithtield 7°30 a, m, Re.
turning leaves Smithfield 8.00 a. m,, ar-
rives ut Goldsbors 9,30 a, m,

Trains on Latta braneh, Florence R
&., leave Latta 6.40 pm, airive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Duabar 6.30 a m
aay Latta 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train ~ onClinten Branch leaves War-
éawfor Clinton caily, except Suuay,
Oa. mand 8.50 p, m: Returnirg
e aves Clinton at 7,00 a. m. aud3,00 1 a.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Weldon forall points daily, a!l rail via
Riehmone, alee at Rovky Mount with

Norfolk and UarolinaR & forT Noniolk | |

ne all points North via Norfolk,
:.. oGeneral pupt.

T. M. EMERSON. Traff'e Manager.
J. R. KENLY, GenT! laasker i

The Oldest
~Dally Newspaper ~in

North Carolina.

ronan ct RECA

Monthly, a
((-~ eeited by ALBERTSRAW
G= ~a T= : soeneeaen } """""" eS Ve

"Uf only one magazine can be taken, we would sugeest the
~~" REVIEW OF REVIEWS, as covering more ground than
_any other magazine.� "Board of Library Com missioners
of New Hampshire, 1896.
~" i n'a

HIS magazine fs, in its contributed ~and. departmental |
features, what its readers, who include the most noted 3

V3 ( names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call
, oabsolutely up to date,� othoroughly abreast of the times,�
oinvaluable,� and ~~indispensable.�T It is profusely illustrated
with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles
are of immediate interest, by the best authorities on their respect-
ive subjects, The Editor's ~~ Progress of the World� gives a

ciear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human
| race during the current month, The o Leacing Articles of tie

Month " present the important parts of the best magazine a.u..es
Nn that have been written in every part of the world. Tx newest
~and most important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes,

chronological records, and other departments complete tre |
certainty that the reader of the Review
or Reviews will miss nothing of great
significance that is said or written or done in Stamps ~or
_. throughout the world. Speci mel © py



"= REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO., 13 Astor Place, New York.

Single Copy, 25c.* Trial (five months), $1.09 : Year, $2.50
Cys SHE THAT? wgeeys
te, sis chertas ORT tin

mice nels oOF f i bat na Ne if ie Pa A ats tie ~ org ae ~!

i eae te il sail FANKER

Send 10 Cents

7 st

oSy It isa picture ot the celebrated 7

\ wth ULES a ;
i i ~ [
P : Ay 4 i
i) \ fy ,
% . + 4 y +
' a ; ~ i
2 mG, T |

Best in use. The outf
Wig 6) Weak complete without. dne. ~4

hbk What Is It? ghhbhih

AIAN ffian is = S$

PS ee




Here is an upportunity to get this excelletit

magazine for little money.

We will send the Cosmo-

politan and the Eastern Re-
flector, both, one year for



Or we Will send the Cos-
mopolitan and The Daily
Reflector, both, a whole

~year for $3.50.

If you want a good magazine and a good

home vaper, this is vour chence. Compare

and :t is the equal of any of them.
Send your orders to the Reflector.

| set E Leet

the Cospmopolitan with the $4 magazines.

When you need


Reflector Ottice,





DonTt iorget tae

Our Work and Prices Nuit Gur Patrons:

4 Bey,



sie tenance ri Sis PII 28


ie aa ik ie i

ei a cae


Our energies

2. 8.8) ®


2elee) e/



laxed. Our tef-
forts have never
ceased to give
oe the best, se-

cted stock OL

from which to
-se ect your pur-
chases. Wecon-
fidently believe
and unhesita-
tingly claim
that ours is the

in ow; county
from which to


for the coming
year. Goods are
soldon time and
at close credit
prices to cus-
tomers of ap-
proved credit.


Goods sold for
cash at figures
that tell of the
ence of gold, sil-
: ver, or. green-
backs. When
they enter into
our possession

; ¢onverted ~into



we can buy for
the benefitofour
many friends
and customers.
Du not hesitate
or be led away,
but come back
to your friends,
who wil! take
care of your in-
terest and work
the harder to
make of you a
er and better
friend of stright
forward, honest
dealing between
man andman.
We are the
friendofthe rich
man, poor man,
of you all. See
us and be treat-


aces =


beanies Store.�

have never fYe-.

storeof allstores .

they are again -
y on : just received at J. L, Starkey & BroTs.

ed right at the: ¥


: a



Creates many a new usiress.
Hularges many an old business, T
Preserves many @ large busiuess,
_ Revives may a dull business,
~Reseyes many &1o8b .business,..
Stives any @ failing burinces.

+ re

oF os ny i,

te Hinnns o chp he eas




Passenger and mali jtrain going
ncrth, arrives 8:22 A. M. Going South,
uyrives 6:67 P.M.

teamer ~Tar River arrives from Wash-
{Seton Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday. Thurs,
lay and Saturday,

amen cee ee


By Teiegraph.)

Mar. 7.06 7.09 706
May 7.19 7.238 7.19


Sp | WieatT"
Muy 79% 80} 79Z = 80}
May 7.90 8024 7.95 8.00
May 4.10 4124 410 | 4,10



» 3

nnn nannahnnnnnn Wi a ees

556,888 i Cc 4



Fair tonight and Sunday, colder ic"
night and in «xtreme east portion Sun"

ee porns



A Fresh Mixtura Served Evory Day

Apples cheap, 2G cents a peck at 5.
M, Schultz.

Fresh Carr Butter 1 pound packges,
at S. M. ¢Schu tz.

For sale or rent one six rvom house

and lot. J. J. CHERRY.

Just received 50 tubs of Boston

Pure Leat Laid.
J. L. Starkey & Bro.

Another supply of ledgers and day
books at Reflector Book Store.

Twenty-five boxes of choice crackers


Twenty-five thousand Sledge Ci_ar-
ettes just received at J. L. Starkey &


Billie Burch says he believes it was
warmer last summer than it is, this
winter. as

KingTs Weekly has put in a cylinder
press and the paper enlarged to Six

Enel Dairy

We bave opened up on our farm
one mile vexst of Greenville a


And are prepared to furnish
town and community with the



& | at your door every ~morning at
s|reasonable prices. Give us one

trial and you will be our oustom-
er. , For prices apply to ~the: pro-T
prietors or manager.
with either will pare prompy at.



Op | tention.

R. M. 7 igh


S cures suceess LO any Lupine ss |
To. Ky sdpcthee judicious,� u: oube pac

a Keeping Citta at i igs Sirs

just received.

~Orders left:

| Jas, & Wiley Brawn, Props. |



premre 4 ce) Pe

S. Higgs i is out f-om a several wore


jal of jaundice.
M B. Hawes and wife returned from
Williamston Friday evening. |

ath cot

At 4; Barite and wife came in last
pight to visit their parente.

B. GC. Pearce returned this mornisig
from a trip down the road.

irom Oxford Friday evening.

Col. Hairy Skinner a d wife left this
morning for Washington ~City.
. Mrs. H, F. Barris returned last
night from a visit 16 her son in Scotland
Neck. )

Solicitor Bernard went to Henderson
this morning toT assume his duties at
Vance cour. :

Miss M.TL. Lacy lett this ~morning
for South Boston, Va., to atrend the
wedding of her sister.

Mrs. C. L. Barrett, who was visiting
her father, J. T. Smith, returned to
Ayden Friday evening.

Mrs John Pierce, who was visiting
Mrs. Emily Harris, returned to her
home in Ayden Friday eveving. :
Rev. Alban Greavex came over from
Kinston this morning and wi!l hola
services in the Episcopal church to-

Presiding Elder B, R. Hall came in
on Friday eveningTs t ain and held
quarterly conference in the Methodist
church at night.

Andrew Joyner returned Friday
evening from Whitakers. He reports
the condition of Mrs. Joyner as much
bettea, she being able t to sit up.

We've had ano-her of those cold,
blustery days.

The Reflector Book Store has more

~lof those beautitul goid pens with pearl


BakerTs Chocolate and Cox Gelatine

Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the
tinest. liver and bowel segulator ever

Remember if you want a set of Har-
ness or your Harness repaired that I
can be found next to HaskettTs Hard"
J. R. Cory.

ware store,


at my same place ready to serye
you with

Fruits, Confections, Cigars,

and Oysters. I havenice Malaga
Grapes, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Figs, &e.
Leading brands of Cigars.
Fresh Candy every day-
Let me grate vour Cocoanuts.




Tt uaocp AO, pus

a8 8,9}

in =

exe p


3 a
=3 Go &
os. ae oa =
ss = a
2 oe Cc = )
.. a:
ee: =
sa. «fe ®
seit. 3
oos a
mest =
tne SS S
: 4=S @
avait. ot
es Yr a a oHh
@ y LJ
a :


af . i. x nf
; by bs a e 1. #4
i vt c ih, 1 fig ee
| } f ae é s
tT o I oh = i
e - : hej
rh PR RE gh +
. Yee i

That is all You Find Under This Head. ~

~ Gov. Jarvis and J. Fi. Blount returned

FEM shoes og
. ee Si

Who said that trying to do
business without advertis-
_ingis like winking ata pret-
~ty girl through a pair of
goggles: You may know @
- what you are doing, but no-
GonnaT else. anes.

Come ane see e what bargains
we are offering in


only ask you to call and ex-
amine our goods and prices.


on the market get the old reliable

Farmers - Alliance,

~ i~

® 6 6

a e- « 6 ®

SOLD BY ""_!.


we can save you money,





All goods fresh and of the best. An up-to-date

Bakery in connection and you can always get
fresh Bread.

See us before buying,

Daily Reflector, January 23, 1897
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 23, 1897
January 23, 1897
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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