Daily Reflector, December 16, 1896

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Whi we scll
Corsets ?

Because they are
the standard for
style, fit and coms
fort. Patterns to
fit every figure.


We lead in



my ¥ y




� Wea

Some and see. us and {tai

well save you money.

T. Munford}

_ Naga aon to the, Bank of

and all at prices way

Christmas days
And Christmas ways"
Never time like this is!
Christmas noise
And Christmas joys"
Christmas hugs and kisses.
(Ladies, ladies
Lo the right !
Kiss your lover
Christmas night!)

Christmas days
And Christmas ways"
What though skies be snowing ?
Still the heart
Can play its part"
Still the musieTs going !
(Ladies, ladies
To the right!
Kiss your lover
Chrismas night!


Recruiting Office at Cleveland, Ohio,
Crowded With Voluateers"Wom-
en Offering to Go As Nurses"

A Regiment to Start
From St, Louis.

CLEVELAND, Ohio, December 14."
All morning a stream of men poured
into the rooms of A. DeArango, the
local Cuban leader, and volunteered. tu
join the Cuban army. It is estimated
that there were 150 of tuem, a large
proportion were well dressed young
mea of good education and apparent
They were teld

yood cireumstances.
,hat no more men were needed. Eleven
women individually offered tu go. as
nurses. They said they did not want
pay, but thought it was their duty to
nurse the sick and wounded. The ma-
jority of them bore mars of refinement
,nd some had eviaences of wealth. They
were adviscd to write to the junta in
New York.

St. Louis, Mo, Dezember 14."
Velunteers for the relief of the Cuban

-linsurgents are being mobilized in this

city and next Friday, if all plans are
carried out successfully, 1,000 men will
hundred ot these are St. Louisans the

leave New Orleans. for Two
~}remainder coming from East St. Louuis
and points south of here on the lines
of the Illinois Central and Iron Moun.
tain railroads, Julian van Gert,
New Orleans, will be in charge of the
expedition with W. C. Carter, J. L.
Goodneer and Cornelius Knott, of this
city, as aides... The quartette met here
today and completed arrangements.
Var Gerst and Knott will leave this
evening on the Illinois Central picking
up tho men on that road as far south as
Cairo, and perhaps Memphis and wil!
then proceed via steamboat to New

Datias, Texas, December 14."
The Cuban situation is the main subject
of counsideration. in this section of
Texas. There ~is almost unanimous
feviing and public seutiment 1s in favor
of the patriots, Dallas is the center of
activity. ~Two secret meeting were
held today. It is known the enlist-
ments are secretly being made. ~


night the first departure of men from
North ~Texas onder recent recruiting
was made, Twenty-three recruits, de-
vided into three parties took rail trans-
portation by diflerent routes fcr the
gult coast, eight for Galveston, nine for
New Orleans. and ~six for ~Florida,
From thes points they. will be furnished
means fyr reaching the island and sup-
plied with best quelity of equipment

nt ammuni The teel-
ay Ettheted here a Siig Spain, as the
| beliet is general that _MaceoTs death
was, the, work: of shined assassins wand


or Pe
tresiche vod bees
ty renee � iv? '
adage Maa: on oi AS why
oan we had ae ""

dace mourning ~paper in boxes ast
~ Reflector Book Store.


A belt

the quire.




here last



é : x9



whole iu


The glazier complains
weather is pretty hard on him.

mas talking.

flop, the

cal year ending Dec. 7th.
ment will be published in intallments in
vur daily edition out will appear as a


petite ete

line"the waist.

Civil engineers should be polite.

Church singers , bay their music bY

~Mt cold

A delightful smoke"The Cardena
""try one at Jesse W. BrownTs.

100,000 dozen Eggs wanted at J. 8.
TunstallTs, highest cash prices paid.
Her best young man called and the

parlor lamp wem out for a good time.

- No, Made, dear, deaf and dumb men
donTt always make the best sign pain"

Services in the Methodist church to-
night conducted by Rev. H. B, Ander-

W. D. Rountree & Co., cotton com-
mission merchants of New York, have

By not having an opera house Green.
ville is missing all the theatrical troupes
this season.

Toys, Drums, Dolls, Wagons, Car-
riages, Vases, Cups and Saucers,
M. Schultz.

Ned Spell,
known here, a carpenter by trade, died

a colored man, well


Just one week now to do your Christ.

The Rercecror has

some space to spare.

Want to see something pretty ¢ Look
at those ladies gold pens, pearl handle
av Reflector Book Store.

Come and feast your eyes on the
prettiest lot ct Christmas goods you ever

Ep. H. Sueisurn & Co.

The weekly edition of the RerLec-
TOR this morning was a beauty.
keep your eye open for Saturday daily


Muggins"oI understand that Flip-

acrobat, is missing trom

Buggims"oOh, he'll turn up

Visitor"Do you fear death,

my ,ood man?� Condemned Murderer
" ~No itTs merely the terrible sus-

We begin today publishing the finan-
cial statement of the county for the fis"
The state-

the weekly.

Cards are out for the marriage of
Leon F. Evans, the clever and
popular proprietor of the Greenville
warehouse, to Miss Martha Forbes, the
accomplished daughter of Mrs. Mary
V. Forbes, on Tuesday evening
cember 22ad, at the family residence,
near Greenville.

,; De.


The erdinance regarding the firing of
pop-crackers, &¢., is being violated.
All parties violating the same had bet"
ter stop or they will be sorry for. it.

Ova Forsrs, Mayor.


A beautiful home wedding took place
this afternoon at 3 oTclock, at, the home
of the brideTs father, Mr. Jacob Joyner,
at Farmville, Miss May Joyner was
married to Mr. W. J. Thigpen, Rev. i
L. Chestnut officiating.

They Will Go Off.

~Charlotte and Greensboro aldermen
have forbid the explosion of poperack-
rs during the holidays. That will be
a hard law to enforse for just 89 sure
as a boy can get hold of a pop-eracker
and a match about ChristmasT time,

something is going to pop"the cracker |.
) or the boy:

at S.


in town to select eee holiday goods than »
at vad th aveabeautifullineor .

B Ou

_Notions, Shoes,~


I have just received alovely line of holiday

ew NECK WEAR poe "

and I want everybody to come andseethem.


Have you Seen agra
�"� Great Bargains

Weare offering this week.

They are of good quality and willstand thejtest
of wear. Come andsee me.

15¢ to Zae-
, &

10e. Undershirts"

4 wool Cashmere
l0e. Ladies or Gents Rubber

~Cwo tone Cashmere

Lovely Cotton Plaids jfor Shoes 25¢e.
Shirt Waists 8c. Ladies Rubber Shoes,"

Trimming Silks at your own needle toe 50c.

price. MenTs plain Rubber Shoes = 40e.
Black Silk Hlastic 10c. MenTs needle toe Rubber

Bed Comforts"larga size. 75e. = gohoes 736

Come,and save money.


a a]

Wn) @ } } AK &

E HAVE just recived
a complete line of
Ladies Underwear & Capes
and the prices are very low
vercoats and Rubber
Shoes. A complete stock
to select from and your
| ppscnoe is invited.
~Fr.ce lower than, ever.

Po whom issued.
: Parker
a Adbritton
fisrleg Skinner t
har. ; SL : 0 chapts y
si ; s0aT.e6s8, kinn : | Le ee
i: 444 W B Parkor er === 8. 09 | Good aiding
= 488. Town of Greenvill 1650 Oe atl
0 ee on o= Cr we a Good Ord me ;
275) gunsc rrr oe 65/ rding 6 ora
ae ie (PTION RATES. ne R W Smith - 810 R oo 16 50 Tone"steady. gp? 1g18} | en
em + BY o Ira Albritton 825-R W King : 5 00| Prime rayne. a e
Jel T ered in t os a * ~ o 40 3 CY. has x 5. A. : 60 n =. : * ue :
ind on aperication are thera and can be Me Ta o87 EF Williaais Te won) oe S
= . [869 d) Rae ar ra ace a baa 139| Greenvill ea ay
ange pig lyn des 863 Woody McLawhorn 941 Woods MeLawhom 9 00 War Peis rsaiaau || eB BB
eend in brief Bains ce fs whe will bai Be: ~Tucker i} 943 N L Gray 1 50| Westertt Sides 18 to wale wm. a Te :
- na ge neighborhood, ig lech occurs | B67 Major Poilard 944 WH William 14:40 Sugar cured Hise aus by: q ae Me ~oe
toa oniy on one side of the ashe lainly cat tae a JR Ddupleton 2 65 Corn Meal | Mie Bs ) S
: = ? : HA. DOx 46 J J Perkins 65 | Flour, F at Hi ee @ oF
Liweral Comm tssi0n 0 = ' 919 5 eee we | y Murphy 4 oa me cw wo bad fe _ +) 8 :
ion ates ald toagentss 920 AA Joyni 949 EB MeL fais 97 | Sugat : 3b to W 2 oe
é mete 23 Mor Highsmith 951 NE " 155 Salt per 5 13 sy is) 4 i. EB 4
W : a WORMS Meyer 952 James CU 57 | Chick = to 29) aden "me
EDNESDAY, DecemBER 1 923 Woody MeLav 953 DC ox E ens 76 to 1 6@ a GR
k 16TH, 1896 | 926 U ny eLawhorn C Moore 80 | Eggs per doz 10 to 28 te ye pili
PNMWIAL STATEMENT, are xis = lo §
INAAT, TATE ge L Davis 85 ~ oO FF Say 8
oe : ! ENT. Toval $922 95 as 7A pee 115 ee EEPORT. &% MARKET aa oBP
| The followi r 59 W R Whichard _ £55 T. i:
e : IDX 18 a list of i Clerk Supert 960 TH : ard, Jr 50 nore 2 Ses a
~ * . orders, | X perior Court. Langle BY oO. ier ae
ogether with the number and No. To whom isiued 961 W H Bow y 75 0. L. JOYNER, : TAX NOTICE
amount, allowed b 101 EAM , AmTt.|802 Charles ski 95| Luas"C marc Owing to the bad weal T
i tisiscare leote o4 the Com-| 130 BA Moy ; $ 230 oxkinner 95 50| o bt sepa wee tees 2h 408 Pip ig time yi: yore ae ex-
: ecemb 5 W ~ ' pany vee teobes or to the first. of . & the tax
sage December 7, 189. 352 BA Move 111 16 rote wal oor tatg| pare ~uring the remaltd You
itness Tickets Superior Co 390 EA Moye 10 35] No. Jury Trckets. ae... 40 to lglg dete De necoomagi bag tere
No. To whom hati vie 462 EK A Move 109 731168 J eT MG jssued. Am'Tt 8 weatiat a of Fee wits fail to pay
30 J A Lan mTt.|767 HAM 10 30} 4 . IUtle, 1 FORS. 7 nst as the law di proceeded
~ g mOye x 943 L Litt ~ 607 85 Pay your t directs.
So ATwoe 8 210/82 FA Bore lied ole SE ye gen Serko
87 J A Lang� 5. 90|865 E A Moye 21 20/815 J ~tla, 301 25 All persons . , Tax Collecto
88 . ,|909 EB y » 9 Ly Littie 6 of G $3 owing taxe r.
Pr g T Gardner eas 9 EA Moye 2.20) 916 JL Little, « 440-00 tap at the Mace ctes doch oleae my +
sf ith 24 30 | call e MayorTs office wher an find ok 2 2
113 S di Whi 9 35 T citinitnecaiien ~ and settle i Al is where the mD = o hy a
: White 5) otal T _* S| Dées istT will All who fal ey can so as 5 ;
ltl ast da 330} Justice jase] gizar jo | the law directs, procebded aust a seat? 2 ge
R Greene 55 | stiees of The Peace. N Court House. Save trouble and 3 meres sy 2a ~ a
qo. That 1 lua 3 To whom issued. A 32 J are Amt,| EM Moo cot by paviua] 3S SPD ers ~B :
16. WT Hat 5 | 102 SAL AmT) 6 0 Seaside hdl sf Se a g eel
~162 J W Perkins 740/197 J D Coe & J) Perkins $135) 2° D.D rating * Co. 70 ,Tax Collector | Su, " 58 ees (T) _
o463 J WTPerkins 34 961199 A L Harringt 1 50| 89 WB Wilso 9691 | te =o sea 3
Sie Tai Seve = Si) | of iryts O°
166 Barri a .. 747| 18 95 ne 22 Soom 4
Pea allan Wolo 741] 00 BF Smith msi | | Ek gino A
_ 1169 RW King -4/05| 242 N RB Cory . 9 97 | 730 BF smith 800 00 Se FSR OS eg ee
1120. r B Oheare 450/214 HL Joyner 1 07| 221 B F Smith B09. 0p (HOTA 22 oss Fo levee
~411 IR Overton 1 15}216 Joba Flanagan 1 95/732 BF Smith 800 00 IOMERS s SP8 1 3 .
ao L Nichols ite Sis AD Hill " 60 ri D D Haskett 800 00} T T has bee sores aa oe Be Bee iB
oty at Sine T4519 7 Perkins ay 381 tie Haskett Le that een reported) .¢ a ROR Bo Zz vi
115 RW King, Saab Da iene ° 98282 aie odie apa oo [in the M would not be| sess ¢ nee g
ol]. t ys ¢ Pa os . if aye ot
178 Davi Bratton 1 45137 CP Gaskin 1 05 285 J 8.0 Benjamin 30 oo Ness nese vate Busi| ©2535 8 " 3
186 J D Bull . 1 60 386 E DB 50 354 W B Wilso 6 lolre' wy that isa mist Sle +x Z
ig Fie paatn 1 8474 WB Moore. 11g /ft dT Willian 30 oo|2 Shall remain i aee| F8 FR A E
12. AL eheppard 33 50/445 WF bore 175/20 BL Hamber 3 73/ness at the s in busi-| =~ == 2 0
: , . Pe us r ao: : : =. & * =
o193 Council ~ait 5 igttt6 oo a 37 927 W B Wilson 2 50 THaiKing youT fe place. = 3 ay as {T] z
as aH ioe & Oo 1 o ~9 Phe 5, | Lotal 32 50/past liberal patrdlaire = Ss| & | ee \z
_ , 37 87 oore Uv 83 and hopir nage + ah 2
933 AB Guarti 9 95 480 W J ~leel 8 1 441 98 oping to ha w ss bo
833A ~said : ed 484 NRO vs Commissioners. a continu ave S aS ay s
td g ga ory 4 No. T . mere @ ance + Ss - & ©
oo J A Lang 1 90 er 3 W Page 621 50 L rl issued. AwiTt. same, I am oies the m SN 2 Z .
1 or L H Spruill 11 30] Gay J Perkins 125] 51 G Dawson g » 49 |SETVe, W.H'W rs tol § &$8 2
57 O.P Gaskins 5 90] 4 JJ Perkins 147| 5 SMI 2 6 8) | "" re HITE 3, = = oS yon
366 WR 3 05 209 KL Nichol: 115| 539 ' ones 5: - a ; , oe a 3 =
348 J F } Crewtord a 8 ae ease L Smith ; ag aa 2s eu s
: en Z , =
= ay James ee Total $56.35 i es ce ° 2.10 _ 7
a Wooker 0 7 4 aad 7 Daw 8 6U if ee
He RES a : b»|No- To Ra uais ia ; ~ Keel By D cB DISON
ohn U5 | Om issued. , [ae 0 Je . 7 40 cs
ives gals teaien at aie SS ASPEGALTY ===
- C D Rountree 29 60 | 203 Ag McLawhorn 95 | 238 8 M Jones - 16 50 uredin Ibto3s dave L endaer or en
ONE leg Blan wenn 190} 289 T E Keel 3 80 ) | oma orsie otyreueanneceateta
ree BW Kiog 100] oop DC Smith 375|240 L Fleming 3.27 | ooh Batiarnirtmeetaned tie
$09 CD Hous oo On Biome 5 49/24) Jesse Ly Smuth 5 60 ae
435 Joho Beaks 1 ; 911 Luk ~bleed é o42 © Dawson 9&0 any part of the Patclies in mouth, Sore Throat,
| � 65|306 OC D 5 80 | outy tt Ie this Besondare Spots, Ulcers on
442 BY, Fad a eo 213 J ie emby : awson ne Outy it Is this Seconda r Eyebrow rs on
. no 213 Jesse Bran 215/307 L 3 B80] fr4 nett canoe ey ry BLOOD Pola
i Rican 1 2 mot Slam FRESE SRI beret peor
¥ B: robi 2 08 ~ i 1 6y Pie a 75 309 S 9 ole BES a" op $500, o th oh oe t sease has al a
yi Julia White. 2 85 ond JB Builock 1 25) 310 fot L Sm 5 0} Hi mal guaranty AN pind our epi
Ee tee mt ou i nis
eet aylo ob], ubap ? 394 C 340 th :
465 TG Rice r 9 35| 353 Woody ion 3 70} 396 § Seti 7 g0 7
OL 9 Whitehurst ay 5 om wegiemaerborn 3101 Fisnieg 3 30 Professional Cards.
es ble 43 50|387 Woody MeLawho 2 00 | 395 Jesse L Smith 16s nen ee ors. .
500 Et Bri 23 95 Hite fy feetot ie 65 509 LF Sth oa ESTABLISHED 1875 ~Bs b 3 o
| ey mie dl By ubanks ~lemi U ~ ¥ arpder
eH sieht UE cc, sos SAM, SSL veea ae
A Lang 3 95} 483 D CO Smith 12/511 SMI ay 980) » We, BD: { J A, SMITH,
a = Kirkman 1 35 481d L Roberson 9g 7 512 C Dieseon, 3 30 PO sf a TONSOR A J RTIST
550 ae Artis 2 65 489 Jason Joyner 1 95}97" L Fleming 3 80 ) RK SIDES & SHOULD Patronage soltottd. arene. O.
oie Ae sieve eee 33) FORKSIDE amtontDEn Peer ae
554 WF Me ae 6 25 | 759 TB ~McLawhorn 1 a 581 E Keel 2 80/1" ing coal AND MERCHANTS BUY = se deteons
559 W D ahaa 6 0 764 D a Eneone 0 58: S M Jones 3 To their iriceres sl igpa s.supplies will tind: CRB oPp a tet ee
ws | 3 oo | 582 C D 3 30 | chasing el st'to get our prices bete a H- ERT. | ) ;
563 J § Eo entne 6 OP | 165 Sunth awson asing elsewhere. O prices before pus AHL sop nghodic S. oi
: it es 8U D C Smith 1 80 | 964 L Flemi 7 8o | ¥ allits b . Ourstock ts co g ASHION. ne
564 Ed Kilpat 65 | 168 WS Bri 666.) Amite ranches. rornplete |. Special attention give BARERK.
Meh patrick 5| 168 WS Briley 1 50/265 JL Smith 4 Gol courte ine Caimi oC
sar | Windham 1G) 10 8 oe MeLawtor 12:90 vei M Jones 28) FLOUR,COFF per mena Clothing. " cleaning
bz MM MeGiowan 85770 A Nich ls n. -8jo/Gal 2 B Keel 3 80 'FEE,SUGAR inate
Ne aa 1 05|819 Jason Joyner Soins cewen 7 40 | | ceaiaon
ein & Oo. 8 95|842 J H Eubanks 7 40/720 L Ploming 8 80 RICE, TEA, &c Bunguss, ;
5B a7 ) 25 Gy 908 He Lewis 4 20| 734 C Dawson 9.00] , die, gzss, Mgr.
«78 L A Barnhill pe re Heouiy ~Dewis 1 20 793 J L Smith 9 60 LWAYS AT LOWEST MARKE � fel ~ ee,
643 J FJopder fi 1 : trie Koberson rh 860 4 = Jones $60) mop Py MAREE? FRICES, ushproaghly reny
61 A'S Walker AG ah Dia a apron 3 00861 JE path 13 40 | we bay sista Snuff & eh | Attentive ser
ot ohn. 9 ug | Lokal ee Ms ein on ore Dawson 7 69 Simvereted ser non be aco Ot rarely iii solleiey
|) Sb lson Wise 30 yo | Segue 11 | Mg IE Ay ee! one "
Se aeenias a noir =| 3g) FURNITURE FE A
837 Ben Craft, 3 11638 W) Parker A 1966 L Fleming " o- g 30t*wayson a Tee! od | be made to the n appliestion
iat SES wBeamer | $15 00} 967 « 5 Pome Bd ec ay = japlite Beabi ds bos aT ext General Assembiy
ny : 5 L184 R W King o18 50 ws0 «| . ri t amen iy
AT 7 W King 7 1968 Ke L § 80 | wold for C ) t prices to suit | chan he Towa ~ot Gree d thé Char
ah. Oe tae ee hee » fugee ASH. | Bout nga | papal SE nyt Al
We gi ene _ . {iit ies hid) ty ae e Maia Weckrne pea
a $887 60 W.MORINSAUL,�
e. WAN �


os WIbM ERATOR =e WELDON: Re ks a LAN INDIAN PCI et . | Its beauty'in cesuauvn excited the 4
ae AND BRANCHES. Once the Versailles of India, but Now «| poetic imagination of vied "
AN FLORENCE 2afL ROAD?) Desolation. Ak ela tneeglod 8 we lapheypeenltg
a Nothing gadder or more beautiful | Fergusson, who says of the ~Turk.
_ Weagengea venedule exists in India than the deserted | tsh sultanTs house,� which still over-
1 ik aire elgg ee ~ity of Fathpar Sikri. There it} looks the Pachisi court;where Ak-
stands, some 23 miles from Agta.|bar is fabled to have played his
gee much as it stood 300 years ago when | games of living chess, that it is oim:
Dated (8 S| 8 Akbar decreed the stately pleasure] possible to conceive anything so pio |
Noy. J5th -|6 % ° bouse. It was -built to commemo | turesque in outline� or any building |.
it, fA | ___|_____ | fate the blessing of the holy Salim} so richly and wonderfully carved
a A. M.|.M. 4, M}-Chishti; the hermit, who dwelt/ without the teast exaggeration or
Leave Weldon | 17 53] 9 44 among the wild beasts in his cave) bad taste. Equally exquisite iy the
Ar, Rovyk Mt | 1 0010 39) at Sikri, and who had foretold that) celebrated shrine cf St. Salim Chish
wee. ye ra ae aoe AkbarTs son, hornT on that spot,| ti, built in 1580, with its pure white
Lv Taroro 12 12 , should live to succeed him on the} marble cenotaph, its red -sandstone
acer sie " |"" |"""| splendid throne. The saint did;not| dome and its veranda inclosed by
. Lv Rocky.Mt | .1 00/10 5 45| foresee that the infant would grow| delicately pierced fali screens of fair
Ly Wilson 2 Oni 6.90 upiinto that. unmitigated debauches| mai vie, like fine lace sot in samito.
ea ay Mepiile ; ll Jehangir, Eee ah a ~et gS drone eae np A | |
3 | Ue ar 4 Thomas Roe, and whose poten e state : ) : : aye eG
iy a ce Peas is liquor caused that virtuous embassa-| Darwaza, of the mosque which GIVES YOU Lgl Mel MEE Sen tig RY
: Ge dor to gneeze incontinently, to the! crowns the rooky })lateau, and which AFTERNOON ( OR TRE RFS?
os delight of the whole court. But the| the historian of architecture cites as Mhcic 2 fad eh Be eae
ee ".!'""| heroic toper.did not defile his fa-| ~noble beyond any portal in India, "I OF.
P.M, . apy therTs palace city, which must ci verhaps in the whole world?�"&t ,
Ly. Wilson 2 08 | be ) oon after its found: awe. ay
Lv Golisboro | $10 7.05] Ove death, fur when William Finch A Bird Catching Insect. | es
i: ae as 45 visited in 1610-he found it orninate,| Tn this country we talk nea
a ahaa) Pe 1 | wing likea.waste district and-verr | tiverous or insect eating birds, an i | = |
om A ae ee eae rough at nignt | fow of us have ever heard or read of | GREENVILLE FIRST, PITT COUNTY SFCOND
TRAINS GOING NOTRH. Ruinate it has-remained ever since, | & country where the tables are pide ,
desolate and abandoned. No lates| ed to such a degree that they re 3
we re: me bp & +, | ruler of India has ever dared to liv Bi fsa patron eee? obs ac 2 OUR POCKET BOOK THIRD.
fg ¢ °3 ill st as no ru: , |
si 28 ats a6 = rious Je aren arated to the| southern Brazil and Venezuela. In
: , la. MIP.a| || heights of Akbar's genius. In the] thoso countries they have an ingact
Ly Fivrer.ce 8 4U) 7 40 empty palaces, the wonderfu}| called the great mantis, ey C : mes a
BY Fayetteville! 11 10, 9 40 mosque, the sacred tomb, the baths, | Some four or five inches in length, os
Ly Selma 12 87 ~7a| not including his strong jaws and |
ae ae ali baat me We ke crite wetter le, immense nipperlike fore legs.
"FS ] | Shan emnperors. Wo my oven cn-| _~Thispair of enormous opincers� | SUBRCRIPTION 25 Cents a MONTH
oR ter bis bedroom"the khwabgah, or| are equal in strength to those of a)
~ sina oabode of dreamsTT---and sco the very | Crawfish or a crab and-are-used by |
o~~~ wl | [py | soreens of beautiful stone tracery, | the giant "o se caphnring ie .
Ly Wilmington| 9 25 + gu| the very Persian couplets, the iden. | prey. The food of this ca .
Ly Magnolia | 10 52 8 30| tical decoration in gold and ultra.| insect consists of spiders, grasshop
: Ma Gaeroan | Fe 9 36] marine upon which Akbar feasted | pers, small snakes. and lizards, and,
) ar Wilsen 1 00 10 27 his eves during the long sultry aft according to Brumlister, the most |
ma stash se |. " ernoons of the Indian plains. We! robust specimens of the genus will ue
: 2 "2 i, may walk into the houses of Faizi| not stand aside with an empty stom- a sk ,
cz) 6% and Abu-1-Fazzl, the laureate and the| ach if he can manage to get his nip. LE
| aA Im 3 premier of lis empire, who:sang bis| pers ona bird of the size of a canary, | ~
oe, . M.| |P. Mip, m, | glory and chronicled his reign. We ibe Fe cuiaal tat 7 :
I 1 20 1138 3z| ma that strange building, the 3 : | | |
rv Rocky Me 417 211 i i Divan.i-Khas, with ite seutcas citer and twig both in ovior and shape, "PURLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT"
) edeoen | 40) | throne andodd galleries, which some and beingaided by this resemblance
Ly Tartec ed have sought to identify with the| is able to stealthily approach er
Lv Rocky Mu | 2 17 1211 famous hail where metaphysical de- | prey, whether if be reptile, insec ;
Ar Weldon | 1 01 hates took place every Friday night| or bird, and seize the unsuspecting One Dollar Per Year.
ander the emperorTs personal presi- creature with its razortike claws."
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Roa | dency, and philosopher and theolo. ~St. Louis Republic. |
eaves Weldou 3.50 p, m., Halifax 4.10) gian, orthodox and skepiy, did furi-| _ Sammvee pens have been used in

pe Mi. artiyes.doowand Nek St 4.55.9 ous battle for their creods cr doubts' India for over 1,000 years. They

T ~
Be er ae pow pinsion 746 1, ded, long after the ~small 8T@ made like the ordinary quill This is the P eopleTs i avorite
D. ia. gone hig meer 7.2 ae ear haa ~dying paryertT? and pen, and for a few hoarsT writing
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a.m, Arriviny | hoursT by ban Fi 7 A .; 20
: Halifax at 11:00 a. m., We'don 11,20 am | oetheist,� to the disgust of an un. 47 Said to bo very serviceable. THE TOBACCO DEPAKTMEN'T, WAIOH
Gaty except Sunday. willing witness"the austere Ba- he wmamber of trees growing in IS A REGULAR FEATURE OF 1HE PAPEK,
~Trains on Wasbalgtea Branch leave | daoni. the public highways of the city of Is ree AA e Sah ial VIMES THL
Washington 8.00 a, m., and 3.00 p.m, iati Fathpur Sikri, ; ,
arrives Parmele 8,50 a. m., and 4.4% p. The associations of Fathpur ®t, London is found to be 14,700. These bedi

m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves oCity of Victory,� BS HOE tie omy are on the public highways alone
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m,| Claims to our interest and cresnect and not in the narka

and 6.20 p. in,, . arrives Wishin gto) | _
11,60 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-

: mi.
ept Suuday. Connects with trai )
epi Sunday. Couneets with trains on How Do You Think

Train leaves sarpone, & C, via Albe- ' ~i Inada ou need
ead RE se | Your Name and Business | When y \
st ed pe ed ea Would Look in this Space
ray outn.9.00 P, M.,5.25p.m.| : 10
Returning isaves Plymouth daily excep. | ou. OOK 1D WIS pace

Sundey, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 9.30. a. n.,
arrive Tarboro 10.25 a.m and 11. 46

; ; ; ee
Train on Midland N.C. branch leaves} Lt YOuread this donTt you think other read

Goldsboro daily, exeept Sunday, 6.05 3;ers would read what you have to say?

mi anriving Smithtield 7-30 a. tn.� Re. -SS= 36 Don't 1orget the

turniag leaves Smithtield 8,00 a. m,, ar-

rives at Goldsbors 9.30 a. m. Ask lor terms on this space
armen NO y'vts yas | : ve Reflector Office.
Rolin Ree a Rte ree p R. A. TYSON, Vice-PresTt. J. L. LITTLE. Cash ©
ville 5.05 p., Spring Hope 6,380)R. L. DAVIS, PresTt. . A. » Vice- to fe . Cash a inden
in. Retoinave Spring Hope |. REORGANIZED JUNE 15th,"1806. WEL HAVE AMPLE FACILITIES

0.4, M,,' N ash8.3) a m, givive. at é _" FOR rHE WORK AND bo Awl
y Mount 9.0 a m, daily except


ooe : a tony Florence R GREEN VILLE, | N . C.
Cave Luta0.40:) m, ginive Dunbar ae : + ile i
1.50. p m, Clio 8.05 D @. Returning ap Rt oa .

: leave Cliot6.10.a m, Dunbar 6.30 a m, Capital $50,000.00 ae

are Latts 7.50.a m, daily exeept Sun-

vv x Paid in Capital $25,000.00 |Our Work and Prices uit our Patron

Train onClinton Branch leayes War-| |
saw for Clinton eaily, except Suuday, @O229020202 .

11.10-8.m,aud-8.50 p, m:_ . Transacts « General Banking Business and Solicits Collections and Ac.
leaVesCliaton at.7,00 hd gt Nay ric connts of Responsible Persons and irms.

"Drain Noy 78 makes closeT conhection sey


as aatp alse at Rovky..Mount with |
~Norfolk and Carolina B ~R for Noriolk| 4)
ne all poiuts North:via Norfolk. &
Bohol General supt,
+ . EMERSON, Tratiie Manager. .
J. R.KEVCUY, GenT) Manger.

+ a &:



~we It is a picture of the celebrated ,


ayia fy
if yf


PANN © { Th.
WK | : 1¢

eae { Leen) i i ¢ ~ th i. ot ;
he cla kaccnatiae aly ap| Best im use. oFhe outfit ~of no business mantis}
The On ly of| POSt, in ~complete e without one.

a its Class inthe State = | pn Ag. ee
a i Bie Geen Coinage The Reflector B ook | t ore
ef American Silver and Repeal |.

vl : is ~a nice as SOF é 9 Fount al . é Be, ~

vot. the Ten) Per, Cent. Tax on ne pry eriet ne Seay Handle Galt y , ears
Stato Banks. Daily 60 cents mone is nothing nicer for Christmas presents:| ~:~"
Weekly sisi ~ad + nished when you See t em and)

% *




ea Otay at it Eig Sows]


es arrives

price any oithe to
Are the best qualities
ducement? If so come
gee our new stock
we have just re-
ds Oar store is

of New Goods

r e never lower. To
extend a cordial i in-

Urestes many a new business,


c itunes of the REVLEOTOR..


Kniarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull businessQ"~"
itescues many a lost fa
Saves many a failing. busine
5 senres Whocess to 7 business.

To tall vetile judleionsiy,� use the


sommes mmc

~ Miss Novella Higgs is sicTs.
~from Wilson.

Miss Bessie Patrick went-to Texnora
this morning,

from Raleigh.

jc dlie editor and wife left this morning
for d few days i in Norfolk.

oy aaa SE

Passenger and mail
north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
rriyes 6:57 P, M.

yilay aod Saturday

We lave a* beautiful and up to-}

_ ee


train going
Going South,

Steamer ~l'ar River arrives from Wash-
ington Moudvy, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs

date ~ine. You will find the latest :
atvles and we know we can please
you Qh, how lovely, how beau-
tiful, the vrettiest line L have ever
seen, ix what our lady friends say
oftheum. We have a large lire
both in colors and blacks and can


(By Pelegraph. )



: Jan. 6.83 685. 6.80 6.81
Mar. 6.92 7.08 6.95 6.98
tu Ladies. and Gents FUR May. 7,14 . 7.15 7.10 7.18

spleadid lin.

" Dec. 76% 79 718077
In LADIES CLOTS for Wraps | Porx" .
we have jus: what you want. Jan. 7.674 7.674 7.65 7.65
Jai. 3.872 3.874 8.85 3.874

In Men and Boys PANTS


~Idays here with frien ds,

The condition of Mrs John A. An"
drews is still critical.

Mrs, R. Williams went to Raleigh
this morning to visit her daughte r,Mrs.
Wm. Russ.

| Revs. J. C. McCall and G. F. Smith
jweft this morning, after sp ending a few,

« C. C. Joyner is home for the holi
daysard to attend the wedding of his
sister, Miss May Joyner.

Miss Susie Crabtree, who has been
pleasantly visiting Miss Lula White,
returned to her home at Goldsboro this

W.H. Galloway went to Terboro
this morning to bring his daughter
home, who fs sick at the Tarboro Fe-

male Schocl.

George Billups, representative of the

dei entle

oHOODS we have jast the best
stock to be found and prices were
-never lower.


warmer ~Thursday


Fair tonight ana Thorsday, slightly

. SHOES. in shoes we endeay-
eto buy such as will please the
Barer, the prices on Shoes are
beh lower than last season. Give
trial when you need Shoes
Ourself or any member of
family. We ¢ay fit the small-
Or largest foot im the county.
Onur L. M. Keynolds A Co.'s Shoes
Yor Men and Boys are warranted
to. give good service. We have
had six yeas experience with
othis line uud know them to be all
we clalm fe: them.



Just Now,

Pork Sausage at



Seal, at D. S. SmithTs.

Sweet and fresh, Carr
lb. packages, at S. M. Schultz.



Allkinds Fruits ard best
Cigars at StarkeyTs.




and any goods you need for your
self and family come to see us.


. ro 08d re ~, a1 M4
Poys as we are opening.

ruled and unruled,
inks, oream tmucilage, pens,

: the prices.
Our object is to sell good hon:

mond ink ~reamT mucilage.
est goods at the lowest prices. d ink and ¢ mucilag

Items That are cf Special Interist

Finest candy in pound boxes at

For a choice smoke, try Philadelphia

Vermont Buttertor sale at D. S

Fresh Taffy made every day and only
10 cents a pound at ShelburnTs.

You never saw such a display of

Ep. H. Sue_spurn & Co.

and ether articles in the stationery line.
Our tablets and paper canTt be beat for
Nothing is better than Dia-

Ss. Mi

in }


The Reflector Book Store. has just
received a new line of nice box paper,
tablets, Diamond


popular firm of C. Biliups Son & Co.,
Norfolk, who has been here for a few
days, returned home this morning.

Misces Rosalind Rountree and Nan"
returned this morning
from Kinstoa. While there they visit-
ed the M, KE. Conterence, which was in

nie Fleming

JHEAP"50 barrels choice Appies|
at S. M. Shultz.

We are now opening up the prettiest
line of Toys and Christmas goods «yer
before shown here. :

Ep. H. Suetsurn & Co.

The tocal showers the weather man
promised for Jast Light and today turn-
ed out to be a heavy rain of several
hours devration.

In1l lb packages"Golden Dates,
Currents, Seeded Raisins, Citron, Nuts
Evaporated Apples and Peaches xt
S. M: Shultz.

For fresh, London layer seedless and
and stemless Raisins, Currants, Prunes,
Dates and choice confectioneries, ¢all at
J. S. TunsiallTs.

Christmas is nearly here and I.
have opened a splendid as-
sortment of

Kas aid Hossh old Goods.

Came and see and be surprised.



We have a ia.ve line of


and can give you anything you
may heed a! the lowest prices you
_ ever heurd of. Come and see our
$12.50 Solid Oak Bedroom Suits,
~To pass us by \ ould be an inex-
cusable injustice to your pocket
a oTea i 1,96 80 because we
| ut because our goodt
od pride mak. it so. Heré is a
: proposition: If we deserve
~nothing, give us nothing, ~but uf
ou find our goods and prices sat
Iefactor, avknowledge vit with |:
y F patronage. Hoping to see |~
Yon Boon and promising our best,
efforts tc make ~your coming
pleasant sud protitable, we are.

Your friexcs,


a ye

The Finest Line in the city ,


sreamer Getting Ready For the |

x... ¥, Griffa returned last night

J. G. Rawls returned to Wilson this

R. W. K ing returned this morning

New Dress Goods
New Dress Silks


at Klee

~ ¥ as he



See the array of New Goods below for the Xmas

holidays and you cannot do better than
make your relative or friend a
#� present of this kind. o

| New Suits

| New Underwezz

; New Shoes

.. New Fine Clothings

New Hats

New Overcoat

New Hosiery

New Table Linen
New Handkerchiefs
New Neckwear




We will makespecial efforts this week to serve
our trade.~tas"


The Ladies Palace Royal,

To the Sports.

We are now headquarters for all kinds ot

and oy all competitors as to price
and high grade goods. =~

U2 HZ. 6. ve doaded: Shells,

25 cents per box,"


a all Nl tN



in abundance and low in price.

Special Inducements iUNS

offered on

? ht
o 4

The question i is ypu a


rt Bechtse we are he for Santa Claus.
9. We lave the jf TOYS and XMAS

el GOODS i in the State
a || ote 'wiy downT below thé lowest.�
= Wel ~Ot agp aud nd Dolls are As ~prettyT as yod ever
i x rat / 4) ay; yo ee tra]

oOMA octets


®. Ourdaldomen are polite and Sourteons.,

w| Do au a] rr ovaae i Le? ce gy
oever ybody res)

ee j
eae ,
A rh a ahd ee i
AE ok ete ah aig Riel liglue tal


e and see.


Daily Reflector, December 16, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 16, 1896
December 16, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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