Daily Reflector, April 15, 1896

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i. ae

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.


TERMS : 25 Cents a Month, =


hitmen ge

~Vol. 3.


No. 414


Is selling



suit the



of Dress


Notions |




: oI cannot sing theoldTsong,�
oo She murmered with a sigh. ©:


Clipped and Printed to Drive Away
Dull Care.

neti nen

The Old Story.
Mary had a Persian lamb
Cape and collarette ;
Papa had conniption fits"
And he has them yet.
"Town Topics.

: It is Mighty.

It is not the hand of heroes

Battling for their fellow-men,

Nor the helping hand of woman,

Nor the hand that wields the pen,

Nor the hand that beats the carpet

On the backyard fence unfurled,

But the hand that beats four aces

Is the hand that rules the world.
"Chicago Record.

When Poets Write Wrong.

When poets write

Of ovoiceless night.�

We feel like saying oRats!�

For out of doors

We hear the roars

Of several hundred cats.

N. Y. Mercury.

The Difference.
How daintiy across the street
A woman trips with grace complete
While man, inferior in all,
Can never trip without a fall.

" Washington Star.
Looking Backward.

Mother, dear mother, come home with
me now,
The clock in the steeple strikes
three ;
The baby is hungry and papaTs slone,
With ncthing to feed it but tea.
"N. Y. World.

The New Woman.

She disapproves of fancy work,
Crocheting she thinks horrid.

She always knits her forehecd.
"N, Y. World.

It Was Different Then.

~|He looked upon his daughter witha

vain and swelling pride :


bills came in.
Philadelphia North American.
She Objected.

«Let me wear yeu on my heart

And ward off all disaster.�

~No, sir,� replied the damsel tart ;

«oJTm not a porous plaster.�
"Chicago Record.

The LadiesT Sewing Circle.


and art.

His arms enfold her tight ;
His kisses fall like autumn rain
Upon her forehead white ;
~YeT knows he'll see her not again"
Until to-morrow night.
" Titbits. °
The PigTs Ignorance.
The pig a-grunting in the pen
Is nct aware at all ~

It makes the best football.
" Truth.

In Her Boudoir.

little curl, .
Right in the middle of her forehead

was cold,

~twas tornd, " het
"Town ~Topics.

_ And She Didn't,

� he growled ;

; ey gies

But just the same, when things go wrong

He was glad to see her in the social
But he looked and swelled, and swelled

and looked, until he nearly died,
As he counted up'the cost when the

They gathered at the house of Sister
They talked of science, of reform,

They sewed some carpet rags together

Then ripped a neighborTs character
" "Chicago Tribune.
The Parting.

«oParewell! Farewell!T he cries in pain,

That his tough skin is tough because

There was a little girl and she had a

It curled very bold when the weather

~But it wouldn't ~curl at all when

Weather Crop Bulletin,
Raeiau, N. C., Monday April 18,T97.
The reports of correspondents of the
Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin, is-
sued by the North Carolina Weather
service, for the week ending Saturday
April 11th, indicate rather unfavorable
weather for the growth of crops, though
farm work has not, been materially
interrupted. The temperature was con-
siderably helow the normal, the mean
for the State for the week being about
25 degrees, and indicating a deficiency
cf nearly three degrees. The week
was very dry, less than a third of the
average precipitation occurred. The
amount of sunshine was above the
normal. A warm, gentle rain is much
needed to cause the germination of
Eastern Dirtict."The weather
this week has not been favorable for the
growth of crops, and very little im-
provement in vegetation is reported.
The temperature was too low, the min-
imum falling to nearly the freezing point
on the 8th. Several frosts, especi-
ally Sunday morning, the oth, damaged
uncovered strawberries considerably,
and truck and young corn slightly, and
thinned out young tobacco plants.
Very few correspondents in this district
think that the fruit crop is seriously
damaged, as the winds were too brisk.
The rainfall for the week averaged less
than a quarter of an inch and occurred
mostly on the 9th, mixed with some
sleet. Planting corn has been pushed
rapidly and early planting is coming up
fairly well. Large areas of cotton land
have been fertilized: and thoroughly
prepared and a little cotton-planting
lasT been done. Irish potatoes are com-
ing upTtticely. Gardens as yet show
little progress. ~The ~first shipment of
strawberries was made April 10th.

PD Sear ao

To-MorrowTs Races.

ee eres

Harold, Br. G."S.T. White, Green-
ville, N C.
Cadet, G. $."Scotland Neck Breed-
ing Farm, Scotland Neck N. C.
Mary Lee, S. M. and Elise, B. M.
__Smith and Hooker, Greenville, N.,

Antique, Blk. S._ and Cantbile, B.
M."Hackburn & Willett, New Berne,
Allie Mansfield, 5. G."M. H.
White Hertford, N. C.

2:40 CLASS. "
Lillian D., Blk. M."G. J. Studdert,
Greenvilie, N. C.

Greenville, N. C
King, Allie, B, G."M. H. White,
Hertford, N. C.
Little Steve. B. G."W. M. Ellis,
New Berne, N. C.
Mamie Wells, B. M. and Tyreles, B.
M."Hackburn & Willett, New Berne,
The free for all race was not made
up, the number of entries for fi being
too small, but there will be # special
match race to take the place of it on


soe nteetmer

The Harpist Married.
~The Italian Harpist, familiarly called
oJoe� by everybody, is here to make
music for the ball to-night, We learn
from the Free Press that he was mar-
ried in Kinston, last Wednesday even-
ing, to Miss Sudie Padgett. The boys
are congratulating him. !


- The greatest forest fire ever known
in North Carolina has just occared in
Cumberland county, and destroyed . 10-
000 acres of ~the finest long-leaf-pine
timber in that section.

Bird Eye, 5. S"Smith & Hooker, | (ii

The loss ~is },

«A Mrs. Hopkins Boy.�


My! How pretty, how

Mohairs, Urepons, &c.,
are not behind.

ing, a new, neat line to


produce inferior Cloth-
ing so often choose the ©

: can't tell.

row and examine the gay
DonTt forget that we lead in
ing and can suit you every time.



( you wonder that we feel we have sue-

ceeded somewhat, when we see the
ladies throw up. their hands and exclaim oMy,
pretty!� And the same
of the exquisite styles in Black Dress Goods-"

signs ever known before. We can only sug-
gest to you now that in wash goods, such as
Ducks, Dimities, Organdies, c., we
: See us and you will not leave
without purchasing. We can suitall in Cloth-

Why do makers who

Boys for victims? They
must think the mothers

But it gives us a bril-
liant chance,"we find
they can discriminate.
oMoney back if you

want it� doesnTt go with
poor Clothing. Spring =

Suits are here,"every-
thing :

in the handsomes de-



Put Da

Prices sure to please you. Also

all widths and beautifal designs.
and will look fresh and clean
mer. Bring 0s
room and we wiil give you
mate. : bs

Postofiice Corner.

| «Ror heaT

Wis 4 saab ei gay ae aan a i a a
Ay MAST aa GRY Teg
eye ee Beck awe Get ie 3 i an


ot hearentemke don'ttry.?
oh ae, Sw Ry ~orld. 7

barns, and miles


of fencing ~and many] /.

over $100,000. One house, =| R ee
pre tend ya
OE 5 OE TA 6 Uey

i i

C00. 8.8

a eee la)a fare (axesexese\s(o.e fe) CY)
Sieh Se RSH ie Shes etatareterereretere sts:


the dimension of your
an esti-

AAA A A A Bie Bk 4 es ee 6.
fey Yo) an an fen) (ons F
CIO OM seater Hstetats CACO
RY ae are » + 4 4S io

That Carpet which nas been on

the floor all winter. Giye it a
good cleaning and store awa
over the summer. It will loo
like new next winter. :

one of our nice, clean, fresh,
cool looking STRAW MAT-
TINGS. We have them in

By the yard or by the pieces

Floor Oil Cloths

A good Oil Cloth 18 easily cleaned




eve eee ey

~ a8 ~ale
v ter ata nt aah
@ L)

*, 6, 6

thatTs handsome "
and right. Bring the "
lad to-day and to-mor-"
and jaunty styles. "
Gentlemen Cloth- -

several qualities and patterns.


oPiniered oas second-cluss mail matter.

! =) One year, - - - - $8.00
- One month, - . - «= 2

One week. 10
i Delivered in town by carriers without
extra cost.
_ Advyertisng rates are libera) and ean be
- had on application to the editor or at
the office. : :
"We desire a tive correspghdent at
_ avery postoftice inthe county, who will
_ gend in brief items of NEWS as it occurs
- fp each neighborhood, Write plainly
and only on one side of theTpaper,

sanriieemieatlanh oat ensieiieishin,


: Liberal ~Commission ou subscrip-
tion rates paid to agents.

Wepyespay, Arnin 157u, 1896.





~Knocked Down by His intended Vic-
eo tim and Loses $400.

care nett

Strange things do happen in
this world. Remarkably strange
things... :

We have here a thrilling en-
counter, more excitins than what

we read in fiction. 4

~~ H. H. Stewart, of Caswell coun -

~ fy, was in the city to-day with to-
bacco and gives the Sun a most

-- exciting account of the trip Dock

McAdams, a prosperous farmer

~living above Prospect Hall,T in|
Caswell, made to Danville three
or four days ago. ° oe

_ Mr. McAdawms is small of stat-
are, but gritT to the backbone.
Some three or four days ago he
carried a load of tobacco to Vane |
ville which he sold, and the oload¢
netted him the neat sum of $300.
_ He went to the bank to have his.
check cashed. and in there he no-
tieed a woman becomingly at-
tired, with face veiled. He gave
her a passing noiice, thinking
~ she also had business with the
bank. He secured the money,
but obseryed that the woman
watched his every movement,
~ though not a word she spoke. |

\) Phat altérnoon Mr.T MeAdams.

hitched up his team and started

~for home. When some throe or

four miles from Danyille, as he
was pearing what is known as
othe dry bridge,� he saw the same
_. woman in the road, attired inthe
» osamecostunje, witha small satch-

-e@l on her crm. As he drove
along and overtook her, she asked
_ Ina verv pleading way if he
would aJlow her to ride with him,
_, as she was Bing Most, way some

distance. Mr.T McAdams véry
readily congeated. ase took -
her satchel and placed it iu!
the wagon, then he unhitched |
one trace in order that she might

oget in more conveniently. As

ashe was stepping up a puff of

wind blew her dress one side and

Mr. McAdams saw a pair of boots

: and the pantaloons. As quick as

_ | a flash his mind acted and baying

_ @loaded whip in bis hasd"the

Only weapon of defence he had"~
he whacked the fellow a most ter-
rific blow across the head which
knocked him out senseless. Mr.
McAdams then hitched his trace,

- and putting the whip to the
horses, Jeft that vicinity in post
haste, and the disruised man in|
the road. He went on to Yan-
ceyville and reported theT matter
there. Up to the present time
nothing has been heard from the
robber. .

In his haste to get away, and
doring.the excitement, Mr. Mc-
Adams carried along with bim 10

_ the wagon the satchel the robber

| had. It was examined and found
to coatain two pistols, two dan~

_ gerous lookiog bowie kniyes"


ol cash:

~his is one time when a high-
n o was completely knocked |
Mi no is four hundred


. Adyices from the Transvaal

one had blood on it"and $400 in| N

ny study door
Four little white feet stand on the
floor, |
Four little white feet leap to my knee,
And a beaming face looks up at me.
Oh, full many a love ITve known,
But neyer a heart so much my own,
Never a grateful soul like that,
And this is the way I leve my cat

Every day, through storm or shine.
This rapturous greeting still is mine.

Every vight on my knee she lies "

- Watching my face with her crystal

eyes. ogg

Through fame well gained, or a lost, re-

nown, .

If stocks go up, or. if stocks go down,

Faithful forever as faith can be,

That is thé way my cat loves me !

Oh try pussy, the world is round !

In it full many a friend ITve found.

When I was rich, they be..t the knee,

And when I was poor they frowned

on me. :

But rich or poor you have loved me

. still.
You share the


So while we live and when we die

May we be together, my cat and IL!

" Mary Field Williams in New York

Sun. .

Across the Seas.

good as you shared the


England pays $70,000,000 year-
ly for foreign daily produce.

PhreeLrishmen represent Scot-
tish constituencies in the British
Parliament. "

The French Gossamer has

conferred the Cross of the Le-
gion of Honor on Professor F.
W. Putnam, of Harvard, in recog:
nition of his achievements in the
field Of science. ea

_A4ew years ago the nunorber of
of the Prussianoarmy becanie a
public scandal. The latest statis-
ties suow that, while in 1892 the
proportion was 5.283 per 10,000
men, in 1895 it was 4.22.

announce the intention taexhume
the bodies of the followers of Dr.
Jamesou who were killed in the
battlé of Kruegersdorp in the re-
cent raid into the South, African
republic, and to reinter themiu a

Maitre Pouiliet, one of the
most eminent lawyers in Paris.
has begun an originial work of
charity. .He gives sittings at the
Palais de J istics, at which he
offers advice gratis on legal sub-
jects. The object is to help poor
peoplo who cannot afford to pay
for a lawyer's services.

New Newspaper Game Out West,

A vew game, called the oEdi-
torTs Delight,� 1s played this way .
ake a sheet of ordinary writing-
paper, fold it carefully, and en-
close a bank note sufficiently large
to pav up all arrearages and one
yearin advance. Keep an eve
en the editor, and if a smile
adcrn his faze the trick works
like a charm. Now is the time to
play the joke. |
arent nnd

At the date of the last roster
the namber 2f soldiersin the Uni-
ted States army was 27,800"2,100
officers and. 25,700 enlisted ~men.
About one half the army, exclu-
sive of the engineers, Signal Ser-
vice, Indian scouts, Hospital Ser
vice, and West Point cadets, is
composed of the infantry, twenty-
five regiments in ali. There are
besides, ten cava'ry and five
artillery regiments."Richmond
Dispatch. :

The bonded debt of the State
is uow as follows: 4 per cent.
consols $4,347,750; 6 per cent
orth Carolina Railroad con-
struction bonds $2,720,000; total
$6,067,750. The interest on the
4 per cent- bondsis $133,910, on
the 6 per cent. bonds, $163,203;
total $297,110. The income from

peri-|the rental of the North Carolina}

Railroad will be $225,015, and if
meet the interest on the bonded

puff of w He.
3 sits yy ieuidt us

debt ($297,110) there would be left

ee ine - :
3 Be at
, a ee
3 nd i 2
ss es Etec eer
i e a
a o ? #. es
; Bi = ?
me ; oy at
oi$ oSs pie

Just at dusk at

cides among the rank and file|,

all this should be set aside to|

3] x have several 3
Jot, property'for sale. For further inior-| oy

Sale for Taxes. .

On Monday, the 4th day of May, 1896,

I wi'l sell at publie auction before the

Court House door in the town of Green;

ville, the following town lots to satisfy

the taxes due thereon to the town of
Greenville for the year 1895,


Tax Collector.

Brown. SamTl jlot 21 82
Blow. H A, $uf lot 78 cor. 3rd

and Washington St. 511
Burbanks. John } of lot 134 117
Bryant, SamT! lot 124 218
Cherry. Benj. lot 36 2 92
Cherry, R. D, agTt. lot 66 resi-

dence . 1 67
Cherry, 8 A, lot 67 6 67
Cherry. A B, lot 86 cor Ist and

Evans 2 36
Cherry, Wilson lot on BonnersT

Lane 188
Daniel, H E, ¢ of Eborn lot 5 73
Daniel, J LD, residence on Bonner

Lane 3 34
Dancy, JJ, cor 8rd and Washing-

ton sts 6 88
Dudley, Geo no 75 Nelson lot 1 68
Davenport, J R, 4 lots in Skinner-

ville 68
Evans, ~I B, } of lot 48 84
Emmet Randall lot 138 38rd and

Read st 1 69
Fleming, L E, fof Kborn lot "="-:14.38
Fleming, W A, resicence lot in

Skinnerville 12 09
Forbes, © C and wife, lot 147 cor

3rd and Reade st 873
Gorham, Dinah } of Jot 134 84
Godwin, W ~IT, + of let 84 2 24
Gorham, H 8, 1 lot 99
Hanraham, Wm 1 Jot 1 67

~Harris. H F, lot no 45 Dickinson

Avenue 313
Harrington, Jos Liot on Clark st 95
Harrington, Willis 1 lot on Clark

street ; 1 27
Hearne, R M. residence in Skin-

nerville 4 38
Hopkins, Nelson lot on Bonners

diane 1 94
Hardy, Stanly 4 of lot 36 271
Harris Mary 1-3 of lot 134 81
Jenkins, BJ* ha Brown lot 214
King, Moses lot 178 Green st 6 84

Latham, kd lot'85 Evaus st

Latham, Fannle lot on Clark Lane 84
Lucas, Mary lot n0 176 1 80
Moore Joel of 1-4 57 146
Miller, Jos lot on Bonners Lane 63
Norcott, J P., Green st Eborn ]

Patrick, Cynthia } of 123

6 Chas } of 86 Pritchard
Lot . 2 60
Peyton, Chas 1-5 of 121 Cotauch
street 146
o+ Lula pare of ** st 21
o© Wietoria pact of 121~ ** 21
be Ida te 121 be be ote 42
Rhoden, Isace edmr GC Williams
Lot 46 1 25
Rouse, M A cor 2nd & Pitt sts © 2 2
Sugg, Isaac A, & wife'4 lots in
Skinrerville 146

ante piste arentatnineth peta ko dite shen pet ne emma


_" Umuporters and Wholesale Dealers in sll kinds of
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accerdeons, Harmoni-

11,610: 83, 617 Hast Se, Now ork,


A Man Never Looks Well.

If his Laundry is Poorly Done.
While he alwavs looks well
if ke has nice Laundry.

" We are agents for"


Suffolk, Va.

Whose work is nowhere sur-
passed. We make shipment
every Wednesday and goods
are returned Saturday. Get
your bundles tous on Tuesdays
and they receive prompt atten-
tion. All work guaranteed.
We are responsible for any ar-
ticle iost.

J, L. Starkey & Bro.

J. A, Burarss, Mer.
Washington, N. C,

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno-
vated, several new rooms added, elec-
tric bells to every room. attentive ser-
vants. Fish and Oysters seryed daily.
Patronage of traveling pubiie solicited.
Centrely located,


The King House property, on.
nhiain street, the most desirable
hotel in the city, largest patronage. well
uipped 3 story building, 20 rooms,
other necessary buildings, good well
water, 86 inch teracotta curbing"price
low, Terms easy,

House. and lot corner 2nd anid Cotanch
streets, 7 rooms, and other neeessary
buildings. ~l'erms easy.

House and lot on Washington street
5 rooms and kitchen, good well water.

2 store lots on main street 26) fect
~front each, by132,good title. ~Nerms easy.

9 houges'wnd lots for rent.
other desirable pieces

SRO er Mech ah

ae |




With every facility for transacting
Banking Business. This Bank solicits
the accounts of merchants, farmers and
the business of responsible persons and
firms. Ten: ering all the courtesies that
are usually extended by a well conduc-
ted and obliging banking house.

Collections remitted ~promptly and at
lowest rates.







ing their yearTs supplies will ting
their interest toget our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
n ajlits branches.

RICK, iitA, &e.
always utLowgsr Minter PRives


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ene
bling youto buy at one profit. A com
dlote stock of


always onhand &nd sold at prices tu suit
the times. (ur goods areal] bought and

to run,we sell at a close margin.
S. M. SCHULT2.Greenvillie. N C

are what you want in|


Because an vld style hat vever
shows the wearer to be up to date.


is inand embraces the very latest
styles and shapes of new Pattern

T also have a lovely display of
Shirt Waists, Stamped Linens,
Embroidery Silks, Ribbon Collars
and other new goods.

, One

cm ,

My entire stock is prettier than
ever before. :



3to 9 lights 80c each per month.
10 to 12 lights 7%. o * *
12 and up 65c_C;
Not less thau three lights put
ix. stores.


20 and up GUC each per Month.
ie: 1e38 than 20, store rates.

1 light $1.00 each per month.
2light%c o . *

6s ue ~


sold for CASH. therefore, having no risk

owill teach a class in SHORT-

Commencing April 22nd, 1896.
All persons wishing to take cay
see me at Hotel Macon. » r

~ J

TgRXs :"Shorthand $5.00,Type
writing $2.50, Both combined

mel etaai Lie Me

Wall Paper'

ever shown in Greenville. Be
sure to see my samples. All new
styles, uot an old piece in the lot.
Will take pleasure in bringing
samples to your home if you will.
notify me at my shop near Hum-
ber's, on Dickerson avenue,


aati cand

Greenville Market.
Corrected byS. Me Schultz "
Bntter, per lb 15 to 26
Western Sides. - «tot
Sugar cured, Hams. , _ 10 to 12)
Corn 40te 6u
Corn Meal 50 to 65
Flour, Family 4.26 to 5,00
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 30 to 40
Sugar 4 to 6
Cottee ,, 46 to 25
Salt per Sack 80'to 1 75
| Chickens 10 to 26
Eggs per (oz 10 to 11
Beeswax. per 9 20
Cotton and Peanut. = 7}

Below are Norfolk prices-of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mere

chants Of Norfok yi. @ 0% 4»

ane rr

oCOTTON. | ae
Good Middling 7 15-16
Middling i 11-16
Low Middling | 76-16
Good Ordinary biil i 6

Tone"dull. oee

Prime 4 Aa 3}
Extra Prime © (Oy 84
Mancy ~ 3t
Spanish $1.10 bu
Tone"firm. o,


REPORT. = 6%
bY ©. L. JOYNER.

Tops." Green... . 1... to 24
o Brighi.... ....-.- .4 to 8

o Red..eeegy oBto 4
Luas"Common.. . .. )-.,440 6
* Good........ . .. Tto lb
o© Fine..., . ++... 12to 18
Currers -Common... .,..6to 11
o " Good..... .... 124 to 20

LT 4

Fine.... ..a...15 to 274

Professional Cards.

ro §

ee en aera nein

Successors to Latham & Skinnner.
ATTN: wbes bein yo
GRKEB ili... N. OO

nae St amin pe we

John E, Woodard, F.U. Harding,
. Wilson, N.C.� Greenvilje, N.C,
Greenville, N.
Special attention given to collections
and settlement of Claims,

DENTIst, (ee


yames A. SMITH,

weds Casing Dpsog

Patronage 80! yelng

aad Ciestinn Gents Clothes a op ty


sence me

3 light 80¢ . +o ae +

sUaetee. *

5to9 li ce * oa
Il lighte will be put in free of}

IH :

al 9 ete given to ee
, ah Aaa ie : .
oh ae a BS






Quail and Prairie Chickens Are
- Growing Very Scarce.

ES PN Ans caine RE | Ae aed Stags ke beapicy

em lel mati


at a nominal price. If these were
turned out on some wide expanse they | "
would become as wild as hawks in the
second generation, and would increase
very rapidly, as they surpass all other
game birds in the number of eggs they
lay, and the cunning with which they:

conceal their nests. " Chicago Inter
Seon Become Extinct " Gun

wal Ocean.
TRAINS G6iiNG SOUTH. Clubs Are to Blame. '
ice calennaiinangs Twentieth Century.

Ucutenseu senedule,
Cox uu if Some Steps to Replenish the Stock in

This Country Are Not Taken They Will

e "

" : . * at ® | * ® 5 .
i bated 9 (8% |e a | +2 Western lovers of that beautiful oo ww button Tn set INTERESTS OF.
. Mar M4, 3°2 2 S| 63 sport, hunting wild game birds, must "o nok Pp peg tat etl de int
Shea ZA Aa ZQ | ve well satisfied with the vigilance of | *Om"7B, PS ;
A. M.IP.M.! 4. M | the Hlinois game warden,. Ws | a, ies
Leave Weldon | 11 55) 9 27 _ | aided by show ipentleennn who bo mal te Read Like | vy. Tt a ae
Ar. Rovvk Mt | 1001020 |__| ilar positions sn toets are, however, it| oYou have no heart.� GREENVILLEFIRST;PITTCOUNTY SECOND
a ot ne aan : *: Pale, but tearless, she stood before |
. is to be feared they come too late to; ae, ,
Lv Tardoro 12 12 save the prairie chickens (pinnated him, and looked hiv: squarely in the OURIPOCKET BOOK THIRD.
mgs: ""'\""" | crouse.) No measures, it is certain, eye.
Ly Rocky Mt 1 Bu/lU 20 6 a man ever make them as plentiful on our She was poor, but proud. Adverse a
Ly Wilou ae prairies as they were a quarter of a fortune had reduced her wardrobe to
Lv Selma 2 63 | entury ago. Even if their slaughter a calico basis, driven her and her only | |
+d Bay care : a ° ba were forbidden for a term of years, the Wabeah meter yall tind = SU BSC Fe J PTION 25 Cents a M ©) NTH.
. | tmost vigilance on the part of | ))@0ash aventie apa
" 4 i Blow and bis assistants hardened the lines about her still beau- . ~ ~
$ . ia not prevent the annual tiful mouth, but it could not dim the
2 pa ti ah large numbers. luster of her blue-black eye or tame the 3 : =
sala "" cs sErgC a : 8 nd | Unconquerable spirit that animated EER Oey
4 pul | M Gumi! are becoming equaT bears! every fiber of the lissome form standing
; PB As 20| ozless the different hunting clubs take | srectwith unconscious grace and await- | : iw
BY Wilson 4 08 | 7 05 | some steps to replenish the stock, game | © his answer , if tity
-Ly Goldsboro | 3 10) of the grouse family will soon become | '78 018 2nswer. � ai
Lv Magnolia 4 16) ~ye stremely onre y ~You have no heart,� she repeated.
- az' 4 Bk a Sl ° onr Dear Oo : : yp. t
emo] | iAcM. | England has always been & great | erste come mighty nie ive.� Will 3
wane preserving country, . oell� . ~be ey same ci ~ae
TRAINS GOING NOTKH. ~here, where the game laws are very that do just as well?�"Chicago Tri PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT ~
-tringent, it has been found necessary . :
7 "| 5 import large numbers of birds from (} | ~ ;
Dated eid $y tube 4 "_" ne v0 ar er ear
ve 33 ° sq The. oe 1] pheasant (phas- : : re :
1896. ZO\z Ag | oe eae P bu The Babies Were Mixed.
\ men -" || " |"" | ~gnus colchicus) has long reigned as | ee ; ; |
Ly Flor ie e val 7 aera bono " (sia, |, Mra. Jane Norton, of Irisia Va"- This is the P eople 8 i avorite ie
: ekece i é Case a4 ahetiily ? .
Lv Fay ettevillel 10 581 ¥ 40 -ut has been indigenous in England for ley and her danghter, a Hiss.
Lv Selma 12 32) emuries. They are polygamus in| D& oster, revor ;
4r Wilsc u 1: 1 35 heir habits, and as the brilliant plum- | to babies at the Norton Home THE TOBACCO DEPARTMENT, WARCH
ns re | | c""--{| oc of the male bird is in contrast to the Saturday afternoon. Both chil- ISA REGULAR FEATURE OF YHEL APER,
v2 | \ somber brown of the-hen, good sports- | dren were born about the same 18 ALONE WORTH ~MANY TIMES THE
5 E ~icp can easily distinguish them apart | time and the attending phvsican SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,
ee "- "".|____. | they invariably let the females gone un hed to hustle to keep up with the
A. M. P.M. ta gai aan the supply is fairly we procession. Oue child was a boy A
Lv ini : a6 ot ni a possible however, when 2 | #ud the other a girl. The doctor "(0)- eee
wv Ma ~ i is T , ni . |
oLy Gqldsbero | 12 05 9 40| sovey of partridges gets up, to distin- pol them none 10 dedi they by
ar Wilson, 1 09 10 27| -uish the different sexes, so that both | #2 no questivuos wore d y When you need =
Ly Larboro 248 . . | sale and female have to fall alike to the | the mothers. When the octor oe
oP m. | im ef | unerring aim of the Knglish country called Supday to see how his al
~ oO oentleman. Consequently they would; patients were the mothers asked . ) ; 3
5, & pod a | Secdme very searce could got eggs and | b.m which was Mrs. Norton's and a
"~~ ~ a | irds be obtained from abroad. The} which was Mrs. Foster's. The PERT CE \ _ 7 :
| P. M. P. MP. M, | ~rst imported were the French, or red-| astonished physican racked his eer ere, ae |
_ Uy Wilson 1 20 11 35 10 32| legged variety (caccabis urfa), but they | brain to solve the question, bui =x Don't for get the
Ar Rocky Mt 217 1211) 11 16 roved very eee ee Biri finaly admitted that in the con. . : :
fd ee disturb ey prepare : rat vere e yo fi -
Ar Tarboro 4°0 | han fly. tn addition, they did not in- fusion ol ne er ee ee pees Reflector Office.
Lv Tarboro ae . | ~erbreed with the native varicty, but | 7° aI d 6 all whi h hich | :
Lv Rocky Mt | 2 1% RW being larger and more pugnacious | WBabled to tell which was which. - 9 .
Ar Weldon 1 01) , | Mrs. Norton has several boya, so

threatened to exterminate them. A
~ew years ago it was discovered that
the HMungarian partridges not only very
nearly resembled the English species,
"ut would interbreed, and dwell im har-
nony with it. This discovery has led
o the importation of myriads of these


she took the girl as her child.
This was Mrs. FosterTs first baby
and she will start her family with
the boy. Although the matter
has thus heen settled, the moth-
ers are not yet satisfied and
would Jike to kuow if they have
the right child.� Mrs. Fester was
sent for Satard:y morning by her
mother, who aid not know ber


Train on Scotland Neck Braneb Road
eaves Weldon 3.55 p.m., Halifax 4.1
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 p
w., Greenville 6.47 p.m., Kiuston 7.45
o.im. Returning, leaves Kinston 7,20
a m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving| © : °
Walifax at 11:00 a. m., Wetdon L120 am | ress indeed, the business has grown
daily except Sunday. to such proportions that over a dozen

he tg %., : rms are engaged in it, and last season
Trains on Washnigton Brauch Jenve| over 100,000 brace were shipped from

oO *

Our, Work and Prices Suit cur Patrons,

Washington 8.00 a. m., and 3.00 p.m,
arrives Parvicle 3.50a. m., and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m., returningleaves
Tarboro:3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m,
and 620 p. iu, arrives Washington
11.50.a, m.. and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-

t Suuday. Connects with trains on
sSeothind Neck Branch.

Train leaves caroory, N C, via Albe-
marie & Raleigh ti. 0. daily except sun-
day, at 450 p. m., Sunday; 800 P. M;
artave Plymounth 9.00 P. Of, 3.28 p. im,
hHecturning . caves Plymouth daily except
Sundsy, 6.00 a. m., Sunday 9.30 a m.,

ouime on the Adriatic, the only port.for
he large extent of country over which
~hese birds are trapped.

Most of them are taken on the broad
plains and low foothills of the Carpa-
thians, and in the valleys of the Bohem-
ian Alps. In the dense woods that
clothe the lower spurs of the latter,
coheasants are also very plentiful and
large numbers are trapped and im-
ported. In England live Tungarian
oortridges bring about $1 to $1.25 a
brace (male and female), pheasants

daughter, like herself, was in a
delicate condition. The journey
from Trevorton to Irish Valley
made Mrs. Foster ill, and brought
ou the birth of her child."Suns-
bury (Pa.) Daily.



arrive Tarboro 10.25 wim and 11, 45 | $2.25 to$2.50; partridgesT eggs, $3 to $10

""A fresh line of-"
a hundred, 1 ph tsT about $7, °
dred alpacas seu" Fnily : GROCERIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONE:

bout 80 per cent. of these eggs are fcr- : ffi :
He. They are wanally hatehed by ban- " Consisting of " A fell Ji t Led D : Aa ipieil ' . vi ~ie
ams, or common barnyard fowls. ull Jine of Ledgers, Day Books, Memorandum and Time
Both partridges and pheasants are d Books, Receipt, Draft and Note Books, Le; al Cap, Fools Cap oo]
Lar » |Bill Cap, Letter und Note Papers. Envelopes all sizes and styles,-
Meat, Coffee,

nrolifie egg producers, their nests con-
taining from 13 te 17 eggs, olive-brown Handsome Box: Fa,eteriet, ficm 10 cents and up. School Tab-:
Meal, ; Sugar,
&e., &e., &¢.,

Train.on Midland N.C. branch leaves
Goldsboro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
m, arriving Smithiield 7°30 a. m. Re-
turning leaves Sivithtield 8 00 a. m., ar-
rives ut Goldsbors 9.30 a. m.


Trams in Nashville branch leave
Rocky Mount at 4.30 p. w,. arrives
Nashwille 5.05 p. m., Spring Hope 5,30
p. w. Returul.g leave Spring Hape
8.JO2..m., Nashville 8.3y am, alive at
Kocky Mount 9.06 a m, dally exeapt

iy soler, pruch rounded at ong eyd, but lets, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Pens and Pen-Holders &e.-
point nee ber. aaksy fe, how: Full live Popular Novels by best authors, The Celebrated Dia:-
owners make but slight attempts to mond luke, all colors, and Cream eee the best made; constantly
on hand. We are sole agent for the Parker Fountain Pen. Nothing�
equals it and every business man should
Cup, Pencil-Hoiders, Rubber Bande, &c.

conceal them, so that the contents fall
oan easy prey to their many enemies.

have ove. Erasers Sponge
The English variety lay measurably

Trvins on Latta branch, Florence R )
DonTt forget us when you ©

4., leave acta 6.40 pm, agrive Dunbar

which I am

7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p'm. Returning well in confinement, but their eggs are li want anything iy. the Stationary line.
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30 a m,| frequently infertile. This, however, is petung sd inw g
an 7.50 am, daily exeept Sua-| not the case with the Ilungarian birds, that a causes , " a 2
ay. | ~who, if not too closely confined, lay surprise, Cap ee
Train onClinton Branch leayes War- large numbers of eggs, 4.surprising per- Come sev mé ¢ R E E N Vv l LLE The Charlotte
eri : centage of which will hatch out. The and I will

suw for Cliuten caily, exeept Suudav,
11.102, m.and 8.50 DP. m* Returning
leaves Clinton at 7.002. m, aud3,00 p m. |

Train. No. 78 makes close connection |
at Weluot forall points ty, all rail via
Richmone, aleo at ky Mount with

young birds are much hardier and
easier to raise than those of the English

Their hardiness would enable them to
withstand the rigors of this climate.

treat you fair
and square.


North Carolinas

Male Academy

Booey ot acolioale : geo vat furriterioa a hele� oon a eee ig bbe course grey all the branches phate teal i:

ee al me Pigriesy were to obtain a consignment, their | ETT ING ar usually taught in an Academy. DAILY : 4 :
Ceo oe Son preserves would soon be stocked with THE MORNIN : STAR. Forms, both. for. Makjoe. and board AND Ae

aa eas this very desirable game bird. They| = FN ry reasonable. 3 ,

never fly high, so that the expense of | _ | Boys well fitted and equipped for' WEEKLY,

" EMERSON, Tratio 3 nage ., b usiness, by taking

the academic | "

Ph sind ¥, Gen) Manager, inelosing a few acres of~land Suitable | oh a
) aa Oe tor them to breed on would be trifling. tle course alone. Where they wish to iy ) |
PR. Anéthe®T bi dintT hau! alil Daily N pursue a higher course, this: school| ~dependent and fearless ; bigger an
P, Hl, Pelletier Lovit Hines, Fa bad bird which has at acted A guarantees thorough preparation to| More attractive thaneyer. it willbe a .
President. Bes. & Treas Wel rot d een | enter, wiih eredit, any College in North | invaluable yisltor td ~the home. th

ofiee, the club or the work room, |

land and Scotland, who control large
areas of. waste Jand, is the guinea fowl
(gallina namidica), They are occa-

Caroling or the State University, It
refers tc 10ee who have recently left
its wall .~or the truthfulness of this


LUMB North Carolina.

ER co.

AlwaysT in the market sionally, met with in thigcountry.in aj : atatement. All of the news of the world, Com
e: vm tlie. 3 ad domesticated state, but those who have |+ Pha (}p) Any young man with cheracter plete Daily re from the Stat
| | | pie tat we it pone wae ti fhe On y young eter and| . : he 8
for } Ss and pay rf : shot, i i ' e jt ple y oill ht 7 byte Hf moderate ability tuking x course withT and National Ua itols.. $8 year
© Cuahhat matte priews | SEM uae Ne irragter | 18 Ol ments to coin inthe highersdiods | "A yertect tay jorecaal e
_ Lie ; ner : ~ oE ' t me oo eb hi a
~\ Can also fill orders ceHence ofthe sport ~they furnish or | "7 aig : _[) Phe discipline. will be kept at. ite}... oews pe hme Sy ol 1
Bs | their edible qualities. This bird has| favors Lamited Free Coinage | present standard. ny dF Ytven : ee were |
fur Ronghd Dressed [een strongey neretet hy apawes off Ameticam Silver and Repeal} Nother tine vor omton noe] sung, oper to Wea
ber prompt ~ oh ne grade ci aehaahel Pasig ; 18 re My wi ae + . ' aa! . ee ea | ce , 1 adh . a , j » serve Pi

; es

ty a T
~ Renita y's aha

: A ee
~ ~ i
: pee
my ae j
? :

oia ie


ks. Daily 50

WOR. Ragen, 18 DAI Pa fs fast busty the 7
+ 7 Pytnetpal, GORET Te

ey) beaten
Basho i j ie ~i i % ¢

APRIL ANATOMY. 5 fjoon Be Beady. i

" Mr. W. S. Atkins tells us that all

These Folks Spied While Moving the contracts for the Greenville tele"
Around this Fine Weather. | phone exchange have been placed and
" | work will begin in the next few days

- A. Cohen, of Newbern, is here. | The office building on the corner of
_F. L. Castex, of Goldsboro, is in | Fourth and ~Washington. streets has
been secured for the central effice. He

~to oar.

déacellent line of "




Creates many « new business, .
"" . gays the system here-will have through
sive Enlarges many an old business, R.'S. Neal, of Scotland Neck, is in| y ti "weds t the 1
oe : Preserves many a large business. own. connection with many © the Jarger
~towns in.the State,

Revives many a dull business, ise a |
AN) SIMMER WEAR Rescues many a lost business, Shenft Bb. W. Edwards, of Snow!
my v¥ . Saves mapy.a failing business. Hill, is at the races. loa person not accustomed io esee

ee Secures suecess to any business. a .
"Consisting of- : y : Louis Arnheim, of ~Tarboro, ar | around much would be surprised by
pee rived ~Tuesday evening. j aking & walk over town and noting


ALL-WOOL DRESS GOODS, . Berbice judiciously,� use the) Mits Kate Pritchard, uf Kinston, is | "PP ace buildings going Ups hia ly

Beautiful, stylish, up-to-date, peared ne wae visiting Miss Lillie Harris. ~every section of the town 1s showing
signs of improyement


and cheaper than ever before.| agar aND BOAT SCHEDULES. ~Miss May Harrie, oof Falkland, is
LAWNS, CHALLIES, "_"- visiting Miss Florence Williams. | gu g wo eBeUtO :
P: * and mail train oin ayes pant, wk o .
LAWNS, CHALLINS. og, |_fmocamns ant, mal etn anne. 1, Gants o Grit in nin | BE OQ SERGE: - Bieaae
PARISIAN RIPPLES, urrives 6:47 P. M. ing agent J. R. Moore at the depot. : e = al ef Sass @ Out racing e
INDIA LINENS, Ragctellat +r A reign, arrives 9:50°'4| wp, White and wife, of Hobgoo d, | or* my = $ = : & : pportunity.
LINEN LAWNS, ; Eo ae ee fare visiting the famtly of R. L, Hum- ae mo, owe a +, You do the same and get your
MULLS south Bound Freight, arrives, 2:00: DP. dee. | | ot es nO be "2 FRESH. GROCERIES that are
4 ose WiBSES M.. leaves.2:16 P. Mh. | ! 5. CQ 5 8 pers 2 6& up-to-date. Nothing but pure
DOTTED SWISSES, Steamer Tar River arrives from Wasb- H. T: Knox, a prominent tobacco & @, ogo" Re? Groceries kept in stock. Oome:
and Novel COTTON GOODS _ | ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday | pist and horseman of Oxford, is- here to Ss a 8. o359 ie and see me.
of different kinds ond description. eeidee ys = Tuesday, ,Thure} aces , a to. a * of @ OY °
Never were they more beautiful |o*� atid HACETOSY: O@¢ P2eoe 4
than this season. = =| Moses Turnage, of Farmville, who of ~ ® ae fered
WEATHER BULLETIN. has been spending a few days: here, : ~ ca " pa 5 el re , ®
. oo ate liwn left to-day for Washington. os eS 4 2.2. g br, (
o " | Genera far owight ant Thor wl BEM OPEEE e"-
Come see our ; Generally fair to-night and Thurs-| yg Annie W. Buker, of Greens E rf : ° t ® 7S Go To sis
ay: boro, arrived Tuesday night to visit her 52 --2-2-59 D S S . hT
, nt ~ 5 o © «tt
CHiN] WAIS] HKG, ne """" | cousin, Rev. N. A. D. Wilson. oO ~ S ae re * e mit S
: APRIL ATOMS. 7 =. = © 9 7
they are the correct styles and Geo. E. Harrison returned last even-| 2B, N : So 23 4 "FOR ¥OUR"
prices. ~~ ing from an extended trip to the wes-| & a Sn op)
: oS Ser tet OF
Little Items ier Float on the Balmy | tern part of the state. ad . a = 5% Z 4 G RO C ERI ES.
| reezes. ei Soo 44:
HAMBURG EDGING and E. L, Miller, of Durham, General © 2 we c 4 S e=) ee :
nue , otute 1 o a6: rer .
INSERTIONS, LACES, This has been a summer day. Manager of m_ ne Telephone mB a . % asx @ EVERY THING FRESH AND
. company, spent last night here. 4 Cem
RIBBONS, FANCY BRAIDS, Burning oil highest tert obtainable. : Ys spent mame o ok! © 3 = Bee: INICE. JUST BECEIVED A
and NOVELTIES. J. S. TuNsTALL Miss Leila Shields, who has been| RS ©�"�« Oe $4) ; ; ;
rs visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Higgs, eet by os 2° NICE LOT OF GRITS, be
iininnmnaiprnte a . fo ® .
¢ (ne wih men.have hada lively bus- | returned to Scotland Neck to-day.. oo OQ 5 O° s a fe INY, DRIED APPLES AND
. oy GC e
Lace Curtains Iced Drink J. L. Starkey & W. S. Vaughan, a commercial tour- e © orf a ¢ PEACHES, CANNED PEACH-
Window Shader, Curtain Pol = leet Diane eee ee eee ee eek I. C. HOOKER & CO.|us, TOMATOES, APRICOTS
i ow adee, I oles. ~ ~ son 427 1 ropke |.
2 vn *. Setviots in tha Meshollirg,.churck and the girls too, is in town this. week: | pyryeyors of Good Advice and peaters|AND PEARS, AND IN FAOT
" " rch t dry Goods,
A hne of | . ervices in the Me ist. church to- in Diy Goods, Clothing. Shoes EVERY THING USU ALLY.
night. The weather wise say this is a dry and Gent's Furnishings

Oxford Ties ; Freh Cream Walnut Candy every: eon, We ean tell more about. that : T | CERY STORE.
for Ladies and stig iy hora has Ag Wh eee: eye __ | tit : "_""
never veen equalled in this town. Best 5 cent Cigars in town at J. L. . t
"OF .

Starkey & BroTs. To-dayTs races started about one
' t
Great, Barpains

, ~clock and are ineprogress at the ti
My Soda Fountain is in operation. a m are Ingres me
we go to press.

shoes, Shoes ; Call in for cool refreshing drinks.

Jamus LONG.

i Ire i 4 a ~ 1

for every buyer who wants an rhs ball tycight aif be fn the Green? Presilent Cleveland has appointed

honest, reliable, wearing articles.| . ¢ ball to-night will be in the Green�) ¢x.Gov. Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia, as
ville Warehouse. Consul to Cuba. An excellent appoint-


Full ~variety CrossmanTs Vegetable | ment

Umbrellas and Flower Seeds at J. L. Starkey & IN
ae @ | ie BrosT. , The first number of the semi-veekly (Ry GOONS NOTIONS. SHOES - i
) 9° a 5

to protect you from the sun and I am again ready toT serve you with | Kinston Free Press came this- morn- xc

rain. choice Fruits and Confections. ing, Itisa seven column sheet anda| Hats,.Caps, GentsT Furnishings,
| Morris Merer. [splendid paper. We expect yet to see and the cheapest line of STRAW
) Raden eel: 1
Gentlemen come and examine our The warm weather has brought out it coming daily. MATTING in the town. 11 ets
| ! to 23 cts yard. t Ost

Hine Of ao on ey » (Hs barefooted urchin.

. ; Wry Agent for-Wanamaker: & Brown

Cabbage Plants, Early and Large K( MORE GOI) WEIR of Philadelphia,tailor-made Cloth.

Jersey Wakefield. Now is the time to | ** * ling for Men and Boys, Biggest For Cash

plant. Call at Rive.side Narseries. | Dam sow prepared to, furnish line of Samples you ever esaw. : ®

es ay ode) : Ice in any quantity, ard will keep Come and look at them: axd you

Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Straw) Our Poet, Cardenas and Golden| well sapplied throughout the | will, say it 18 the prettiest and} I have bought the stock cf

, and Far Hats, Suspenders: and | Seal Cigars at Jesse W. BrownTs. summer. Al! orders in town de- cheapest line of OLOTHENG you | Higgs Bros. snd will sell the en-

Hosiery. Shoes in correst styles, ar _. llivered without extra ~charge. | ever 8aw in the town. tire stock at Cost for next 30 days.
The oSouthern Leader,� still holds | Give we acall at Higgs Bros.

best quality and popular prices. | When you want to be served
Bd can an wae you if you|the lead as the beat 5 cent smoke.| promptly send we your-orders- | H _" is CLARK. old stv.nd.
will give US & Call. Nothing equals it. D. S. SMitTH. W. BR. PARKER.


Near Five, Points. | RawlsT Jewelry Store.

The races have. been the leading
bd if

"Our stock of" topic with most everybody today.

Furniture Seda Water, Coco Cola, Lemonade, |

Milk Shakes and Sherbets at James



: a

is complete and embraces many
useful articles of genuine merit. Long's.

Our Oak Suits. aro lovely. Kasy| j¢ you want Ice Cream, Soda-Water,|

eowfortable Rockers, of man wa i
different kinds. Dining and Par- Milk Shakes, ,Coco Gola, Lemonaae

lor chairs, Lounges and Couches, | #4 Sherbets call on Morris. Meyer.

4 Parlor Suity, Centre lables, Side oe

" Boards, Dining Tables, Tin Safes, I ouns prepared "0 fornish ice ream
Bedsteads, Mattresses, Floor and to families iu any quantity. Give me
Table Oil Cloths, Mattings of|your orders. Morris MEYER.

cheap and good grades. | = .
. P Cod Fish, Irish Potatoes, Prepared and fina wn entire new stock

Good quality and prices low.
Buckwheat, Oat Flakes, Cheese; Mac- oad q | y p

wy ig ar NS r : : : : a \ i } WSs oi
at the New Hard- ARARD ARE ® J didTnt but will next time .



caroni, P. R. Molasses, at S.° M.
! Schultz. Be SN ue i T
) Something New and Sweet, Peanut| J bought goods

of beautiful designe, | ¥lakes at S. M. Schultz. vor opyware Stores,� .
- ome and see us we will be Who keeps the neatest and most) " """"WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE Oley eT i Li |

more than pleased to show you complete grocery store in Greenville" W
@ PL

through our atock. A careful in- | unanimous J. S, TUNSTALL.
: jon ~will repay you mar

o| " Boreign and Domestic Fruits, ard LU, HUUUL ETM okie v,
Vegetables reecived daily at J.'8. Tun- Our immense line of TINWABE cant ot be beaten as to quality and price |

MAM i wry: itis i Suds ;

bias tigations |We ih for Cash, sell for Cash hence we guarantee to compete with prices.
siege Brower, wit ghd, | Kindly gxainiue ont stock before buying, Respedtially, ee :

: eye ~ ee no " ae : = g : Ez : fy RFT LOY ara a pe it) e é

Pay Fis aes t 1 ; eA Sid cn Bt nae cc ty i

~Beylea gains on, it forthe. next thirty WMYB Tey si jh 4g 89 ants, 7 on P &

diSeeadvertisemen LMR etot ts MA SRG Mae SA Ns a i a



Daily Reflector, April 15, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 15, 1896
April 15, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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