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ne 4
. D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Vol. 3.
sabe te §
b hho
~yal rt ern ii as
keeps us striving to better
conditions and improve fa-
cilities. Nothing that will
make this a better store is
too mach trouble or too
great an expense. We are
pushing ahead to win new
praies- We have just re-.
ceived a beautifnl addition
to. our already complete
stock wf the following
Silk Finished Henrietta,
~Satin Duchess,
Cheviot, Creponeties,
Imperial Serge
Brocade Mohair,
When posters yellow and red and green
Are spread over everything,
To tell the magical sights to.be seen
In the tent of the sawdust ring,
When jockey and elephant march in
the real
Of the painted and pallid clown. -
We know we have reached the time of
the year
When the circus has come to town!
Each youngster rushes to follow and
When the blare of the band he hears
And grandma beams from over her
book, °
oT gueas that ITll take the dears !�
And papa, of course, has to go with the
To attend to the matter of cost,
And. brother is suddenly much dis"
Lest the young onés might get lost !
And mamma concludes she'll have to
For with all of them out of sight,
With the lions and tigers around, at
: the show,
SheTd he sure to expire of fright.
And sister, all. suddenly, too, displays
An affectionate mild distrust
Lest they might run away with the
cireus craze,
And declare that go she must !
The minister watches the gay parade
With a twinkle incazed in a frown,
And he seldom inquires where his little
boy played
eye on him. A dog following officer
|torged open and fhat a few packages of
1 der a $200 bond. He failed to give it
oWh 1 When th s has come to town !
Brilliantine, For a real area is a boy though
9 e @,®
Drop d Alma, D imities, On datas of the sawdust ring,
Oise : When the children bow at the gilded
Silk Landown, throne
ig DOO Cees where the tinseled clown sits king !
Duck Suiting, Sateen, "New York Press
Linen Batiste, Norice."One large Black Ox with
ad og: ° white, face with yoke on, taken up in
French Organdies, my field. Owner ¢an'get same by
Wiggs geese . paying damage to crop and for this
Ginghams, Percales, | notice R. J. Coun.
Swisses, Mulls, &c.
All weask is an inspection and
the prices will astonish you.
iva i
all-wool plaid suits,
blue cheviots,
black cheviots,
all.wool brown mixed
brown plaid suits,
black serge suits,
imported clay worsted,
all-wool covert cloth,
all-wool Thibet satin-
lined Bute
per dint
suit you in price and stot
AG ane 4h i il me
: ee ~bai! witton ,
y ~otter kinds that will
ial iavidon ex Jof the same.
| : Ta It wat us featT eh ahag | oio hear |:
ty ~t our sweethéart singing, a8 we approach
Original Observations.
Perfume is the soul of the flower.
Love and liquor do not long inhabit
the same house,
It is scandalTs slimy story that
makes old Satan smile.
Tis the cunvict who makes a grate
stndy of life.
Food for reflection never yet filled
an empty stomach.
Democratic faith in Cleve-land is
not well grounded.
Many oheavy swells� float on the
bill-owes of credit.
It certainly is not a misstake for a
man to marry 4 widow. "
~Klong engagement is what we would
call a slow match.
The best religion ofaltis that which
makes us love our fellow-men.
o'PrinterTs ink when used as paint,
will make a sinner look a saint.
Maid of Orange, sweet. little dear,
have you proposed during leap pert
Never judge a moustache by ~its col
or, nor call it we such,a pame when. »its
down. " ~wit
if] ~The | number of soit engaged in
rushing trath te higenk is sunny
large. Pied Lig ( at Oe ben :
|: Peopld) who: ~start libel suits are sel
donv enabled to dress better as a: 'ebale
My led
i a
| the house, oNobody Loves Me.�
Y heciute of ot the, business end of a hor-
! | editorial and business management, and.
oGot Them and Got in Jail too.
omen iaimeemel
B. Cherry & CoTs store and kept an
Murphy noticed the man and went to
him and laid down. The officer went
to ring the one oTcloek bell and on_his
return missed the man and dog and saw
someone coming out of Morris MeyerTs
fruit store. The man ran, the dog fol-
lowing him. The officer awoke Mr.
Meyer and upon investigation, found
that the double-front door had been
cigarettes were missed. A search war-
rant was issued by J. A. Lang, J. P.
and officer Murphy having received in-
formation arrested Isom Griffin, a col-
ored boy about 17 years old. Upon
being searched six packages of cigar-
ettes weré found. He was tried this|S
morning before Justice J. A. Lang and
bound over to the Superior Court -un-
and was placed in jail to await the next
term of court.
A British steamer is stranded off
Hatteras on the Diamond shoals.
crew was taken off by the life saving
station crew.
Near Monteroy, 8. C. Dr. J. G.
Johnson was murdered and bis house
in at Charleston, S. C., Saturday and
went to quarantine station ; she has a
number of sick on board. 7
The sound money Democrats carried
the Lexington, Ky., primaries.
Accounts of horrible butcheries of in
surgants come from Cuba ; five Cuban
peasants were killed and left to the
| beasts to destroy.
A Peppery Convention.
Some years ago, a famous English
actress, having been disengaged for
some time, had packed her wardrobe in
pepper, to preserve it from moths.
She was called upon to take the part of
the queen in oHamlet.� Being rather
late for her first scene, she omitted to
shake out her royal robes, and her dig-
nified entrance had an astonishing ef-
fect. The king, after a brave resis-
tance, gave vent to a mighty sneeze
that well-nigh made the stage vibrate.
All the royal courtiers and maids of
honor tollowed suit sympathetically: |
tragedy air, but after a convulsive}.
movement ot his princely features, he |
from him,� Amid the hubbub on the
stuge, and the shrieks of delight from
the audience, the stage manager, be-
tween sneezes, rang down the curtain.
Bought The Newbern Journal.
Mr, Charles 1, Stevens, editor, and
one ot the propri of the Sonthport
Leader, has purchased: iy entire plant
of ae Newbern daily and weekly Jour-
a ie Ed A Hy Harper, late
stor. teve ren 5 hing moved to
othe active in its
will make the Journal one of the lead.
ing new
Linas? 1f
news, and have able oCorrespondents to|
furnish it news., Me Pi Tit 1 Hi
The Squthport Leader will continue
under the propmetorahip ; ~biuret
Stevens . ~ eau rs ie ~es . Mr,.. A. E
On Sunday night about 1 oTclock of-
ficer Murphy saw a colored man acting
suspiciously in the neighborhood of J.
The| #
The filibuster steamer Laurada put
jereal Stuffsin profusion.
Hamlet came on with a most ave
buried them in his robe, while sneeze}.
after sneeze was all the public heard]
apers of Easter North Caro- |
the ~Jourdal ill take telegraphic |
The Most Modern
The Mo st Perfect
pei Pat, ib oe.
~The Most Reliable |
Sha é ie: $244 r
The Most Complete
The Most Economical
Stock of Clothing.
te it : Ady hg ; Ey 1 ee as Peete GRA Wack
Say, do you get warm these days? Well, if
you do, go to Frank WilsonTs and get yout-
self Nainsook Drawers, Negligee Shirts, a nob-
by Straw Hat, a Serge Alpaca, Secilian or Crash
Suits of Clothes and cool off. These will con-
serve your energy and strength, and are not ,
Step in and look. oF baa
expensive. |
Fatbuet Dachees Corded Smise } Mulls, Cordele |
Marquise, Printed India Dimities, J aconette
DT Alsace, Persian India Linen. ag
The stock is richand replete with all the ele-.
| gancies and beauties of the Wash Goods realm.
Novelties arriving by almost every train. ~athe |
Weare prouder ofthis watharine than of any ,
thing else we ever did, Itis too splendid and
delicate to compete with the rirbbish. that
abounds. Come see the Age fabrics. |
Have you decided: on-your Thin Piece
the Summer? The hot Lee will ide i
with us. Better select your thinT DressesT now
and make them up during the few cool days -
we are yet to have. If you have not decided
let. us help you make your selections. We can
place 25 years experience at your sérvice. Our _
line of hot weather specialties was never more
complete than now. . ~Ne ew styles arriving daily. |
pera as nya] |
net, ahi person who sends ~out Stevens, re T.4
wortls to stingyT and raige swellings ~i es thie Wilisinigtow Review,
ig Negi Pitot i CRATE te
~orn onl
es «) why |
oe ete ie et ss
brief items of NEWS as it Occurs
eg neighborhood. Write plainly
| "" on vo ts rot: :
Liberal Commission on supsorip-
tion rates nae to. agents.
sues Casintatett
" = lh
Monpax, May 25tu, 1896.
i sligie.
a ee
a % Be
Aena! Navigation.
rapier a
Bay at
It is almost here.
"Not twenty-five years will sivas be-
fore it will be accomplished and we}
shall waft ourselves through space by
udeans of some more or less complica-
ted pinions. W ~hen balloon voyages to
the North pole are seriously contempla~
~ted by foolhatdy explorers, and Prof.
LangleyTs airship, makes a flight, of a
hilf mile, we are approaching very rap-
idly the solution ofa problem that, ~has |
charmed the world ever since Daedalus
and Icarus tried to make their , way
across the sea with waxen wings, and
ogettingtoo near the sun, tumble
Aerie navigation i is no longer: a
& chimeray'ani idle! faucy, it. is 8
~dific fact; impertect-it is -truey-but-bud-|-
ding into perfection, ~very, evapidly. | Its
great | promot aT 2 @ help ante, of cours
in the end will : i 93)
ventions in that line� ~progress se the
oaitship will come nearer and nearer |
practical perfedtign:/ -jifi~ hath
One can esas wine the magni-
. tride of the {evolution | which Wwill be]
wrought in matters of wire. ead
both of men and; amaterial, | when; {th
- new agent comes upon the scene.
Distane will
"ted and journeys across land or sea, nO
_ Matter how far, regarded tio imoré than
@ ride on the street cars nowadays.
oThe airship, brought toa ~state of oper"
tection, will make it possible to travel):
trom New York to London in a, vouple
~af'days, and we shall be able to leave
- Washington on Monday morning and
. "bein San Francisco by Tuesday night
~or perhaps. even Sooner.
Of course, there are doubting ~Thom~
ases who will smile pityingly ~and in-
ooredutously at these predictions ; but
Migs telegraph was 8 , 0
- the telephone, or the phonograph.
The maryel of to-day .is. the .common-|
place hig ot of ming tg so it will
bn Bl ca sf
alae the air.
with a stack of | ie & ,
~Kindtaced geatleman 1ooked. or
and the b Y Stopped, says the Detroit
laps Hye wi
» oBavenTt you anything except funny
literature 7� he asked. 44 it
oNot this trip,T was the
: ~Very much, indeed, But Pm
id my mind ~is of too practical a
n to a what ae a call a
One ek ee. Ps
One week. - ir
Delivered in own Ay pbk Siler
extra cost.
- Adyertisng rates are liberal and-ean be oo
had on app! cation to ~the ~editor or,tat\. oe
the office.
be, stilk further annjbilie hag.
: and 17. for De :
| the committe which, had meaty ~given
oDonTt you like to laugh?)
=| ereusastanioes have bad a tendency. to
| make me distrust the accuracy of hu-
~morists, thereby, no doubt, materially
ee 3 Laverne of ther ef-
The train boy Seoked at him sdisaly
ead all
oNo, There ainTt.no use oT you're
tryinT to laugh. Wait till we get to
the next station and I'll get you a
ps 7 ay Biaca ency clopedia.�
: You ud) ie Sistine Lmidget,
You put me mn a nervous fidget
And. 7 ny scratch with every digit
5 CANS tel Lake Gon-eu-i-thes. ,
You make the old bucks. stamp and
~You make the young ones jump aud
You .make the bald heads hunt. and
hustle és
To save their top knots.
You are in the soup and in the pie,
You're on my nose and in my eye,
ITm fairly ocaught out on the fly�
: And clear off my base.
I was-a christian up to date,
But yuu have vexed me sv of late,
I blaspheme likes @ second mate
Or Texas colonel.
Last: idight I donned my Sunday da ies
And to my sweetheart did propose. :
~You lit upon my red, redTnoseT
i And apoiled' the pahleagxs
You tease at and fret she ehale creation
And fill them fall of irritation ~|
| And gituse more oaths: and fierceT yexa-
tien bad
spn ~"Phan alk oT mills.
, rie thatTs): Poti match,
ale mankind uptothe scratch�
perme - And keep them moving.
Guy U, Avery: ip, Fbarlotte | Observer.
~What Does it Means?
Last weekTs Winston Repabbess
ae gl
Sa Mienaieh of information; about
the tricks in the committee on credentials
lids tdllows FEE oO
hes oBefore the deasiag of the Pesci
ans countyT case next morning a and while
the comitittee was whiting for some of
the members, a young man from the
Russell headquarters came to the com-
mittee room ana called for Wheeler
Martin, a member of the committe,
and said ~to him in ~the presence of
behalf of the Russell delegates | from:
Mecklenburg, had betrayed them and
that he, Wheeler 1 Martin, _ Mat file, a
oe ee ie: &
the RussellT men the benefit of every
| doubtful case in order that minority
~| reports should not be offered that it
caused a reconsideration on some of the
ted. | cases settled the | night before! which |
| brought about the following . shanges :
Edgecombe was divided; Cumberland
| "Places *0 Keep Money. :
[re pe :
Several years ago before banks were
convenient to our people, they selected
*Ttheir own places for the safe keeping of
, ~n| money, A citiin of Gastonia | plowed |
e|#� entire summer with $800 in bills ina
another member of the committee and}
the door-keeper, that dudge Ewart, who:
Md | had appeated ; : :
and Mecklenburg were vam "
i} Pyskery, rioubh ached fet
; hs land oul,
tee ee
P10 dclagascd
National ~Seance a
quiring 465 to control. A little more
tian one-third of the delegates have
been chosen, and it is evident that the
vote is going to be closer than is com-
| fertable; though there is every reason
to believe the silver men will have a
good working majority. The vote to
date stands ;
- States. Free. Gold
| Coinage. Standard.
Alabama 22
Colorado 8
TowaT 26
Michigan 28
Massachusetts 30
Mississippi 18
Missouri 34
Nebraska 16
New Jersey 20.
New Hrmpshire 8
Oregon 8
Pennsylvania 64
Rhode Island 64
South Carolina 18
Sovth Dakota 8
Tennessee 24
Washington 6 2
Wyoming 8
District ot Columbia 4 2
Total 192 170
~A. Pair of Them.
Lieut, Fauntleroy, of SimmTs Con-
federate States battery, hada confirmed
habit of stammering. One. day, during
the retreat from Camp Disland, Louis-
iana, while riding along the road he
came up with a stragler from the St.
Mary cannoneers who, it seems, was
similarly affectedin his speech. Him
the lieutenant accosted in his peculiar
ooH-h-h-o-o-w f-t-f-a"r is the a-r-r-r-t
~t-illery ahead ?� :
oT)-d-d-darn -f-fi kn-n-n-ow,� stam-
mered the boy.
In a rage the lieutenant: out with
his sword and was about to go for the
offender, when the soldier held up both
hands, crying, oH-h-o-00-ld on,.,1., lieu-
tenant, I-I-I-s--wear I c-c-ant talk a
d-d-darn bit b-b-b-etter than you can.�
"Southern Bivouac.
The Dejected Young Man. |
oWoman,� said the dejected
young man, o~is a fake,TT
ooYes?T spoke one listener.
oYes, It has. not ~been so many
moons since 1 saved up all my bil-
liard money and lived on beans twa
weeks to blow myself on an opera
and a supper fora young woman.
Then I asked her to marry me, and
she said she was afraid I was toc
extravagant to make a good hus-
bund.TT"Indianapolis Journal.
There are those who never take
~stone out of the way, never put any
light into darknoss, never any com-
fort into sorrow. But there are
those, too, who -have, much of the
milk of human kindness, whose
hearts are tuned to the key of ten.
derness, whose faces beam and scat
ter sunshine"Rev. W. H. Moore.
* |
; aaa
ies Shingles, Lathes,
2 EIT N C. aes
With every facility for transacting 4
Banking Business, This Bank solicits
the accounts of merchants, farmers and
the business of responsible persons and
firms. -Ten'ering all the courtesies that
ate usually extended by a well conduc-
ted and obliging banking house.
Collections remitted ""? and at
owest rates.
ing their yearTs supplies will find
theirinterest toget our prices befcre pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is yore
n allits branches,
RICK, txA, &e.
we buy direct from Manufacturers, ens
bling youto buy at one profit. A com
plete stock of
always onhand and sold at prices tu'siut
the times. Qur goods ureall bought aac
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk
to run,we sellat a close, margip.
S, M. SCHU Lita © reenville. NC
are what you want in
Because an old style iat never
shows the wearer to be up to date.
is in and embraces the very latest
styles and shapes of new Pattern
I also have a lovely display of
Shirt Waists, Stamped Linens,
Embroidery Silks, Rib bon Collars
and other new goods,
My entire stock is prettier than
ever before.
I am now prepared to furnish
Ice in any quantity, ard will keep
well supplied throughout. the
summer. All orders in town de-
liveredT without extra charge.
| When you. want to be. served
promptly senc me your orders.
j petity mechs let ail
Corrected by 8. M. Schaltz.
Bntter, per Ib . 15 to 26.
Western Sides: : 6to7
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 124:
Corn | 40 to
Corn Meal 50 to 65
Flour, Family 4.26 to 6,00
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 35 to 40
Sugar 4 to 6:
~| Cotfee 15 to 25:
Salt per Sack " SU to 175:
Chickens 10 to 26:
Eggs per doz 10 to. 11
Beeswax. per - 20
a ee
Wall Paper!
ever shown in Greenville. Be-
sure to see my samples. All. new.
styles, uot an old piece in the Iot..
Will take pleasure in bringing
samples to your home if you will
_ Greenv ille Market.
Cotton and reantt,
Below are Norfolk: ~prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished.
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chants of Norfok :
Good MiddlingT 8 1-16
Middling i 13-16
Low Middling, , 7 7-16
Good Orditiary ~OE:
Prime 4 |
Extra ened : ~4
AnBeyj) | tom L pts i
ape 19 $1.10 ba
Tone"tirm. '
"_ stg ~~ jet .
Seema entl
* �,� ;
sis nating
TopsiiiGréen{.../...1..:Dto Bh
o Bright.... ......,.4t08
Red fi fisiviia 1.3 to4
} Ese are : v0. &
Good Si ca 110.15
Fine.... sees... 12 to 18
Currers"Cemmon!'.. /..6 to 11
Good... «124 to 20
Fine! vee AB to 9%h
Pf re 88 ovpe
~Professional ~Gard.
= en ne ae oo
: Greenville, N.C.
i Vat oable Properties for sale or
Rent. Correspondence solicited, Re-"
fers to Mercantile aid Batiking Houses
of Greenville. Office vi main street.
kK) Successors to Latham & Skinnver,
hd pide eee ey eh
John EB, Wooaara. si. Aling,
Wilson, N.U.. wrecavilic, so
* aN ade ut ~iy N.!
Special attintion given bos oie pee &
and settlement, of Chain. :
¥ 4 i ne i i r me
$A. Smit LTO
Patronage solicited. oCleaniug, ~Dyethg
And craw Gents Clothes # specialty
Loy YEO MR buvereees te
H*' cR ag u
gyasial ~attention given to cede
Brick &c.
Can abo tarnish Corn Meal in
. lin any quantity.
PronTr my. Tanves 8
and Grist Malls, _ heals
uo tt
ae sien
x. 0} f
Near Rive Peintawics) wily ee odie Louurl
OE GE 10. Bul DS. TONSOR ala sbi
Tam prvi shed + lade all| cat ent cla og nme of Hak
angs a (el vy BO GM
oNTLWES@T sa £0 WHEDON tok
Ane ~eee Veit Read)
Ps "te anne ee oe STIR!
All Sorts and Conditions of Men Jostle
One Another In the Streets.
Perhaps it is true that the impres-
'~.) gions which Rome makes upon a
| |thonghtful man vary more accord-
ing to the wind and the time of day
yg , arrives Scot they Neck at 4.55
p.m. a
a fr. jGrupnuille' 6.8 ty ~3
abe : p opt Suuda vs : i i ; f
+ afns'on WashnigtonoBratich�
Washington 8.00 a, 0., and 3.40
Mab 8 Pt A .
j Ue aha 10 I
Scotl: nd Neck Branch.
Train leaves curvore, N C, via Albe-
marie & Raleigh it. at. daily except Sun-
diy, at 4.60 pp, m., Sunday 200 P, M:
atrive Plywouth 9.00 P. iM, » 25 p. tm.
4eunruing aves Plymoath daily except
Sundey, 4,00 w, iz., Sunday 9.30 a m.,
Arrive Farboro 10.25 a.m andT 1}, 46
Trainen Midland N. C, branch leaves
Goldsboro daily, except Stinday, 6.05 a
m, atriving Smithtield 7°30 a. tm.
turning leaves Smithtield
_Tives at Goldsbors 9.30 a. m
~Trains in Nashville ok leave
Rocky Moant at 4.30 p.m,
~Hechyilte 5.05 p. m.; pete
uh Rewura hg leave Spring
ie 6.30 a m,
; Tg eet PY 6.40pm,
leave Cliot6.10 a m,,
avrive Latta 7.60 am, duily exeept Sun-
Train ae iyo leaves War-
- Riehmone. pe phy at Rovky.
ea: nak kh
Ht Neen 4
a =o
M, EMERSON, Trattie Manag © ;
rat KENDY o wager, *
mre ty @Xs
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
8, 60 a. me are
Hope 6.30
oe Hope
My auive at
Bocky ~Mount: 9.05, 4 m, daily exeept
Traine on Lutta braach: Florence R
TSet thrfing
) aya with
Gaperal Supe.
TRATNS GOING SOUTH. than those he feels in other cities.
ve eres Perhaps, too, there is no capital in
Dated «= SIRS * = |all the world which has such con-
AP eth eS 3| ss trasts to show within a mile of each
ve i. iy oleae werk | 2". |) other"one might almost say within
A. wiP.M.| ~a, M } 8 dozen steps.
Leave Weldon LI §5| 944 One of the most crowded thor-
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 1 09)10 39), oughfares of Rome, for instance, is
|---| "- |" | | theT Via del Tritone, which is the
oLy Tarboro 12 12 only passage between the Pincian
"" ""# "" | and the Quirinal hills, from the re.
Ly Hovky Me 1 00}: 6 45 | gion of Piazza Colonna toward the
ee 2051 | 6.20! railway station and the new quar-
Se Per tieetiel 4 taha.t ter. During the busy hours of the
» Florence | 7 25/3 4) day a carriage can rarely move
" -"-"| " |through its narrower portions any
E faster than at a foot pace, and the
oa ~| insufficient pavements are thronged
Mi i Am | x __._. | with. pedestrians. In a measure, the
| P. M, A.M |Tritone of Rome corrosponds to
Ly Wilson | 2 08 6 20| Galata bridge in Constantinople. In
ir Somerby 3 10 mie the course of a week most of the
: Wilntngto: ay 9 4;| Population of the city must-have
Pe, M a. | passed at least once through the
o~ : crowded little street, which some-
TRAINS GOING NOTRL. how in the rain of millions that
: 3 _| lasted for two years did not manage
_ Dated a ne 4 3. |to attract to itself even the little
April 0, 163 | cs 37 {sum which would have: sufficed to
ao ca pA A 4Q |widen it by.a few yards. It is as
| A. MP. MI though the contents of Rome were
Ly Florecce. | 8 40) 74) daily drawn through a keyhole. In
i 0) ada F ie 9 40 the Tritone are to be sedn daily
ate ore magnificent equipages, jammed in
waited 2 ss : bas ue ed the string, between milk carts, om-.
ME et | (777 | nibuses and dustmenTs barrows, pre-
eat . | ceded by butchersT vans and follow-
eae & ~ | ed by miserablecabs, smart dogearts
Ce on ~ lap {and high wheeled country vehicles
Le Wilmalliajon 338 7 00 nai: by ier booted os paling
WV Magtolia: 62 & 30] ing green-lingd cloaks an in
Ly Goldsboro | 1201, §-86| like strain cbdta Even . saddle
ir edie an 10 27| horses are sometimes led that way,
an, | _"}u...| __*_ | to save time, and on each side flow
|S} (Re, __.| two streams of human beings of ev-
Sigg frit 5 3)! \ ery type to be found between Porta
ike | ny Po ot A. Angelica and Porta San Giovanni.
i eM. P. MIP. M. A prince of the holy Roman em-
Ly, Wilson | 2020p » 111/85! go: 39| pire pushes past ~a ~troop of dirty
AF Rocky Me | @ 49) ¢) 120 1b 16 school children and is almost driven
ae | "|into an open, barrel of salt codfish
opo oh es in the door of a poor shop by a
Ly Rocky Mt | 2 17 Ru black faced charcoal man carrying
Ar Weldon 191 |a.sack on his head more than half as
high as himself, A party of jolly
tanan Seogianu Neok B anch Road young German tourists in loose
wes Weldon 3.55 xT 4.1: |olothes, with red books in their
@., Greenville 6.47 p, m., Kinston 7. A hands and their fieldglasses, hang-
ing by straps across their shoulders,
try.to rid themselves of the flower
girls, dressed in sham Sabine. cos-
o| tumes,and utter exclamations of as-
__. | tonishment and , admiration, when
they themselves are almost, run
down by a couple of the giant Roal
{| grenadiers, each 6 feet 5 or there-
4| about, besides nine inches or so of
efested helmet.aloft, gorgeous, gi-
gantio and spotless. ,
messengers of theministries strug-
gle in the press; ladies gather their
skirts closely and try to pick a
dainty way where, indeed, there is
nothing ~~dainT (a werd which Dr.
find in any dictionary, but which
he thinks might be very nseful);
seryant girls, smart children with
nurses and hoops going up to the
Pincio; black browed washerwomen,
with big baskets of, clothes on their
heads; stumpy littieinfantry soldiers
in gray uniforms; priests, friars,
venders of boot! laces and thread,
vegetable sellers pushing handcarts
of green things in and out among the
horses and vehicles with amazing
no end to the multitude.
If the day is showery, it isa sight
on while ~the people who , have
oon crowd into the codfish a
n the Jiqu ah the ta 3, and the!
? he
permesso of excuse or entering W
they: oa te oer to od ser git
Clerks by the dozen and iiveried |
Johnson confesses that he could not4
dexterity and yelling their ories,in |:
supérhnmanly high voices"there is |
Sten uate ien of in theTritone}
: a, of A age, ma-|
are all opetied at}
traditional bon f
oWhy the Boller Maker Calied.
oDo you know,� said Mr. Grate.
bar, ~that for a long timo I couldn't
imagine what brought our neighber,
Mr. Anthony Hammerby, in to see
us so often. Mr. Hammerby was a
a journeyman boiler maker and then
a boss, and having made a modest
fortune he had retired to enjoy it:
He lived only two or three doors
from us, and he used to come in of:
ten evenings. He seemed particu.
larly to like to hear the children
play on the piano, and if they didnTt
play he would always ask to have
them. I used to wonder at this, be.
cause J never had any idea that Mr.
Hammerby was especially fond oi
music, and one day I asked him
about it. .
~***Well, you see,T said Mr. Ham.
merby, ~I suppose that every man
has a feeling of affection for the
trade or profession that he was
. brought up in. I know that I have
that feeling for my own, and when
I hear your childrén play duets or
the piano with the hard pedal on al)
the time, it makes me think of the
dear old _ boiler factory.T 1 1 am NOW
York Sun.
He Returned From Heaven.
The absentminded man, who %y
also religious, walked into. churct
while the organ was breathing forth
a long, low melody that seemed to
be the music of heaven. And as he
listened to it his air grew more pre-
occupied, a light not of earth came
{nto his suffpsed ¢ eyes, all the better
elements of his nature were moved
in accord with the melodious strains,
and for that moment he was not of
Then he walked into his pew and
started to take off his overcoat. So
preocoupied was he that he did not
realize he was pulling off: his other
coat until he stood there in his shirt
sleeves in full view of ~the worldly
songregation, which tittered so. it
could be beard. .
Then the man who had beens in
heaven a moment before came sud.
denly' back; and his feelings. were
Vike unto those of the suffering souls
in bades,"Louisville Post,
has so. little knowledge of human
nature as to séek happiness by
position will waste hig life in fruit-
which, he purposes to remove."
Kaheec ll the same,
Acquaintance (in thestreet car)"
Hello, Porus! I haven't seen you
sinceT you got your last book out.
How are you anyhow? What's in
that paper?
Struggling Author"A roast.
Aoquaintance"I donTt mean the
brown paper. I mean the paper you
are reading.
Struggling Author (with evident
rluctance)~I have'a roast in that
retired boiler maker. He had been| -
The fountain of . content must
spring up-in the mind, and he who
changing anything but his own dis-
less efforts and multiply the griefs
wupan te
SUBSCRIPTION 2 25 Cents a Mont
" $e iz;
One. Dollar. Per Year.
This is the PeopleTs, Favorite
When ~you need
Sa Don't Terget: ue |
~Reflector etn. ce.
Tike si a
WEE HAVE AMPLE rarities, :
REHODSE newsrle a
, {Ai id Wd
Our Work anil Prices Suit our aio 4
5 . = ¥
Be 2 eee
Oe ee
; "é fresh heb bie "
""Consisting of "-
Meal, Sugar,
- &e, ae, &e.,
A which I am
selling so low
it capses
Gomeses ine. |
and 1. will
ty ch a.
ii ~al
Booke, biases Draft "end Nite Bookar press Cup, 1 at ye
Flour Lard, | Bill Cap, ~Letter und Note Papers. Envelopes all sizes aa btylen,
) go). | Handsome Box; Fapeteries, from 10, cents, and up. School T ~abe
Meat, iH Coffee, lets, Slates, Lead and Slate Penuls, Pens and a I
"Newspaper in
Full line Popular Novels by best authors, The. Celebrated
mond lnks, all colors, and Cream Mucilage, the Lest made; const
on hand... We are sole agent for the Parker Fountain Pen. Not
equals it and every business man should have one.T Bragers Spor
Cup, Pencil-Hoiders, Rubber Banda, de. Dow forget, ne pheng wh
want anything in the Stationery line. 2
The Charlotte
North Carolinas
FOREMOST N Geesenstve su
cab ork
t at an A
be: i v tal
AND . be:
ene well ited a
1 by |
{ndependent and ~fearless ; bigger an rg mega ee
more attractive than ever. it will be @ pursue # . oy hie Oe
invaluable visitor to the Lome. th | guaran igT ithatough | ates
office, the club or the work room. pater, we. t. any College {1
Caroling tbs Unis tt
THE DAILY OBSERVER. refers tc. ose Pim : avery ie
All of the news/of the world. Com fs Wall ©! rmentnehiyens, oh: )
plete Daily reports from the Stat .
oand "National
A perfect bib 50 cA ~all the |
~news of
- from the Leg alature a 1 Re
itols. $8 a vear | vigT
~ oa
us will be of
_ sure, | Rom uber te feckly Ob- th
, COPY R: a Yer r J pared 0 ff
oONLY ONE pons 4 YEAR terete gw lw
: copies, . Address. baieer? WOT Tar eet
i _ i net OBSERVER! aia mm La
aly 8,
wy a
| . Oonsieniut ale eid |
Beautiful, stylish, up-to-date, |
and cheaper than ever i batare-
" Bere LES,
port Novel | COTTON GOODS
of different kinds aud description.
Never were they more beautiful
than this season.
"Come see our"
they are the correct styles and
oeae oeteeneniomnananeen nt
~Window Shades, Curtain Poles.
"A hne of"
Oxford Ties
or Ladies and Children that has
never been equalled i in " town.
: Shoes, Shoes,
for every buyer who wants an
honest, . tguitia Se articies.
ee 7
from the sun and
rain. "
bo protect yo
"line ake
~Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Straw
d Fur Hats, ~Suspenders and
Hosiery. Shoes in correst styles,
yest ositiy ~and popular prices.
W ~aa an ~will please you if you
ul give us & call.
Oar line of"
; =a
Furnitur=| the, parties, before him ee theyT were
= reomplete aid� émbraces� many
articles of genni omerit.
Ou ak Suits are lovely oEasy
tabl Rock ers ot many
comin kinds; Dining end P
Creates manyT anew
oNeto a
at vests sd saci LEO
: The Sun Does the Boiling Act, and
nt seoulfah DIA Dasiness,
ae Savon ning
_ Rescues = : lost Sisleten,
Saves many a failing basinede.
A vcures success to any business,
To oadveztise paiclonely - use me
: and mail train in
# a4 190k sou,
vay eI a 2
ig a arrives 9 :60 A
north, arrives 8:22 As
iriyes 6:47 Pu
North B ound F
M, leavesl0:10 A
Hype Bound F
io, deaves 2216 P.
pedegzsi dre fen
Mes ay Pasay Eo
enema tte
We Catch the Bubbles.
| neneenemumeenel
Vermont Butter for saleat D.S.
Iced Drinks at J...L. Starkev &
. Yesterday was a dark, dismal, dreary:
damp day.
Harry L. ~SalsasT 8 ohos Candice}
in pound oh stad, at ¢ oF paerey &
BroTs, pei by fA?
The ~iesibioel headec" still holds
the lead as the best 5 cent smoke.
Nothing equals ine. DS SMITH.
Just received from. Heisler BrosT a
full line of Ladies and Children Slip-
pers. C. T. Munrorp.
at. M. SchultzTs.
flat had to suspend. business. A foot |
way will be arcanged across the bridge.
Cod Fish, Irish Potatoes, Prepared}
| Backwheat,TOat, Flakes, (Cheese, ~Mac.
go ©, Morris Meyer.
lam prepared to furnish Ice Cream
to families in any quantity. Give me
your orders, Morris Merer.
8. M. Scuvttz.
Important meeting of Hope Fire Co:
Wednesday 27th inst, 8oTclock P. M.
Election. of officers. Every member
requested to be present. :
| A. J. Guserin Foreman..
There was a oscrapping mateh�
near Morsis MeyetTs ice creamT parlor
Saturday. night and Mayor Forbes. had
made to.opony� Ups
Base tha,
iddoe ~hr id arrives bedi Wa:
lq aatarue tie
Fresh Butter. N. Y. State and CarrTs [
The tiver is so high that the ferry}
earoni, P. R. Molasses, at S. M.|
Can Tomatoes, orn, Peaches, Cher-|
ries, gaged Pears and Pmeapple,
The following, is the score at ane
J i. Blount went to ~Tarboro this
morning.. T
L. I: Moore went to , Conetoe thi
R. L, Smith | left, Monday morning
for Baltimore.
Soy es ~Hooker has returned from a
° trip. to Baltimore,
B. F. ~Sugg went to Parmele on
business this morning.
F..G. James went up the road this
morning on a business trip.
~W. C. Gardner returned this: morn-
ing from a trip dowa the road.
evening from a tour of the States.
We ure glad to see J. B. Randolph
J. J. Evans is sick at the the home
of his brother, James (Tobe) Evans,
two miles in the country.
Col. Eugene Harrell, of Raleigh,
came in Saturday night and left this
morning for a trip on the S. N. & K.
Be Reson %
W. T. Lee returned Saturday even-
ing from Littleton where he had been
for his health, . We. were glad to see
him so much improwed.. : :
_| Riverside Nuteeries.
oMrs. H, H Wilsom who . has been}
to House this morning: and will return
to her home at Kinston this evening.
for Prof.'S. D. Bagley, left-this morn-
ing for Raleigh. Miss Casver won many
friends during her-stay here and there
are yer regres at her departure.
~Peanuts tor jee at S.. M. Schultz.
Attention I, 0, &.¥.
A fall attendance is desired at our
for important work. ©
By order of,
F, M. Hemers, N. G.
C. Th Rountree, SeeTy.
wh both hands at the same time.
[Nettie Spain, Mollie Leggett, and Ada
B. C. Pearce retarned Saturday} Meas
key, Johnnie Congleton, Claud Tun-
out this morning after a week's sick-
'|Milk Shakes, Coco Cola, Lemonaae
Allen Warren went to Washingtow
N. Cz this:morning te visit: his daugb- |
Best 5 cent in town at J. L.| ters and to lookT after the interests of)
visiting relatives avd friends here went)
Miss Lizzié Catver;. music teacher|themselyes heodwinked by plaus-
meeting on Tuesday nigtt;. 26th inst., |
Mr. Barnes has some hiustling brick
When you want a real good smoke] masons at work on the Miliott building.
~One of them, they say Wean lay brick
, | Rosa, Tally, Alma Tucker, Allie Spain.
- Bors"Jimmie Evans, Heber: Bar-
ber; Roy Hearne, Peter Gwortney,
o|Guy Lanier, ~Johnnie House, oRoy
Charlie Tucker, Harry White.
General daily average for term $2,
Girts"Mollie Bryan, Mary Har-
riss, Willie Harriss, Georgia Anderson,
Lena Anderson, Lollie White, Dell
Forbes, Lucy Forbes, Alice Long;
Clark. :
Bors"Milton White, Elbert Star-
stall and Oscar McGowan,
El Sulton Cigar » the best. Try
it, Jesse. W. Browy.
There would: be heaven in every
heart if you would only stifle the self-
ishness ia your own soul,
To be or not to be-"whether it is
better to be a base bali player or a bi-
eycle rider"thatTs the. question.
"If you want 1 ce Cream, Soda Water
and Sherbets-call on Momis Meyer.
~see here
net as a scalded cat comes:to fear|.
even cold water, buyers who. find
ible advertismg get all advertise-
~ing down as good for nothi
and careful, straightforwerd ad-
vertisers suffer with the rest. come
land see us and! you wild not be
disappointed. Jook over this list.
bleached domestics, indigo
prints, outing cloths, duch-
essé jaconats, fresh percales,
navy Serge,. french ~storm
~serge, brocadedT batests,- ete.,
~in profusiom and pheaee way
a eae
a ae
A big line of R. & G.
Corsets just received.
ioe *
Haris, J Julia Thaielek� Maud Lanier, af} 7
Kinion, Emmie MeGowan,}
Stokes, Johnny Stokes, Archie Joyner,|
"deouueiiis: N. Cc.
Ss TOCKH Oxupeas: Pi
Representing®a Capital of More Than a Half
Million Dollars,
Wm, T. Dixon, President Nationat
| Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
Nak Blo,
Noah Mass Scotland Neck, N C.
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus. N.C. :
D. W, Hardee, Higgs Bros.) o
Greemulle, 4.6." |
We respectfully solicit the accounts
of firms, individuals and the general
publie, :
Checks and Account Books Farah
ed on application.
Only One Giri
in the world for me, says the pop-
ular song;. Only one place to get:
-|Fiourof all grades, Selected Teas,
Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter
and' Cheese from the best dairies,
choice Svrups and Molasses, Hor--
pei rboh aor) Fruits.
ib W. BROWN.
i. ¢. HOOKER & 601
Give me a call.
A besualal dine ~of Des Goods Laces,
Silks, and Peneales, Also a fulliline of Slippers
and will sell at a smalt advance on first cost.
OLD viainetind
cet ab
oe A
~ Hats,.Gaps, GentsT Foret
od the cheapest:line of STRAW
ATTING in the town. HW ote
to 28:cts yard.
Ageat for Wanamaker & Risee
of Philadelphia,tailor-made Clothe
ing for Men and Boys, Biggest
line of Samples you ever saw.
Come and ook at them and you
will say it ix the prettiest and
cheapest line of OLOTHING you
ever: Saw in the town.
RawlsT J évelvy Store, ©.
ar: se. Maite ~ Dae i
ins hes, games playcW Saturdays 7,0 WHOA AND RETAIL DEALERS 1 ae
ae i} eniiee ae Binlo. | Cinginnati"Cinsinnat 2, New York
Dining Table, Tin sales 4, |
ih Floor.and| Chicago--Chicago 11, Wostidagton 9.| a
sas of] Cleveland"Cleveland 13, Baston 5. o
Pittsburg "Pivtsburg 15, Philadel- TS
" phia did i oS
St. Loita. te Louis 3, Brooklyn Gj}
Lomieriie-heniiaie fy ations} an
"The fallowing ii iis bthading of ge ceed
" of bonatifal i dois clubs including Saturday's 3 games : : ne '
UdueT and. see us wo will be). Meee es af
ome re than pleased to show you Ciietiihel ie met bat
mh hil hall 1 our stock. oA» Gos sans ena his dhe dl iT� iy a pois! ii
_ ashe EA Boston «sa ajee men wed
ispare, minepsendy
ait | Pitas �M ~61 i}
ivumte ee 500,
PRN Paeessasene eon.
re J Scale
i = eater ot