Daily Reflector, October 21, 1896

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

~theT 20th Century, the

',J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner,


ce tenet eee nen

~Vol. 4.



It is our judgment that two weeks
from to-day Mr, Watson will be elected

" ay

a} ) gE
It you know a good

thing when you see
it in the way of

There 1s one gentleman
who can make that result certain, and
he ought to be good. envagh to do it.
The reference is to Maj. W. A. Guthrie.
He cannot want to see Judge Ruseell
elected"that is net to be thought of,
He cannot be elected himself, and he
In bis campaign

of course knows it.
speeches he has de:nunstrated his tidel-
ity tv the cause of silver by urging his
| fellow-part ymen to vole tor no yold-
[buy tor any office"this notwithstand-
mg that his party bas fused on a num.|
ver of candidates who a e either secret-


| Russell hy knows to be a sold standard

ly or openly gold standard men.

defeat of all gold"bugs, and desiring

Now, desiring, as he does, the

even above that the well-being of North
Carolica, he could do uv more patri-
oiic thing, could do nothing tiat would
his tame,

contribute so much to us to

withdraw from the race for Governor
and request hs ftullowers to give iceir
Support to Mr. Watson. He and Mr.
Watson are friends ; they are in agree-
ment upon a great many questions, pri-
marily the Money question ; and even if
exercise no influewce upon this, Maj.
Gcuthrie would n turally rather see a
than one

the Governor ol Carolina ean

man ot his own views elected
of Judge RussellTs. He has the oppor-
tanity of a lite-time in bis hands. He
can give to the State a good Governor .
his candidacy imay result 1s giving ita
bad one, hie has, as heT deserves, tie
confidence of his party, and if he would
withdraw «.d tell his followers to vote

tov Watson, the great bulk of them
would do su, and this geatleman would
be elected beyoad pra ltventure.
Opportunity, like fortune, kuocks
}ouce at every manTs door. It knocks
fat Maj. GuthrieTs 10 w"the opportunity
{to 2u his State a great and lasting ser-

~Charlotte Observer, 20:h.

Lock After it

Democrats all over the county shuuld

examine the registration books and

you wili be astonished
at the savirgs he has:

learn what ihegal voters.are registered,
Next Saturday is challenge day, The
registrars and judges ot election will
meet at the seyeralT voting places to
receive challenges. . Damoerats should
j now neglect the important duty of ch:l-
lenging the negrocs who have register"
ed illegally. Every Democrat knowing
of such a single instance should nctity
the Democratic chairman of the towa-
ship and have it fuily investigated.


who have registered will keep out of the |'
way of being challenged. If they do,
warrants for perjury shou'd be obtained

~| aud it proven, they can beand shoul be

: | Registration Book Stolex.
i dOSACT A ~sensation has been created. in
Raleigh overTthe theft of tha: registra
of the best. make. vont See! tion book of.oné-ot the: Srdobotk and
the cffort, in hatdhing up�. a duplicate,
: of entering: the names of several nekrees
hot on, the dr rigunal book. - It is signifi
eant ~that thé, preginet i ~in which the bookT
was alolyn ig Targely Demgeratic, shows,

Dress Good No tio S$, |, ing a velo ig n't 265 whites , ar 43]
Gents: Fe oR 2 T wo + eBrogs,.. bbok in question. eth

he keepin whegio regisixat |whio
never Jug it be {known ' that othe dik.
Mal licen atoldi until the traud-yi hi.
ing wrong ndjiiesTgn the: duplicate

dan, over: iid pdetectéd. Ggeat~is the new� oa

jlaw, and the sRepublicans areT bi ing

neatest ste shown.

ar 5 TE un.ier of frat ud
Ho TL cso ~~
41h hing new in season, ae

nF Oat ~ ke and Portorico &

ity days after standing the

viceeand to perpetuate his name."

.{man and $1 to de nigger.

~it means,�
It may be that some illegal vouwrs

8, M."Sehultz,


Of $8,000 to the Administrator of
the Estate of Dr. E, J. Pearscn,
Whose Life Was Insured Only
a Month Before,

Alex, Webb, agent of the North"
western Mutual Life Tnsurauce Com"
pany. of Milwaukee, Wis., yesterday
paid to Dr. Chas. L. Pearson, adminis-
trator, $8,000, the amount of insurance
oa the life fothe late Dr. Edward J,
Pearson in the Northwestern.

Dr. Pearso . made application for the
policy on the 7th day of July last and
died on the 6c) day of A ugust, just thir-
medical ex"

On the morning of July 20, he aid
the premium to Mr. Webb, stating that
he expected ~o leave on that afternoon
or the day following for a ten daysT
trip north, as ke hud been overworked
At that date the
poliey had not been received in Ashe-

and needed a rest.

ville, but the premium was pad and
Dr. Pearson y.ven a binding ree jut.
Late *n the evening of the sam dey,
July 20, Dr. Pearsen was taken sick
with an acut? attack of grippe which
afterwards became complicated with
other diseases, which caused " his

If the premium had been paid twelve
hours later the policy would not have
been in forze as the policy provides that
the nremium must be paid while the
assured is in good health.

I'tteen days ago tie oproofs of loss�
where sent to the company with all the
facts in the cass and a check tor the
money was received yesterday

The Northwestern had almost a sim-
ilar case in Asheville, in March, 1893,
whoo J. M. Rickman made application
for a policy, paid the premium in ad"
vance, and tied before the policy was

received by the agent. The company

paid the claim in ten days after assur" |

edTs death."Asheyille (N.C.) Daily
Gazette. Ot. 8th, 1896.
Jolin B. Cary & Co., Richmond, are

lagents of this company tor Virginia and

North Caroliva.


How He ;igured It.

A gentleman passing the corner cf,

Front and Dock streets yesterday morn"

- fing oyerheard part of a conversation

One of
these declared his intention of voting:
the Demueratic ticket at the forthcom-
iug election and urged upon the other
to do ] kewice-

oHu,� said the second man, ovote
for Bryan and gib $16 to de white
DatTs what

between two colored voters.

oWell� said the first speaker, oyou
voie tor McKinley and de white man
get it all and de nigger ~doan ait a darn
cent. One dollar betterT no money at
all ?_W ilmington Messenger.

ore mms A i.

A, Bitter Specon.

Cyrus Thompson, Populist-Republi-
can nomineeT tor Secretary of State,
spoke. here today,
quite lengthy, the bulk~of it being bitier

abuses ~and denu iciations ot the Demo. ||

| cratic: party; though he protessed not to
be dealing in abusevat all: He accased
-r| the Detotrate ~of dishonesty: inT ~theT ud:
vouscy of ~silver, ~audT dishbiesty: ~in

verything els¢, and that they were on:

lyT trying to ger back* imtonpower; ¢ If |T

the Repablicans had beun leoking fora |
min, 40, make speech for: them) thays

: could not: hive tound qae ~to: abuse the

Dicigotet woke to'-tttet ut dels sete
THogont ceed Ae

ote 4 peed tae § wns @

o () ; _ ~

There as a tals ~witha idan Anis
Who stepped oulT ited of bbe!�

He slipped and hefelly 9)
Vith a thud anda vil,

And thatTs what will happen to Hanna, |.

select ah lane RE

His speech was |

ee enmeeti

Our Clothing is liberally
made clothing. Nothing. skim-
py or stingy about it. The col-
lars on the coats have a broad,
full roll. Facings are deep and
reach to the arm-holes. No lit-
tle, stingy savings on cloth are
made. After we have given you
these points come and see for
yourself. Price no object.

a� a


Right in this department is
Where weare going tosave you
money this season if you will
let us. We are fully stocked. »
with a magificent line of fall
and winter Underwear and Overcoats.
all grades, all sizes, ai bargain prices,

| ARVELOUS values in this department.
LVI We've plumed ourselves tor the biggest
business ever produced by magnificent
moneyTs-worth. The stock is in prime con-
dition. ~The season has just dawned"our buyer
is Just back from the markets, where he gath-
ered all the weaves that you are now wanting.
Everything as fresh as the first breath ofa a ' TOS,

H. M.

At Hig Bros. vid stand.

I ANT: 6

OQ | perena a
an Pa oy, Are théT ean Popte
hig pa oe 4 Jar in the field:.. They

" jeome fromT ~thie® ~work
~shops of the finest.

idies Tailorsin the sows
try. a

a , ,
{| 1


sO Hay LUE LT ple

in 1 otéty styteet tlat'ts fasilonable:: As usual we

* bi tah ada

get chest: and: finest and cheapest line of

Re fess Goods, Thimmings,
hoes, oOi ant
rép 4 Hels ia Me ge


TERMS : 25 Cents a Month,

No. 575


z le nan ae aa AS


a sem


@ntered as second-class; mail matter.

a : n

: ow fe $8.00
Mme year. - 0
One month, - . °* + =
me week. we mm ae

Delivered in town by carriers without
2xtra cost.

Advertisng rates are liberal and can be

ad on apptication to the editor or at

a :

" ~

An Appeal For Good Government.

Raleigh, N. C., Oct., 16, 1896.
To the Voters of North Carolina
Fellow-citizens: The Demo-

cratic party, now in the midst of
its greatest battle for the righis
of the people and good govern-
ment in our beloved State and in
the nation again calls on those
having the sacred right of free-
dom"the ballot"to sustain its
Cause. |
For twenty years we had vic-

The Democratic party in North
Caro}:na had no hesitation as to
its proper course, but proposed
and arranged a composite ticket
of electora of three parties, that
the people's wilt umght prevail.
Again, that BrvanTs administra-
tion might not fail for want of
silver legislation, our party defi-
nitely proposed to the PeopleTs
party a united effort for free sil-
ver congressmen in every district
in the State. This proposition,
made August 13th, has been in-
sisted on since by your commit-
tee, but declined by the PeopleTs

acttogether or divide ouz vote. |J°

Greenville, N.C.

Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt

MillionT Dollars,

Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotlana
Neck, N. C.

Noah Biggs, Seotland Neck, N. C-

R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C.

D. W. Hardee Higgs Bros.,

_, "-LINEOr-"

eee Paper!

ever shown in Greenville. , Be
sure to see my samples. All new
styles, uot an old piece in the lot.
Will take pleasure in bringing
samples to your home if you will
notify me at my shop near Hum-

berTs, on Dickerson avenue,


Greenville Market.
Corrected by 8, M. Schultz.

a office ; . Bntter, per lb 16 to 25
a - ______. | tory following victory. Two years | party. Greenville, N. C. Wentatin Hides 4h to 5
» We desire a it\9 correspondent at/@g0 a division in our ranks lost} More revently it has become on Saget cured Hams Mo m8
ate mye ta the 2000 re a our Legislature to Democracy. apparent thst the avepablioan We respectfully solicit the accounts Corn, Meal , se = rt
scp ingied dered Write plainly; This we must redeem. Twenty party was amassing an enormous) oF ¢ims individuals and the general |; 93°o sto 74
sad only on one side of the paper. 5 dor th sterful registration of illegal voters, made | public, Oats 35 to 40
years 4go, under the masterta') possible by an election law of} Checks and Account Books furnish | Sugar 4 to 6:
= leadership of Vance, we went from | boasved fairness, but the provis-| ed on ap plication. Salt pet Sack Pre :
tn rates paid vo agents ou ,subscriP� | defeat to victory. Again, with|ions of which plainly permit Oniokens is to 25
nra . . 8 per doz 0 to
ee _______|the Democratic banner in the| fraud, a8 many of those who as- Bose wix. ner o0.

. isted in its enactment plainly
hands of the champion of the|*!*'®
: Wepxrspar. Ocroser, 21st, 1896. P sex. The colored race has drawn Cotton and Peanut,


w. 8. LUCAS,
of Hyde county.
of Beaufort county.

State Ticket.

of Forsyh.

ot Northampton.


ot Franklin.

ot Buncombe.

ot Wayne,

of Johnston.

o Mecklenburg.

nmi t


* opREME couRT.
A. C. AVERY, of Burke,
G. H. BROWN. of Beaufort.

TT me


mineannanere *

forms the essential structure of
the State. Never has this truth
been more practically illustrated
and exemplified than today,
when again it asks the suffrage
of the freemen of North Caro-

If the Chicago platform of 1892

-|did not express the people's

wishes, or if the administration
of the principles then enunciated
have not been in accord with the
popular demand, the Democratic
party, as the ancient and well-
tried organization through which
the people have sougtt and ob-

: tained their rights, is now in the

peopleTs full control. The clear
and positive expression of the
popular will in our State and ns-
tiona! declaration of privciples
leaves no lingering doubt in the
minds of a long-suffering people.
And this complete assurance of

jthe reforms demanded has satis-
fied every ardent expectation by}
|fixing as the executive of the

laws to be enacted men whose
lives are the living issues ~of the

dav.. /
Democratic ~fait lies in those

immutab)e principles which pre-
serves human liberty. It has
brought them ont of the past as
principles immorta!, and ever liv-
ing, and, in the course uf years,

as exigencies have srisen, Demo-

the white people would give them
a dominant position. Not only
this, but we have the boastful as-
surance of the Republican party
officials in the press of the coun-
try that the illegal registration of
the blacks would give the State
to McKinley.
All these matters have met our
consideration. In such a crisis
the Democratic party rallies to
the support of the people. North
Carolinians must come together
to protect North Carolina. The
intelligence and virtue of the
land must control. White men
must be asked tu unite. In this
Spirit, the spirit of Democracy,
your committee, on October 13th,
frankly asked co-operation of
others whose interesT, shouid be
our interest. A co operation ticket
was Offered to the PeopleTs party
for a complete arrangement in
the interest of silver and the rule
of North Carolina by wise and
upright officers. This proposi-
tion the PeopieTs party, through
lis executive commitee, declined.
In this effort at unity, the Dem-
ocratic committee felt that the
heart of the peopie was w.th it.
If to some this action was without
proper authority or humiliating
to party pride the answer is plain.
The Democratic party acted in
this as in all its great move-
ments, regardless of form when
it seeks the substance, knowing
no pride save its proud heritage
of serving the people. And we
cannot think that the action of

than ever off-red befcre. Smiull profits
and quick sales. is our motto. Our
goods are new and cheap to meet tie
wants of the masses, We are selTing
goods at a price far below the usual

$75 casket hs sell for 860

70 we 66 55
65 uo se 66 45.50
55 ~ ~s ~AU
50 x5 6% be $5:
44 66 66 be 80
85 e6 66 ob 95
30 bo 66 66 20
20 66 6s (s 15
3% « & 12,50

All we ask is a trial and will give en-

tire satisfaction.

Opposite Post Office.

B. F. SUGG, Manager.

a NR or

A Large stock te

House Furnishing

Goods, Bicycles, &e.

store next door to J.

C. Cobb & Son, by

& CO.

Stoves and Tinware
cheaper than ever be-
fore. |

Just opened up in}

a ® 8
o people, Oyras B, Watton, We £0len4 color line, and, seeing the| et fy pop SER Tear Ge
DEMOCRATIO NOMINEES. again to victory. white people in division over the (neler tak if anil by Cobd Bros. & Commission Mer
The Democratic party has ever| question of gold ard silver, have, - : chabes ot oe ne
. : stood with the masses. Its prin |With a tew exceptions of the Finneral Mirae ars, Good Middling - 7%
National Ticket ciples bavarnlwaveibeanithe omar considerate anu enlighten- | Middling " 74
"_" : Le ed of their race, withdrawn from GREENVILLE, N. ©. aera 6 aan
FOR PRESIDENT. bodiment of the necessities of the any participation with the white | Have just received an Tone"steady.
WILLIAM J. BRYAN, plain ~people, that class of pro | people in consideration of ques- . - oBANTITS;
Fot Nebraska. ducers and bread winners whose | tions affecting the public interest, Prime '2
FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. Inbors of head and hand repre- and arrayed themselves in an un- ; ae Prime i
ARTHUR SEW ALL, sents American manhood and broken Republican column, trust of the latest style and are ready tosery | Spanish 60 to Ze
of Maine. | ing that tne apparent division of| the wants of the trade at Prices Lowe | "°?®"quiet. |





Rao aa

Luas"Comwmon..... .... 24 to 8:

iS Fine....


CuTters"Common... ....64 tol0:

ee weee. 010 to 18

ee ee reree ea


LTY sez Seo

a Fine..

th 2 ae If hehe bbe tocomie here we willcon:
railroad fareand hotel bilis,and:
sit wo! failt to cure. If you have taken mer:
ta tash, and still havo aches and
arts ucous Patchesin faon oe Sat rho
les, Co Dor (elored Bp ft Ulcers or
» Hair or Eyebro
it is this Seconda

of the bed we
Srantec to cure. Wé solicitthe mos ob 2
rent pate cases and challenge the werld for ®
annot cure is disease nas
baffied the skill of the most eminent phys :
cians. 500,000 capital behind our uncondie
tional guarant: Rt Ad. peo gent sealed on



Professional Cards.
["* R. L. CARR,
Greenville, N.C.
Office over Old Brick Store next to. .
King Fo'se.


" v

John E. Woodard, ©, Haring.
Wilson, N.C. oGreenville, N.�,�,

Greenville, N.
Special attention given to collections
and settlement of claims. ° ) 7),
Loars made on short:~time,

as a i ADR a ne te

John H.2mali, '* W.H, Long,
W shington, Ny C, ~Greenville, N. cs

| Attorugys and ~Coanaclors ~at lan. ,

FOR THE SENATE, b the PeopleTs party can express S 2 n GREENVILLE, NEC,
5 J LAUGHINGHOUSE. cracy has gone out boldly to lend 114 wish of many ofthat organi-| 2a Sy r Practiced tn A All'the Courts. « a
3 cote its helping hand to the present | zation who honestly favor silver eB rok $
| "POR REPRESENTATIVES. | wants of the people and join with | legislation and good government. ze a 2 ~ par pers. 4
JB LITTLE, them inthe establishment of their | Nor can we-think tuat those who rae | ran : * "
cL BARRETT, wishes. Thin has been its triumph. |ba¢e so long and earnestly advo- Ep ee id m 3 James A. smi,
| " Those representing this great | cated an " of silver a8 = iD ei L maachiaachd: ,
FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Democracy have this day acted | can give their adherence to any | ! fe. ma r- atronige solicited, Cleaning, D reing
oJAK TUOKER..... lin acootd with this a spintot |arrangement which demands} ¢ = ae a le tag, ier eT
. JESSE GANNON, . the party. Today three parties | their votes for gold standard can- | ? 2 Re cRB MUNDS va dhe
ee cca e aad ba in this great financial crisis, de-|didates. A vote given directly | See w Bh, HK oBesta Sint he:
Gi : ie : ie Bll _ manding that silver be restored |or indirectly to a gold standard Be | oOl ri Special a ipa given to cleaning:
itl lag oror Sesh! ® é. to its proper position with gold | Congressman or a Senator, fetters |. i | a e Gentlemens Clothing, » owe
Pate ¥ ne R. as a money of final redemption at |the hand of a silver President,tor j 4 tee ate rye ke eT
6 : da. ete | 1.0] the ratio of 16 to 1; .am income | he can sign no bill for, the, relief}: i: ey a¢/H | silat U NICHUISON, .
| sealed OF DEEDS. tax, that the rich may bear their/|of the.people.antil a bill: passes! " BA ee Bl yi of ae fi
LB MEWBORN. proportion of the burden of tax-| Congress. and..is presented: to |)� 3 hod ia : thowdddal : x

= %



ation, and kindred reforms, have him. Mr. Bryan -bimeself has em-:
nominated the! same ~candidate | phasized this important fact by
for President to carry ont thes i oy his carmasereationed
reforms. There was! in? we : do not, by the election of a:

, gitile Congress, tie bis. iad to
prevent his. breaking ,the. ebaine :
which: bind the people: | .

» (OONTINUED sine ,

Ri ee


= o *
. ee
- ¥ *
See o*


2 allie
2f 5
= -
gs .

- =


oo'090'szs endeg ur preg

A, * .
7" CAs % Cera st

wf sGidia WELEON oae oae

Coauenseu penedule



Dated i BIAS *h
June lth (3 3 = 3 oS
"1806, ZAIAZ AQ

A. M./°.M. 1. M
queave Weldon | 1) 55) 9 44
Ar. Koevk Mt | 1 001039
Ly Tarboro 12 12 .
Lv Rocky Mt 1 .00)10 5 45
Ly Wilson 2 04/11 6 20
Ly Selma 2 58
Ly Fay'tteville| 4 36) 1.7
Ar, Florence 7 25/34
i ZQ |
Ly Wilson 2 08 6 20
Lv Goldsboro 3 Ww 7 05
Lv Magnolia 416 810
Ar Wilmingto») 5 45 '~9 45
Dated ri | 4 ee
oApril 20, c's og isa
1$H6, re 4&8
sie erteiaiiaas calle onennel ieminainneieettt eee Eman
IA. Mop 4)
Ly Florerce | 8 40 74
Lv Fayetteville! 11.10. 9 40) |
Lv Selma 12. 27;
Ar Wilsc 1 2011 BS |
Repo |
35 !
7x !
aM, ~DY.
J.yv Wilmington) 9 25 7000:
Lv Magnolia =| 10 52 8 30:
iy Goldsporoa | 12 01 9 46
ar Wilson 1 on 10 27
tv Uarhore 248 |
ee |
2 he Sy
| 22 Is =|
| Am ~Wx |
, : iP. ML Powe, M,
Lv Wilson | 20) ~11.35/10 32
Arkogky Mt | 247) 121) U1 15)
Ar Tarboro 450, | | -
Lv Tarboro |
Lv Rocky Mt 217 112 17)
Ar Weldon LOL

Crain on Scvtiaud Neck Brauch 2oa
eaves Weldon 3.55 p. m., Halifax 4.10
p.m., arcives Scotland Neck at 4.55 Pp
m., Greenville 6.47 p, m., Kinston 7.45
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2.

a. m., Greenville 8.22 em. Arrivin
Halifax at 11:00-a. m., We:don 11.20 am
daily except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigten Branch lenve
Washington 8.00 a, m., and 3.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 3.504. m.. and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleay us
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. m,, arrives Washington
11,50 2. mn., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Couneets with trains on
Seotiend Neck Braneh.

Train leaves saroory, 8 C, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh i. 2. daily cxceptsun-
day. at 4 40 p, m., Sunday� $00 P.M:
arrive Plymouth 1.00 P.M. +5 25 p.m.
Returning :2aves Plymouth daily except
Sundey, 6.00 a. 16., Sunday 9.30 a n.,
arrive Parboro 1W.25 arm and 11. 45

Train on Midland N.C. branch leaves
Goldsboro daily, exeept ~Sunday. 6.05 a
m. arriving Smithtield. 7 30 a. m. Re-
turuing leaves Siwnithtield 8 00 a. m,, ar-
rives nt Goldstors 9-30 a. m

~Trairs in Nas! Je branch leave
Rovky Mount sc 20 p. om.. arrive
Naghville 5.06 p. *- » Spring Hope 5,30

im. Returnio eve Spring Hope

Wa.in., Nashv 8.3yam, aitive at
Rocky Mount 9.0 am, daily except

Trains on Latta branch,. Florence R
4., leave Latin 6.40.9 m, asrive Dunbar
15) p.m, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Clioté.10.a m, Dunbar 6.30 a m,
eeinne 7.50 a m, daily except Sun-


Train onClinton Branch leaves War-
saw for Clinton caily, re Suaday,

11.10 a, m. and 8.50 p, Returning
leaves Clinton ane a. m. and 8,00), m.

0. 78 makes B close c nection
at War one mat rail via
he tha ount, with
Norfolk aot Carell ane x Mow ~on otk

- he all points N a as ah :
o@eheral Supe.
~ T. M. EMERSON Trattle JManager.
J.R. KENLY, Gen" Manager. oe

& | will be as heretofore.




ing their yearTs supplies will tina

Judges «f Election.

The tollowing is the list of judzes of
election tar Pitt county for the election
to be held on the Tuesday net after
the first Mouday in November 1896.

Beaver Dam"C C Case, Marion
Smith. Geo W Hemby.

Belvoir"J T Hodges, W H
Rives, E P. Norris.

Bethel"Jas H Bryan,
Whitehurst, J] H W Howell.

Carolina"M A Woolard, Henry
G Nobles, Leyi Clemons.

Chicod No 1"J W Smith, W .
Smith, Frank Ricks.

Chicod No 2"L H White, J O
Proctor, Henry Rountree.

Contentnea No 1"Jonathan
Dail, H S Hardy, George Dail.
Contentnea No 2"Sebron Cox,
Wm Worthington, Horace Roy-

Falkland"W M Smith, J H


their interest toget our prices hefere pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourctock iscomplete |
n allits branches.

ST rit

} RICK, va, &e,



we nuy direct from Manufacturers, eua
sing youto Diy at ove protit. A com
vlete Stock af


alwavs onhand «14 soldat prices tos.
the times. tous goods areall bonght and
sold for (© \SH therefore, having ne rizk
to ron.we atlat a elage margin
Mest i, @raengtiie




Male Academy,

The nex: session of i this school Sa ill
open on

M ONDAY SEPT. 7, 1896.
and continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows.
Primary Fuglish per mo, $2 00
Intermediate * $2 Ov
Higher ih $3 00
Languages (each) ** $1 50

The work and disclpline of the schoo)

We ask a continuance of your' past
iberal patronage.

1M C Smith, J S Brown.


rn ee


The Olti.:
Daily Aewspaper it

Novia ¢ arolina.


Che Onl, . ver udar
its Class in the State.
Favors Limited Free Coinage
of American Silver and Repeal
of the Ten Per Cent. ~lax on
State Banks. Daily 50 cents
per month. Weeklv $1.00 per

year W.H. BaRNARD
Wilmington N C

The. Charictis


North CarolinaT.

~_ Select Famale Setar

i I have secured the serviees ofa thbor-

oughly pina yeah teacher ana shail
open a schoo

on my premises lately oceupied as music
rooms, The session begius on


and will confine for ten months.
The terms are as we le P

for girls in the building |

Pt *
{nde per den. and pe ea,
more atactive than ever, it v

tnvaluable visitor to the
oflice, ~the club orthéework +

tak DAI You RVER.
oAll of the Bs RVR bat
plete Daily reports from the Stat,

[ed to be present and participate in the
| discussie n.

Smith, F R Brewington.
Farmville No 1"M L Moye, T
L Flynu, W U Johnson.
Farmville No 2. David Morgan
J N Bynum, George Gay.
Greenville No 1"W © Hines, J
JT Matthews, 8 P Humphrey.
Greenville No 2"Jesse W
Brown, N H Whitfield, Samuel
Greenvilla No 3"J L Thigpen,
F M Smith, Fred Jenkins.
Greenville No 4"Louis N Brily
AD Joknsov, Joseph Atkinson.
Pactolus" Lunsford Fleming
W R Whichard, Jr, Charles Spain
Swift Creek No 1"W § Wilsor,

Swift Creek No 2"Watt Chap-
man. N R Cory, Fred Cannon.

Democratic Canvass.

The candidates of the Democratic
party ot Pitt county for the Legislature
and the various county offices will ad
dress the people upon the political is
sues of the day. at the following times
and places, viz :

Parkers School House,
October 22th.

Black Jack, Friday, October 23rd.

BurneyTs, Saturday, Octover 24th.

Stokes, Tuesday, October, 27th.

Pactolus, Wednesday, October 28th.

Farmville, Friday, October 30th.

Arden, Satarday, Octover 31st.

Candidates of otber parties are invit-


Atrx. L. Blow.
Chairman Dethovuratic Executive Com.


received 100,000 envelopes
For good Job Printing, we are the |
e PBalawava and Chaacclivesvilles

Your interesting refucence to the
Crimean war brings to mind Tenny.
sonTs lines, which have immortal.
ized the '~Carge of the Light Bri-

No one wha was present in the
ranks, as was tho writer, .can wel]
forget tho opening fire of Stonewall
Jackson's 20,000 veterans, when he
surprised HookerTs right after sun.
set at Chancellorsville in 1863. This
wing of the army rolledT back upon
itself with frightful loss and confu-
sion by tiie advancing rush of the
Confederates. Fora time the worst }
fears were entertainec by those wha
were in immediate command of the
Union forces.

At this moment Major Keenan,
with about 300 cavalry, was ordered
to the charge ~to hold the enemy
back at all cost� until the guns,
then ~parked on the hill,� were
oplacedTT to save the army. The or-
der was well understood by this
~brave officer, and immediately ex. |
.ecuted, 300 against otwice 10,000
{gallant foes.TT Keenan's command

was annihilated, ~~nor came jback

sre hia wriunde to tal) **
On the aun Fence,

oItTs strange,TT said the Maltese | «
cat, ~~that in this life nobody seems
to get what he really needs without
difficulty.) 6. © b

oI ~vo heard that before,T said the
tortoise shel} cat, :

. *Yes,, but: Iive -had more | cause
than usual to notice it. » If I wore
ahoes, (I) wouldnTt have). sanything
like the collection of bootjacks ~and
blacking brushes that, come, now
a oad the


bad oh is wil | (if

: ed poate Ror ir rege state HAN and National Capitols,. $8.9 year
4 Lang sal se i saci yt : f ~ soft eal? si eee boyy me 4 Bau
ah Tne rr Fs ssid : k.* The. aie ,
o ei hae had patronize wD ; m
T £9 lime i

imate nme abagen. 3"

~ if

cores Tee, : =






inn SO atl



One Dollar Per Year.

This is the PeopleTs Favorite





When you need


Se ee ;

�,� DonTt scr got tie

Refiector CoTTic »,


QO) wwe eee

Our: Work and Prices Nuit U our Paton





yah tse ey fas




¢ ~

VE be kOe ay |
| Vabe aae ate


2 The Reflecto Catoh E 0d
EF r es Lvery� ix.
ar ata ili Ba co |

= ! The Money Savers.

; , R. B. Smith, of Ayden, was ere to enn PP LLP EE ARRAS HES

: a tee oi sth agit stat patie many a eoieak 3 i 7h | Fee , THE EXC LUSIVE ! _Hendling of

Elias Turnage, of Ormondsviile, was

to ou? Arethe best analities Kulargesinany an old business,
any injucemeos? If ocone | Tt hi rheoalen, zheromey in town toda,. _ estgarments of this seasonTs manufacture have
a weyives maby adull business,
in «nd se our pew stock Ne ey ee Doctors, (li Cal BAB Gibe and Brace owens 10| OMe givento us ior this section and the prices
which we .baye jast re- sives way a failing business. wi ~ are much less than theirreal value:
i ~ejved. Qur- store is : Scares success to any business, Raleig tod-y, j

fyil of New Goods
riges Wer @ Lever lower. To |
We ex epd a cordial in- To oadvertise judiciousiy,T�? use - the spent today heie.
renee our stock 4 c lumi s of the ) Revgecror,

igews t Prof. C. H, James, of Grindool,

Miss Anise Jones. of Kinston, is
visiting Mrs. J. $ Tunstail.



"a B. C. Pearce returned this mornaig
-» {from a trip on the road.
Passenger and Tail train going ap
4 arth, arrives 8:22 A. M. Going South, amar Ever ything you want
4 irriyes 6:47 P.M. W. E. Tucker and Johu H. Cheek in Dress Goods what-
North 6 ound Freight, arrives 9:50 A | went to ~Ralei gh today to the tair. |
W, leavesl0:10 A. M. ever new and stylish in

goods manufactured

for the fall and winter

trade thatTs worth look
ing at may be seen in :
our stock now. Novelty

south Bound Freight, arrives 2:90 P. | po'icemmun Fred Cox and wife have
M. Jeaves 2:15 P. u, , ;
tteamer Tar River arrives from Wash-| gone to Raleigh to take in the tai.

i.gton Monday, Wednesday and Friday

We havea beautiful aod up to
date line. You will find the latest leaves for Washington Tuesday, ~Thurs J. UL. glount and J. L. Flomiag went

styles and we know we can please | jay and saturday.
you Qh, low lovely, how beau- foe "

att Riese irengties asain

to Raleigh today to attend Supreme

| ttiest line i have ever " | court.
ey ne ay aly fiends say WEATHER BULLETIN. Miss D oo leizh, arrived | 4g Suits in eat variety.
~ofthem. We Lave a large line he * west EU ue arcived | il Come an seethem en =
both iv color. ray blacks aud cau . i E . _ : uesday evening to Visit her SISters | ane ou Wil be su rise . .
please. you. Generaliy fair tonight and Thursday. Mrs. W. H Grimes. Prices never Deaten.

ee we 7 . ""~ | J. Hugh Parham went to Raleigh, ale eal ema ll

Ip Ledies avd Gents FUR an today in which city he weds Miss Zula C APES. New plush Capes,silk- lined

NISHiING GOUDS we have a " Hunter this evening. throughout, lar eandsmall =
splendid line. (By Telegraph.) KE. H. Shelbura, wife and chilies, Collars, jet or thibet trimmed and p ain. Capes
: | are made extra tull sweep. N ently finished in
NEW YCRK COLTON. and vieit relatives. wool, broadcloth, peaver and kersey, The price

OPENT. NOON. CLOSE] yy as bam J HL Parham, lower than ever known. Save 50 per cent.

Sept. 7.08 9
Seog ye rag [Fes BR. Aiken and GJ. Woodward e I OT HI N GC. We never sell
. went to Raleigh today to attend the| a suit of clothes

In Men and Boys PANTS CHICHGG WEST AND GasT Parbam-Huvter marriage. that does notlook well. That is why our aver-

é ~ | Miiieswaeme

¢*. we

we have jax. what you want.

went to Raleigh today to attend the fair

t *}

' GOODS we have just the best OPENTG CLOSE.
_ atock to be found and prives Were} pong Jan. 7.95 to 7.97} 7.89 ~ ~age run of customers includes patrons who
never lpwer. Kins"Jan. 3.92} to 3.95 3.85874] Today has been spring like, deal regularly with us. i The _ is in
77 1
~~ Wheat. "Dee. ( Tay 74 Services iu the Methodist church to urable and comfortab 6, au the price isT gat.
SHO ee nnn | night. " A NN
B5. In shoes wa sadea v | SPEAKINGS. ae .

or tu buy euch as will please the MS Bull Smoking ~Tobacco at| \ ay :
wearer, the prices on Shoes are " J. S. ~LuastallTs, m® I
much lower than last season. Give phe Reflect:r Talks 01 Many Subjects} Cyeyp"s0 barrels choice Apples, ma l. .
Ma atrial when you verd Shoes. at Once. ;S. M. Schalt ,
or vourself or any member of] " at S. M. Schultz. The M i
yoor family. We can fit the small: " Quite a party left here this mozning e oney avers.

Our LM. Reynolds & Co.Ts Shoes sidsultz
Mmchultz. , . .
for Men-andT Boys ure warranted Manager W. 8. Atkins is a. work;

to give good services We bave; Nice Catawba Grapes at Morris | on a branch telephone line to House.
had six years experience with | yf..,e7y,

The town of Fay euterille has pasced ||



est or largest foot in the county.| Vresh Carr Butter today, at 5. M|ing for the Raleigh tair. |
| an ordinance prohibiting aealing in

this line and know them te be all! * Fresh Mountain Butter, 20 cents;omargins or otutures,� under a penalty YU ILV,
we clalm for them. A new lot of Cranberries justin, at per pound, at S. M. Shultz. of fiity dollurs fine. ~The city of Ashe- .
Morris MeyerTs. . . aga, ae Le _ |
_ J The tobacco market is jumping lively ville has passed an ordinance prohibit" A brilliant display of

Money loaned on 30, 60 end 90jag in, both as to inereased reveipts and (!"8 any person from expectorating on
_ : OMe EF g in, S ceipts an ae |
In HARDWARE, CUNe days. Apply to F.C. Maraing, | i sher prices. the sidewalks 01 pubis streets MiFALL & WINT Ke
GUN IMPLFMENTs, For a choice smoke, try Philadelphia} , . __ {many of the towns la the northeastern
LOADE) SHELLS, CROCK: | Seal, at D. $. SinithTs. Lhe boy who was struck witha Dick part of the State it a mi-demeanor to | i
ERY, GLASSWARE, HALL yesterday, had recovered enough to be stand around a railroad ilepot anless 7 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,

: oer Sutter for sale : ~ltaken heme this morning.
LAMPS, LIBRARY LAMPs, Vermont Butter for sale at D.S S g

you have suing specific business there,


PARLOR LAMPS, LAMP Smith. I nave constautly on han the Anes, And in Charlotte it is unlawtul tor a
FIXTURES, TINWARE, ~Try a pound of the finest Roasted Coffee Foreign aud Domestic Fruits, alan man to have his boots blacked on a) c ai
WUOD and WILLO W WARB| you ever had, 400 Qld Government Cabbayes, Onion, and Potatoes, |pu ihe street after ten oTcleck Sunday NISHINGS AND
HAR Ess & COLLARS, Java and Mocha.� and you will have no PRB eUE Care: [morning"Chariotte sews | BoyTs 2 Piece Suits im the newes
TRUNKs, GROCEKLES, other, ~or sale only by Ed. H.Shelburo| ~The Agricultural Department. esti- ne :
PLOVASIONS, FURNITURE, & Cu. mates the yield of cotton in this state at Hume timeiago I Hy Grittin threw effects ADU Bh MMe last. Ven es
SEES. a ce TAPER When COAL weather comes, douTt| 65 per cent. of the average crop. hie old Icttera ja the fre, some one of Every bodvgavs my atcre i¢ the
CAR ARP furget where 1o buy your , a which contained two $2 oills. In the a
RUGS, LACE CURTAINS. ee sacks e oecliu, i oin preant prospects 18 18 probable! ands ot the envelopes that did not burn chcuppae piece in tome: eed 2
-CURIALN POLES, | ion | . | o MeKinley will carry England by! \e. Griffin secured small pieces of the want you to come and save mon
dca iuy conde you need fon.yout seit tiora hanks. 3.8. Sarrm, a Jarge meted : omn which he sent to the Treasury De ey. | My orotto is: oCheap, cheap
. gelf and family come to see us, . I carry the finest und langest lice of /Partment at Washington and received | cheap prices �
a , Oysters. Fresh, opened at the Mar-| Cigars, Cigarettes, Cheroots ~and Smok.)* efor on Saturday two bright, crisp | |
: tt ket house at 15 cents per quart. ing Tobacco in the city. A new in- $2 silver certificaces ot ths ~series off | H . B. | C LA R K »
Our object is to sell good hon- E, M. McGowan. |o'ce just-received. J. S. Lonsrann.| ) GolMbore Argus | anwle Jewelry St
est zouds at the lowest prices. AppTe:, Cocoanuts, Banannas, Lem- : ' postal daha wed

a , ons and Oranges jus} received at Mor"
We have a la. ge line of ris MeyersT.

FU R N ITU R E! Try my oJolly Jonal.�T tobacco, :"

and can 'g ie ive Mou! baytht Vrolls; for both chewing and smoking. a Loe ww! é i! ~
: ) og ya ; ot o de }
| aay gead ot the lowest prices you Something new. J. S Tonstact. Wit h Ba at ent ; AutomaticT
ever heard of. Come and see our| jf you want family Flour of the best

j olid, Oak Bescon : |

vioron y ry ai ath

: ry acai Hy
sea us and.get, aur, pri prices, , None, can LSI Q a 1

ouggl 6 in 4 . bent, us, | JeTw Starner & Bro.� The Wilson Boater, wLichietafstove ~for house heating is the 1 aaecatomelibbl that has ever
. ~This is nov so because we All kinds ot fresh Nuts just received bpenapsienians Month witch

say" so, bot heeuase our goode 3
; and pri op ena , Here isa rand. forsale. cheap,; ; Mogris Meyer. In the firstT plese it radiates morefbont han any stove known, and will! flab 95 bios: tdeb in foe)
: ~If we deserve over any stove made. ae
hot al Jellies ana Freserves of all flavors, rota . ie aM net ~
Debian eve WA DomnIDgy bob Mh A Mince Mi FR : Second, with two or three ordinary sticks of pine siove wo it will, kee th frou 3
Adidiy, ~acknowl nt ; pes ht eet at Oi 3. Toke, hamer P| hours, and with rdinarg. care the fire will never go ont, " s pape atittes me Frie to 48
cage ta Hoping to see is wosiastons erty poem Bak! Shera ea phys i oes Ais 6
Jon: sb saat " a -* pest | The finest woreign and Domestic} Third being cxitirely cloned at the base shore idjiea ice of tire, and it'is the staasinali cia :
forts tc make your i Fruits ener on hand. Al! Ose ~bia nob necessary: toremove ths aslss oft asr tada 012).a-im ratte oPiess-stotad tre. i
eant 0 profitable, we La oly jo of cad one, ao is myle forT a room iso rey raanaraaa lad: colon dies ivi.

ve UOTE 68 ir Me ; a

te pe

ngreat diirdoties bial ai a dpe e:0¢e,:teec Luse itthas ~Pate

evant the om eee n ae ee ¥oom! wisn you! vals a 4
~ovastragted: thit'they Gia Ha talked OT aadT'p pat Ta
th Keka e any @ geil QO AL RT iW tC

. pralart) vit | cob pa sh SH

ij Hise i vee 4
pes Us Pe ts

Daily Reflector, October 21, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - October 21, 1896
October 21, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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