Daily Reflector, February 7, 1896

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a = .

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. ~TERMS: 25 Cents a Month.


LIFES MIREOR. Newspapers in Turkey.
pats - Constantinople leads the world in
There are loyal hearts there are spirits | gale of foreign newspapers in its streets.

brave, Each day a laden post train comes in

There are souls that are pure and | from the west, and by early afternoon

fepe : the city is swarming with newsboys

Then give to the world the best you) joaded down with journals from all the
have great capitals of Europe. These papers }

And the best will come back to you. | are snapped up with avidity, not only

Give love, and love to your life will | by the foreign colonies of the Crescent
flow, City, but by the Turks themselves,
And strength in your utmost need ; who show a much greater liking for
Have faith, and a score of hearts will journals printed outside of Turkey than
show they do for the productions of their own
Their faith in your word and deed. | presses.

This is not strange, for, as a fact,
Turkish journalism is very weak and
And honor will honor meet, bas little vitality ~ Every sah ~ae Sd
And a smile that is sweet will surely published in Constantinop le has to pay |

find an imperial tax of 2 paras (amounting e
A smile that is just as sweet! to one-fifth of 8 aM, for each copy Stop and hink
Give tity and mo 4 published. Foreign sheets are exempt ' |
sive pity and sorrow to those who |, ° , }
WEE TT ae alan has a roya D? YOU wanta Suit of Clothes that are cheap
You will gather, in flowers again ae ; and guaranteed to wear well and do you
© o ecnsor who is quite as rigorous and se- 8
The seattered seeds from your thought | .ore as the state cens or += in Russia. ood service, if so come and see me. bape &
outborne, Turkish editors are prohibited from Cw suits on hand I want to dispose of 0 Dis y Mee
Though the sowing seemed but vain.) discussing questions of the day n their room for Spring Goods. The price 1s no 0 jacT .
For life is the mirror of king and slave, columns, and they are also not permit- bile soon Leave for the North to make my Sp d :
SPA Giclee ) Sanayi, (BOlections. Let me take your measure ang
Tis just what we are, and do, ted to publish the most impo! tant for ~ll t rfect t M stock 0 fD
Then giveto the world the best you eign telegrams. Strangely enough, will guarantee a periect Mv. y stoc ry
' have though, the foreign papers that come in 1
And the best will come back to you. | are never cut, «blackedTT "that is, 4 and Hats must go to make room. Wiil reduce
pricesin every department for 30 days :

part of their contents smudged out, a la 1

Homelike. Russia"or suppressed. Naturally,
The Detroit Free Press prints a threesore, the people have to turn to % ~

Seem maimail , . + ,

story of a Kansas man who was mak- | the outside world for news." New York THE KING CLOTHIER.
ing a voyage to Europe, and with true} World. -
Wostern enterprise was determined to

4d phi : see and learn as much as possible on New Way to Keep Warm. *

the passage. One morni it) , 2

My stock of passe One morning, when it} ~Phe cabins of the ocrackers� of he Ar te omin ©

was oblowing great guns,� and all the . : |
northern Georgia have two opposite -

other passengers were prudently kee . ny
~ae b ~ ; a y a L doors, but no window. The doors
ing below, he appeared upon deck. : ; .

2 , oPE P stand open for light and air, and heat

T ~ Wi 2 i j t Y y . ° °
here is no one in sight but the cap- is furnished by a big fireplace, The
A bel here!� tl _ | cabins contain butone room. North-
: o below, there.� the captain) on superintendent of a Georgia mar-
j shouted. .

ble company went into such a cabin
The passenger looked around to see ompany ;
. looking for a workman. It was a bit-
whom he was talking to.

. terly cold winterTs day, and the whole
oYou mean me?� he shouted back, y ys

o! family, blue with cold, were huddled
when he saw there was no one else in weg
: sah over a few pine sticks in the fireplace.
sight. , Coe
§ © s Both doors were open, and the icy wind
oOf course I do ; go below! and the Ll
tai ; ode drew through the room unhindered.
captain came alongside. | , ;
Pe oe Before proceeding to business, the
oWell, I guess not, protested the} .
Northerner banged to the doofs, threw
Kansan. oITm up here to see how
: two or three logs on the coals, and
soon had things steaming.
oThere!� he said, as the people grew
comfortable, odonTt you see howT quick-


ES ff LOI om mead

AQ | Give truth, and your gifts will be paid
in kind, |

Goods, Notions, Gents Furnishing Goods, Shoes,

Are receiving daily a handsome
"jine of"

New Goods

in various atyles and especially
ask you to examine thum.

Shoes, Clothing, Ladies "
Dress Goods, :
R.& G. Corsets, :

one of your ~mountain highT waves and
~terrific galesT compares with what we
have in Kansas in the way of cyclones.
This ai_t a patching to what ITve seen

9 9 66
It is to your interest to see our

goods and learn our prices.

ly you warm up when the wind is kept

out our way.� eg | ~ a ee
t? See what a difference it kes to .

to make room for my Before the captain could offer further ou ven mee i NS as sii is Pr :
shut the doors. :


objection a big green wave came cur) iy), , . .
J oo Tbe oeracker� turned to his wife,

Spring Goods. ling over the place where the passen-| oy uid with all heartiness: """e a

ger stood, and the next thing he knew

«Wate, hanged if hit aint so! Do:Tt

he was swept off his feet and carricd aft forget it, When hitTs cold arter this, mip ) a Ate bo
"(°O; )j" over ropes and boats aud all the par-|, ws Rey \ 25 C C ° :
VU, -_ letTs shut the door: . hee
aphernalia of a ship's deck, and landed | __ a%

Speight & Co. |

in a heap in one corner, where he was A Novel Orderr.
barely saved from being washed ovet-

Will reduce prices in

board. D. L. Smith has an ingeniously fit- ) ,
ever d t When they got him out he had | ted up closet for bringing tobacco in |
Vy epar ment. broken leg, a twisted shoulder, a sprain- | order. He has an ordinary wash pot : ; |
ed wrist, his facetooked as if it had | goyered with an iron lid, in top of which
been dragged backward through a brier-| are two round holes. In one of these

2 YU
| patch, and he was unconscious. They | he pours the water, and then stove it] J
carried him to the captain's room, and | yp with a wooden peg. A pipe runs 9 o5 es FOR y= : .

, { sciousness. He gazed around a min-|the fire is built around the pot the 5
NEXT. DOOR BANK. ute in bewilderment, and his eyes fell! steam rises through the pipe into an |
wis on the captain. air tight closet, where the tobacco is ~ " | ®
nih , iS
A a plaguy sight wetter » der. He can hadle the tobacco on the }

oBy gravy, cap,� he said, feebly, packed on shelves, and it takes but a
* s 4 a | . a
Kainit and Cotton Seed Meal.
An intelligent foreigner is said to PN
~en m2)

hive expressed himself after the tollow-| ° sil | ) S P El (¥ H. &y ( 'C)

7 The biggest, trust ever formed on the 4 a

after much eifort restored him to con-|frym the other into the closet. When
othat ventinded me of home, on ly it Was | few seconds to bring the tobacco in or
ine . rye . ~ 1 ® *
4) 2 Won (One. coldest of days." Limmonayllle (S. C.) , _ ""Before you buy don't fnil to call on ""-
ing fashion in regard to the English

fl o4 f P +i he | / i v i i T =
| mguage if | acific. coast and represeuting a capital flys for pricea, If you do not find Mr. Jesse Speight at
«When I discovered that if I was] of over $70,000,000, has been consume | i his office cross the street and talk with Mr. Chas. Cobb

quick T was fast, if I stood firm 1 was| mated and went into effect Monday, | us) They are both prepared to supply your wants wf iow-
fast, if 1 spent toortreely I was fast, and | It is the Central LumberT Company, of | See est prices and give you the best the market affords.
and not toeat. was to fast, 1 was dis- California; and its membership includes | YD bh
couraged: but when I came across the| every Jamber mill,all ship owners,whole- | ING

sentence; oThe! first ~one won one] sale mid retail dealers, of coul on the} Qed p
~Fguinea prize,T I was tempted to give up| western coast of the United States and | ~COR te ales
_pgving,@ (enh the English lungeage.� British Columbians 9) yi) ge NO we N

¢ i Few
ey daa
~ ~ , T eM


a r , = 7 = - - i ~ - arse
| Tne oorigin-Of the term oJohn x fot


F sal " 5 _. a eae o3 of
aman, who bas bee

-|bankrapt, can manage to secure | Bull� is thus.explained by. the Lon-| = me
further credit, and that, 00, in|don Golden Penny:, Dr. John Bull THOS. J. JARVIS. ALESL Bow. ie
considerable sums. Yet such 18} was the first Gresham. professor of. JARVIS & BLOW, , LY 0. L. JO .
= the case. And so little regard is) musio, organist of Hereford cathe-|* A'TTORN PYS LAWS old Ane
- shown for the standing and char-|dral and oomposer to Queen Eliza saa | Gore--Greem. .., «-+-.c--L 40 BB:
nt acter of the trade, that there are} beth. John, likes true Englishman, - GRERNVILLE,N.C. « Pri ht... ; 4to8
Bete "| men quite willing {0 atill.do-busi-| traveled for improvement, and hay- | ga Practice i. sll the Courts . Fights... csc eces
ae ness with Spear. It was oulytast hing heard of a famons ~musicianT at | """~+ +++ EE aes aoa RS
- ~Batered as second-class mail matter-| week that , dealer instructed ®/§t Omer he placed himself under | swift Galloway, _B. F. Tyson, Luas"Common.. ... ....44%0
ce ! ea ee ad Jogey to find a bim asa novice, but a circumstance | Snow Hill, N.C. Greenville, N-C-] ©. Goodve.cs.--+ --. 1t010
.. 1 when the whole of SpearTs credi-| very soon convinced the master that ALLOWAY x FYSON, - «o 19 to 18
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. icdigmad signed the died of OO0| he ns balerlor:to,-the scholar... ie MTIORNRY-ATL AW. Fine... ceeeeee: 7 -
On ee position, and then bring him/ musician showed John a song which _ Greenyille, N. ©: Currers" Common... ....
one eth, - . - - .2,along to the office! This man/ he had composed in 40 parts, telling ractice in all the Conrts. o Good..... ....124 to 20
One week, - - - - 101 was ready enough to trade again, | him at the same time that he defied o -Fipe.... ...... + t0
= in town by carriers without apemeeae on the chance cer all the world to produce ~@ ~person | J.'H. "- sn FLEMING Soe a
an bet | In tO Tun Mg able~of adding another to LOUNT & ae . :
: t liberal and can be fn . | Capa ng r part tied,
se aopiieation ra the editor or, at year ~or so more ! Reputable busi his composition. Bull desired to be B ATTORNEYS AT LAW. © Cotton and wey, 4°
ness!"reputable fiddlesticks af- GEEENVIELS, * Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
office. ter thik: left alone and to be indulged for a sa Practice in all the Courts. and veanuts for yesfe@iny, an furniaed
eee poet tert short time with pen and ink. In less | | " cobb Bros. & - Commission.
: se cee emtae than three hours he added 40 parts; " * WHEDBEE. | charts of Norfok : vk |
We} idesire a tre. HOE eka wit Town and Country. more to the song, upon which the Fee eat ¢ WHEDBRE ~CORON.
once 4 Yee. ; ; 3 7 Wit « 4 Tue . \ * i
send in briet items of NEWS as it occurs; ene Precise Waa: 80 wchovae rian S Suecessors to Latham & Skinnner. | Good Middling. .. 8y
in each neighborhood. Write, plainly) Perfect harmony should exist | that he ~swore in great ecstasy he Arum 414i Middling Sept cei Aa
and only on one side of the paper. between town and country. Their | must be cither the devil or John Un ewe Low Middling sy eit]
y ween y GREES Vtbuit. Ne Os ete
"=-= |interestsare mutua!. What is to Bull, which has ever since been pro- ~ . ___ | Good Ordinary rears, Ce is
Liberal Commission on ~subscrip- the advantage of on» is bound to| verbial in England. deus B. Weotarts ¥: a Bet iine, Tone"firm. ease ~ SY
tion rates paid to agents. per eteas helpful to the} " wWossy of Self Made Men's Brag. ~" Wilson, N.C. Greenville, N-« .| prime ea 8
= " : """ | The i ple in town recognize ~Mr. Moody has apopular and very 1 aii tenis ExtraT Prime :
; ae ! : eS : UBS bts oy)? 7 9 ancy ~
Fripay, Fesrvary 7TH, 1896. their dependence in a large meas ae sien tate he , | Greenville, N. Spanish $1.10 bu
a "" try. a ery Tnpeenias ~peopke..of thinking of many persons today.| Special attention given to collections Tone"firm. ,
A SouthernT FatmerTs Wise Cotinsel. the. other: hand appreciate..the Speaking of salvation by grace, he and settlement of cliims. | : ss
ane de 1 ie er oot es ealhé and imp ortance of .@ ~home | 878: ~It is well that a man canTt Greenville Market.


save himself, for if a man could only D* D. L. JAMES, ake
work his own way to heaven you; �"� 6 Be a ri

My, 8 athern Friends : A word | market and are justly proud of

vis gn Ee grate ah a C re ted by 8. M. Schultz.
oWith you. We are on the eve of| the-country town. : oee

o~@ business revival that will bring}. This isasit should be. The|t°re would hear the last of if. | esses Bntter, per Ib 15 to 25
ong prosperity and con~evt if we) one 13 ésséntialto the other. ~The Why, down here in this world, ifa ; Western Sides . " *. 6 toT
owall bat avail ourselves of present /existeace of a stroug home msr- |�"�an happens to'get a little ahead of Barbers. auger cured Ham ah:
Opportunities and devote thought | ket~aud creation of un active de- | hs vellows Sep oer few thou: | " : " Corn Meal
Ghd. enerey to ~develuping the|wund forthe-products of the farm |8404 dollars together, you 1 hear ras. Flour, Family

qwondtots patural resources of| mean the prosperity of the agris him bragging about his being ~a self | : AMES A. SORT ETLEGINGT Lard
_ this the ricbest and fairest domain | cultural ~interests of the commnu-. made manT and telling how he began TONS Ce ERMTILLE, I.) Oats
-owearth. One-third of the land|nity. ~Whatever is calculatedT to| 8S 4 Poor boy and worked his way | gs patronage solicited.) Sui a

oand onetbitd of the people of| advance the growth atid prosper" tip in theworld. I'voheardso much |"), ono and leaning Gentlemen's} Salt per Sack
i Pébh

alia whose fertile beanty nec. benefit of. the. country. And and tired of the whole business, and | ~ties dyed any colvt aud made good as| Eggs per doa
~ tongue has yet tally told. Already | when the country prospers the ITm glad we shanTt have men brag- new. ~SmithTs Dandruff Cure for ail Beeswax. pet : i
over her fields, once blackeuéd) town is quick to féel the viyifying | ging through all eternity how they aor jeadratf Give mea call, ne .
by the fires of war. the, green | effect. The arteries oftrede.beat| worked their way into heaven.�" Cure ION oF ; | _
- shoots of a céw growth are spring: | wit a qnicker giee and the-bon- | St. Louis Mid-Continent. eR Se "| rJOHN F. STRATTONTS
"ing up, showing promise of a Har-| efiéial results flowing therefrom ERB RT EDMUNDS: oe
vest that will bless us with all the| are perceptible. . " Whe coe : CUITARS
couforts «f «civilized hfe. Yet,| The country people are the |!�"� Special attention given to cleaning
©o fear. we do vutappreciate-ax we}-backboneofthetawn..Thetown| you GentlemensClothing. |
should the biessed privilege of|is the strong arm of the country Kmporter ofand st hinds of

~ving inT a Jani owhere every | people. Each.is the ready hand- HAD
fOspect. pleases� With us, the] maid of the other, with mutual in
~present pressing need is home| terests, the suctess ~of sithér one A

£11, 818, 815,617 East 9th St., New York.

eee is

K industrial work, to tarn our peo- of which means the welfare af the| © LOAD Your address, with six cents
"ple to handicrafts necessary to di-| other."Henderson Gold Leaf. , . carey RE
a iy eh lo oe i. " OF Facs., will bring you a ful line
_ wealth awaiting intelligence an eas ¢ rales for salt:
"energy to opelrup. We have but| | A Pena Gher wats wyooe ae Eyes,
touched the rim of southern pos-|' There was an interesting episacc 116 Ties
~gibilities. Our industrial progress | one day in a well known Washing. 7 eed
has been retarded by wrangling| ton cafe. The proprietorT has) a SELL rE. Ply with ob Ca.
over dead issues that concern not | French chef in his employ, andthe and told every |. B a
ved Neyer We myonly remem~ result is an the menu cards can ~be | man you metT that you had a load ot | Baez 7
~ber that 1861 is not 1895. We guaranteed to puzzle any American. and: every man you met| [i
have given too much time to poli-} Two gentlemen sat ata table. One mond to ee 4 ye : | GC REENV ILLE

tics and not enough to ~business. | was from the west, and his French would in turn tell every man he met} lsktial
Let us now make amends for past | education had been neglected. ~The | that you had a load of wood to sell |
mistakes and neglected opportan-| other had but recently come to and every man you met would in tur?) §
~ities, and Yésolve that in the future | Washington from Paris. After read-| tell every man he met that you had a
we will make industrialism and ing the menu the westerner said tc | jgad of wood to sell, it would, in course
not politics our determined object:| the waiter: ~I canTt read French.|
Blessed is the man who will be| Bring mea good dinner,TT

dt Heddeny

of time, become pretty well circulated

othe hero of a movement to start} Meantime the Frenchman was try. | that you had a load of wood to sell ; STABLISHED 1875. wie ol, duit tae opted UU:
_ the work of industrialism in this] ing to figure out the words. oPar but why ~not cut it short--not the} ESTABLISHED | The next sesslay of this /Benodl i
community. The man who will] don, monseer,TT he said, ~~eet ees not wood, but the method"and place a § AM Mi SCHULTZ vt A ERD. OYA
organize ap agricultural society or | ze Francais, Het ees not ze Eenglish. | sood ad in a good newspaper and tell Sve ! verre |,

a @ board oftradein his section] I know not what eet ees. Zerd ees e an : :
~will unyeil his monument while| ze soup. | Zab ees French for zo rat. everybody wt ONfE- oDelays are _ PORK SIDES & SHOTLDERS | "OLFL. , ~.
» living, and when he leaves 'the| I want not z@ rat soup. Bet ees hor. gerous, and a good newspaper wou PrAzOMERS A ND MBRUHANTS BUY | TEL yimoyi rat:
earth life, will live in the memory | reeble.� start in where the last man left off and| IT ing theiryearTs supplies will tind " | and centinue for ten months.

~ of grateful friends, when -politi-}- The proprietor heard it, and upon | keep on telling everypoay tnat you had | thetr inverest to ger our prices befere pu. | The course embraces all the branches
cal marplots are forgotten."An investigation found that his guest! a load of wood to sell; or anything chasing elsewhere. Ourstock iscomplete | aguatly taught in ay ~Acadety.

: _ Old Louisiana Planter, was correct. There is a new French dina, Try the columns of the REFLEC: a allits ores ; spite Nein for tuition and beard
acneshettginnciopemensiaay chef, who understands the French | pox, FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAN Boys weil Atted and equipped ~te
There Should be a Change. tenghage. " Wenningiay Star. ee _ RICK, 1A, & business, bY ~takjor . ihe ciiaared
" ~Two Mén In One, T id sett . course alone. Where they wis
llowi + « , , rst izher course, this school
byork Leah ang: from the New) oA meniber of the Royal Chemical) ~The Charlotte always utLowser W-Reee racors |Etcrantees. thorough preparation to
ee in regard to the meth: society, London, has recently dem. cM d oote ork rpg enter, wiih credit, a1 Reigns ley Nort
eh settlements of failures and| onstrated to theSoviety For Psychic. . TOBACLO SNUFF & CIGARS «| caroline or theT niversity. It
as luserg to do} al Researdh a dof tl t/man Hi. refers tc .Jose who have recently left
er thy bankrapt i toh ey ier Poe -| we buy direct from Manufacturers, ene | jts wall ~or the truthfulness of this
~Hatdthe molite (fee e oo distinot opipsCiousnesses. ) | bling youto: buy at one protit. A com | stagement, | 56f6))) yf) fo
we hge polnky S|) | PPhis he explainsT by the fact that plete stock of pig pagte Raga AAS BES @
When the Right Hon. Mr. Levi| a fhdarithe infvende of wo 1 ianyye | Any young nfan with cheracter a
4 "$ ear went up the en Py 60h. Mag pes ee © in@uenc¢ of an North Carolina's . : | moderate ability taking s course wit |
oman Pp th th up the spout last} anesthetic, while not apparently con- FURNITU RE us will be aided jn making arrange
Smit ere algo went op to the! scious at the time of operations, are FOREMOST NEWSPAPER PYINE tH Mie _{ ments,to continue in the higher schools
oy igh heavensT protests againstthe g6tctimes able, after a few days, to apWays onhand and sold at prices tosut) : imine will be kep t ite
(Methods of such men. Likewise| describe tho exact details of the nese Our goous areall bonghtan 4c. |
was there much vigorous Wise | : , DAILY 1d for CASH: therefore, having no ris! or . atten nor
the yah xan ~ go vo , ng operation, instruments used, etc., al- 80\ un, we sell at a close margin. ¥ hd ~ rs th 48) hool
4 bib; qo faatior ehhe made tough notintormed a9 to these be- AND tor S. M. SUHULTZ,Greenville. NC | ai) that parents could wish.
and when a cool off workday cosslowsness� was a WEEKLY.| THE MORNING STAR |aress
A Cool offer to settle at the ~ankiinin aN LIN
, be rail sent at the time, but the ~~subjiminal haar ara W. H. RAGEDALE
~twenty-five per cent a ;
~Mr. Spear phasicT wenn cohsciéushedsT� is that which was The Oldest July 0.196 cal Prinele
hounds. The fellow must bid present during the operation, and As } ae

Higher tian that and thiow open | eee ey sett but any, what i ce | ath ae
: Pa aee pen : ' {ndependent and fearless ; bigger and : : oy� 1
6 books for examination, said | Want rns or pres se ahs | more attractive than evr. ie Wl be an Daily Newspaper in} oJ.P. KING
ote age obOn your life, tro th ir os & invaluable visitor to the home. the eat Tey gee bub ; w/
apg Ando Levi ee his nd of i "e? of the latter office, the club or the work room. N orth Carolina. Py ,
id. In face of the logs of twen consofousnéss, oPAR DAILY OBSERVER. Oru Varn
ooink aeler apelin LO OE "Ail of the tiews of theT woHd. Com eset pigs
1 before the heroic was __, Mother of Pearl,o \ . b eee ~y-Tollar ~
gan sot nage |, Mh al opr |e a ae a ee
nd and mado the most of the| Very, brilliant substande whichT) | o"! NationaT apoT, | its Class in the State.
icn. He dictated the terms a pyle gy fu ~96 THE WKEKLY OBSERVER, | bnniteeetinc
aty. which. wi | kin 8 of shells. _ The inte A perfect family AM the]... nt va at
with more. ls isot. aa gt the week 7 @ re _ Favors Limited Free Coinage
afl v from the Legis! etd jen of American Silver and ~Repeal
. Rewember the Weekly. Ob-| of the Ten Per
of the Tem Per
PM oat oo con ew os 9 GtatehRonike,

fh, al

a mM 16. we hear , o1
~wait whatever blows and |T

oo at reasonable rates, Gc
orses, Comfortable Vehicles. .

chance may send him.



a Mad

Aa rn
si nn \ ate HE mh Latte 58 We cus hi Fe aie ce
eC et PA AMIE ak a TM. a Tam


» i z -
~pena ll is ae " Ee ee

Ae! eee a eS eee
: oWT Ti oe
Say ena a. R.! 2 ATEMENT .. [svar oF H ie oaisha, y
Miabits § aban | ; Walia adiKiog eg egister of eedsand
U AnD bh ANOBRS. | eGo aint 1 Lome 2 a eae 3 Con
oee Ba ~ niclondts e County afore-
AND FLORENCE RAL HoaD. Of Pi ) the euid do hereby certify that the foregoing
y= aaa o tement is true and correct as appears:
Ccourrenseu sen dule. Fiscal Year ending trom the records in wy said offen,
ane 7 iven under my -hand at office in
PRAINS GO23 BOUTE. Decerber 2, 1896. ; Greenyite on this the 6th day of Jan- {GIVES You ~THE NEWS FRESH EVERY
Eng a ES b 2 $5 The following is a List of bcders Clk. Bd. of Com, for Litt Co. WORKS FOR TRE BEST
1896. x2 lz Zi together with the Nambers and a | IPTV ess f :
TT lp) ting | Amount sevalloved by: the)o " wasteo HIS ELOQUENCE.
Adve Weldon ft a: dy) (|. | Board of Comtiissovers, from |, arate
Ar, Koevk Mt 102) 4. December Srd, 1894 to Decém- 7 aii 0
1s ae PT aa | ber 2nd, 1895. Here isa n kory which Fatah | of
Ly Tarboro | 12 12 . ney aot Alabama tells inthe Washington GREENVIL r
"-| "|-"" iscollananus, Post on himself: LE IRST, ITTC
Ly Rocky Mt 1 bl 10 2) 5 46 No. To whom issupd. ~AmTt ~SOF happened in the Fifty-second P TT OUNTY SECOND,
- A et : Pf 11 03 ' 140 Edwards & Broughton 99 gy | congress, when I was a new man in OUR POCKET BOOK THIRD.
Lv Fay'tteville| 4 3v)!2 53! 20) WB Wilson 5) 8)| the house, not so experienced as I
Ar. Florence 7 25) 3 ou) 356 ry 7 ming: 35 |am now. Bingham of Pennsylvania
""- "|-- --| "" |"- | ise ? | was making a bloody shirt speech | -
a2 A Parkes . g7 |on some subject or other. Near me 0
Za | ia 228|sat old Judge Culberson. Helistened
ee | | | a tio ane W. Aibiiston 16 awhile, and then beckoned to me. |

Pah P.M. ALM | ooten a ;. 68 , Stalling ~said he in his RSCRIPT Cor wTs
im Mosnolia. , � M 05 12 480 Oct Cok + ye o1 Bolt that fellow. The idea of his abusing |
Ar Wilmington] 544 . | © |. 945) 609d L Flehing§ ==) 1:1. $5 | the southern cavaliers like that! He

P. M. A.M | 583 Edwards & Brough~on; * 16 go| never smelt gunpowder. He never (0)
, be Rover wis ~en oe was in the war. He skulked while ,
TRAINS GOING NOTKI. OR tJ Jarvis - g 65 | We were out fighting Yankees,T
_ | ." | 688 Edwards & Bronghton 74;| oI didn't know Bingham,�T con- ,
Dated ny 1 B 3, | 142 DJ Whiehard §0| tinued Stallings. ~o~I felt. flattered | HEE & ! Ste oe 1)
Jan, 6th als 2% |801 D J Whichard 65 | that Culberson should call-on me to ro AAD Aa
1896. AA | A Ag oe JL » 60| speak for our side and got the floor | . 1 Balad
- et 6 Ow 20 00 Pia :
A. M.'P.M. " {76 kawards & Broughton 33 Bo | 28 Soon OS F coon when, Bingham )
oLy Florerce 8 15) 7 4) 885 A L Harrington 1o7 had conclu ~ .
Us Fayetteville nt Fa y 40 901 Verkine Bu Raha detait lit me eee I

v Selma 2 32 #42 lison 16 8 | threw the -eloquence of my
Ar Wilsen 1 20}11 35 ~ 28 W Teena oe 6u.00, tongue into that effort to annihilate. "PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT"
een Te \" nar A ieee ee diet. ce him. I pictured the northern soldier

os 79 Alfred Forbes 2 ov | Shouldering his musket and kissing

72 2 a3 T Knight 50| his wife and~children farewell at the ( ara es ~ |
we a || | " " 1 808 RT Hodges 11 to 3 ctured the battlefield, D i |

MS Ra iit ean Buia + where he fought and bled for the ne Dollar Per Year.
Le Wilmington 9 7 00 '422 John Flanagan 1 40 .
{uv Magnolia | 10 56 ~ 31 [423 HS Taylor ° 1o ou Union. I pictured the southern sol- " , | | |
~Lv Goldsboro | 12 05 9 401505 R ft Madgex bu |dier, departing from His thatehed This | Q th f : 9 i _
Ar Wilson 1 00 | 10 27 |606 BW Kdwards | 80 | céttage home, where dwelt his loved | Bi 5 ¢ ( Op CN ay crite
Tag Reeboro ue nou He bev! Bloat . a8 ones, going out to fight for what he : AS bie 92: bobo iE

2 ss Be. |wBLGx. | 8 oo | Believed bis right, and his return, THE

$3 fe 3) 795 Dr~ UJ O'Hagan 1o ov to findT ~his house in ashes and his TOBACCO DEPARTMENT, WHICH

ZQ wa! Biz ni i Knight lo 90|dear ones dead or scattered. And IS A REGULAR FEATURE OF THE PAPER,
ead " 38 ~ izt t a

Pow.) (DLW, M, [548 Dr BT Cox apg | nats denounoaT AR arin gad 18 ALONE WORTA MANY TIMES THE
Lv Wilson 1? 135 10 321647 Dr Saml Morril . 5 vo | &t homes in the north, men like the SUBSCRIFTION PRICE,
Ar Rocky. Me | 217 eth dt 1 : gentleman who had just preceded

" ae ae | Tota) Says 93|me, who had never seen a bat tlodeld,
Ar Tarbors | " ~gu teh : never smelt ganpowder except on . a o
a sarah yy a jt 11 : eee ow ae the Fourth of July or at a ratifica- 3 (0)-
Ar Weldon nant Paupeis 1,167 92 ion meeting, and who, 30 years aft.
. ; ome Aged and Infirm 1,871 15 or, would e6t in congress and .

SupTt of Healtn "308 75 get up h h Whe vy d Ce.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Roa | Lommissioners | 341 35|Genounce the southern men who n you nee
Sie i don 3. 55 pa Malia : viet Reyister of Deeds | 414 o2| had gone out to lay down their lives
ip. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 .p | ounty Attorneys 600 00 | for their cause, right or wrong. |
\., Greenville 6.47 p, m., Kinston 7.45 Her uae 138 oe oTo my surprise,TT said Stallings, oe |
p.m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20 Ke ae | "6 59 | ~Bingham took it. in the best of hu- () PR N | POTN
a. M., Greene 8.22 i " Arriving Bee 186 o0 mor. He even laughed. Some of the .
Hee ~Oa; Mey Weision 11.20 aM | Sheritf and Jat! 1,094 13] Republicans smiled and looked in
an . re by an amused way at Bingham and oh D 1.4 ,

Trains on Washnigton Bra éh leave | 00" then.at me, and next thing I knew Sa : tT, ! +
Washington 1.0 are Parniele Conveytine Prigoners.to Jatt 4 in some on our side were smiling and on't forget the
ieaves 3 ~ Were 40; pat Nene g ming Witness Tickets Super or Court 4,« 078 3 laughing, and when I turned i |

»y -arcives Washi 7.48 Court Vost "627 14| theré was Mr. Culberson doubled up ; ~ i yee,
Daily except .Sttiday, "Conbeets with \ lerk Superior Coart 299 751 in his seat, laughing to himself as Freflector . Office.
trains on boot nd: ook Branch. Jury Toket ; Sane though he had a-fit. It began to

Justices of the Peace "g4 32|dawn on mo about this time that
Ry rier ee igen Coustables 134 28 | Culberson had just put wpa job on on
day, ae 460 he mney, 300 Elections i 27! me, I wasn't through with my re-
i eee wie Bk 6.25 Pe Mo. | Freel neous i 09 | marks, but I cut off short and sat
Ne rit ym u y except . _"__ -- | down.

Sire tarbors 1035 em and iL me Total ¢14,61447| ~~Presently Bingham walked over WE HAVE AMPLE FACILITIES
oi Fivancial Condition of Pitt County De- to me, holding out his hand fh a FOR THE WORK AND DO ALL
onin on bes N. Papen g°agTs| cember 2nd, 1884 to December 2nd, een ors pi Pr Talleve KINDS Ob COMMERCIAL AND
ma, arriving Sn ithilel 130 a.m. Re- RECEIPTS I'm sure von have oer made the TOBACCO WAREHOUSE WORK.
~turding le rekvos Banthideld 8 00 a.m, ar- d sol y
~rives at Goldshors 9.90 a.m. Ambon han �"� $1,801 46 _| viotim of a practical joke. I was in

, Kee ay Fett : 150 98 | the Union army and was wounded 0
/gg bam 10, Nashvilo branch leave Rec hire of paves sas, | Gottyaiute, oSpottoyitania ond
tno TT Rec Jury tax armville and was mustered ou " .
Nashville 5.05 p. m., Spring Hope 5.30 | Ree Maer age dicense bri il ht. 0 Wi rk al i

. m. Returning Jeave Spring Hope | gailier géueral, ItTs all rig ur 0 an : r eS NH. ; r

00a. m., Nashville 8.3) a m, aiive a Reeves of! Conte ~in ekg Only I hate to see a young man like | Nuit Our Patrons.
Becky Mouut 9.05 a m, dally except ne, aout HanaeT. ~Hloo you imposed eee

r @ of Stra : ~~

vider} in: drench, Florence R| Rec Cost cates ~ib | °
Ri leave Laz 6-40 pm, agriye Dunbar Feeding Jary == B00 _ Typical, abate Joke. 0
7,60, p m, Clio-8.05 p m. Returning | $19,740 93} - A young Woman stepped into the
leave Cliot6.10.am, Dunbar 6.30 a m, ~DISRURSEMENT. rr Witness box at the Sonth western po-
grit fate 7.50 am, daily except Sui-| Amt disbursed by vohn ige court and began to tell the mag-

"2 gan former istrate that she had ron away from OR: 00K. STOR

Train onClinton Branch leayes War- reasurer ug per home. =
saw for Clinton caily, except Suuday, vouchespfilled $4,3376-39 , ny
Filed. acand i Gn ataruing| 26 Ua te ae youwant my advo? | ag
ae J 7 r a. and , m. ure as Coteaie- ee Applicant"If you please, sir. "f8 THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN See ELLS FOR"

rain No. 78 makes close connec , "
at Weldov forall points gale al) rail ¥ am dlebor bursed by SL Lit- , Mr. ponies You ran away from
Riehmone, also at Rovky) Mount with: le, Ere asurer, a8 ome
Norfolk and Caroling R I for. Norio perjovchen led 10,241 38 Applicant (expectantly)"Yes, sir. BL ANK BOOK SST AN TONE RY, Novi 8
ane all points North via Norfolk, aunt paid LLitt ee . Mr. Plowden (dryly)"Run back
i mis- in.
no} ci SOT a cyan we 907 22 aga :
re , hee.) © Vv rrre ys ofo§5| Amid the laughter of the court mie
Of. MRM ERSON, Trailie Miihtage. , | = ""- the metere hurriedly left. ~Lontet eet et ti ! 0 aa ielh i
VRRRNLY Gri Mane ee Pep ly nat aod, Not styles HHandvouie ig
a -"-"- Gat d | xX } os teries, from " 3
, oh shut \ V sod oi | rhe ree Kh Box + ape T
A. _Joutaiandin eb ibi- a 10 cents aud up. On School a
10! J, iL i ST sil ec. 3rd, $lo4 43 1 ite shoo [i n ev- eeT ~abd Note ~Tablets, Slates; Leadand Slate
Amount audited from ies ~ete,T Papers: Pengils, Pens uud Peu- Holders, we |
pF | Dec 8rd 1894 to Rwy seen 6.
e168 coaalll Dig ag Deo 2nd 1805 14,919 47 ~shouldn't it asked the| ! ; me
na : $14.018 89] cheerful idiot, oIt gots better aq: | oe
VOBBRO LUT / iion,s0 to speak. In battle onl iy ~ 0 iu a
wi V FLERE. i: 4 Bye ) ange Wes out of every 86 takes effect. . 1 a aan
AE : vale . an
~ | Nea TMU AT wages eo = Fallin RonolatMonty tan,
wile. OM EMV EWN , Ww TM mY a i . hi. a -
ha ie oo He Uy. 5, ai 89 the best a 4 nstantly, ph Wo, are. ben
mol re Da BY o's ) eotntry | farmer, mare ie se 80 or aan Dales. Park. r Fountain Peo oiblug ae i
win eat ib ~anid ad Ti st fhe himself for reap corrals Hie } ald | .
on geo A kd8 | oie ad) (pe iitipald ~every, fra che Y
we lg 93 | opr obser"? oh G LHoldess
| vioT | Yawelfes ed 10,94 83 Aol vipenge Vipas ae F:
| + adie eH dn | the wo|
nents byer vee i ne 144 eon ou are An ce forget un wheal 3 69, WOM AF ipg in
to one wopa.on Monday, mba bt hai ui. it tal ght
" etandi labial hie

and | iy $106.17" wh Ghiea yeep inl " i




Creates many « new business,

- Enlarges many an old business,
Preserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,

Rescues many a lost business,
Saves many a failing business.
Secures success to any business.
er |


"To oadvertise judiciousiy,�� use the
olumns of the REFLECTOR.



Passenger ~and mail . train going
north-arrives 8:92 A. M. Going South,
arrives 6:47 P. M.

North B ound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
M, leavesl0:10 A. M. .

South Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P.
M., leaves 9:15 P. M.

Steame mer Myers arrives from Wash
zion Monday, Wednesday and Friday
ves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs:
Ge Ay $09 ex er chy Six





We still have no telegraphic commu-
nication, so good weather may be ex-
pected tomorrow.





Fun, Frivolties, Facts and Figures at
One Finding.

Today has been bright and beautiful.

Best Vermont Butter 80 cents a
pound at J. S. Smith & CoTs.

Fresh Grits just arrived at D. S.
SmithTs. !

The young folks had a dance Ger-
mania Hall last night.

Be sure and attend Rev. J. T. BettsT
lecture in the Opera House tonight.

Nice line of Cigars at J. L. StarkeyTs,

| the place for a delightful smoke.

We are glad to hear of Ashley Wil
gonTs success in the stock farm, he has
one hog and 20 chickens all ready.

The oSouthern Leader� is the pride
of Greenville, at D. S. SmithTs.

Have you tried Golden Seal? If
not you have missed a good smoke
Jesse W. Browy.

Cod Fish, Irish Potatoes, Prepared
Buckwheat, Oat Flakes, Cheese, Mac-
earoni, P. R. Molasees, at S. M.

News."The best Flour is Procrtor
Knott sold by S. M. Schultz. Try a
24 Ib bag.

There will be a masquerade party in
the Opera House next Tuesday even-
ing, 11th.

Big Hominy, small Hominy _ and.
other fresh table groceries at J.-S.
Smith & CoTs.

__ Ricks & Taft today call atyention of
Réritcror readers to their héw goods.
Their stock and prices will interest

With no mail last night and no tele -
egraph.c communication today the Re-

i PyectoR has been herd run P| Bet | pres C8

© onéWs for this idsue.

Nicest Canned Peaches for table use,
15 centsa can, Other canned goods
proportionally cheap.

J. 8. Surra & Co.

There will be no extra charge for re-

| night.

| Cea

Just why Greeuville hadno mail last
night can be told only by the railroad )

Miss Ida Sutton, of LaGrange, ar-
rived this morning to visit Mrs. H. C.
Hooker. ee

Mrs. L. B. Barnhill, ot Bethel, who
has been visiting her parents here, re-
turned home today.

Rey: J. T. Betts and his sister, Mrs.
M. B. Thomas, arrived this morning.
Mr. Betts is the guest of D. J. Which-

W.T. Lipscomb. Mr. Betts will de-
liver his lecture in the Opera House to-
He will remain in Greenville a
few days and will preach in the Bap-
tist church both morning and evening
on Sunday.


Harding & McGowan have received
their car load of Buggies which are the
prettiest ever exhibited here. Prices
are low down. "

. A Big Check. |
John Fields, Jr., of Lenoir county,
was here today selling a car load of to-
baeco which he shipped over. It was
was sold at, fla@*Planters Warehouse
and he received ae check for $1,-
300. This is the largest single. check

| ever received by a planter here for to-



Bad on the People.

authorities. Owing to the wreck near
Tillery the mail train on this road
could not go through to Weldon, but it
looks like the railroad had ample time
to send the mail around by Rocky
Mount and Tarboro and get it here at
the usual hour. There is cause for
complaint somewhere.

Rev. Mr. IveyTs Testimonial.
Below Will obe found a testimonial
from Rev. Mr. Ivey, of Wilson, whom
many,of.our people know either ; per-
sonallyT or by reputation. All- who
fail to hear the lecture to-night will re-
gret it. Be there without fuil.

I have had the pleasure. of attending
the illustrated lecture of Rev. J. T.
Betts and I can truthfully say that it
was a grand success. The views of the
foly Land were exceptionally fine and

the explanations of the same were given
in a happy and entertaining style.

T. N, Ivey,
Pastor M. E. Church South, Wilson.

No Quorum.
win, Jenkins and Wilks were conspicu-
Council, thus preventing any business

in reference to a water supply. We
learn that Councilman Wilks was out
of town rafting logs, but the others:
were here and could have been at the
meeting. The people are unable to
understand why these Councilmen per-
sist in a course that blocks the business
and progress of the town. If they can
not attend the meetings they should re-
sign and let their places be filled by
men who have some interest in the wel-
fare of the town. , .

~ . oBeonomy.
e aed hi oa
sewers cane arm

Economy is one of the chief duties of
a State as well as an individual; it is
not only a great virtue within itself,
but it is the parent of many others, It
m and nations from the
com of crimeT and theT endur-
anve of misery. The man that lives
within his income can be just, humane,
charitable, and independent: he who
lives beyond it becom_s almost necessa-
rily rapacious, mean, faithless and con-
temptible. The economist is easy and

~ard and Mrs. Thomas the gnest of Mrs. |

Again last night Councilmen God-} 3
ous by their absence from the Town | a

being done or any action being taken | §


ed Uncle Hiram, after having three
teeth extracted:
ness entirely.� -




10 to 12 lights 700 o* :
12 and up 65c 4� ~

6 6

in stores. .


20 end up 60c each per moath.
Less than 20, stere rates.

1 light $1.00 each per month.
Qlight 900o o o
Slight80c o o o
4light70¢e o o o
sto9lights 65c o= *

eration. After plant is started up

lamp, cord, wire, labor, tc.
For other information call on
§, C. Hamilton, Jr., at mill-

Stroag Tastigg ya) Fors. L iC

New BEry, N. C., Oct, Lith, 1895,
Mess. CLARK Brus. & Co.

[Successors to Merritt Clark & Co.]
Gentlemen :"This 1s to certify that I

it as » valuable medicine to all who suf-
fer from indigestion.

Mayor City of New Bern.

Sold at WootenTs Drug Store.

The New York Ledger,


Always publishes the best and most in-
teresting short stories, serial stories and
special articles that can be procured, re-
gardless of expense. ~The latest fashion

week on the WomanTs World Page.
There is always something in the New
York Ledger tiiat will interest every
memter of the faaily, 20 Pages"Price,
5 cents. For sale inthis town by W. F

the funeral notice av man that wasnTt
dead yit, ItTs a foine fix heTd be in, if
heTd beed wan of these people that be-
heves iverything in the newspapers !"" |

oTook gas? I guess I did !.� remark- {


8 to 9 lights g0c each per month. he

Not fess than three lights put! .

All lights will be putin free of}: i
cost before plant is pat into Op-| 4

lights will cost $2.00 for each | ¥

hdve used ~8, I. C.�� for indigestion aud Se ©.
obtained relief after otter remedies had | ©
failed and I unhesitatingly reccommend ,

notes and patterns can be found every |


i i Soeoes Table Board- §
* ers at reasonable rates. 7
I am located in the Per- j
B kinTs house on 4th strest §
~® near main street. A conve- ®
nient placefor business men.

My table will be supplie
with the best the market.

| affords. For farther infor-
* mation see me at my millin-
% ery store. Respectfully,

; ~ o ihe | |
ere graves ers 5 gta gpa see renal:

ae an

Iam opening a fullline
of Heavy and Fancy


in the store next to S.
EB. Pender & Co.'s.
Goods arriving dailyT



Lovit Hines,
Sec. & ~Treas

Crreenville 7
Always in the market

for LOGS and pay
Cash at market prices
Can also fill orders
fur Rough & Dressed
Lum ber promptly.

P, H. Pelletier
. President.

Give us your orders.

Bureh. ,


Now located in our
WootenTs Drug Store.

Middle Counters.
early Sprin
Laces and

Dress Goods,


|g. C. HAMILTON, Jn, Manager.


new store, next door to

Everybody says wehave
the prettiest store intown. It is worth a visit
tosee the beautiful display of
anese and Fancy Goods weare
Many early

Novelties in Jap-
showing on our
Novelties in
White Goods, Silks,










« ai

J +

%| When your thoughts turn
;|to the many, many things

that you will have to buy
this winter for the comfort

| of yourself and family tarn
your footsteps toward the
5 | store of + . .

* Where you will find "
displayed the largest and
best assorted line of the
tellowing goods:


3 Be of many and wried kinds, \

Goods and
_ Furnish-
~. Ing Goods,
++ Shirts,
Hats an®
Caps t
« neatest
4 nobbiest
? styles,La-
dies, Boys,

and Childrens Fine and Heavg
Shoes and Boots in endless
styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs

Foot Mats, Mattings, Flooring
and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur
tains, Curtain Poles and Fixtures,
Valises, Hand Bags, and a stock
of FURNITURE that will sur-

ee TUM gy
einen 0p



tripe %N


mee OaaePry Pee |
Paid bb 9 5

oy =

* j } ~ iy é reme ey
e~ AU Ri » 1 i -
ih ~ "hey
De/' af

A® 5 ] | ; 7 ~
TALL LAREN (9/1204
its ee eo ee

prise and delight you both as

to quality and price, Baby Car-

riages, Heavy Groceries, Flour,

Meat, Lard, Sager Molasses,

Salt, Bagging and Ties, Peanut
Sacks and Twine. We buy


Eland pay the highest market prices

Sor them.

S|ReynoldTs SHOES for

Men and Boys canTt be

© gerved seats in the Opera Honse ~to- comfortable; the prodigal, harrassed ia ~j C. A. White 1d stand:) Padan Bros. SHOES for
night. Those who go earliest will get | with debts, and unable to obtain the Shoe GA 's old stand:) oie
the best seats. necessary means of life. So it is with | hi ' So nt . . | Ladies and Misses :
There is a big freshet in the river, srs Rama vuniroabempastl Fh ke Sth 0 coe EE Eee yn aT ORY sin
Agent J. J. Cherry tells us.the, water gr) ots, ace dongle the begin i" wrt | ibs Par ely
will be {t | 4 ning of the world to the «present day 3 | . i 8 ehle Sus rs are
be in the lower floor of ~bis wate.| jn gleitfeed oi their of profusion, | UIE , naeaee Ny rare nine celebrant RG One
5 i ~ a : Seat ' ig eit, maa. es _ ebra Ns id
ae OO ee eee lamers, Or Hardware, Hoaty Grognign, and all kinds oft 8 spect. oGor tne ae
A travellerasked ~an Sieyptlan lad rahe 203i mT vial Ba Taing Utomsila BamT) T, White's rand ot Bhow warranted, | On pie o+ ay a ~are come
HO als eh soldi wel iad | gatas : ont) Axes, bby @ apeci Vall to see me'and get my prices be- | to, no aa: TODAS aa?
Sharia bi ~tik, Ea a cs Manat: [Babe pucehaning-» Que load. ious, Hays im Beal IrishT Potatoes [Out wate he place for you td rnd
Bid coe ore sad oh vi | aig 5 lion, sixty and ta rott Talo bdndle all brands of High Grede| i 4 pai
is ver. and sit on ton, seventy-two. ~ | Bert izers for Cotton and | jody wpb ~ 0. B, CHERRY & Co,

Daily Reflector, February 7, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 7, 1896
February 07, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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