Daily Reflector, February 27, 1896

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

a gS engined seco Oem =

ee 8 ee oad ioe pitmele de

Se all ee eae A theegeale
Sot omit i apis 2 dm Ahonen

D. J. WHICHARD, Bditor and Owner,


TERMS: 55 Cents a Moat.


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oVol. 3.


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~4300 MOTAQ SIOLId 7B 4903,

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When she proposed my heart beat

, fast ;

My blushes came, with eyes downcast

I listened while she told her love.

While earth below and Heaven

Had seemed to meet at last, at last !

She begged me not her hope to blast,
And sh w: the wealth she had
Was for us twain more than enough,
When she proposed.

I could not turn from love so vast
When I was as an angel clvssed,

And ~caught-and kissed and called
her odue� ;
So while I thrilled with joy therof,
A trembling oyes� from my lips passed,
When she proposed.


Good Exhibits"Large Crowd Present
" Greenville Bringing off
the Purses.

prac opener

GreenvilleTs two hundred excursion-
ists to the Newbern Fair got back safe

time Wednesday night. The train

much time promised them at the fair.

sions, they all had a very pleasant day.

Jentire trip.

quite interesting.
exhibits in sume departments

they. were very ~good.

gers of the fair.
been seen there. The entries

the trials ot speed.

HookerTs trotters.

purse came this way.

i pede when the excursion train left.

B herohetl; baa seeing

\hundred feet hi

~)»4dance (or whatever it 2 is Aled) to the
privileges of the i apenyene Phere were
~Valse, tod muny ahotis! scattered

and sound pretty near on schedule

left Greenville about an hour behind
the time advertised, which caused it to
reach Newbern correspondingly _ late,
thus depriving the passengers of that

Barring this and the discomforts of
overcrowded coaches arising from the

railroadTs usual neglect to provide suffi-
cient accommodations for such occa-

Only five coaches were in the train,

" jand two hundred people from Green-
* S| -ville alone, with the good additions
from other points, caused many passen,
gers to have to stand up through the

Reaching Newbern at 11:30 most
of the excursionist went at once to the
fair grounds where they found things
We have seen the
than.at. this fairy, but on the whole
The. crowd was
immense and the prospects of a success-
ful week were gratifving to the mana-

The races were the ~best that have
larger than at any former far and
great crowds gathered on the grand
stand and around the track to witness
The Greenville
oheelers� were strictly in it and were
joyous over the good records being
made by Capt. StuddertTs and Smith &
In every race that
a Greenville horse entered part of the
Our horses won
third money in two races Tuesday,
and stood second on two of Wednes-
dayTs races, with one more heat to be

_ The tight rope performance in front
of the grand stand was as good as we
ever saw, the performer among. other
mnatvélous feata, putting on-an entire
suit of clothes ard taking, them off
again while standing i in midair on the
_{rope. The balloon ascension was also
e, but the wind was, so strong that)
| g he was being ear
ips et directly to Paty river, had to cut
F:| loose his parate yen, sep. nw -few

« In one feature ~i. fair allowed its

usual good reputation to suffer some: |
~| whit ly admittingT theT hookee-koochee [tection against fite for, the warthoyses


eeereaneceen meme


Smeal meel

The people of tobacco town are mak-
ing preparativns to have a water sup-
ply. The tunds haye been raised, and
Mesars J. W. Morgan, G. P. Fleming
and Oscar Hooker have been appointed
a committee to have the work done.

The 1895 eastern tobacco crop is
now almost a tring ot the past, that is
so far as affecting the sales onthe east-
ern markets is. concerned, Nearly all

| of it has been sold, though we under-

stand that there are some men on some
of the eastern markets who for the sake
of trying to retain certain orders have
reported that there 18 yet a good deal
unsold. J do not believe there 18. one
per cent of the 1895 tobacco still in
the farmersT hands in eastern North

With the coming of another year,
there will be a largely increased demand
for prize room. ~There are now nine
prize houses in Greenville and us
matter of tact these will not sutlice for
the market another season. All during
last summer. we were crowded for prize

have ~managed to get along yet it has
been a bad make out and sacrifices
have been made in order to make room.

During the year Greenville has sold
five million pounds and that, too, was

ta January Ist, which necessitated the
use of mure-toom than if we had been
all the year selling that amount. The
prevent indications are that the main
increase in the tobacco acreage in Kas-
tern North Carolina this year will be

Pitt and Greene counties

easily sell seven or eight

creased business of the market

make sufficient. preparations to take

vare of the crop.

any of the other eastern markets.
come to Greenville themselves, if they
do not come then they will nave some

waut prize houses in which to handle
their stocks.

_ Electric Hen.
It is state that an electric hen has
eecently been invented, which is

cdaimed to bo superior to. the ; natural
cept that it cannot lay eggs. When

chickens at eleetric foster mothar takes

land at the same time find heat and
preteen. eben they require it.

To Protect paced Houses. |

Trade is goingT ouhéad 16T provide pro-

and) prizehouses: | Aforee of hands have

coniménced ~work bnT'aT large T ~fire ~

[she buildings; ~Tie, well, will be 8.x. 16

room and while nearly all the buyers.

marketed principally from August 1st

Tough on Clothes

But the fire damaged
a lot and we must get
rid of them as the sea-
~son is drawing. to a
close. ~The damaged
goods are bargains---
bargain that outbar
gain all bargains.

My immense Spring
stock 1s on ~the. way. T
. need room, and are or

fering tempting scab be in equally tempting

in my Men and BoysT Fixings generally. Come
yourself, and bring your boy along, too. A little
time spent with me will be a good lesson in
economy and reliable merchandise.



in the territory east and south-east of
Greenville, the natural back ground of
the Greenville market, and with thisin-
crease and the natural presumption
that the market will cuntinue to in-
crease its sales from the territory in
nlong the
Wilson line we can naturally expect and
pounds here next year, With these
well grounded prospects ~for the. in-
should most certainly begin in time to

I have talked with a
good many dealers and exporters of
the weed since January and they all
have a preference for Greenville, over

sufficient inducement is offered these
people I have assurance that they will

one to represent them and they will

urticle of fesh, feathers and blood, ex-
the electric incubator has produced the
them in charge. oThe upper part, is
devoted tothe freshly hatched, while

the lower part is to ~arranged that the
young can-run around on the ground

~The Greenville ~Tobacco: Board ot |

located in a convenient _quatter to al |

foot in Ta 20 feet ~deep: It will

Goods at our store this week. We,
DonTt care if you
are a gold bug or s silver bug, if you are looking
fora nice Dress or cheap Dress, we can serve

\ LADIES! at once to buy.


will make the job pay you.

suit your complexion.

ou with any shade to
No trovble to

Polite and attentive salesmen.
show goods. Call at once.

Yours very truly,


minis: emai en enamine tnten tte atts enema



pipet rishi te 0, Feb. 26th, 1896.
J. L. SUGG, Agent Victor, Sale pee
Greenville, N
DEAk ~Sin:"I am pleased to say.t ne the Vie-
tor Safe you sold me some, five or £ix years ago
preserved , in tact all its contents in the.late fire
iu Greenville on the, 16th inst. oThe. safe. stood
ata point in my .office in the Opera Honse
iy ta tb re have, byen, cne ° the hoes:
pilagration, , t copteined
ay aerate aud athens things. af value., When
it way Taken py of the ruins spd ~opened, sore
i Pours ter the fire, every thing i in it, was
, font to be sately preserved and in good, con-
ition TI cheerfully. make, this statement. of

facts in recognition of the valnable service ren~
~dered me by this safe and yon are at, Tibertv to
make, such use of it as sou say keg proper.


then Mr. Walker, who owns him,
has made many tests of oTonyTs�
financial judgment.
en nt

Too Zealous for Her Own Good.

They had just returned from

+ me



One year, - - - + $8.00) their honeymoon.

_- fg ER ~ Of ig 4 og Gove pitied
Delivered in town by carriers withauc | Dack ib his old bachelor apart-
A ovenngy ae town By carriers without) mente with this innocent little

sweetheart flitting about him like
an ever-present deity, he did not
feel like stirring out of the house
_| for three days, but contented bim-
self billing and cooing to his
heartTs delight, telling himself
over and over agai that he was
the most happy man in the world.

On the fourth day he thought
he must go down to the club and
see a few old friends and give
them his advice ov matrimony,
|painting it im glowiug. terms.
When he got back it was nearly
time for dinner; andas he came
into the darkened hallway the
sweet little bride greeted him
with as much enthusiasm as if he
had bees on a cruise to South
Africa and had just escaped with
his life: oAnd oh! darling !�

A~lvertisng rates are liberal and can be
had on, application to the editor ,or at

. .We desire a liveT correspondent at
very postoftice in the county, who will
send in brief items of NEWS as it occurs
oo auth neighborhood. Write plainly

and only ou one side of the paper.


oLiberal Commission on subscrip-
tion rates paid to agents.

Tuurspay, Fesrgany 2771, 1896."


Typhoid Fever"Its Causes and
~ + \. oSTreatment.
The causes of 'l'y phoid fever are
not, we believe, fully agreed upon
by the medical ~profession. TheT
germ theory is the one yenerally
accepted and the. germs, it 19;
claimed, are transmitted in the
main through the water we drink.
How they are propngated is an-
_ other question, and here the au-
thorities differ. This diseuse is
uten prevalent and very fatal io
: pda whera the water is freest
rom pollution, as for iustauee in
the mountain seetions of ourown!
State. Regarding treatment, we
find the following very iutsjest
ing article in the Charleston News
and Courier ;
yew treatment, for typhoid té
ver 18 reported. ~l': 6� taethod om
ployed, it is explained rather sug-
ating 18 ints that is the | father, 1 suppose, aud full of the
emperature of the patient is low- | iny rush imacir,
ered artificially and sleep and rest pot tornible Rash Imaginabie, 1
himself... falling,


ing about hiw so prettily, oI have
just been working us hard as ever
Lean. I dave tidied up your
musty*smelliog oli library, you
know, and all that, and I am sure
vou will scar¢ely know the place �

George's heart stupped beating
for an iostant.

oYes, indeed, deerie, I cleaned
up your desk aud burned up a lot

sion, [ suppose�"

Geyree's eyes grew glassy,
""and all the drawers. drew
out, abd a whole lot of musty ola
letters tied with layender ribbuus
Wriibep bo your ancle and grand

are employed to build up tne con Georg, felt
stitution that the fever is working agaiubt the wall. oe
down. The patiént, instead of o~ apd Vour hasty old allow
being allowed to lie for twenty. meerschawm pipe I threw out iw
one days bnining to death at % the ashbarrel, aud they sent oni
temperature vf 100 pins, is taken pandvousht as mice uew une tor
at the first staves OL he fever arn't! Webby ceptsT "
given cod baths. ue? pinuped Liatey | Gruvive wis sbrurviigy With bis
ice cold water, but put in a beth, Coat ava aud leetipe tur bis
about bicod heat aud ice Water | hut. . . :
gradually added till the tempera-|"_* Phen I collevted ali the "ac-
turé of the patient, Which 18 taken | tressesT pictures that thie | horrid
constantly with the thermometer, |things had written on. the back
goes down to normal. ~Then the! with gush to. some of your® or-
patient is removed from the bath, | rid club friends; IT suppose, and
thoroughly dried and wrapped in| burned them in a pileT"
ankets and given a little stim- George was staggering from
ulant to induce a healthy reac- faintness towards the door
tion Then the sick one falls off "~oand wound pp by 5

_ 4nto 4 quiet natural sleep, which George had thrown open the door
will lass trom half an hour to and was bounding down the
- three hdure, and at the end of that brown.stove steps two at a time
_ lime, when the temperature rises| as if fleeing from the wrath of
_ fo fever heat again. it is_reduced|the evil spirit, not daring to hear
: by another bath. This is kept up| what the wind up of his calami-
~fillthe fever is finally broken.|ties were. Half an honr later he
. Outof eighty-one cases treated was seated 1n the club-window.
by this method at Johns Hopkins oTg marriage a failure, George?�
* rin Baltimore; it is report- ~asks One of his OldT pals, noting
_ �,�d, Dut thrae cases were lost; alhig réoccupied and moody air.

much better récord than theT old oOh, no; not as long as & Man

style of treatment can show. cau.keep his wife from. becom-
ing addicted to the house clean-
ing mania during the honey-
moon,� sadly murmured the poor
~George. a fe Ge

mg bee

ofa dogthat ought to be attached
_ to Uncle SamTs secretT service,
- SayS the New York Recorder,
_ Since he has'the ramarkable gift
_ Of detecting the difference between
_ good coins and bad. He is called
" oTony� and is an ordinary yellow

eur, with just enough fox terrier in
his compusition to give him the
Shap required to get along in this
busy, bustling world. His owner
found him eight years ago a
homeless waif on the streets of
eyene. He knew absolutely
nothing, even now his Only ac:


Cheney comes the story

~ Senator verer tells a good
Story on himself and seems to
enjoy its ludicrous features as
mochasany one.

1618 @ prevailing regulation in
high society that a married lady
making a formal call must, on re-
tiring, leave one of her eards for
herself and husband, and also
those of each and every daughter
In 80Clety, for the lady upon
whom she is calling and an as.
sortment for each of her daugh-
| pop Thus, in et wanoe,
0 : ecomes necessar virtually
scrptadlege Boek his ability fot & whhle tlesk yr arene

ounterfe . .|house where receiving is bein;

the man piel ceed oTony� | done, " brent omen
im in as @ boarder in his) A lady friend, of whom the
g00ds store, and in off mo- Senuatar fe a great ST ang =
8 tried to teach him tricks.| calling upon his wife. The Sena-
except in oné. particular the| tor engaged her in an animated
~was all lost. The one conversation until the time

tal % i | SO sé aGh

rar a table ~al

ny CP ekied botade

| Ts was the manTs cns-| was uni

4 time to hide the coins, |nume
h it took a long| ted them

| diss
I (i

rippled on the little bird flutter

oYes?� he said!

vf old bills for wiue and stuff that
you bought to sell on commis-

not THE



he daitty -bite of sbe :
overtook the caller as she reached
the door, and holding them in bis

jextended hand, said; oMrs. Bland, |
yon have forgotten your cards,

and here they are.� |

come ee ee

Much of the outcry against can-
dy is the result ef wrong methods
of use. It can often safely be tak-
en at meal time with good results.
Scientists say that the food value

of sugar contains much more en-
ergy aud power to support ani-
mal life than a pound of meat.
If ~candy is taken under such con-
ditions that it will not derange
the digestive apparatus it is per-
fectly wise and rational to. be a
candy eater."Detroit Free Press



Cats are susceptible to little at-
tentions, such as spreadingT a rug or
laying a cushion for them, and ex.
ceedingly tenacious of their rights
of possession. Besides their baskets,
each of mine has a cushion, which is
kept in one place, on which she is
trained to lie to prevent her cover-
ing the furniture with hairs. Only
two have been completely broken of
the habit, and Lalla has so exclusive
& sense of property in hers, which
is in the corner of a sofa, that if she
sees & human being resting his head
or elbow on it she posts herself on
the floor before him, looking him
out of countenance until be moves,
Once a visitor threw her cushion in.
to a chair and sat on it. As ~he dis-
regarded her mute protest she walk-
ed away, but would not lie on it for
weeks afterward. This jealousy of
anything like a privilege or preroga-
tive shows itself in them all."Tem-

njoyments. § '

Ihave told you of the Spaniard
who. always pnt on bis spectacles
when about ta eat cherries, that they
might look bigger and more tempt-
ing. In likemanner I make the most
of my enjoyments, and though I do
not cast my cares away, I pack them
in as little compass as I can, and
carry them as conveniently as I can
for myself, and never let them an-
noy others."Southey.

His Glad Birthday.

oDear John, here's a silver match-
safe, and IT wish you many happy

oThank you, dear Sophia.�

oOb, yes, and manmniaTs coming
today to stay twe months, and the
soft coalTs out, and the bard cvalTs
out, and here's the gag bill.TT"Chi.
cago Record. sO


by� ""But


3to 9 lights 80c each per month.

10to 12 lights 72 o« o« «
12 and up 65c oOS o
Not less than three lights put

in stores.


20 and up 6c eacn per montn.
Less than 20, store rates.

1 light $1.00 each per month.

2light90c o

Blight 80c o o= «&
4 light 70¢ at aé 6o
5to9 lights 650" oé o

All lights will be put in free of
cost before plant is put into op-
eration. After plant is started up
lights will cost $9.00 for each
lamp, cord, wire, labor, tc. |

For other information call on
S. C. Hamilton, Jr., at mill.

The Charlotte


North Carolina-s;



{ndependent and fearless ; bigger an
more attractive than ever, it be a
invaluable visitor to the home. th
office, the club or.the work room,

i Ail ot news of the world. Com

_A perfect


of sugar is yery great. A pound|


LOS. eG 4 LOW.
+ ; :


@¢ Practice in allthe Courts

loway, °° B. F. Tyson

bas ke C. oGreenville, N. C.

ractice in all the Conrts.

Suecessors to Latham & Skinnner.

Joh: E. Woodard,T F. o. Harding,
Wilson, N.C. Greenville, X. ©.
Greenville, N.

Special] attention given=to collections
and settlement of claims.

1D" D. L. JAMES,


deneo cteeitap

GF Patronage solicited.!

Dyeing and Cleaning GentlemenTs
Clothes a -epecialty, GentlemenTs Silk
Ties dyéd any color aud made good as
hew. ~*smithTs Dandruff Cure� fer all

eure for dandruff, Give mea call,

Under Opera House,
Special attention given to cleaning

Gentlemens Clothince,
, ail ~
r v ot AY
? \
/ "s re ¢ \
- ~ ee NN





ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their incerest to get our prices befere pu.
chasing elsewhere, Ourstock is complete

nallits branches.

always utLOowEs? VakKer CRIOBA


we buy direct from Manufacturers, eux
bling youto buy at one profit, A com
plete stock of

always onhand and sold at prices tusun
the t imes. Qur goods areall bought ana
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk
to run,we sell at a close margin,

8. M. SCHULT2.Greenville. N C


The Oldest
Daily Newspaper in
~North Carolina,

~Tbe Only Six-Dollar Daily of

3 y ik ae ee Piythy acted Oh way, iy tegbign ape A ¢
Pia gerver, rae PONTE TT TS ae Oh a jae U
i: i # ao i a py agony Meh Het WP ee Ra eS f"
~ T i ! ware haves Re: Sn ae
a, ah, ear ag.

¢ BB yplonatey tat
icons eae peien f
. Paes TOF
§ Were) 4

diseases of the sciip, a never failing | '

and peane ' ; nished
chants of Norfok. :
Good Middlin :
7 Midding - as
W Middling 7
Good Ordinary 6
Tone"firm. .
| Extra Prime
ancy '
Spanish $1.10 bu

; »

Greenville Market. "
Corrected by 8. M. Schultz. :

é ee
Butter, per 1b bode 4 .
Western Sides. . 2 Cho
Sugar eured, Hams 10 to 124°
Corn 4 to 6U
Corn Meal 50 to 65
Flour, Vamily 4.25 to 4.50
Lard to 10
Oats to 40
Sugar. A to 6
Coffee 15 to 25
Salt pet Sach 80.01 75
Chickens (0 to 25
Eggs per doz 10'to 11
Beeswax. per ; 20



Tops."Green.... 2.6.66. 1 to 23
o " Brighi.... .....0.. 4to 8
«Rede... . ..8t04
LuGs-"-Qommon,. c vo 6
.° Goode? . ee. PMs 7 to 15
6 Binea,. cages ce LB 40 18

Currgns" Common... ,,,.640 11
oie Good... «2,124 to 20
~ Fine.... p00 0 8%


| reasonable.

a a

Strong. Testieny For 8. 1. 0

New Bern, 'N. ©.;.Get. 5th, 1895,

oMEss,UQARK Bros. & Co.

[Suiccessors te-Merrith Clark & Co.]
Gefitlemnen »"ELis is toeéertify that I

i have wed! Si4.-0.�T for indigestion and

obtained. seiief after other remedies had

fated fwd? L undtegitatingly reccommend
it as a YalbabieTmediciue to ull who suf-

fer fron) indigestion... 4.
Arty ov. City ot New Bern..
Sold at, WootertTe Drug Store

in al

as Led
% 4 2 ¥ i

The N

Always.qoubli-fes the-best and mest in-
teresting short stories, gerial stories and
special ariicles that can be prvcured, Te-
gardless of expense. oPhe latest fashion
notes and patterns can be found every
week of the WontanTs World Page.
~here igsal ways. something in the New

York bedger timt, will interest every

memter of the fmcily, 20 Pages"Price
Scents.� For siile in this town by W. F,
Burch}, ~dee gic

ails healt ""s _
Tis b i
Cul Ste Nags By euath
fi i ws
o He
oH be ¢
KARO , iy if &,
Ks ind i
3 ~ 1
f \. see ee
, 4 i t
4 , 4 ;
"al f
: ~ oli
e& . nat | ~
a a: oo % 3
# Ree

| The next sesgiou of this Shoo: will
Foy eobegingn (

Muay SEC, 7,

and coktipie far ten months.

The eourse etiibraceg all the branches
usually tatight in an Academy,

. ~ernis,. both� for tiftion® and board

4 fy

Boys weil fitted and equipped for

business, by taking the academie

course alone. Where they wish to

~pursue a higher course, this school
1: ~ oher Trap ae ,

~an bees reparation t
enter, Wh bhiege in Nor
~Caroli 7 | pelt EF
TORCE ; on . o ne I f
rele i fulness of thi

| Any yohhg mun with cheracter and
~moderate ability taking a course with |
us will be aided in making arran
vents to continue in ttre higher echools, :

~ ~ ( Wal.
* , ee SS ws eee
oR: ah, ads ~

ae et eS ee : = i eee o a Tee a eee 5 at

! a ~i o sag pth atic t
5 Pete eee ah tare te sins gets, es : ey See
apache abate cP es tae ele Bere eds tear ves octet ca pec sa galt i Spt Sp ong to 0 RN Sie site 4 . me Rabe as "Sag bali ica ge

a oe
soi ot tes Care ee | ew :

1 + iaoteinn af Mees,

The ven tine of Baily Fito oHow lonely it must be for the
Cciuiensea senedule, ragua is much simpler than if il er | operators in these little way station
. climates; there are no~ ts | to telegraph offices Bei? epee news- pica be a
oe 3 4 + | géither-dist and moths, and ere is paper man remarked the other even- ,
1 SERRE Se ete a eee tersinttanttons ia ing in the smoking room of the|*: GIVES YOU THE NEWS FRESH EVERY
4 ad =e : -brio-a-brao toT be duste d| Southwestern limited as the train AFTERNOON (EXCEPTSUNDAY) AND a
janéth [3 5/53 Silk eaned: The clothing of the ch flashed past the switch, semaphore WORKS FOR THE BEST.) 2 omy
a ee eet is, Sod kia and office lights ot one of the tiny | ee INTERESTS ORG 002 & hae
re Welton. ll 55 927) : pn. bad Nei cae ners fan a oWell, lonely, on " ocncel the , ,
Ko tvk al reg emy | upper class one ~garment, a sort of stranger in the corner, who had up . ©
se eee ~| | -}slitréis enough for home wear, and | this time not taken any partin} " : : feos
ti talbel. AQ dy} * |) "| ehildren sometimes.go on the Fs the re Ho leo! have
atieont NG in this simple garb.� ~What marke: ng | More fun youT used
4 rn liga : ae oad is. not brought tothe door is done| to be one of them myself oback in GREENVILLE FIRST; P ITT COUNTY SECOND
Lv Selma 2 BB . ymaster of the house, and so| the eighties. Iwas ata little coun-
Ly FayTtteville 4 8/12 53 the women aré free to loll in their try station where about my only
Ar. Florenos |: 7 25) 3.00 hammooks and nurse their babies. | business'a~l night long -was report-
ae a ~The Gelight of ~going shopping is| ing to thedispatcher the time of the
oF : ounknown. If anything in| trains as they passed, with occasion-
Za the dry goods line is wanted a serv-| ally a train order switched in,


A A, omen

att: ofs'Bent to the'shop, who brings} ~Once in awhile we would have a

Ly Wilson� Fs a; 4a home @marmful of whole pieces of | message to send on the ~commercialT
¥.Goldsboro | $ 10) 7.05| th@ desired goods.~ If none of these wire, and the rest of the time hung
iV ewes 4 16 810 ~suits, or if the senora desires to look heavy on ourhandsy. ©

mington) 4 4 945 | at others, these are carried back, and| ~Poor, ill fated Dennie Murphy,
P.M A.M another and another armful..are who was. killed in the Hastings

brought. This same servant can be| wreck, was a ~student in the office
trustedT to pay for whatéver is ~me, and he was wonderfully

bought, for they are very honest in fertile ant schemes to make the time |

Porter mb % 2 money matters, only indulging in| pass ~pleasantly. ~Tremember a joke Ph
is. | Zale 4& | small pilferings, One of the servants| we played one night. on. a fresh
1 | |= |_| atthe college was accustom 2d to go to young operator up the line that I
- A. M.|P.M.) the treasurer every month to draw | never think of without a'smile. It
a4 ial le a i ia -. |'the-salaries of the teachers, and she| was Dennie's idea, and it worked oes
Lv ci i 12 32 _ | uséd to have each oneTs money | like a charm. i Ae
Ar Wilscn 1 20)11 35 wrapped up ina different part of her! ~~ You see, theT operator in question "PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESD AY AT"
Ca er tan ote ~-""- | dress, and she never made a mistake | was one of the ~flyT sort of young
iy by. giving the wrong sum to any one. | fellows who fanoy that an operator
: z While the women are very affeo-| who works in one of .the country ,
we lee} tidtiate, ~if death invades their homes | offices must of necessity be a ~plug,T One Dol lar Per y ear ©
A. M. P.M, | you @o not see the despair and gloom | as we used to call a poor. operator ~ ,
Ly W Umington| 9 25 ~ 00} that ea often reign with us in liko| in those days, and. ~that it is at all
Ly ror bare : 7 0 5 ar affliction; they seem to thoroughly | times advisable to sit down upon zs , + pleas
~lz 1 take in their religious belief that|him in _@very way possible when tha ; Nene!
at Tarboro 948 by a their dear ones are translated to hap- | there is ~the slightest excuse for it This IS (he i cople Bay or ite
- ee pier soenes and that tho separation! and frequently when there isnTt.
4 8 a is only temporary. Tho women of | This particular operator was cordial- a
a5 s & | the family do not goto the cemetery | ly detested all. along the line. . be
lo - with their dead ; only ihe male men)- ' pve. aye ana Rs fixed Nes a THE TOBACCO DEPARTMENT, WRICH a
7M. MIP. M,| bers and: friends. here are no| fake message to send him"and, by =
Ly Wilson d 20) 1135) 10 32 hearses, and the coffin is borne on| the way, it might be well to men. e Anal Ba DRE iis HE PAPER, 4
ali aa ota veld, Ay 16 their shoulders, and thoy aro reliev- | tion that the brass poner in chil aS. | ~ . \ (MANY TIMLS THE 7
Ar ~lT'arboro | oui | po ~ed by different e: 3 every hittio: tion was not Lalf so good ap Gps o| . SUBSCRIPTION PLUICE, a
Lv Tarbory Pod p Way. Colored coins are used fir! or as be fancied he was"and atte 2
Lv Rocky. Mt | 2 ij| 200) young people, bing. ~hing A javorita| we had the mossage prepared we |
Se: 10 color, Tho cofin is usually rented sprung it on him when bisingss wag (0)"

Teer eeeene Neck Gee iby the lower class~jast for the fu- | over.
eeaves Weldon 355 p.m., Lialifax AL neral, nnd the body is removed at| oThe message purported to come :
prti., akrives Seuthand Neek Ab 4.8) p tha grave and interred in the ground, | from Milwaukee, and we frankly so
0). areel\ vile 0.47 pot, Kinstow 7.45) with nothing to preserve it from signed the call of the repeating office When you need (era.
gous Retuining, leaves Kinston 7.20) contact with the earth. The wealthy | at the western end of the circuit,T -

1. : oW
Hittax at i ih san Walabe bt hidl have vaults, op niches in the brick | first thoughtfully ~groundingT the

x 5 Sees oes SB
ee Ss yd ANE Re Fo ie hig Rd ee eT ae Oh igs SAREE a Ny a ame hy PRE pe EEL Rin MG ane Dee Rea eet EES pits

daily except Sdaday. wall sdrpoun de tba giptory. but is west to ses dyer tent ~, ® cite
these arganly rented, and it is noth- ~Even in those days Dennie was a JOB PR IN a oF 5
Trains on ven "arden h leave} ing unustal tordad at advertisorsent raoor ett good sender, and the T | .
My ppt t U dy 0 10. 2 psbatn iar in the paportthat if the: relatives of| way he pushed that message into |
leaves Tarboro. 0'p. mm , @ 6,2) | 8uch and such a one do not pay tho| the unsuspicious ~fyT men must meme im j Sa ms
? Wes arrives © M4 shing ou Fp. m.| Trent of the vault, the body will bo| have kept the latter busy indeed. ° Py, ry DonTt forget the:
aily except Suuday.: �,� nests With | removed by sucha date. | He broke a good many times, but ae :
trains on Renée a Neck Branch, ° After a dcath ina house, the piano, | finally had it all. Here is a copy :
Train leay ££, Hia Atne-| if tho family is rich ~enough to own| of the message as near as I can re. Freflector Office 5
marle & Raleigh: cl cui a one, is removed from the sala, or}; memberit; . . © .. | | , 4
day, at 4 50 p, 800 P, M; : Hparlor, to the back of the house, and oit | Paid | Night Rate, . :
deh neo nes A -| though if may be movéd in a room Jabn Jones, Jonveriie: BRO iba Os Wales Byori igen a
Sundoy, 6 a ~Si ore 30 ~| or two nearer its former station dur | Our receipts are too slow. If any more nice 3
arrive fasbarg: HME ie o46 | ing the year, itis not opened for that | moms Ket options SOT Pere Rhee. ;
eee� RAGE ee inet length of time. After the death of oNow, we had purposely made a
Goldsboro rome eer eae i the wife of Presiflent Gavala, bis the check 12 words, while the body WE HAVE AMPLE FACILITIES
m, aéHiving Smithfield. 7- Pen R s daughters tent sof pinto to Mrs. | of the message counted 14, and back 7 FORK THE WORK AND DO ALL
uh 0 i ar) Bosna, thee of te Nearaguan | gang the cut fesponee: KINDS OF COMMERCTAL AND
vel m, Check should be 14. * TOBACCO WAREHOUSE WORK.

just come thare as a bride, so that ~No,T wired D nie; ~12 is. K.T

Tr oi an : ol

at ai In Nase bina an it might be used during their year oNow, kidd diroinstances, it 4
Nashyille 5.05 p. m., Spritig Hope 5,30|@ MmOurning and ot be spoiled by is~customary foF the receiving oper- | |
p. Me: ~Retorning leave Spring Hope being shut up and gathering damp- ator to ~lotierT: the 'Hoaly of the mes-
8,002.-m:, Nashville 8.3) a m, aitive at | ness, for during the rainy season ev- | sage back to the sending operator"

te Soap 9.05 a m, daily except erything mildews which is not ex- that is, repeat the first letter of each Our Work snd Prices Cui i Cur Patrons,

posed / to: ap celnue occasionally. "| word to verify the check, when usu-
Trvins on Latta breneh; Florence R| Cor. Boston ranscript. - ally the error can be quickly detect.

R., leave La~ta 6.40 pm, asrive Dunbar
7.50 pom, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning Superstitions, ad. ' Eo Denvig wires: 4 ig

leave Cliot6.10 um, Danbar 6.30 a m,| I¢ you drive through a Russian| ~~ ~Letter ih) 4: | ; " oO
arrive Lattu 7.50 a m, daily exeept Sun- ~village about 10 p, m., you will. be oBack came the letters with a one

PA | stradk ~by the absorute quiet that pgen lay fi Oe terdem

_ Tratn, onClinton Branch leayes War- pervades the scene. - ~Not a creature, N-o-"@. " i pene ay ~as Lila a das) &,
saw for Clinton caily, except Suulay,| man or dog, is visible moving abént; oOver and over again wo made | i. i Be ha Be oe & gol!
(~11.10 a, m. and 8.50 p, m- Returning theTplace has the air of aT deserted him repeat this frank admission un- | 9 a Lu & B eo i os |
leaves Ulinton at7,00 a, mn, ana3,00 p m, village. Suppose by sortie. tare unto. til every operator on the line was oT ; é if a a 2 Bae 1
T rain ~No. 78 makes close. connection watd-chance youccome upon a group | &Mjoying it. He finally tumbled and

t Weldon forall points daily, all 4 tnceds AH, bance | ve
ighmone. also a Boy jount, win| of molt standing together, apparent. fir aon déihands| 18 THE CHEAPEST PLACE INGREENVILLEFOK" wr.

Norfolk and Carolina for No ly in ~COnversation, you will notice
ane all potnts North vi Nocton: mn ~that they spoak ~in subdued tones

: and Whispers, and wait so long. ag meen
ee General Bopt| you please 3 you will never hear them the joke never leaked out. �__New

TO ~}laugh. The cause is simply this:| York Press. ! ! : :
rM, EMERSON, ~Trafiie Manager. _| These Russian peasants believe: in nis Padex Coane ss ; . oe
BH WENLY. SMEAR S16 ~fevi _ The Codex Upsal differs from ev. c ai of Piste, y Books, Eayslope ea

a, isin Lae are attracted, ery other known manusori tin the pd Time Books, all ~sizes and
s Tnot frightened, ae a And go, | fact that it was written witl ~silver , Receipt, ' poe te ~Note nil Phy fee andsyme ee
od, a aa Bi _ {tome unlucky fate decree thet the | ik ob violet parchniont,thoinstinls| Bop Legal Cap, Focls apeterios, from
OF ghe4 .»| being of gold. Tho secret of the| "__ C D,, Bill Oap, L 10 conivand eee ~SchoolT ae
manufacture of this silver ink is not (ter, anda Note Tablete, Slates, Lead and Sia

pected that some solutiun ~of the
metal was empl in the writing
Ny | and then Pctod hart treatéd sis

k- | chemicals arom eee. ;
jandeffect :

nitely known, though it issus-| Papers rppeilt Peus aud Pen Holdrme.


sd UCcHage, ¢:
Bes: A osgn thie ~oral now veition of omy) gen 4
¢ And P Sonn orka? g* RO Say: evi Hela hele every business t }
ot} ~sew edition! Why, T thought | - Shange Gum ~Poul Bold erd, Ravbtier Buide! £362"" Doi)
~Byron/was dead. ""~Louisvi a -_ calheey yeu | went orsttig in ibe ticnery

, 4 i
6: 7% ; 4 et J Pen a iar ae rag Rate ait a


- Orestes many a new business,
_ -Enlarges many an old business,
_ Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,
Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
Seeures success to any business.

gee ee

To oadvertise Spdictonsl yy use the}
_olumes of the REFLECTOR. ;


train going

Siisied re "and mail :
= te Going South,

sorth, Ape 4 A. M.

North B ound: Pasian arrives 9:50 A
M, Teavesl0:10 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P,
MM, leaves 2:15 P. ..

u ers arrives from Wash
at et Wednesday and Friday
is for ee a Tuesday, Phure



: Fair tonight and Friday.

aie riers Ht



Fun, Frivolties, Facts and Figures{at
One Tinding.

Byer medting ih this Baptist church

Pure North Carolina Butter 20 cents
a pound at D. S. SmithTs.

This pretty weather will shove up
garden making.

Fine Oranges 25 cents a dozen at
Morris MeyerTs.

Go to the Old Brick Store for best
Vermont Butter and Tarbell Cheese.

%x1l."See what a big Slate you
can get for 5 cents at Reflector BookT

You all know what oOld Glory�
cheroots are. Get them at J. S, Tuns-

Fresh Mountain Butter 20c per |b

_ Fvsh Pork Link Sausage at 5S. M.

The glass broken out of the fron
windows of J. B. Cherry & Co.Ts stores
by the ftre were replaced today.

Valuable City and Country Prope:ty
for saleby Henry ShengT, Real Ks-

we agent.

There are eight coiured people on
the jury that is trying Barfield, theT ne.
"gro wife murderer, at Washington.
Pure North Carolina Butter 20 cents
a poundat D. S. SmithTs.

News."The best Flour, is Proctor
. %& Knott sold by S. M. Schultz. Try a
* 24 1b bag.

One of the RerLector boys got
left in Newbern and another is on the
sick list today. Too much - fair~ for

Cod Fish, Irish Potatoes, Prepared
Buckwheat, Oat Flakes, Cheese, Mac-
catoni, P. KR. Molasses, at S. M,

Pure North Carolina Butter 20 cents
oe pound at D. S. SmithTs.

offburfirm to The Bank of \Greenville.
- ~The business will be conducted under
4 the same management, as heretofore.
+ Tyson & Rawts. :

a Harding & McGowan have received
their car. load of Buggies which. are the

lest ever, paenied here. Prices
down. |

f you have not smoked the oGolden

t bby Jesse W. Brown at CoryTs old

We have this day changed the style|

ou missed something delightful,+

As evidence that even a ~Buin loca Tha the 2

i I. Moore went to Tarboro to-day.

pe Wik. Jeena: went to Oxford to
i day.

John ©. Lamb, of . Williamston, is
here to-day.

Ex-Sheriff Allen Warren went to|-

Nashville to-day.

W. R. Smith returned from Jack-
sonville Wednesday night.

Mrs. J. B. Cherry and MissoMartha
O'Hagan left: this ~morning for Balti-


Some of the small boys had a fancy
parade this afternoon, and were having
great fun over it.

for Laurinburg to visit his wife and
day and occupy his new office over the
Old Brick Store, which has just been
fitted up for him.

To-day Agent J. L. Sugg received
checks covering losses from the Bethel

| fire, sometime ago, and also for several

lesses from the recent fire here.

Ex-Gov. Jarvis writes a strong tes-
timonial for the Victor Safe that saved

It is found in another col-

The Kinston Free Press announces
that within a month or two it will be-
gin appearing semi-weekly in ' 7-column
size. |
every way. The paper has just closed
its fourteenth year.

The handsome edifice of Grace Street
Baptist church, of Richmond, of which
Dr. W. E. Hatcher is pastor, was de-
stroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon The
loss is $80,000 with insurance only $25,

known here., died: Montlay at; Racky


creates cone aah


ees apm

Wednesday evening as the fair ex

Littlefield, a flag station just below
Ayden, some miscreant threw a_ brick
at the train. The heavy missile struck
the upper glass of a window to one of
the coaches, crashing against the inner
blind which was partially lowered and
saved it from coming inside theT coach.
But for the brick striking so high
doubtless some one in the coach would
have been badly hurt. Miss Lizze
Spain sat nearest to the window, Mr.
J. V. Johnson occupying the other
portion of the seat,
shattered glass flew about the young
lady, but. fortunately she received no

The conductor was engaged in an-
other part of the train at the time and
did not learn of the occurrence until
the train had gone a mile or two be-
yond. He said theT railroad anthori«
~ties would send a man down to try and
ascertain who threw the brick. We
hope ithe search for the miscreant. will
prove successfull and that he will be
eggT! gee

Courtet Pitt Coun
aatited oh A, Gurtie nears
en : net

Heath and wife : Heath? 1 wiil

on Wednesday, April Jat. sell at
dab hrs Hoheo dat

public sale befor

in Greenville, tothe highest bidder ra
| |eash,.2 certain tractor patcel of land in
Pitt County, described asfollows: ~Lot

No. 1 of the Patty Moore tract of land

tof said division, contain:
ing ¥ acres more or less, par ae the
lenis a vas Tri

- Dr. Hy A. Joyner lett this morning | »

He will return next Wednes- |

many valuable articies for him in the}
"| late fire.

The Free Press is progressive in |

W. B. Jordan, who many times vis-| $%&

ited this section as representative of
the Wilmington Star, and was well es

A Brick Thrown at the Excursion o¢

cursion train was ~passing slowly by | ©

Fragments of the}

By virtue ofa decree of the Superior |
~made at December |

which wee allotted to kebecca Heath, |

: ives your ,

(ee gticd no-one seting been |
ocoupying and in a-day.or two -willTgo }
|notth toTbuy a stock of goods. As all).

his goods were burned in the fire he
will have'to buy an entire new stock.
He tells us he will have a handsomer
stock of ladies goods than ever before.


Selling at cost as some
others advertise
butam selling
as. cheap
have inst veosived
a ng line of beautiful

Come and examine for

H. �,�. BOOKER.

W. $. RAWLS, Pres. &. A. TYSON, CashTr.
J. L. LITTLE, Asst. CashTr.


With every facility for transacting 2
Banaing Business. This Bank solicits
the accounts of merchants, farmers and
the business of responsible persons and
firms. Ten ering all the courtesies. that
are usually extended by a well conduc-
ted and obliging banking house.

Collections remitted promptly and at
lowest rat: 8.

Tothose in want

tememenf """


mew samples ¢
fewdays. Leave
word at my
home you want
papering done.


Law atthe same old stand with
an excellent stock of

I carry everything. keptin a first
class shore. |


Come ~and see me at Five Points
and let me make you happy.

Lovit Hines,
Sec. & ~Treas

P, H. Pelletier

%, reer nv
~Always in the market

for LoGs and pay
Cash at market prices
Can also fillorders
fur Rough & Dressed oe
Lamiber pr P rouptly-

Seat e =

4 Qe 81g ~ :

: Oe SE es

~ es iTS ~Ss o=


die eA,



~OS JSQUI YOO}S BJOYM Oty ~paarogal Sump on :

~yoo03s Ino jo Auv 10; posnjor ood o]quuosval ON

anyea [Bal JO FJVY Jnoqge yw pos spooxy


Having rented the

|store formerly occupied
"lby J. R. Cory, oppo-

site RawlsT Jewelry

store, I will be open

Saturday, February 22,

with a stock of Fresh

oS =| Groceries.
which ~are offered at low figures.





ray ee a

i Psd 3 * : SG
iG? ~i | et * mts |
a *. + é . { ns
; 5 a 3 é ~ ot
a * es . s 3 {
PASE ii ,
. 2 oe i

Cpneie pio seat oV o0 7)

puty os

= store of r
Mcgee 3

a ?

When your thoughts turn

* |to the many, many things
~|that you. will have to buy

this winter for the comfort

: of yourself and family turn

your footsteps toward the

* °

Where you will find "
displayed the largest and
best assorted line of the

tcllowing goods:


~lof many aud varied kinds,

Goods and
TrTmmi' gs
_. Furnish-
~ ing Goods,
« Shirts,
Hats and
Caps t
~a neatest
a nobbiest
r dies, Boys,

and Childrens Fine and Heavg
Shoes and Boots in endless
styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs

Foot Mats, Mattings, Flooring
and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur-
tains, Curtain Poles and Fixtures,
Valises, Hand Bags, and a stock
of FURNITURE that will sur

31 tl iy
mAh Pig

~ a a »�
Clay) OF:

5 te
a wr

o4, a

felt aN

« i pa
Cy oe |
« m POS - #
4 ,
: 3
eae 3
| lin 6%
a ae
re a" -, re é . BY
4 '
a i
a a

ptise and deliyht you both as

to quality,and price, Baby Car-

riages, Heavy Groceries, . Flour,

Meat, ~Lard; Sugar, Molasses,

Salt, ~Bagging and Ties, Peanut
Saeks ane Twine. We buy:

a a a

2 land pay the sy ve market prices�
Th Manat


_}ReynoldTs SHOES for
|Men and Boys can't be

So beat. a
| , : Padan Bros. ge for

ti me | not: surpassed.

sented Wire ~Sucka ~Guspendiens are

Try & patr and be con-


ar ranted,

Sans i~ [nce v9 celebrated
: : od a aR rice

ve: oa Our Clerks are compe- :
oe P ceil pnt ate of obliging. ae
De a a4 Our ee the. oplace for Leah Me ele oe

Daily Reflector, February 27, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 27, 1896
February 27, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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