Daily Reflector, December 31, 1896

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salah deestniaal



. No. 631

up I"Fitted to living models,
iat aad wll fit you.

2"Madce upon honor.

3"Boned with unbreak-
able Coraline.

4"Worn to-day by four
~ million women.

5" Made tomakea woman
took at her best.




era oer
We lead in



and all at prices way

' Crs

ool ns fl see us. and
oawe save you money.

a ff Tigee a?

iC. T. Munford). yaar

~ig marked more or lessjwith-short com"


We stand upon the threshhold of an-
other year. A few hours more and
1896 will have gone into the past never
to return. This is a time that should
bring solemn impressions to us all. It
is a fic time for self examination as to
whether we have lived as we should dur-
ing the past year. Doubtless every lite

mings"none can dare boast of having
come up to the full measure of duty
and opportunity. Sull many have
done what they could. Let us_ profit
by past experiences, forgetting the error
that are behind, and with.faces to the
rosy new year resolve to turn over a
new leaf and make it the best of our

The eecret service division of the
Treasury Department reports the dis"
covery of a new ten-doillar national bank
uote. Itis a photographic reproduc"
tion «f a note issued by the Union Na-
tional Bank of Detroit, Mich., check
letter oB,� series of 1882 signed by W-
S. Rosecrans, Register, and C. N. Jor-
dan, Treasurer, Chief Hazen, of the
secret seryice, says it is the product of
the same hand as a counterfeit note he
recently discovered of the N atiofia!
Bank of Commerce, of New York.
Fewer miles of railway have been
constructed in the United States during
the year now closing than during any
other like period for a decade. ,



A Long Record for the Holidays.
For the last half of December Regis-
ter of Deeds Ferkins issued 34 mar-
riage licenses, 19 for white and 10 for
colored couples.

Herbert Briley and Sallie Daven-
Charles Morgan and wauara Smith:
R. L. Gritfin and Martha J. Little.
Leon F. Evans and M. E. Forbes.
Fred Arnold and Hattie Campbell.
Jas. L. Smith and Sarah Sheppard
Ed Carraway and Lena Best Smith.
Thomas Pollard and Polly Brown.
J. 2. Spier and Clara Rogers.
Dink Pollard and Emma Lewis.
T. E. Hooker and Ione May.
J. C. Campbell and Ada Cox.

W. J. Jenkins and Mamie Flown.
Thomes Moore and Maggie Norris.

Howell Hales and Loda Aruold.
Geo. W. Roberson and M, Q. Har-
ris. ,
Isaiah Nichols and Jennie C. Tucker:
Luther Warren and Maud Mayo.
Howell Dudley and Lillian C. Me"
Thomas Morris and Rebecca Gard-
Ed Wilson and Clarisia Smith.
Blow#t-Brown and Martha Hardy.
John Boyd and Lizzie Smith.
Oscar Johnson and Jane Rieves.
Mc. Wiggins and Emily Gaylord.
Richard Peadex and Mary Whitfield,
~Wenry Forbes and William Ann
Charles Mumford and Hannah Daily.
John Faircloth and Pennie Chap-
man. ;
Allen Stokes andHarriett Langley,
Jolin Jones and Eliza Jackson.
~Irvin Atkingoa and Susan. Grimes.
John Carman and Hattie Robbins,
Henry Foster-and Sarah Mills.
The total number of licenses issued
o| during the month was 57, for whites 80,

tor ~colored 26., oThe total, ~number, forT

.~Ehe Town Progresses.
The year 1896 has been an eventtul
one to Greenville. It bas ~witnessed

previous year, yet the progress. of the
town was hardly checked at all by such

here than before the fire. Itis worthy of
note that notwithstanding many business

there has not been a failure or assign-
ment through the entire year"in fact

years past.
destruction of the Greenville Lumber
Co's plantTwhich could not be replaced.
Considering thé disadvantage in getung

portions of the town have gone on very
rapidly. The RerLector hoped to be
able to give today a list of new buildings
and improvements during the year, but
so far have not succeeded in- getting it.
It will appear soon.

A Jail Delivery at Wuson.
Late Monday afternoon a very re-


Cherry turned them out in the corridor
in order to have some work done in the
After the work was done the
vheriff tried to get the prisoners to re
turn to their separate abodes, but they
bluntly refused. There was no one to
aid the officer, and while some of the
prisoners held him, one took the keys
trom his hand, opened the outside door;


and the whole crowd made a desperate
rash for liberty.

Many men were in the neighborho od
of the jail and immediately gave chase
to the prisoners, who were ruuning in
all directions. After an exciting chase
they were all bagged except seven, who
are still at large. One who had shot a
man at Black Creek Sunday night re"
turned and asked permission to get
back to his cell, and the request was
granted. Several desperate criminals
escaped and are now at large. The
Sheriff was not hurt in the scuffle over
jhe keys in the

jail." Wilmington

To Advertisers.
The RerLector here takes occasion
to return sincere thanks to the business
men tor their liberal patronage during
the past year. ~To them we feel the
success of the paper is largely due, as
it could not live without advertise-
ments, We trust all will continue
with us through the New Year, and
that new patrons may be added to our
list. We wish alla happy New Year.

Had ycu noticed thet there is less
crowing of reosters early at night since
Chitstmas than just before ?

The Board of County Commissioners

greater destruction by fire than in any|

there has not been one for two or three \%
The most serious mishap | %
to the town during the year was the | %

building material after the mill was}
burned, improvements in the residence | 3

markable jail delivery took place at]:

disaster. On the contrary the burned | SX ad
district has been rebuilt aad there are E
now more and better business houses}:

houses were burned down and for some | x
time merchants were kept out of busi"| x
ness while waiting for stores t» be built, |

I extend many thanks to my
friends and patrons for their
liberal trade during the past
week and hope to merit 4 con-
tinuance of the same. I will
always keep a full stock of

x good goodsand you are al-
Cg ways welcomed. Remember
a The King Clothier when you
zc want anything.




There were seventeen prison- | 20
ers in the cells, and yesterday Sheriff] soadK WW)


paiement | alee tea ee


For Genuine Bargains,
Go to,

and you will see for yourself. A better chance
Hisiline of

will never occur again.

Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Lotions,

See him next to StarkeyTs.

are the best.

1) HAVE Secours

heid a special meeting Wednesday to
examine the accounts of the county
officers for the past year.

This yearTs cotton crop in North Car
olina is found by the State, Agricultu-
ral department to be a little over four
hundred thousand bales, which is a gain
of 112 per cent over last yearTs.

Hope Fire Company will have a
meeting for practice next Monday
evening at 7 oTclock. The engine will
be given a thorough testing and itis
desired that every member be present,

oTt is a sin

| December, 1895, was 66. To steal a pio,
if talon It ig. a, greater
«Dont gt ~ies if you should hear ~To steal a tater, . ts
out the old year and wel. | Err 7 who steals a rian
com tik new tonight. Dicks Wes As ty of a A Whopper «ga

i a complete line of

Ladies Underwear & Capes:
and the pric2s are very low ©
Overcoats and Rubber
Shoes. A complete stock
to .select from and your

inspection is invited.
Fr.ce, lower. than ever.

commercial life ofa fo eg unts the corres-| Below are Norfolk ptices of cotto.
: Apit Hite. bleuins sate pe Peecer� @ve of the ravages of) WI" Pe r yesterday, as furnished
eee stantly guard again 'con-| the habit.and the ogoings on� off oF of Nor & Commission Mer]
eee oe ee tly guard against any slug-|its victims, it the Legis! chants of NorfokT- " *
~EVERY AFTERD "" ishn ie r for ieceng gislature re- .
EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY). gishness which may be slowly en- | fuses to tak Sgr Coy : COTTON
ee Tea ee veloping its city. ¢ to cage e the actionT referred | Good Middling ; -
i ee -|world. A town with industrial or| urn itinto @ lunatic asylam." Good Ordingry «6 13-16] Fee d
SURSCRIPTION RATES. commercial advantages will | Reehnged Dies pet tet: ~ay : Qe .
never; , : 7)
tne year, - - +» +3¢ $8.00|8¢e these improved and de ie i | "_"eor B 1.30 re
. ae velo Pe roe oO !
a a on ed fcr their benefit unless they _ There are 794 Missionary Bap- Stee ane _3 Pare: & o
Doge sei bod letias ee al without | @ré pushed and kept before thuse es preachers in ~this State, 150 anes cea ay Bar q ct a C
a ag det eS who can and will assist i rimitive Baptist, 160 Free Will|s ? pane 24 f TA m2
ig ertisng rates are liberal and can be | bis Ul assist In MAKIDY | Bantist 1 #) Spanish 60 to 75 i. bh * 85 (T] ty
aad on aeottoatio (0. the. Sditor of at realities of what was simply poss-| ptist, 16 Church of Christ Bap- | Tone"quiet. Bd ee SS G ei Se
a ce : ibillities. = 93 Disciples, 1 Seventh Day gy So 4 = ad ee nD
3 ; C4 : : ie
"_ | Baik dull Mmseand- thes. will " Old Buptist, 661 Meth- G ~ ae ae on = | ~
is elite Ok dorreapondent at prevail, but they pre not necessa- 4; ist Episcopal South, 64 Metho- reenville Market. HP Og Gs
_ avery postoffice inthe covuty, who will ry, and can only be found in com- a Protestant, 7 Wesleyan Meth- Corrected by 9. M. Schultz. ca OR 3 a. ©
cach veighharhae. Wet it occurs} munities whose citizens are in adie ene tae Marianas), tc , 8 re | =
and only on one side of the oe semis different to their future prospects a one terian, 26 Associate Snobs Des 8 toatl aay © S
ws igre a ects! Reformed Presbyterian, 14 Re-| Ve" Sides 43 to 5 FD pes £9 yo
: selfish in their possessions ' emls b o& wee
and oat | D8 |formed Charch of United ugar cured Hams 10 to 124 hte pS |
; unwilling to~advance the in- : States, | orn 3] Oo a Os
weral Commission on supscrip-|terests of their ity 73 Evangelical Lutheran, 96 Pro-| Corn M gaa 9] eK oy mo
on tates paid to agents. f community or! testant Episcopal oie orn Meal 50 to 65 wy RNS a
te ; ollow men."Newbern Journal. | Waid ~p pal, 7 Moravian, 1} Flour, Family 5:50to6.25| & O MO te °
? al CusiSn, 2 Salvation Army, | Lard 64 tol¢}] © e =| 4 5
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1896. ee 18 Adventist, 9 Dunkard, 52 Qua-| ts 35to4e] O 4 2 Ey
dicciraeianceaaimeuiianias ~asin O, TIME, kers, 4 Jewish, and 24 Roman Sugar 4to6|° ec oq Bt
The Busitiées Re pee Catholic., Total 2,55: . | Coffee 13 to 26
s ne vival. The enquirer-Sun brings forward a| preachers. These nai bl Salt per Sack 75 to 1 60 "g
Cais Ciiliiie bose iy *dnahod� this oblohubobne: whet «haven: 50GUIT| genre 10 to 25 yeas (a8 z
Sometimes we are almost pleas. | in fifteen minutes, ~by the watch.� nambere, Dh ave 526,117] Eggs per doz 123 Py = S325 3 " FS
| ed that Mr. Bryan was not elected akward, th . eee : ers. ere are 1,263 col]-| Beeswax. per ye Po See es 8 - 4
President, for if he had been the Oh, tine te Genur fight , ored preachers, of eleven demno- my Bs ies) ls aD & :
_ imprecations would beloudand| Feedme on gruel again Inations, who supply 2,274 church- 3S : Sd ey gv ~6
~prolonged that the financial em- Just for tonight. es is mvs ive. Thus; of: the i ~ 2 org =s : 7 2
barrasements and business fail- I * sé weaty ac people in the State 802, AN by son 2 5 Q °
cmt RE� ee eel oe Wee\ | TS TET ES
» that are likely to occur in the And vule.nized cake ; a tebe need large percent- o 1 8 PPE sESO A
present and future would ail be Oysters that sleep Ge the Hahn Aldinnae 457 / fe S88 ob ou {7 � !
* attributed to his election. 2 In the watery bath, serts that North Carolina is the 23, tb = zo ar é 2
The New York THbnne says perenne . eRe country in the ae a aee ac; {T] S
' that othe south shows gratifying; . Weary of paying a . O S S Fy Z Z -
, signs of business improvement, For what I donTt eat, a ee eS FS 2
with sense enough in some quar- Chewing up rumber T It appears from the State aS 2S 2 bY =
: sr) =
: Bult of Republican success.T oBackward, turn backward, years is $825,850 he me ROT HO S20 2 &_ 4 ez %
4 The Richmond Dispatch ex- For weary I am! less than th vear, which is Ze o3 FR A Ey
] : o : Give me a v back 16 6 expenses for the ss S93 , C
cn What unmittigated At grand notherT . ee veata past, and that, owing! & ga 88 2 O ey m7
3 ; bers Jum ; epreciation in th Sm Se ty * z2
Let me drink milk taxable e value of ss S518 =
: mn ro oy. 6 o~
There has been some improye-" That has never been skimmed, | *&t6 wilt ti mys ane se aa : Ss ! : =
ment in business in the south, but Let me eat butter No one need delude ~himeclf gies | ae el © vy z
this is not due tothe election of : Whose hair has been trimmed; ae idea that the expenses of "the 4 Ss =: se 5
ir: MoKinley; bat to-s cessation ~Sve i aldfas ths Be iis Fee ean bose cf ESTABLISHKD 1875 s = § B
of political excitement, and tothe TI 3 an old- ashioned pie, 19 past. On the contrary they 2 _ Q y o F 4 a,
2en I'll be ready will be greater. This is the hi ¥ $8
act thatthe people have settled To curl up and die.� tory of all gc B Ohe: Kp j Y 38 by s
do t b : up and die. y all governments the pop- \ SCHULTZ =. oe & s @
wn o business. one ulation and enterprise of which ~ ) a BTS key 8} he, = a= 2 Oa
The industrial revival that was be in astate ot progression. So,) DAR aT 7 :
= promised in the event of Mr. Mc- A Town on a Gpree, y ee may pe accepted in ad- PORK SIDES GSHOMLDER aes aie oe
4 KinleyTs election has not mate-| Tho jegislatur latureTs sporopAatone wil ient {JARMERS AND MERUHANTS BUY |
rialized yet. He has befcre him ato b & : of Connecticut Creased, and a another fact tha ti ing their yearTs supplies will find . . OISON
she greatest reaponaibilitn: exer : @ asked. to step in and so- | the tax rate will have to be rais- chasing eleewhen eur prices befere pua A Do
undertaken by any of his prede- aed Se town of Manchester, ed,"Charlotte Observer. n allits branches, ueatons ecomplels {ondary orien
Cossors: He has contracted with ane a eed entire popula- ernie homeforene igs aeaneanee sta
the American people to restore be T oa 8 said to, Campaign Amenities, F LOUR,COF F EE SUGAR pochanpoiting fat raion faennaeta Disa
prosperity by a reviyal of busi-|,; on a cocaine ojag.� Some a eury, fodide potash, and still have achat
ness ~and &-restoration of values.}...¢.° an enterprising Man- Lhe late presidential campaign RICH, TEA, &e any part of the per Colored Spots, U rhtoats
We wish the Republican admin ee druggist commenced to sent acanons: ae eae to a po- 7 Ses out, it is this Secondary Is ehyows falling
: ; . : , j » WS
wiration alndant scotess in its ee a an asthma snuff composed soligvieaicnel sf pnie Montane ALWAYS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Bane wa sence sine nee the, wapid form
* , ~ j re - S@as
gieat undertaking. All patriotic ereine and menthol. The} ago. years i ies 500,008 antares orient pa :
citizens should pray and work for preparation was not long in be-} Mr. Corbett was the Democratic obacco, Snuff &c, pplication.» Adaress lute Proofs sent sealed on ,
this consummation. We feel con- ed ae i i PAG AE AAG secne pear and rag ape his Pop buy d © Temple. CHICAGO, Lee�
fient in t i ive, and despite the efficac opponent. It appears that we buy direc) from Manutacture _ | sso issernseaensas screenname setcaenanee
ent in the ability of the south to] i), snudas a remedy fo ne of] one day, in their campaign, they abling you to buy at one profit, A eou-
meet and surmount any condi"| pomehow y for asthwa, | traveled a short distance in com- sia 3
tious that may confront her| come t as other the disease|pany. They had a very interest-| " ae arbers,
within the next four years. She|),, ile spread with start-|ing conversation, and in conse- F U RN ITU KK be ge a " ""s
looks to ths future with courage ia " a The manufactare . ne is nary sompened | peaaia A. SMITK,
and confidence."Augusta Chron- of the snuff also proved lucrative. | his statio car hurriedly . whan | always on hand and sold at prices to auit REG RELIST
icie. : and soon the other druggists of) caught up ous et beteak id told tc ~ASH goods are all bought and | Patronage solicited, Cleaning, Dy
~ | og be ~ he two ~travel | told for CASH therefore, havi insta nage solicited. Cleaning, Dyei
~ oe Manchestor began a'so to put it|ing bags in the seat in front and|*°'" Y* sell at a close niaeyib © 1isk | and Pressiag Gents Clothes a pathy
rules aad teaa on the market. Now everybody rushed out. A few miles turther . §. M. SCHULTZ, Groene ile, i
ot Necessary. iu the town is snuffing the prepa-|°2 Mr. Corbett left the train, tak- Fd oRBERT EDMUND
1. 4: tion. Persons can be seen opinch- ing the other bag. He reached | ies ohne, ake
t this season of the year, it|ing� his hotel without noticing any- ~ 4 Special atten ae
: 2� on the streets at night, at|th & aby O Friend Gg On given ro cleanin
mdstos bo bo in order to do os It. entertainivents. k T lug unusual. The following 1ds and entlemens Clothing. DU g
Weise. a0 posible Met etl co oe . osts ii guests cet however, was waiting | , ;
; . ulet cor i ~
what is more to even look with | enjoy a sniff, tok the aint I hayethe wrong bag. Con-| " Customers. OTKL NICHOLSON,
suspicion upon the person who] eye tains plug of vob J. A. BuRGxss, M
Sols Hans : ven gone so far as to become a al acco, bottle ot T Wash » MET.
business, if such talk means| treating habit. Moreover, th whiskey, six-shooter and Demo- I has been reported) This# ungton, N. C,
anything that requires effort and remedy has returned to ole a te cratic platform. Is it yours? - that I would not be vated, sere tee eae ey rine
_ ee een | us ais wenger oleate the Mercantile Busi. | reusm.etery fora. attentive ser |
The people of a town or city | not content th mene cere is r. Smith was about to open|neSS Next year. Iw Patrons etna Ovaters served dailyT f
asides tsecouniiie toric: ot that he should enjoy his meeting when the following) to say that i + +want) age of traveling puutic solicited�
dull ti @ monopoly of its manufacture rush� telegram was handed to say that isa mistake. ni
mes, for by their effotte willland sale. ~The Meohester drace|e nn... 2 : Tshailremain in busi-| THE MORNING rn '
trade come to them, and in this| gists are waked up at all h og- I, tag have wrong bag. Con- ness at the same place MORNING STAR
age business does not come unless | of the night b ours| tains oTreatise on Dynamite,�pic | Lhanking you f ; rt oe a
it is sought, and industriousl d night by men and women |ture of Mary Ellen Lease and past libe = BEY Our I'he Oldest
shots y a made to deal ont the snuff il of wo marked ocollateralland hh aris ei a F Je boleh singel
under penalty of i . |security.� Is it yours? ! g to av any eel roe
The NE (oe uving their | : : , Mave | | iN
2 ~ who finds his| prop. rv wrevwed if they refuse so ' Corperr. | ® continuance of the daily New Spaper ie
meee © and does not/to do, a.u there i , "_"_"" |same, I am your | th Mav
look to it and find the remedy for | the kni:: chs hance | : serve, W eat ie NOFUE Y rolina
it, will soon be at ihe end of his aa re i op gee a ap Nidyer sae yon'y Nugget says that : .H. WHITE. oo ke ae
a shige ula. come of the victi e stingiest man in th djT =) Te
r ms of|".4 a ® worl
he oy the capitalist who| the preparation consume $5 worth realden in Tipmphin oguaty... He | N aia ia pally ot
an makes oans in a dull commnu-| of it a week. Moral iu aahe b not only sued a person for eigh: eal? OTICE. its Glass inth
nity, one that is not reachivg out] entirely failed has|teen cents tendered 4 bill for $1) Is hereb hei. he State:
2° foe besiness, i . y failed to work reformation |to bis sister f oflour | De made to the ne that application will us tm
= by going tend bel GME es eas cae te Dmg r. seek a Sop cane e et ag General A sembiy Byles ge rée Coinage .
. Tpvestments grow poorer and tions that it has beer 2 neighbors wareT sitting up| tzu amend the Char-|LAmerican Oliver and repeal
ee eT | ons that it has been de-|°" neighbors were sitting up | ~\" the Towa of Greenville snd t $14 tal tn
Bie g = iy, on: -" Teided thatthe only ay & pullin with the corpse of his fath oA ehange tae boundary line of said Town Rs Bin ti Ceni. Tax on
imea are 98 the people ofthe town together is to have ihe ba wh ad Psy besides} SAS RAINS: | per month ~Weekly yh gp
~suffer them to be-/ Legialatare ig to have the | charging his daughter twenty-five. MO Rowan, ar Wi, BERNARD
| | zislbture pass & stringent law! Cents for what she ate . | }OOX,..: FTF Ww. H. BERNARD
i \ an A Ww vat Ww. ee et | while viait- . GOWAN | ik eau ee Ww } \ 3 *

ers aren iar cata 5 tt i

Pr eran SA IR ob,


Sates "s me ees sige cae $ Sieh Ane eR ae SS y iuaaie: PY SAAT N ARR RPS eS ATE PR EG ie ils cag

| gale

i aI Laaxer IN & WELDON Re &laaTrany: | |that Whith swept acre 8 Shera; Te lets GOOp Pe ON au =
'WEUEite j= {of nature more: (fen 100 persons were | ee i
, , a ore Bis and several times that number , ee a : oo |
6 TLA | Special mention may also be made of :
wean eg ° |ehe business failures, notably that of a
wo Hilton, Hughes & Co., the great dry
goods dealers of New York. The bank
; oe grey | Review of the Leading failures were also numerous, especially
Dated g 5) | 2 | | st srr a sig fb :
a i. on | 19 presidential election, when at one time
aa S a 1. ot ~ Events of 1896. money was loaned at 100 per cent on
: ac Sala ately be call in Wall street. Thus it will be
1A. M. PM. A. M seen that the year 1896 has been one of
Leave Weldon } 17 55} 9 44 ) eventful interest. A classified review of
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 1 00/1039 FOOTPRINTS OF TIME. the more important events follows:
em ee 2 JANUARY.
Lv Tarhoro 13 12 : | 1. Obituary: hile ay nena anie cary
: et tific American, in New York city; ~aged 70.
core mnt peemameny John B, Blair, once a famous painter and
Gy Rocky Mt | 1 volo 54| Havoc of the Dread irenor egal
5 g 5 2 : At t T a i�
lesen :. 11 6 20 Cyclone. 2 zue At Wes =a a.; loss,
Ly FayTtteville| 4 36) 1 uf 8. Fires: Franklin County ChildrenTs home at
Ar. Finvenes 7 2513 4 Columbus, 0., eres og acy he insets ~ rg pila ye ey ow eet |
oe buildings burned at Creston, Ia. ; 10ss, $150,- ; Pele aes vee
a ak =~ 1A LONG DEATH ROLL. |, %. .. . sctet end Streit block tare GIVES YOU THE NEWS FRESH EVERY |
Oc aulaies tea ed at Altoona, Pa. AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY) AND
Ze ~ 6. Obituary: Gen. ge rie en re WORKS FOR THE BFST
ITT PTT ay | Recordof Important Events Arranged | ene thos, author, im New York "INTERESTS OF.
Lv Wilson po a es Consecutively by Months and Days. city; aged 61, ee ieee an
é + deg ta gs aS 8. Obituary: Ex-Gov. W. R. Marshal of Min-
Lv Goldsboro 3 i 05 Accidents, Obituaries, _Conflagra- nesota, at Pasadena, Cal.; aged 71. At os
Lv Magnolia 4 161 A ri tions and ~@'sccllaneous Happenings 4 leat tat es big bd aged 51. -" .y~ .
Ar Wilmington} 5 +*; 9 4% tH d Abroad . Firo: In St, Louis; loss, $230,000.
P. 1. 1 . M & ome an road. Obituary: George G. Wright, ex U. 8, sena- "
tér and ex-chief justice of Iowa, at Des ;
The earth has made another revoln- Moines: abet 76. Gen. Francis Channing
TRAINS GOING NOUR! . tion round the sun. The four seasons Barlow, ee war Fateren and lawyer, in GREENVILLE FIRST, PITT COUNTY SECOND
: have again swept past, and Time, the; New York city; aged 7. er x THIR
- : : 18. Obituary: Hugh Dimond, a pioneer capital- PGC KET BOO oa T D.
ated eS =, | measurer and the discloser of all things, ist of California, at Oakland; aged 66. OUR
Nov. 15 ee! % ~2 |has turned a page of eventfol history. 14. Obituary: Martin Brimmer, noted mer
ee te $4) o8 a Our own country saw the most excit- chant, Brines, honey tag age ant Pe
* : ~ * : ron, in Boston; ~ 0
eine! wis ne a ing and bitter presidential campaign in Heckman, noted Federal veteran, in Ger- wnat
A. M.|P.M its history. It culminated, happily, ina mantown, Pa.; aged 74.
Ly Fuivrerce 8 40) 7 40 quiet election and in a gratifying dis- | {5 Obituary : rehiap 8. ryranf oot ot ie : .
Fayetteville| 11 10| 9 40 position on the part of the defeated | Pioneer photographers of the Un
Lv Selma 12 37) party to abide by the will of the people. |i Ghircrrr Gn & Be rowier, noted veter | Sp US BSCRIPTION 25 Cents a MONTH
Ar Wilscn 1 20/11 3 The great European powers have been | an of the Federal army, in Brooklyn; aged
a ee Pag �"� ~="-- | at peace among themselves. On occa- 69.
+ sions the British lion has roared and | ¥ Adal Crescent City Rive mils burned te |
soy : ew Orleans; loss, $1,000,000, ~
= A the Russian bear has growled. The Obituary: Charles Thomas Floquet, former
snes niin ns cen || phlegmatic German and the excitable premier of France.
A. M. p. m, | Frenchman have had their periods of | '* ae agit a otro houses burned in
Ly Magnolia | 10 52 8 39| The Cuban insurrection has gone on at Canajoharie, N. Y.; aged 38.
Ly Goldsboro | 12 01 9 36|continuously. At this writing no one | bo. erie hd Dr Thome rnb a
ar Wilsen 1 00 10 27 | can foresee the end, except as it will re- ) | 2Oted Baptist preacher, at Yonkers, N, Y. ;
Ly Tarboro 248 - ~sult in the certain devastation of a great or pl ean Honky ot Ratventery diac =)
= wo. | lg wt | island of fabulous natural resources and | 21. Obituary: Gen. Thomas Ewing, in New . ;
~ = es riches. Our complication with England | York city; aged 69. Jes B. Elliott T
ZA ZO over the Venezuelan boundary dispute |e prone aporting imam and builder of racing : :
. _ ~ is in a fair way of speedy solution. shells, in Brooklyn; aged 67. ne
7 , M. P. Mip. m,| The death roll includes many names | %. Onituary: Lord Leighton, noted British "PURLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT~"
Ly Wilson 1 20 11 35] 10 39, of worldwide prominence. Among them FDAC, 2A MGDOR; REA Ws oaritiah nb. .
emoehey Me 9 1 2 ay eee eee te Mention, ote Toh ME ues winded
eee | 1818, TWO O © farpers Of publishing | &. Shipwreck: Filibustering steamer J. W.
Ar Tarboro 400 fame, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Gail Ham- Hawkins wrecked on her voyage from New One Dollar i er Year.
Lv Tarborc ilton, Austin Corbin, Kate Field and York to Bermuda with men and material
Lv Rocky Mv 217 12 0) : for Cuba; 10 drowned.
Ar Weldon 1 01 Mrs. Scott Siddons. @. Obituary: John Tyler, son of the late Pres-
Disasters have been frequent, but the ident Tyler, in Washington. vay Mined |
: terre lamities cannot be charg- | ° dore Runyon, a war veteran and U. S. em- W ° 8 ) *
Lrain on Scotland Neck Branch aoa | TOT? Severe ca bassador to Germany, in Berlin; aged 74. | i h p | av
eaves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4,10 ed to the neglect or carelessness of man. Gen. Joseph H. Porter, a New York war ) » IS { ¢ #0 e N) al orite
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p The cyclone season opened early, and veteran, in New York city.

at I ~ * 24 $ 00 J
ier tee ne i250 , ee : |
Lapgunce (each) © & vi rd has a°nice assortment it tnese : LU: .
eek rk and cpio he ao a, if 17 ints F ¥ din oa 7

» yee G T oer .
We ask a continuance of your past ou astonis aa see them ee
. I ROWAEY cheap " ae Lk. ne Pg wo Fa

w., Greenville 6.57 p, m., Kinston 7.45
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2

a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving

Halifax at 11:00 a. m., We'don 11,20 am
aily except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch lesve
Washington 8.00 a, m., and 3.00°p. m,
arrives Parmele 8.50 a. m., and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m. , returningleaves
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. ©.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11.50 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Scotland Neck Branch.

Train leaves~: arporo, N C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun
day, at 460 p. m., Sunday 300 P, M;
artive Plymouth 9.00 P. M., 5.25 p. m.
Returning izaves Plymouth daily except
Sunday, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 9.30 a ~n.,
arrive Tarboro 10, 25 a. m and 1), 45

Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves
Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithtield 7°30 a. m. Re-

furaing leaves Smithtield 8.00 a. m,, ar-| -

rives at Goldsbors 9.30 a. m.

~d+ ~) Ne branch leave
ky Merrt at�,� p. om. arrive
hville 5.(6 p. +s "pring Boye 6,3
m. Rettin ave Spring Hope
o, In., Norbs.2 am, airive at
Mount 9.0 a m, daily except


Traias on Latta branch, Florence R
4., leave Latta 6.40 pm, aarive Dunbar
7.50 .p m, Clio 8.06 p m. Returning
Jeave Cliot6.10am, Dunbar 6.3) a m,
mane Lattu 7,50. a m, daily except Suu-

Train onClinton Br anch leuyes Ware
saw for Clinton caily, except Suuday,
1! 0a,m,and 8.50 Pp, m Keturnirg

Jeaves Clinton at7.00.a. m. anda3,00 1 m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
At Weldon forall points gay all rail via
Richmone, alse at Rovky Mount with
Norfolk and GarolinaR R for Noniolk

, 8 all points North via Norfolk.
General Supt.

T."/M. EMERSON, Traffie Manager.
J. R.KENLY, GenTl M anpaer, :


The otatoo wil
oe on,

pe guPT. 1, 189

bes continue for 10 months.
: The terms are as follows, .

eer @.


the loss of human life and the damage to
crops, buildings and animals have been
extremely heavy. It isestimated that,
from May 18 to May 27, 1,200 persons
lost their lives in storms which raged in
a radius of 450 miles of Chicago. But
the force of the wind in the locality

named was but as a zephyr compared, to

48. Disaster: 56 deaths in a coal mine disaster
near Cardiff.

Obituary: Elijah Shaw, founder of Shaw
university, North Carolina, at Wales,
Mass. ; aged 76. George Cochran Lambdin,
a noted Philadelphia artist, in that city;
aged 66. Dr. L. A. Harris, a noted public
citizen of Atlanta, in that city; aged 63.
Gen. Alfred Baker Smith, at Poughkeep


How Do You Think
Your Name


Woud Look in this Space

If youread this donTt you think other read-
ers would read what you have to say? :

and Business

Jor terms on this space

R. L. DAVIS, PresTt.}

R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt.

+ me, @ A



Capital $50, we 00. ass
Sa - Paid in

22 @ 2 0o

~ Transacts a General Banking Business and Solicits Collections and Ace
co nnts of Responsible Persons and irms.


LONGO EB iB wi. + ty

J. L. LITTLE. Cash,*

Capital $25,000.00


ae =.


f 5 ey 1


{ SEE THAT? (ay

lpiabbe What Is It? abhhh'

""=x It is a picture ot the celebrated


"esthn use. The outfit of no business man is ip:
_ complete:without one. }

A OM vi ae
4 { i 4 i ;
The Reflector
aki Me ei er wa | ad Yow! F : , ae y i¥
i i ; tagyl % i. y a


We hs ee
a ae yd



When you nead

Don't iors. t29



Reflector Office.


Qur Work and Prices Suit cur Patrons





Bee ec eat al Tne ncaa ellie

the twin price any object to
a� you? Arethe best qualities
any inducement? If 80 come
bin and see our new stock
which we have just re-
ceived. Our. store. is
giull of New Goods
and pries wér 'e/never lower. To
the laides we excend a cordial in-
vitaton to ~mn print Of

1 ws: ae
if 4 Me RX

We havea beautiful and up to-
date line. You will find the latest
-y gtyles and we know we can please
oyou Oh, how lovely, how beau~
tiful, the prettiest line | have ever
geen, is what our lady friends say
~ofthem. We have a large lire

poth in colors and blacks and. can

please you.

fn Ladies ard Gents FUR


i} urtives' 6:57 P. M.

Begin} ; cil
These Answer to Their ap lll ont
the Last Day. of the. i

sive: @


1 Vi eae.

C. M. Bernard left this morning.
Edward Greene returned to Nortolk

nae F oP ti,

Creates many « new business,
fnlarges many an old bosiness,

Preserves many & ee tusiness, today. = .
» Revives muny a dull: business, :
* Rescues many a lost business, F. M. Hodges went to. Washington
* Saves many a failing business. toduy?: ae

S-cures success to any business
~W. M. Lang, of Farmville, was here

To oadvertise judictousiy,�T use the},
columns of the REFLECTOR... Dr. U. J. O'Hagan went up the road
dios 2 this mcrning.

" ""

Rey. John C, Burr uss went to Kin-"
aici dat night. .

Mrs. J..E. Langley, of RichmondT
came in last night.



train going
Going South,

Passenger and mail
~Ourth, arrives 8:22 A, M.

Stvamer ~Tar River arrives from Wash-|
iigton Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure
day and Saturdav

J.J. Laughinghouse, ot Grimesland,
was in town today.


Dr, Frank W. Brown has been quite
sick for several days,

Keeping Cons:aully a i Brngs SUCCESS Mre J. S. Cntcher left this morn-
ing tor her home in Roxboro.
MARKETS, Contractor W. H. Barnes returned

(by ~Leiegraph.)

ager sme na

from Suffolk Wednesday night.

Mrs. W. M. King returned Wednes-

Al T ¥ o , bd o oe i
OPEN G. HIGH ST. LOW ST. CLOSE Chas. Skinner and little daughter

NISHING GOODS we have a|Jan. 6.83 693 6,98 6.93 | wehel returned last ni 7
splendid line. ; Mar, 6.94 7.06 6.94 7.06 Ahel wae last night trom Bertie,
May. 7.12 7.20 7.12 7.20, ae Whitfield and Mrs. Brock and
| CHICAGO MEAT AND GRAIN. ciuidren went to Kinston Wednesday

In LADIES CLOTH for Wrapa| win, 7 night.

t you want. , 7 ;
we have just what y Dec. 792 80 793 = 80 Miss Bettie Warren returned last
| Pork" night from a visit to relatives iu Wash-

In Men and Boys» PANTS Jan. 7.50 7.524 745 7.45 [ington.

GOODS we have | ait the. best] Rins". ET Bow, 3. Tere

stock to be found.amd'prives were) Jun, 3.75 3.775 3.75 875 ec anne 26 TM jmoraing
never lower... UE | to take charge of his work on Prespect

= | circuit.
WEATHER BULLETIN. ' W. E.: Patrick, who has been clerk"

SHOES. In shoes we endeav-
or to buy such as will please the
wearer, the prices on Shoes are
much lower than last season. Give
us atrial when you need Shoes
for yourself or any member of
your family. We can fit the small-
est or largest foot inT the county.
Our L. M. Reynolds & Co.Ts Shoes
for Men and Boys are warranted
to give good service. We have
had six years ~experience with
~ this line and know them to be all
we clalm for them.







and any goods you need for your
self and family come to see Us.

Our object is to sell good bon-
est goods at the lowest prices.

We haye-alarge line of


and can give you avything ycu
may néed at the lowest prices you
~ever heard of. Come and see our
°$12.50 Solid Oak Bedroom Suits,
To pass us by would be an inex
cusable injustice to your pocket
book. This is not so because we
say, 80, but because our goods
oe prices make it so. Here is a
proposition: If we deserve
,notbing, give us nothing, but if
you find our goods and prices sat
isfactory, acknowledge it with
your patronage. Hoping to see
you soon and promising our best
efforts to make your coming
eer and profitable, we are.

Yoor pier


a 1@th, 1'sT.

showers tonight and Friday.
(0a Se Shes ner teat

Things Go Right On As Usual And


And tell us how to prosper, when


: Whore evar Pat


for H,,M. Hardee, has resigned his po"
sition and TettNast night for his home
jin Ayden.

Partly cloudy weather, and local

sh meneame nemenen

ocoma etanin

Maj. Henry Harding, assistant cash"
ier of the Greenville Bank, 1s suffering
from a very painful .carbuncle on his

The Reflector 1s on Hand to Tell |T ight hand.

The News.


After spending the helidays visiting
friends in Greene and Lenoir counties
Miss Minnie Tunstall returned home
yesterday accompanied by little Miss
Effie Grimsley.

tTs curious how many en
Will point the, way to riches


TheyTve patches on their breeches.
Farewell 1896.
Last day of 1896.

In a few hours we will be in another

Let your New Year resolutians be
good oLes-

Q enough to be felt.

You better begin practicing up a
little on your dates so as to write 1897


Tonight will be the time for watch

Fresh Taffy made every day and only
10 cents a pound at ShelburnTs.

For Rent"Five room dwelling
Apply to ZENO Moore,

Fresh Pork. Sausage at S. M ,
~|DonTt forget that I am located in

the Rialto. block with a full
stock of


Come and see and be surprised.


I have 8 or 10 of my fine blood gilts
for sale now. R. J. Coss,

In Ib packages"-Golden Dates
Currents, Seeded Raisins, Citron, Nuts
Evaporated Apples and Peaches at
S. M: Shultz.


Rap, @.¢.9.°. AOA AUA ie rom

, mV al a el oe on - we ,
ee ase) NAA YOOX ODOC @O@OOS La) o) 04 9/0) . @
Ne Cy . A e
« y
Oo Ss
-(@ e)-
* e ~ be e
baie Ss e:
{ *.
na O
i) a
be * ("
a @)
(e _
o -
1g - # )
tO *
vg AM, 0
.) ee �"�
4 a of
- 7?
\@ a « 4
em a ~ |S 2" ~
ae -_ a
Ae AICO R2OQK 0000000 BON GORGE On ar

~ HS: VAI AAR NOR WY i Re ee a SR

stitable for fs:

|To the Sports,

7 he tog Wednesday night wags thick SPSREINE .°

Ei EE te VA ale ee

~We return thanks to all or a
their liberal patronage during °3
the holidays and will try and..9
make it to your advantage to
trade with usin the future. We 2%
will continue to keep a first- ,3
# -classlineof iorose Ganda. Shoes,

~2 Notions, Hats, Gents Furnish- &
a ings, Clothing, &c. Westillhave. &
2: a nice''!stock to, select. from, - 2
oge Comeand seeus and make your
ome Naw Year ore hal of presents.


The Ladies Palace Royal,

We are now headquarters for, all kinds ot

ne EGOS.

and defy all competitors as to price
and high grade goods. /= ze

U0: 7. :@. + Boaded : Shells,

_ a 25 cents per DOX. A

CAP AFAALRAALA dB lh it ia din ti di lin de de oi dp die ta)


in abundance and low in price.

Special Inducements GUNS
( +

offered on

Fol. =
~New - Year ~ Gifts�


PS rahiecapy uteri.


dation UT at pouty ay | ae

ir beautiful selections. }

~Wat! ¢
on oe

Shoes, Dé: 5:

a ae st rihiealgs 1H

¢ Family Groceries on: hand,

Tech wo 2s on a

fs ig my

Afi nef

i i wa bea el

~Sy Sud


Daily Reflector, December 31, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 31, 1896
December 31, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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