Daily Reflector, May 15, 1896

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oe Be 3) ;

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Dd ; . WHIOHARD, Baitor and Owner.


GREENVILLE, N. 0., FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1896.


~ eens ug striving to better
eeanions and improve fa-

ies. Nothing that will But Ttwas lively when the mayor yet, All in favor of tree silver and
miake this ", store is Declared he ruled the country KeKinley,
| nae Anu bd We we AnT was bound to take the chair. |
P . Cause and Effect.

barn tg ahead to win new
raies. We have just re-

calved a beantifnl addition
our already complete

soak of the following

~Silk Finished Henrietta,
Satin Duchess,
Cheviot, Creponettes,
Imperial Serge
Brocade Mohair,

Drop dTAlma, Dimities, |

Silk Landown,

Duck Suiting, Sateen,
Linen Batiste,

French Organdies,
Ginghams, Percales,

Swisses, Mulls, &e.

All weask is an inspection and
the prices will astonish you.

all-wool plaid suits,

blue cheviots,
black cheviots,


all.wool brown mixed.

brown plaid suite,
lack serge suits,
imported clay worsted:
all-wool covert cloth,

all-wool, Thibet, satin-
lined suits,

ac many other kindsT that watt
3 = men | in pan _ "_"

~| Flad a meetinT here at Billville

To settle every question

The silver bugs and goldbugs"

With a beatinT of the benches

The marshal, he kept order,

But the sheriff was ambitious, °

AnT then the chair was broken,

inated N.C. English as their candi-

~| Phenix:


CS eeeeeaetnaaiall

( We was feelinT full anT fine)

In the new financial line.

By turns they took the stand,

AnT a playinT of the band.

AnT he rushed up from the door,

AnT the mayor-"he took the floor!

AnT then, up jumps. the grocery man
oThese here accounts I hold

AgTin you Billville citizens,

Must all: be paid in goid !�

AnT then ®Tsilver man"six foot,

Or maybe six foot four-"

Laid hold oT that ere groceryman

AnT pitched him out the door !

AnT then there was a riot,

AnT while we fit anT fout .

The military took anT put

The lamps anT meetinT out!
Atlanta Constitution.


ce eeeeleememeeld

Matters Of Interest Over the State

erent meen ame

In some places in Iredell county
they have had no rain since the Ist of

The Republicans have nominated
Thos. Settle for Congress in the fifth

ty Homé for the oAged and ~Infirm areT
over 75 years old and five ate over. 85.

The Republican convention at Wel-
don nominated G. H. White, colored,
for Congress in the second distriet.

The fourth district Republicans non

date for Congress. English is a mem-
ber of the Populist executive commit-

Sixteen to one is what Mr. Ether-
edge did from his turkey, blind in
Nash, that is, he killed sixteen turkeys
at one shot having them baited so that
all heads were in a row picking peas at
| the time of the tatal shot."Rocky Mount

Now if the Court Salle him for $16
for one shoot he won't be after wild tur-
keys at this time of year any more.

Greenville is putting on airs"we now
have-a mounted policeman,

C. T, Munford is giving his resi-
dence a bnew dress of hisig

Sycamore Hill Baptist church, col-
o.ad, is undergoing Ropetiierabne re-
"| pairs.

As moonlight hights are coming on its
a good | time to talk excursions and lawn



ig tells us he has taken twelve
oe = book oCuba and the

Fight fotT Free ~since ~yesterday

ibn continue as fast

ae a Cee
ER Ee, o fe eas
gé in


Republican State Convention has not)
yét succeeded in making a nomination
for Governor.
Dockery may get it.

seated. Have made

chant, ohow Pusher can afford to ad-|

yet I have no advertising bills to meet.�

served his friend,

Hated upon the beauty of his selection.

Eleven inmates of the Rowan coun-|

| pens that sickness will come, but if you

| your. well you wil! find fever in your

is good,. and we rt

"given to the reduction ot|

cee eereionnmate

: (Special to Reflector.)
Raxeien, N.C., May 15th."The

The outlook now is that

Later 4 P. M. "Dockery delegates
no nomination

oJ donTt see,� remarked the mer-
Now, I canTt pay my rent,

oPerhaps that is the reason,� ob-

Of No Account.
Doctor"I must forbid all brain}

Minor Poet"But may I not write
some verses for the magazines /

Doctor"-Qh, certainly ; I spoke of
brain work only."Tit-Bits.

A Handsome Fountain.
ShelburnTs-new soda fountain was
put up yesterday, and it was charged
for the first time today. The fountain
is the handsomest we ever saw, and
would do credit ~to a city, to say noth-
ing of a town the size of Greenville.
The body of the fountain is of different
colored onyx, while the ornamental

gilt and set with several splendid mir-

rors. Mr. Shelburn is- to-be congratug

The Spring Cleaning.
If you have not done so it is high
time your premises had been cleaned
of all accumulations ofT trash or filth
if you expect or desire to escape sick"
ness this summer. It sometimes hap-

will cast about you will find that the
cleanest places and people have the
least amount of fever and kindred ail-
ments. Cleaning for the sake of health
~should bé one incentive if you have mo
other, yet for the sake of comfort,
all people should, keep their premises
so as not to be offensive to their own
or their neighborsT nostrils. . Your
drinkiug water may be cool and ap-
parently mght, but it you allow re-
fusé to penetrate the earth about

~family and wonder where it comes
from. Heavy rains carry more or

Now: all this is said in a general way | §

Yeapneeseg iene

* ee

aw ww. tae

work on top is finished in white and

less surface water into many. wells.}

ka pe
stock pare a range
aterials, cover ,
lete. nets of lh ,
~touts ~ar
: Serena ae aeetlon the most ¢
tensive showi:
ments sone 0

it a
sore. i

Always bring big ~crowds,

and ic them with big.
bargains. Experience haswey
proven to them that merit'of
goods substantiates deserip-
tions with us. ItTs always
little prices going on, and ee
big values going out. We invite you to look
over this advertisement and then come and see.
for yourself. Percales, Chameleon Moire, Agra
Linen, Amazon Lawn, Printed Marsalia, Lotus
Dimities, Jaconet Duchess, Japonette dTAlsace,
Chantilly Lace Gauze, Organdie Suisse, &e.
Always ask for the up-to-date dealers,


he REA FRC Ode be ee ee a
CR A i as rey TS rere TT TE
FOO OI IIT OO peneie)s 2 eds

* ¢ a a '

vee es
iy 7 y
ae ot 1G) @ ieee | ©, 8 we

= naval


sete ais


i Maree :


for ~the public good and not because a 0 2 in ja
we know of a dirty back yard; for we| #0 El d E a4)
have been nowhere to see what the] 4 : egance an conor ny |
condition of: the town is. Clean up| 3
the refuse, ~sweep off all trash, burn |4 EVEL eG a
it, and sprinkle lime or ashes about] % : Atealy og
the damp place where the sun does| #0 : @ ter ug
not shine, and we will guarantee that vs tative gathering of the choiceat Zod i is pone sedig you yourT §
~you will feel better, . the place. will aC . eG : ae
look better, you will haye), less doo, | 30 tea * i & . | . as , a
tor bills to pay, in. short, you will (eo Style, U tility | conomy . =
} transform a dirty place into ~a habft- . stag a
se eo a rm ara ce a ao Be
pen, ae * and Well, drained s0 %, hizhest novelties ~& the season. ~The collection is varied
that the fal join ning can sit out at £ and complete that every taste may be gratified and every "
night lay ~feel likeT it.Burlington | 3g purse satietied, It will pay you to see these goo before
News. 0 making your purchase. , eee: ae

Our triend ra melidbon, Greeny ille, E q
ins sat oer st afilicted by fire. | Se
New Berne sends condolences, and| 3%
trusts that Greenville. will ~soon: arise) ae
trom her trouble, and bravely gu ahead .
t |again to the accomplishment of ae : 4


ta fil aga init

nog ove. none mdent$ at.
fe ees

Aedes in



tion rates paid.to agents.
rie Sar + ~



wey *y raat

Fam Mir ikon. 1896,.

An oi xy Talks ks About Biéycies.
* ~Phere are ~old fogies, you know, and
they will talk, One of them talked to
the Landmark the other day about bi-
cycles. Alter passing sone ~timely re-
marks about ~the ery of hsrd times ~and
some folks making that anT excuse for

° ere paying ~thidir honest ~debts;T when
: thousandsT of.doliars lateT been spent
right heréin Statesville for bieycles"
Iuxuries pute ahd simple"he ~adverted
to the whedlwoman. Before touching
the latter, however, he said he.desired.
to be j ust: that he didnTt find fault
he iy for buying a wheel if ~they.|

felt they couldTafford it. His remarks, |"
he said, were 0 ~of a general nature and|T
those é 9 fit neediiTt fee
Al 5 the stesifoukn, Yon
ever, he .was ifuteresting. He pat

oYou have heard doctors say, time and
again..that. pedaling a sewing uaehine} ...


hs beeen down = a woman's

HY eee men who
: their families- bur} '

who must hire {
because the hg

fine? I believe itTs worse oif
: there i is any difference. .Aind yet some:
doctors *y, riding a wheel is healthy
es exercise! ' ~Maybe i it is, but I believe
iva just hs healthy to run/a sewing ma.
chine or
old foggy e said,� and then walked
- off, lamenting! the decadenceT ~of this |
_ generation,"Statesville Landmark.

Boiler ~Explosion in Perel

2. It was ran Dy Me W, \
x whe had |
ad about $5,000.

tt pape was unu



acter. ~Poe she of the boiler did
fiatale tubes simply. blew outT at
en coubiing their way as they went
gh the timbers and masonry. torm-|
e epiniian af the, ~mill ~and,

sas it oecurs:
rite plainly

7 ou. caeiaawaion! on sunserip-

hut. i

i eye broom, ; But Pm an)



write, :

piel ponang is
~called oHorn of Plenty.� al
mperance writer remarks that. they] a a pol

pen of a et in.

| have chosen the name wisely"for out
jot the thing shall come

| oPlenty of poverty, pense of pain,

Plenty of sorrow, plenty of shame,

Plenty of broken " bgt "

e and sealed;

Twenty live i Si ar into a
box in. which tmenty Regios are made
de vibe ot: ~court

on = ~ re : 23 ~3 ;
tTs olocal option.�

" Kill all the srakes"thatTs oProhibi-
role ide.


The -qnestién Pedder, or not a
propercy-owner may "
ages for the location of asaloon in his
neighborhood i is raised for the first time
in Maryland, it is suid, by a
has been instituted in the Baltimore
Court of Common Pleas, The suit

was Drought, by

who, live. at ALLS n street.




Ae Y ~

aye hich

PRONE epee


Danger. ne

pie 1 ile

: ae


We, wish. to say to.,the? cpiee au-
dience of Charity and. Children what
paster Rick said last Sunday night to
the children at the Oephanage, that
the lend, and lusfal illustrated . news-
papers of the day are ct the pit; and
the devils: best enticement to beguile
bright boys nto sin and shatne Charity



me Twelve ies nickle,� with which our}
boys are tempted to destruction. He}
B. had tebted thim ¢
it, The Les is them j intpregnated ~with ~opitm'; aie 3
ee AKG saps, is the universal rule and is een
great, reuson why, cigarette smoking is} |
at Onge so seductive dnd so dang i
oAll who smoke the things oare EAL
not only the, tobacco hubit, but thep
opium habit the: mostT difficult yok all
habits to breuk. The 4
| us contained ' besic

hymecally, and found |.

» American and English, ¢

= ~thie @ te


" re poe a the
| the: other fikeen

over. oto. ibe

recover dam-
suit that

Cloonan and

Tobin kk Wa |
what se may devour, finds Mr, Hog in
very bad plight, ». He _ Staggers 8 about
about ufiable to Keep his feet. Very
mudh disgustetl Mrs. Hog, exclaimsT:

oNow ain't you. ashamed of yourself
: you are as drunk as a man !� Mr. Hog,
| very meekly: oYes; deat (hic), I was
oas. sober a8, a, pgagt, w
sour beer that run into the gutter from
"| those kegs. | :

until: . i drantk, the},

»shown } =
desT ~the ~cigarettes. al.
sammy of a onoted beauty,� and al
siip of paper, on one side of which}
| Was printed a list of fumous ~running:

pictures 8x10 inches could bef

~ ndenfed. oHe listened to the young
menTs conversation, but did not give
"| any opinion. ~ThereT "was also one
room 4 Mr, Mevonald, a minister of
tke artes: owho, hearing ~what the
, | Young men were saying, stepped up to;
®| the policeman and said :
m Pray sir, what have you to ~~
| about temperanee ?�

I have to say is that I never took a
teeto taler to prison in my life "Tem-
perance Banner. *

~ One Set Missing.

it ace mnmenndl

new girl, oeverything is eaten now with
forks: Here are the strawberry forks,

and the bread torks.�

ly. :

A few days later when a company
dinner was in progress the first course
came near being a failure. Hannah
explained :

oI hunted everywhere, maTam, but I
couldn't find the soup forks""Detroit
Free Press.

A Gobbler on a DuckTs Nest.

They dlaim $5,003 frown: Pa hens ge

Drinane and her ohusband, Patrick Mr. R. W. Tanle _" here ~odeohes
Drinuné,; who have a. saloon at 113|#¢ when asked if he oknew anything,�
PerkinT streeh | The (any is. forT als said he hadw turkey. gobler setting on
fa deprsiod in L ue of the prop: a nest full of duck eggs.. It came about

, | this way, tie turkey. ben is setting out
in the. field, and the gobbler getting
| lonesome found a duckTs nest with an
egg, which he began setting on, and
when Mrs. Ingle found the, old gobbler
meant business she gaye him a nest. of
| of seventeen duck eggs, and he is doing |
the work equal to any turkey hen."
Burlington News,


Brown"Why is 4 man like an egg ?
Miss Smith-Because he is soft.
Brown"No. . If you keep him in
hot water he is bound to become hard-
fended. 3 :

TTse mighty skittish oT de man datTs
~so ~awfully pure.

tation Philosophy.

" a TT

The Fagot Party. "

If one has a wide fireplace anda num-
ber of friends who are good story-tel-
lers, a fagot party may be a pleasant
form of entertainment. Give to each
guest a ribbon-tied bundle of fagots or
bits of wood, place cozy seats about
the fire and ask number one (the ribbons
should be numbered) to throw her fuel
upon the fire. As it burns a story is
to be told, neither longer nor shorter
than the time of its burning, and as

(join Gg the § ion vis the light dies out number two begins
Ate igor We noni ane pads Reape ileowe| NE, A Tom for a fast party
~ only | y candles an
| saw ~mil Gum Nek val pond and the still chureh,"C) hristian_ En-| the firelight. Finish the evening with |
| ! Vand killing |asavoe, ~| an informal ~danee, if your guests are
Vere . pte of the dancing habit, and with a light
7 ae oS| and dainty supper, as most of us are of |
is Traps. the eating habit."N, Y. Post. Ce
Not verys long cage) a gent] man }
showed us se age of cigarettes, f

Poring, Ceil nti

~Jaritn eve tis tr
Banking rey at

othe| firma

oWell,� replied the policeman,� all

oHannah,� said the mistress to the]

theice cream forks, the orange forks} (

g *
oYesTm,� said the girl attentive-|

De baby datTs washed }
too much ainTt got good health."Plan-}

se summer.
ba livered w

av prompt ly send t me your orders:

ies Five Points. _

| wt L.¢

is Bank solieite,
the accounts of merchauts, farmers and

38 of Sieg Coy onsible persons and
Meniter g all the courtesies that

are usually extended by a well "cant gaa
ted and obliging banking

_. Collections merge "Promptly and at
owest rates.





ing their yearTs supplies will find
their interest to get our prices befere pu.
~chasing elsewhere. Ourstock ts ¢ sriat ete
n allits branches. |

RICH, ~LEA, &c.
always ul LOWEST M*2eT Pato:


we .buy direct from Manufacturers, ena.)
bling youto buy at one profit.� A com
slote stock of


always onhand and sold at prices tosuit
the t imes. Our a oods areal! bought and
sold for CASH therefore, having no-risk
to run,we sell at a close margin,

s. M. SCHUIY ~Freenville: N CO)


are what you want in



i {ned

Because an old style hat never
shows the wearer to be up to date.


is in and sai bicaund the very latest
styles aud shapes of new Pattern

I also have a ovals ne of
Shirt Waists, Stamped Linens,
Em broidery Silks, Ribbon Collars
and other new goods.

My entire stock i is prettier than
ever before.


I am now prepared i furnish
Ice in any. quantity, and will keep
well supplied throu aghout the

All orders in town de-j}
ithout extra charge.

en you. want to be served
W. bw aeamoas

(cain Agt.


ever sheet in acacia:

sure to see my sgmples. All new�
styles, not ap iece in the lofty

Will take pleasure in bringing
~samples to your home if you will -
notify:me at my shop near ios
bers oi | ~ ;

Greeny ille Market.

Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.
Bntter, per lb 15 to 26
Western Sides 6to7 .
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 12§--
Corn 40 to 60
Corn Meal 50 to 65:
Flour, Family ithies & 6,00.
Lard 4 to10 .
Oats to 40
| | Sugar 4 to
8 | Coffee 16 to 25
Salt per Sack 80 to.1 76
a | Chickens 10 to 25 ..
| Eggs per doz | 10 to 11


Beeswax. per

Cotton and Peanct.

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for sar? ay, «8s furnished

by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-
chants of Norfok :

Good Middling 8
Middling 1
Low Middling 7

Good Ordinary 6 13-16

Tone"dull. :

Prime © .
Extra Prime ropes af
ancy 34
Spanish yl $1.10 bay
Tone"tirm, | | ay


ne me Sa


BY 0. L. JOYNER. 3

Tors."Green.... ; 1 to Qh

sf Brighi..!. dedi cs 400 R I

Ba ane,

eee eee

Mi MBS ricci. 8 tO4.
Luas"Common.i.:.. .../440 16.
© Good, ...i5¢0) - TAO

Pim. 2d 2105 1g td 28!
bomen Coes. Ft pa 6 to 11:
o Good.) 7! ....198 to 20).
Fine... seqep db to rat

+ ey" r

Professional Cards,;,,

ee ene


nn nents etme Sette ae

Greenville, N. C-

GS Va'uable Properties for Sale. or
Rent. Correspondence solicited, Re-

fers to Mercantile and Banking Houses "
of Greenville. Office on main street.


kL)? Successors to Latham & Skinnner.

John E. Woodard, eaading:

ae ee

Wilson, N. C;.
~Greenville, No

Special attention Riven | ta ¢ ollec ions
and settlement. of claims.

~{irdenville, N. 4

Sorell orci as ar ree



Patronage colicized Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressing Gents Claehes & specialty:

Pee be emma een


2 On ah tm i


Special attention ee to cleaning.
Gentlemens Glotiiary Le hye

A. Fo8eoRiai. anti


A Bret class Shave on 0 oF hm a.
~Cut guaranteed. Trimmain Ladies
Boneh sisonriante rs a



ech wei tnieigns tie net ee eee eee ee iii ep ti Sie nang ss

oAND p ataxours) 5 te ke cousin: er ~all Apacing The er tinns Baas ff [ fe
; Se: a ~instead of going to China, sets up « SHR ORE
: basket-making or broom-making shop| +f ff s ieee Tain &
_| in the Chinese quarter, and begins to ~| = iff ~Rigi
undersell his former employer, and also ei es eens a
capture his customers. The other Chi- eer
to take his place, continuing: tt : GIVES YOUMTHE NEWS; 'RESH EVER!
oisnneee sym nome dues te, enough of them have learned the busi- OONNEXCLPTSUN YIAND
ii an Zs es ae ee oe "| ness to set up a large factory. It is _ WORKS FOR THE BFS" :
te 7 5 S12): 488 There are about 2,000 Chinese voters'| by this means that they acquired the . : ~ENTEEISTS OF. ae
Sea oO ol onde 4 RN in this city, and within the next five | knowledge of shoemaking, ete"San| pee ' 1G
A; M. P.M: a M years 3,000 or 4,000 male Chinese, ~Dern Francisco Cor. Philadelphia "Times, eh 2s o- Se u Li ? a ie ~ ; ,
Line Weldon | 11 55 94 in this city, will have attained the age eit E ghalibetth Lag
' Aty Roeyk Mt.) 1, 00110. 30/0 «| : fat 24 years, and, therefore, will be en- LUCKY FIGS-"-UNLUOKY OPALS. %
OS | nn ne tled to vote. They acquire this priv- Former with Two, Legs} No Good and Lat- GREENVILLE FIRST, PITTCOUNTY.£ er © 02 \
2 de. ilege under the 14th amendment to the ter for Folk Born in October.
Ux Tarvoro 12 12} '- .~ Jeonstitution of the United States. They"the girl with the violets and OURIPOCKET BOOK THIRD,
L : lta |. | ean} et, under the treaty between this | the girl with the feather boa"came
Ly dl ; a 2 : oe : = country and China, the voterTs father | into the public tearoom and settled at =
; , |cannot be naturalized, and is, there- | one of the small tables, She of the vio- | ie "_"" . ee 3
E Fiticts oo 1 07) . | fore, not.a citizen. The population of | lets studied the menu. It was her | ae ne 3 ea
Ar. Fld 7 25| 3 14 ~ | the Chinese quarter is about 35,000,and | treat. She of the boa drew her gloves & int as ket Ae edie
eck asi Sle tested, the coming Chinese suffragists, in ad- | off and then began to study her neigh- SUBSCRI P TION 25 Cents: a MO.
et Ss, dition to those: who have already. ar- |. bors. Presently the order was given. (ty : a (VEE ee ae
is 3 r rived at the voting age, will soon cut | It was not for a chocolate eclair and a
An : an important figure in the politics of pickle, by the way. Then she of the
cer ul dla 6a | this city and state. They are now be- violets began to draw off her gloves,
L Wil P.M. pie ing courted by the politicians, who are | ~her companion chattering about others
re ore | i 7 06 | looking forward to 1896, : at luncheon in the room. Suddenly
Uv Magnolia |. 4 16 8 10| Notwithstanding the prohibitory | she stopped her chatter and gasped:
Ar Wilmington| 5 43 9 45|/laws Chinese laborers percolate | oMargaret! What a beauty, Wherq
~ |P. ML A. M | through British Columbia on the north | did you get it? ArenTt you afraid to , shay ging 7
and come up through Mexico on tle kgiotd a On, se wad tie hates 2e8
TRAINS GOING NOTERH. south. The Chinsse not only engage | oWha my opa y, Ubar- "PUBLISH ED EVE T r
3 ~ in all kinds of industrial labor, but are | ley brought me the stone from Mexico RY WEDNE ESD ay AT
Dated ne he 3. | leading the Californians in the manu- | last spring, and mother had it set for
ae | facture of many articles and are also | ne at Christmas. No, ITm not afraid
April 20 sm y : : r.
1896. Mes , 7; 4 entering the professions. They manu- | to wear it. It's perfect nonsense about
tees er inn atl nm nie | een facture shoes and sell them at 25 to 10 | opals being unlucky. I donTt believe in |
A. MIiP.M. per cent. cheaper than does the Cau. | such things, anyhow. ITm not the least , |
Ly Florerce 8 40 7 4) casian manufacturer. They have nnu- | bit superstitious,� , " his is the Peo
Uv Fayetteville! 11 10). 9 40 merous shops, where mending and rc- | oWell, I wouldnTt wear an 1 opal for :
Lv Selma 12 Bij pairing are done at cut rates, and these | anything, unless I had been born in
Ar Wilsc n 1 20/11 35 cobblers are largely patronized by reat ~ Ae may be api soregs but ; THE TOB ACCO Dkp ABTMEN'T, W H Ico. .
Cn ties tae ane o~~~ | white people who are not averse to say-| Since Christmas. you've lost your ~ ite
+5 +7 ing a few dimes. They make fine calf- | purse"� I8.A REGULAR FEATURE OF THE pap ER, 7.
e: skin shoes for three and five dollars,} oOnly a dime and a glove buttoner 1S ALONE WORTA MAN Y; TIMES THE
a | |} | | for which the white shoemaker will | and some samples in it! SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, a
| res P, m.| charge five and eight dollars. They | o"And your watch; and two stick | | oS
be Same 9 25 ey ()| manufacture and retail cigars at onc | pins, to my certain knowledge; and I | ate Se at wa eS oe
Lv olla... | WW G21... 8 30) cent, which the white man sells at otwo | believe it was that opal!� ioe "(0 Jom mmm meth LT GE
Ly =r ro � i o1 o| 9 36) for five.� These are mainly purchased | oNonsense! It wasnTt the opal at all. ~ade iS oee
at Wilson : 1@ 27) by youths.and blatant boodlums, who |Jt was my pig.� | ye
Ly Larboro ra gt 248; LUE sealiep upeh the eériers and adnan oYour pig?� When you heed I - Tak | Ade ee
o. | a +! | bhe oheathen.� Recently several new oYes. My lucky pig! You know
. a i Po ~markets have been established in the RR ig * hear Hit e pair per te
2 oP oe aS We gS 2b © y)Chinese quarter, where every kind of | out of ebony, for as, & |
i A 1g etsy Aa leap za i. | fish and pati may be had fein Hun- New pines ban die took it off my Abe . JOB PR IN
P. M. P. Mie, M, | dreds! of Chinese are edntinually en-| chain to show to some one, and be-
Ly Wilson | 1 20 11 34 10 39 gaged in fishing and trappinggame, A | tween us we dropped it; and as I
Ar bite el 2 17) 12 Iv" 11°15 | great deal is dried and shipped to east- | stepped back to see where. it had
. ee Dol | ern markets, But, it is common to see | fallen I stepped on it and broke off two
tr. Ta ee aq | AV, |.» | | Jnousewives and servants in the Chinese | of its cae bat m Dad ca ra
e arkets bargaining for vegetables und | course with only a two-legged p
Ar welde " wi . a aa has A rotate pei npc gaat a thiny | bound to have the lamest sort of luck

/i0 \ ) was not to be thought of. Bevies of | this year.�
women~ are seen daily in the Chinese |. oThat was hard luck. But I thought

Train on Scotland vet Braneh Road oY Duy jesT amd childrenTs | you weren't superstitious.� ? 6 a
eaves Weldon 8.56 pyim. .° Haditax 4,1 | Tet Puy ing ladiesT and childrenTs y

~Shoes, the manufacture of which isa| oWell, 'm pot. But everyone knows WE H AVE AMPLE F AGiurrres: Pot 4M itil
Glaudiaan and Neck pores i sialty about luc igs. And the idea of blam-
®., ville, 647 p, m:, /Kiwbten-7. a specialty - with the Chinese. And ky pigs.

4a wherev , it 1. Why, opals canTt do FOR THE WORK AND DO ALL
. OY, herever @ woman can get things | ing i on my opal. JY, Opais can t
: - Foatiabares | faved ramet cheaply she will purchase, becatise:she | 2ny harm, anyhow. My birthdayTs the KINDS OO}: COMMERCIAL. AND
Halifax at 11:00 a. m., Welden 11.20 am will thes: hevemiastmeney! to buy atber | Teh of Oetober.�"Chieago danaieens : "TOBACCO WA
lallyjexeopt: eupagy tay ale things with, The ~manufacture . of | 2!d. :


dindah 4 piiadicn: ecumghors ig algo a. speeniy "A burglary insurance company has Qo
sbhin atdnié. , lobe ese daily Nahe . oee inine | ~@¢n the field, which is apparently a
ives Ps twele AY | {jewachag y visited by fem new one in the insurance line. It isa

~arboro 9.45 a. : og Boston concern, and already fs doing 0 y k d r I h \ r
Tarboro.3.30 pP-ih., can rl polling � egetables and fish is one of business in 11 states"mec tine With a ur or an r CES b uil our atro ons,
and 6.20 p. wm prives 8) Washington their leading industries. Market hours success which its manige:s hardly
iy ~. M., ~ont 7.00 oe m. Daily ex: pontinue throughout the day, and street dared to anticipate. Most ~pt | poy ighs aa Pas oo

inday. Cothects wi dae ob on venders on foot pret in wagons may be | oe! for av eline-howtes, und (he? pdl! ee

ceo Neek Dhani, igi. { Betnin atl parts of the city crying thetr cies mre usually for, $500! or $1064 to

in leaves huduoro, | Sy Via Abbe: vommédities in cracked yoices - anid | over losses from the depredations of |
marle & Raleigh k. 4%. daily exeepr Sun. | broken English, |... ~burglars. . | ta ey 2% 00K.

ane Plywouth hae a 3 va: M;1- In/addition to shees dnd all kinds of |, rly nn ,
' -» 4-40 P. 10.) Glothing, they manufacture brooms, ~Aree ts Aner
Rena irk ves eee a dai) excep" jew ery et Aco and can all kinds JUST RE CEIVED
snheva bandas eit ~bs Marjan fie AL. ., ry on fruit for shipment. They Jearned | ~~wmrrn~rw rrr rrr

this on ~the fruit ranches; dnd in can- ) rer Dene
Trainon Midland N, C. Jocanch leaves neries, ~where ~they were employed at} ~t Atel Mitte of

| _ Golddbore-daity, except Nundas . 6.05 :
mm, arriving Smtthtield 7°30 a, Pas! Hig one dollar a day. New they purchase

| durning leaves Scaithtield 600 'a. my an the fruit, can it, and ~andersell their Family : GROCERIES,

nay. pa



__ Pives ut Goldsbors 9.30 a. m. former employers. bo a |
e Trams in Nushville pemngh leay |, When the Caucasian manufacturers "" Consisting; of " A full line of Ledgers. Day oda: Wewoten: and Tine.
Rocky Moone bly Atl ok ht pts Ad Nilay AL uoaghe lat tao a Booke, Receipt, Draft and Note Books, Le,al Cap, Fools Cap
am Bout thee pana few years reid would have a rival), and F lour, ; Lard, Bill Cap, Letter and) Note Papers. Envelopes all sizes ard gs tyles;, a
ee Sn m +) Nashville 3,3) a an, aitive at} one that is gradually driving them out M at, sah Oe 8) fle ~Handsome Box; Papeterier, em 10. cepts and u School ~ He
aig Mount 9.05 4 me daily except} of business. | The Ch went to work �,� " 0 1ee, Jets, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Pens and en-Holders: &¢.

bag lay. | at making shoes for $1.50 a day, sup- Meal, | oSu, Full line Popular Novels by best authois. Tbe Celebrated. Dis.
é., ralus on Latta branch, Mloreiice R ~Planting white; meh who wete receiy: | ! ug | mond loks, all colors, and Cream Mucilage, the Lest made; covstantly |

leave Lazts 4.40pm, airive Dunbat| ing three doll day. The : coe agent for the Parker Fou
a 80 2 Clo 8.05 Saat ts éternine mB Beige aiden § Mita cng a hea els ke jon hand. We are sole agent f P plain Pen.
. odour rei vane We ahadally os 630 un 100 men prides himself upon his stroke ie } ;
a ¥ exeept Sun | o¢ economy. Now the Chinpees bays : | which Tram
g w for ciaeceh, soto compere at the heal an btn : span econ
ue ave 10 a. m. and 8.50 | get skilled labor at me Gatien a day

Nothing |

fequals itand every businessman should have one. Kiasets Sponge
Cup, Pencil-Hoiders, Rubber Bands, &c. Don't forget us when, 78, r
want anything in the Stationery line. © ©

a Beturaing surprise. GREER VILLE : ¢ we
eet oh Come sooitn | A The Charlotte |
Ei SPER tie ie ~Academy, OBSERVE
~eal ps N Tel Son gna of 0 our own heathen, Rs square. fale | enny. :
ey hide thy ele prlavbe ead ctor : �"� de lee T North Carolinas ork "
= ee ~ ; . : utions, | our vel Ai p YOREMOST ee
Lo Cc. | mikguided mis#ohary sogicties nic f os ion sivhacharn.all Hae ioranes NEWSPAPER a
as 8 ee Manag®r "| took to al misdenary this oheathen,� mm area an Academy, LDAIUY 6 3 it ee
K : aes who has « religious belief much older os " AOS, on
than our civilization, - ) Missions and THE | Bhietse both for. tuition and ohoard AND Ww ee a oe
schools were established an the mis: |. Boys. well fitted. and. equipped for be si BEKLY, ts : a
pany a the ld through the slums of | business, by taking the academic! . PTA VE
our city Jo the fie course alone, ~WhereT they wish to! Independent ;
shrewd @ dabavdll ~gher course, | this school) more attrac
1 | opportu guaran _thorongh preparation to! invaluable wa
| purse of enter, with credit, any College in North office, the room
Caroline or the. State Uni isn. 1 ON RO a ah i
refers tc ,108¢ who have recently left THE DA :
ae ite wallT ~or the: tr hess of this, tna
ry oo pn Boson ' | all oa6 ; Com .
ry ye al of hic othe Only Sir-Doler Dai ol apy zongme wih ceracer aa! Ret sta a
gion Lbou ra real conver- |. its Cla the St Be oe wl b + ar oage ~® course with | :
| were those 0 white women | f pene iu 11g arran
ichers who marcas thelr Chinese ; ass in tate, _ | mente to Cau in wee hook, |
ll eee TO LIT The discipline will be bent at ie
dence o nde _Havors Lamived Free Coinage present standard. - eS eee
pt At ver) adi RBepesih Nelther time. noe attention or|T SOR
fer celhrarmcelis nti week
i) wesc negh sia ONL
2 i. as i ea w� H. Phuberce oe ay i i

. Beautiful, stylich, np-to-d: ates
- vcumpate than ever before.

. FaneLay RIPPLES,

hw wissts,

of different kinds wd description.

Never were they more beautiful

~than this season.


"Come see our"

da Vist SB,

| ~eye are the ~correct styles and

eee menl

a eines EDGING and

and lesa

: LaceCurta |

Wintoy Shades. Curtain, Poles.
tine ol ,

Oxford T ies

for Ladies and Children that has
oever been equalled in this town.

Shoes, Shoes,

-for every baber who wants an
honest, reliable, wearing articles.





to protec you fromthe sun and
Ce ein.

Gentlemen come and examine our |

line of"

-Bhirts, ~Ties Collars, Cuffs, Straw
and oFar Hats, Suspenders� ~aud
. Shoes in correst styles,
est quality ary popular prices.
'e ~ an and will please you if you
will give a8 a call.

Oar. tine of" :

: raiture

sand oStibraees� many Ts.)

a. uel atic of of st Ee rea
" Oar Oak aot ove
o wears Roo

chore 0 ee

|. Passenge

~succeed at anything.

' ess,
vives iba y udull business,
Rescuce mane a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
S-cures suceess to any business,

To oadvertise judiciousiy,� use Hae,
- feolasabs of the RigyLEoTOR,� |
gpurstere 7 ecaees 7 © gRaaw AND BOAT SCHEDULES. "

r°and mail train going
north, arrives 8:22 A.M. Going South,

irrives 6:47 P ae a
(| "Rowan ait ri co 0:80 A
M, leaves)

south Bound Freight, arrives, 2:00 P.

LM. leaves.2:16.2. M.

steamer ~Tar River arrives from ~Wasb-
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for jigtéu Tuesday, Thurs
day aod apeeraty-

Vaateich bbiberbe.

Fair tonight and Saturday.



Ss cceeaeaiemmaail

For arti in the New Month.


Viringtd Butter for sale at D.S.

Try the Dried Beef Ham at J. S,

Those who do not try, will never

Best 5 cent. Cigars in town at J. L.
Starkey & BroTs.

"" Prepared Bhckwhent! at:
the Old Brick Store.

Weed! Drinks wt J, L. Starkey &

+ BréTs.

Fresh Butter. N. Y. State and CarrTs
Jat S. M. SchultzTs.

PittijohnTs Breakfast Food, 15 cents
ja package, at the Old Brick Store.

Harry L. SchlesingerTs fine Candies
in pound boxes, at J. L, Starkey &

Best Fulton Market Beef just re-
ceived by J. S. Tunstall.

This hind of weather puts sea-
shore notions into peopleTs heads.

The oSouthern, y7, ail


Nothing equals it. D. S. Surru.

80 to Morris Meyers. :
; Some of the pcjection are here. took-|
ing after i insurance on the mill.

I am prepared to furnish ~Tee Cream

Morxis- Meyer.

The young people of Farmville will|
have a ball on. Thavaday night, 21st.

If you want lee Cream, Soda Water
Milk: Shakes, Coco Cola, Lemonaae}
and Sherbets call on Morris Meyer.

There is to be~a tournamént and pio. |

[nic at Vanceboro on the 29th of May

Cod Fish, Trish enone ~Prep
Backwheat, Oat Flakes, Cheese, » Mai
caroni, P. Re Molases, at S. Mt


Can Toinatoes, of Pane Cher-
ries, span Pears and Pmeapple.

. L E ~aa ' is i Pet Sere f


lead to the recovery of a black oe
weighing about 30 Rate "ie :
out ot pen at my residence on

H. rEg

H. ny proprietorT of

tthe *


ol Lacie in ey 5

: ~aban gg | lower prices than o other house. vith


ie ay

gnd wear beirut ns Won plikT
in ge " focal i ae

When ycu want a real good smoke}

_ |to families in any quantity. Give me}
| fyour orders,

See a ee ee

~that got os

4 Pani Hos, Washington, N. Cy '

ue ret give |

A vain manTs :motte.is +1 Win, gold}

Z R Moore: went 10 Birgu to-day.

F, A Harding went to Parmele: -
day. .

of sickness. ; :

last night here. ee
eee Hi ii

Lovit Hines returned this. morning
lice ~Goldsboro, oo

Mayor J. i habia, of avi
spelt to-day heres


sic? Rok.

Miss Annie Baker went to Palmyra :

to-day to visit triends. .

Mrs. a f. Barnhill, of Bermela,!
who has been visiting her parents
here, returned home this morning:
T. L. Hancock and wife left. this
morning tor Parmele where Mr. Han-
cock has secured, work.

Mrs. Robert Lee, of Wilson, who
has been spending a few days with
Mrs. C. T. Munford, revarned home

C. D. Rountree, E. A. Moye and W.
L. Brown returned Thursday from the
meeting of the Grand Lodge of Odd).
Fellows at Goldsboro.

Many a merchant whose prayers are
long canTt catch. trade because his ad is
too short." PrintetTs Ink.

If you wanta good smoke try an
El Sultan Cigar made especially for my
trade. Jussi W. Brows.

Parker getting:a,shipment ot ice to-
day made Five Points took cooler, if it
didnTt feel much that way.

oUncle John� Cherry says the
cyclone that strack Washington Tues~
day night made things lively down
there for awhile.

The several townships of the county
hold. primaries to-morrow to select dele-
gates to the County Convention on
the 20th,

The burn.ng of the mill plant caus-
ing: a stop to.putting in clectric lights,
for the present at least, the town au-
thorities ought to replace the street
lamps that have ~been destroyed or

; Lead j| broken and make an improvement in
the lend as the best 5 cent smoke.

such lights as we have.

/ 10,000 Sample
~Straw Hats. Cet one
at youron price.

| Frank Wilson.

wi 9 froin his teeent | :
Su iting 00 = 2 Lumber Co. will put in a small

E. W, Smith, ay Mout, spent

|plantiat once to) mikeT roughT lumber.
Everybody will rejoice at this start, and
will hope to see she plant grow to as
great proportions as the one that was
destroyed on the Lith,

They Must Come. :
Because the town charter put a. tem-
porary stop to water works, and the
-|burning of the mill to the electric Tight
plant, these enterprises. should not be
laid entirely on the shelf. They are

of too much importance and Greenyille| .

must have both. The town must Keep! op
right on the up grade notwithstanding
a misfortune smites us now and then.

The Engine All Right,
The fire engine has been thoroughly

ioverhauled and was taken out ~Churs-

day afternoon to be tested. Foreman
F. M. Hodges tells us the test was very
satisfaetory and that the engine is low
in good order. Mayor Forbes has also
|given orders that. the engine be inspect-
ed after every use and that everything
needed to be done be attended to
promptly. A new suction hose and
some additional reel hose has been 9r-


see here


just as & seat od: ~cat comes to fear)
even cold water, buyers who find
themselyes hoodwinked by plaus-
ible advertising set a advertise-
down as good for nothin nt
a careful, straightforward
vertiserssuffer with the rest. come
and see us and you will not be
disappointed. look over this list.


bleached. domestics, indigo
prints, outingT cloths, duch-
esse jaconats, fresh percales,
navy Serge, french storm
serge, brocaded bateste, ete.,
in profusion and prices way

A big , line of R. & G.
Gahabte just received.

H. ©. HOOKER & CO. mx


The Great Bargai


Bargain Sale To Close.

n Sale will only continue
Five Days, May 11 to 16, inclusive. Positively
ne goods sold at cost after May 16th. ~Secure
lsome of the barguins now and save money. 900
Straw Hats at 5 cts. 500 Straw Hais at 7 cts.

arge stock of Umbrellas,
Shoes to select from at cost.


Biase la us


Million Dollars, |
"Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.

| The Scotland Neck Bank, Saas
Neek, N.C.

Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, x C.
_R. R. Fleming, Pactolus. N.C.

D. W.~ Hardee, Higgs Bros.,
Greenville, N.C.

We respectfully solicit the accounts
of firms, individuals and the general

edon application.

& Frugal Husband

tisements for


Flour of all grades, Selected Teas,
Pure Coffees and Spices, rere :

and Cheese from the best

Fruits in variety, because we are
the people for GroceriesT


Dress Goods and) ~hea


and the cheapest line of
MATTING in the town. lL ots
to 23 cts yard.

of Philadel phia,tailor-mad de C.
ing for Men and Boys,
line of Samples you ever saw.
|Come mire : ost Sl
i is the pretties


ever Saw Ag a b

RawleT Jowelry =

Oa Ne

|Representng a Capital of More Than a Half

Checks and Account Books faraish- :

Will always watch our adver: .

choice Svrups and Molasses, For- :
eign and Domestic Fruits, Canned

Hate, OW GentsT rey ss

Agent for Wanamaker & bho

Biggest ,

at them and ate a

io oagr. eee

H.'B. GLARK. "

Daily Reflector, May 15, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - May 15, 1896
May 15, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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