Daily Reflector, June 13, 1896

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\ D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. TERMS : 25 Cents a Month,


Vol. 4. GREENVILLE, N. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1896. | No. 465


& SS S =o'tco EDITORIAL NOTES. Church Services To-morrow. & ~o 3
Ow ee Methodist church"Sunday-school at ses 3
© = qe) puneend ~ : r r ?
° Oo " Congress adjourned Thursday. The{ 9:39 A. M | -
o 83 oO 1 Op © closing h ch th : . M. . .
ear = oo 42 D weg _ | Hosmng Hours were tame with the ex-) Episcopal church."Sunday-school at ? o=
= oa, = © ception of some political remarks made] 9:39 A.M. Lay Service at 11 o'clock q :
S E. s =A © o Q. by Mr. Bailey, of Texas. The work of by Maj. H. Harding. 3 sa i A 4
0g 9 = wh = ae = e mn bony and about the only work Baptist church."Sunday-school at ite i
Pos & nD = 99 as been to spend all the money poss! 9:30 A.M. Preaching at 11 A. M, my .
i� = o ms By ie. . Big pension bills and big appro- and 8:30 P. M., by Rev. E. D. Wells. All the latests .
es oy oo priation bills are and will be their only | Communion after the morning sermon, ° '
" - S o a oy | Moguments. Presbyterian church."Sunday-schcol fads 1n |
Boetoc & Cc at 9:30 A. M.
wn. 5 E. % ey 5. The Populist of Granville county »» } a
Ss de on & 5 have held their county convention and Marriage Licenses. ip Mip-SUMMER .
02, = ; eS o4 @ et 'Z nominated a full Populist ticket for all} This week Register of Deeds King AW Yr. 4 / |
o O 2. te So a the county offices. They say they are} issucd four marriage licenses, two each Yj
= Oo oa tired of fusion with the Republicans as | for white and colored couples. Uj
s 7 Se © 36 it meaus bad government. The con- WHITE. Uy | .
@ a vention, it is said by the Oxford Ledg-| (¢, G. Worthi 3 j .
gn 2 ~ a ntion, it 1s said by the Uxtor C. G. Worthington and Malissa °
nal ° os = = © = © er, was ap exceedingly orderly one and Boyd. ° A 2 ood line to
= oO. SS 0 ~= om the ticket nominated has some splendid! J. B. Staten and Annie Jackson. |
© Se S, wu O men upon it. COLORED. Liji SE ect. fr Om. ~
° 99 fr == : Mack Worthington and = Flora qe? rennin
a o Judge Graham, who has been prom-| Forbes,
= p inently mentioned as a candidate for) J jferd James and Henrietta Worth-

congress in the Fifth District, is out in

a letter suying that though the pros-

All the latest inT -

pects of being elected if nominated are He Wanted His Discharge.
so flatering, yet business engagements


a an
A o fm
5 = = ; ; Ina regiment in India a orivate iB
= oO S = oD = and other duties will prevent his allow-| ted to get home, and saw no other 4
6 = et 99 © Jing his name to be put before the con- Se ihanlahammine deatncenakienre:
ee ema ot . re y 5
= wo © a = TNH Nilo io LSet nner ported himselt sick, and was sent to the - ne i|
2 = = wt Se the talented son of Capt. Kitchen, 0 hospital. The doctors tried all sorts of jm 4 S an
om o�"� scotland eck, 1s a@ candidate for the) . Me
eS =a» 2) " 5 a3 7 didate for tl ways to find him out, but he was too : ~
" o = =} = 3 OTT oe sharp forthem. One day the doctor - :
5 = io) Clo. determined to try him by firing a pistol A | N K V V [ | SON |
ot.nm ~| Col. Edward D, Kall, a prominent} _. oat | 3
S a a os ao citizen of Wilmington, died Thursday off Just Sac him, buthe got to hear THE KING C '
»* ©9099 i i. oe . of the experiment, and of course was LOTHIER.
a ei © = morning, 73 years of age. During the ;
9 oO oO ane ; prepared for it. _ a
q2 os @ S @ =I ewer he was in the front, part. of the As he and his chum were sitting on i
Oo "7% & MQ & @ |time ascolonel of the Forty-sixth North ; ; eee ra 5 { . :
Oa um FS es = their cots opposite each other smek- | |
= & Oo aL © �,�t o | Carolina Infantry. In 1872 he was]. the doct le into 1 |
zi + © - ra) S 2 QQ | Democratic candidate for Lieutenant BSS AO A) ter es T Fr A l
a. ee SO oa Governor, was twice electet mayor of awares.as he thought, and fred the "_ "
= fe") DN 4 es) Oa that city ~an dwas appointed by Presi pistol close to his ear. He however ,took
= iS © a} = ne ® | dent Cleveland inspector ot customs, a no notice of the report, bu Fon seelug Dla O@ Walia alecaeale® we BAAAMAM RARAIAAAA AAA
oS o. oy Ss ; . the smoke he turned to his chum and : ~ ~ ee
a 4 = ms = post. he held at the time of his death. said vm somes
~o ne we |
=a Dy a ah a: _ ar , oPut your pipe out, you fool, the CLOT HING. Cy DIMITIES.
ae a me wm © © o an) ; Original Observations. doctor will be round directly.� «dé
Od A 2. =! This isjumpyear. Do you leap at . eer
QP Fe 4 OC O ol the idea? His ruse worked."PearsonTs Week-" |! 3%
+ tA 1e idea! uv
| = a "_ - a ; Gold is the osouud� money we hear True Courtesy.
onal .
nosy e uo) CQ s~| of but never see. Gen. Lee wasin the cars eving toly Lf.
, S| -" " e lu ars suing i. AA " KA
= 5 zt ~ = S a s Never shake a hornetTs nest to see if | Richmond one day, and was seated at (OS
oe ae Ue id any of the family are at home. the end faathest from the door. The
i et, a is) © ys. S ; oo the other seats were filled with officers
" oA Dogs The silver Boies are having it their and soldiers. An old woman poorl ;
| + & a5 ra own way in the West and South. dressed ontared and findin i� nan COGICB0000.00000% 9 Pata ataveveveT
, 7 ssed, entered, g at, | WRK ~ VYVVVNN
4 = = = = 2 © a A youthTs patmy days are not pleas-j and none having been oitered to her,
@ rs © ="|snt when the palm is his motherTs. approached the end where the general aa
ht 5
8 jo) = we = " oS _ ; was seated. He immediately arose and
_ O mT OD There is one triend that never leaves . i eA AOR AOROR is Ve AA AR A a a |
oo) - ob o~ . . |gave her his seat. Instantly there was | AAARRRARAARAAAARAZ AAAS | . DAAAAA AAAS
a5 O a & |a man through all others forsake"it is . -_ ISO IOO OOS TOO SOOOU OOO SOOO IG ICO
3 va ap a oS ~ ert © a general rising each one offering his, §
tp ch © et cm poverty. seat to the general. But he calmly ) = }
4) A me = 2 se st The presidential bees are buzzing|said: oNo, gentlemen; if there was H¢ iS, HATS. MULLS, LAWNS.
ag ras) = nD =n ea merrily, but the horey crop is very|no seat for the infirm woman, there] ¢ 500K " 7 en
axe ct O small so far. . can be none for me.� The effect was|**�"�' 1 woe"
par) wm -
oO m �"� = C2 Oo r remarkable. One after another got ! ° ,
QEBO OD ae The woman who can put a_ neat _ 8
0 = S © oO - ie 2 patch on a pairot pantsis the divinity out " ue an The seats seemed to be if | . (i C \ ( _f 4
once * .
as =z that shapes our mends. 5 fee ees laa |
Bp a3 v & . 2 | The general and the old lady, soon tl | ( | WT T S|
© fo) = oS am = = ar It is ae a ~ ~eo ' wens 10 | had the car to themselves. . :
mh © 08 7 iscuss the subject of tight-lacing." " = = mene ren
° ned 3 Nerden . - sete
© =; x. iy = © |IsnTt that the truth, girls? If the friends ot silver can get to- ® .
a p) SS . JR ~ am Every affliction has its blessing" geth:r they can carry the election and =
x © wm 4 Oo The man witha wooden leg never has a a silver, but it looks like a | .
~ e S © © &'|the rheumatism in that ankle. considerable number of Fopulists pre-
oO ~ = B i) A circus ne + Wolone for t fer to have the gold standard rather |
® = = = spectators bat let 0 fechacb{e or c than vote tor a free silver Demozrat. But t) fi os , a
ona SO pectators, but le run! OVE | The Democratic, party contains a m- ul the Heures of some ladies are very de-

forty minutes, and the congregation

canTt sit stil jority of the silver men, and the other ceptive when dressed in a Skirt or Waist that is

silver forces ought to, in the next elec-

(if some, men would guzry horses with | tion at least, support the Democratic not new and sty lish. To avo id this deception

the persistency that they curry, tavor, | silver nominees, to be made at Chicago. bu our Dress O Te
they hhaye & mare stable | occupa- " - y J G ods where you are Sure to

olidet ve ap Tho leant The Atchison Globe says it wou a be find only the latest and best productions of -
A beaut ans fa Gi | Mtn vt i the world if ther dame fashion, We are just receiving new

were not so many. fools in it, but more

tke hearer ofan how em ical to make a ling.» *|Dress Goods for summer wear and they sur-
dinner. "Wouldat 1¢.Ud lWell t0! ~add a ) thi : al - fl
Se fw vegetables and a peg of meat? | Mayor Forbes opulled pass anything ever shown in Greenville Lhe
Se Bal ORTOP E Dis yor Forkes pulled� some colored | p14 | i ah) al tl ,
ST is ce a aia sea mu coe lc right, goods at the right. prices: willT win ~cus
their ease, curing ills of the , hedy yyor'| language on the streets, | |tomers3 | ever y time. We we
head, the only springs that an editor SS PP aEREET ir Toy | have them. : |
sees are rusty old apt af bin bed " Hope Fire Uouipany Will have a.drill) ne .
| vere F ""| practice Monday alternoon, at 5, relocks jae Bells Oh | ames
| ebitabadt Pious Jue oe bg ~Phe Hatingo [ts eo ol taballt ly 14 oP S a wool, cap. & hypityattas ~h
ey & Bros. onK arassovm | Braph oAne cP robe dca } opi ait C rela sy Qh
eon + . Lai arnapiy MA en osto ce ormer. |

gsnf pue ~uo


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SSyeny AFTERNOON {EXCEPT SONDAY):|ORd the bella sent to the


wl Eh il
ee 7

pee er

Entered as second-class frail matter.

pana Ne ETERS

; _"

One week. :
Delivered in town by: carriers without |
axtra cost.
aradvertisng rates are liberal and ean be
tad on application to the pecs * �

tip ofiow.

a lve correspondent at
i ve will

We desire
every post office in the
send in brief ite NEW

10 each neéi; nite. pididly

aid orily on one'side age thes paper,"

Liveral Commission on siibsertp-
tion rutes paid to agents.

"" a

SATRRDAY, Jom 137H, 1896.


i a

Fdouvention Dates.

Republican National oConvention,
St. Louis, June 16.

Demoeratic National Convention;

Chicago, July 7.

Populist National Convention, St
Louis, July 22.

Silver National {Canvention, _
Louis, July 22.

Democratic State Convention, Ral-
eigh, J une 2.


sensible rule of refusing to gd. to eh
Capitol to. sign ~Dills pasted | duritg ~the
last hours of the session, and, insisted
upon having all bills sent to the White |

House, where he ~could give them care-
ful examination, as is usually the cue.



~By far the mest Kali event of

the closing hours of the session of Com tigw:

gress was the short hamorods speech
made in the House by oPrivate� John
Allen, of. Mississippi.
to the ouniversal criticism� of his #-
lence during the session, he said: oI
desité to say, howevér, that there his
been little at this session of Congtess
to inspire a man to be loquacious.
And I want to say further that Tam
not the only great itatesmian whose re-
cent career has been distinguished by
his siletice. There are a good many of
us leaders, Mr. Speaker, who have
not been talking much lately. But |
have not got anybody to go around and
certify as to what ny views are. I no-
tice that a distinguished gentleman,
who they say is about to be ~nominated
for the Presidency of the United States.
has a man in every bailiwick giving &
certificate of what his views on the fi:
nancial question are, but we cannot
hear anything from him. Now | do
submit that people are authorized to
certity all sorts of ways for him, for he
has certified all sorts of ways ~for hitm-
self in times gone by. oI have a num,
ber of his speechesin my pocket. I do
not know which oa@ he stands on now,
~but he has stood on all sides of this
question, and people aré giving out
cértificates for him on all sides of the
question, They say that anT egg that
goes around the county with a certifi.
cate that it is a good egg is not a sate
ony to buy, because, they say that egg
never starts out witha certificate until
it gets under suspicion.� Mr. oAllen's
spuech ~was interrapted at every sen.
tende with laughter ;and applause and
it was evident that 8 peaker Reed en.
Joyed his whicks at McKinley.
| "bw. Bates, of Lowa, who is himself
rg a the Demoeruvic nominay

et ws 0 ce + take any stock in the idva|
othat 1
bape tried and |true, Demogrit, wi!l

elephant by the Chik!

Jn a letter from
a close friend
| pays aMIt

Mee eet�
o} ~
bo et 5

| Peng



Teller; of in fuot anybody gl

" ave ms

- ot ha a eee ott igee i AP Te

diflereiices on the battleship question,
| provided for three batdeships, one to be

~Feonstructed on the Pacific coast, pro-

| vided it can be done at a cost not ex-
ceeding 4 per cent in excess of the
price paid for the others, and directs

Qne year, - * 7 * sag) the Secretary o of-the Navy to make no|T
~One month, - ° . ° o rf more oentracts for ~armor piate entil

= Ba acts on the subject.
! ive Stallings, of Adaba-
ma, denounred the remarks made by.

vor of theunseating of Represeniative

y =n hen of Alabama, which was ac-

~complidied by a vate of 117 to 107, as
} othe dirtiest abuse of his own See
lever delivered by a white man.T

_ Seeretary CarlisleTs answer ~to the
Senate sub-committeeT which will in-
vestigate the bondissues, by direction

of a Senate resolution, was given to the
~papers this week.
~ment and goes qiite fully into the de-
-|tails of the bond issues, giving the

Ttisa Jong docu-

reasons for every act of the administra-
tion in connection therewith, and show-
ing that the causes originated under
HarrisonTs adwinistration. It is ex-
| pected that Secretary Carlisle will be
one of the first witnesses who will be
heard when the investigation begins,
whigh will probably be inside of ten

- bdalys.

Senator Gallinger,of New Hampshire,
who has aspirations to, ~help ~manage
McKinleyT 8 campaign, was asked what
sort ~of a platform the St. Louis con
vetition wou adopt. His reply was :|
oIt will be the kindof a plattorm that
will win.� That tells the whole story.

__| Wile there area fet ~Republicans like
Senator Hawley, who is a single siand-
ard gold man, and Senator Teller, who
is a silver man, who put principle above

everything else, the great majority of
the partyand of the delegatvs to St.

Lonis, are only intent upon framing a
platform that will win, regardless of

_| principles.

Nearly allthe Republican members
of Congress have gone to St. Louis to
fielp tix np that straddle to be used.as

thé financial plank of the Republican

After refer ving] yy o

While it ig generally believed that
McKinley will get the Republican nom-
ination, his managers have got to keep
}wide-awake or they will see him get
tritked out of it. There has been a
heap of plotting here, aud if an op-
portunity is given them the plotters
will upset the McKinley machine.



The tree
silver means that neither the President
nor his Secretary

wind unlimited coinage of

of the ~Treasury

}would be allowed xny lenger to boy-

cott the four hundred and twenty-eight
millions of standard silver dollars now
in existence. ~The powers that could
re-establish silver coinage would compel
the use of silver with gold in the re
demption of greenbacks. ~This would
do away with the false pretense that
bonds must be sold with which to buy
gold to redeem = greenbacks. 1p would
remove the constaut menace by the gold
gang that the legal tender quality
shall be taken away from the | vast
amount of silver dollars now in exis-
tence. It would add endugh to the
Money in ciréulation in_ the country
each year to keep pace with the increase
of population and thé requirements for
domestic exchanges. It would make all
the silver bullioo in the world worth
jost as muchas though it were already
comed into dollars. It would stop
gréenbacks from being presented at the
~Lreagury,' ~hecause Mei telbaeh, Idkél.
beimer 4& Co., and therest of the ayy
ot gol speculators would be offere

yer whwai they demanied old, anil they

would not want it. Free epjnage won
bantee the stability of the vi

Me grindidg. edn ona i na

would qchipe,

n the he, ot
would be ata


tive Linney, of N. C., in fae

proriuetion of wheat and othee farm. pro
, ducts would be resumed on the former

stale. Manufacturers of every descrip

. yan Sede as 1 Hela od roa no Ipeger engage in a mere,

hand-to-mouth production, but would
manufacture for the requirements of the
coming year. ~This would give work
to those now in distress, and woald en-
able laboring people themselves to buy
what they. are now doing without, un"
The commerce between forty-five States
would be resumed ; railroads would be
taken out of the hands of receivers,
because they could again earn interest on
their debts ard expenses and somethinz
more. ~The occupation of the pamic
maker would be gone. With free coin-
~age would come a President and Secre-

tary of the Treasury who would not) |

spend half their time bawling io the!
world their government is: bankrupt

acd compelled to sell its bonds at 20)

per cent. discount from the interest

rates of the world to enrich favored sjn-| Ee

dicates for some unfathomable reason.

Free coinage would stop the borrowing} §

of money in time of peace for the
purpose of obtaining gold with which
to pay obligations made payable in
gold. .

In brief, free coinage would mean a
back seatfor the bearsof New York
stock market, and for the pawn brokers
throughout the country. It would

~mean that money would be more pro-

fitable when invested in business enter-
prises than when laid away in a napkin
to breed upon itself. Jt would mean
fair play among wien, and only 100
cents on the dollar in the payment of

A tree coinage is coming unless
bribery and corruption are stronger in
the land than the honest e xpression of
the peopleTs will"Cincinnati Enquirer.


We've had the nesting songbirds and
the roses on parade ;

We've had the steam-piano and the cir-
cus lemonade ;

The sun has guzed upon us witha with-
ering haughty stare

That made us long tor quarters with the
placid polar bear,

But doubts would come in spite of all
thut weather-folk might say,

For it isnTt truly summer till the band
begins to play.

The June-time lass has greeted es with
sweet unstudied arts

And her ribbons: and her curls have
twined themseives around our
hearts ;

We've set the liammock oscillating un-
derneata the trees,

A pendulum to tick away the hours
of lazy ease ;

For it isnTt truly summer till the band
begins to play.

" Washington Star.

Words of Wisdom.
Cleverness is a sort of genius for

Itis the brain of the

People seldom improve when they
have no model but themselves to copy

A dwart sees further than the giant
when he has the giantTs shoulder to


An old truth stated in
will hit and stick where

oa new way
it has often

The injuries we do and those we suf-
fer are seldom. weighed in theT same

No obligation to justice does force a
man to be cruel or to use the sharpest

If idleduess dovs not preeuce vice or |)

malevolence it commonly produces

An enterprise, when faitly once be-
gan should. not be left ~till, all that is
sought is won,

Nurtare your mind with great
thoughtsT; to believe in' the: heroic mike

~When ~we stop ~looking toward 1
wrong we will mot ~find it so~ hartT
~to stay in the righi-place, =

-Younever know how dear thing

nfl Fe rac thas no how ~hie

yong are until you well them.


tween these hours.

Near Five Points.



ing their yearTs supplies will find
their interest toget our prices befcre pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete

n allfts branches.

RICK, TEA, &c.

4.ways ut LOWgsT MARKET CRE!


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling you to pay at one profit. A com
slete stock of "


sold for CASH therefore, haviuy no risk
to rup.ne sel] at a close margin.


always onhand and soldat prices to sun
the times. Our goods areall bought and

M. SCHULT2, Greenville. N Cc

well ied throughout - the cco give 2 soe
" Geet, Eleraema N.C, will dod me
lV without extra ¢ at 3. office over mar
When you want to be served foamag rns ¥. J. JOUNSON.
promptly send me yoor orders- _ 7
i ak ee oe oak F M.| I HAVE THE PRETTIEST
rom 6 to 6:30 ST
Pasififaly: gs i¢e delivered be- - __ TINE or"

~Wall Paper!

ever ~shown in Grpeorill, Be-
sure to see my samples. Ail ew
styles, not an old piece in the lot..
| Will* take pleasureT in: ~bringing
samples. to your home if you will

notify me at wy shop near ~Hum-
borT on Dickerson avenue,


ecg eon Mem

Greenv ilfe Market. "

Cor rected by 8. M, Schultz.
Butter, per lo 15 10.25
Western Sides 6 te 7
Sugar cured Hams 10 to P24.
Cori. . -40 to 60
Corn Meal 50 to 65
Fioar, Family 4.25 to 6.00:
Lard » 54 to 10
Oats © $5 to 40

o4 to 6

Coffee 15 to 25
Saltper- Sack 80 to 1 75
Chickens 10 to 25
» | fees ~per doz tv to 11
Bees wax. ~ber 20

Cétton,and Péanat,
Below ate Norfolk 34 ices of -cotton

and peantits for-yesterday, 48 fufhished
by Cobb:.Bros. & -Commission Mer--
chants ~of Norfok : '

Geod Middling if
Middlin ee 3
Low Middling 7
Geod Ordinar y 6 5-16
| Tone"quie
Prime 34
Extra Prime 3
oancy 3+
Spanish $1.00 ba






Shirt Wausts, Stamped Linens

and othér new goods.

ever before.


Because an old style hat never
shows the wearer to be up to date.

is in and embraces the very latest | -
styles and shapes ef new Pattern

I also havea lovely display of
Embroidery Silks, Ribbon Collars

My entire stock is prettier than 2.

Tors."Green. wee eveeeeeed Lo Qf
i Bright. ye + case eeu to 8
2 re 11Bt0 4
Lvcs"Comwon..... - .2.4#106
o&" @ood:.....66+ 6. To 15



Fine, ...-.ec-.-- 12 tol8
Ourrers"Common... vee. 6 toll
oS Good.......6 5124 to 20
Fine..+. .+.-+,15 to 274



oProfessional Cards.


ee "

Gievtiville, N.C.
Se Va ~aable Properties for sale or
Rent. Correspondevee soliei uA ~Re-
fers to Mereautile wud BankingT Hogses
of Greenville. - Uitigy ¢ Ou matt gu


BW: ude
Nil NasiT & WilkKD DBEE, *

) successors Lo Latham & Skimetver.
Ay cA uAW wn
GREEN Lib. wo ©


thd oe

Johu 8. Woodard, t'w.. oc a
~Wilgon, N,W. -Greetiville, N. «,


MN Wt)

|Flooring. Ceiling,
Weathering Boarding. |
and Moulding. |

Tae a.

/ ele ee acid



Special attention.given co colAvtpas

and vetblement of 4 aims.

Pitronage anitbe , Bin
and Preeshig @ cin lat spedtiilcy

G ]




atte is to 7 ng

Ps tape ans eg

4 é 4 9 " : " ,
4 r" « a2 oie 4
aan | + . 4


~ ee é; , aii nt, Ne i RE A ER a is xeres pone rae Sas
PH WINANS * i pepe R. a : : . sus " LION, .

AND KRa NCB KS. Hunter Stands Still and Simply Stares at
~ Medicine Man Praves His Powers to a the Boast.
| ¥ % RAIL ROAD. Zola King. In oLi ~ in Somaliland,�
+e #LORENC! 3 Al RUA) AsnongT thie. grat elbarecters ~of the| oo jon UBBHAS A

Capt. Mellis tells how he met his first.
} Ccadrooun nenediale Zulu is the medicine man. He uses his | jion"or, rather, two. He had been
- eS AS ESSN RS eraft wholly by superstition, and states ; Pare
Tt seen ome rre to his astonished people that the great one on a hint, snating hei = GIVES YOU THE: NEWS F RESH EVERY
. . an gazelles aud antclopes, and a
TRAINS GOING SOUTH. spirit of the moon had revealed to him | nightfall, after supper, lit his pipe and AFTERNOON (EXCLPTSUNDAYJAND
2 , | eS the annem. Whether it | ctrolled to the river bank. After'a few . | WORKS; FOR THE Bree
Date Ym l 3s ws r minutes spent in meditation he started _ eYne
April 2%h 3 F3 Be za Dlies great Dingaam was.@ chief who} ty return atid saw a lion and a lioness, INTERESTS.OF.
o1eH6. 4 2%, ('R " a terror to his medicine man. | not more than 20 yards distant, éyeing |
nee Dario | ly y | There was no punishment that.was too! him attentively. Capt. Mellis had not fr)
A. M.JP OM. \. M | severe-but he would inflict it in an insin- it - :
ve W eldon 11.531 9 44 ating Way oli the unui of witchery: It even a knife with him, and felt certain
. Rocyk Mt | 1 00/10 39 is related that his confidential man and satel es opens 8a mal aie beasts GREENVILLE ST,
mln |"foo| the great medicine being of the whate| Tow, pousee on hin. So be di the teenies PITEOOUNTY sails
ety tate [121 Za ee had come unr Mi SUD | hopng'bey might tke hi fran OUR POCKET BOOK THIRD,
"" [| . ; ye | animate object. ey growled once or ewe
Ly Wtiecn Mt | 1.00)10 : menonel = wee Goctor in cordial | twice, as if they suspected something, CEA
2 0811 . The as ge bre Was Durning near) but finally drank and went away quiet-
a Selma 2 53 Yo 2 ne king stated: | ly. After that he never stirred without
Ly Fay'tteville| 4 36) 1 U7 My man of medicine, your hands are

Ar. Florence | 7 25) 3 4 cold; go nearer.to the fire"nearer. Yes, ®.FRER POE OS: Samael on�"� SUBSCRIPTION 25 Cents a MONTH

en eee the right hand is very cold. Put it into


oH cy the fire.� roe
oR Thus the poor man was obliged to| NORTH CAROLINA TEACHERTS | |
fetes wot en w_.'..." | keep his hand in that fire of white heat ASSEMBLY.
P.M, A.M ne the member had burned toacrisp. _
. g 2 08 620 e command of the king was supreme,
ty Goldsboro $ 10 705| and one indication of the pain would | Asheville, N.C., June 16-80, 1896.
Lv Magnolia | 4 16 8 10} mean instant death, After the seeming ee
Ar Wilmington} 5 45 9 45| suspicion of the king had been gratified| . ;
P. M. A.M | he stated that the hand was warm now Kor the above occagion the Southern

and that all was well

TRAINS GOING NOTHH. Lu, . Railway will sell round trip tickets a "PUBLISHED EVERY WEDN ESDAY Ay
the rate of one fare for the round trip


Dated rae ze 3. * |plus two dollars Memberslip Fee.
april 20, ce : 3: | Bought the Freedam of the Serts of His) 1} kets will be sold June 18"27 in- One Dollar Ver Year.
1896. ZAl4 AS Hevive Siege iy i July 2
wet cet cae er | nm mer " There died recently in Moscow a man |Clusive, good to return ill duly 20. ;
. MiP.M. who in the last 20 years gave $5,000,-| Rate including Membership Fee from
Ly Floretce 8 40) 74 (00 to charity. He was State Councillor . ° yan T his is the PeopleT S Ka uy db itt
o ie etteville Hs 10 9 40), Jermakoff, who.came from a poor fami- ania Si so
ma +.4 oe ly. His first public act which excited Selma, ae
ar Wile a _ i * a _ "| general attention was the purchase of Raleigh, $10.80, . THE TQBACCO DEPA RTMENT, WHICH
TS ce redom ot ne ces This will be a splendid opportunity IS A REGULAR F EATURE OF THE P APER,
+ is native village - i mr OR
sé 000. ae came ee the oseue of the poor to visit Asheville and W estern North 1S ALONE Ww ORTH MANY TIMES THE
_ = "-.|_.__ | people time and time again when the | Carolina and oThe Land of the Sky�T| " SUBSCRIP TION PRICE, .
A. M. P, hm. | harvests failed. His funeral was one | ¢ 9 small cost.
Ly Wilmington) 9 25 | 7 ov] of-the largest ever seen in the old burial : 0
fa Me som i th #0 place of the Russian jczars, thousands; Commencing June 14 the Southern "(0)- -_
v Go ml | | 9°36) of the poor of the capital following the | Railway will h
ac WilsonT 1 00 10 271 philant ; ilway will o; erate a t rough train
Ly ~arboro 248 . 7 mun nropist body to the grave. between Norfolk and C hattanooga When y Ou need o=-
) 00 5s ~~ a. ae . | without change via Selma and Me
Po oat ville. Parties located on local stations
fy st Se ata ao 1. on the A. C. L. and W. & N.C. roads 2 | N [ N cr
o om | PM Pw bay 1� | ge should apply to Ticket Agents of these
y Wilson: | or 2. ee ae. a |
ar Rocky Mt | 2 Y 1211) u lines tor round-trip tickets. ~For any pewcaeeey
+ u ~|""" 7 ""~ | further informaticn address, Dor't for get the
ur ion o | sont he ac pore ry s ; e t
v Rocky Mt 217 12 11 . 7 outhern iwallway, mactote . Fz fleco: | or r mr Cc
Aur Weldon ia (His Worst Enemy Defeated by " #1 ice.
~o'Lrain on Scotiand Neck Brauen Roa : ' JUST RECEIV ED come amens | ian. ar sana
eaves Weldon 3.55 p, m., Halifax 4,1 Pp. P Pp. Lippman S$ nnn
.m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.45 ~p | " WE HAYE AMPLE FAOQLLITIES
tant peepee Aa? Bie Kiet tk Great Remed ""A fresh line of " FOR THE WORK AND DO ALL
am ata am a % om Fea y. Family : GROCERIES, KINDS {Ok COMMERCIAL AND
ax a. m., Weldon
" Consisting of "- / 0 eon
she igton eon ran ® leave |
Dei ne nd ufos (Th. | ge THREE: Years HE-SURRERER-cOuLD | L lour, Lard, Our Work and Prices : Suit ¢ our p ,
t., mitaa: Pe ae A. $-Fertherite Meat, ~~. ~Coffee a rol
Tarboro 3.80 p- tm, Parmete 1.20 a. m. Maney BREATHE AT wate ° ~~
sf20, et acriyee, Washlugioy Meal, " | Sugar . o"
bite . gene wi wn ie on | "-NOSTRIL CLOSED FOR 10 YEARS. eed Te on } |
Pe th rf Branch . &e. &e. Ke. af aad A! 7
rua Yaes sary C, ta Aten) «Mia ant a Data, en pe ne ACFLEL. OR B
marle & Kuleigh-f- nt. daily exoept Sun- form. rly, this hoagie of his suffer- which I am _ si a a
day, a 4 60 p. m., Sunday, 300 P.M; ings seem Neca shert ef marvelous. ae. ili : | in,
arrive Hlymouth 9.00 P.M, 4.25 p.m. oes eiing, be cone ee ror ate selllug 80 1OW {8 THE CHEAPEST PLACE I
Returaiiny sives Plymouth daily excep Fealising. "tha ano ong, weaty, wake thatit cadses "{[s T ACE IN GREENVILLE FOR~
Sundvy, 6.0lcu. 65. » Sunday F809 a y,. p Ful: hignt atragsie to ~breathe was surprise.

' ' sp | before sae He a aa ss up either
arrive Tardore 10: Bb um apd V). ab eide--for-two. years, -. Sppman's ~Oomesevs me

A ea healing pa i pear and will BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY NOVELS
Goldner. ally, kates opt, Sunday. 6.05 8 TEXAS. treat you fair TS Ted AS eae

7°30 a, a, Re-| Messrs. LIPPMANT BROB., bat ik cociedan

sleep mei aay posttinn : all

turning leon mithtield 8.00 a! m,. ar of YP ee ae aS four panies and osquare.
' rives at Goldsbors.@ 30 4. m. nr. head fe tye recipe of fag Your . EE A full line of Ledgers, Day Boake M panedeny and *
oTrame in Nashville branch ieave PE, has cared my aittclty of brent @. W.AARDELE. Books, ~Receipt, Draft and Note dks, | ali Cap, Fools Ga
Ro-ky Mount at 4.80 \p. m,. arrive by) refeved eof al. pa, ae . Bill Cap, Letter aud Note Papers. Envelopes ~all sizes and st
een AVN, maturing tee #6 one ies ib nah, ger two | biibtiiln oh! demise oeek? " |Handgome Box Puyeterics, fiom 10 cents and up. School ir
es wi, Nashyille 8.3) a Pek ditive at oe ~fnT fwot, 1 dresded to see night come. } | if ge |lets, Slates, Lead aud Slate Pencils, Penis and Pen-Holders &e.
hy ai I

ee Mouit 9.05 a m. daily except Full live Popular Novels by best authors. The Celebrated Dia-

mond, Inks, all colors, and Cream Mucilage, the best mude; constant] y,

ipeon . to
wine di Entra branch; Flesence ~R eo dba te dete band ~of the Boe meadin eo/on hand. We are soleagent for the Parker Fountain Pen. Nothing~

&., leave Latin 6.40: pm, dairies Oiiabar 4 feel a Sa that C was Lik ene? get f

ria ~. and I heartil ly, recom mend ievo f equals it and every busmess man should have one. Erasers Sponge.
oS bas ote higg Re ne ce wy friends 7 es! AS peste : 5 Cup, Pencil-Hoiders, Rubber Bands, &c. Don't forget us when you,
active Lathe 7°00 8 in.dallye ms oramecy | 7 Grol spar raion arena bore bilasee want anything in the Stationary line.

ol vo
4 THR STAMD OF TwaAdAS"County of 10 Ati pty

saw for Clinton caily, var Sutttay, | teority "wa ooa sBay, Personality appeared | £1
virtue oP. icte pela tive t

Bes i. aed § egesoupeuih thatthe "foFegu GREENVILLE The Charlotte = |
| Cevons7 0a virtue o
General sup.| Catarrh Cured by P.P.P.

rain onClixton Branch leaves War-| Comanche."Before the undersignell au- hes in
orokn, E sath that the for oie Sats Bis je ondary .POISO
: Pi Sapa Bea tae | " |
Nala No? 79 coal ad. | ae a " steurd.: it disonge, . , O SE , Th :
er forallp mail.yia| Sworn to a ileal: fs is, | claine. fate Hae imac n »
ih o Rh stole Sea ie a... wo a | soma guar He luke proofs setters, ait Bit oe Gatos banat
orfolk aud U R~ wp pomen ON North. �,� arolin
. ne all poiuts Nom! via Norfolk, Comanche County, ~Tess ® ae

The course embraces all the bianches DAILY

pe | Sem

a a aa Monee st Remedy) where ali other "}usually taughtin an Academy, AND

o sn KENLY, Gen!) Wanag Sewi a ~Terms, both ; for, pulijen,.and beuwd ¢

ae } iii Its, ang nape tatentee reasonable. , WEEKLY,
} use of P

f and a

: - ent cure Boys weil fitted and | panipped (91
caren tt he sea cenii {Independent and fearless, wxyer an
oo a oee gar oye. they wish to] more attr okt than ever. it Wil} De @
wyrene % 1 OO FHPs Sis 8clivol invaluable) aria ee hoi. th
qua hy ve. ~thorough ~preparation to] oftice theetet :
enter, wi. credit, any College in North , mn oo

~aroling or the State University, In| 7

refers to .10¥e wisi aave recently lett) (8 = x Daa nanny

ie tuipe ir vie ening OF pte | Of the mews ofithe world. Com
, ae ee GAY reports from the Bice

ness, whéther nervous or

Li oem seth tefor" 6, whether nerve
. A healt


eczema "
the skin are removed and

Pe Bay Chae Ee RY hd ret choraetor said | | Mi Nesional Capitol, 98 a veur |
svery Wedneslay and goods * ina SOON seach s c Salas PRR A,
are returned ting Lf spy SP AbdRboass. J Warors hamived Pree Vote mt 2 wu Hope Avil files yy TR yer ete

r bundles to us on Tuesdays ; of American Silver and Repeal |.esegny f on be rmnert |
and hey resi prompt atten. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, APOTHEGARIES.J of the Toa Per Dont. Tax lg rf. por, i� , re actors lal, *
. asc te Banks gpnte) % ito poo ;


hay $1. uy ag aonunds
Wilmington N.C WHO RAasDaLH ||" Bond t
1 July 44, 5. T Pivi'esp ve, th ~4 RM





z ewe



attentror ¥ 3
-large.and excellent line of



"Consisting of~ |

Beautiful, stylish, up-to~dat


and cheaper than ever before.



of different kinds sd description.
Never were they more beautiful
than this season.

ear iner nnn

"-Come see our"


they are the correct styles and




Window Shades, Cartain Poles.

Oxford Ties.

or Ladies and Chiidren that: has,
never been equalled in this town.

Shoes, Shoes,

for every buyer who wants an.
honest, reliable, wearing articles.

Umbrellas -

to protect you from the sun] and

Gentlemen come and examine our
"line of-


Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Straw
and Fur Hats, Suspenders and
Hosiery. Shoes in correct styles,
best quality and popular prices.
We cau and will please you if you
will give us a call.

"Our line of"

is complete and embraces many
useful articles of genuine merit.
Our Oak Suits are lovely. Easy
comfortable Rockers of many.
different kinds. , Dining and Par:
-lor chairs, Lounges and Couches,
Parior Suits, Centre ~lables, Side
Boards, Dining Tables, Tin Safes,
Bedsteads, Mattreases, Floor and
~Table Oil) Cloths, Mattings of
cheap and good. grades.



crema anall

Creates many «a new business,
Eniarges many ao old business,
Preserves many a large business.
kevives many adull business,
Rescues nany a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.


columns of the REFLECTOR.


S.cures suceess to any business.

To ~advertise judiciously, �ffuse the


Some Going, Some Coming, Some


F. Meyer, of Baltimore, is in town.
S. H. Abbott went to Kinston Fri-
day evening. |

"J. H. Blount returned from Tarboro
Friday evening. "

Ayden this morning.

G. F. Evans returned Friday even-
ing from Lynchburg.

W. C. Hester left this morning to
spend a few days in Oxford.

Be aoe erences wr)


Passenger .and mail
north, arrives 8:22 A.M: Going South,

M, leavesl0:10 A.

South Bound Freight, arrives 2:90 P,
M. leaves 2:16 P. M,

Wednesday and Friday

ington Monday,
Tuesday, Thure

leaves for Washington
day and Saturday.

Cape nr ante te a


A few Caught and Set to Bu:zing for
the Reflector Readers.

Best Butter on ice at StarkeyTs.


Sporting Club Cigars at J. S. Tuns


NothingT equals it. D. S. SMirH.

Subscribe to the RerLector"only

25 cents a month.

at S. M. Schultz's.

The Messenger says 3,800 barrels
of potatees were shipped from Washing-

ton in one day.

Finest Cucumber Pickles, in vinegar

ready for use, at J. S. TunstallTs,

The best blend of Tea, 2dc.
pvund, S. M. Scuuttz.

clusive, D.L. JAMES.

strings in various places.
Beet just m. Try it. J. 8. TonstaLe

It is delicious. ~Try it.


pound, S. M. Scuvuttz.

ries, Apricots, Pears and Pineapple.
') yy VS. M. Sonvyprz.

The communion service in the Bap-
tist church was postponed from last

Sunday to to-morrow morniog.

_, Struck a Pole,

wag driving~ through Forbestown and
not taking his bearings catefully, his

phone poles.. Breaking his harness

train going

North B ound ra arrives 9:50 A.

Steamer Tar River arrives from Wasb-

A hard rain fell here this morning.

Vermont Butter for sale at D.S.]

_ The young people had a very enjoy-
able dance in sermania Hall Friday

The oSouthern Leader,� still hoids
the lead as the best 5 cent smoke.

Fresh Butter. N. Y. State and CarrTs


Norice."My office will ~be closed
trom the 16th to the 19th inst, in-

The boys have set their heads on
-haviny telephones too, and are ruuning

A new shipment of Fulton Market

A new supply of BeefHam received

In Srock""Dried keaches, Prunes,
Raisins, Dates and Apples, dc. per

Can Tomatoes, Corn, Peaches, Cher

~To-day whileT Mr. ~W. A. Pollard

ing tor a visit to LaGrange.

Mrs. Wynne, of Richmond, arrived
here Friday evening to visit relatives.

J. W. Wiggins returned Friday even-
ing from a short visit to Rocky Mount.
C. M. Bernard !eft this morning for

St. Louis to attend the Republican
National Convention.


Capt. C. A. White returned from:

_ Mrs.Georgia Pearce left Friday even-,

= as -_"

_ Knew a Thing or Iwo.
oSo you take only one paper home
each night? I should think you and
your wife would quarrel to see which
one would read it first.�
oNo danger of that. I give her the
part with all the department store ad-:
vertising.� "Ex.

Just Like a Mule.

A mule galloping along and dragging
a pair of cart shafts behind Lim, caused
a good many whoas tJ be hurled at
him along main street to-day. After
having as much fun as he wanted the
mule stopped on Dickerson avenue and
waited tor the man running behind him
to catch up.

Mrs. Davis to Attend. |
Mrs. Jefferson Vavis and daughters
will attend the meeting ot the Confed-
erate Veterans at Richmond this month.

8th says: At a meeting to-night of
the committee having charge of the re-

ception to be tendered Mrs. Jefferson
Davis, at the Davis Mansion, during
the Contederate reunion here, a letter

Mrs. T. L. Hancoek, of Parmele,
who is visiting her mother, Mra. J. C.|
Tripp, is quite sick.

Mrs. C. M. Bernard and children!
left this morning tospend a month with
relatives in Virginia and West Vir-

Mrs. Dr. R. W. Joyner, of Wood
land and her sister, Mrs. Lanier, of
Chicago, are visiting Mrs. Andrew

Frank Pittman, of near Grifton, has
j moved his family to Greenville and oc-
cuples one of the Griffin houses in

she would gladly be present.

was read trom Mrs. Davis, saying that

During the reception Mrs. Davis
will be seated upon a platform between
two of the rooms and will not be. ex-
pected ~o rise or shake hands with the

J, W. HIGGS, Pres. 1. $. HIGGS; Cashier, ;
Maj. HENRY HARDING, AssTt Cashier.


Greenville, N.C.

Representingta | ore Than a Half
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md. anal
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
Week, N.C. : :
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N C.
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus. N.C. ~.
D. W.. Hardee, Higgs Bros.,
Greenville, N. C. |

ee eee

We respectfully solicit the accounts
of firms, individuals and the general

A dispatch from that city dated the public.

Checks and Account Books furnish
ed on application.

guests. .
Miss Winme Davis and Mrs. Hayes,
will receive at the foot of the platform. |

see here


Miss Rosa Bell Rountree returned to
Kinston Friday evening. Misses Dot
Flanagan and Irma Cobb accompanied
her home for a visit.

J. S. Joyner and wife arrived from
Baltimore, Friday evening, and will
spend some time here. Mr. Joyner will
make Greenville his temporary head-

The first telephone connection was
made Friday evening between the cen-
tral office and the PlantersT Warehouse.
The phones worked like a charm.

100 One Hundred 100

Desirable building lots
for sale.

100 yards from College buildin

~ be [y} a:
200 R. R. Depot.

300 , o* Tobacco Town.
1000 o = business portion

of town. ~Terms very reasonable.
Apply to HiGGS BROS.


ne ee


bers is hereby declared unlawfal for any
on to erect or place any wooden
building or shed, on either side of Evaus
st. between Third and Fifth streets.
within 20 feet of sald st. Any person
or persons violating this ordinance shall
pay + fine of 5 wi ety day that said
ng or shed shall *
June Sth, 1896. ee

C. C, FORBES. Clerk. 8, Mayor

mt i, el 0 ed

just as a scalded cat comes to fear
even cold water, buyers who find
themselves hoodwinked by plaus-
ible advertising set all advertise-
ing down as good for nothing,
and careful, straightforward ad-
vortisers suffer with the rest. come
and see us and you will not be
disappointed. look over this list,


bleached vuomestics, indigo
prints, outing cloths, duch-
esse jaconats, fresh percales,
navy Serge, french storm
serge, brocaded bateste, ete.,
in profusion snd prices way

A big line ot R. & G.
Corsets just received.



OnSaturday, June 13,
we will close our Bank
at OneoTclock. All per-
sons having
with us will please at-


Bank of Greenville.
R. A. TYSON, Cashier.

tend to it by Saturday

: *

An Endless Eine

Of Canned Goods,

\Fancy and Staple Gro-

ceries, as well as high-
grade but reasonable
priced Table Delicacies
may alwaysbefoundat
my store.

A call will convince
you that I am the lead-




_ Hats, Caps, ~GentsT Furnishings,

~and the cheapest line of STRAW
MATTING in the town. 11 cts
to 23 cts yard. |

Agent for Wanamaker & Brown
of Philadelphia,tailor-made Cloth-,
ing for Men and Boys, Biggest
line of Samples you ever saw.
Come and look at them and you
will say it is the prettiest and
cheapest line of CLOTHING you
ever saw in the town.


| RawlsT Jewelry Store,


buggy collided with one of the tele- |p

. i *
: ( y j !
4 i j AA

~Wholesale and Retail Dealers in }@=-



i . | was about the only damage sustained: se thcuekeut kee :
. i t : vo PAPO Goes
We have afew more left of those
io) So of besatifal designs. | Better for a grocer, dry goods dealer, |) b @.| i om N
Jome* and ~eee! weTwe® will be | {saith tobucconist, or any, other, hus" ) yw : iw = he
omore than pleased to show you iness man, to offend a whole coterie of = r 2 a a=
through dur'stook. oA careful in: | loungers than to spoil bis trade by, in- 7 : oip a Mol ¢ Pong RoR Chheet Daa: TIDY
Spedtion will repey you mary |commoding persons who, menn dpsi-} 0 iT) woo) onl at 85 Cents: a piece. Tod ta ci
ae WAC ORS ~gio ; mari ness. No one likes to ~place small "o?- Mena Loitas tee lt suindit nf, L. . : Ay UWOR 40 1 Motil HT ga apy ,
: « he el din . ee Wie norwel aay 4 f 4 7 ~ . ~ T og . ' . he
TW honng V7! ders when Jor of idle pationa, itd ip. |! E88 kal gene RLM an Soko fat
KK i i; tening, ready: to }make comments on |" igh ae he 7 , ine Bi Miah ge)
ey » RE ae ¥ ~ i ~ i
| 7 | f 1 ~it them ~nd theirs jparetianes ns sdon" as | Ju ew ip ce on ee
vit { iT) o ma poe ie tee A oe + 1 + at T » he
PARA? SANG Hideo WW © | this hacks are peered. "Michigan Mer 9) 7. gry i) qui if? aac Ea. Sent wots

Bt ylos chants:

i yl Phd 0, 4 1, 4

, ~

which ~Will be sold soak ub. jprices? | byodiale s.b, |


Daily Reflector, June 13, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - June 13, 1896
June 13, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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