Daily Reflector, November 23, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


for this. week)

oNew Dress

Overcoats. |

He was 60 muclii impressed with
jthe. tobacco. lands ~of*T Kastern
Carolina that he decided .to move.
least and make it his fature home.
heen -no
ottalk whatever of «tobacco market
in Greenville that we know ~of,

, and while we do no pretend ta be
to who

mind first conceived the idea of Greenmille. and. r

rarer a warehouse, we do know |engag® in | the | ~a
time, injpes. with Mr,,M.

, interest a ver a boseted

.|Nearly all who came down .:east
_lwere impressed with the superior
Jadvantages of the ~séction ~ands

With the introduction of

inflow of tobacco meh fiom ithe}
old tobacco belt of the State. |

great many moved éast to ~Make

from Oxford came down to: Pitt

county to instrnet our farmers 4B

eurin g tobacco. Among)


Ke v4
le tas


» eal $e eet eee


eT ee
oe eae 7

At uhis time there had,

it their home. , In the fall of 1890 .
quite a number iof. young: .men|_


ee eee
bacco culture in the� easternT) oAH
counties there was opataral'y av| Aw

I gotthem i in all cits, colors a and

. wewall tnd are

Ma ee
ee 2
z Fs
2 F

et leg batting & a tobadod�"� oWidtohiowd.
tl Paiting in
af alg. from beige to,

~this. he. moved his fam
Wi 1lapR


42-42 wet
: as

1890. n 1891 + bultivatedT a:

| Hbaeco pest near the town of Wil-

| ~gon and in the fatt oof the: ~same
_|year he bought tobadcd T onT T the.

¢ 7 Witsen market. ~

was (a8 was stated! a~ years: ago

er.parb of the expense .of, whi
was peid by. this, writer). that Mt. |.
kB» J. Cobb canvassed the.

bacco warehouse. :

Fa thie ® ~year it.

+ (hede same columns. by this,
~hwriter whenT! a. thousand extra,
cupies of the REFLECTOR were.
-|being sdot out. weekly, the, great-

, equnty |
im thedntereet of, building. a . to-
he result. of

chases he always. gave. satisfac
+}tion, aud, from . the. very, begin
1 uate of his career.on this market
\he has gradually. inereased....hi
to j business until to-day: thereT is ni
lauyer : ~anywhere that has..a. bet
ter, safer and: sounder, line 0:
orders.than.he. _Jenking. AF
nix..dissolved. coparine) i
.1893,, Mr, Jenkins, spring c
entire, business in his charge. _

j dreonriles as 8 ee 60. ©

and. segs this line © pas wel
that. ee ~sould to. adv: ance ti
best interests, of the ; ket .-
As a judge of her 3 tobacco.


his labor. has.too often been went
in ~these columus 0 otiéed |
repatition- ~The Greenville ® wane:

and with the prospect ~and hopeT

thoroughly informed as

Mr. Jenkins, at ze

ofa market in G réénville, Mr.

house was brought ithto existence | 1

Mr. Jenkins stands without a at

periorT da théT Gastérn mark
and as & thoroughl)

and our friends should. he careful


Prime rake
: that they do not-make an over-|Extra PrimeT). { yy 4
ore: : he � produetion of tadpole cotton next | {827 iw
oming de dentin year."Dunn Dnion. Tone"easy. riot
a oring for wich amount 425 will be SEE are hte Ce
recognition a share of the ao ee Appointments by the Bishop of i
patronage to be given out in thatisenger. - "= ~~. East Carolina. Greenville Market.
city. "_"_ / 1895. nde spose ae by 8. Me Sehaltz. ,
- = : . 7a ee =
A day or sosing a number of = & ott eee 1 Mov, 24th"-Sanday, before. Advent, iid estern Sides Teter
them applied to: Sheriff Mason "~i- Snow Hill, $. Barnabas, Sugar cured Hams 12 to 18%
for a job, but although that officia | A� ~Obristian *Sndeavdr So-|. Nov.28th"Thureday, Farmville, Em-| Gorn Veal po i
had .semething hké twenty ap-|9iety offers. a reward for the manuel. Flour, Family 4.00 to 4-50
pointments at his diposal he in- followmg, says Rev. H. M. sinrcuany, tein 793 Oats. shee an
formed the negro = that/ Price in Parish Record : 4 Dac Brd"-Teemings E. P., Kinetow ogee : ice
they had oalt been filled. He) Missing."Some families from te sa) Salt per Sack SS to lee:
promised them, however, that hé church.� ~ aceon = hay , K. P., Dawson's : 129'e Lo
~would use his influence oto oget}T� stolen."Seveial iiours ofrom|__Dec-8th"2nd Sunday in Advent, ¥.P.) : x por Sad chat +4

them positionsin asother lige of
work, but there is a Jurking ens~
picion that the promise is abouts
all they will ever get.

It is represented that the ne - lambs believed to have gone in
cross feelT greatly ~dissppoliitéd| a: action of the tawn of No
Over the manner in which the iS Bs Ee
white Republican fnends have y ae
treated them in oche Monumental! Mislaid."A quantity of sil-
City,� but to those familiar with|}�T°. 224 Copper coins on the
the history of the aforesaid friends|C®UDter of a saloon, the owner
their course is not new. being in a state of excitement

Asthbe Lynchburg News says: at the time,

oThis is the way that the Repub-| Wendered."Several young

licans always deal with the ne- people. When last seen. were

care néver to give them more| ane, whicn leads to the city of

than a spittoon or sweep-up place| No Good.

of honor or emdlument.� Anud| Lost A lad carefully reared:

right here it may be added that/not long from home, and for a

~ there are whole lots of people who| time yery promising; supposed

are not went for them, eitner."/to haye gone with one- or. two

) Norfatk Virginian. older companions to Prodigal

"_"_- Town, Husk Cane.

~Maney in in Pabpage. - Any one assisting in the rec~
overy of theabove shall in: no

the LordTs,day By a number of

people in differeat ages; dress-
ed in their Sunday clothes.

a score of

a _ Mr. J..Ba. Ma Marsh. who has rine Jose bie eward.
~seharge of Mr. Geo. W. Hunt-
~ leyis truck: farm, near town,/|:T
= has nearly:two acres, planted in



fe per head, and it only|for this t
-takesa very short calculation! going to

Pitt county, 3. JohnTs.
Pitt eccunty} 8.
ville, 8. PaulTs.

Dec. 3lst"Tuesday.

church of the adyent.
at all- ; ;
Catechized Lo
Session� Saves Sor bios .
: Missions. _

: pane

S dn bere sem: 19 1 to Lé

Dec, 8th"2nd Sunday in Advent,EP.,
Dec. 10th"Tuesday. E. P., Gr en-

Dec. 13th"Friday,

Dec. 15th"3rd Sunday in Advent, M.
P., Beaufort county, Zion church.

~Dee. 15th"3rd Sunday in Advent,
E. P., Washingtoa, 8S. Peters.

Dec. 17th"-Tueasday, Chocowinity,
Beaufort county, Trinity "

Dec, i9th" Thu ursday.
am * S. Marti-.Ts.

Dec. 22nd"4th Sunday in Advent,

Gatesville, 8. MaryTs.

Dec; z65th"Christmas Day, Gates|t
county, S. PeterTs.

Dec. 26th"Thursday, Fest. 8, Ste-
phen, E. BAF nce 3. Barnabas.

Dec, 29th"Su rg Shas Christmas,
M. RZ Koxobel. 8. MarkTs.

after Christmas,
hh Pa Po weskemn ican county, Grace

Windsor, 5.

Vanceboro, 8.



Jan. Ist~- Wednesday, Fest. of the
Circulation. E. P., Plymouth, Grace

Jan. y; Williamston,

M. P. -"Mornt

= be for Diocesan


2 wet. =

oj Je 20inash it
: be
Red adi 5 BP

Poe: = o. a JOUNER. . ja :
Bright?) :0°°2.f 3/4
AE? BSF fample
J -ob! pavieh to



l weather for catching. them,|



This Laundry does the finest work in
she South, and singe are low. We
make shipments eyery ~Tuesday. ng

your work to our on Mo nd
will be forwarded promptly. ro
furnished on application: ;

The Charlotte


~ Worth dalatineT, 5



Independent and
more attractive than

~less ;
even. if will be, an
invaluable visitor to thre
office, the olub oF te work room.

{ |adoption of a
mington (N-C.) Star says,that we| &
: id right as toT the vapdidates for

supplied with the best

.. }¥entions it mic sa ~a two-thirds

a vote inonder otheT. nomination | megane

ne jand, Vico ~President, We. stated| | #58 :
T Tthis fact the other day, and added).

that.the same rule. pplied in the

resident and Vice President,
bat wrotig'as the platform, which
it says is adopted by a majurity
vote.--Richmond Dispatch. wid

College Hotet

MRS. DELLA GAY, Proprictress

Conyenient to depot: and to: the to-
bacco warehouses.
est location areurd

Best - and higT
reenville. Splendid mineral. water...
Rooms large and comfortable. Table
au market af!

saves Weldon 8.40 m.
Uke on Bathand Nesk as
un paves 44 Be es

: 5, Gemenorillse "8.22 a.m,
Halitex at 11:00. a. m., Weldon 5 o30 om

apo es
8.40 p. m.. 9.50;
lenreg. Paseora: $00 pe Rag

arrives! Wasbingt6s 7,35)

~l|of American Silver and

. Terms reasonable.
Ly Floto LIVERY, ri AND 1H.
Ly Fayetteville
LT eee ~. STABLES. ,
jee On Fifth St Street near Five
Ly. wimingtet 2 2 Passengers carried to any
Ly M ie Ae 1 point at reasonable rates Good
ac Wileoa.: orses, _ Comfortable Vehicles.|
Ly Ffarboro
~ s - Barbers.
uv Wilso V1 37) 11 87| 10 32 GREENVILLE, N. Q,
o ceuxy: Mt 83s) 12:07) 11 15) Gv Patronage solicited.
ArTarboro | . 4 , ERBERT EDMUNDS... _
Lv Rocky Mt 2 33 12 07 nder Opera House, ©
Ar Weldon * 12.55 Special attention: given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing. :
~Train on Scotiand Neck Brancb oad alone
Halifax 4.00


Dally . ~Newspaper a
North Ca

i. The Only. Six-Dollar Daily « ot ~statement.

~ite Class inthe State...

avers Limited Free

The. Wil-} 3 ;

+ alwavs atbowgesT Mateaet reices


"" ge



to-|/PORK wt. Conse tz,

ing their yearTs supplies will find :
their inzerest toget our prices befcre oa Ba

chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is comp

n allits branches.
RICK, TEA, &c.


4we buy difect from Manvfactirers, ene
ane maecn buy at oae profit: -A com


rings anc and soid at 1 tosuit
bought and
sold tor Cast idee. having no risk

to Tun,we sell at a Glose margin.
Ss. M. SCHUL''2.Greenville. NG



The next. peasion of.this, School will
begin on

_. MONDHY, SEPT. 2, 1895,

and caieilicea for ten neal

The cotirse embraces all the branches
begs taught inan Academy.
berms ~both. for tuition and -board

nore ~weil goers and : equiped for
Pier by _., the
course alone. " ree Sgt BY
pursue & traps wie aan
enter, with erent. any
ij nt or the Btate alpaca, dette
refers te tose gg bs
ite wall the

sia ot eee or Cowes Tee onl Ser

ze ig

aah opreparation a =

wala eS a 3 ae
mae &, a ati
Mesciseicsinbane. sl wed

seg ;


~; @GREESTILLE. xn. ©.
{Jonn E. Somtinbest:
Wilson, N, c. WO Hanah Se &
g| W°°? irons & HARDING, ee
ne ake
to gollnetions:


npeetal aidoniseé:

and settlement of claims.

: Cheap Excursion Rates


ib, nad naa

_e 15th, as Dec. Sats 1895, ae



The Atlantic Coast ] ine


ot Palin Paine ~Buffet |
Sleeping Cars between New York and
ta Ga. via
éldon, 8 tik Mount, Wilson, Payee:
Augus~s. anion noe, Orangeburé, Alksm Schedules,

ing Car secommodations scones Biceps
dress any agent Atlan mK Anes oe
the undersigned,

J. W.MORBIS, .C.S.CAM pate.


Charleston,3.C, Rick


He ee. ater

You dont know much more
about when to look forthe train
now than if they had no schedale
to rum on. The south bound
freight train due to leave here at
2:15 im the afternoon, pulled out
Friday at 7:30, just fiye-and-«
quarter hours late. And the pas
senger train due here at 6:47 did
not get in until 9:30. We notice
from our exchanges that other
towns are haying similar trouble.

Atrewtion Laptzr."By special
request we wiilhave an auc"
tion sale of our hne of handsome
Silverware for Ladies only, Mon-
day at 2:30 P. M. This will be
your last opportunity as this is
our last sale here.

For The Orphans.

With comm endabie zeal [Roun-
tree, Brown & Co., of the Star
Warehouse, have set apart Friday,
December 20, 1895, fora special
sale of tobacco, and will donste
one-half of the warehouse charges
tothe Oxford Orphan Asylum.
They call upon the Masonic
brethren fortheir help and aid
in making this a grand offeriag.

_ Church Services

GF Seth church."Sunds
ure unday
School at 3:30 A. M. Preaching
at li A. M. and 7:20 PM M.
Rev. A. Greaves.

at il
vy. C


it ;



. - ~

Third Person, Plural Number, Present

Seay Hee ore.

T. L. Boyd left this morning for Hal-

Mrs, L. B. Barnhill left this morning
for Parmele

Col. BE. A. Keith, of Ayden, came
up this morning.

Olien Warren returned from Nash -
yille Friday evening. "

Mrs. M. H, Quiserly, of Kinston,
came over this morning to visit her par-

Miss Stella Lee Fleming. of Middie-
burg, is visiting her brother, G, P-
Fleming. a

Miss Emma Williams, of Falkland,

has_been spending a few rod howng, PY
Lou Rountree and retu:
came over from

Rey. A. Greaves
Kinston this moraing aad will couduct
seryices in the Episcopal church to-
Cards are out for the marriage of

Charlies L. Afernethy, editor of the
Beanfort Herald,to Miss Minnie May.
ef SpeigntTs Bridge, on Dee. 19th.

Another Enterprise. .
Greenyille is soon to have an-
the town has for a long time been
in need. Mr. S. H. Abbott, of
Kinston, who was here Friday,
leased a pict of ground from tne|�
Greenville ~ Lumber Company)
upon which to conduct a brick
yard, and will move his large|~
plant-here from Kiaston about
the first of the new year: The
plant will give employment to
ebout thirty hands and will bea
good addition to the business of
the community. Suchan enter-
prise will prove a stimulus to
building because of the conve-
nience it will afford in getting

Kinston Incendiaries..

Mr. Lovitt Hines went over to
Kinston, Friday evening, and
spent the night there- He tells
us there is considerable excite
ment in the community over the
incendiary trials uow before the
Superior Court for Lenoir county.
Three suspected negroes were ar
rested some months ago and held
in jail for this term of court to).
investigate the charges ageinst
them. One of these negroes, who
was in the employ of Mr. Bryan
Fields at the time of the burning,
was first tried, the case resulting
in a mistrial, nine of the jury be-|
ing for acquittal and three~ for/t



i me ie pais " 2 J . en
Choir of Monsiote.


bey: - .. Barueoron G#rice.

being the price paid.

residence built in Forbestown.

The Standard Oil Company advanced
prices 1 cents per galion this week.

once are sure to come again. The

tenson is I keep nice, fresh goods.
- D. 8. Surra-

Greenville has abundant wedding ma-
terial, but we donTt heur of any on the
programme for the coming holidays.

crop this fall is ine, at. least we have


iny, Beans, Mince Meat, Dates,
Citron, Seeded Raisons, Carrents,
Catned Cranberry Sauce. Aunt
SerahTs Catsup at 8. M. Schultz.

- Ex-Sheriff Warren tells usthat River-
side Nurseries has been well crowded

with orders for trae trees during the
jast for weeks.

T News."The best Flour

Schultz... ~I'ry a 24 ib bag.

~the drama oAmoug the Breakers,'T
which will be presentediu the Upera
House Thankagiying night,

T Choice. supply vf fresh Grocer-
ies, Fraits avd Osnued Goods, a
i. 8. Smith's. ;

if you are looking f.ra good plave to
locate, donTt make «a devision util you

~ [have seen Grenville, ~Tuis town offers

epleudid advantages to the homeseeker.
Another large iot of Viamend
ink, best wrung tiuid lsade, and

Cream ddoalege as _Betlecwr

Ghieee sine ta Gienartinaee wells of

tue State. vue these is at thé College

Hotel aud the ower in the yar of H. A.
: 7

bargins in Dilverware at lowest

Pendere's. ; fee
i Pat GormanTs horse sale and ~the sil-

Udine good gina
Peteiercte' le wie Rbk Sadaly td whol :

Cotton still a little bettar today, 7.80} -
Mrs. Bieks will soon have a handsome
Those who buy Groceries of me}
After all the dry weather the turuip|

see b quantities Of very fine ones fi mur-| |

Fresh arrivals: Grits, Hom-

Proctur Kuott suld by 8S. -M./

~Aaihicinanadvsiguinig en} vigmay teil

as line: nineral water as can be found in/[,

A rare opportunity to purcliase Pn as

hooksT in
styles and kinds, ines
Foot. Mats,� inys, Flooring "
and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur- -
tains, Curtuin Polesand Fixtures,

Shoes ' and

Valises, Hand

prise and delight

to q


s, and a stock
that will sur~
both as

and price, Baby Car- |
eavy Groceries, Flour,..

+| Meat, © Lard, , Molasses,
Salt, j as Se » Bee 8 torn
Twine. We buy


and pay the Foren: market priees

lReynoldTs SHOES for
Men and Boys canTt be

dan Bros. SHOES for

pussible prices, next door "tol aera

Daily Reflector, November 23, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - November 23, 1895
November 23, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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