Daily Reflector, September 9, 1896

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(premiere teae

rer er rp

Vol. 4.

Editar and Owner.




acon Pitre ncenyertemener aman nn teen eet






designer of styles for

PALL 10gb.

en ae

New and completeline


Dress Goods,

dTrimmings to match

Carpets, Y

Rugs and

In endless variety.

Come and see them, no

trouble to ahow goods.

C. T Munford

oNext door 1% the: Bank of»


"et see atenttioanay screenees



Meeting called tu order by TA
Thigpen, chairman,


L Maget, o
W H Rives.

J E Randolph,
J if Thipen,

et, chairman, W H Nieves.

3 Outerbridge, J H Clark.
For Constable"W © Cobb.
QO. W. Harrington recaived the |

Delegates. Alternates.
JS Harris, Jonas Diida,
WR Williams, J �,� Cook,
Dr J Morrill. Cc Vines,
Joon King. Henry Harris,
Executive Committee"J H

Sraith, chairman, R R Cotten,
Jobo King, F G Dupree, E F

| Williams.

For Magistrates"A M Wooten,
Robert Gay, E F Williams.

For Constable"J H Whitehurst.

A Sweet Mess,
The Republican convention of Ansun

county nominated a neuro for the Leg-
islature, and for county commissioners
all the are negroes. ~They
also indorsed part of the Populist
Under the new law,




county ticket.
three are Ww be

IsiTt it about time for the


ganizing? A fuli
~missioners for Anson county !

'what we are


The Per Capita $21.48.

shows that on Septembe
of money ia the United Stacrs,

gated $1,059,160,654, or

171,645,000. As compared with Sep-

decrease of $64,413, 384.

of gold.

Opinions On the Gold Ticket.
St. Louis Republic: The Indianap
olis convention was very considerate in
It selected
two oid men who have no hopes to be

blasted and no careers to be checked.

its choice of candidates.

Chattanooza News : Palmer and Buck-
nor means an attemp to throw Illinois
and Kentucyy to McKialey, but the
Person popularity

scheme will fail.
counts for nothing this year.
Livchester Union and Advertiser:
The Indianapclis convention has lifted

a great weightof apprehension from
the regular democratic ticket by its

and gives the ticket of Bryan and Sew-
all a bouyancy ~and a prospect of suc-
cegs that 1t would be deprived of if the
disaffected democrats were left in a dis-
qand.d condition and open to tempta-
tion to vote for MeKinley and Hobart:

Brooklyn Citizen ., The decoy plat-
form adoved at Indianapolis is more
notabl for what it omits than for any-
thing it contains. It is precisely su.ha
Statement of purposes as might have
been expected from representatives of
the Standard Oil Company,� the sugar
trust and the various other monopolics | *
which are alarmed by the candidacy cf
Bryan ~and = the- platform adopted rm

roam THE,

L. Maget. |

| ~
the normal in temperature, and scatter- |

Executive Committee"-L Mag-
ard Harris, WC Cobb, J H Thig-

For Magistrates"L Maget, A!

nnaninious endorsement of the | {arm work.
couvention for the nomination for| id points on tovr dates, but is sill dry |

of North Carolina to be or-
board of negro com-
Ts that
coming to ?" Wilmington

The Treasuary circulation statement |
Ist, alt kinds
of what ~s held in the Treasury, agere-

capita, on an estimated vopulation of

~tember 1, 1893, the circulation shows a | when interupéed by rain.
During the |1s shooting up tall, but little crop. Good
month of August, however, the circula- |
tion shows an increase of $24,266,492
made up largely from the Treasury less iby

nomination of Palmer and Buckner, |

The week ending Saturday, Septem-
ber oth, 1896, was comparatively warm
with two or three days slightly below
ing showers onthe drd,4:h and oth.poor-
ly distributed, however, except in the
western portion ef the State, where the
rainfall was more general; over other
portions the drough: in many places
isunbroken. But little improvement

is now possible in the crop conditions.


| ~Phe week was pleasant, not too warm

j with some cool nights, and was fine tor

~over the greater part ol distriet. Cot-

| ton- picking is guing on

I rop will be nearly allopen by October
| Ist.
re ain, but willbe good, though peas are

slow to mature. ~Turnips are not com"


drought. Pea-nuts
usual result of a dry August.
is only ordinary, On the whole very!
little improvement occurred tlns week. |

Several thunder-storms occurred this |
week and the rain-fall was beneficial to
late corn, turnips, peas, ete., but poorly
At a few points amounts


over an inch fell and the ground was
sottened enough for plowing. Cotton
will soou be allopen; many fields al-
ready look as bare and brown as if ruin-
ed by frost; lint being picked out rap-
idly under favozable conditions. Old
corn nearly dry in the fields. ~Tobacco
cures continue poor in quality ; most
of the crop has been housed. Some
The absence ofa

oats were planted.
general riin-fall will eut short all

Rains occurred at scatters |

rapidly ; the |
Peas and potatoes are needing |
ing up well generally on account of the |

will be suort, the.

ace Is

Va me
. "A Brilliant display of early"


in the newest effects, in
Cheviots, Worteds and
all the latest weaves,
for dress and business
wear. Remember [ war-
rant correct style, best
workmanship perfect fit

Buy now"~
Good People.


All the new things
for fall are here, par-
ticularly things tor the
school boys"suits, ex-

phn wr

Good, soaking rains fell cn the last

two or thyee days of the week ata
large number of places in the Western
effectually breaking
drought, but came too late to mate"
rially benefit crops. Cotton will be no
better than already estimated ;

. | District, the


going on rapidly, except for two days, ,

Late corn

crop of pea-vine hay has beou harvested.
Turnips fairly good and much benefitea

wheat Jand has

work being quite

the rain. Some

ibeen broken, this
backward. Leaves of forest trees are
beginning to take the variegated hues

of tall in the west.

Registration Law.

Under election laws
there are four fdays only allotted for
registration, Saturday, Sep-

tember 26th, Saturday, October 3rd

the existing

to wit ;

tra pants, ect. Moth-
ers it will be better for
you to come here and
buy him these better
sort at the low price |


a specialty.


«A Mrs. Hopkins Boy.�



NO ~ .



G) wing

Saturday, October 10th, ana Saturday
Octoter 17th. The Registrars are
required to meet on these days at the
voting places ia, these precincts, and
between the hours of 9 oTclock, A. M.,
and 4 o'clock, P. M. regis~er the qual-
ifled voters.

The Registrars and Judgés of elec-
tion are required to mest at the voting
place on Saturday, October, 24th trom
9 A. M. until 4P. M. for the purpose |
ot permitting challenges to be made.

| October 31st, they shall meet at the
polling places and -hear. and decide the

Chicago Dispatch : oLook at Mexi,
colTshrieks a goldbug contemporary:
~.Mexico isa silver country !T�� And af-
tter you get through looking at Mexico
~~ good look at Spain and Turkey

both of which are doing business on a

hicag 0. faiilin

iQ? bia ancit.

gold basis,

and at 10 oTclock A. M,.on- Saturday, -

Laadership easily centers here.


Department*of Dry Goods "

Department of Notions
Department. of lothing
Department of Shoes


Department of Trimmings.

We have mastered the intricacies
of the business in all its details. We give you elegantthings at geco-
nomical prices. The stocks are richiy complete and exquisitely
beautifal. In buik and variety they are not equalled elsewhere in
she, whole southern country. The grace and nice harmony, the tone

4 charming taste of nearly all the fine homes ing this, comimpjEny
wore inspired by suggestions of Our artists, °


New Fall G oods

= = Rp


E B Dudley W J Vain right|
iJ L Smith� FGM
OWH Harrington SI Dudley
Edgar Back J C Smith
ana ; A D Johnson ES Dixon
, " 2 leaned apie BW Tucker W H Atlen
on ee Jozephus Moye J . Albritton
tie a RH Allen J Sutton
oWptered as second-class mail matter. 7) oA dog paul Harrington

ctrtesnnapitnasitn- eet emmy,

Augustus Forbes H F Keel

_ SURSCRIPTION RATES. W BAlbritton Ricaard Hardee
Oy yer. 0 + $3.00 PAUTOLUS.
_ Ofte month, ~ - - + "9 | " DELEGAIES. ALTERNATES.
ive «eal er W G anzell, OK Whichara
Delivered in town;by carriers without) J R Barnhill, D H James,
oaxtra Post . IBB Satterthwaite, J J Moore,
A~vertisng rates SOR and can be T J Danie}, M T Spier.

I t itor or 2 ; ,

iF N n
oWe desire a itv3 cotrespondent at) ae ix Withering gton
avery postoffice inthe county, who will ory | mith
send in brief items of NEWs as it, occurs | A I Roach W F Mewborn
ta each neighborhood. Write plainly) A Johnson GB Kilpatrick
aad only on one side of the paper, W B Blaud JIB Kilpatrick


Joe Pittnam Jesse Cox
W J Laughinghouse J J Moore
JAGardner RU Garris

Liveral Commission ou supdscrip-

~ fon rates paid to agents.

1 napster ey ne rt ee sete nee =
ed Ll can neta ee a

eee eee ea
cae ' haat he

Wepxespay, Ser TEMBER OTH, 189 16



eee ener

|W. 3. BryanTs Tour Through North!
* Carolinas



The following is the official pro-
cramme of Mr. Bryan's tour
through North Corolina:
Leave Asheville at 5 p. m., Sep-
tember 16.

To Democrauc County Convention,
Thursday, Sept. 10:h,

seein coe



Srey Smith Joab Tyson _ Leave Hickory at 9 p. m., Sep-
~@T Tyson WA Pollard | tember 16.
J F Allen GW Crawford} arrive Statesville at 10 p. UW.
Wm MeAarthur A A Joyner | September 16.

__ BELVOIR. | Leave Statesville at 10:15 p. m,
L Maget, JE Randolph! Arrive Charlotte at 11d5, Sep-

W H Rieves, J H Thigpen. |tomber 16.

BETHEL. Leaye Charlotte at 9:30 a. m.,
DELEGATES aurernates | September 11.
W G Little W G@ Carson Arrive Salisbury 11a. m., Sep-
J 5. Brown D © Mooring tember 17.
DC Hooke a an Leave Salisbury 11:15 a m.,,
Jaté S nes
BW James SM Jones SED T, V7. toe
. Arrive Greensboro 1:245 p. m.,
CAROLINA. September 17. |
DELEGATES ALTERNATES Leave Greensboro 3 p. m., Sep-
J M Leggett H N Gray tumber 17.

AB Congleton 8 M Bailey Arrive Durham 5:30 p. m, Sep-

TH Little J L Roberson ber
JH pave S© Whichard | tember 17.
B D Wilson D B Carrington} Leave Durham 6 p u., Septem-

L perkiaos A Mooring ber 17.

W Thomas DS Rollins Arrive Raleigh 7 p. m., Septem:

CHICOD. ber 17.

DELEGATES. atrernares.| Leave Raleigh 9 p. m., Septem-
JJ baughinghonse, J ~ Grines, ber 17.

: Ww roctor y wi ece Arrive at Selma 10 p. m. 5
sree Kdwards, ak Tucker | ceynfien Ie ° p-m., Bep
bt Dixon, J LCox, _" ,

J B Galloway, LS Edward, | Atrive Goldsboro 11 p. m., Sep-

J A Porter, JJ Elks, tember 17.

Mack Williams, WL Clark, Leave Goldsboro 10:30 a. m.,
: Ae Smith, PW Arnold, Santember 28,

T Cox J H Mills . _ o, ;
Hjaad Cannon. Jd Oakley, , Arrive Wilson 11:30 a. m., Sep -/:
J J Mills, George Sutton | bember 1S.

LN Edwards, Frank Stocks| Arrive Rocky Mouut 12:30 p. m.,
HC Venieis, . Ly F Carrol, | September 18.

Macon sapan J ; H auills, Leave Rocky Mount 2:17 on
CONTENTNEA. regular schedule of Coast Line.

* DELEGATES. ALTERNATES.| Arrive Weldon 3:32, September

Caleb Cannon E C Cannon,
dohn Pierce, BB Sumrell, .
cuas- MeGichon, SamT! Mumford

The principal speeches will be
made at Asheville, Hickory, Char.

ie. Jas Dixon, JS Hines,
J Jackson, Jos Gaskins, |{lotte, Greensboro and Kocky
J Z Brooks, Asa Garriss, | Mount. Train will stop for three
ze: A : a Ad ogBODs minute speeches at Marion, Mor-~
AG Cox, TIM ay, ganton,, Mooresville, Concord,
Fred McGlohon, J H Smith, Lexington, Burlington and at no
HE Eliis, W C Jackson, | Other points.
oJobephus Cox, J D Cox, ~
W ~Cannon, LiF ayette Cox |
J A Branch, W Worthington. big habla on Li !
t is probable that Li Hung
FALKLAND. " iChang wil yisit Billville, but if
DELEGATES. ALTERNATES. | he asks the head of our ~family
JS Harris, Jonas Dilda, | her age, Lord help him.
WRWilliams, J C Cook, We donTt know that we shall be
Dr J Morrill C C Vines, in @ position to welcome Li to
Jobn King, Henry Harris, Bile for, baving lost he tick-
let, the local Chinaman still retains
FARMVILLE. oor shirt.
* Delegates Alternates | Ten ~to' one if Li attends a
Ww R Horne W H Moore lynching bee in Billville he will
WE Boyce JT Lewis " ask the - master / of ceremonies:
M Flynn W H Morgan oWho paid for the rope?�
_B May I J Anderson: One thing is certain: if Li
Pp Alfred Moore drinks moonshiné ~liquor itT won't
re 0 ask | a fellow where pte

ae: ~hé ~asks the ditealation ~of
a Her rive shall tell him we.

s Pilbee ea Lote

oHet is Portectly weleoine'*to} 3

re psocsmmicg ion ding

la Tange, stock ofe


|House Furnishing

. Capitals, 000 A a

|W HIGGS, Presi | i, Be wices, Cashier
ml nee yore net shi

Greenville, N.C.

Representing a Capital of More Than a Halt
Million Dollars, ©

Goods, Bicycles, &e.

Just opened up in
| Wm. T. Dixon, President National
store next door to ¢d. 2,

| change Bank, Baltimore, Md.
The Scotland Neck+ Bank, Scotlana
C. Cobb & Son, by neck, wc
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C:
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, N, C.
S. E. PENDER D. W. Hardee Higgs ~Bros.,
Greenville, N. C.
& CO. : | We respectfully solicit the accounts
1° ~of firms, individuals and the general
Stoves and Tinware wilic.
chear ner than ever be-. Checks and Account Books furnish

led on application.

vet Fea Sha,

I have secured the services ofa thor-
loughly competent teacher and shall


fore. |


JT é erp ef ~open a school for girls in the building
, ~ ee Wee jon my premises late ly occupied as music
at ee, 7 rooms. ~The session begins ou


~and will continu for ten months.
The terms are as follows ,

Primary English per mo. $2 00
Intermediate ** oo o $2 50
Higher 66 bos of 93 00
Langu: iges (each) * $1 00

Music, including use of instrumert $3 CO

~bose who desire to patronize the
school had better apply early +s onlv a
limited number be will taken.

Greenville. N. C

we @


Fa ll Sessisn ~Opens sept. 14.




| For terms &c. apply
MRs, L.




ing their yearTs supplies will fing
their interest to get our prices befere pui |
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock iscompleteT |
n allits branches.

Greenville. N.C


FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGA/: ohal hea vil .

RICH, iA, &e.
The next session of this oschool will

Aways ut LOWEST MARKET PRICES lopen on


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena | hand continue for 10 months.
hling youto buy at one protit. A ecm | ~The terms are as follows. .
dlete stock of i Primary knglish per mo. 32 00
- Interinediate we 82 60,
FURNITURE (iets eacn = 21 50
\ ~Languages (each) ** $1 50

| The work and diselpline of the schoo!
always onhand and soldat prices tosuli | will be as heretofore.

the { imes. Qur goods areall bought and | W e ask a continuance of your past
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk iberal patronage

to run,we sell at a close margin. ©

S. M. SCHU!LSBy, Greanyttle


I have just returned from the


whereI have purchased a

Large, New, Cheap

and stylish line of goods

We are not LOW on one thing juss to catch your eye and
high cn others because we think you are not posted. We..sell our
goods at theT .


and whether you are an expert or not does not effect our price one}
cent. Our goods have the stamp of reliability, combining style and |
quality with lowest price, and they will bring you success neeine

vil competitors: My stock of has
S. not, sitpliided

CLOTHING: ie any. clothing

store. I will, sell up-to-date Clothing.
Thanking at dor, pest farors I hope to be favord with your



future patronag ES Yours:to Please, ,
ce (a a _, Leader of ~Btyles.
~ a ae ~ i re re 2 is wit
RL. DAVIS, PresTt. "RA. TYSON, Vice-Pres't. ' J. L. . LITTLE. CashTr.
. REORGANIZED jt eth) 1896.5 6 w

a ee abi 4

ee Pe may


ee ae 00

lever shown in Greenville.

: Hee Bs fd [ute eds i}


,) "lINDDF "
5 oe ee

Wall Pater!

All new

styles, uot an old piece in the lot.

Will take pleasure in bringing

samples to your home if you will.
notify me at wy shop near Hum-

ber's, cn Dickerson avenue,


( connenenietamemnnessneennanennentieedmtiaie ened

Greenville Market. ;
Corrected by S. M. Schultz.

sure to see my samples-


Bntter, per 1d 15 to 25

Western Sides 44 to 5.
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124
orn 40 to 6U

Corn Meal 50 to 65
Flour, Family 3.75 to 4.25
Lard 54 to i
Oats 35 to 40
Sugar 4 to6
Coffee 13 to 25
Salt per Sack 80 to. 1 75
Chickens 10 to 25
Eggs per doz WW to ll

Beeswax. per

~Cotton and reantt,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished

by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chants of Norfok -
Good Middling 8%
Middling 84
Low Middling 7}
Good Ordinary ly
T'one"quie y

Prime 24
Extra Prime 3
oancy 3}
Spanish $1.10 bn

| Tone"tirm,

"_ eat


bY o. L. JOYNER.
Luegs"Common..... ....24 108
o Fine. ... weoee.ss. 7 to 14
Currers - Common... ....64 told:
o Fipe.... @ae8 _10 to 18

alah A SPECIALT (case Yon, Seq

oF ~ondary orTer.

Hi apse AY SPEC ISON permanently-
Maqcured in 15t035 days. You ean betreatcd af
ema yhome forsame price under same guarane
my ty. If you prefer to come here we willcon:
" tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
A .if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer=
dide potash, and still have aches and
-ntches in mouth, Sore ene
imples, Copper pores Spots, Ulcers on

any part of the body, Hair or pyeprows, fallin

eak it is this Secondary §

arentee to eure ~We 7a solicit the most obgti-

asos and challenge the world fo 2

Gass we cannotctre. This disease has ai

cury, io
ains, Mucous

ba fied She skillofthes most eminent phy i.
cians. _©500,000 capitai behind our oa dis
tional guaranty. Absolute sroofs sent sealed on
application. Address COQ IL REMEDY. ¢

#37 Masonic Temole. CAI

Will open at oElm Cottage,
Oct. 2nd a Home School for Git's..
from 8 to 16 years of age. Nuti-
ber limited to 0. Address
Mrs. A. L. McC. WHELAN,
Norwoed P. O Nelson Oc. ~


Professional Cards.

ete cn

ey E, Woodard, F.v - Harding,
'* Wilson, N.C. Greenville, N N.C
| Greenville. N.

. pecial attention given to collections

anT settlement of claims.
Loars made on short time.


8. D. BAGLEY, A. M., Principal.

i Next seasion -will begin 7th -daylof
SeptembeT 1893. Instruction thorough
"Discipline firm but kind. Pupil
prepaied to enter any college. or for
business. For particulars, apply.. tg,the



NGentd Clined de opel

NOS, is

ven to cleaing


Patronage 8
and Pre&suig
Heaeky EDM
Special attention

T OTE, BIggOI30¥ inh
ie Ss ae |

i fie
ae eee nee a a CR a Seok ra�
% 3 A 5
é¢he ik
3 3 gk

a Mere over fo th
» "at whianta Oonstation o3

Transacis a
cconnts of Respasie Persons

aoe Mae ae BND oR s " 2 Sig ane aige Boge pl eae

piced eo De ms esha l Os ina
Ccadenseu ocnedule
Dated Spins | wh
Junel4th [3 3 3 3) og
1896, ZA Aw "|4a
A. M.?.M,| 4. M
eave Weldon | 11 54) 9 44)
Ar. Roevk Mt | 1 00)10 39
Lv Tarboro 12 12 |
Sc eeenen amd eee | "" | meta
Gv Rocky Mt 10010 | 5 45
Lv Wilson 20811 | 6 20
Lv Selma 253) |
Lv Fay'tteville) 4 361.7
Ar. Florence 7 23) 3 4)
| P. M. |A.M |
Lv Wilson 2 08 | 6,20
Lv Goldsboro | 3 10, 705
Lv Magnolia 4 16) % 170
Ar Wilmington) 5 43, | 9 45!
P, M. | A.M
a |
Dated [eb is | Se
April 20, céE:5 | iss |
1896. | 7, 4 | van |
} eo | _ pone |
Lv Florence Noff 4
Lv #ayettevitlel TL du 4 40:
Ly selma 12 37
Ar Wilson 1 2011 35,
ey ee oH eS ee |
wy | "_
ces | | {
Pa =| | |
AM 0G) poy |
iv Wilmington) 9 25: | rare
{uv Magnotia 10 52 | 80]
Ly Goldsboro | 12 0] | | 9 36,
ar Wilzon 1 OU lq v7]
Ly Varboro 248 |
eam |e a
ee) 4 "
i~ 1� La
Oo: id S|
Ar B "
P.M. Pope. M,
i.v WiJson 1 20 41135, 10 32
Ar Rocky Mt 217 W241, 1) 16!
ae | a | ee
Ar ~t'arboro 430 |
Ly ~Carboro
Ly Receky Mt 27 12 11
Ar Weldon . 1 O01

Train on Scotland Neck Branch oad
eaves Weldon 3.55 p, m., Halifax 4.10
p. m., arrives Seotland Neck at 4.55
w., Greenville 6 47 pv in., Kinston 7.45
0. in. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2
a. m., Greenville 8.22 e& m. Arriving
alifax at 11:00 a. m., We'don 11.20 ain

teeth: ta gaan eect et cr


N ativnal Ti Ticket,

ot Nebraska. ©
of Maine.
w.H. LUCAS, «
of Hyde county.

State Ticket.


~of Forsyb, ©
of Northamptor.
of Franklin.

ot Buneembe.


otf Wayne,


ct Jobnsten,



Cf Mes


A. C. AVERY, ot Burke,
at Beanfort,

| "


| |
Report cf W. T. Godwyn, Treasurer of
the Town of Greenvi le, N. o.


A acet. :

with said ~Tow Gen,
May 20.

~lo amTt reeTd from J. S. Sinith
former ~Treas
June 4.

To amTtreeTd from J W. Perkins

$264 81. : | 3

scree attr n-ne a aetna eens yt tba ot lbw nat

February 8,

To amt reeTd froth W. He Cox
tex collector 1265 00
March 16.
To amTt reeTd from J. W. Perkins
tines and costs 144 37
March ¥1,
foamTt recTd from W. H. Cox
tax collector 285 00
April 1.
To amt ree~d from J. W. Perkins 18 28
April 2.
To amTt reeTd from Fred Cox 81 00
April 3.
To amTt reeTd from Fred Cox 5S 10
April 6,
To amTt reeTd from W, H. Cox
tax collector 415 00
April 26.
To amTt rec'd om county costs 2 �,�5
May 6.
To am't rec'd from county costs 3 00
May 11.
To am't recTd from J. W, Penkins 50 00
May 8.
ToamTt recTd from W. H, Cox
tax collector 200 75
b% o 6 9 74
Total amouut received. $3873 30.

CR. |
May 29, 18905.


October z +

51 C © Forbes
October 7

4oS E Pender & Co

: October 8 .
loo D D Haskett
117 KE C Williams
111 Samuel Mayo
116 J W Perkins

92 Moses King
114 Willis Clark

113 Willis Clark

100 J L Starkey
110.f TT Move
127 T A Wilkes

106 H T King
115 Fred Cox

108 S Jas Yeltlowley

1409 C © Forbes

105 Peter. Plummer
101 J B Cherry
112 J W Murphy

November 9
103 Ola Forbes
November 7.

131 TA Wilkes
189 Sam Mayo

(19 CC Forlus
(iS J Ww Murphy

1:6 J L Langley

126 Shade Weathington
186 Willis Clark

121 Brown & Hooker

hs ) 1 Moye

18 J W Perkins



1 Rands1 Everett $ 300)

June l,

2 George Neal
3 Randal Everett 37
4 Charles Kdwards 3 37)
5 JW Perkins ut 00,
6 John Uines 3 37
7 Abram Harris 3 10 |
8 Julins Jenkins 3.08)
9 Fd Latham 50 |
10 TA Wilkes � 50) |

one 4,

23.) W Perkins 1210,
15.1 'TT Moye TS CO)
4 Fred Cox 22 10!
13 Greenville Lumber Co, Wes!
18 JL starkey 6 39°
19 DD Haskett 431)
14 Alfred Fortes 950.
J2 OJa Forbes 425
17 © © Forbes 3.99!
20 Ola Forbes 13 20

1] J W Marphy 33 |

21 Samuel Mayo 50 |
25 WC Hines Vi 00 |
June 7
2° Moses Williams ] o5
June 8

August 1
91 C Colb & Son 3 00
5 T A Wilkes

25'T A Wilks 3 37!
29 Willis Graham 337 |
27 Nathan Henraban 995 |
30 James Whitley 2 62)
31 Henry Lewis 3 37
July 2 |

48 J W Perkins 35 00 |
168 E Pender 17h |

| 49 Fred Cox 35 00)

August 2 |
45 D D HaskeTt 270)


244J L Starkey
132 Abram Harris
133 Willis Graham
134 Reuben Clark
180 Frank Wilson

November 9.

1 9 Gyeenville Lumber Co.
1:8 Fred Cox

| 65 Major Pollard

af A Ifred rorbes

152 Greenville Lumber Co.

127 Ola Forbes
. November 12
lzo Willis Clark
122 MG Moye
November 14
1M1C �,� Forbes
123 J L Wooten
November 16
J42 sain Mayo
Novcmber 20
TA Wilkes
Mas Wiley Ran olph

(361 Abram Harris

145 Jsane Price
147 Willis Graham
November 22

149 J T Moye

1:6 Reuben Clark

143 James Uatterson

144 James Hatterson
December 0.

76 J W Perkius

67 J W Perkins

61 CC Forbes

78 Reuben Clee k

rs Wiley Rando!ph
Fred Cox

an TA Wilkes

174 Kred Cox


fines and costs 34 05 bee
laily except Sunday, "To amTt reeT from J. W. Perkins ~| 685 A Whitty 170! 160 Joe Eboru
-Trajns on Washnigton branch leave Market rerts 9 09) 464 4 Murohy 20.00; 157 John Koy
Washington 8.00 a m., and 3.00 p.m, | ro amT¢ rec'd from Fred Cox tines 647 A Wilkes 1 87168 Daniei Dupree
arrives Parpiele 8.50 a. m.. and 4.40 p. | | and cos § 11 09| 8% Ed Latham 1 S74) Wo Ned Spell
we 9.45 a. pe : returningleay es | July 2 f2 Silas Yellowlev ° 1 124 | 169 Thos. William 3
arboro 3.30 p- m., Pa: 2 I . so ~8 Silas Y - o.
and 5.30. ». Mh � arity ration | (To ums i ay a o Perkins oe oe e8 Silas velo ) wets 225 | December 6
11.50 a. m., and 7.10 ~ elon . ee ; 4XUguse 9 1155 Isae
ept Sunday. Connects a h nis vient ; Po aut reed from -}. W. Perkins 69 Willis Clark� 125) Ne Aa) slo
Scotland Neek Branch, op oa fet ate 29 92; 66 Abram Harris 1123 | 153 J ~1 Moye
Train leaves xargoru, N C, via Albe- | cam ee cet Fed Cox fines 15 August 10 163 J 6 Stackey & Co,
marle & Kaleigh it. as. daily 2 eae. Aucust 1 ao 70 WM Kinsanl 115 125 W Murphy
day, ap 4 50 p. U}., Si inday 3 00 P. M; am t, reed fry n vy HH. Cox a7 Wm Waldro ) 2 G0 | 1S¢ » Blount & a leming
artive Plymouth 9.00 Pol, 3.25 p.m.) Tax Col nents ar ¢ 47 J L Daniel ! 66 December 7,
Recurning igaves Plymouth daily exept | n emt reetd tie prmenase Tax 35 9) 4 � a
Vo amTt reeTd frcm W. He Cox August. 24 164 DJ Whichard
Sundsy, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 9.30 4 m., tax eol. dray licens i. i4o | P Price
arrive Tarboro 1.25 arm and 1, 48 Augus, 22. Joo) 28H T King 7 Bg) Ho EP Price December 6
Train ou Midland N, C. branch leaves To mt reed from W Jox fe ean CTS Fe ; a | ~
Gold38boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a , tux cul, bo ae 5 16 TA Wilkes Bg 16) Heury Sheppard er 7
m. arriving Smithfield 7°30 a. m. Re. To am'treeTd from Wo HL. Cox, °° September 3 | Ns ich oue
turning leaves Smithiield 8 00 a. m,, ar- tax col, dray lie : 5G Pete ; 9 4x, 162 William Waldrop
rives at Goldsbors 9.30 a. m. Vs umTt reeTd from Ww. H. Cox 18 00 ie i t ann , 7) HAD 146 James Ha*tersou
Trains in Nashville pranch leave tax col. purchase tax 11 59| 631 A Wiikes. : 9 9, | 175 Willis Graham
Rou ky Mount at 4. 380 p. m,. arrive September 3. . ° Wh For to J W perkins 8 00 144 Caeser Blount
Nashville 5.05 p. m., Spring Hope 5.30! 'To am~t recTd trom J. W. Perkins 96 Fred Cox ~ 79 9 | 199 Silas Donelson
p. m. Returning leave Spring Hope fines and costs 85 52] 38 Willis Clark 50 1/3 Reuben Clark
8.001. m., Nashville 83g am, ainive at! "Po one receipt frou I. W, Pers o| 72Willis Clark 1 00!,. yey ree vet ts:
Suny 9.05 a mM, - daily except ens amTt paid W. L. Brown 8&7 I) S Smith 7 28 | 11 Ola F ee 19
Mavor pro tem 81 J H Kinion 159 "
, Ttalne on Latta branch, Florence R | To amTt hl id red Cex fines 79 Caeser Kennedy 50 | 1 ~ C Fobes. .
+s leave Litt 6 40 pm, aarive Dunbar and costs IL 5 a0 | : . .
750 pm, Clio .05 pm. Returning September ,. i j (i eS 9 o | Decembe! 21,
leave Cliol6.10 am. Dunbar 6.30 4 m, | lo amTtrecTd from J, W Perking on 183 J W Mui phy . 94
~arriye Latta 7.50 am, daily except Sun- mirket rents » 60 85 September 4 sys gs » cember 24,
day. September 18, 71 Willis Clark ane. eet
Train onClinton Branch leaves War-| To am~treeTd from W. H. Cox tax 84 (1 C Forbes YW 50) 186 rA W ilkes ;
saw fur Clinton caily, except Sauday, colleeror 615 11/54 T A Wilkes 3 00 185 Reuben ¢ lark
11.10 a.m. and 8.50 p, m: Returnirg Ostuber 1. 89 Samuel Mavo 31 50 ca ae 2 1896
leayes Clinton.at7.00 a. m. aud8,00, m.| To am.t rec'd from W. #f, Cox tax 95 Z V Hooket . Erne Moen
Train, No. 78 makes close connection: collector loo 00 "| 193 JTT Moye
-at Weldon forall points daily, all rail via October 8. _,, September 18 197 U © Forbes
Richmone, alse at, Roky, Mount with|~To amTt recTd from J. W. Perkins a7 H F Harris 9 99 | 194 C © Fortes
-Norfolk and Carolina R R. for Noriolk market rents 42 99/94 J Ldtarkey 96 65| 190 J W Murphy
ne all points North via Norfolk, To amTt reeTd from J. W. Perkins 43 6 L Starkey 13 57 January 3.
JOHN F. DIVINE, fines and costs 45 65 | 96 Willis Clark 2 95 | 189 Fred Cox:
- « & General Supt. | To.amTt rec f. from Fred Uox fines September 19 a Hen Cherry
and costs 95 W L Brown
T. M, EMERSON, Tratfie Manager, To am't rec'd trom, W. H. Cox tax 25 20 53 J T Moye 21 00 |196 WL Brown
J. R. KENLY, GenT Manager, collector (6 37 JL Langley 15 00/191 Ola Forbe
TO Pou (ASA oboe Meme lana 6 November 7. ~ |50 Samne! Mayo 15 00 | 198 William Waldrop.
" " S/o um't sos ne J. W. Perkins 2 me patham | ase sof dite oe duntiaty 14,
nes and costs , 62 251° as 0 slount eming
THE MORNING. ! STAR, To amt recTd from J. W, Perkins 33 areenvile eae Co. 3 42 2 . dannary 17,
ay market rents 9 10 reenyiie - ht r Go, 3 28 179 W H Cox
The 0 dest ' Pap b=! 9. September 20 202 © �,� Ford January 20.
To amTt reeTd from Fred Cox fines 5 J. 0 orbes
and costs wt, 13 95 ee Manrphy, | . 40 00 JanuaryT 23.
ai ly News 72 Ola Forbes 85 56 ;
spaper if] December 5. 44 Ola Forbes . 3 ge | 192'E C Williams
To amTt rec'd from J. W. Perking ad Feburary 1.
Api & | fines and costs 78 10 September 21 1o1 Ola Forbes.
To amTt reeTd from, Fred Cox fines. . |86 D D Haskett . 7% February 6.
,, aud costs. 4 65 | 33 Willis Clark 4 90 | 100 Biount & Fleming
To amTt recTd from Fred Cox don el September 23 february 7
o Decarsber: 6 86 00| oo HT King 1 25 | 204 CC Forbes
~|PoamTt rec'd from W.' H. Cox. 99 Willis Clark .,....* 3 00 logy 7 a ebraary } 18
pid oe eek : oe Hopes: $e _ September 18 "| 207 J. W Murphy
en? i aM 4h Seco. &: Hooker %0 00 February 22
Te: mE, rec'd q foot red Cox: s at a penile, Lganber Co. _ 83 50 | 208 Willis Clark
~ae team" red oma Fr od Cox fines . ibe! x op 8 7 2 $P Johneon
per| T° To. amTt feo og trom W Wit. ¢ c Byer a 74 Wm) drop pl o8 | 212 Ed Lelhant? hot : 33
ectorT Foleo 51600 He $549 - pnaeo : re | 4, e wary o
January 23. - 88 J T Moy, 20 | 205 Wm Waldrop ,
C} To amTt recTk from W. H. Cox - log pa wik or o2 : , February 29 .
taxcollectorT ~ here 81 BJ Jenkins

12 00


6 28
3 35

8 0D
15 00
35 00
1 00

5 00
5 49

1 65
2 50
85 00
6 24
62 58

~ bes Ola Fat bats... © 5. S48
26 J W Murphy
25 W illis Clark

214 JL Starkey
217 CC Forbes
231 DS Smith ©
236 J T Move

239 J T Moye.
243 Win Pippin
223 3 'T Move

219 Abram Harris
244 Wm Waldrop

227 Greenville Lumber Co
298 Greenville Lutber Co
221 J B Cherry & Co

215 Alfred Forbes

222 Bill Britt °
2°4'T A Wilkes
218 Amos.Williams
246 F G James

220 John Russ

March 6


March 6

March 7

34 30
2 00

eed March 9
one 2385 White & Speisht 490
-0 84/916 D D Haskett. 61S
March 16
233 Simon Flemin 1 65
1 or) 245 Jas Kinion . 100
6 95 | 247 Tee Case 112}
°1 00 224 W Perkins 114.00
1 co 230 W B Wilson 610
Lov | 23! Sum Huss 2 00
175 240 Elias Bunn 1 00
90 0. | 229% H Moye 160
16 0 | 28 W Ki y 100
$o on). March 21
13 iB | 2! 2 Will's Clark 10 CO
3 8:} | March 23
8 R22) hous JW Perk os , 1900
3.75 March 17
20 00/949 JL Ludlow 32 00
| March 28
9} 9y;| 250 Reubin * lurk 21 50
fey ea 251 C © Forbes 5 00
1 Bo April 2
13 88) 274 J W Murphy 29 00
7 42! 267 Avex Daniel 125
Lo S4 7 Peter Latham 90
267 John Peedies 90
256 3 7 Moye 6 35
d0!1 262 JT Move 12 00
421/259) T Moye 15 00:
278 Ola Forbes 20 85.
5 00} 253 John Johnson 'fo
12°/271 Wm Waldrer 25 co
272 James Mav 1 50
Loo! 276 Blount & Fleming 67 00
1949 Br d Cox 80 00
6374 268 Willis Graham 80
ne L605 J L Sta kev 5 13
1 = 264 Themis o il) ams 7 50
75) 280 Phomas Williams 8
{ 7 1266 Henry Marsh 50
oT2) VKBR ST Bia tes 1 00
275 Ben Cl erry 1 50
16 50) 269 Tsam Griffin 1 40
525 | 264 Fred + ox 7 50
995; 26L Fired Cox ; 40 00
440 A pril 6
2f1 DJ Wi'chard 6 50
; oi Win Waldrop 3 (()
6 001952 WY Omond 270
i - Aprit 11
0 64 Greenville Lember Co 9 75
6 47 278 Ed Latham 205
do oo »Q Alex Daniel 2 bo
~ 1279 Willis Grabam 0 2 05
yo 73128) Willis ark 3 25
300 April 29
3571) 263 Reubin Clark 1 50
vy April 29
Yo 1 2&4 Ola Forbes 20 84
B15 May 1
253 S E Pender & Co 45
6001, May 5
6 an 286 Zeno Brown (part payment on
1 Oo eV gine) 3385 66
5 23 May 1l
29 0) (270 J W Perkins 40 00
50 00| sper ernt com. onree'ts (3873,08) 116 19
. . | 3975 30
13 ~olay ], due General fund $266 73
| WwW, T. GODWIN, Treasurer,
4123 Fxamined and approved by us.
1G ho i. A. WILKS \ Com mittee.
3 344 .
6 uo; 18-5 May 20,
o5 {To amt 1ed'd from J. 8, Sith
7873 former treasu er idd OO
December 4,
20 80} To amTt reeTd from sale of lot to
J.W Brown 12 50:
To co ee sae
6 00 Total 817 60
ue January 8.
109 By amTi paid Ed Latham, order
18) No 28 . $ 6 00
x3 October 15. ;
1 lo By amTt paid Kd Latham, order
No. 24 14 £0
1896, April 18. 4
12 00| By amTt prid W. ~IT, Ress, order
6 00 No. 282 4 60
2 54/1895. Octoeer 8 _
15.001 By amTt paid kd Latham, order...
No 104 10 00
40 00 | 1896. May ] 4
.° By amTt paid Ha Latham, order:
7 020 No. )
00 By 3 percent. com on receipts ag
0 j
15 ov .
35 00 Bal. dve cemetery fund mi &8
. W.T. GODWIN. Treasurets .
100}; Examined and eee
W.H SM TH ofs ry
6 00 Ny A. WILKS i Committee.
W.T; GODWIN, ; i
1 50| Treasurer of the Town of 'Giseiitile.
430 In acet. with the Special Tax Fund.
« 4 t
1895. October 8. ides
49 00/To am~t rec'd: from W H Cox 4
Tax Collector $ 63 05
6 co! 18°6 Jamvaryyi ty ye
{To amTt. rec'd from: W H Cox e
gost� | Tax collector ==» @R0H00
13 00 April lt ey
To amTt rec'd from W H Coxcs
8 00 Tax CollectorT) 94 » $292 29
- 100 ' ya: eink
tet 4 per cent com Hi areas
fy, id ~. ~ «2
] i Rand i « 4}
lo 06 it fr Piel asa Lae
Examine and a ved by us.
105 ia ae
a arias cir, wet


apn Constantly al it rings Soot.



Creites many a new bueiness, = ~* %

""FOR-"" Enlarges many an old business,

fe Vreserves many # iarge Lusiiess.
anna Abn ait 1 Uy isevives many adn: business,
NOU 1 il Rescues many a lost business,
CURT Ul Lil Saves many a failing business.
oe We Ce ee S-cures success to any. business,
_"Consisting of" San

To oadvertise judiciousiy,T? use the
¢ jumes of the REVEEOCTOR,

- Beautiful, stylish, up-to-date,
and cheaper than ever before.


ee aed


DIMITIES, WHiTE GOODS, P ty active in mall train going Personal items not mueh in evidence
oe ; ae uorth, arrives 8:22 A. M. Going South, . : Oe
ae -PARKISIAN RIPFLES, eri vos 6:47 P. M. sd . today.
: ] LID S North B ound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
eo NDIA NENS, i, leavesl0:10 A. M. , Prices of tobacco began showing an
bat Mid : . oO Lon)
LINEN LAWNS, south Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P, , al r
MUI Me leayes 2:15 P. Me upward tendency again teday. We
i ne ° Steamer ~l'ar River arrives from Wash- | hupe it will climb up much higher.
DOTTED SWiSSES, {ington Monday, Wednesday aud Friday vk . a |

ae SOTPRON 0 x leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs
: and Novel COTTON GOODS jay and weturday.
of different kiuds aud description.

~Never were they more beautiful

than this season.


nema st

mente ee ener

"Oome Ree OU Fair to-night and Thursday.


hey are thef corrcet styies and

coor an-aniereteramepsinninsnaens; nme etter

" 8

See Which You Ate Interested in.

aaa nen ata

Calendars are getting thin.

Money loaned on 30, 60 and 90
Apply to F. C. Harding.




eer naman tt


The oSouthern Weader,� still bhovds

Lace Curtains :. lead as the best o cent

Nothing equals it. D.. S- SMITH.
Window Shades, Cuitaiv Poles.

"A line of"

Three circuses are headed this wayT
"Robert L. MainTs, BarownTs and}
John RobinsonTs.


good paper.

~around the Star Wareliouse.

is ulmost a water famine.
ued drought has dried up the wells.

. . ~ f
farm 9 miles from Greenville to Mr. 5.-;:

Democratic county convention to-|P. Erwin.

su.oke. | personal effects beloaging to the estace
ot the late Mrs. A..M. Clark will take
place on Monday, ct. b2th.

Joe Feibes is ready to seme taem 10

aay ss 3 %
aes :

Our xodax Catches Them Sonics . ae my a : eS =
oibis. Sixteen times as many novelties in Ladies
. Goods as we have even shown,

Dock Bullock vent to Williamston

toduy. : d . d it : :


J. R. Bull, a cotton buver ot Raleigh, Dress (700 9.30 ) a eo as we have : fot-
rveriy shown.

is here for a few days.


B. T. Bailey returned Fricay evening!
from a trip to Clarksville, Va. | . a : : ;
purchase for the coming season.

J. H, Blount returned Tuesday even- . ,
ing from Williamston court. + pLxteen times AS much business do we me

Ea. Shelburn returned Tuesday pect with the many bright and brilliant eoods
evening from the vorthern mrkeslthat erowd our counters. Call and see if we.

wheze he had been after new gocds. " ; ches
icanTt show you the thing you want. :

Democrats had a walk-over in the

Arkansas election. _¥be majority Will} sxsumasam a = "
will run to about 60,000. Our Thanks, |
The Geldsboro Headlight is mine The Reriector is indebted to Riv-
years old. Editor Roceower makes a erside Nurseries tor two vaskets of

grapes, oe of the splendid Jemes va"
riety and the other of KingTs) Winter.

A brilliant display of

Improveme continue iD S ; .
nprovements continue to go On! These grapes are now im their prime at

A sab. Riverside-and Messrs. Warren & Sen |
: a ° we , ~ ; . 8 ae | . {| 7 ;
tantial tin roof is the latest additien-|are ready to fill orders. A mone: delic FA LE. & W i NT E sa
{ ;
In some sections of the county therw )ClOus grape than the James hae never

. |grown. ' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,
The contim |


Ma. Bryan Com.mg. NISHINGS AND

Hon. Wiliam J. Bryan is to naske » BoyTs 9-Piece Suitsin the mewest
The jarm contains nearly~itour of North Carolina, and! . x
) anes : and the People|. ffects and all the last weuves
~of this section: of the State will have an: . stcre is tb
. ~opportunity of seeing and hanringrtim! EVCTY OOF¥ save ny sore
The sale of the real estate and some |! 7 7 lighe t pl ~1 town and I
at Rocky Mownt on Friday;. 18th imst.. © vapest piece in iD
The railroad will be asked to. give re-- want you-to come an@isave mon-

dueed rates from here to ownti | :
Z re to He. ) M ti ey. My motto is: oCheap, cheap
lon that day. The route of Mr. BryawTs:)

First Oysters of the season"O!d ~snip through tte State is publithed'on. @@eap priaes.�

Mr. R. A. Tyson has sold his large:!

00 acres.

.aeond page oi oREFLECTOR today.

Oxford Ties ny style at his oldstand. Iresh Nor-' __ os | + ; 3. G L ARK. :

or Ladies aud CLiidren that bag | Mill, just 41 miles trom town, at oS1D-

( I? . . ,
You can ouy wamber ab otters | y)k Oysters received every dag. .

~| gawlsT Jewelry Storr


The: Warehouses-have kad: beht sales!

never been equalled in this town.|zle Gold Standard Drives.� See . " :
C. R. Spwicut, Manager. for a few days, all oft therm having ad" : : nt Notice of Sale.
a _ {vised the farmers to ~hold. their tobacco 1 T "_
Prayer meeting in the Methodist | ya t¢ prices were solom. The sales ean en pn i 2 Proviniene cee

re et rye! ;
RS iLOF ey eburch tomght.


for every buyer. who wibts an Cutton came in freely tcday and suid
honest. reliable, wearing articles. |for 7.90.

Vermont Butter for

| Smith.


Umbrellas |, i wont a"
Ls a You can look for a big eowd 1M) yy. palcher mag? an average of 12

own tomorrow. ~

sto protect you from the sun and .
rte Scuppernong grages retuiliag at 10
prema cents a gallon,

Gentlemen come andexanine our] Qlen Warren sags, oJusetell oem

"line of-


Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Straw
and Far Hats, Suspenders and
Hosiery. Shoes in correst ety les,
~best quality and popular prices.
We can and will please you if you
* " will give os a call.

nn meatal

Miss Bettie Warten will open her
school in Mrs. WhiehardTs schaol-rorvm

on Monday, 14th, September. .
Tablets, Slates, Pencils, Reflectcr
Book Store. ;

On second page will be founda com-


" Our line of "

* Furniture
sy js complete and embraces elo y
uacful articles of gvutine merit.
~ Oor Oak Suits are lovely. Easy
comfortable Rockers of many
different kinds. Dining and Par:
dor chairs, tones 0 ee nights and morsings cook
op - Suits, ntre ~l'a les, Si el i
: ecb 80 8 Tables, Tin Safes. For Rent"The stave recently oc
Bedsteada, Matt: esses, Floor «nd | eupied by - Baker ,& Hart, next, to Re}
oMable OilT Cloths, Mattings of |qector office | SuevPaRD. °
ghesp and good grades. : +

re emeemmnll

Cream mucilage at Reflector Book. |

Store. |
For Rext"My dwelling house near
Dickinson Avenue.
Mra. E. M. Withiaws. |}


The days are still warm: but the

No (1) if you want the best made. * |

Ae ~ vf tipe. Send to Allen Warren & Son
tie te arr ea _ Hor them, ae Pigts.
of beantifalfderigns.) y;,5 Jtalian Macaroni, jast received?
e and see us we will beja J. 5. TungiallTs, oor
more than pleased to show you| Best lead Tra 250 Ter: ot ©
rongh ourstock. A careful in- |i. Schultz. ee Ps
will repay you, MAPS}

ine Tobacro was consideralizy Veter to
athe cost. Tobacco was consiferns.y |

| day and the prices ure satistnetory.
| A freeh lot of uu Uream Cheese and
o+ Yermont Butter, on ice, gt J. 8, Tun-

today skowed an iraprovement a prices.

Vanceboro, liad todacco Here: teday and | Ch oice Groceries

sale at D, 8 |sold at the Eastern Warehouse. On

that you saw me.� ,
Whs,. who had. been killed by Lewis
Bllis. It seems that: tie negroee, who mess and
were cousins, were playing together, ~about the store that:
and sparring with each ovher.
ran Lewis in the bouse where the ta @arries a full aird com every kind in the bed rowm: L mow occu

Wilson Air-Tght Heat

James and KingTs Wiuter grapes are |

Jin different styles"the smali ove, which is made for bed: rooms, is specially recomme nded for health

Is ready in his new Whichard, Her executor, Will sell at the

; Ceurthouseda Greenville * .G.. on Mon-

Ji Me Ipoek and. D. J.. Faleber, of store to : supply your dav the 12th day of October, 1896, the
yweeas in: the line af! felewing real estate: the. house and

Jet, situated in Greenville. N.. ©, on

othird street, reently oaeupied! by Mrs.

Clark. 10 a tract of je tajnin

GA poands Mr. Ipock. made-am aver- ihe eee are filled vir with A ed pasty within
us of 43 cents, and on ORF pounds Watt rightly colored, aud partly witheut the town of Green-

. hoxes and tins of good wille, throagh which Em aes and
| os ,Seotland 1 ranch Railroad pesses.
things, and barrels af! Will als sell on thesamedlay, at the
~ground grains, cakes sioresa\T hour e of Mrs Clarks wu, be
, following ; yexgonal property; °) TQ
and crackers, boxes. Of ~siamond wrooeh, 1 paxtor water pitcher
, Spices and bottles of ana two goblets, 1 dozen forks: @iaver
Wi reas 3 e1id tea), idexen spoons (dianer and de-
Pickled fruits and vege lsert), 1} dozen tea spoons, 1 sugar spoon
tables. ~TongueT 1 sauce ladle, 1 mang (all pure
~leilver), and 2 plated sult celluws and

Thereis 2 wWhodeSOni- spoons, also one-hald audiyided Marerest

nm the chettel property deseribed in the
sweetness i oAli the

will ot Mins, clark ag follows::
furniture in my perior every ne
Isaac ha iQ jand deseription, except the paano an
sinc (CRATTS the visitor. He ianw sivol, also all the fuuaiture of



Killed. im: Tan,
Dr.. Laughinghouse,, Coroner, wen
Tuesday evening in respo.se to a
elivram to hold.an inqyest ewer Isaac

y, und?my cast iren yaral vages,TT the

a . . i

tor picked up a gun and and emptied the plete steck of tancy and ah cr undivided half interest being the
plete list of delegates to the caanty COD~}' werance of the testimony given before ing everyching. that is

~th , fail} find lice | : ~ance ia 2 and 2 years, persoualty. sol! f
the yury, ana failing to find any malice ito be found in @ truly tor cash only. W.R. WancHaRD

A new supply ad Diamond Inks andj in the killing they acquitted Lewis.

in Isaac. ~TRis was about the staple goods embrace:

property of Mary:-Louallie Peole.

'Perras-of sale. real estate }cash bal-

Executor of Mrs. A. M. elark.
Biount & FLEMING, Adtorneys

first-class grocery.


With Batent Automatic Smoke @oors.

Tbe Wilson Heater, which is a stove for howse heating, is the most remarkable that has ever


-In the first place'it radiates more heat fhanauy stove known,, and will save 25 per cent. in. fuel
over any stovamade.: . a bys

ee, 3 » «l been patented,
Call for Roya. Patent Froey) ey

Second. with two or three ordinary sticks of pice stove w.od. it will keep the fire
hours, and with ordinary care the fire will never zu vut. | Mee gas

ee Third. baing entirely closed ~at the base there is
in use. It is not necessary to remove the ashes oftener than onge a wonth. These stoves are made »

from 36. to 48.


£ |

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-. The Wilson Heater has a great advantage over any similar stove, because it has Patent Auto-' - %

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a ve wood ~These doors tre ao constrcted that they ean be takev off and put back op ia


tne minute. These stoves can be seen our store, come and look at them:

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no danger of tire, and it is the cleanest stove. .

Sixieen times as handsome ate our entire "



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Daily Reflector, September 9, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - September 9, 1896
September 09, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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