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"_" ""
D. J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Vol. 4.
~designer of styles for
FALL 1896.
New and complete line
Dress Goods,
_andTrimmingsto match
ae and
oTn endless ~variety.
Come and see them, no
_ trouble to» show goods.
AP i we We
Hohe ellag ~dodr'to ine Bank of
Greenville. :
| the precautions taken to keep the sub-
@ Munford
desday and Thursday néxt anda cor~|
radial invitation is extendgd.to thy ladies.
) furnishing information
(From Our Regular Correspondent.)
Wasnincron, D. C., Sept. 19.
Several imnortant democratic con-
ferences were heldin Washington and
vicinity during the present week. and
jects talked about at these conferences
out of the newspapers have been suc-
cessful. Among those taking part in
Senator Joues,
chairman of the democratic National
Committee ; Senator Faulkner, Chair-
man of the Congressional Committee ;
these conferences were
Senator Butter, Chairman of the pop-
ulist committee, and Senators German,
Telier and Dubois,
mitteeman Scott, of the democratic ad
visory committee. It for
those who desire the election of Bryan
and the triumph of iree silver to know
tuat the object of these conferences Was
to add tu the certainty of that result,
and that they were in every Way salis-
factory to. those who particip.ted in
them. More could not be told without
a violation of confidence, and without
und National eom"
is enough
which enable
the McKisley crowd to throw obstacles
in the way of certain plans. Suffice it
,0 say that every man who participated
in these conferences is certain that
Bryan will be elected.
Democrats are unsparing in their
criticism of Secretary Carlisle, who, by
the way, is going to take the stump in
Kentucky for Palmer and Buckner, tor
having written a letter saying in effect
that he would redeem silver dollars in
gold it the demand was made. Senator
Faulkner declares this to be an invita-
tion to the money sharks to raid the
gold reserve of the ~Lieasury and force
the issue of more Londs, and expresses
the opinion that it will be worth thous-
ands of votes to Bryan and silver, by
convincing people ot the intention of
the gold men to gu still further than
they have yet gone towards turning our
financial interests over to haifa dozen
bankers in Europe and New York.
Ie says this oemphasizes the necessity
as well as the duty of those who believe
in American financial independence te
support the American policy represent
ed by the demoeratic ticket�
| Representative McMil'in, of Tenne-
see, who has come off the stump long
enough to finish preparing the demo-
cratic Campaign Book, says of the pres-
ent situation, oFrom the bezinning of the
fight those well posted have known that
the republicans had everything east of
New York; that ithe democracy hap
everything south of the Potomac and
Ohio rivers, and everything west of the
Missouri river, and that it has got such
a hold in the Northern states of the eas-
tern portion of the Mississippi valley
that the entire Maine e~ection or the
Vermont election have Leen insufficient
to make even McKinley and Hanna
feel secure.
with all the handicaps tnat have placed
it, is in-abette: position to win a victory
touay than it has been at this stage ot
the campaign in any contest in the last
twenty years, We ara going to win
this fight.
that theTrepublicans are correct:inT their
estimate of; New England, just. as Are
kansas, ~and Alabama proved that the
deineckats were correct in theirT esti:
mates 3 to.the situation. in the South
and West. ae
A well advertised public wmeeting ot
the oSound: Money League,� of Washi
ington, was attended by jist seven peo
ple and three of them were neveparee
~Lhe democratic party:
reporters. | ~
o| ""~ 5 ~a
} twihe
pattern fall and.winter tats on, Wed
Maine and Vermont prove}
{ob Aiking obtrast. ik Shaiiatt hie
prepared to. how fby new f
superior ( Court.
September term of Pitt Superior
Court convened today, Judge A. W.
Graham fresiding.
The charge of Judge Graham to the
grand jury was one that carried much
instruction with it, giving clearly and
pointedly such matters as should be
called especially to their attention. He
impresses the public as a man of fine
legal ability, and he has the business of
the court conducted in a business way.
The juries are composed as follow. *
Grand Jury"W. G. Morgan, Fore-
man, Allen Adams, J. M. Williams, L.
G. Whichard, C. J. Smith, W. R.
Evans; W. G. Barnhill, M. C, Cotten,
Jesse Tyson, J. D. Worthington, W. |
R. Ford, H. B. Smith, W. G. Carsen, |
Cornelius Joyner, Freeman Vines, |
Robt. Worchington, Joseph McLaw- |
horn, L. B. Burney |
Petit Jury"F. M. Smith, E. D.
Manning, ~IT. C. Cannon, Jeremiah
MeLawhorn, R. J. Cobb, L. A. Mayo,
W.H. Arnold, L. H. Rountree, B, H.
Ives, J. A. Gardner, W. J. Norville,
G. F. Evans, W. H. Cox, F. Ward.
Tillman at Kinston
Inaletter to the Reriecror Dr.
James M. Parrott, President of the
Democratic Club, of Kinston, appoints
the following as marshals on the 24th
of Se ptember, in the grand parade to
be had when Senator Ben R. Tillman,
of South Carolina addresses that ¢lub.
GREENVILLE."W. B. James, R. D.
Cherry, D.J.Whichard, Jesse Speight,
H. 'TT. King, L. I. Moore, J. F. King,
C. S$. Forbes, J. E. Starkey, H.C.
UWooker and G. M. Tucker.
Quinerty."J. C. Quinerly, J. B,
Rounrree."ll. E. Cannon.
Aypren."J. A. Harr'ngton.
JouNnsonTs Mitts."L. B. Mew-
borne, H. ©. Smith.
Farvvirte"J. R. Davis, Benj
Faukianp."dJ. II. Smith, T.
D . Parrott says they expect 10,000
people and that a cordial invitation is
extended to Greenville and Pitt coun-
I will sell at auction tomorrow,
Sept. 22nd, one hundred and_ fifty
watches and clocks on Court House
square at 12 oTeleck. =.W.S. Rawes.
Hon. B. F. Aycock, Democratic
nominee for Stare ~reasurer, will ad-
dress the citizens at Pactolus on Satur-
d: y, Sept. 26, 1896. Everybody in-
vited to hear this gifted speaker.
Some nights ago some one entered
the yard of Mr. W. J. Fle sming, a few
miles from town, and stole the cushion
ond rug out of his buggy. He says he
wishes the thief would either return the
stolen articles or go back and take the
buggy two.
made some
Charlie Forbes
Ollen Warren with guitar
charming music at the central tele-
phone office. Saturday night. Eight
phones were connected with central at
the same time and people at the other
end enjoyed ths music. We hope the
boys will meet there again.
The Best Company:
J: L: Svcs, F8q:,
Agent Accident, Department,
_ Aetna Life Ins, Co.,
, Greenville, N.C.
Dear Sir I. ~hold accident, policy
No. 9787'in your Company.o
On thd 23rd day Of Jime;1896, while
superintendi tig boric sok My. sdiv4mill
arm Was crush tween two logs.
tay Bit 97th day of "huge filed
my claim with your, company, fot in
Gennity Ide bio. weeks; dlaiming $25.
Yous gompany, sce at weiter
bikity wap, ios mI period eo
se hw Ng arte ina
~i sere Steed jot | [pey-
at meer
to those eee the nadie tito
Come aud see the beautifil new styles.
Mrs. Groreia Pierce.
PALRAPAAAAA ALAA SAL eae Ll Ne et ODPL ee ee ae ee ee ee a ee he a RA AALS
ThereTs a difference,
You should know it,
For it means a deal to you
Whether, when you spend
your dollars
For the Clothes you have
in view"
That will stand the test of
Or the imitation obargains�
From the mills that make
that kind.
NIN Ne NPN LNS Nail Nel Nee Nel trang Na Se, Ne NL NaN td ae Nal SS NA PS PAPAL APP DL PP NENA ee alse
It's not merely the beauty of stuff, or the stylish
cut---its the fit, the finish, the exquisite stitching
and pressing, the shaping of a pocket, the round-
ing of a corner; nothing forgotten or half
done"all-round clothing. Take time to look
thoroughly, to compare. ThereTs plenty of
cheap clothing, of half-price clothing. See if
you want {o buy it when you've seen this.
We sell none but the most tylish goods.
values that can be secured.
Our Dress ~l'rimmings shalibe thevery new-
est. that fashion offers.
, Our, Ladles, Cloaks, shall bethe best value
and style that money can buy.
Our Misses and Childrens Cloaks shallgivs
the very best. service to the wearer.
~Our Shoe department shall contain none but
lowest consistent prices.
7., Our Ladies F urnjshings and Nogicwaat shall
» be-of:the. newest, and most, serviceable.
8. Our GloveT ~department shall contain only
suc roods as we can 1ecommend,
a" EveryPlank in this platform will be strickly kept.
Yours very traly,
W. E. Procrer.
"LangTs Cash House.
Whether they are really
Our Ladies Dress Goods shall be the best
honest, goods, and they will be sold at the
- "-LINEOr"
Wall Paper!
ever shown in Greenville. Be -
sure to see my samples: All new
: SE Sense iu Advertising: jig
¥ WHIOHAED. Editor. | + ~| phe addition of $10,000,000 or
a? ee tS BY NATHTL C. FLOWLER, J&., OF NEW $200,000,000 to the worldTs mon-
os ee YORK, DOCTOR OF PUBLICITY. ey would not as a matter of
EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY). course of itself bring prosperity.
Even the addition of double this
"""" So i othing mysterious . ¢ ° :
; . aoe oe nom cated or dif: amount to the stock of money In GREENVILLE, N. ©. styles, not an old piece in the lot.
Entered as second-class mail matter. ror abe " xane the United States would not lead | Have just received an Will take pleasure in bringing
eee ee |�"� eee to any rivalry to the Garden of samples to your home if you Will
| gURSCRIPTION RATES. Advertising is simply @8UZ8°8 | h4.4, or of necessity set the . :
} 06 tion, or a request, dn the part 0 country afire with prosperity. notify me at wy shop near Hume
f . - Fe - ° $3. . : ar & T *
eg rea ar.) the amen? ue the P paar Money can do nothing of uself. of the ergqpr ah fe and are Aer ¢; serve ber's, on Dickerson avenue,
2 ~ 1 4. = .10]/ to ipspect and to Duy 1a ; 8 the only | the wants of the trade at rices Lower
ver " . see wari the advertiser has for sale. Trade and industry are y than ever offered befcre. Small profits A. P ELLINGTON.
Delivered in town,by carriers without ) roads to wealth. But trade andjand quick sales, is our motto. Our| ~~~ a ,
oxtta cost ; It is obvious that there mast be |i, qustry are much more likely to| goods are new and cheap to meet the Greenville Market.
ogsdvertisng rates are liberal and ean be hi for sale if there be . :. abundant wants of the masses, We are sel ing Corrected by 8. NM. Schults
~gd on application to the editor or at something for flourish when money is &buDGaDt) goods at a price far below the usual orrected by 8. 4). Bchuliz.
, dhe office sale, {and itgis as obvious that |ihan when it is scarce, and do not | price. Butter, per Ib 16 to 25:
eee something for sale might just) gourish ut all when money is not HOES sell for $60 eet ed Hare fee ar
| We desire a tivo correapondent Ar as well not be 70% sale if nobody |) he had. An expanding curren: 6 45,50 | Corn 40 to 60
* } 3 7. . =r rs te be . j = 4
| avery Dostoritemn the county. ny occurs | knows where it 1s and how to get) oy favors industry; & contracting » ee 1 oe: 1 ak , le So
ia each neighborhood. wae platoly to it. currency strangles industry. Un 45% 80 Lard 5} to 10
and only on one side of the paper. The value of the gre atest drama] der the single gold standard the 85 * . : a Susy 30 to byT
" === |igas much in the audience as 1D | currency of the United States has oy AG ; Coffee 13 to 25
. osupserip- it. ontracted wp & HH TRG Salt per Sach 80 to 1 75
Livers oto agents: a the actors of it ; ; in the past four years ¢ i All we ask is a trial and will give en- | Chickens 10 to 26
Cort rates ps o The value ofa good thing '8 by nearly $200,000,000 Under 4 | tire satisfaction. ; Eggs per doz 1 to 11
"lin how many people know the | bimetalic standard it should have G. A. McGOWAN & CO. SITES pe: ~
Monpay. SertemBer 21sT, 1896. | good of it. lexpanded by that am uot in the » 8uG Go Post Office. Doonan Son
" a | There is no gcod to unknowa | same time. That is why industry BBS Sent Below are Norfolk prices Of colton
De , | good. is for bimetallism. " at penne for yesterday, uf furnished
( NOMINEES. ° . J: W. HIGGS, Pres, 1. S. HIGGS, Cashier y Cobb Bros. & Cominission YMlere-
DEMOCRATI J 3 10 ome charts of Norfok - \
The best that is unknown 18 BO) = Maj. HENRY HARDING AssTt Cashier. = | sor'ton .%
uU' Nes :
; . better than the unwanted known. The Rocky Mvunt Argonaut Good Middling 8h
National Ticket. A good thing will not sell un"|speaks 1a this way of a certain Middling " ii
" less people know of its goodness class of men to be found In every Bonners: ; id
FOR PRESIDENT, and where they can cbtain it- community : Tone"sseady _ ,
LIAM J. BRYAN, rer . ap- thorough sel- F
WIL! es) J. BRY AS Advertising 1s'simply the cheap Ofren men, from thorough I Greenville, N. C. on PEANUTS. |
of Nebraska. est, the easiest, the quickest, and |fishness, or inexcusable thought- he oe ve 24.
eae . ~a Prin
FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. the most sensible way of connect- | lessness, seem perfectly, willing to oancy 3
ARTHUR SEWALL, ing that which you have with|contribute nothing to a measure STOCKHOLDERS. Spanish $1.10 bn.
of Maine. those who may want it. that redounds to the general good Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt tO aa _
"" while they are 48 much and often Million Dollars, GREENVILLE TOBASCG2 MARKET:
oFOR CONGRESS"FIRST DISTRICT. ~ ~~ more benefited than others who; Wm. T. Dixon, President National | ' REPORT.
w. H. LUCAS, A Word 1m Season, help all they can. Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. "
of Hyde county. , Is it right, morally, to expect N The seat land Neck Bank, Seotlana LY ©. L. JOYNER.
. " ° ve eck, IV. U.
FOR ELECTOR"FIRST DISTRICT. your more public spirited neigh- N , : ; ""
\ : 2 , oah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N.C _ |
JOHN B. SMALL, The greatest fight ever Waged|bors to spend their money for) RR Fleming, Pactolus, N, c Luas"Common..... ....24 10 8
of Beaufort county. between the people and the privi-|gomething that equally benefits| p, W. Hardee Higgs Bros.,| o Hine.... « creseee dT to 14
a leged classes is now On- On the you? Think of it calmly and ask | Greenville, N.C. Currers - Common... ....64 told:
State Ticket- one side we see arrayed the busi-| yourself tne question. Is it right? "" o Fine......., .10to 18
ness man, the tradesman, the fat-| Tg it honest?
ili We respectfully solicit the accounts
ooo ao ene SE eee te tn ee of firms, individuals and the general
CYRUS B. WATSON masses. On the other side iD oublie
} * Po ae AN . . . : .
of Forsyh. solid phalanx are the bankers Checks and Account Books furnish
who have milked the treasury of ed on application.
ita gold, railroad presidents who
An Indiana editor was going to
marry arich widow. Everybody
said it was for her money and it
made the editor weep to be ac-
tiary BLOOD POISON pernianentip.
cured in 16to35~days, You can be treated Af
home forsame price under same guarane:
THOS. W ° MASON, have grown 4 = 4 ry f acy ry P . tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bill con:
of Northampton. dividend, trust magnates who ex- cused of such mercenary thoughts A J sal ve stock ole nocharge, If wo fll to cure. Ifvoubretaren mers
~J © n
"" act low prices from producers and he persuaded the widow to pains, Mucous atenesinmouth, Sore Throuts
° t ~ all bh alth to | imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
: FOR SECRETARY: dextort high prices from cou- urn over all her wea o her any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallin
: _" and exvor gi prices a dauch . ldu't say | out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISO
CHAS. M. VLOOKE, b tici ries f monopo- aug ter, 8O peop e@ coulda t say we ,uarantce tocure. We solicitthe most obsti-
of Franklin sumers, ene� ° DOPT lthate Sbe did. Then the editor arere canes at) Oh aT enre Ubon na ene
e . . . . t e ° I P q ca oO au e g 8 *. n
= lies and of special privileges of ca his mind aud eloped ) bated tho skill orthe most eminent phyal-
�,� \) a S a ; my
FOR AUDITOR; every sort who have used the . " p H 2 ° | . tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sentseaiod on
R. M. FURMAN ar Ge prams nrray pure UND CEN ouse Furnishing San ah pense, CHICAGO. ELEeo�
eo 4%ae / ja b] at ls
of Buncombe. for the gorging of private coffers. " G d Bi & a
. -_"" This is the situation today. Dizcount to Reflectur Readers. OO S, Icyc es, GC, Professional Cards.
.B, F. AYCOCK, It is a well-known truism, that Any reader of the ReriecTor
ooe sending ten 2-cent stamps to The : d U in John E, Woodard. F. 0. Harding,
all reforms onan wath ar a Trade Company, Boston, Mase., J ust eed p - Wilson NG. avednville N.C,
and are concede ast by the |. , , r 2
) will receive Marion HarlandTs store next door to el. ADE ASD a HINO aE
ot Wayne,
cee spores
. py PURLIC INS ION: riyiliged classes, hence this _ _ ATVORNEYS-AT-LAW
SUPT. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ine famous oTalks,� containiag twelve}, Cobb & Son, b Greenville, N.
. J. C. SCARBOROUGH, tigbt. articles on good living aud how to ° yo - pecial attention given to collections
of Johnston. Now for our word in season. It 1 = . and settlement. of cluima.
is openly copceded by the advo-|/!¥® S E PENDER Loans made on short time.
; ~ e « _
FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL ¢ cates of monometalism that if the "_ |
F. I. OSBORNE, election should come off tomor- Notice. p* R.L.CARR,
row or next week it would result The Tax Liststor the county of Pitt o DENTIST,
ot Mecklenburg. for the year 1896 haye been placed in my Greenville, N. C-
° overwhelmingly in favor of free| hands for collection. Ail Be aers maine quae Old Brick Store next to
i -_"
s Se omrage OF _| Co} the time the ides | tX¢s are hereby notified to come for- OV 1
FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF THE 8U-| oOINARS but by th © 2008 | ward and settle promptly and save them- Stoy es and Tinware
PREME COURT: ofT November roll around they | selves trouble and costs. Le
4 A. C. AVERY, of Burke, hope they will have injectsd MN KiNG, shear, |Cheaper than ever be- 3arbers.
G. H. BROWN, ot Beaufort. enough false argument, mislead: fore. = . "
ing and millionaire boodle into the
campaign to thwart, misguide and
a TNE, nc
} o \befool the people again as they ; GREENVILLE, N. fe ;
} : . atronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
; FOR THE SENATE. have done has often in the pad. . 4 aud Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty
J. J. LAUGHINGHOUSE of By such dishonorable, nefarious ""7 a eee
schemes, such for instance as the on ready in his new
opens Democratic-Republican Conven- |8 ore to suppl your
3 non SRLITTLE. tion at Indianapolis, they hope to needs in the ine of
4 CLB ARRETT escape the hand of retributive jus- Choice Groceries.
ytd, Sty tice that has written their doom! The shelves are filled)
fat lee upon the wall. _ |with brightly colored
o JAK thcken In the face of these unvarnish-| boxag ode red of er
JESSE CANNON ed facts we say to all Democrats| things, and barrels of
A.B CONGLETO N |"stand by your guns! No mat- groun ains, cakes
Te . : ter what pressure may be brought) and crac ers boxes of
on FOR sueerrr. to bear, mr sg aan ri on and bottles of
Pye. not to the voice of the charmer bles.
fun budusvn4 or DEEDE. charms be ever so wisely. To! ~Thereisa wholesom-
Spevial attention given ro cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing
Will open at oElw Cottage,T
Oct. 2nd a Home School for. Gir :s.
from 8 to 16'years of age. Nuri-
ber limited to 10. Address
Mrs. A. i. McC. WHELAN,
Norwocd P, O Nelson Cc.
~ tt
Aa od As Burerss, Mgr.
. \-* Washington, N. U,
This Hotel has been thoroughly reno
vated, several new rooms cadet, @lec-
odsoy jo s}uuOD
*3,50ig ~SIAVG o14
o90°'000~0S$ IBd¥D
ql" ~
~*~ ;
*2,488)-"E LLLII oIf �3.994d-2714 oNOSAL oV oU
"a Y pus suop201J09 s}}0S PUT SsoUISNG ZuPfUe [es9USH & spESUAL
. . : your tents ob, Isreal! and when rt 1: tric bells to every rooa. ntive ser=
} _-LB MEWBORN. \Qur hosts are. marshalled on the nee ths erent vants. Fish and Oysters served daily.
Patronage of traveling puviie solicited.
) iy?
$rd of November let it be to|� *|. Gentry located.
| "JLYTLE. prove to insatiate greed and avar- charms ag arta He
Tom i ~ice that there is a power, greater p |
_. FOR CORONER. : o rai shots ke Darna essay
ime ES) ok new supply of Diamond Inks and | tO
: _» POR SURVEYER, + |Qreammucilage at Reflector Book}
The Towa Tax List for 1896 has.
been placed in my hands for collection.
All persons owning faxes to the town
Greenville are hereby notified to, pay.
the same and save forther trouble.
_ EB M, MoGowan, Tax Collector:
~ogg pended UL preg """
J al
Bome of the Curious Gastensis of the Camp
Going Nutives.
Ccadenseu pevedule The routive of daily life in Nica-
.| ragua is muc! sinspler than in colder
~ climates; there ars no carpets to
TRAINS GOl%@ SOUTH. gathce dust and moths, and there is
- - | very little farnituro and few pictures
Datel =| m& las ~2 | and bric-a-brac to be dusted and
June ldth [3 % E él og , cleaned. The clothing of the children
Loni A= |Az om is also much simpler, and the fash-
~ AL MJOM) IAL M ions are rot variable. The children
Leave Weldon | 11 55) 9 44 of the lower class wear no clothing
Ar. Kocyk Mt | 1 010 39 until 12 or 14 years old, and in the
" " upper class one garment, 4 sort of
Ly Tarburo | 12 12) | shirt, is enough for home wear, and
" children sometimes go on tie street l l \ :
Ly Rocky Mt [2 1 og10 | & 45 i thissimple garb. What marketing
Ly Millia ie | 6 20 js not brought to the door is done . |
i Pav teviliel 4 ~a ; a by the master of fhe house, and se | | yi | } s
Ar. Florence | 7 7 231 3 4 | the wowen are free to loll in their
aon en ee en ne bammoocks and nurse their babies.
G2 | ESTAB.i3i 6 VD, 1RT5. The delight of going shopping is
on g AM ivi SCHULTZ entirely unknown. If anything in| GIVES YOU THE NEWS FRESH EVERY ~
. P A.: T T 7) «
Ly Wilson 2 08 / 620 PORK SIDES er SHOTLDEBRS | home an armful of whole pieces of WORKS: FOR ?HE .BFST
Lv Goldsboro | 3 10 | 7 05 tho desired goods. If none of these "INTERESTS OF.
uy Magnolia ; re 5 2 VARMEKS AND MEKCHANTS BL Y! suits, or if the senora desires to look
rele. M.| | A.M h ing their yearTs supplies will tin? | at ccners, these are carried back, and ; 0
" "" : olr tneerest toget our prices befere PUL! anoeic and another armful are)
te ret,
ae eae ae: | TT ete " OO vee
re erm
ohasing elsewhere. Orestockiscomplete a
VRAINS UOTE. NOFERI. | n: ullite ora uches. Pere | brought. This samo servant can he
oa trnsted to pay for whatever is |
Daied my) 2 = - FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAK | bought, for they are very honest in GREENVILLE FIRST, PITTI COUNTY SECOND
April 20, Sa ~ 52 | RICK, TEA, &c. | money matters, only indulging in
1896, ZA | Z Aa small pilferings. Oneofthe servants) | OUR POCKET BOOK THIRD.
oo a7 a \" iT.ways utLOwgsT MAYKET TRICKS | at the college was accustom ad to go to
A } t i | ' - parent
uv F _" the treasurer overy month to draw
luv I i y } ; : . . .
Lv ta aa iG rane i mn | TOBACEO SNUFF& C1GHRS the salaries of the teachers, and she
Ly Sefma 12 7 we puy direct from Manufacturers, ena used to have each oneTs money wee ee
Ar Wilscn 1 20/11 3: bling you to buy at one profit. A com | wrapped up ina different part of her |
ann al oe el ee dlete stock of dress, and sho never made a mistake
es | FU RNITU by giving the wrong sum to any one. SUBSCRIPTION 25 Cents a MONTH
os } H t } ? T 0 ff » eens
72 \ Whilo the women aro very alice
6 so en =| | always onhand and sold at prices tosurt tionate, if death invaces their homes
| a )
yi Ve imington ~ M| P. M.| thet imes. Our goods areall bought and | 7° do not see the despair and g}oou eee
te oWav nolia. 10 52 a sold for CASH therefore, having no risk that so often reign with us in like | .
uv Goldsboro | 12 01 9 36 to rin,we sell at a close margio. afliction: they soem to thoroushly | Es
ar Wilson 1 00 10 27 s. M. SUHUN TZ Greenville, NC | take in their religious belief that)
v Carbero 348) . : sername = | their dear ones are translated to hap- .
me | VAT | pier scenes and that the separation TM
~= | = = CREEN VILLE is only temporary. Tbe women of
Zo | Paes : . . the family do not go to the cemetery
Se ee a i; f 1 with their dead; only the male mem-
per ese P.M. I Abe M, , d f neat bers and friends. There are no
t. SOL wy HAL &5 10 tz : P ; .
Ar Koeky Me) 217) shi, thd - hearses, and the coffin is borne on
their shoulders, and they are reliev- "PUBLISHEDSEVERY WEDNESDAY AT"
vr Carbor 400, | ed by different relays every little
Lv terbors | | | The next session of this school will
| way. Colored coffins are used for
Ly Rocky May) 2 17
: 112 11. open on .
wWalde young people, blue being a favorite } ¢: é vq hop pe
Ar veldon Por MONDAY SEPT. 7, 1896 color. The coffin is usually rented ( Hl Dollar Ci Year.
, by the lower class just for the fu-
Traiu ou Scotkand Neck Branch Roa | 8nd continue for 10 mouths.
al. and ti ris removed at
eaves Weldon 3,55 p. m., Halifax 4.10] ~The terms are ax follows. pera) ane ie ike removes Thi i {i " Mg ~ 4s Lowe
op.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p| Primary bughish per mo. g2 oo | Hhe grave and Interred In Fhe arom Is ie HOD ¢ N) h al\ Gi le
w,, Greenville 6,47 p, m., Kington 7.45. Intermediate o© o* | g2 0 | With nothing to presefve it fror
p. in. Goturone leaves Kinston 7,2 | ee we Bess $3 001 gontact with the earth. The wealthy
&. m., reenville 8.22 a. om. Arrivins, anguages (each) vs ts $1 5) e vaults, or niches in the brici \ my ' Cy
Halifax at 11:00 4. m., Weston 11.2u ron The work and diselpline of the schoo! have aysenronnene HOLS oTrea cn: a at TOBACCO DEPAKTMEN l, WHICH
faily except Sunday. i Will be as heretofore ihe in oe IS AREGULAR FEATURE OF 1tHE PAPER
" ; We ask a continuance of your past these are only rented, and it is noth- 18 ALONE WORT ae "_ mt
- ait, on : ae branch lesve) iberal patronage. ing unusual to read an advertisement Sine - TH MANY TIM&s Tail
er Caan aren SU a. , ind ae a 400" W. H. RAGSDALE. | in the paper that if the relatives ot UBSCRIP'TION PRICE,
, Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleav en ___;such and such a one do not pay the |
Tat boro J.o0 p m., Parmele 1/).20 a. m. rent of the vault, the body will bs
and 6.20 p. u,, Arrives Was! ed by such a date. .
12.50 a. m., aad 7.10 p. m. Dallyeoe. THE MORNING STAR. LET NIS ; ° . (0) -"--
After a death ina hozse, the piano,
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
Seotleni! Neek Brench. T if the family is rich enough to own
mn rhe Oldest one, is removed from the sala, or Wh :
Tram lewes carooru, & ©, via Albe- parlor, to the back of the house, and en you hee
marie & Hulelsh K. i, deily except Sun- though it may be moved in 4 room
day, at 4 60 p. m., Sunday 800 P. M: ° .
aire Plyinouth y 00 P.M, " 08 M: Daily Newspaper in or two nearer its former station dur
Returning .2aves Plymouth daily except | ° ing the year, it is not opened for that
Sundey, so a. 10 ey 9. o0 a n., length of time. After the death of . TRIE T we yg
arrive Tarboro 10.25 am and 11. 43 the wife of President Gavala, his IN
Train on Midland N. C. branch leaves Nor th Carolina. Uy
Gold3boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a. daughters lent their piano to Mrs,
-m, arriving Smithtield 7:30 a. m. Re- ae Guzman, the wife of the Nicaraguan
turning leaves Smithfield 8 00 a. m,, ar- oo minister to this country, who had _ %
rives ut Goldsbors 9.30 a, m. | [he Only 3 ive-Dollar Vaily of | 2st come there as a bride, so that " : Don L 1orpet the.
Tras in Nashville oranch leave ° : it might be used during thei yoar
ee Mount at 4.30 p. m.. arrive its Glass 1a re State. ef mourning ane not pe spoiled by
ashville 5.05 p. , Spring Hope 5.30 being shut up and gathering damp - . .
p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope} - ness, for during the rainy season ey. Refiec tor Cy TF LC.
B.00 x. m., Nashvil ¢ 83y am, airive at Favors Limited Free Coinage
ythi hich is not ex-
Rocky M (5 . erything mildews Ww :
Sunday, ial las daily except | of American Silver and Repea!] posed to sunshine occasionally. "
Trains on Latta braneh, Florence n|° of the Ten Per Cent. Tax on| Cor. Boston Transcript. WE HAVE AMPLE FACILITIES
4., leave Last 640 pm, airive Dunbar|State Banks. Daily 50 cents FORK THE WORK AND DO aut
7.50) p um, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning Superstitions. |
leave Clivi6.10.a m, Dunbar 6.30 a o,| Per month, Weeklv $1.00 per} If you drive through a Russian KINDS OF COMMERCIAL AND
arrive Latta 7.60 a m, daily except Sun-{ year. Wwu.H. Ba RNARD village about 10 p. m., you will be TOBACCO WAREHOUSE WORK.
: y- Wilmington NC struck by the absoltite quiet that
awa Far enon edt sain serves War- x yervades the scene. Not a creature,
inton caily, except Suuday,. ener mee |
11.10 a. m. and 8.50 Ds m' Returning oe ro di Soaphbalanes oOn A sponte QO:
igaves Clintom at 7.00 a. ms and38,00 1 a. | a p nee 14s t om of a ne
~Train No, 78 makes close connectioa! he Y village. Suppose by some rare unto-
at Weldon forall points daily, all rail vid The Charictve ward chance you come upon a group
~ne all oints N Tth via W .
, JOHN F. Aine that they speak in subdued tones |
General Supt. . North Carolinas _ . | and whispers, and wait so long as
{you please you will never hear them
| ~
| oF ST : ee
rages ram aaw, | | PORRMORE RWHPAPHR [Tag "The ou sn thi TORE
. DALY These Russian peasants believe in ; ,
Rishmone. alee at. Rowky Mount with! ' f. tanding together, ap] t.- Dos v8
peace Eek Tl ORS TOR VEER. |r coneceon po wih apt Our Work and Prices Nuit eur Patrons
| AND evil poiriR but, i nalthe the Chinese, .
Select Female Sckodl. | ___ WEEKLY. | ney honed, by acands, And so,| "18 THE CHEAPEST PLACEN GREENVILLE FUR"
_ |4f some unlucky fate decree that the
I have secured the servicesofa tbor- Independen: and fearless sbi : r an| mujik be out of doors after 11 p.m.,
_ oughly compereni. teacher and shail} more atactive than ever. tt wil an| he is a painfully silent man. This BL ANK ROGKS STATION
open hs bine: for = in om building nig iy Meni - the othe, th | foeling also extends to some of the e
remises lately oc das music | office, the club or the work room,
rooms, ~The seesion hegiun a td haa ltaa re | gouthern towns. Kiev, the holy city |
, THE DALLY OBSERVER. " : Russia, is a model in this respect.
MON DAY, 7th OF SEP TEMBER = pfixhe Dene of the world, Com re ore m. you may iedrrlornt mm
~and will continue: for ten months. ee Caimi es Stat. | pave thestreets to yourself. ~-Blaok-
The terms are as follows , + 8 veer | woodT a Magazine,
Primary English per mo. $200| THE WEEKLY OBSERVER. |
oe | ae a o } a 50 A nae the weak : - All. the |: aught the lacs,
Music, i use of instrument $3.00 9 : | oRemeber nber te mi || saye my. y aating = rageostive of the
Those who na nd ° Ph at gen the| ~i Leer a my ~voice. apastaantcat
in.r8-onlva} oONLY ONK-DOLLAK-& a |
ied amber number be Fit ik tin mr ~sernpte ye si | joa | "Got (viciganly) ~ . means
6 * 4 oi 4
~ 4 ag ) :
ARES Nm et ty aha aioli T ; i Ae } i #
PRIM SP Big die iain Gli ald
if , hy : ae
banaue 4: My diated , \
J. R. Moye.
a. od kde
~ Is the | west price any object to
to you? Arvihe best qualities
any iuducemeut? If so come
in apd s8-e our new stock
whica we have jast re"
ceived. Oar store is
fail of New Goods
end prices were never lower. To
the ladies we extend a cordial in-
vitation to examine our stock of
We lavea beautiful and up-to.
date line. You w]! find the Jatest
strles and we know we can please
you Oh, how lovely, how beau~
tifu', the prettiest line i have ever
geen, is what our lady friends say
ofthem. We Lave a large line
both iu colors and biacks aud can
please you.
In Ledies ard Gents FUR-
NISHItNG GOODS we have a
spleudid line.
we have justi what you want.
In Men and Boys PANTS
GOODS we have jost the best
stock to be found and prices were
never lover.
rete naire
SHOES. In shees we eodeav-
or tu buy such as will please the
Weaver, the prices On Shoes are
much lower than Jatt season. Give
U8 Biriel when you veed Shoes
for yourself or any member of
yoar family. We can fit the small-
est or largest foot in the county.
- Our L. M Reynolds & Co.Ts Shoes
for Meu und Boys are warranted
to give good service. We have
had .ix years expernence with
this line and know thew tu be cl!
we Clalin for them.
and avy goods you need for your
self und family come to see us.
Oar obj-ct is to sell gooa bon
est zoods at the lowest prices.
We have a large line of
Lee you anything you
at the lowest prices you
and can
sai Oak Bedroom: Suits,
To pass us by would be an inex-
_ Sein eieter: +o your pocket
lin is HOG 80 because we
so, but because ~our goods
| Lhe 4 nak it 80. Here isa
tai positions stp desetes
mothiog, give us nothing,, but if
- you find our goods and prices sat
ysfactory, acknowledge it with
your patronage. Hoping to see
Fh teed
sant ant ro table, | fe » are
change in the te.nperadure.
Dickinson Avenue and ar street.
gard of. Come ~and see our)
you 800n and promising our, best).
efforts to wake your coming}
Coplty Gusta af af rt Bases
Creates many a» new business,
Enlarges many an old business,
lTreserves Many a large business.
Kevives many « dull business,
tescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
S ~cures suceess to any business.
To oadve�"�tise judiciousiy,T? use the
columrs of the RE®LECTOR, :
Passenger and mail train going
oorth, arrives 8:22 A. M. Going South,
rriyes 6:47 P. M.
North & ound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
VM, leavesl0:10 A. M.
south Bound F reight, arrives 2:90 P,
leaves 2:15 P.M.
Steamer ~l'ar River arrives from Wash-
ington Mouday, Wednesday and Friday
vaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs
day and saturday.
Tu-days N. Y. Cotton Market,
(By ~elegraph.)
Sept. 8.13 8.10 8.26
Nov. 8.14 8.14 8.28
Dee. 8.26 8 20 8°39
Jan. 8.34 8.34 8.48
ThatTs What Every One of These
Items Are.
~Tuis morning was cool encugh fer
The weather Sunday and today was
Money loaned on 30, 60 and 90
days. Apply to F. C. Harding.
We sell the best: Butter aad Cheese.
J. C. Cops & SON.
You can ouy wumber as StatenTs
Mill, just 44 miles trem town, at oSin
gle Gold Standard Prices.� See
C. RK. Sperent, Manager.
Saturday night gave us a sudden:
See our stock ot Shoes.
J. C. Cops & Son.
sale ag DLS
Vermont butter for
Nice stock of Dry Goods ank No-
ions atd. C. Cobb & SanTs.
Iwo cars ot New Whaeat Flour just
arrived at J. C. Cobb & SonTs.
BuoarperRsS WANTED."Can fosnish
first-class table buard to a. few young
Mrs. Aw L. Blow.
For Sate"Three houses and Jota on
kh... ~Tysom.
Fine Italian Macaroa, just recetwed
at J. S. ~LunstallTs.
Best Blend ~Iza .296 puma. ab Se
M. Schultz.
We sell fine Cigars. Smoke 107 aad
dream of the angels in Heaven.
J. U. Com & Som.
A fresh lot ot uit Ureane Cheese ancl
Vermont Butter, ou ice, at: J. S. Tan.
Kresh Carr Butter to-day, at S. M-
To rae Pusiic :"I am now imnry
new Gallery over the Greenville Bank
and will be glad to see all. my friend)
and the public generally.
R. llyman, Pnotograp hes,
On-next Wernesday and Thumday
| Mrs. Georgia Pearce will display het;
new pattern hats. Ihe ladies take.
millinery store.
~ Mrs. Gronia Peanar.
Je Be Letham ~has been showing, a
S. H. Taylor, of Carolina township.
hibi~jon Tuesday and: Wednesday. La-
dies cordially
-OTShanters, White Kid Gloves, Feath"
ier Boas and the latest styles SailorTs
~and Walking Hats. at Mrs.
- The ladies are hereby notified that | :
on next Wednesday and Thursday Lf ©
will show my new pattesn hats at myr
twin leaf of tobacco. Jt was raised. by
Names of Both Get Ixnto Pr at at the
Ratio of 16 to 1.
The Ladies Bazaar.
PDP ew
D. H. O. Hyatt came over fiom
Kinston this mornirg.
Miss Eulalie Willis, cf Newbern, is
visiting Mrs. H. C. Hooker. g "is oieeea acon AT 10c
. , base, \ VODS AT - lic
Rey. E. D. Wells and wife returned £- ot i :
Saturday evening from Warsaw. .. oA rece aooke ar one
Lit og 95¢
Miss Lilne Wiison returned this DRESS GOODS AT 20¢
morning from a visit to Houkerton. DRESS GOODS AT a
Capt. Swift Galloway and Geo, M. DRESS GOODS AT
Lindsay, of Snow Hill, are attending DRESS GOODST) AT 63e
Mrs.J. Hi. Giount returned hone DR
Saturday eveniag from several weeks at Yas coops AD sep
Saratoga. S, .
my s
W. H. Dixon left this morning foi} ~ ean SLES Es $196
Richmond to continue hTs studies at the a e
Virginia Medical Colleze.
R. W. Smith, of Ayden, junior mem- / ew Fatumn Of fects «
ber of the popular firm uf J. R. Sith
& Bro., spent the day here. ZEBELINES, HOMESPUNS� ae
Bennie Kiiggs returned home Satur-| BOUCLE, BOURETTES, BROADCLOTH.
day evening from Asheville where ne
has been spending the summer.
e� *
Miss Ione May, of Fasmville, has
been spending a few days with Miss
Hortense Forbes and left tits morn-
ing for Norfolk.
Hepsack Sanglier
Two-tone Grauite
Covert Diagonal
Two-' one Whipeord
CamelTs Hair Canvass
Fancy Bourettes
Two-tone Panama Natte
Self-colored Raisin Cloth
Checkered Homespun
Camels-bair Jaeguads
Potato-sack Suiting
Sail Cleth Wenves.
he ate
Everybody cordially invited to inspect our
stock and we guarantee satisfaction. Our line
of Ladies Capes are beautiful. Price no object.
Miss Bettie Daniel, who has been
visiting relatives in this county, took
the train here tiis: morning tor her
home at Ruanoke Rapids,
We intended having something to
say on the Republican meeting held
here Saturday afternoom but it was
crowded out today.
My new Pattern Hats will be on ex-
invited to ¢all and see
Mrs, M. D. Hiaas.
Fuli line of Intant Caps, Tam
M. D.
oan Renee eadineene eee na
A brilliant display of
trade. Onur plat-
form is oGOOD VALUES AT LOW PRICES.� We sell gooda from
15 to 3d per cent. lower than any other house in this line and take
payment in GOLD, SILVER or PAPER. Come to-see us at ; Miges
Bros. old stand. @ur.steck embraces
BoyTs 2-Piece Suits im the newert|
effvets and all the last weaves
Everybody says iny stcre is the CLOTHING,, GLOVES {LACE GOODS,
chvapest pleco in town and TCAPES, Cloaks,;HOSIERY, {UNDERWEAR,
want you to come and save mon
and a lot of other goods to numerous to mention.
ours please.
a Lead EB: Styl 8.
At Higgs Bros. old stand. or yle
ey. My metto is: oCheap, cheap
cheap prices.�
dawlsT Jewelry Store,
mt E B93
o ""
aten! hittin Smoke ~Doors,
RL |{ Q
~The Wilson Heater: whith isTa stove for hoube heating, is the most remarkable that has ever.
bie patented, .
| With &
bay dad
To eee
of Millinery. ever riage to Greenivilte
at Mrs: M.D. Higep 0 MAL
makea display of my new tall j
winter Hats. M.D. Hicas.
ut Tycaday 9
The largest and mast complete lime)?
On Tuesday and Wednesday I, wit
~ eonT fai! to see my display of latest
a bidird Patiern |
R 4g; a Mil . . } SE: a
and oal lg her Pa
nd other new goods will be
miss seving
In the first place it radiates more heat than any stove known, and wiltT dave OST; pér céut. in fuel
over any) stove wide.
hs Heras » with, two or. hc ons ~sticks of pine stove sad it bi raid the fire froin ne to 48
Hours, a with ordinary, care the fire will never go out. |
oThind, being wotirely Stoned at t
m re '. In ia notneceasary to rempye
wdifodont styles "théemali ode, Bye the his
is well as comfort. Layne
- base there isT ho dikaie' of Gi. aha itT oty bie ~et ddisent stove
oak eg ofietier than /once a wdnth: | These stoves ~are made
da for bed-rdpnie, is epecially, recon mmeniled for: health
antago over any.simi
rom odxning
% & 4
a pat
ter ~stove, because ~it ~i ~Pibbeh £eto-
the #oom when yoa' také the top off
gh Ae ep off and ~put ~beck: ~on in
ath Litt:
ol Mn ae ape tien
illvan et ee
Ves. .
Heaaquater for Hardw are, Tin ware §