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a 4 i eben TA)
ae . = sexe
z mes oy Rites &
o rer es a a s - eon - a
Pd ot 2 tel RG =a. : mo J i ; ¥ ity ty 4 a
: oDA. oWHICHARD, ~Editor and Owner, * _ Fac npaaema 70 rlonion. ne Ge
eR ERT isos Te Sas ca | JILBW f Hous Es. ei] We : freer ies 8
bonnes Mm 8s Rai Be RIE sa ~gaat Toro TYR Sse " ss
ae : yobe sen sgh neh) een Re:
: THE DEAD BABE. Tae ee arity. in: Men,
* quieren Lo oe
A. youdg manT ~whites to Edward W.
BUGENE FIELD. BokT nang why &6 te a best i
Last night '& ~a8 a iny dear babe lay dead,
In agony I knelt and said:
o1 o(Q), Godt-what have I done,
4} | Orin what wise offended Thee,
That Thou shuuldTst take amar, from
~ me
My little son ?�
~have: seen: the seckddi_dool jw omany|
{cases marry them,T in ~face of the fact
that their past lives are known to them.
In the January issue of the LadiesT
'Home,Journal. Mr.. Bok, its pet
makes this reply: ~Girls, that. is, the |
right kind of girls ~do not prefer the}
company of oyoung men of this sort,
Doubtless, you have come across in-|
| stances where this rule has. been other-|
wise; so-have I, . But itis all in the |"
. jseeming, and not in: reality,T Depend |T
This innocent ?� upon oné thing, ~girls have as high mr.
Last night, as my dear babe lay dead,. estimate of porty in men as men have} "
Before mine éyes the vision spread of purity in women. There are. of
, Of things that might! shave been :| Curse, ee to the contrary, but'these | ©
Lisentions riot, cruel strife, {are few.� Where girls marry mea'who, '
Forgotten prayers, a wasted life are knewit to ~have led what: is called a
Dik cedT with iin? ~worldly life,T it is more generally due to
BAB kk head chs toe a misunderstanding ot facts or to ignor-
Then, with softmusic in the air, | Felipe than Je imagine, |
1 sew: another: vision there: There Kaji of girls who finds al
i A Sheehan a bh Keep peculiar satisfaction in the conquest of |
A little lamb, my lite ehild, aun who has ~seen the world,T and
oUpon the thousand useless lives,
Upon the guilt that vaunting thrives,
Thy wrath were better spent !
Why shouldsTt Thou take my little son?
Why shouldTst Thou vent Thy. wrath.
. iio .
always weré and ~always will
be a leading: feature of wo~
menTs weat"just GY they
are the vogue. t Capes
and Coats combine "he ele -
: gance and completeness of
@ up-to-date fashion, wiih the
practical ~properties � of the
old-timeT Cloakings* with
special price snk ital for
L : this Week, |
0. T. Munford.
V3] Zers Of 'wordly Wisdom undefiled, {then comes to her as the one woman of, of
te : | hag - aleep! Jali her sex who can make him happy. |.
- scr Last night, as my dear babe lay dead, | This sometimes pleases:her vanity and
ve In those two messages I read love of conquest, but she is not many |.
A wisdom manifest ;
And, though my arms be childless now,
i} am. a SON to Him I'bow,
Who knowest best. "
years older before she discovers that she |,
hasT satisfied those feelings at a very
high cost. There is.another type of
girl who rather fanaies aman who is
AL. ¥
what is called ~fast.T But that sort of
girl is painfully: ignorant of what is
meantT by thatT wordT as applied to a
man, If she were not she wonld be
very apt to, change the . adjective to
vulgar.� And as she matures she finds
this out. It is only young men of up-
Matters of Interest Over the State.
| you fear temptation keep
Nashville had a $15,000 fire Sun-
awa from. our Glove counter. |
: day.
lar. Kid Glove that
would tem a miser. With some right lives who can hope to win the
a dollar Glove'is simply @ pair of} The fund raised by the Southport favor and love of girls of high motives, we will close out
-gloves for a dollar. With us it| Leader to purchase a memorial ~for the the girls who make the best. wives.
omeans the best Glove on earth for
~theT price. If you want them
-J0r your own use or to give them
Bat a friend, you can buy here
United StatesT cruiser Raleigh, now
amounts to $500.
Jas. Ellington, a farmer, was found
dead in a well in a vacant lot in Hen-
derson, It is supposed that he acci-
dentally fell in and was killed by ~the
fall. id dance
oIf, at) times, girls seem. to favor young
men of another kind, the . glamourT is
simply transitory. It is rare, very rare,
that a girlTs better instincts do not lead
her to the higher grade of young men.
An. upright. life never fails of reward,
from the hand. of woman,�
ithout misgiving. A reasonable
= goes with every pair of
llar gloves.
oTl. Munford.
Emma. Anthony a colored womun
living.a few miles in the country, died
a few nights ago at the advanced age
of 102 years. osHeotland Neck Demo-
How to Kill a Prayer Meeting.
If you: goto your church prayer-
meeting at all go with a coldT selfish
heart. Think of yourself and your}.
lbusiness all the week, DonTt take
time to pray in. secret, or read your.
Bible before hand, You. will likely
be in a criticizing mood ~so that noth-
ing that is said or done will pleaseT you, | .
~Even the . Lord himself would not
please you. Stay away from the pray.
in order to open Bank
A. deposit of sthyrenihe coal has been
{found in Madison county near Hot
Springs, on the line of the Southemn
railway. Experts geemepee the coal |,
~of good quality.
Judge Graham is holding a spesial
term of court in Greene county . this
This is noteéy our ondGiiiee suit friends thi i
Dry Goods, Notions
our entire stock of
about Tanuary 15th i in
same: nero we now occupy.
er meeting the most, of your time... Let
| week for thie trial of contested election your health or the weather be -your ¢x
~}eases among the county. officers. ~The
Sheriff's office ~and thatT of the Clerk of
}| the Court are the two offices over which
» | the contest is beiig made,
cuse for not attending. Go, to places
of pleasure"such.as, weddings, parties,
lectures, shows, etc.,; and ~even! visit
| stores after night to make purchases or
sed: Go to other prayer meetings but
stay awaT from, your own. Your pas.
tor will hardly find it, out... Perhaps
the Lord himself will h tale no notion, val
your inconsistency.
DonTt help yourT ehnirch any more
| this you ocant help g0 48 to maintain
your respectability, before men. 1, do can,
| wonder. if;,.some.. chureh auembers. are | If you are a young man and a men}
respectible before: the LotdeT Spend | ber of a church, when the night of your
muc® nicer at some other place, or that
some other people do go *nneh better ;
but donTt you-have.the.grace or cour
age to improve t the workin your church.
DonTt ask anybody ~to go to prayer
meeting. DonTt speak of your prayer
meeting only to find fault. DonTt talk
religion to anybody. Talk ~business
~and dress and pleasures. Keep your
heart as cold and i bi as you possibly
Last summer a tree on ~Maj. J. G,
HarrisT place near the city was strucT
by lightning. A: cow standing under
the tree was killed Aue Several
days another. of Maj,..Hs
ira oa to Fd ahale ed
a. limb fell, atriking | the cow and killing}
~jit. Maj. | C n't f feel i i ¢, saying?
oWoodman ~spare. ~thatT tree. re rehnds
lotte Observer. - thd
tial cuitono a 8
~ayle, Saad oIt
snows and ke It yon
ce toT nates , mes up-town and
Bk re eeu ty thoney freely: ~on youfself but donTt | prayer meeting comes go,
: rea gt pide ~a the Bae ye aval | spend ~lie on your church or pastor. hang around the stores. and soap jokes
Mer tan be * WAR if, 4 } foe bery of the Southern Express If ou
: pei Vat You cannot gel 7? pa Hs Rosebory, N.C,,..0, station on Grumble, little when whe Lord ene pee eee? igi Tyas i.
"bad! Bar us"we havea it. or nm ti happen. to go to yo \
di tot Ach got the Cape Fear and, Yadkin. Valley bell makes # demand, on your me or, pork on apni oo i Wien is
jet book, : When: you do go to: your
ae df yt aa fe Don't
as, ati and ,,gool,.as, possible.
prayer hieoting ~takeT ho partT exept
SSR Parr REPS HED nit RE OR Pee: | 1Ay® ago has turtied out to be no robbery ying ~coultl tiké,�* |}aake ny; parts, DonTt even. Mey But
rat region a 1 V8 | at all. According ~be, the,,gonkengion of ene. ak not ati and cold}
Be agpolubdic hg ane) tae fAgent Grier delibornt ; hink ifT the ~above. rulus are you: now You, ary,
« MURIO! is. © Finale een dh e Sheer any, goed prger aneet-| whenT you snap your aged joker, mae
él j 0 : ri00. wil ry evils way ide ee in b Oe res mf ipginil phi the: Lord, himself will | others. | jabhen when, anathe r evangelist |
He text *); * CO, 2 NY BANK.� / itor iff -7 mere auf Bay ~he se go'domewhers ~else td a a Jn oa andyou feeliquite rundown
. hes Sic Agad pr tin serblaginet wt Hl ! o o4 rat Re ; oh) [Ta aero, ahve -imirepatatbone fall in, ling and get, work
Y HiTS oHad Coa ee
. nisit wi sha Ta » dts or he Pi ytd the fed omer) Greta tap, pak on, oh tah
ole) sigh tho . Gt Rath se Dogg fc
Loot n Lalo aa ae amie wal (Cle tine i } chat the vor k= "9 old whee, heel. Yours in ies
. ek fei ties nt we Kings, 4, anal cre hay ' ~
id ats) hs bs on Ba « Ye ee y ten wi vit bl, baupes dtd Le titT Gat wa eet olf
Mt At UA he Rea "4 wneri hy | memberanyw uunbens 400,000. i: ny) i get: cng but msi ~dyly eth 2 hy wiih wy ibe iy j iti HH ane aj eet ~
iin 2044 vt rt Ea asm ayT the OA VA Ge WK tape ened | i ny hel dea tit act
a a eee ae gy We Ue, } e ~ : SO OR Pi ' Hint |
caw, soe aa moe TOs ¢ tart | gic
siatvameto LET
ese i eG ae) vi
3 | things donTt suit, yoy and things are £0]
OF eae
oTO ee
and told every
man you met that you had a load of
wood to sell, and every man you met
would in turn tell every man he. met
that you had a load: of wood to sell
suind every man you met would in treet,
tell every man he met that you hid a
load of wood to ~sell, it would, in course.
of tinie, ~devon: pretty well crenlated,
that, you hada load of wood to sell;
but why, not, cut, jt) short--not the
wood, but the method"and place
good ad ina good newspaper and ell
everybody at once. oDelays, are dan =
gesgas,� and th good newspaper. w ukd
start in where the last man left oft rd
keep on telling everybody that you had
a loud | of wood | to. sells or anythe
joe tite Rev
ie ye
Hiskaet ~e
4 en ay
oWe e Te a Mite fone at}
every peviehoepue the. Bi
c oHos rates. oae to agents.
ers will return to their relations. They
~ are all in the highest stad iés cand, have
ight..minds- and» willing...hands for |
study and, work
wy mate e such & thing more paves by}
giving, them free scholarships at some
of ourT o~geademiés oor colleges. | The
~Normal and Industrial School holds
ont wearyT fi orb ad ages to poor)
aot | Tid. LibMothatios that do
the same, We are aware that a great
2 people. think thé. little educa~T
tion fie oat the Asylum | is amply]
: jent f fot Both girlsand boys, but,
ibis hot. Ad leaving, gut the educa,
tional part of theT question, which is
first, the oAsylum °i§7 Yor pepe: to
give these girls ie Sar «training |
for an independent velihood. It is
true they. are taught how to cook,
~wash, ew and 4d! other important
things necessary in. every household,
but o this. thére is very nee
tion such as so many young girls |'
are putting to practical use to earn-their
living, all right, oBut because of this
lack the need for a course in. some of
these branches at our colleges is ap-
_ parent.
These places are filled by negroes.
ven if these girls are poor, and or.
8, they should at least be classed
a ae grade than mere menials"
ers of water, etc., etc. Have not
ota white girls a right to ex.
@ little better than this? Not-be-
they are not, willing to work.
0 r who will help these girls y
r their expenses (those who "id
) to some sehool where they
~taught a good, practical method
a living! The cost need
, but! the result will be
biare suite, oIf anyT dite
br th a good Work for one
. let the desire be ~made
et ape the asylum, | wi)
he PRerssoton, only
| TA Partial Belise of the Moon,
| iA total eclipse of the Sun,
Be a; ho will gees?
_}and South America ; and in part to the
uf goilantg and Pacific Oceans.
a a be on easy |
The market is already overrun with |
cooks, washerwomen and housemaids. |
The canoes
¥ ee Invisible to North
| August 9; { Invisible to all of North
line of totality running rete
a Zembln and Yeddo, Japan.
AVA Partial, Eclipse of the Moon,
August 22-28. Visible entireto North
western extremities of Europe and
~Africa; to! astern~ Australia, and the
oMORNING! AND yvEnind STARS 1996.
wana tignion een MR ee $a
Mercury. will be Evening Star about
Sanaa 23, May 15,T and September
18; and , Morning, Star about March 5,
July 8, and October 14.
Venus will be Morning Star till July |
9; then hes: Star. the. rest ot the
year. . ; pa
Jupiter wi dk
uary 24 t |
gust 11; Hi then Morning Star again
the rest of the year.
ibe mogaing | Siar il Jon
6 _Bforts ~gre oe
aber,� Bee - v¢ been ex-
emse hvesto: prddudesmortuan y
Sc isge with the following results:
(An ossified man: din | ~Tennessee died
Another eel: a ~thermometer
and died by degrees.
ie) cbitguinptive undertaker dea of a
coffin.� , ' ss
A man choked « on an apple ang died
Sf appleplexy. ( A fi
A farmer blew « out the g gas ad ~died
of gastritis. i 3
oA man was struck am a Fooomotive
and died of locomotor attacksia.
A dy peptie ate too much pastry and
died 6 ~
A negro in Georgia ate six water
melons and died/of mdlancholia; | |!
~/ATtrestle- builder was seriously afflict. |
we with piles.
ee the trey dour touched hip
Pkt ade
ter with the al
Mike i insurance agent died of knows:
sink pices coaiantitrtechdauent Bae | \
An exaaperitidy individual ~remarks
that the edito
papers out tO die of or mig |
The Boy in Business.
ema eeem
What kind of a doy does a Wiatais
man want Y repeated a a ~shrewd practi-
cal man of may concerns, ~the other
oWell, I will tell you. In the fist
place, he wants a boy who doesnTt}
know t6o much } biisingss menT general-
~ly like to run'their dwn ~business, and,
oie se |
a tae
wey rather than to try to teach them
new kinks; secondly, they WantT a
prompt boy one who ~understands
seven 0Tclock as ale exactly seven, notT ten |:
minutes past; third, ~an ' industrious
extra Work in case of need! fourth; an
honest boy"honest ~in. hisT serviee, as
well as in the ~matterT of dollars ~anal
obits; sand fifth 4 good-natured boy who
Sadehs tempér ~eventT if ~hisT ~em.T
payer Yet now and then!�
ty ah wh wriT ~i
ae Tacit a
ing | were. shoved out into the water.
~to ~walk. That method of locomotion
| that the whole race is developed tre-
, but has short, rather weak legs.
a ter, the work ~of loading them be-
low took a hand at loading, little or
_ {chuck hb his load into the canoe, hit, or
| men got xeady to shove,out.. .The|°
4 grab a ddg ~by the nape of the neck
| thing, andthe dog wadedT out'and
| Whenhe thotght he hadT a ~good
~ot some of these hoose- o4
prefer some one who will listen po their | |
boy, who is tot albadd to: inn little |
aa hy wiht | 14
eo ee i
inna, fi
the oil peg ie consumption.
et be! was ena paguces! little,
the ode ra to akc it.
which had been lying
high on tai tho Geach onto the way 0
possible harm from. tide or swell
~They are heavy, ungainly ship
dug out of logs. Som | they are
50 feet long. It will puzzle a white
man a good. deal to navigate one of
| them, but the Indians are as much
at home as if they were in, t
houses. - An Indian baby learns toT
| paddle almost as soon as he ~Tearns
)-has been the general one for so long
mendously in the arms and chest,
When the canoes were in the wa-,
gan... The members of each family
gathered up their traps and piled
them in"bundles. of blankets. and
skins, household utensils, pots, ket-
~tles and pans, dried salmon, provi-
sions from the store, oil in tin cans
-and bark pans to hold it. Every fe)-
big,, and every fellow seemed,. to
miss without regard to trim. It was :
a wild, indiscriminate higglety pig-
gletyness, but soméhow it rode all
right. : a be
A decent,; self. respecting. whale-
| boat would , pi got apgry,and, tip-
| ped over, but not a dugout resented
~its treatment. After all theT duffle
had been chucked in the big Indians
put in ~the little ones. Then the
squaws olimbed in. After that the
dogs stood , around. by the dozen,
whining and begging to be taken|;
~along. Once in awhile a man would
and:throw him on top of:.the pile of |
.baggage. It.was a maryel,that tho
scrambling dogs didnTt upset the
whole thing.
Ono man had two dogs anid'tiot
~much room. He chucked one in ani
paid no attention to the pleading of
the other. .The deg was persistent. | ¢
but: his , only reward was.a cuff, on
the ear. The man. went back up the
beach to his house to get a last some-
climbed into the canoe. ~The Indian
ran baok, grabbed him by. the scruff
of the neck. and threw him out on
the beach. The dog waited a minute
| and then waded out and climbed in
~again. This time the Indian threw
~him ~out hardér, but the dog wasnTt
discouraged... He shook the water
out of his fur and wagged his tail.
chance, he waded out and climbed |.
into the canoe the third time, | ~The
| Indian. swore by his totem,and drag, |
Pee | we will
a scholaiship entitling theT
free tuition in all the Koglish branches}
for the entire spring term, 1896 (6
sean se
Eastern North Car
will be fortunate who wins this spe.
given to:
gest num.
The Eastern Reflector
between now snd. etakiek R M. on Ja
months or foursuisT
wi!l count, he same as, iat
will get the eeholar
expeet more,
baought in. fo
ning and many:
ive for every boy ~Wnod: ~Wished to ~er
this contest, we offer. niger pmalision
that those W
arship will be paid for,
not get the | com
ple copies of the Teche tk 4
by applyiv
4 pa ats
as we wisi to know-how many bovs a.
working for the. prize. ,
ithe result of the contest wit
of winner
TOR of Jan.
apening day
term beg
to. whom he: may award the scholarship
77 eu ee wt)
Bou r
Z ces et
1} And The » Bastorn Reflector 1s
Going to help one Boy in
that direction.
ee tne
ive I ~tole free otek charge
abso i Sieh meg a to
Grecnville Male ~Academy:
This; isthe. Dest, ge ool; mt iboyevd *
sahool and the bo
This 5. months holarship. ts to be
the SOF wad will: get. ~the dar-
bex nt, yearly, subscribers. | for
subscribers for 6
ribers for 3 manip
early pab-
hy d Tivos
Ith, 1896.. Twos
criber This is no catch pe
but a bonad-fieoffer, and. ifonty: abe
subgeriper $A
brov bt puting the
Rl ~brings it
rehip -Of ie se wo
pee ong, subscriber gobo
ris is a plize ww orth win
~pos Will! Wark for it
ime specifie
In order that there nay be an in
r cent, on all subs rs, £0
ho 'tafl' t6� ghee the schol+
= taal batho a
| tats on: ~Now boys bi att
o work with thé: determatign to win
his prize. You can get as many sam+
s you nee
We will pa gel
ib vhe fame
be the pei of the KEFLEC.
1th, lse6, giving ihe
cessful boy thie io enter schooT on the
of spring term Monday,
ef 10 pe
the one who, wi
~ ~tho a se
e' us ett,
oAddress all let ters to |
A N Greenville N. C,
onan rene
GREENVIL LE, N. C. Oct. 2th, 1895,
This toeertify that I have arranged
with the publisher of THE, EASTEBN
REFLECTOR toteachfree of charge in
he English branches, for the 5 months
inning Jan, 20th, 1896, the boy
n the above subscription contest,
Pr nepal Greenville Male Academy.
gee the dog up. the beach. Before
@ could eet ak to push the canoe
off the dog had run out into the wa-
~ter again and ~climbed up itito the|
_Peatioe,.: The Indian hit him a clout
on, the, nose with, his, fist, and: the
dog, rug down and .shivered, Then
the Todjan. pus _ off, everybody
~got to. hori att e paddles, and the
~whole crowd went off peacdably and
marvelously upright. The dog had |
won."New Nore | Sun. ey
4 tore BramweitTs: ~Plety. f
The late bishop of Winchester is
lisaid to -have: possessed amongT his
many other, qualities, that,of, sar,
ome A god story, is, told pf a re-
tort he m e to the ee Lord Bram-
well, who, neatly him on his way
back to his'room to take of his robes
after reading ~prayers in the house}:
-of lords, apologized for marine been
absent, from the ceremony. |.
~When I kneel down, it gives,
~palpitation of the heart,T T said |
~Bramwell, oand it would ~not Foy
ppectful for me to ein stand while;
lordship was vpraying.!)
hop Thorold, ere knowing
gelf, ans inT measured tones;
oPray do not, mentionT it,� Ltd | me
~Bramwell. lam sureiyour lordship
r ms bo eapally cic hy ted
oa, with al trl i ba eyo!
con ow nmr
ea) bs),
Court th the ease of WB.
minigtrator of,
sell tor cash at th Court
Greenville on go the ith day of
Jani, to wit: AT tract ~ot la
lands of
I fotty eightiacres,..more or lesk.: Babs)
foes oot Mary Nobles, wid- ry
L. A. BYES, Atty.
errr rt
Bice tht atT ay
"t} tii DAILY pay ie Hs
ee y
He a
Administrators Sale.
of Land for Assets.
~the ~Superior
Wingate ad-
. W,,.Nobles, 1 will
House door in
~By virtue of a decree of
tract of
d situated
n.Contentnea Township adjoining ,the
mos G.Cox, W, HS ks,
ip andT éthers. containing
1896. he. tullowi
ject, for er
ea a a
~ben hi 1806) i ok otek BN
W...B. WL G
wat ~of R Be ¥
Nh |
The Charlotte
ae oaltemient Lotih aay pent on
ie w tu
PORE aan i
arom meantT.
yop la bea
rad ate A Wyte
i" shail ~ava suite
more atéractive than
Wil i
ie hs
ry i
rey ON
ea for: euumple ebples, vi daddrden
bas vi ? vl
Wants or should wan
i and peanuts for ii
BB Gs |
Dec. Seib-eaday after Christmas,
k. P., Woodvilie, Bertie county, Grace:
Dec. 81st"Tuesday. oe Us,
Jan. lst~,Wednesday, Fest. of the
Cireulation, Es T oS th, Grace:
Church. ie :
: {
Ata SV
i ; Ga
lv A 5
igRlads «: du weiee: 64.»
Tiebdodeuesen: win ias v+orhbo 6
© Good....00:800R Add 6
ata Hi Lge dg gr ryt to hed
+ Obriign...
Good..... veal
Fine...+ cp ceus ant
AS Pint
PP ita
~prices of cotton
erday, as furnished
y Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer
chants of Norfok,:
Middlivg= os | *
Low Midating 7, Bel
Good OrdinaryT, ... 6h
Tone"quiiet | i)
rimes. - 4
xtia Pri rime ; oS ki
andy... Le ih "ase rr a Bi, id
Spanish : a wt
Tone"easy. y et
: Re 10 Won yous
~Greenville Market. i
Cor rected by 8. M, Heit� os
pat +
AB 625
~Bitter, per tb
Western Sides
Sugar cured? Hams
Corn Meal |
Flour, Family
Glee per og ee ee
Beeswax. per
js. 2
This Laundydoekthe finest work in
he South, and, pr ices are low. We
! esday. Brin
make shipmen none Pu Monday an
your work to ou
will be forwarded promptly. Prices
hed on application:
Ww Teel
nner Y Latd
~fo ng
p het
py ~tak
yal Where they.
yihier ) a6 4 win en
N64 ai
a | eg
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foe ¥
) pred ana * biel At
rh wall
iH i mhhy a in|
pie (08 Rae SBS he
| Osadehoea wonedule oes
No. 41}
a ;
6 00
oiv Fay tteville
Ar. Florence %
oLv Goldsboro 7 05
Lv Magnolia | ~at
Ar Wilmington os
: AM
"Dated es a WSs
Oct. 6t Sa|°o ? 3
yt RB a |
GE A. MIPM| © Fo
Ew Florecce |. 8 15) 7 35
i Fayetteville! 10 53! 9 33
a Wie 12 32
ise n 1 20/11 28
oe rye "
os =
oer A. M.
oue stlmington 9 26
holia 10 -
sy Goldsboro | 12 05
be ison 1 00
ty: Tarboro 248
BuO S ade
nomen P. M.
Ly Wilson 11 37
Ar Rocky Mt 338)
Ar Tarboro | 4|
Lv Tarboro
Lv Rocky Mt | 2 38
Ar Weldon
" , ~ gt
ey iv 8.55"
Satna ea pm
a. m., Greenville 8.22 . m. Th20 an
a Neck at 4.55 Pp
ty, pungton 7.45
~"\ TrainT oh, wedtta dd Neo Braves rer he
» ms 5° Halifax 4,13 it
gs » Penccenes sliced.
1 Under Opera House,
Special attentionT given to monn ig
Gentlemens Clothing. _
J. H. BLOUNT,, J. in "PLEM iNG
Blount *¥ Ate
s@�"� Practice in all the Courts,
icine eae et a a
~Sticcesgors to Latham & erase ce?.
AER Yona
~John E. Woagara, Fe ws Hardie
Wilson, N ron �,�,
Greenville, N.
oSpecial attention given to collectiuns
and settlement of claims.
Kinston 7,20 |, )
daily sud) Souder
J I ae mM, are
E ~
dr neh leave
punt at 4.80 p- t,.) arrives |
N ~rai ble 5.05 p. m., Spri ope 5,30
|p. m. Returning ae Hope
JO. m:, Nashville 83) airive at
Rocky Mount 9.05 a m, daily except
ao itera p pape ar
Batre vas ae
leave 10a me is uinbar ¢
vob Latta 50, a mi daily ~exsept
y. ° yh :
Train : dacueiailichade leaves War
saw for Clinton cally, except Suuday,
11,104, m, and 8.50 p, m: Returning
lea oie pat? my Massoa eA ~Pm.
ea: fotdll po sd ta via
Riebmone alep at wing Mount with
JOHN F, Gear
neral Su
PE pepe pita
rhait & Wound Skate
_ In Effeot December 4th, ;
me q
if i
a KIN Gide
: " 1 I] pe vv f
Bry ae Ue
: Te }
otd be me SS 7 jv apy
ier vit ahaa g� iat Naik we atoa |
wal 16 eaokny oMO callivle haw wan |
o1On Pitt oStreet NEVO
taille on pel
My te stele WO
| alits
pally N
, Rapeans avn MERUHANTS BUY
theit yedrs sapplies will tind
~chelv aero to get Our prides Petrire pus
chasirig élséwhier�,�. Oni Nock iscomplete
branches, »
oRICE, TEA, &¢,
alas 8 St LOowEsr MAREE t Whee.
we puy direct icom, Manufacturers, ena
bling: -you,to buy at one profit, A com
plete stock of
ediw: s euband and seid ab ries, tu suyt
the vines. Our goods areall bought and
sold forG ASM theretore, having no risk
to run, we sell at a close margip
Eee Brey che brite Remar Lye
1 ootiwes te 8, HH Ehiet a ae,
y} Mars. will bring you a full line
of samp i 8, and rules for self-
measurement, of our just! a
mous 83 pants ; Suits, $13,25
ts, $1
to order. y
hii kd.
0.25, and up. Cut
0 YOU We.
Daily, of
in the State.
State San th Daily 5 60 jints
er month, Te eok $1.00 per
ear. Ww. H: BERNARD,
d. &Pro p., Wilmington, N. C
| other with excellent hands.
| was no limit tothegame. After the .
| | pardon nie,
| the ne
~¢ elieT Were, prox
ene BO} onily ODarmnot (
mS wee
+ igiialil tims intlinanptiatedT, ©
a 4 mt tote Been Daring the War |
Still Unfinished,
-C. A. Hamilton; the Wasbitigton |
_.| Odrrespondent of the Rochester Post:
Express, tells an jnteresting obut
somewhat improbable poker story
which he heard while riding through
the streets of Knoxville.
into.a ean pa to the coun.
try. Right after-Sherman's army
left: Tennessee and was»well on
its way to Atlanta there was a
party of southern gentlemen who
pee her Knoxville. They
ma ore ~They were
She tt wr Georgia; Colo-
nel Cainer "at Virginia, Major
Brown and Colonel Atkins of Ten-
nessee. The game went along for
an hour or two without any particu.
Jar incidents, but atrlast Ge ralT
Cadartiss® ~ahaT ~Cpionel) (Ou)
found themselves pitted against each
cards had been drawn Colonel Cul-
pepper -planked down. $100 in com-
money: : Genéral »Cabaniss « raised!
~himT $100 more; using the same sort:
of currency. Colonel Culpéepper saw |
the rais¢ Bfid tilfeayit $500:
him $1,000, and so the game went
on for an hour longer, when ers
cehtleman- saw; he had exha
his ready funds, butT still ~ne ther
~bined Confederate and United. States |.
General |,,.
Cabaniss saw thisT $500 He raised |
Pa ca Boye ee ae
a RS gig ie a Gp
~|. Was prepared to ¢all.
O40 §*¥od will. emdnse ,.me,Th: said!
| Gen! Oabaniss. ~I have no niore funds
| with me, but I want to see your last
{| raise, colonel, and just tilt you)
$1,000 mote! for Yack. © Hf you will
T will o out and raise
necessary funds,
«Ths ocourtly itpinid Was of
eourse, willing to accommodate his
friend and comrade jad readily. ao-
B| | quiesced. General Cabaniss wae gone
|| Nearly an lout; but ofitially: came
back with the funds. Then Coldtiél
Culpepper demanded the same priv-
ilege. By the time he &éturned the
night was spent, and the business of
the day-had started. in. tits) stores
and whvohicdver br Ra Knoxville. Gen-
eral Cabaniss demanded the privi-.
lege of ~raising again. It was, of
course, accorded: him, buat as.each'
gentlemanT recognized: that! there
might be some delay it was decided
that the stakes. and, each hand
should be séaled tip inTehvelopes and
deposited in a bank. There those
hands ahil'thé staked haveT been ever
since. Every two or three months
Fat finstand: afterward ~every two or
| thredT years Colonel Culpepper and
General Cabaniss ~have walked into
that bank, deposited thé last raise
and tilted her again. Nobody knows
what those envelopes contain, as
neither gentloman..has shown the
'| slightest odisposition ~to éall. Al-
though so many years have passed
has not, yet been won by either.
, Bohie of the sectiritiesthe Confed.
eritecurrency, for instance"aro of
little or -ne value today, but ¢limi-
nating all the Confederate and
doubtful paperT the pot locked up
there in that bank is probably one
of thé tidét valnabloidver played for)
jin the southern: states.T.�T.
One on the Lawyer.
A lawyer tells the following story
in The Green Bag: ~~Some time ago
no aE
youth from the country who rejoiced
inthe name of Samson, and whose
héer inT ee | i
teps of -your illustrious chine
he witnassg.|
. py
t ~
| Vetbnie fait Acduh Raker Sy destie Pe bi
successfully oui rs thousand ene. |
weapon.) "fi te
More of It.
rite (i
oWhat is your sarnanie?T
seca, A se hauiuts Tit-Dits,
since the hands were dealt, the pot!
he had under cross examination a} T
nd ~stniter the raeganggl ~No, ||
Onda ee ni ep
iS eel withthe
ee ee"
atry when you have ste with ce
thatTs much too)
oOh, no, madam ; I'm quite used |
One Dollar PerFeet ek
e Vis: isthe PeopleTs Favarite
|When' you 'need'3@ees- (tt
2 A : gh F hi oh a oan int
-=Bi Don't forget the
Reflector Office.
. j eae es
es x
be ry
iif mo Pe! See eke ks rn Tea es
Arann ot 8 thdbiew Day Books, Ov falopes ~ae
\oM@niorandun and: Tiare Books, WHE ikde atid | ~
oook oa aad; a (Lae i rs gg ne
7 oke ools ; from
a ~Cap 0, Let- nl cleat On ~School | aa
oten and eu and Blave
: ~pees es anemone ma
Maya? PALE iy Wt ae
eh Mae ie A jia't ae W TT a Pe ~4, x
ralvitudy TET ad a) ! i i a
sak ts ~Balbtigadtonste Xe y bast anthors, occcaiice aetna
The oe bo amoud,| mk | oe iets Bocaire "Gal MoM
meade; gon preyed WO Pesenaki 1, py
' ~ nd ODs: ouehd 1 ihe F
pa, Ponte weit/H olders, Rabber Bands, &e.
or get us when. yon want anything in te Siatione ie,
~ oRescues many a lost bi
Saves many a falling
i mmmamnmeenenl
ocolumns of the REYLEQTOR.
Secures success to any
busine ss.
To ~ advertise ~easiaomly, � uae the
- porth, arrives
: _ arrives 6:37 P. M.
_ leavyesl0:10 A. M.
Steamer bouts
ngton Monday, Wednesda
are for W uslti
day and cela
ak ~eal ~we going
$:22A. M. Going~South,
arrives from gil
y and Friday
ngtos ape ihe Tuure
~North B ound Freight, arrives 9: 50 A
rives 2 rt
~ hg
: The New Year Brings New Items.
New Year resolutions are now not
good on subscription.
Thia morning was a cold one with
itd 4 4. afl a
plenty of frost and ice.
For Rent. 100 ate est tghaceo
iE : | See Hig
J still carry the pets Leader, the
best 5 cent cigar made. |.D, §, Sarria.
DonTt forget Lang ~isT dathng at cost
to get ready forT moving to another
Store has all sizes.
Will you need a \eitare for the new
yearTs business? The Reflector Book
The boys are all getting back and
give new zest to things out on tobacco
Miss Bettie Warren will .open a
school int Greényille, jon Monday, Jap- | «
uary 61896. See her for terms and
The Episcopal Supday School had 4
ine Teesoat
Pou eg a Pert he pyar
Oe badios a SOF BA ace
7. ~Dy Romareee left this eb for hls,
few seis
mond oWednesday.
ton to visit his dagseaneoe
iting Mass Hortense Forbes.
Ed Smith, who formerly clerked
case there.
Miss Eva Kinsey, of LaGrange, who
inT visiting herg, returged home, Wed-
fe 4 P
a 4 4
a of Durhasp, who
returd home: today.
Miss Captola , Grainger, of Kinston,
who has been spending a few days here, |
returned home Wednesday evening.
this afternoon for _ pop-crackers, He is
gbingito celebrateT Old Christmas.
Wednesday, evening at..8:30 0 Tciock, |
at the residence. of, Mrs, Bettie Taft,
~Mr. G. A. ~Clapp and Miss Maggie
|Kinion were, married by, J. A. Lang,
New Carriage Factory.
W.,-At.-Smith and H. C. Edwards
have associated together under the firm
are opéning up at the oldy Wil
do a general manufacturing and repair-
ing of vehicles. tity
ophings Youtha ?
" j
oMiss es May, of Parnwille, is vi-| ¢
for Lang, is now with E. H. Shelburn. |.
J. H. Blount went to Tarboro again| ~
oltoday. He is engaged in a biglaw| "
yen ospending the holidays ~here, :
name of Pitt County Buggy Co., and :
stand neur the Court House. They will |
One thousand, sere seven hundred and
eighty-three miles of railroad were |
P. H. Gorman returned from Rich- re ot
Lee Stewart has goue to " eee tapi tataialta
sa weil Adee and : :
blood diseases
Physic jans. ~ehdorse: Pp. ~P,P. as a
Pe combination, ~and prescribe it
swith great satisfaction of the cure of all
forms and stugesof: primary, secondary
and . tertiary. ~ulate bas ules
sehrofujous ©
Cc Wares. Rh eumatisM.
eloars and sores, iganiaiine swalltnge,
rhenmatism, walaria, old chronic ulcers
that. indi restated | all, ibrar ae ca-
Pe et ea:
PP; P..
Carel Blood, Poisoti.T
iin diseases, eczema. chronic female
uomplaints, "merenrial poison, tetter
scalt ohead, etc., etc. is
'P, Py P. igia nasi) tonic and an
| excellent
oPy P: Pp.
Ores, Seroftlla.
lg building up the ~system Tap:
whose systems ate poisoned
tion, due...
P. P. P.
. Gures Malaria.
to eoonstrosl Sy pe, even are peculi-
Party in) Germania/Hall. New YearTs/uilt in the United States last year. ely mentee ie Ned ge hnagey ee
, ; eans
night. The South Atlantic States built 827 | Prjarly ash, se oy and Potassium.
Miss Maud. Blow gave a téddrinking miles, of which number North Carolina
toa party of friends on New Year's| built 39 miles. P. P, ig
evening. There were 13,013 business failures
2 | spepsia.
The girls will have full sway to- |i the United States the past year, an. - Oures Dy P say
night. The leap year ball is the event | 2crease of more than 2 per cent. in sacesienoree
_of the season.
24 1b bag.
Store is.
| We Atif that fits gin ies
Davis & Bros., at F
of the audience bisa FA ig
There 18 noi take aboutitiigae Tew)
neing at cost. They will close out
armyille, was
: ot by fire Wednesday.
4 endear e hvaanoiae burned.
News."The best flour is Proctor}.
Knott sold by S. M. Rahalty. ind al
For tablets, school paper, pencils,
pens and inks, -ete., Reflector Book
is time to oawear oft� that you
will stop smoking common cigars. Go
to D. S. Smith for the Southern Lead-
er and you have something good.
: tb Logs anny woman,� ahonted
se a ordering them yourself,
_ give: discounts when on
fs page
number and of 6 per cent in liabilities
There were less failures at the south,
and in the middle state.
{M. H. Quinerly Attacked by a Negro.
On, _ Christmas night Mr. M, HL
Monten ;
t | tend-the Normal and Industrial, S¢hool
at Gretnsbore. geek { olen: is veh
CM es
avni bled Br uty)
; ah a se ms [yy ind Phen Heinle oy
as kh ri wil) tt wuld isa ~oh
in New England and on the Paeific
~cost, and more at the west northwest
el jig the day iy
urphy, a a fe
negro tramp, who hit him over the
head with a brick, inflicting a bad
| wound, which caused Mr, Quinerly to}.
bleed at the ear that cai It was athens
pi N. C. ron ist-"-Miss Or pee
Maggie, Nelson left this morning. a ee
Savanhah, Ga.
| shell.
and whose wie is in an sone sondl-
\Lippman Bros., Props.
ij ~will Mhiethaerasos on
ALA: : '
' meni LIA !
j eerie i pee a
Always in the marke |
be ated ofit� orders !
for Rongh & Dress essed
a um ber, prot.
Give us your orders.
8. 0. HAMILTON, Jn, Manazer.
RES HOUSE near the
fill all orders T for: Satect ~Ovitirs
promptly. 60 cents per gallon,
opened. 50 cents per bushel, in
We have ~also opened ~a
RESTAURANT uptown, in
| the building bet ween the Market
| Honse and theT Flanagan Carri ant
6 ?
Factory, where Oysters will
served to oa hours Half
In py
Board of oe toa order made at thi
! rst Monday in Novem-
Steg te Cree
§ ip uy esha
yoo come as
Pon the lot now
Greenville asa Mar-
n the pian of the
lot Seer en at
| eaten with the
Board of County Commissioners,
view M. coe rte
sci Clerk of the
of Pi
) teheat ber, in front 0 othe oJourt
siouse door, at 22 2 o'clock
day the 6thT
The terms of
and the,
equal, instalments,
two years, with six per.
deferred. payments,
purchase to pay the whole at: an
and take his deed. Title reserve
mie Soa reve fe money is paid.
or disaffi
given amg tO tia 2
Sot Janiary 1898.
payable in one and
cent interest on
by the,
mission was
~Gomimissioners to
three mpernate
¥ ee
by the public at an
. M. KING.�
offi +
be nen
ital Tid
to say ne is now out ane will salle no | a
perthanent | injury from ithe! wound. |T at |
The o was held vee trial at eet sdeidpiiienit
iad i ha
Ta thn rit vent
* ~h
Bowes 1 Blood Disease mad tree. q Ae
ime aie |
ui | sanwoneaeee
pete of aide they have |
quer ON ER oy Lies Vio vee
aM Avatal MN eS
"Mayor ayT of New Bern,
P. i. Pelee, vit Hines
a astfi & Treas. --
wharf 3 we are| f
ated a :
permisson of the |
sale will be one third cash | a -
balance to besecured in two) Ve
with privilege to
to affirm
otice is also
vernthent vt be
move the Market House
parse erectedT on said lot
accordance with the
re roy o at the time per-
given by the Board of
oogemmissioners to the town
erect: ted fo vere
n The Jot willT be offered in
ines es ways which will be
gal apna file ~tn the
had cau
hey ae
ae Bae ot Coa. of Pitt Co.
: Men and Boys ge oh vp
Where you will find
displayed the the largest and
best assorted line of the
piri aatenes ;
of many and viried kinds.
Goods and
' 'Notions,
_ Furnish-
. ing Goods,
oHats and
_ Cops.t
A neatest
mm nobbiest
© styles,La-
pe dies, Boys,
and Childrens Fine and Heaug :
~| Shoes and Boots in endless
styles and kinds, Carpets, anes
Foot Mats, Mattings, Flooring
and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur-
tains, Curtain. _ and Fixtures,
Valises, Hand and a stock
of FURNITO! a tha will sit
glock M. on Mon- hee \\
prise and delight you both a as
to quality he pine Baby | Car-
, ~ ) busily F lours..
sete pa gg "
vy Sah and: tesa, ie buy:
ie Tad a
Jana ~the hest eee iets
al i tay wi
ss ee a
| ReynoldTs SH Porte A viet for
t be
rte ait a
" ALAS Meh ia
\beat, "
| Padan Bros. SHORS for
hook eit 4 Tattogiet i thon
-noloideY olddataT 4 ewe :
Yankee © *