Daily Reflector, December 18, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Re ee Raab" ee

* "" : a 7
aid Speman ee Seabee a alinile S aeglit AER ee e mS SS
: ce aca


Ro ee ee Pee Peter: eer ce er Pete eee erm

TN ee

ditor and Owner,


oa ¥ i=

aR: 35 Cents Moat |


No. =



always were and always will
be a leading feature of wo~
menTs wear"just now they
are the. vogue. Our Capes
and Coats combine the ele-
gance and completeness of
up-to-date fashion, wih the
practical properties of the
old-time Cloakings with a
special price indacement for
this week.

C.T. Munford.

7 &
) FP fear enptation nite

be st

away ~from, pat 5 Glo, count
We.haye.ad Glove al
would te hol miser, With some:
# dollar Gloveiis simplya pair of
gloves for a dollar. With ~us:it'
ns thé best Glove on earth for
the price... Ifyou want them

10¥. yourawn,. use.or to

to: #: friend, ; you. can oa rive
pe patting, ~iby. A reasonable:
antee goes with every pair of]


for fine Tailoring? . Are: you: ~a
judge of slothes | Are you

familia h..the, et -

Ha ti of &

ssa and m

bere a only" : .
. If you are not; you sho

So Beak Se erehiecamae eT

, r) ad

[Glo f sistowwe hay on't-geteld

poms oo choicest. rye oriag |

ga sin



Pap riba "1

_ | to sell lis interest: in the Advocato to

| ers stationed this year? The following,,

| Norman. :

rx + | Elder of Elizabeth City districts:


eect ae

In Session at Elizabeth City.

Minutes of Saturday and Sunday }
afternoon sessions were read and ap-
proved. .

~Revs. T. Page Ricaud and J. C.
McCall were placed on the Spann
ted list.
The hour of 10 oTclock having ar-
rived the special order relating to the
conterence organ, the North Carolina
Advocate, came up, Rev. W. L. Gris
som, half owner of the paper, offered
through Rev, F. D. Swindell to sell
his stock at one thousand dollars less
than cost. Referred to committee on
Books and Periodicals.

The statistical. secretaries made their
reports which showed considerable in-
erease.in church membership and
erection of new churches.

The total white membership is °63,-
299; colored 22, total 63,321. In-
fants baptized 1,050, adults 1,896, Sun-
day-schools 659, teachers 4,789,
scholars 38,303- Amount paid confer-
enge claimants $5, 499, 76, members of
societies 656, church edifices 644, val-
ue of church property $778,209.

_ The committee on. Books. and Pe-
riodicals brought.in their report, reject-
ing the offer of Rev. L, W, Grissom

the conference. A liyely discussion
took place, participated in by Revs. F.

D. Swindell and R. B. John. Rev.

J: T. Gibbs moved the previous ques-
tion, and the substiiute offered by Rev.
']R. B. John to not adopt the North
Carolina Advocate as the organ of the

Bg to 52. A committe consisting W, -
S. Black, R. A. Willis, R: B. Jobn,
T. J. Jarvis, T.-H. Gatling and Q. H.
Nimrock were-appointed.to confer with.
ithe W estern Conference to take charge
of the paper question.

Question 41: Where are the preach-

are those best known here :

Washington district"B.

Presiding Elder
Washington Station"R. J. Moor-


Washington circuit"J. W.
Wilson station"T. N. Ivey.
Janesville cireuit"R. T., Wyche.
Swan Quarter."D. A. Watkins:
Fremont cireuit"W. H. Pickett.
Ocracoke, and Portsmouth-=R. L.
Aurora cireuit"W. C. Merrett.
[atte piskett ciredie"C, Fr Jeroute: ,
Nashville citcuit"Ry C. ~Divi.
Fairfield cireuit"Oliver Ryder.
Bethel station."A: Barnes.

- Spring Hope circuit"R F Taylor.
Tarboro station " Michael Bradshaw.
Tarboro cireuit"S A Cotten. *
Rocky Mount cireuit"J E Under-.


Greenville station"-N H D ~Wilson.
South Edgecombe-"H M Jackson.
Greeaville ¢ircuit"L H Joyner.
Raleigh"Edenton street-"W

R. Hall,



Raleigh"Central"D H Tuttle.
- Lodisturg station"G F Smith.

RB. John continues . as Pressding

| Plymouth | ~cor rmiee e 1 Can. |

ning... pe i

Brinity College: ihe C

: Fayetteville"Hay street, tystatlonen Le
"| Nash� lune ial ~¢
os umpaed stbvek wid " |
Ride Willia.; « a ae ee a AL
o~Bbotta BUI ttt Raye ii"


Le ae

tis :

' \ . a a : :
Lanfyhurg station FM. Shap-

4 that the insungents continue to burn

conference, was adopted by a vote of;

Seotland Neck cireuit"J i Sawe| bad

4 H i: ig
saad wilines ae
Ley bee vpil ~
i Boe

Mount Olive cireuit"N Midémey.
Kinstonostation=-J O Guthrie. -
Grifton circuit F S Beaton.
Carteret cireuit"John T Abernethy,
Morehead. City station"E C Clenn.
Southport"H B Anderson:


Dispatches received from Hayana say

buildings and the crops of sugar. planta-
tions, ind to destroy other property.

- Little Bertha . Jordan, the 2-year
old daughter of Mr. Otway Jordan, of
Richmond, Va., was instantlyT killed
Sunday morning sliortly after 7 oTclock
by the accidental discharge of a gun.

Mrs. MeClellandT Richardson, sister-
in-law of General Cassius M. Clay,
was burned to death at her home, near
Valley View, Ky. She was standing
infront. of a heating-stove, when her:
dress:caught fire.

Thirty-five leading colored citizens of
Atlanta met. by; invitation with the
Board of Directors of theT exposition
and the matter of setting aside Decem-
ber, 26th as NegroDay was thoroughly
discussed and agreed upon.

Five men were instantly killed in a
stone quarry. at, Big Stone Gap,. Va,
while eating lunch. The men. were
sitting under, a large rock, which seemed
to be verry fiir ih place. It fell with-
out ally apparent cause, andT crushed
them instantly, One other man was
wounded, but will solemtiedl recover.

Matters of Interest, Over. the State.

The Plymouth moana company hae
been added: to theT ~State Guards.

T. J. Wilson, J r., one of Winston's 8
tobuevo manufactures, hasT brought: suit
for $10,000 against the Winston-Salem
Street: Rail way Company for killifig
his little son on. September 10th.

We learn that. ry atrange disease is

| prevalent among: the hogs: in Pocket
| pownshiijs.

Some of the farmers have
lost abotit all their fattening hogs,
They are attacked with fits and in a
short time they lie down and die."San-
ford Expr ese.

Mrs. AR H, Shumate, of Wilks county, ,

lis. peculiarly afflicted. It is. stated |

that. blood willT suddenly break through
the pores of thé skiit ~just ~like perspiru-|
tion, and stand in greatT beads on the
fage. Sheis able to be up, most. of the

| time and tend to. her, domestic. affairs.
This sweating of bloodT comes on once |
or twice a-day and lasts, only a short} age
time, when, she will bathe her. face and| Ags
no sign is lefty until it somone breaks |

out ~agains


pencil, he wants a good one, ~The Re-
Hlactor:, Book. Store, offers the largest.
vaniety, in:town,ta, select: from, . all. the
way-from icentsia dozen: to 10; cents
edeh. TeyT a oTriangular� ov Die:
graph� aind you huve Steen ,

aya Boye

{home of Mr, Johm E., Boyd,. father, ot,
the:bride, anear Green villey Mes. Wa 1.
Hiydny:~of Washington City, und Misa

| Blidibeth Boyd Were mititied by ~RevsT
A. Greaves, The - eotifife� took� tit].

morning train for i few, -flays at Nor-

folk, ayd,Old, Air
home in;

~, Haydn of! avery: opopular: ~drum!

thet dey P A Bihop


| New line of' Ladies Wraps.

This is About Pencils, if! )
When ~a business man uses a lead)

At @ o'clock this 1 morning at the |

oop oa a
Saturdaye 6" t

i | Pani ~val Knidwht in� inerautiléT Ay ii
ey pag Lay of Putty
ve aye Me ;

Any style and cut and the prices way down.
N bung, handsomer than a silk-lined,

for.a. Xmas.

Don't forget him when you want a » Xmas gift

Holiday Display at, TangT 8.

New line of Dress and Shirt Waist Plaids.

New line of Dress Goods and Tritmings.
New line of Mufflers and Handkerchiefs.
New line of Shoes to fit every foot.

New line of Notions and Capes. .
New line of Trunks and Floor Oit Cloths. 4
New line of GentsT Furnishing Goods.
And. lots of other nice eae at es 8.

bp oVite will beT a oabner in
yet pail ite sin) 1896.

+ ens He
een ae cit

Ba wl i
i o -_ 2 f
@ | | Pe
io a.
° M a ale ,
o« ) oae

. " oe ae ~The
Vel ore » ~

case tried atT at Moattort'
bes Se vendiot of acquittal, | to
: vais tant to: far tried at Trenton has
resulted it a verdictot guilty. If one:

half ot of the evidence introduced ig fene|

it could only be expected that all of
the parties will"be convicted, At last
three of the parties have turned. stateTs
evidence and the state of facts narrated
by them show that Col. Hinsdale was

not far wrong ~when he nid at Begu-
fort lst fall: oI propose if your wore
- ship will permit me to unearth and ex-
pose to the people of ~this state ~one | of
: the vilest conspiracies ever concocted
in North Carolina.� |
oDonTt You Do It.
DonTt leave the Christmas shopping
until the day before Christmas. | |

DonTt worry and fret when you find.
such a crowd about the ChristmasT
_ counters, that it is almost impossible to
make the desiréd purchases. =

DonTt neglect the little tots iin | tha
home, nor any of the. home duties in
your anxiety to finish some elaborate:
_ Christmas finery.
_ DonTt plan some gorgeous Christmas
entertainment. with. extravagant r@-
_ freshments, at the expense of the conl-
_ fort of the home loved ones.

DonTt forget that it is an infil to an
: acquaintance to send him a gift which
_ isnot accompanied by friendly alfeo-
- DonTt let your, Christmas, be mail

_ through selfishness, envy, resentment

of any, bitter feelings; butT hold fast, td
he e sacrédness blots

}ermines were ~required: to line

: i {
eee ; Se ¥
# hy NB a i a i

dipile pe a ee sat ?

weet eat

The west wind, *bold and rough.T
The east is chilly, they complain; ..
The south, ~not cool enough! pe.
And so the windmills stopped,

ships lay idly by, :
Po femora till night


low hot ot. éold,� wail they; °
oFrom north, or south, or cast, or west,
*Twil be the wise fisest way ?�

"YouttT Companion:

a %

ey. of Sip



The letter. oOQ� sounds ~oda for. a


| name; but there is a distinguished tain-

_pily i in Belgium. whose name is 0, no
more and no less,

Sarah BernhardtTs last ees, ocost
$7,500. It is decorated with diamonds
and turqyoises and theT skins of 200

| brain,

7 Tramps in. Holland * ~are put in a

cistern whith has a"pump in the bot-
-, Water is turned on_in sufficient
vole to keep them pumping briskly
to keep from drowning. One dose is
generally sufficient.

The length of ~the dart varies in dif-
ferent places. In London the longest
day has sixteen and a half hoursT) | at.
St Petersburg, nineteen, and-in Spitz-
bergen, the longest day lasts three
~months and a half.

ree hew lend. fas Hep lace gubiing
cartigs a cartridge: which explodes on
touching the bottom. A submerged
microphone receives the, sound and, the
depth is estimated from the time oe-
cupied by the-dead. in: sinking-- to the
portoan. we

| The Great Hatteras Light.


*Though the endeavor to construct a
Jight-house at Diamond shoals, sever
miles beyond Hatteras, has been a fail-
ure thus far, it is believed the new, plan
reported by the engineers will be a

success, An, account of it says, that| 2
the plan contemplates a skeletou struc-
ture resting on eight great iron tubes:
which are to be driven to a depth of
thirty feet. They-are to form a. circle
sixty feet in diameter, and to be of such
w length that the floor resting upon
them will be about fifty feet above high
water. -On this floor, a structure of
east steel will be raised to provide
quarters for the three keepers, / and
above will be the light and the steam
siren. ~Thedens is to be the most pow-
erful in existence, thowing the light,

_| whith is to.be electrit, to a distance of

twenty-three, miles, ) Gi
~The engineers believe that the ea,
of shaving the light rest on pillars, be-
twken flich ¢ the winds and waves can
play, promises b bette? Success ~than one |

ore than one can val afford hed

jor the sakeT of making, a ~costly present,
bt to give to pupene simply because it

vy more aabbrdte ask table |.
aon fashionable creer

(aed ithe pls
ibbons to their proper ~places

os | for a solid structure that ~would offer |

oThe |.

resistance to ~the elements.
f the oe house is to be anillion

woods, iny a beautiful� hole in othe
ground, where the wood-pecker pécks
~Vand the st oh lle aroun

ne mt and lye crust,
| the stars that shine overhead,
Then hustle him off to the cone :

ted bey fi

heTs no uae to us he 0

cioual we! have

them off of the dining tble | th

" Es ay gd
o o erg ee a
i oat ay a Reg
Cy ATES! :
if ipo 0 ers ~

who waits for

=| «From north, or south, or east, or west, tion� oappears to be one of those if.
+} These folks to satisfy.

ge : ~science of
==| The north wind, ~is too cold! | andTin the theories of M. Zola. Yoa|

~muse ylides oheredity,� and

| ural ear for the harmonies of ~prose

natural gifts who decidedly ended
by broilingand tormenting his stylo.
~And this is still more likely to be

| each aectatiintien ~News.

| range, except on the putting green; |
dj Where under no circumstances shall) " :
more than. one. 00h, id ee WREKLY OBSERVER. esi |

"_ on the} ~

nocents who believe in a new dis-

sé 29

human natureT
go about with notebooks, yon be-

by aid of griminess not fit to be
named among Christians. It i¢ the
same affair in poetry. Wordsworth
| was a poet by virtue of his genius.
| He was born so. His theories ham-
_| pered him, when he was true to his
| theories. Even our author perceives

that Shakespeare and Homer did
not need theories and popular science
falsely so called, and this is just as
true of Miss Austen at 20 and of Mr.
Du Maurier at an age which we shall
not conjecture.

Mr. Du Maurier was born a ~writer
anda story teller. Thirty-five years
ago he proved this in a little sketch
in Once a Week and rather later in

his poem: of ~~Braunigrindas� in| Catechized " Re pears 9 nes
Punch. Only a very skilled writer | Vestries will please be prepared to mcet
could have oedakcial, as Mr. Dy| the Bishop. forings to be for Dioeesnt

: Missions. i i

Maurier has done, the immortal lit-
tle Belgian poem translated in
oTrilby.TT Yet Mr. Du Maurier has
been drawing all his life, not sedu.
lously practicing another art, under
private tutors and with an eye on
Professor HuxleyTs lectures. Im.
provement is not of course impossi.
ble or a matter of chance. Some
men, like Balzao, have to crush their
gold out of a: mountain of, quartz.
All or nearly all who possess ~~style�T
gain itin part by cultivating a nat-

as observed by them in thé great
writers. .A.few perhaps, but very
few, have toiled Tike Mr. Stevenson
by the way of ~~the sedulous ape.�T

Thackeray, from his Charterhouse
days, was always Thackeray and
could not answer an invitation to
dinner without writing in the
Thackeray manner. Mr. Steven-
son, on: the other hand, kept his
dress suit of style for great literary

Pater we had a writer of singular

county, S. Peter's.

phen, E, P., M

M-~ P.; Koxobel.-8. Mark's, "

Dec. 29th"Sunday after Christine? Wii gisddall «3
I. P., Woodvilie, Bertie county, Grace | iii
Church. :


Circulation. E. P.,

church of the adyent.

xt all


Tops."Green.... seseceeed to 2g
Luas"Common.... --

Curress"Common.....- 6 to Ti

oDec. 22nd"4th Sunday in Advent, f
Gatesville, 5. MaryTs. af

Dec. 25th"Christmas ag

Dec. 2gth"Tharsday, Fest.
o, 5- Barnabas.



8, Ste-


Tice. Soth"Sendah aor Christmas, | Sos

Dec. 381 A oro 1 Windsor, 5.

* Jan. a) Fest. of the

Jan. 8rd--"-Friday, Williamston, | 4

M. P."Morning Prayer, zy. 2.4
Prayer. Holy Communion
orning Services. The Children



| BY 0. L. JOYNER.



Bright.... veveeeeeh tO 8
Red. 28 to 4
igh ¢
Good......... ... 7to 15
Fine.. Le epeerees 12 to 18



Good,.... 401M to 20
| Fine... 2... es tO



Cotton and Peanut;

Below are Norfolk ~prices of cotton |
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished],

the end of men who, if they have a
plain tale to tell, should tell it

Golf. :

The Philadelphia Record is im.
pressed with the weird nomencla-
ture of golf. ~~The brassy niblick,TT
it says, ~~the cleek, the iron mashy,
bulger driver, the putter, the lofter
and all the other varieties of sticks

the novice to despair, but it remains
for the Country club to frame a set
of rules governing the etiquette of
golf. The first rule reads as follows*
~Any player losing a ball and incur.

| ring delay thereby may be passed
by any other player caning up. A

bis same


are in themselves enough to drive | :


mouth, Grace | «m7 )

~ARM At AND withudl iTS
ing their yearTs supplies will fi

theirinverest to getour prices befere pus
chasing elsewhere, Ourstock iscomplete

0 allits, branches.

oRICK, TEA, ~Ae.

lw bys ut Lowksr MARKET PRICES

ida rg meareeona Aco

always onhand thd adid at yee tosut
the times. Quy goods areal] bought and
sold for CAS re, having norisk
to run,we selhat aclose margin.

8S. M. SCHULTZ, Greenville. N C

, ee ee ' ri
, Pee ce ie a
: pa} & . i
i ae


occasions and did not wear sword, by Cobb 4 Bros. & Commission Mer- :
diamonds or perruque in his familiar | chants of, Norfok;:
correspondence. Yet Thackeray, to COTTON. q #, WY F his . nod i
the very last, took trouble and cor-| Good Middling © Se ene re ee et cay We ;
~ | rected, a3 his-manuscripts prove, | Middling Pt . |
~ «| while his manner was more or Ics3 on ee Tah
conspicuously ~based-on that of Field- Tous"feia. ~4 ~.
ing. He was a literary writer, like vaiwors x Pp rern eee abe Baud f
. n ue for ten
evra ala lla ongpertaidieed | OE 24| he cosise embraces all the Sikhel
eee : Extra Prime usually taught in an Aeadémy,)!
_ owes louie ae nes Beat o ety Heo both for. tuition and beard:
niscence or the e, but} Spanis able.
.| Tone"easy.- ys... weil fitted and ulpped fo
s| is sheppy, spontaneous appropriate vs 1 eee ty Aad ond, alps ep
ha 1 "ot ti id ~tases coutse alone. Whére theyT wish ~toT
a rule, we take it, setting aside) - ae .| pursue a highér eourse, ~hisT ~schoolT
ee eee Ree | oGreenville Market. | mesic! eee een
Pi hay pez: duied ~ ri vale 7
the people who write best do 46 Corrected by 8. M. Schultz. Caroline or the State University. i
without taking thought. Mr. Froude rélers te Doty who have weeny ite
whose taking odio has some oe, per ib eer 7 i. ea a ruthatns nest aall
Western Sid 6.to ement. »- ~~
strange occasional blemishes, an- Sugar fee ie: 12 to 183] Anyegom: 1 n with ¢
swered very impatiently when some| Corn 40 to 6U ity Caking.&¢
Meal 60 to 654 Us will ee aided ra making arran
busy body asked him questions about Oia. Family 4.00 to 4-50 | ments to cuntinae in the higher schoo oe.
his ray He only said we n° Lara 5} to10| The dleciplies 2 will be kept at its
mean say in expressions w ich! Oats 40 to 50} present stan
came to him naturally and without | Suge 4to6| Neither time ~ porT oattention onor
research. On the other hand. we! Coff 16 to 24 | work will be spared to make this ~sehool
h writers of no emi.| Salt per Sack 85 to 175 | all that parents conld wish,
vane ae hl rel ease ke ees See
) ges per doz 23 to , :
is praised for its preciosity. In Mr. | Beeswax. 20 | _. W. H. Ragspaxe,
oa ty ee July 30,1895. "Princip

The Charlotte

North CarolinaTs


Be Hotel

ble. bie
paviet af

~Terms " nest

twosome may pass a threesome or intensaaeat ae fearless ; bigger an
foursome and a foursome a three- aoe attractive than ever. it w an

*| some. A twosome may pass anoth. | invaluable ub or the ror home: oar: chin
or twosome after; giving the earlier oflee the on ics . re

of | game at the first tee a clear tee and| Ko
mS ctrl, eriaad hat Wtf et -
| cient to put the earlier game out of| plete Daily from the

sage anwaa ~ap 5. se ren)

: daPe

i Ne a ds

ry Fath ~Bunge ih :


; Lh S
oe eno oy ha ws

ie Le
ee eee N Ree af yee OP asst
ere _ ation aan ery
SU Tae Wi ie th :
Ly Ld i bt)
T ay Ow 0,"

eae ae hah



eomna EAST,

_ Lv Selma
Ly FayTtteville


neon iN


oo} 90° epaeatt vein. 6.
* sé Practon silthe Coarts



ne told the following story» _

_ |4. &. BLOUNT.




4 rr Pragtice in

ali the Courts. .

t, soon showed himself réspon-


~ ag THAM w&






ence a


Dated od a eY + 2
Oct. 6th 6a les Ss
1895. ZA 1A ' Ad
q A. M. Pp, M,
Ly Florerce 8 15] 7 35
Ly Fayetteville! 10 55! 9 35
Lv Selma 12 82
Ar Wilscn 1 20/11 28
eer aa rr cal
at A. M, P.M.
Ly Wilmington) 9 25 7 00
Ly oc ia ~
Ly Goldsboro
ar Wilson
Ly Varboro
Ly Wilson ILS.
Ar ~Tarboro
Lv Tarboro
Ly Rocky Mt. | 2 38 207
Ar Weldon ' ~Le 4d

Train on Scotland Neck Branch itoac
bag ay Weldon 3.55 p.m., Halifax 4.13
, arrives Scot, and Neck at 4.55
o Gheehvilld 6.47 p.m., Kinston 7.45],
ps m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7,20
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a..m. Arriving
Halifax at 11:00 a, m., Weidon 11,20 am
daily except Sunday.

Trains on Washnigton Branch lenve
Washington 7.00 a, m., arrives Parmele
8.40 a. m., Tarboro 10,00; : returning
leaves Tarboro, 480 4 iPate
p. m,, arrives | Wash
Daily except Sunda
trains ony cot

Netarning ns
Sunday, 6.00

n, CBee tie

- Hop
rm m. «, Nashvi te 8 gta pring 1 at
Rosky Mount 9.05 a m, ally except


Trvios on Latta breach, Pistence R:
R., leave Lazta 6.40 p m, darive Dunbar
7.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
leave Cliot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30.a my
hye Latta 7.50.0 m, daily. except. Suns,


Train on Clinton Branch leaves Wire
~saw for Clinton eaily, except Satiday,,
11,10 a. m. and: 8.50: ms m: Returning | wi
leaves Clinton at 7,00 a, m. and 8,00 p m.

Train No. 78 makes close connection
at Bi snd det oints.daily, albr;
Richmone, also at Ro.ik
Norfolk nod Carp aR
ane all points North |


7. M, EMERSON aie Meanie. Pt
J, R. KENLY, Geu' sane :

tea c. & NORTH | oon

oIn Biffect December 4th, 1898.


nan sete

ae Woodard, F. Oo. mariing,

Wilson, N,

C. Greenville, N.

etnias & HARDING,

Special attention given to collections

and settlement o

Greenville, N.

f claims. *

ey's education.

the desolate condition of that mon

iene ntfs denn



james A SMITH,

G@ Patronage solicited, .


|| @ Under Opera



Special attention given to cleaning

Gentlemens Clothing.

vous. He Pla
prauks that At ast ov
tience gave out, and Yai

posed of and disappeared.

southerner went from school to ool


~Pillman Pa'aee

Sleeping Cars: between New Yor
Atl: inti ba, via Richswnd,
Weidon, Racky Mount, Wii
ville, Florence, Orangeburg
Augus a, ForR

Cheap Excursion Rates


Clin Sa id nforatin! Ein
Sept. 15th, to Dec. 3ist., 1895,

VIA. .

: The Atlantic Coast Line

Kk esau
Petersburg °,

ates, Schedules, SleepT

iug Car accommodations call on or. ad-

he undersigned,

Div, Pass, Agt. Div. Pass Agt;
Charleston,8.C, Richticnd y Va.

f. Mgr, Asst. GenTl. Pass. Agt,

Wiltalpaton, N.C,

Pp nha avy, agent Atlantic Coast Live, ar


Rn Fait {

son , Fayeites,
, Aiken and


stroking bis face with such an aban-
chattering andi murmuring as com.

for~a moment.
~Of course it wasT Master Yokko

monkey, and after all the years, al

hadi Weta

fact"that monkey had it.
~nearness to man,T was there?�

ent told the folllowing:

3 bi States & eratia




upon which no

via the

Limited Trains
extra fare is chai ~ged.


Through Pullman Buffet
and day coaches


Portsmouth, Virginia.


D. CG. and


Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg,

Weldon, Raleigh,

Arrive Atlanta 4:
next day,

P, M.,6.20.A, M

ena Slee

be ma de. an
eee upon

Agent of the Seabo

the undersigned,

Leave Wil

~Ask for ticketsT viaT o7

Ing eH reservations |
information | p
op ales to any
rd Air Line, or to

Southera Pines,N. C,

Chester,s, C, Elberton, , Athens, Ga,.
Leave Weldon; 3.60:

hat uM. ~12~noon *
:09.P.7M., 5:20 A.

+, next day.

furth e)T

Sleeping ~Cars

mington, 12:20
nvon, 3 20: P.M... Arrive Atlanta 4.09


namie of the poet. She was. ~tdine,

to an empty chicken coop, and Ma-

her » pe



y Bix Dollar De of}
we £

WG Tha cue

pela Bree Coim
of Am ) Silve

H, W.B.GLO T. t her paw throughT the bars of the
Tat Manage . dia) Pan bo p, lifted ont, the nail, pushed on Se
Bt eating Se pe at "" 4
| Genera Oftces, Portsmooth, Va, d with evidece�titebask htohed | ea) TAR b CHEAPEST PLACE INGREENVILLEFOR" 4° *
THE | what was going on. "Boston. Globe. fs .
oes. orale nw aoe arr | BLANK BOOKS 8, STATIONE Y, NOVELS
|; The curious effect tha ay | JU.
; saat ced by 4 ¥ 0 Bat Bay c* ind eat 4x 5 deetes mera A nde ibe?
hp atonaeeye rma tel : :
A fall lihe Of Ledgs gers, Da ay, Books oBayelopes |
| ~Memoratdum: net Time ~ey i wiges |
= " = i Pg ancnne,,
Cap,F mtn peteri
obn, ail ag ued uf. Os Bal shoo!
_ Note, pile adits

oA young lad in a southern fam.
hy T know had a half grown black

onkey sent to him from Borneo,.

16 creature, shy and .strange at}

ive to kindness, quick and intelli- cS ods 3
igent in learning the usual accom- 3 Sige as
plishmenta thought necessary in a/| ! ig ie
He became
warmly: attached. to his youthful
owner, and the two friends might be.
seen anywhere together, the Borneo
rched on the shoulders of young;
~ eo oocasionally giving him an
", tap on the cheek or
chattering in his ear in the mostT
human way possible. After awhile
it-was decreed that YokkoTs master
must be sent north to school, and

key in consequence was really pit-
He grieved and refused to
bé comforted for a long time and|
thenT he: suddenly beqame mischie-
ayed such ede and

3 pan

was dis-

~Years went by,-and the young

Soon after his graduation he
Was visiting in some western sity
"Chicago, I think-"and passing
along the streetione day he observed
a knot of people igathered on a cor-
He. approached to see what it
Suddenly a great black
thing lighted on his shoulders, his
neck was closely ¢lasped, and -a lit-
tle, cold, black paw was patting and

don of affection, such an excited

pletely sobering ard ~the young man

descended to the.role.of an organ
the travel and, Huh and: pines an

for the repugehase of Yokko. Cer-
tainly if prompt, swift, decisive ac-
tion is indicative of something: be.
yond mere instinot"of intellect, in
there wasnTt any question as to his

_ oYou know sailors are always
fond of pets, and on board a man-of-
~war they are especially so; sd there
are always two or three, sometimes
more, on board, and a ship in south-
ern waters always has a ~monkey

ad had some teaching and altogéth-

was. very well behaved, } en
bhe first. came aboard, it-was neces- jaa. Pee einem
sary to) shut/her wp whild we were

getting off, soa banana was put in-

junga went br mene. ~$he was ap-

parently. abs peeling and

eating the | é doorT of: KINDS Ok COMMERCIAL ~AND

boop was apon, her and ~fas. TOBACCO, WAREHOUSE WORK. |
benedeni of a big hasp.over ay
Jan eye and, '�"� bigs unail . slipped 0 =

| through: ~86,'you see, ~the ~nionkey
wis shfe. Now, a monkéy is always:
on the watch exactly at the moment
owhen it seems least so. It will look
lin every eet on bus the one it
Consequently ey
ra ak to the door: !
Wher Bed finished
he ena she pric around, and
without one instantTs hesitation she

| o cian

Lg Goce


- @IvEs vou date iden FRESH EVERY
: Bei y8ok Pt tie on AND








One: Dollar Per: Year.
This is the PeopleTs . Favorite.






\ oe.
(0) ;


When you need .


Then a native man who was pres- 3 , a


ea Dont forget the

pag eh eg mth flan Site Pigt phe aes See abies Out ted tas Pe

and a parrot.T So-at Madagascar
~they brought:a big blacky hem :
the men narhed ~MajungaT frara othe :

Reflector Office.




Pens and


orge us wh you want "


ae al ;

aati sian anew busin
ae ~yes many an old busin
_ Preserves many a lar, bamaaen
Revives many a dull business,
~ Rescues many a lost isa
Saves many a failing
Secures success to any panne

eaten: ee

iciou ay � use. the

ee ae tte Sok


Passenger and aalt train going
porth, arrives 8:22 A. M. pleats
anys. 6:37 P. M.

Roba B ound Freight, arrives 9: 50 A
M, leavesl0:10 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives o2300 P,
MM. leaves 2:16 P. M.

arrives from. Wash


Steamer Myers

ngton Monday, Wednesday and Friday | -

eaves for Washingtou Tuesday, Thure
Gay wad paturdey. ee

isla, | eal fair, warmer.


You are Invited to the Feast.


Just a week to Christmas.

A full line of Fruita and Confections
or, Geis asat D. S » Smith's...
Jer vices in ~the Methodist chargh to-

_ Another new shipment of Tain Capes |
just arrived at LangTs.

Main street has had a busy appear.
ance today.

Just received a car load of the best
Flour at the lowest prices, Guarantee
satisfaction. D. W. Harper.

Work on the vaults in the Court
House progresses rapidly.
Housekeepers should buy their nice

Groceries for Christmas cooking of D.
S. Smith if they want the Best.

The moon is new and there will be
moonlight nights for Christmas.

News."The. best. flour
Péootor Koote sold: byT 8.
Schultz. ~Try a 24 lb bag.

Lang is still giving away: Crayons to
his customers free of charge.


Just received Cheese, Macaroni
Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Crackers and

Cakes at lowest prices. D, W.HarpEE. | .
If Santa Claus gets his Toys and};

other Christmas goods from. James
Long the children wall be happy:
C. T. Munford is making somie aiddi-
tions to his residence near Five Points.
As we have decided to change our
business on. J; aunary Ist, We, ape now,
api Yatenths stockT of Groce
ies at cost, strictly for cash.
J. L. Starkey & Co.
Boys, your money will go a long
ways if you by Fire Crackers and Ro-
man, Ponies at. Ds 8. ri

my ih sh see we. . White. ~ For
fertilizers see Mayor per.
Sudsse Shi indHit.

: eit get the beat� }

L848 barrels best Flour just received
" will be soldT dlonig withT all other goods,
on monitom » L Starker & Co.

bat ieee |



can leave your subscriptions
: Se Reflector Book Store and save

the srouble of ordering them yourselfT
. give discounts when several

| Jones wai
| Capt. Haw

M | full line.

aly niagiizines' for natd |xi

a Ri us) oe Kinston, i is spending

{afew days here.

Charles Skinner went over to his
farm in Bertie today.

_ Mrs. W. M. King returned scoala ¢
evening from Wilson.

Miss Pattie Leggett | left this morning,
Yor, a Visit to Parmele: oe

i HB) Clark teturned Tuesday | *
evening from Elizabeth City.

L. D. Ames is able to be out after a
confinement several days with sicknegs.


visiting here, returned to. her betes i in:

have returned from the M. E. Confer-
ence at Elizabeth City.
Mrs. Nannie Anderson has moved to

town and _ occupies: one of the Elliot.
Tasldingp & py ~otal inche sttect,

~The aigh de recht we ofnktted the

name of Mrs Hehty Harriss who, was
in the party which léft for Atlanta yes-
ay morning.

Capt. Gedrge Hawks, of the passen-
ger train, has been taking a few days
vacation in Richmond. Capt. W. L.
jah ther, rah at his atead.

5 was bac this m morning.

| Mra E. rin is having some im-

provements made around her home in

~ ag

You sliould see! the lovely Christmas

| goods at Mts. M: D. Higgs' if you want

something hice.

_ Apples, Oranges, fine Calitornia
~Pears; fresh Caidies and hot Peanuts
at Morris Meyers.

Todas sisibibs réugivin & fob oF
delayed Christmas goods and the mer.
chants who they are for look more


| :
~Don't pass me by when you want
Toys, Fruits, Confections, Fire works
and other Christmas goods. I have a






Some. of, the colored
have beén working on the torpentine

are returning home to spend Christmas.
Several came in this morning.

BeuutifiilT China ~Seis, Cut Glass

~Paintings, and many other nice Christ-
mas presents at Mrs, M. D. HiggsT.

Gov,. Carr has ordered a yee
bein! of Henilfort @ounty- | Supe
Court to begin January 6th, mt
Hoke to preside, to try the four white

men charged with assassinating J. B.

ere eprtel a :

ida Iustituse

of limited sehting ~room duly patrons of
the schoo! itnd 4

eet to attend.

Never Too Old to Wed.

heaviest run on marriage licenses this

aswasl mere,

i wae

FOS Wap et

Hey "ab te eae

~three in the 3rd class and 28-in the 4th

| Britain were raised

Mrs. Sarah Beddard, who has been | |

Rey. G. F, Smith and D. D. Hasket; | 7

farms in South Carolina and Georgia ¥

~Toilets, Glove, Handkerchief and Cuff} 4s
~Boxes,T Sereenky Mirrors, Easels and

Be Give a ge
riday night ar vant the Col]
ment, in the: College, chapel, , Beddanse r bref
pithiera! ~Who! ~reveive in- . SEE

Tt. * r AS, [ " §
| gems ld and his | tra

county, abe giving
as called'for, The list forT ~Pitt county:

couitains the names of 85 soldiersT and
26, widows. Of the soldiers oné is th

the 1st class, three. i in the, 2nd, class,

class. The total amount. paid: to both
goldiérs and widows is $1,168.


The frst arabes in: Gace:

on the ground
adjoining the abbey of Arbroath,

having been produced: ~from seeds |

| obtained wom relent in France.

Starve was ance, to: ~die any mane
ner - -of death, WyeolifTs, sermons
tell how *' Christ starved on the cross.
for the redemption of men,"

oAncient� coins, many of which
antedate the Christian era, are made
in large quantities in London and
find sale all over the world.

When you go eat to look for
soinething' to: sead asa Holi-
day Gift'go to WootenTs Drug
Store and examine the lot of
White Metal and Enatwel Toil-
et Trays; Plain Cut Glase and
Colored: Bottles; Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes, Lap
- Tabletéin:Celltloid, Manicute
Sets in. White Metal and Uhi-
na Trivket Sets. Our Mir-

rots ir. Pyrali are gema of |
-. themselves: The perfiimeries
shown this:year are up.to the
standatd; A fall-line: Brown
BrosT goods and ReckseckerT )

soar fein Fe For 8. my G,

New Bgrw, } ae oe Oct, 15th, 1893,
Mess. CLARK Bros. &Co.
[Successors to. oMerritt, Clark. & Co. },
tlemen :--This 1s to certify, that I
nner o§, LG.� for pees ion and
obtained relief after Other remedies had
failed and T unhesitatingly reecommend
it as a valuable medicine to all who sufé
fer from indigestion, . ,
| Mayor Buta of New Bern.

ps ie ee

Lovit: Hines,

|p: na . Betlettbr,,
Lalepetie Seo, & Treas.
- y | : . oe:
Away itt tie tinrkt
for, LOGS and pay.
~Cash at market ~prices :
Gai? also A orders
ur Rough. Dressed.

Hs umber promptly,


| months or four subscribers for 3 montha

"1 that thos

| open

in the above'subseription contest,

Wants or should want"

mime Ete Ot ay [that you ? to buy. .
an Education, thie iter i = eee
your ~footsteps " =
einai store bam ~
And The Bastern Reflector is).
Going to help one Boy in

_ that direction.

We will give absolutely free of charge
a scholarship ~entitling the holder, to
free tuition in all the English branches
for the entire spring term, 1896 (5
months) of

Greenville Male Academy:

This isthe best school for boys inT
Eastern North Carolina, and the boy,
will be tortunate who wins this prize.


This 5 months scholarship is .to. be
given to the boy who will get the lar-
gest number of yearly subseribers for

The. Eastern Reflector
petween now and6 o clock: P. M. oa Jan

llth, 1896. ~Two subseribers for 6

will count the sake as one yearly sub-
scriber This is no vatch penny deviee
but a bonad-fie offer, and if only one
subscriber snould be brought buring the
time specified the boy whe brings it

ning and many boys will work for it

In order that there may be an incen- |

tive for every buy wno wishes. to enter
this contest, we offer a cash cominission
10 per cent on all sthscribers, 10
4 i wie fail to get the schol-
arship will be paid for thelr work, but
the one who wins the. i bed will
not zét the commission, Now boys
4to work with-the de ermatt ion to
this prize.
ple copies of
by applying. to. the office,
to. quter
as we wish to know how many. sp
working for the prize. We wil
the result of the contest with the name

the REFLECTOR agyou need
If yon decide

oys 8 ©

of winner in the issue of the REFLEC- |

Tor of Jan. 15th, 1896, glving the suc-
cessful boy. time, to enter school on the

in day | of } spring term Monday;
Jali, ¢ 0h.

Address all letters to

Greenville N. C.

| enema nend

GREENVILLE, N.C. Oct. 25th, 1895. |

This.to certify that I haye arranged
with the, publisher of THE EASTERN

REFLECTOR to teachfree of charge in|

thie English branches, fur the 6 ~months
term beginning Jun. yOth, 1896, the boy
to whom he may award the scholarship

Principal Greenville Male Academy.


sale of Valuabre Town

said. Board to Rertite,

bolas ng to the Com iy at Bi,
16¢ hull ber baa uci
be eing
a ed by the town of Greenvi
ket oRie aie wih, hey pert 1 |
William Mi I mi ex officioT ir oh ee ;
Board of Comsiissioners of Pitt County y;
do hereby give: oats notice that sai
lot will be �,� to:public: sale ta :the:
Sr cnvoap ee bidder, in. ren of, se. Vourt
0'clgch Ol,
day..the. *
The terms

"j equal instal

_Resister of Deeds King is having the | ® -

. yroek. Rabe el lh in the cont He ~fhe

ven that the to
eae te tow oi Market H H

ey Me A :

pn ai

will get the scholarship Of course wo}
expeet moré than one subscriber fo be} 7
biought in, for this.is a prize worth win|


You can getT a8 phere sam- |

this.contest send, us, your, name |

In obedience:to au order inade by: the pri

"Where you . will find
displayed the-largest and.
best. assorted line of the
following goods:

of many and varied kinds.

Goods and
iad, ing. Goods,
) Shirts, :

Hats and
. Capst
wom neatest
me styles;La~
ee dies, Boys,

and Childrens Fine and Heavg
Shoes and Boots in endless
styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs

Foot Mats, Maitings, Flobitng
and Table. Oil Cloths, Lace 1
tains; Curtain Poles and Fixtures,
Valises, Hand Bags, and stoe
of FURNITURE that will sur-

rise and: deli ht you both as:

~| Board of County Commissioners attheit tq gudlity and price, Baby Car-
meeting og the first Mouday in: Novem- riages, Heavy corn $s, Flour,
ber 1895, directing :mejas ahe Bas i ot |Meat, ° Lard, Sugar, lasses,

and ad the 6 abies market prices

SM, ilies bee
nape SHOES: for |

id i BAVA

| Men ata and Boys: can't bé

| veg BRIOT . 2 ;
Padan Bros. SHOES for

po eben wil be 4a

Daily Reflector, December 18, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 18, 1895
December 18, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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