Daily Reflector, April 2, 1896

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

D. I. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.



TERMS: 25 Cente.a Month.



Next Door Bank.

a TT eed


My Spring Goods have
arrived and | am
showing the pret
tiest line of

~ever shown in the city.
The prices are, of the
| startling nature and can
onot fail to please.
Come and see us and

_we will do you good.
iM Hee beh RRhe Pak 7 AA

You who judge by what you see,
O'ten fail to judge aright ;
Stars are shining solemnly,
In the day as in the night ;

MK! All the day they lie concealed

By the glory of the sun,
But at eve they stand revealed
In the azure, one by one,

So the daylight of the smile
May but veil the human face
Hiding for a little while
Doubt and care and sorrows trace ;
So, when shadow clouds ef woe
OTer a happy face arise,
Still beneash the shadows glow
Stars of joy in gentle eyes.

Life is arched with changing skies,
Rarely are they what they seem ;
Smiles we have, and also sighs"
Much we know, but more we dream;
Lock beneath the outward show
To the shadow or the light,
And from what you surely know
Learn to seeT and judge aright.

A Fickle Lover.

Winston, N. C., March 28."The
particulars of a peculiar marriage have
just been received here. ~The event was
celebrated inT Goldsboro last Wednes-
day night. Miss Sallie Lee Mitchell
and Mr. John D. Smith are the names
of the contracting parties, both of whom
formerly resided in Winston. Recently
Mr. Smith sent out invitations announc-

Goldsboro. Miss Mitchell, his present
bride, was to be one of the attendants.
She left here for that city for the pur-
pose of witnessing the coming nuptiais.
After her arrival there, however, she
met Mr. Smith, and the two (who, by
the way, were old sweethearts) renewed
their former affections. The first invi-
tations were then called in, and Mr.
Smith, in a few: days, sent out a fresh
obatch� notifying his triends of his
change of mind. According to the
first. announcement he was to have been
married in the First Presbyterian
church at Goldsboro, but the marriage
took place at a private residence. Miss
Mitchell was married in the dress she
had prepared for her duties as brides-

Week Ahead of the World.

A special from Tacama, Wash., dated
March 30th, says: It was Easter Sun-
day yesterday on the Pacific slope, al-
though probably not more than halfa
dozen people knew it. Those who aid
know it are ambitiout astronomers and
mathematicians. They find that the
first full moon after the spring equinox
put in an appearance on this coast short-
ly after 10 oTclock Saturday night ; and
it is a fact that the first Sunday after the
first full moon after the spring equinox
is Easter Sunday the world over. But,
in this peculiar case, said to be the first
instance of the kind.| since the | the be-
ginning of the Christian era, only this
part ot the Pacific slope has its Easter
Sunday a week in advance of the rest of
world. When the moon filled Satur-
day night, reckoning by Pacific-cost-
time, it was already Sunday in New
York and London, Consequently, for
the East and the remainder of the
world, excepting the Pacific coast, the
first Sunday after the first full moon

until next Sunday.

' Next 'to Egypt. 3
But wasnTt it dark last night on
that portion of main street north, of
J. B. Cherry & Co'sT store! It. was)

T ~2 "imotexuetly othick darkness. thatT may

sphere oy, gee his oway

is jes 2

H\\ ON Peg
Dl lakes abSicM. Scholtz. 9


: es eer hy t
: ow and Pig Peanut

ing that he would wed a young lady in

after thé spring equinox will not arrive |,

The. Jenkins, Lanear Jenkins and

o Geerge Davis Arraigned for the
Murder of Patrick Whitehurst.

At the opening cf Court this morn-
ing at 9:30 oTclock, The. Jenkins, La-
nier Jenkins and George Davis were

charge of murder. The grand jury
found a true bill against these and also
against William Jenkins, but the latter
run away about thetime of the death
ot Whitehurst and has not been cap-

The regular jury for the week was
first called and seven of them excused,
the other five being retained on the
murder case. Then calllng of the spe-
cial venire was ordered, and it was ex-
actly 12 oTelock when the last of the
twelve jurors was selected and Judge
Boykin instructed Clerk Moye to em-
pannel them.

The jury to try the case is composed
of William McArthur, Seth Tyson, W.
J. Jackson, D: J. Holland,*Caleb Can-
non, J. J. Tucker, Josephus Gaskins
H.C, Hemby, Fred Edwards, G. B.
Kilpatrick, Ceaser Blount and J. C.

The witnesses for both sides were
called and sworn and were ordered kept
separate without the room while the
case was in progress.


oPapert cra ctee

Matters Of Interest Over the State.

The police census of Raleigh, just
taken, gives that city 13,081 popula-
tion within the corporate limits.

Hon. C. M. Stedman, ex-Lieutenant
Governor of North Carolina, will move
to Atlanta from Asheville May 1st, and
enter the practice of his profession, law.

At Concord some days ago some
one entered the Episcopal church and
robbed the box that contained the con-
tributions for the poor. About $6 was
taken, together with a bottle of wine
which was gotten from a chest.

On a plantation, in Mississippi, lives
an old obefore the war� darky, too old
to do any work harder than throwing
feed to the poultry. She has known
no other home, and is a character.
Visitors to the plantation always go to
her cabin, and to their question,
oHow are you this morning, Aunt
Chris ?� never fail to receive the fol-
lowing reply: oWell, honey, ITm
kinder oncomplicated. De superfluity
ob de morninT done taken de vivosity
outen de air and left me de conse.
quence ob comprehension.�

Dr. Kingsbury, the able editor of
the Wilmington Messenger, reviews a
book and cautions his readers against
it"because the morals of the book are
not such as to recommend it to chaste
people. Then a chronic kicker says
that the doctor only gave the work
popularity by condemning it, and , thus
prompted pure women to eatT of for-
bidden fruit by its perusal. The doc-
tor replies by saying that such cattle
need but little pompting. © He is right.
"Hillsboro Record.

On Thursday, March 26th, 2 smell,

dark bay mare, with white star in her
forehead, about 7 years old, was hired

ie tater: fae, Neale

lll wh

Williams was a :
sized man, clean shaven, with red face, |
had on white hat and blue sult of
clothes, pd y areward of §25 for
information leading to the recovery ot
on mare,


© émasenat .6

brought into Court to answer the] §

My store is piled full of

weaves in Worsted, Cheyiots, &c
Sacks, Cutaways
or if vou carry a

eT eS ee eo


and the prices are surprising. It is com

and Prince Alberts.
bay window in front, I can can fit either of you

osed of all the newest
hese goods are cuts in
If you are lean and thin

wy OC,

i i dla tlie Milli Re al PT Ee 7


li lalla

asia idiaciia di lina


Gents Furnishings,

A splendid selection and prices rule low,











~Suors Harts.


se Se ee

asta alti Siti ti eee Tee eS ee ee �"�

pi te i anata tata
PPP PPP OP Ole a al lel a

office, below Five Points,


We: Salle


"""serve the public.


The late fire caught us just as we were opening business in Green-
but we have built a new store next to the Reflector

and are now ready to



- Paints, Oilstand Farming Tevplemesita

for CASH and soll forJCASH, coneequently can ely
tion on all goods in onr line. Come to seejus. |


re earnest in their advocacy of ~the
; and unlimited coinage of silver.

sre nb iet ttemns ranwe as it occurs
pach heighborhood. Write plainly
y op one side of the paper.

eS _ Commission ou subscrip-
tion ates paid to agents.

and the safety of |

- |largely upon

___.,this great money problem and we «0 ae
u not hesitate to say they have reason for

great fain � ae an ard
They olike the silver T

are beginning - to undérstand ~that
so long as the silver forves are di-
vided into hostile camps financial , re-J

Beas hgh

ab as APRIL ae 1896,

SE OR, 7
am, ae aes le ~wise ellen

wild i "e sl

oFrom� Shaivthact Holton to Ober: - Skine
te na and sist asia aaa

eri mnateace

The following extract is frei tule}
Wilmington Messetiger of� males |
~ Mar. 28th. oi

1) Rauwigu, N. C. March 27,
Republican State Chairman ~Holton
twas here toXlay to attend the Sa eirene

* Court and was interviewed ~speciallyT in

regard to the. matterT of the ~aye be. an

tween Populists and DemoetatsT in
rell county, inthe First district.
showed your correspondent. the fol-
lowing letter which he had written
Congressmen Harry SkinnerT fof} that

oJ see rumors of tusion i benea

Populists and Democrats in Tyrell ja
county, with indications on this same
hme cropping out in other eounties--in+

your district. I trust this is not with
your approval. No doubt you can con-|
trol your people, If it continues it will
arouse our Republican friends andT bringT
about friction that will be hard to heal.
Ithink our people are willing to deal
fairly with: the Populists, | ~put your
friends must not show a disposition to
form an alliance with the Democrats
and then appeal to us for support. I
call this to your attention, that you may
know the situation and act as your
judgment may advise.�
This fatéae | bears date March 21st, | gt
and is certainly an important document
_ at this juncture.

a We do not know what reply Col.
Skinner has made to this im; portant
. Aetter but we do know what answer the
~Coloriel ought to make if he is, the

fesses to be. He ought to have given
oChairman Holton 4. stinging reply
owhich he would long remember. Tt is
~not, however, our purpose to interfere
oina matter ot taste between Mr. Holton
* aad Col. Skinner but rather td ° use the
Ancident to call attention to and toT em:
phasize a marked difference between
the party ~which Chairman Holtoh
~ofolés and the party to which Col. Skin-
_ mer belongs.
| The Republican party in North Car
lina, ab a rule, 1s made ~up of 100,000}
, leolored vocers and a few thousand
white office seekers There may be],
@ yery worthy gentlemen in the
oparty who do net belong to either oof
~these classes but they are like sound
opotatoes in a rotten heap, few and far}.
between and a little specked. A qozen
or 80 bosses absolutely. dominate and},
control ¢! sparty, It can
omany votes on one side as
any.suestion. It makes no |i
hat the deliveras


on Er onto acaten or hay» dther queg
tio degre North Caro :
bik it nif

ti ofthe
anu Natiotial bt
so ig gpa
sah or ~

ae of silver to get together. And who
{shall say they shall not come together ?

Nee him when he puts his _ deminutive
form between the steadily approaching

| fe inay


elastute a politician to put himself in
atiy such attitade before the peoplé.of|

business and it was a piece of imper-

rious consequences

-ofincompromiising frietid of fllver he pro

form i is impossible. Hence there ~is a
[growing disposition among the triends

Mr. Holton may be able to boss the
~| Republicans but it will be a bad day

columns ot the, white | men who are de-
| termined to ~réstore the white metal to
its old. time. place asa standard of value.
He will be overturned and trampled |

| beneath the feet o of an indignant people
Whig | haveT never yet ~bowed thelt he ds |

i aS their: lord and»
will call in ~vbib.) | "The Cclonel is too

his- District. The Populist and thesilver
Democrats. re ~Tyrell wear no omanTs
co lar.� They ~belengT to themselves and
re answerable alone to themselves. It
they choose to get together, work to-
gether and Vote together foro the pre-
~servation of. their firesides their
homes it is none of ~Chairma HoltonT 8

tinence in him to call upoa Col. Skinner
to interfere.in. the matter, and, the same,
may be said of the people ofany' other}
county. The truth is the time has come
when the people should be: Inoved less
by prejudice and more by reason. We
are torming our lines to take part inT a

great political battle. which must be
fought out at the ballot box in No-|
vember, which will be fought: with se-
and which will
probably: determine the financial policy
of the Government for the next
four years. Whatever else may be
in doubt we know where we will |

great contest. It will be, where it
has been for the ~fast quarter of
a century, standing for the gold stand.
avd, for.the National. banks and for
monopoly. He paid onr town ~a visit}
Sunday. We know not from whence
he camenor whither he went but we

town so he did not see him.
mesage, if any, he left for. him we do
not know but we'think we oean safely
say he will not find the Colonel nor the
Populist of the first district ~ready to
join himein his frantic effurt to eta gold
bugT phetident ~aud'to tum) | State
over to the party. and.men who plun-
dered and degraded it when ster were
in power, ibe alti Bh Xe?

{When our corespondent wrote the}

~ity in National Coavingea may be
o" (r¢ | )

bor 21st

: much as the gold i in a gold dollar. At

able when they were selling silver at

erage tatio was SI. 6 to ) 1 "Baltimore

oe | %
call upon Col, ~Skinner to at]
terapt this Perilous job-for him but he}

find Chairman HoltonTs party in that! .

suppose his mission was in the interest}

* . ; te ee te
of luis party.. Col. .Skiniex..was not iii |

fill orders. for Good: Briek :by . wig

a mae

Ihab i is latter. eres fs lt look

onel ought to know if. thereTs any one}

is informed that
ression it to� 90 mych used
ip disetinicg the.silyer question, refers
to the fact that an act of Congress of
1834 directed that the silver in a sil-
ver dollar should weigh sixteen times as

that time one grain of gold was worth
sixteen grains of silver. Such . was the

owing to the decreased cost of mining
silver and its largely increased _pro-
duction, its price has fallen so_, that. the
ratio in 1894 was 82.6 to 1. In 1894,
324 grains of silver were required: to

buy one grain of gold. In other words
the silver miners found mining _ profit-

half i its former price. In 1895 the ay-



13 in and sinbeaced the
stylesT and shapes of hew

T also hive a lovely display of
ShirtT Waists, Stamped ~Linens,
Embroidery Silks, Ribbon Collars
La other new goods.

y entire stock is prettier than
everT before. i


. A, Burexss, oMgr.
Washnigton, N. 6.

This Hotel has been thoroughly reno.
vated, several new rooms udded, élec-
| tric bellg.to pric room, | ~attentive ser.
vants. Fish and Oysters served daily:
Patronage of traveling une solibited,
snore anrateth|

very latest

I will establishT a Brick Yard 2
Greenville~and ~will be ready

piddie. of. Aa ee ie conT
templatin ing would

well rs me, as iat with: ~be ie
haere ed to bis ithe at as Hany

audi tian UREA EEE i oat a
HR Eee OO Re: ee Ra OED Peek

SM ta De a Rb ere) vet

ey lke antybody noquainted with ~the Col-|

_ | the accounts of merchants, farmers and

are pd extended by a well. conduc-

oratio� of silver to gold at that time in| jy
the markets ot the world. Since 1834,) fil"

Pine all its branches.


; alote stock of
Because an old style hat never}
showsT the wearer to be up to date.

sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to run,we sell at a close margin.

4 ra Fe

ik Give us your orders.


\Habalt 1
3 to. 9ligh each per mont
flo tot mile ,
2 and npT 660 " wT neh
Notilews Stan three lights put}
iv stores ~h
daa te
each per moatn,
2g op, 8 Nd


With every facility be Tinesiting a
Banking nr ca This Bank solicits

sible persons and
all the courtesies that

oCollections Lh gery eeeT and at|
Neate rates. |




ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befere pui
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete

RICK, THA, &c.

always st Lowes? MARKET PRWE


er Gat

| we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena }

bling youto buy at one profit, A. com


alWays onhand and sold at prices to nuit
the times. Gur go00us areall bonglit and

Ss. Ms SOMOHTE ~Greenville. N.C

mei te

ete. Celebrated Russian Gut
\ Violin Strings

The Finest in the World,

oi Every. String Warranted.
Sg, John F, Stratton, "etese's
ogina for. 811, 813, 815, 817 E, 9th St.
, th nis YORK.

P. H. Pelletier

Lovit Hines,
Sec. & ~I'reas®

Always in the market

for LOGS and pay
Cashat market prices
Can also fill orders

fur Rough & Dressed
Lumber promptly.

§. 0. HAMILTON, Jr.,: Manager.


ie fi v hia

re |

Phe ger eee
it aun unin


oWall: Paper! "
ever ~howe in ~Greenville. Bo
sure tosee my samples. All new
styles, uot an old piece in the lot.
| Will take pleasure in bringing ©
| samples to your home if you will
notify me at my shop near ~Hum
ber's, on Dickerson avenue, i

Corrected by 8. M, Bchulle.

Butter, per Ib 6 25
Western Sides 7
near ented) Hams � 1}
| Corn Meal 65
| Flour, Eamily 4.25 te 6.00
Lard »} 5} to 10
Oats 85 to 40
Sugar 4 to6
Cotfee 15 to 25
Salt pei Sack 80 to 1 75
Chickens ; : My to =
Yes Ri Mis AY to
4 j en 4 j ae
.. Cotton.and Peanut, [ J

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton

and peanuts for yesterday, as furnis d
~by ~Cobb Bros. & Commission } er-
chants of Norfok : |
Good Middling 7 15-16
Middling 7 11-16
Low Middling 7 5-16
Good Ordinar y 68
Prime 3
Extra Prime 3}
oancy 35
Spanish $1.10 ba

Lues"Conmon� .
be Good.......05


jarvis & is,

6 *

ATLUIN » ¥8-Ad- LAW.

t Practice i. althe ores

oper ee i. w. WE

John E, Woodard, F. ohare ie,
re i Gye an


Special astention sive to collections
and settlement of Claims.

oy net oe

AMES A. shit i)

, cat suri
ye # NOOO
Patronage solicit fe Dyeing:
aud Preesiug, specia)

saviors deisel dialed

Tope xt gy

pecial attention given to cleaning
pontoons i itevi abate ee

ne hod ey ENV:

dull a a


if ~ ~ 4
oar we eo RAR ee gy Bar 4 au

atti aes hi ie pi

if i + "
; 4 4 |e
asta ae wae


oWhere They tang Peppa. i
shaw!� petulantly e Ts. hol
Dibiy, looking up from | oe Sokang's
geography. °oE ak find
, Can't find what?� cemeaed tie Dub-
pe oe ee OREENVILLE:N. O., Feb. 26th,{1896.
2 le JSLISUGG, Agent Victor Safe Co.,

Conuususea acnedule,

- oe


ar race eer ot | Greenville, N. C.
ae. as gy. I youl fa ye logked DranTSun =I am pleased to say'that the Vie-
Fay oft � 2 lz % a fad i. wen ertain it� ga bs cee tor Sufe you sold me some five or ei years ago
1896, AA AA za If there is one:thing more than an- oHere, now!� exclaimed Mr. Dubby, preserved i in tact all its contente in the late fire:
eas cent other which archaeologists would hail emerging from his abstraction. oWhat's in Greenville ou the 16th inet.» ~The safe stood
A. MIPM] £earM | : ata point in ffice in the Opera House.
iv Weldon We 53/9 97 with delight it would be the discovery that you are looking for?� p my. 0
ie K sit j a} 2) which would unlock the mysteries of| oThey're always hanging people in block that must have been che: of the hottest
6 ad A eee Mee he Dd a the Maya stone monuments and give to Bitigy, and I want to cna, where it is. parts in the great cob flagration, oTt contained |
: BLiEGt |= | the world the keys to the history of I supposed, of course, that it was in mapy,papers and other things of valae. When
: Lv "Tarburo 12 T2 the early races of Central America, as oma, but perhaps I ought to look it was takon out of the ruins and opened, some
| ""-| ""|""- | the discovery of the Rosetta stone un-| at the mup of Texas.� "N, Y. World. twelve hours after the fire, every thing ~in it was
a Rocky Mt Hgelincsl | | lone tie, BistonyT oF Aictent Bet. found to be eately preserved and imwigood: con-
Ly Selma 2 63) mi oh in faccs aire which ubber Baths for Rheumatism, dition: I cheerfully make this statement. of
oLy Fay'tteville! 4 30/12 63 ? dobeded 46 Wile Fence that| SED gear facts in tecognition of the nde ng. on Bervice ren-
Ar. Fi st 55) 3 Op is ~to be accorded e rcmains that| Ty Australia-they have a whale cure dased by this~safe' and you are at liberty to
ait ohn siucd | mia | are found in Central America. One sa- for*rheumatism which is said to be ef- ered me by and y erty
ie vant carries them back to a time al- Mfeetive, though disagreeable. It was make such use of it as you may 86a proper.
Hs 3 my most § Seer ey with ancient discovered by a drunken man, who was THOS: J. JARVIS... x
re : Egypt, while another will not allow | sta ering along the beach near the
PS 6 OES | he om Ga, "~ + that tr are much earlier. than the Vining station at Twofold bay, and oThe Ae el Safe ig made in all seen conve-
2.34% w?.iM, {A. days of tha Montezumas ot the time of who, seeing a dead whale cut open, ebs
4¥e Wilson | 408 | 620! the discovery of the continent by �,�o-| teok'a header into the decomposed nient, er r. hon e, 6, farm, eine or general, ae x
'Golusbore | 10 706) jumbus. If the Maya tongue was as biubber. -It' took two hours for him | USC. very aran e me
ae a ange | 4 16 eit open @ book-as the records of ancient! to work his way out, but he was then proct. Prices whee og from $15 u up. rant |
r Wilmington p » ~y A.M | Esypt this question might ke settled. | not only sober but cured of his rheu-

" Who were the LuildersT of Uxmal? matism. Now a hotel has been built UIC A t,.
; Whence came the ancient race that in the neighboring town of; Eden, gen
TRAINS GOING NOTRH. catved thé! Strange ~figutes find ~char-| where theumatie patients wait for'the |
De a "-" - | acters that are found on th¢ altar slabs | arrival of-a:whale it order to take blub-
te eS :

) Sn le $5, | at Palenque? No one can tell. ~After | ber baths."Detroit Free Press. ( REENVILLE, N. A, HN a
Mar. 14, 6a té 2" «| sears Of research we are But a little
136. ZQ IA Ms | incor to the heart of the riddle than!
TE one er FS Laie Fy, ¢ were half a eentury aga,
Lv Plorer.ee or + * Sh Recently the inquiry has taken az- a. R E E N Vv i LLE
Lv Fayetteville! 10 581-9 40 other turn and the effort has. becn
Ly. Selina 12 32 j made to asgsertain somcthing about |. hf Ah,
Ar Wilsc a 1 20111 85 the* Prehistoric ~raccs ~that it wes sup- |� | g hs
amteenee nn mee | POEC might have preceded the Maya ale Nea f Hii
Se i dians in the occupation of the Yuca- a: =
os tan peninsula. There~wre in the yills a GIVES you THE NEWS F RES. AtyenY
"_ 7 oe of Yucatan many caves, not large in AFTERNOON (EXOLPTSUNDAY) AND
cine, Sone ALM "jo" | oxtent, but which it was believed would, The next session of this Scnovi wil] 7.
Ly Wilma ton! 9 25 P, 4 upon investigation, show in the de-| bewin o oWORKS FOR THE Br:
iv Magi sain 10 3G ~ i vesits ~vhich might be found on their ~_" "LNTERESTS OF.
Lv Gueldsboro | 12-05 9 4| oes some traccs of prehistoric man
ar Wilson 1 00 19 27 | in ~that region. The earlier races found HANTAY ED ) HAI
v larbero 248 (f ). . | shelter in eaves, built fires there, and e- Bey TUUN, .
peers ~ ae etaaae in the refuse of the ash heap are fonnd and centinue for ten months. ECON
Raw bY b _-: | theTbones of the animals the consuried T Y
oa gs me and the fragments of the tosis utersils |. ~The Course embraces all the branches GREENVILLE FIRST, PITT COUN § Mi D
AA | wo | and weapons thot they used. Relies [usually taught in an Academy, oi OUR POCKET BOOK THIRD.
eens PW. P. MIP. M. | of importance might ~be found in theT Terms, both ~for tuition and board
Ly Wilson 1 26 11 35| 10 3 ve caves of Wotacsn Senet Leith rit reasonable. men pt is
Ar Roeky Mt | 217 12.11) 11 46) oOP Was sent out from the UniversityT Boys . weil fitted and equipped for Pray | pee , TH 4
a Sn en J of Pennsylvania to exantine the: e'onves| , h sade / F O * M wt
Ar T'atboro 400 and investigate the okitchen middens,� yo eaees: by | herr pik a re SUBSCRIP Tit : R.25 Cents a iON .
Ly Tarbero : | or oculture beds.� as seience calls the' pursue a higher course, this schoo} joie oa nen cprenare
re tas Mt 217 i i soil of which the floors of those cavesT guirantees thorough preparation to

is Composed. The expedition was in; enter, wi.h credit Jauny College in North | |

~" charge of Heiiry C. Mercer and was Carolins or the State University. It

Train on Scotiaud Neck Brancn Road) mown theT C orWith expedition, andi| refers tc LONG who have recently left

pores Reeton A. Be try m,, Halifax 4.1 1 ~Mr, ae has written en entertaining {ts wall ~or the CraLnter Dees of this
al '

id a
om Greenville 6.47 Dp. tas: Kinston 74, | -Secrefies Per caves! werd amined: Any young man with character and Bist yap Bik Tb wy Ty eves fy ot ~
pom. Returning, jeaves Kinston 7.20! ana th®, method followed was that usn-| moderate ability takingT course with PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AaT"
* m., Pig iie $22 w. m. Arriving: ait Tl BUEN bases. wrenches as Will beT aided jn making arrange-
wifax at 11:00 4. m., Weldon 1. 20 am. are due TREEORE NE, Dewi ments to continue in the higher schools TRhall Ey W ae
sally Sneept tinday. | care, th earth a in lap cell Th discipline will be Kept at its One Dollar I cr Year.
: av e discipline wi e kep 8
Trains on Washnigton branch lenve| Covefully examined for relics and frag-| present standard.
FTenios cn 800mm, and 3.00 p. ma! ments -of pottery, bones oof ~animals'} oNeither time nor eétention nor This is the Peop! s I avorite
arrives Perepe acd oM.nd4.40 p.| arrowheads. amd other ~weapons.T It all ALL. asocesea yes sl this, schoo,
m., Tarboro; A. an, } teburhingleaves. was hoped thut there would be found
Tar Pita # ary eleT 0.20 a. ae | ~traces ofa race anterior to the Matas. an by trrther pardeulara se@ or ad. THE TOBACCO DEP A RTMENT, WBICH
Tito dea a0 Bane | 1, is te explorers wer doon to | W.H. Raospate beietiyste nate nite Bia nn
opt, Siting. omnes With trains on| 3, SE tie re _ 18 ALONE WORTH ~MANY TIMES THE
rs ly traces. of. the, préhistoric man; but | July 40.1895. Prineir
moet! A tan Se 4 they found that the people who came " SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,
Hee da Gy Via Albe- to -the--cayes -wene generally: identical THE MORN ING TAR .
tare with the race thit had reared the cities , imam) ~
f itesrag abe ew - o4 Whose ruins have excited so much at- r Ides a ee
re lmtiay = hae ae, Be | tention and wonder. ~They brought i he 0 When you need .
| y 7 Ake anday 30 . =. with them whatever degree of. culture s
M6 ah ahd 1. 43 ~they were possessed of andT had not baily News ( vt in
ily ROL Me tee Py developed :after: their arrival in Yuea-| 4? GL 4 Spa. f J © B PR | NT I if N G
� Midland ®. Cc. ~branch leaves} tan. It was also established that these t
, 1ilis,, : ieept Sutiday, 6.05 a} people had reached. the cconitry in geo- N
s -Smsithtielc Seireor m. Re-| logically recent times, It will thus be or th Car lina. DonTt forget. the
~aad aWes Sind afte &. swf} seen that: not. all.the rasults of. the ex- me
Ves xi Golde ars: 230 a, mn. j peition were of a negative character eS See ee
~Prams iu� Nashivitie branen leave oon thas Chine a Only, Six-Lollar Daily 0 FeHhlactar Office.
po sree Peete pra t Hope 6.0 It was ascertained that in.all, probabil- its ts Ulass in the State.
p. m. Returning Jeave Spring HopeT ml the ancient MayasT were cannthals. -0~--
eda Bis Beebe i iy a a a fre. i : aha yes toh anting 0 any gaat es Yavorn a Limaged Free Coinage
Sunday. On ee of of American Silver and Repeal WE{HAVE AMPLE FACILITI
Nearly all the caverns eomtainedwa-|Of the Ten Per Ceni. ~Tax on FOR THE WORK AND. DO Al
Treins on Latia breneh, Florence R |
&., leave Lasia 6.40 p m, arrive: ~Dunbar 1a apie ned onarcsibicrg aca dha or corp eM gcd sa pe . a Mee COMMERCIAL ~~
7.50 m, Clio 4.06 p a. Returnin these earlier races to resort tto them. per mont ee 1 per
leave bia 10 & ah, aera 6,80 he The ia devoted een sme to/year, Ww. H. Bri NARD, AOBAIOO aati a WORK.
4 | Cavee
SA I ede The fet eee | BPP. Wining NC sat

iished that no prehistoric race preceded ne
Train onClinton Branch leayes War" ih i ; . ~
eaw for Elon Wy, except Sauday, he BHA rqirinc Yucatan Mantas St Ve

SE a, Sats a ma ee ERS Charlotte Our, Work. aud Prices Suit our. Patrous,

tion extended." Brooklyn Eagle. (? : } em 4 1 ~
Train No. 78 makes close convection py j nee
at bsbadoad o ony _" celle. a all rai ive Not for Carriage werpibed me eee a TNE ls Naa� ae ra 0- :
odin wir, Moun It is not pein unders thorth Cavolina's TRE ae
offolk at Carell baR Re tor Nosiolk low nedvas pethaps, that i he wasnt :
ne all points: Norn Wis Norfolk, never are subjected FOREMOST NEWSPAPER .

i strains, They need to resist only those | i
JOON EF ob tat Q strains which pass through their own DAILY THE- REFLEC
ou | plane and in this plane only have mi | ~' AND

* P.M. BMERSON,Trallid Mandigo +T any gth worth speaking of, nd ) ! E er
", RABNTY, GenT | anager. "worth remembering when Wr REY

. apes 1 ca ~ C isto ved x Laepane an and fear are y
shy iff : ~ and oe o ian ~Sy vit ae vk ws
J: ~Fy vy: nue mnaael erent here, : inva abl dd bony

Dine ual ny?
"16 SHE OHPAPEAI PLAdé Is cae we

ing Corners ~ok or in sag over ot ce, the clubT

Banerine tor lateral sive may ba rosea upon the : Or ene sora it +. Ger | Books Memorandam and Pai

be Bay" baie LT wheels-"a (strain which the sriseast |: and National Capitols, Mit % $8 9 a 44 otweak ews. Wren! ie Books, ~Le les Fools p :
GIN t iy nto ad Thin to e cons, THE WEEKLY OBSENYRE. |») I ee dad ate bape eanslone ~i and igen ee
oF 84 be ered also in conn i with devices A perfees tat ienreeh ar art, | Handsome Bor Capatesicat iy ~Peon a nd ap pce ay.
ak AL heb for attaching ¢ eles side by side rape ature a ial os lets, Slates, ere 3 Slate Pet i iain
le: ote ae phe | to make a duplex of four-wheeled max}... ~gi ' ens 0 sf Jina, Re PP 8
wal wy Pl eg WD" hath as ha ~ee of theta. Neiht the frame, the}. ).: rm ark d ots mond Lake, All oc
, ode south om uy ahs


Mm ), saps (PR, OBSERVED

eAtoptek cevuch ons ONE x pout k va

Dap, Bones dors; Rubber:B Hie von "ae yehegon
want anything in the Stationary ling...) ,: paid

o vour ae por

. jester gecuso wen | TIS ;
HPS Hit @ WW |
lop? ie ie tS... ne
4 ! a oO i. - | ss o3 j seas * ya
ae a G. J. Woodard left this morning for) =o: MH Zo 5m 4 When your thoughts turn
JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING Aad eo 3 $2 =e o = to the many, many things
u ; 25 CQ S . 5-08 XS that you will have to buy
gees Dan Quinerly came over from Kin-) 5 a So8 8. ¢ | this winter for the comfort
B. &.-8 ag ) of yourself and family turn
Preserves many a large business. a H. Crews, representing the Wil- = ie SES R a. ore q ~ ey ; 98 .
; a . ego =~ er | . a: » F
Revives many a dull business, mington Messenger, is in town. ~ =] ~~� a , Be fy | ' F resh GRITS, a .
S nig Ort SE - ses aiee Miss Loraine Horne returned home| . © B ¢�,� Bo Sy SS :
: Saves many a failing business. os eres? 7
; Secures success to any business. from Baltimore Wednesday evening. BS 3] 738 aa é HOMINY,
~ os : Mrs. Tripp, ot Washington, and Mrs 8 = a Pas 34 ee odds ,
. ; Harding, of Centerville, are visiting = * © = 2 (é $
To oadvertise judiciously,T use the ae ene : ae =} ope i } 3 Rice
ert et the Revusoro® ; Maj. H. Harding. Eg . ; . a ~ = 3 } ios you will find=
. [a os == oF 2} z : splayed the largest and
. : R.S, Neal, of Scotland Neck, a) « 2o5 oes" «4 ~ best assorted line of the
~ THAIN AND BOAT BUHED ; representing of the King Bridge Co., 5S fae re o° ~ep) Canned, GOODS. ° te-llowing goods: :
: é " ~ i &e a ® 4 é sage
e : ral ingT | is in town for a tew days. oe + ote ~ : ,
a one gotives ie AM Going stuck 8 = : ohe SBE and at fact every thing kept in a |
SA Ldn te abs WATER WORKS. | =5 a osos os @& An
ab evseienio ta... _ ni @ OEE os : | | ,
~ South Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P, | So Says the Town Councii"_The Work; RO (o owe .
Ou waves S15 P.M. to be Pushed. a e8 Bao w& be Z '
teamer ~Tar River arrives from Wash- pein a oF oF 3 | ;
Poona Meodsy, Wednesday and Friday | 4. pho meeting of the Town Coun 3 a 6° me B Come and see me and I will show
leaves for ine ale Tuesday, Thure 51 on We hoced 8 ont. thé eitizensT ao @ oP tks @ you and quote prices: " of many and varied kinds.
day and saturday. : cu on hesday nipnt, é�,� citizens ¥
| water works committee made its re- H. U, HOOK & CO. : . : Dress
" SS ~ . urveyors 0 Advice and Dealers , |
WEATHER BULLETIN. port and Pegommendation. With the in Diy Goods, Clothing, Shoes | Goods and
report of the committee the outline and GentTs Furnishings� oi : TrTmmi' gs
; | Plan prepared: by ~ Engineer Grd, : wim 1 Notions,
a dk eH F riday pcolder 1 Ludlow was also read. The substance ee i | | Gent lemen
err 2� : ee of the report was about as has been a 2 : : wy i
" eee previously published in the RerLecTor W ord tO the 1se 3 id a 8,
) APRIL ATOMS, ~ | recommending @ complete system of | | ny Wi Neckties,
arctan faye 5, the bad water works for fire and domestic use. RAN nnn PAR, A AA it Four-in=
ings Caught Under the Retlec-) = qo repurt was adopted and on mo-| M�"�, "": ee \\ Hand .
) = VW! 7
tor's Umbrella. | | tion a committee of five, composed of ie Ht 5 wy Sdn
~Chaleston Rice 5 cents a pound at three Councilmen and two citizens, Styles costs nothing if you know where to get it. Our styles are \ Hosiery, ,
, was appointed and authorized to em- Yank
J. §, TunstallTs. ploy an engineer, have a survey made | #{ Ways the latest and cost yeu no more than others charge for out of Notions
At. M. Schultz, Link Sausage and | and plans drawn, forward copy of the sdate styles. Hats and
Mountain Butter. plans and specifications to difierent con- Caps t
eo ae a fl tractors and invite ~bids for construct-| C | Are certainly the dominant note of fashions for this neatest
The weather turned considerably ing the system, and report to ~he Couns | | geason. For the increased demand we are prepared tei
colder to-day. cil at the earliest day possible. with the richest array of choice tabrics ever displayed on our count- dies, Boys,
95.000 oSweet Moments� Cigarettes On this committee were appointed|ers. If you want SILK SHIRT WAIST or SILK DRESS we can
4 oleate! . Councilmen. W. H. Smith, W. L.| Please you as We have them in abundant variety, and our prices
at Jopber's prices. . BrownTand Deshpecy Reta nd J, @,| LHELL CERTAINLY PLEASE YOU, our aim is to show some] chidrens Fine and H
J, L. Starker & Bro. nas - G.| thing new every day in our Silk Department. a ildrens fine and feavg
: oes and Boots in endless

Moye and A. L. Blow. The name of

Surps"-A few slips just received. Mayor Forbes was added to. the com- styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs

Genuine Norton aes +. Brows mittee, he to officiate as chairman. |
: ! dhe - 4 , ' Foot Mats, Mattings, Flooring
_ The warm days this week have Registrars aid Inspectors. L ANG and T able Oil Cloths, Lace Cur-
caused a rapid growth of grass and| At their meeting Wednesday night SE LLS sane, Er ye + ipa gb oe
foliage. the Town Cunncil appointed the fol- CHE AP. of FURNITUR tha } sit eur

~ lowing registrars and. inspectors for the
] l G ] ; i of 7 : :
Sporting Club anc ios town election to be held the first Mon-} Mrs. HornesT store. postoffice corner.

Cigars, at J. S. TunstcllTs. day in May.
~Full variety CrossmanTs Vegetable , )
' FIRST WARD. : : | | Go TieG="-

Ae: pene ay
= pays trips�
pes e Tei, oe Te oeh ~ " :

~ Ld + 4
= RS } ld aay

\ 8 =
a Pi

and Flower Seeds at J. L. Starkey &,

BrosT. Registrar"C. C. Forbes. en )
Inspectors"S. P. Hnmphrey and ! D a S mx Smith S


Yams"Genuine Norton Yams just] J 7, Daniel:
received. Come quick. | : , 0 : "FOR YOUR" oo ee
Jesse W. Brown. SROURI WARD. :
From 11 to 12 oTclock to-morrow eS iv nn G.¥ The February fire made | G ROC E R ES.
Postmaster King will sell three stamps eae air +t : a clean sweep of my store as ""
for 5 cents. ce and erm Hi me |EVERY THING FRESH AND YM DS
THIRD WARD, yenny'Ts worth of goods, | 7 oes ani TM ee
Choice prunes, cleaned Currants and eg Zz 9 peney . soni ; NICE. JUST RECEIVED A My MANE ADRR ASO:
Corn Starch at J. S. TunstallTs Registrar"W. W. Hamphrey. ooh kee ee ae eae
as Inspectors"-Julius Flenting and C. and opening this week @ NICE LOT OF GRITS, HOM- emai

Cream Walnut: Candy, 15 cents a} D, Rountree. 8 d N Stock
pound. Morris Meyer. eoumeet waaD: ran ew o PEACHES, © ANNED PEACH- Ws! IS nar he

The oSouthern Leader,� ~still holds | Registrat"C. F. White. fh ONS NOTIONS Hit ES, TOMATOES, APRICOTS

the lead as the best 5 cent smoke.| Inspectors"Henry Harding and

Nothing equals it. D.S.Sarrn. | Josse Reid. Hats, GentsT Farnishings, &c. EVERY THING USUALLY
The newest Pattern Hats, Infant Caused a Laugh. [ am now located: in. KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS GRO prise and delight you both as
Cape, ae and Chiffons at Mrs. M.) Joe Forbes was called on the vemire the store formerly occu- CERY STORE. to quality and price, Baby Car-
D, HiggsT. of the murder case. He passed the ex-} pied by W. 8. Rawls, the sb cau het ae su et Mela Anh
Services in the Baptist church tof|aminations by the State and was turned} jeweler, and invite you to | eat, Lard, ugar, s5Gs,
. eet. ieee nae eich. BUTTER A SPECIALTY. | Salt, Bagging and Ties, Peanut
examine: my Rew rn Sacks and Twine. We buy

night. Church conference after the | over to counsel for the defense.
«Joe, what is you business here ?� }

: asked Mr. Woodard sg
" y (hinen Centre Pieces aha Doyltes,) i. juror, pit, re plied ay |
Embroidery Hoops and Silks, at Mrs} 47 mean what work do you do?�

regular service.


M. D. HiggsT : again asked Mr. Woodard when quiet} AM | ""-A fresh line of-"
The ludies should see the Persian | Was restored. Heel : j
* ; : a Fae ~ 1 land pay the highest market prices
and Dresden Ribbon Collars and other} oOh! I teed oysters,� exclaimed ~Phe, King House, property, on Family ° GROCERIES, for them,

rth. main street, the most desirable i
2») {hotel in the city, largest patronage, well "" Consisting of"
o ) ~ " lequipped 3 story building, 20 rooms

ReynoldTs SHOES for

ahs. Trish Potatoes, Pr epated | és 0 OF eluk Taunt t

Buckwheat, Oat Flakes, Cheese, Mac- bie RE OL other Selaines good welll s : nT

- garoni,.. P., B.. Molasses, at S. My) | daT apctrenteopepe water, 86 feb teracotta curbing"price Flour, Lard, ! Men and Boys ca tbe
gO Xo arm ek TP Pade babde: We kd ~Wednesday |!ow. Terms easy. : | : ;

pe ; Meat, { -- | Coffee, |Deat.

afternoon after our report up to that oVote Cra e Tecan dbeiebatiidatela,
Organdi : | oYhotvse and lor corner 2d and Cotanch :
oe: at a the " i "2 ! | _ Tatreets, 7 reoms, and other neeessary Meal,

Tine of]

rein miigs and: ful buildings, Terms easy. Suga '; |Padan Bros. SHOES for

La goes, «cia Same : Villiana berry and George Or- | 5 rooms & id n, good wel owater.
lei i, afte bak | so ihe si eeu ay aig HOH See deh la , high Siam not surpassed.
Ne, Notace. i A a AE hoe wees 2 store lots on main atreet 26} li lo iad ee ~ Tree ee ij
ely iy toe & ) and costs, judgment suspended as to front each, by132,goodtitle. ~Torms easy. | selling 80 low VAL iii. snide! Bader
4] Pave: erected: @ photograph. tent, ML grata hee Fi Cag ai i bite! h that it causes watranted. Try a pat tna eg
w y equipped, dn Dickinson iavenue| | «|! be yor " gettin suet de ee Cowe pon | vineed, ~The celebrated R. & G. Cor
* ive Points, and will be readyT to Mire, Rei ~oy have. several. other . rable ie, ns 2 oend Twill . posed Suk ont eon oe ae
ublic nday,| she. wanted & , a " fand ... Our Clerks are compe.

on and

yates 4 , Lae ~ chy ie ay {
___ J Our store is the place for you to trade,

; tf CN ae ean Wy Whe a ie RE

eee ote H i at 1
| J. B L'a

ot say me or ee a
majon RPP VP tod tio YIKO. Poor oi and;


Daily Reflector, April 2, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 2, 1896
April 02, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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