Daily Reflector, April 20, 1896

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

~D. J, ~WHICHARD, ~Editor and Owner.


. mame

Vol. 3.


Is selling

Jf ew
yf ovelties

guit the



of Dress






" { ; id
; ( a ; 2
,, i tr ye HF GRD ay

Matters Of Interest Over the State.

boro, Friday.



There was a $20,000 fire at Golds-

The annual Convention of the Dio-
cese of East Carolina, Protestant Epis-
copal church, will meet in Wilmington
May 2Ist.

Monroe Johnson, a negro who has
been on trial in Charlotte for break-
ing into a house and trying to murder
the inmates, has been found guilty of
murder and sentenced to hang May 23.
An appeal was taken.

Alfred Davis, colored, had a live
gannet in town Tuesday. The bird
was caught by a clam, The clam fast-
ening itself to the birdTs foot, and it
was easily captured. The bird meas-
ared 6 feet from tip to tip of its wings
atid'is rather rate here, being a bird
that is most frequently found: in Flor-
ida."Beaufort Herald.


Result of Games Played Saturday at
Various Places,

Philadelphia"Boston 1 ; Philadelphia
Lynchburg"Lynchburg 18 ; Peters-
burg 9.
Baltimore"Baltimore 6 ; Brooklyn 2,
St. Louis"St. Louis 4; Cleveland

Cincinnati"Pittsburg 9 ; Cincinnati

Louisville"Louisville 9 ;



gates to the State convention. In| *
nearly every instance the delegates | ;
were instructed for the free coinage of}

1 geven men lost their lives.



Violin playing is the present fashion

like to get a beau on the string.

Among the Romans the emblem. of!

sub rosa.

A Kansas court has ruled, that. a
man, who calls upon a woman regularly
and takes her to entertainments ocea-
sionally, is legally engaged to marry

When an office seeks the man in
these degenerate days, it doesnTt -have
to walk ten steps from the door before
it finds a willing recipient.

Down in Kentucky, in order to show
their high estimation of a young lady,

able female accomplishment. The girls |T

secrecy was the rose ; hence the phrase

her friends got up a dog fight in her
honor. And it is said that the young
lady thought it was perfectly olovely.�

When an Indiana octogenarian took
out his sixth marriage license the other
day at Greensburg, to marry an 18.
year-old girl, he asked for a reduction
in the price on the ground that he had
been a good customer and that he was
likely to ocome again.�


ocera eiesate tent

Democratic conventions were held in

silver at the ratio of 16 to one.

An explosion occurred in another
mine in Montana, on Saturday, and

Washington"New York 7; Wash-
ington 6. |
Richmond"Richmond 6; Roanoke
Portsmouth""Portsmouth 6; Nor-
tolk 8. ;
Montgomery"Montgomery 15 ; Bir-
mingham 0.

New Orleans"New Orleans 1 ; Mo-
bile 2.

Columbus"Columbus 3; Atlanta 6.

Let All Help.

I write this as an earnest invitation
to every follower of our Lord Jesus in
Greenville and vicnity to unite with
us in the efforts we are making to ad-
vance the cause of Christ in our town.
Many ways open for ecch to help.

1. Come and come promptly. dSer-
vices at 10 A. M. and8 P. M.

2, Join in the songs and freely aid in
the work, remembering that it is your
FatherTs house and your FatherTs work.

3, Consecrate your varied powers to
the work and follow the SpiritTs guidance
both during the services and at other

It. is possible that some willing hearts
may of necessity be prevented from this
active co-operation but all can aid oby
way of the throne.� Izet- every one
whio loves the cause of Christ pray for
this work. N. H. D. Witson.

Not Flagged, But Withdrawn.°

Mr. J. E. Hancock, of Scotland Neck,
calls the attention of the REFLECTOR
to an incorrect report of his horse in
oar issue of the 16th giving an account
of WednesdayTs races. In the fifth heat
of the first race his horse, Orphan, was
reported flagged when he was with-
drawn, Mr. Haneock having gone to
the judges after the feurth heat and
asked permission to withdraw his horse.
Orphan had come in last on every heat
save one, but the gentlemen who re-
ported the races. for the. Reriector
used ~the term oflagged� with ito: inten�
tion of doing any injustice,

IIvn, ~Thomas J, Tavis has ~aceepted
anvinvitation to deliver the ~litérary ~ad-

Two persons were killed, two proba-
bly. fatally injured and two others se-
fously hurt by lightning at Wallace,

Saturday night at Philadelphia the
old Pennysivania railroad depot, eight
Pullman cars and thirty passenger
coaches were destroyed by fire. The
loss is estimated at $350,000. ~Two
firemen were killed and several others
injured by falling walls.


Look After the Cemetery.

Councilman W. L. Brown, who is
cummitteeman to look after Cherry
Hill cemetery, has had a talk with the
RerLector about some needed im-
provements to the cemetery. The only
funds available for doing any work
there is what arises from the sale of
lots, and such sales occur 80 seldom
that not sufficient money comes in to
keep up necessary repairs. Sometime
ago the hard winds blew down much of
the fencing, and the grounds also need
cleaning up, but the amount on hand
lacks about $10 being enough to do this
work. We undetstand that seme
young ladies will call on the citizens
for contributions to help on the work
and they should mect a cheerful re

It would be well if the money arising
from the occasional sale of lots could be
used only for adorning the cemetery,
and some other means-devised. to-yraise
what is needed for keeping .up repairs
and cleaning out the grounds. In this
way it could be made far more oattrac-
tive than it nowis. The cemetery
should at-no time be neglected or show
a want of care.

Silver Wedding.

Many ot our people have received
handsomely engraved invitations read-
ing as follows :

ISTE o 1896.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Forbes
request the pleasure of your company
at the
~Twenty-fifth Anniversary
of their martinge,

isle band eed ees gies tua A

drege a thd tere thu" Gosiielic.
ah SI City dom %

Ae 1B s



shiris }

shirts iF eae ~ te

hirts, Shirts, Shirts.

shirts Ghirts,


Nebraska, on Saturday, to select dele |




} 13148

¢ 89









o$ezarqs |




shirts :

~Collars Attached,


Collars Detached,
Collars without Shirts.

Come and see my grand display of jst

""Come and see our grand""

i? PL ee ae res a
Biren i R i : jhe EB hin oe PG ris Maes eee s 2
S f RIN C x | 5 UMME



o Eee eh petits sng oe {
re 5 00

Never has Greenville witnessed a more loviier
display than we can show you. No trouble to
show goods, it 1s a pleasure. |




Ay Ge kee iin betting Sop Catia rere a. Sl aaa yi eae aes

Not goods that!

Are always right b
weaving and are as

style and variety to select

es ih hel
rom nine until twelve 6°¢

1 Qrotaivilles NE CS |

_ Postoffice Corner.


eave their colors in the wash tub, but goods that
come out bright, fresh and clean.



LangTs Wash Fabrics.

ecause they combine fast coloring and durable
fresh at the seasonTs end as when they are first worn


DonTt blame the Washerwoman when you buy


_inferior goods for your dresses, it

is the fault of the goods.


Try our line, plenty of

__Lang Sells Cheap.

; ee
de RARE ~

~stunts the stature of his manhood, im.

cated x town by on bea decoy. stuffed | oe o dean wnnd
ed in town by carriers without nares ca io cn ~faet, The Russellites and Dockeryites in .
ates liberal ap snd.can be ie dake nf Wrtaallly ~servant Robeson county compromised by divid- [02
| ' | bed me ah vr inthe p i of, losing ing the vote of the. county equally be-

me postoffice .i

ena ei ee nae

We: desire a dive cor


* *



i a

, oLiteral Commission ou suber i
ston yates paid to agents, Amie lel

I astineenmnns

Spe AS

| Mospig, Arun. 2020, rat

= ee ~ Se 4
ia "" - ~
- "

ws Hbdvily


Old Brother Wilkins was up before
the chureh for getting drunk. It wasa
rare thing for Brother Wilkins to haye:
~such a charge against him, arid Ne was
the pic msi of heinifintion ab he roe to!
ofess up.� oBrethren,� he began, o1

~ain shorely sorry for wl

T admit that I bad: more than, I could].
carry, and I deeply regret that I didnTt] ,,
. make twa 9 dopa oft instapl.pf one?

kt os Sek


AprilTs Variable Mobd.! . ¢. 2

ap tie

Api, it has been observed, seems,
to have borrowed something from nears
oly ev ary month in the lion few

ftom _equinoctial and

elements seem so mix
fascinating but unreli

people are tempted) on ,
1 and call her blessed and on the next to
7 ee ee, aie s iS ge eas is

gerous 5 coauetie. From grave to gay,
from lively to severe, she is allT thingy) ;
by turns, and often manages in thirty

days of existence to g

Ocens ily & nipping ~ind aif ager alr
of y wintry bie be atid 0 7, al
week or so from midsummer. All the

bolo I :


1at I have done: :

if « aad a

relagpagy og

ed up: in this
able month that
one day. to rise,

= | And wit : firm

+ | poverishes his heart

it be ever so cunningly
fuses to surrender hjs

:| his biel hid i it in a poatg and in the

tau betaiee

send in brief items of ews as it occurs
_ jn each neighborhood... Write plainly
andT only on one side of the paper.

American Review.

The great and good se fecha brought county conventions in Union. county.
st search-light out, ~| One met Jast Saturday and endorsed
, unswerving purpose he Russell, Another will, met next Satur-
flashed it all about; . day and endorse Dockery.

It showed up everybodyTs straight, and

~his bi ige

crooked ways,

Piy hi

Then presidents, clerks, and: bank | on the table. ie |
cashiers began to turn them rr sen memm ea § AM Mi SCHULTZ, |
o De wy


The su

ZIVE Uss.80 Many

tiPiefer Waynesville,

ville yesterday at 5 :45


been suffering for nea
valvular heart trouble,

_ to, oAsheville in the

_ Chinge'of ultigude w ould benefit. the, pa-
otient. The hope was realized for a

tine, Wat" rr fine *
that Ot
ot i


that she had just hada

who had passed: oyer

"Asheville Citizen.



: Hence of her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Muller,
48 Charlotte street. Miss: Willis had} |

|») Yesterday morning Miss Willis told
her mother and others at the bedside

where she saw her sister and friends

said that she would die at a quarter to
six O'clock yesterday oafternoon. It
Was not thought she could possibly live
ountil that time, but she lingered until
o o precisely that hour, when she died as

| peacefully as a child si

Way Men Should Merry.

hel -e Ll ed *

p.m. at the res-

rly a year w ith
and was*brotght
hope that the

ago it wasT seen

vision of heaven,

the river. She

inks into slumber.

al felicity (which |
en my be moreT

He deliberately and: Pritchard:

-| chokes up all the sweetest potentialities

of se ene ae ast pmieee like the. of ox. the accounts of Bf sohaion farmers _
ne vat nsible persons an
meee EPG | aaah Pedy at corks Bi all the courtesies that

wise fox that detects't the trap, though | is pes resolutions endorsing Set-

sake of an appetizing chicken or rabbit, cnt.

sip of his stew- |
- Boyesen, inT North} Richmond county Republican con-

Till: to aman the rascals, ran te. ., hide
_them from the blaze, |

And eTen the guardians, of the. peace Fashionable women have returned to PC RK SIDES & SHOITLDERS

qudiled witha~ thonghtfull quail | gar-trimmed costumes will he worn in ARMERSAND HANT
rman and butter man 1 their their rather exclusive rinks. These it A MBI

o| theads drew bit of sigh
Byte ~ goods dealer rol stood! in the skirt, and not too wide. Well-| 0 all its branches.
} faced that searchin li ht. | fitted jacket waists with fur vest or a .
ala fur Eton jacket. set op are prescribed FLOUR, COF FEE, SUGAh
The railroad corporations peared, and| by tailors, while others wear the new
- ministers meanwhile

Began to search their souls fo.:8ee it] rowly with the samefur, A bright|always utLowgst MAxKer Pare:

_they..vere. free from ~guile; bit of color is liked for these cloth .
| And those who led society, of ately frocks, as purplish-red, or leaf green,| TOBAGHO SNUFF & CIGARS

J peng ¥) if L ~ os | Capucine velvet or with glowing poppy | We Duy direct from Manufacturers, ens
~ i ub | vein

blazoiity might see.


, Clevd bad te cunty a tee DLT
vention for Russell, © McKinley}

and brain; and} All-16-counties in the ninth eon} ~GREENVILLE, N.C.

gressional district have instructed for With every facility for srauiaetinn a
pea Pritchard and Pearson. Banking Business. This Bank solicits

are usually extended by a well conduc-
baited ; that re- tle, Holton and Dockery. Granville is ted and obliging banked house,

Oomibenatag April 2nd, 1896:
All persons wishing to take can
see me at Hotel Macon. | ="

TeRxs :"Shortha a tan _e
n pe

| writine " $2.50, Both _ com


liberty. for the} 2:4 to be solid for Dockery for Gover;| Collections remitted ~promptly and at Sie ine

lowest rat s.

tween the two favorites"giving them
two each. :

vention went solid for Dockery for Gov-
ernor but endorsed Pritchard for Sena-
tor. Holton was endorsed for State] |

© | chairman. ") Be

There are to be two Republican

Forsyth RepublicanT convention was :
held Saturday. The Holton-Dockery-|

Settle crowd was inT command. Reso-| ~~ | .
lutions endorsing McKinley were laid] 9 ESTABLISHED 1875.

Skating Suits,
their love of skating, and ~some pretty

ing their yearTs supplies will tind
s differ little from the cloth tailor ¢ gowns | their incerest to get our prices befere pui
seen every day, but are slightly shorter chasing elsewhere, Onrstock is complete

belted jackets of baby-lamb or of seal- . ~RICE, Tis, &e.
skin, with a cloth skirt bordered ~nar-

or else golden-brown trimmed with.

red. Capes are not affected by skaters | ling youto buy at one profit. A com

while on the ice, though useful after- | !ete stock of

"LINE or"

Wall Paper!

ever shown in Greenville. Be
sure to see my samples. All new
styles, uot an old piece in the lot..
Will take pleasure in bringing
samples to your home if you will
notify me at wy shop near Hum-
ber's, on Dickerson avenue,

o ras sos


Greenville Market. ha
Corrected by. 4. fat ~Bobi ao

Butter, per lb ad 1s
Western Sides 6 to 7
Sugar cured, Hams hia 124
Corn eSrt So PRS
Corn Meal 6D
Flour, Family 4.26 to 5.00
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 38 to,40
Sugar 4 to6
Cottee 15 o4 7
Salt per Sack {80 to.
Chickens WW 6026
Eggs per doz 10 to 11

Beeswax. pet " 20

« @ * feeder oo .
Cotton and Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices,of |
and peanuts for yesterduy, asT sh
by Cobb Bros. & Commission er-
chants of Norfok,:

~| ward to prevent chill. A small close ~~ ~T COTES. 4 . Ow�;
" |G@ood Middiing) 3.2.09 1 ¢
And so this benefactor had of moral fun | 8&t with soft puffed crown, or a genuine F U R N IT U R E Middlivg . 1 11g6
turban of fur or of cloth or velvet is far Middling 7 5-16
no end, preferable to wider-brimmed hats for | #] ways onhaa and sold at prices to su) \ ah Or "aie ; si
skaters."H the times. Our goods areal] bought an a
In showing! np the faults alike of enemy | rs."HarperTs Bazar. sold for CASH therefore, having no risk Tone"dull. 7508
° to run,we sell at a close margin, PEANUTS. 0
OHN Fe r. STRATTON 5. M. SCHU' 17, Greenville. NC] prime 3
aimee oA mf oy Oa a oa " . Extra Prime es ee fy o4. ¥
And d put this great reformer man at BANJOS, Spanish ARAN A Sade SHAD O
"trortersufand Wholeeale Dealers ta of. Tone"tirm.
-onee to utter rout. , 7 ie HSICAL wilting HAN prs ;
"M. Phelps Dawson. Mixing Salad 5 Banos, Pitas, 4
~pli. 818, sib, Sit Past Oth Bt. ower, GREENVILLE bea:
: are what you want In REPORT.

the kind

W ould a man with
o~niake a good fisherman?

to lie for the wrong.|,

Moonbeams are the

T mbe iho tim-| § & a. Ay Burexss, Mar. ns : nh.
bers used in building castles: in the Washington, N. G. Mt Uk .

The spring has been


ee ~e i
y we

going down.
Many young married

divorce suits.

they hive arms.» |
Now is the time to

foolish or loufe

i+} little left of some of eimai - 1 fe eu ise For

i tak

It is better to staid for the right than

God gave, pee to man as he
giyeslove wo (play to ey i

We are responsible for, an as :
You canTt. acl we a womunTs af p y ar- Bashroldacs Silks, Ribbon Collen
fections by getting on ther vaca i

ssa al ee RFT Li
_ nts. an rg seryed ily
backward that dog pants are oseareely Patronage of alg ou ste.

After all life et A peeea¥ one FOR S A, STORRS:
person cannot rise without another ra

to wear last springTs ris Ee eel e 8 story building, 20 rooms,| it stores.

It has been Siaseriesd that women low, Teras.cany..
{are partial: to " ~hairs noe House ad ter edhiecee and Cotaneh |22 oud up nig pe rodet pads
Tt was clearly meant that all men, 48
: well as all women, should marry ; and
those who, for whatever reason, Iniss
_ this obvious destiny are, from. natureTs
: pps " It is not a

stoves for half price, and invest your Slight 900 *
T ickets, +. 2 store lots on main street feet |
~money A or T ee tront each, by182,good title. Hi fens ALi o a
By the time. hee hom of ur ba | 8 houses and lots for rent. tae a

vig osg mos age ee Tae 4

A Man i vse Looks, Well.
If his Laundry is Poorly Done. MI

While he always looks well
if ke has nice Laundry.

, We are agents for" IK ERY,
words of ne 9 f ViGk 4 STEAM nual Becauve an old style hat never
shows the wearer to be up to date.

_ bated breath : Suffolk, Va.

[woes mek in rowtere soe) MY SPRING STOCK

|passed.. We make shipment

jeyery Wednesday and goods is inand embraces the very latest

are returped Saturday. Get
| your buidlés to us on Tuesdays | ip ite minees otnes Rewer

~ and they receive prompt atten- |
tion.- All work guaranteed.

I also have a lovely display of
Shirt. Waists, Stamped Linens,

~~ i tiele iost... ,
AOR and uther pew goods.

ever before.


This Hotel has been thoroughly reno.
vated, several new room; added, elec-

Contely located,

§ y
z bes

3 to 9 lights, 80c each per month.

The King House property, on| 10 to 12 lights Me «
main street, the most desirable |!2 and up 65¢ Te
ladies, obliged Bes largest . ~atronage,weil |. Not jess than three lights put

| oer necessary buildin well
water, 86 inch chums cing ~ice HOTELS.

|streets, 7 rooms, and other neegssary; «Less than 20, stere rates.

. | but ngs. ~Terms easy. | poe
sell your $8| House and lot on Washington street | RESIDENCES.

5 rooms and kitchen, good well water. | 1 light $1.00 each per month.

farther | infor-
An ght i eal

+ ee oy Pec eae:
Be Se Pina ee
; »

os news

HE aS mata coe

3 Jd. ) L. Starkey & Bro. My entire stock is prettier than |S

Bons Grohe rrr ey
: - . Bright... VCl Theis
o Red.......- » tod
Luas"Common.:.- ete 4.40 6
o Good..2...: rr 1a! (27 to5
oPine... e.eee.-.-12 t018

CUTTERS " Common... ..6- to.)
o Good.. -*. * © r ja to" 20
« Fine.... ......15 to 274

Professional | ards. :

" ene
tt etree

Suecessors to Latham & Skinner,


John 4 tebteg hy F, U. Harding,

n, N. reenvilley, rs

joa Kb "Ak HBRDING, w! Ae Yi.

Greenville, N.

Special attention given to eojlertions
and settlenent of claims. se 2 oe

pe pers.


s TON ag i a
~ue solici ted. Cleani ooy ing
. t ng, Dye
tobe Gents Clothes a specialty




2 oe enone Cline aes to cleaning - 2

~dere! i but | my aT ohte P Siit' a pakT in free. of at ri} ai in ee

O. pieces ccet before plant is patT into op-|
jeration.. After plant is sts J

See ca Rk ETc Yolen


Ccusenseu nenedule,
" bg Sie
yee Bee! RS
Mar, 14, 6 BE 63
ee 4G 4 2 Za
A, M. P.M. A, M
Leave� Weldon) ll 55) 9 27
Ar. Rocvie Mt | 1 00)10 20
Ly Tarboro | 42 Ila | :
Ly Rocky Mt 1 00/10 20 5 45
_ Ly. Wilson 2 0A)11 03
Ly Selma 2 53 |
i A tteville) 4 30)12 53.
r. Blofgnte §|~7 25| 3 Oy) ots
a ree eet | -- pat is Fy ee
R ,
Za |
IP, Ma I. ia. M
Ly Witson 4 08 | § 20
Lv Goldsboro | 4 10 7 05
Lv Magnolia 416 8 10
Ar Wilmington! 5 45 945
P. M.| AM
oy Med 25/1. Be
Mar. 14,01 33 | 2 3H
1896. ZA 4 Aza
ee AO a comma | mtn te eens | meme lo
J&. M.P.M
Lw FlorerceTT.| , 8 18) 74)
Cw Fayetteville! 10 38) 9 40
i ee
6's |
i «wie 2 HE D A. M: P. he
Ly Wilmington] 9 25 o7 00
Lv Ma 10 56 & 3]
Ly Goliisboro | L? 05 . 9 40
ar Wilson 1 00 40 27
ALy ~Tarboro: 248 i
=m ES By
pA za!
i®. M. P: M P. M,
~Ly Wilson =} 1:20; [11 85) 10 32
Ar Rocky Mt [| 2 17! 1211) 17 16
oAr Tarbord {| » 400 �
~Ly Tarboro
Ly Rocky Mt | 217 20
Ar Weldon | 1 01)

essere ssenansonsesin

WILWUNG! aN & ws R. & 3

~Wenn ee

sand 6.20 p.

~ept Sunday. Cotinects with trains on

old3boro daily, exce Jas
wm. atriving Smithitie!
turning leaves Smithteld 8 00 a.an., ur-

; Suaduy. )

feave Cli

PH. poli

Train on Scobdland Neck Braneh Road
.eaves Weldon 8.55 p. m., Halifax 4,1
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p |!
w., Gtednville G47 p, m., Kiaston 7.45
p.m. Returaing, leaves Kinsten 7,20
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving

alifax at 11200 a. mij Weldon 11 -20:am

daily, arenT, Sauday.

ohae on Washnigton branch aye
OO a, M, and S40 p.

cone ariedie 3.50 a. m.. and 4 re p.
m., Tarboro 9.85 a. m., returningleaves
Tarboro 3.30 p.m., Parmele 14.20 a. m.
im, arfives Washington
11,50 a. m., aad 7.10 p. m, Daily ex-

fogtlind Noek Branch,

Train leavee carporu, c, via Albe-
dnatle & Ruleigh It. . daily exeept Sun.
day, ut 450 p,a0., Sunday; 800 P. M;

vartive Plyinowth 9.00 P. M., 5.26 p.m.
~Returning .2aves Plymouth daily except
~Sunday, 6.00 a. an., Suoday 9.30 a) %M.,
~arrive Tarboro 10:26.a.mand My 45

Train on Midtand N. C. brancs leaves
Sunday, 6.05 a
30 u. aa. Re.

fives xt Goldsbers'9.30 a. m.

Traws in Nashville branch leave
Rocky Mount af 4.30 p. m,. arrives
Nashville 5.05 p. m. : Spring Hope 5.30

~an. Revurning Jeave Spring Gope

20 a. m., Nashville 8.3) a m, sitive at

Rocky Mount 9.08 4 m, oly except

Trains on Latta Sinus. Florenee R
&., leeve La3ta 6,40 p m, aarive Dun bar
7.80 p mw Oh Returning
P6.30 a a,

Low = ae
President. Sec. & Treas

eilben co. |

ie cau

Se ore ee

Can atso fill orders
fur Rough & Dressed 3
Lam ber promptly. |

Surprise of = Thirsty Bull When the Big |

| tain that: the © breath,

; Brier

| On Aish sith rings he

Cat oWoughed� in His Face,
There was considerable excitement
at Mysore recently. One of the

not recaptured for over 48 hours.
Allowing tigers and other wild animals
to escape out ef confinement seems &
common event in Mysore. During the
time of the late maharajah one got out
of his cage in the menagerie, and also
during his fatherTs reign a tiger loafed
all over the fort a whole day, going in
and out of peopleTs houses, but strange
to'say, on none of these occasions has
anyone been injured.

The tiger in the present instance is
one which is kept by his highnessT dairy
to keep away the oevil eye� from the
cattle. He was netted for Lord Lans-
downe to shoot when his excellency
visited Mysore a few years agé and isa
splendid brute. The dairy is a very
large yard, with open sheds all round,
in which the cattle are tied, the tigerTs
cage being Close to one end and a foun-
tain near.the other. The tiger got out
about seven p. m. and calmly strolled
around, the pluce being full of cattle
und people at the time; but,fortungte-
iy. he had tid desire; whatever to taste
stallfed | beefy or -Hindoo either, .al-
though he fasbed within a few feet of
the cows and the meh, and after exam-
ining them all quietly lay down by the

By nine oTclock a couple of elephants
brought down the nets anda cordon
was run around the place, preventing
the tiger eseaping or getting at the
cattle, when two rather amusing. inct-
cents Occurred, A cow nianaged to get
into the yard, and after skipping about
for some time rushed into a part of the
net closest to the tiger; and for some
lime struggled frantically to get loose.
very one fully expected that the cow
would be killed. Finally,
number of wen went eut and held the
wretched animal. ~down and pane
~the net. Hardly was this over when
splendid stud bull got over a part. of
the net which had fallen down,andafter

careening aboutthe yard just as the cow
had done, rushed! right ap to the four
tain and dipped his nose into the wa-
| ter, Rvidently he had ne ideajthe tiger
Ww as there or he would never have gone
up in the style he did, However, after
drinking, he looked up, when the tiger,
who could not have beeu more than a
few feet. away, owoughed� in his face,
and the way that bull went away after
that did oneTs heart yood to see, These
were two prand
Witressing ohow the tiger seizes his
prey,� particularly as
several sportsiven about, Pet yaforju-
nitedy ~it war thot to he. |

oAfter Worry ing tite phos bite! for
twodlayg and two nights, drink whieh
~tinte he got into die net gucr, heaydict-
ly Walked into"his cage and wis shut
up. The cool and tudifferent way ia
Which Bassapali UrsT fossilized hunt-
ers. With their. fearfully and wonder-
fully, made hintlovks, walked ip amd
Jown past the tiyrer was tast amusing.
What tieyw old ha ve done i in the-event
~of the tiger nithing for ene of them
it as hard to tell. The claws have
grewn into the pads of the tiger, and
the wretched animal seems to ~De
suffering great prin. Fhad i not been

| foe this there woatd Gouwbiless ~lave



The ~Breath of Slek VP Tersens Laden with
Deadiy ierms.

A little girl, six years of age, was
taken by her mother into -a streetcar.
The car was crowded, aid a delicate-
Jooking man lifted the ditthe one to this
knees. She sat there a amoment, then
slid down and cluag to her motherTs
skirts, ~

After they had left the.car,she said:
oMaama, | couldnTt sit-there; that man
breathed in my face ard made ane sick.�

For day Seaifterward sleeicoenjaned
ihaf #he cold nat get that dapadtul
taste out of her mouth. In due time
she was attacked with typhoid fever
and déed.

. ~There was no question whatever in

& very different tafe to tefl."

iheT Hindof the Lg ig@nd Bat ~he pian
who 4 Kt oh up av ~the
staves yphoid.� ffs LC

diseug mi et vs 1

iy his a cli

otrom� " typhoid
breathed a number of.times into a glass
vessel cowitaining sterilized water. from
this Water cull fires were nade, and the
true typheid bacilli developed in enor-
MOUs quautities.

lt is generally supposed that typhoid

| is. due to contaminated water, but ex-

periments of this sort have made it cer-
thrown out suddenly as by coughing,
is likely to be laden with the deadly
germs. Indeed, physicians are becom-
ing well satistied that the Higgs: arecon-
sta thy af work ier bas pape tzom

the jbload aud thireiv put all oy + i
- "This he

who inhale the breath of a person suf-

es 3 fron | alinost any disease are

coma } It


Tn Ratt, "



4 bowling evening of: the. al
"He throws a ba which hits

ny is

Painful s

ama At-last the resent

maharajahTs tigers got. loose and was

however, ti!

opportunities Tor |
there were |

~| built up by PrP. F. P.

if} /

e to receive the germs and become |

ERS Kcbublesbentis totais | jatd vd

~ {State

His Worst Enemy Defeated by
P,P. P., LippmanTs
Great Remedy.


Mr. A. M. Ramsey, of DeLeon, Texas,
was a sufferer frum Oatarrh in its worst
form, Truly, his description of his suffer
ings seem little short of marvelous. In-
stead of seeking his couch, glad for the
nights coming, he went to it "with terror,
realizing that another long, weary, wake-
ful night and a struggle to breathe was
before him. He could not sleep on either
side for two years. P. P. P., LAppman's
Great Remedy, cured him in quick time

Messrs. LIPPMAN BROS., Savannah, Ga.

Gents: I have used nearly four bottles
of P. P.TP. I was afflicted from the crown
od my head~to the soles of my feet. Your

P. P. has cured my difficulty of breath-
fie smothering, palpitation of the heart,
and has relieved me of all pain, One nos-
tril was closed for ten, years, but now |}
can breathe through it readily.

I have not slept on either side for two
years; in fact, I dreaded to see night come.
Now 1 sleep soundly in any position all


am 50 years old, but expect soon to
be able to take hold of the plow handles.
:, fee gn that I was lucky enough to get
and I heartily recommend it to
tay "rlends and the public generally.
Yours respectfally,

Comanche."Before the undersigned § au-

eats on this day, personally appeared
Ramsey, who, after being duly
sworn, says on oath that thé foregoing

statement made by him relative to the
virtue of P. P. P. medicine is: true,
Sworn to and subscribed before me this.

August 4th, 18D1.
© Comanche County. Tex:as

Catarrh Cured by P. P. P.

(LippmanTs Great Remedy) where all other
| cemedies failed,

Rheumatism twists and distorts your
hands and feet. Its agonies are intense.
but speedy

relief and a permanent cure
ained wby the use of P. P, P.

omanTs weakness, whether nervous or
otherwise, cam be ctred and the system
A healthy woman is


a beautiful woman.

Pimples, bletches, eczema and all dis-
figurements i Bs skin are removed and
cured by P.

P. P. P. wit Sone your apetite, build
; Sp your system and regulate you in every
way. IT. removes that heavy, down-
in- ithe-mouth pening.

or Blotchkes and Fimples on the fa
Ei br petal ant. Ca
es; for natural and thorough organic
regulation, take P. P. P., LippmanTs Great
Remedy. and get well atT once,



LippmanTs Block, Savennah, Ga.


"A4 fresh line of "

"" Consisting of "

Flour, j9ei.2{ Lard, |
Meat, ; -: Coffee,
Meal, i Sugar,
be, key ba)


sellingsolow "
thas it canes Os
~sarprise, -
Come saaals 7
and. "42 will,

Daily Newspaper in
North Carolina.

Favors Limited Free Coinage
lof a pres and Repeal

er Ceni. Tax on

Weekly $1.00 e phon partienlare: see!~or aii 0)
.H. Bas NARD , Ms i. ~RaaspaLe |
~ �Wilinington | N Ric! er ee "

For sale by J. L. oociwo, Drug-
gist, next door to 8. T. WhiteTs.


{its wall

Banks, oDaily 50 cents| ;








One Dollar Per Year.
This is the PeopleT S Favorite:


When you need Hei batiat one

tae % Don't foree' the




pti .
i -.
ee ee ck


Pa 3 4
$ *





7 F %
; Fail
4 wa



Our; Work and Prices Suit our Patrons,



A full line of Ledgers. Day Banka, ~Sen ceaitinis pany

| Books, Receipt, Draft. and Note Books, Lexa) C
Bill Cap, Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes all sizes and st a
{Handsome Box~ Papeteries, from 10 cents and up. Ta
lets, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Pens and
{Full line Popular Novels by best authors. The ~Colobratal bie
mond Inks, all colors, and Cream a aa the best made; constantly
on hand. We are soleagent for the Par




ap, Fools (


er Fountain Pen. Nothing

equals it and every business man should have one. Erasers Sponge
Cup, Pencil-Holders, Rubber Bands, é&c. DonT : pornet us # when you
want anything in the Stationory lime" yy ep yey ey ~


alt ian

~The course embraces all the branches

nsually taught in an Academy.
} ~Terms, both for tuition and eee,
| reasonable.

Boys weil fitted and equipped for,
business, by taking the academic
course alone. Where they wish to
pursce a higher course, this school
guarantees thorough ,Preparation. to
enter, wi..h credif, yoby Venrege sn North
j Caroline or the StateT University. It
| refers tc :108e who; have recently. left
~or the truthfulness of this

Any young man with cheracter and
moderate ability taking « course with
us will be aided jn making arran
ments to cuntinue in the higher schools,
The discipline will be kept at ite
present standard.

gee time nor = pcg nor
Wore be spared to make this sehoo,
all that parents could wish. "

The Charlotte "

North Carolina's



4 Mi EKLY.
Indepeudent | ma) hiddenT. vigets |
more attrpetive thay 1) te a.
invaluable Stor ~to the home. th
otfice, the elub or the work room.


ee bai panne te Sit
? re rom. t b,
and National Capitols, $8 a veer


meet 4

; " = " a ee.
posket knife. Finder eae. reeare to

i 1 bi ) 4 Rer.ereror Office.
a.8 _ " " ie 4 i ee ea ~~ ie in da i
wu? eet bac ba sco: oe frome Balt some of our people . are sporting their
Creates many « new business, Prot, C.H. Jame of Grind} a worst colds. !
oe | eaepaeiy and bealnonm, Ld Dakasiall yer i210 ale | staounend any Siirereny om
8 Ktevives many a dull business, A. B:Ellington. He orders Wract few

Rescues many a lost: business, Lovit Hives returned this morning the manufacturers. Ten days required

: Saves many a failing business. | fron ae , yi
sp tN) sum ri S:-cures suceess to any business. . Kinston. ak. to. receive goods.
E. P. Ford came over this morning

, There w: | re
eh _ Consisting of" &F 2} | from Kinstdi: here was a good deal.of talk a week
To tadve-tise®; fuliclonsl y,� use the


or two ago about the spring being late,

HENRIETTA, CASHMERES, o| ¢ luwés of the sELKOTOR, T ae BE Parham has gone to} but What isthe matter now with the H ee
ALL-WOOL DRESS GOODS, SS == | Durham to visit her parents. summer being early ? lelp Wanted.
Beautiful, stylish, up-to-date, = Oe " Solicitor C. M. Bernard came home a 7
and cheaper than ever before.| p ussenger, and mail train going Saturday night from Louisburg: Sean salle enpgpeter that hid} | We want belp'to. get rid ef mare
ve -Laorth, aert Sime Ac al. Going South, would be a good year in which to re :
LAWNS, CHALLIES, fd prrives et] P. aA Miss: Hortense: Forbes returned home vive the song oSilver Threads among GROCERI ES 4
DIMITIES, WHiTE GOODS, Ragen ie a arrives 9: Sunday from a visit to Farmville. the Gold.� ~The silyer threads will be] aitalal :
~ 2:00 P. ; : Mt t st 1 his time.

PAKISIAN RIPPLES, jou Bound Pa _ Miss May Harris returned to her a coheed be entnae each week thay ve haye over "
ee §, Pe ogo ~Har Ri rrives from Wash- | } : = T atis saying a. goo
2 INDIA, LINEN vba sloddey Wodnen an dayead rs idhy ome, near Falkland, on Sunday. deal. The beat prices prevail at

: LINEN LAWNS, fre od Ww i Tuesday, Thare| .C..D.. Rountree left to-day for Lynch- my store and prices are of a sec-
: ph Ld ~elit, dy and Saturday, - = [burg and other Virginia tobacco mar- | � ondary consideratlon.
- 1 3 kets. | Come good people an
and Novel COTTON GOODS WEATHER BULLETIN. pile Mu Taeeae vasa ap ok finest 5- cont sninka | in . uy oe
of different kinds od description. ed ae I artes ERE OF Ene Our Poets, Cardenas and Golden
~1 | Free Will Baptist, Ayden, spent to-day Seal.

Never were they more beautiful} Fair to-night and ~Tuesday, cooler in . 0 t k t
than thia season. northeast portion to-night, ere. ~Yur stock compiete, .
" 2 . one ole Suen, who fs nothing lacking. W e J ESSE W. BROWN °
HOT BOLLS. eek with relatives here, returned to
"Came see. out" OER Kinstsh Biduridy ~esealip will sell you if good

(aaa eoe satan

Go To e=-
HRT WAST SS, rset nene| on cme wi catalan doit |D, S, SmithTs

Seal Cigars at Jesse W., BrownTs.

they are the correct styles and ~oy
prices. Burning oil highest tert obtainable. Wateris low ,in the river now and , ne Spe doug "FOR YOUR"
: J. S. TunsTaLe. | boats donTt go, above here. Tress Gans a TMM NES G ROC E RI ES.
HAMBURG EDGING anc White Onion Sets at S. M. Schultz | This is the kind.of weather that in matahlons styles. | Sveum
INSERTIONS, LACES, en oa. gives cabbages the big head. - Cie
RIBBONS, FANCY BRAIDS, Lots should be cleaned up and thor- Cl thi N ti EVERY THING FRESH AND
and NOVELTIES. oughly limed. | This weather and these nights are | �"� owns, 4 OLLONS, NICE. JUST RECEIVED A
- For Sae."'I'wo well-broken | Suggestive of moonlight excursions. Gents Furnishings, ° .
| my Goats .and Harness. Apply « at this.} About now the crawfish has to stay ; an NICE LOT OF GRITS, HOM-
LaceCurtains office, in his hole or get converted: into perch in all Spring Styles. INY, DRIED APPLES AND
Iced Drinks ut J. L. Starkey & | bait. | Come and see us and we will do; PEACHES, CANNED PEACH-
Window Shades, Curtain Poles. | BroTs. It is time the man who has the best you good. | ES, TOMATOES, APRICOTS
"A line of" Once more we ask, what about a] garden was letting himself be -heard| F] (, HOOKER & CQ.|AND PEARS, AND IN FACT
Oxford Ties Board of Trade # from. ata EVERY THING USUALLY
Fresh Cream Walnut Candy every If you see a hoy looking cleaner than KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS GRO
for Ladies and Chiidren that has day at Morris MeyetTe. aie wt it down that he has been in a | da CERY STORE.


never been equalled in this,town-| Best 5 cent Cigars in town at J. L. f
Starkey & BroTs. Town election only two weeks off |
| |

to-day and mot a candidate jhas been

Summer goods shoppers have been OF
Shoes, Shoes, in evidence today. named yet,

nn E. P. Ford a fine letterer and carver ,
for every buyer who wants an The temperature went one better to-|. : eed oof 1 CE
honest. reliable, wearing articles. |#y, reaching 93. hate sha sls aya ng

For fine Cigars and ~Tobacco go to
J. S. Tunstall.

teamctdn Naver going on a ferny flat is usedT to take peo- | TN

Umbrellas , my ernie Nursery pad ae) eerie ple and vehicles across the mver. WV fl

ries this morning. | TONS Hits
The night watchman at the mill DRY VJ M ¥ | .

blewthe whistle Sunday raorning, +0 Hebe. Caps, GentsT Furnishings,

While the repairs to the bridge are 0

* orive* you from 1¥ sun and Foll variety CrossmanTs Vegetable

rain, 3
and Flower Seeds at.J. L. Starkey & , Te on
| BrosT. veal arte ~ mi a a and the cheapest line of STRAW! &
; : it was Sunday. But the hamds did not) yy : ll et
Gentlemen come and examine our! T} Peace eee re : MATTING in the town. .
"Nee of - rig crop is coming up| turn out. to 2% cts yard. A t (3 ost
: - y Agent for Wanamaker & Brown

a4 f Philadelphia,tail de Cloth
rth el) ORE OLD WEATHER. ee Gach

~ eri = snap Coe IT am now prepared to furnish line of Samples you ever saw.
at {Tee ip any quantity, ard will keep Come and look at them and you

Bhirts, Ties, Collars Caffs, Straw
T , , . lied th hout the| will say it is the prettiest and | is
se For Hats, Suspenders and 1 am again reaily to serve you with well AT orders 10 town de-| chespest line of CLOTHING you bilsese Wives aut a ck i

i choi¢e Fruits and Confe¢ti summer.
te en 1 sae bebe osous Marte livered without extra charge. | Over saw in the town. ptire stock at Cost for next 30 days.
cai and will please you if you t | When you want to be served H. B. Ci ARK. . Give me acall at Higgs Bros.
wil and us acall. " Shredded Cocoanut at J. 8. Tow promptly send me your orders.� yold stand.
stallTs, | 3 W. R. PARKER. | .
Perr Near Five Points.- _ RawleT Jewelry Store, H. M. HARDEE,
wee line of " The thermometer tried to reach tke ro 7 . . ' n
i ae top of the ladder today. aT i

FurnitureT ,
Founp."At, the postotiice, a small
is complete and embraces MADY | sate key. Owner can. have same by

asefal articles of. gsnuine merit. :
Oar Oak Suits are lovely. Easy |*Ppiying at thisT offic und Spaying for

ctr iy varies of many this notice.

at kigds.� Dining and Par- a
ta dint, te NS ace ioe The oSouthern: Leader? still holds

- Parlor Suite, Centre ~ables, Side: | th. lead ~ag the best 5. ~gent spoke.
Boards, Dining Tables, Tin Safes, Nothing equals it. D. S. Satta.
Bedsteads,. Mattresses, Floor and : ;
Table Oil Cloths, Mattings of If you want Joe Cream, Soda Water,

se at hrs
A Tee,
Hie Bac

: cheap and yood grades. , Milk Shakes, Coco Cola, Lemanaae 2 oe j | rR ; and fina entire new stock
o and Sherbets call on Morris Meyer. | N if * } Good ~quality 0 and prices low.
: , e I am prepared: to furnish Ice Cream ¥

7 to families in any quantity. Give »me|�

your orders, Morris Meyer.

~ , Cod Fish, Lrish Potatoes, Prepared ?
~of beaatiful designs. Buckwheat, Qat Flakes, Cheese, Mac ee
Uome and ~see us we will be|caroni, P. R Molasses, ~at 8. M.

: wo than pleased to show you | Schultz. =

~fagerapl A careful in- est
n willT repay you mary Something New and Sweet, Peanut}.

tinkes at ..M. Schulte. | VUILU. TUUUL I | | : |
Sipoke the be oeh, Cart and} ~On , ue
| My guarantee to cnet with prices

oThe jiotencsd nag stein we
Pema Sunday, Ser}

Hy ae ate r ice Wi wi Ma rr twice Doha RICE :

NAAR Pik OH Laka ht pe
Bt ne Ribak� Berit OC aly Aarne Saban sated yet Sa FA eee tae gw

Daily Reflector, April 20, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 20, 1896
April 20, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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