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Attractions |
or this week
New Dréss
fine Clothing
Shoes, Hats,
A Aaa
Their Part of the Burden in Push-
ing Greenville Forward.
We have on the market now
one buyer that has bern
Greenville Warehouse was built
and that one is
While Mr. Mangum is not a very
extensive buyer yet he has af all
times carried his part of the pur
chases at good prices and there
is no one, no not one, that is to"
day connected with the market
~jthat samce its earliest history has
stuck closer to Greenville tha»
Mr. Mangum. Durting the first
year of the market he was one of
our buyers and no doubt lost
mouey as did the rest who bought
that year trying to establish a
market. He spent the summer
of the second year at his home in
Granville county, N. C. but early
in the fall returned again and
was ready at the opening of the
second season to again number
one of the buyers for Greenvitle.
iHe cultivated a crop of tobacco
for his own account the third
year, on the farm of Mr. R. A
Tyson about nine ~- miles from
town. After curing and wrineisiaed
Some of Those Who Have Carnred
fied with Greenville since the
SERAAAAAPAL PDP LAPP ee eee ee ee sr.
I gottt them in all 1 waights and a priomee See them,
ie ate tas i fie
I got them in all cuts, colors and EE paige ~See Sg
-Vhis crop heand Mr. Tyson bought
_|some tobacco on tiie market and
when the spring opened he again
_freturned to the farm and culti-
~|vated another crop. This year
after he had cured his crop he
employed a man to take charge
of the stripping and he and Mr.
Tyzon came regularly on the mar-
ket. This year Mr. Mangum oc-
in which T. E. Roberts & Co. did
business last year and on the
grades that he is buy ing he makes
the boys pay outside prices be"
fore he lets it go to any one else.
We hope that he will build up a
lucrative business. As above
stated he is the pioneer tobacco
bayer of the Greenville market.
There was a lively run-a-way
day aftenroon. A horse that was
tied to a buggy wheel took fright
at the steam whistle of GormanTs
factory, and ran down the street,
The buggy was turned bottom
side up, but strange to say
only slightly damaged-
cupies one half the prize house.
out in the tobacco quarter Tues-|
@ragginge the buggy with him. |
A Long Trip.
J. B. Tripp aad his wife, in a
two-horse hack, went tripping
throT Durham today from Car-
lisle, Iil., going back to his home
do not travel on Sunday,»
have been on the road 28 days:
| They expect to reach their des-.
tivation next Tuesda;. Mr. Tnypp
~went to Lilinois abont fifteen.
months ago a free and festive
young man- He married out
there and is going back home to
settle down in the Old North :
State."Darham Sun.
Fresh ~apiivalei Gitie fou.
iny, Beans, Mince Neat,* Dates,
Oitron, Seeded Raisons, Currents,
Cacned Cranberry Sauce. Aunt
Sarah's _" at S. M. aaa
Arizona pays the women teach-
ers in her public schools the high-
est average monthly wages of any
State in the Union"$74.45. Mas-
sachuse tes,on the other hand, _
pays her men teachersan. ""e Le
$118.07 monthly. | .
A Frankford girl asserts that
was, one kiss is as-good as a sem
it lasts long enough. ;
in Pitt county, this State. They "
oa. 3 WHICHARD. Raton�
Subscription 26 eants per Pronth.
_ Entered as second-class mail matter.
A Thriving Little Village.
Allow space in your paper and
I will give a sketch of - Winter-
ville. It is situated on the Scot-
land Neck and Kinston brauch of!-
the W- & W. R R., five miles
from Greenville aud four miles|.
from Agden, inthe midst*of a
good agricultural section that is
peopled with as upright and God
fearing people as can be found
any where ip the ereat county of
Pitt. Winterville has not had a
cease Of chills and fever or any
other malarial diseases during
the fourteen months of its exist
ange, for we haye as pure water
here as there is in the State. The
famous ox Cotten Planter is:
manufactured here, there is also
the largest tcbaceo hogshead fac-
tory here east of the W. & W., R.
R. Wagons, carts, the Econom-/covered, but as there is nothing |
ic Back Band and butiding mater-/but water in it, no excitement
ial ot ail kinds are manufactured
here. Winteryille isa busy place
when age and sizeare considered.
Mr. A. G. Cox is going to put
in a new boilerand another CcOrn |the vice.
mill,as One mill cannot do the
grinding he gets to do.
Mr. John Ormond has contract-
ed to build the colore1 Mission.
ary Baptist church at this place
Mr. John Manuing aod Mr. 8.
White will complete the Winter-
ville schoo) bailding soon.
Mr. Bick Dixon badthe mis-
fortune to stick aten perny nail
in his foot. but he is ont of dan-
ger. Aix. -
Fusionst Justice
We are informed that a Fasion
magistrate here had a claim on a}
brother Fusionist He held coart, |
sued the man before himself, and
gave judgement for bimself tor:
the amount of claim and costs.
Great is Fusion!" Ratherford -
not possess all the virtue, any
Thet 1 a kisi don't cos to be atb-
letic to. Shrow fellow over.
Thatevery map hag more pense|
thap he shows ig his actions. -
That it is best to bury dead 1s-
sues and resarrect live privciples-
That it does pot pay to be a
good fellow: as no moor fellow
ever gets rich. "
That the chestnut season ia at
its height and the comic weeklies
TFat eyery man who has failen
off a bicycle will agree it is ~a
hard, hard world.
That itis a glorious thing to
have money- It enables one so
to despise riches.
That yoa should always live:
within your incomé, or some day
you may haye to live withont It
That the meanest man on rec-
ord tried to pacify his baby with
a poker chip dipped in pepper-
mint "
That a new river has been dis-
was created,
That one political paity dce
more than the other possess all
That when the new woman
proves that she can sharpen a
lead peneil, it will be one poiut ia
ber favor.
That an excellent ere of
faith in Christiauity, is taking ao
umbrella to charch, aad leaving
it out in the vestibule.
Making Them Work for Their Living
Does Hens Good.
Some yaluable advice to far-
mers is given by G.H.D. Lixe,)
who is 4 great chicken raiser aad
egg prodocerin Lower Aisaes.
Hw plan iu brief isto make his
ae ee aa ee Mr. Lire
says: A.
otis necessary to make tena
seratch for a living.
oI accomplish this by feeding
ton Democrat.
= aVenollck
\of feeding ior some yearsand have
makes them work in a to se-
, ork of this
kind is absolutely regain to the
production of eggs. "
oI have observed this ehedete
béen satixfiédd with the results,
because wy hens layT in the fail
and winter; when 2gg8 ~are hieb
in price.�
Dee. 28th"-unday ufter Christmas,
M. P., Hoxebe.. S. MarkTs.
Dec. 20th"8 uday after Christ: as,|
t_P,, Weodile, BeFtie county, Grace
( hurch.
Jet, Blst"Tuesday.
1896, ,
Jan. lat~- Wednesday, Fest. of the
Cireulation. E. Pp, Piywoath, Grace
Jun. Srd"Priday,
gs aS ayer. E, P.
a rayer. * a ae
Even ng Prayer. Holy Communion
Windsor, 54,
finan atteT locesan
: é Pees
wt Services. Pact a
bisa orbits
gn. pee ORS Bee Cae EE sale Cte
in New York and
Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle to ae
in New York and. Mr. Olney in
Boston. % Nu #* *
. ae ; . " x ~ on *
Tors."Graen. 2a Woe
Appointments by the Bishop of ~ Bright.... ........4to8
ee: o Red........ ti.8 bo, 4
Se Luas"Common..;. .. ....4%0,6
1893. ~ Goad 2 2.35 1 *. 7 to 15
Nov. 24th"Suuday before Adyent, ad Fine.... .........12to 7
Snow Hill, 8S. Barnabas. CUTTERS Common. ee ois Ms at
Nov.2sth"thursday, Farwmviile, hm- 6 Fine. Ul? $cere to
manuel. eeee - ag
Dec. ist"lIst Sunday in Advent, Le- �,�
otten end Feanut,
ir county, Holy Innocents.
- + se = K Below ateT Norféik ates of� oittnh�
Dec. 3rd"Tuesday, E. P., Kinston | .nq peanuts for yesterd AY, 48 furni afied
8. Mary 8. by Cobb Broa. & Mer:
Uec. 6ch"Friday, E. P., DawsonTs|Chants of Nurfok : :
!Sehool House . covzon. a |
Dee-8th"2nd Sunday in Advent, M. P, ae 8 5- 16
Pitt county, 5. JohnTs. Low Mid«ling - aan
Dec. 5th"zad Sunday in Advent,KP.,| Good Ordinary - - 64
Pit county . AlichaelTs. { Toae"steady ad
gs .E. P. G . PEANUTS. - ; )
Dec. 1Uth : ucsday. E. P., Gren Prime : ~oll
vilie, 5. Paul's. Extra Prime noe
Dec. 1sth"Friday, Vaneeboru, 8.| oancy 33 3
PaalTs. . Spanish $1 bu
7 Pa oew- eo
Dec. 15th"3rd Sunday in Advent, M. oe
P,, Beaufort couuty, Ziva church. ~
Dee. 1éth"érd Suuday iu Adveut, Greenville Market. a:
E. P., Washingtos, 8. Meters. ate Cor betes, by S. M: Schnitz. oa
Dec. 17th"-Tuesuay, Chocowinity, enteca Bite x 7 16. oo Ss S.
Beaufort county, Trinity Chapel. Sugar cured Hams . om ~142 to 18}
Dec, 19th"Thursday. E, P., Ham-|VOrD tot. 140 te 60
Uton, 8. MartiaTs. : : 74 Corn Meal -5- . +80 to.65
o a pode, Family "4,00 164-80
Dec. 22nd"4th Sunday in ae Lard 2 ~6§ to 10
Garesviile, 5S. MaryTs. Becer x eee
Dec. z6th"Christmas Day, Gates! Coffee , 6 to 25
eouuty, S.-PeterTs, Salt per Sack Sh te L765 J
bec. wtu"Tuarsday, Fest. 5, ste-| Fees perder ?, af bees
phen, E, P., Murfresboro, 5- Baruubas. } Beeswax. per Sy
a ii iy
This Laundry does the. .Alnett work 1 in J :
be south, and id 4
men |
make shipments
your work to our store ou pe. e
prom a,
application! =
Another large?
ren| Ink, best writing
re) eof ~inca |
tid ~made; and-
silage, eae I
ates i?
ie : o
| a .
dhs has main : yg" CocaineT
out of debt aod supported: his
*olfamily during,the year, ti be
{clothing and all nec
plies, may find himself.
have acéomplished**more than
than when the year seh:
hem Sun. :
. "Prains on Washnigt
Aci 20. 8
dao mp
n- Bran
~BA as 4 yous ae clea
§ M, EM weg Traffie Manage °.
ma aia = 4 at
"ltew dollars in money, bat he ~will 2 |
thousands in .the city, .who have ; =
; || worked as hard. had fewer laxe:| "
oles and:.are not a delar- richer) =
\College Hotell je
- }guarangtees -
ak ments to, cuntinae| ja.
hi. lads 1 ko
enter, wi.b credit. any College in Sore
Caroline or the State University.
Sang oan man. wth charaster
eT ae a in
ee ey
- Phos. J.
y - Srmstios 2 i all the Courts
iu. C. LATHAM...
fers tc. nose whe, have. recent. oett
ite wall wall ~or, the truchfuliegs othis
= eS ©
"Siac �"� ie
MRS. DELLAGAY. Proprictress le oESTABLISHED. LaIBe, ee Si. oe
; DERG Te" Joh ; Ww é &
__ _Conventent to depo and to the te SAM. ~~ Sint MULTZ. Ry womaee PS. Morons 2G.
| ion P . Mi. Best and highest location " around |, QODARD ~& HARDING,
Swen | | Se, reenville., Splendid inineral waters |PORK SIDES {SHOULDERS WwW ATTORNEYE-AT-LAW, �
Ly Ma lia 4 161. = | tooms large and_ comfortable, Table ARMERS AND MEKUHANTS BUS _ Greenville, we
a bad mingtor 5 43° : ros Poe wee? aert oe. market af F ing their yearTs supplies will find =| Special attention ee to collections
jh. Muh - A. Terms reasonable their interest to get our prices beféce pu. | 8nd settlement of cla ©
oo : chasing elsewhere. cbeece detainT tej __
"Faas Gore NOTRE. J al K G,. - |n allits bramchesss« © pay ee
peed oEER | &s iN FLOUR; COFPEE, SUGAR | Cheap Excutsion Rates
omen fea le | Re Wim taacae | RPP erty
ik "|"" |" A Ley. SALE M0 TE always uclowsser MARKET PRices | | seen = a ee
~LeFlorétce (o8 15| 7 35 TOBACEO SNUFE & CIGARS 4 PVD
Ey Fayetteville} 10 551 9 35 STABLES. we buy. «direet from Manufacmirers, ena i MET te tiz: mate seer
bling youto buy at one Prout.
ay Witsen 4 20 ; slete atock of'* , a St Cotten Stott and international
ante - On oFifth ~Street near Five FE. U RN ITU RE. sprianex ene
ma ys ae Points. . jalways onhand ped eoidax prices tupac ~~ i ey a ee pers)
cid ra | hepa a E oo ou] the times. goeds~area t Sept. 16th, to Dec. 31gt.s,1895.
acto "|-"" - 7 ee . : sold for CASH therefore, having no rist BLO; e Pe aps i
2 _ AM .M.| Passengers ~carried to. anyite FORE sell ata close _margip.. ".
~Ly Wiimington}~ 0:25 7 00 ble zat Good SCHU Fo .areeni vals N ec 7 in
Ly M 10.56 aaa Horses... Comto zates) catT : dele 9% 297
Ey Golisbero. | 12 05]. 9 40 Comfortable Vehicles. ssapanee! Hig Gag
awaken [4,000 |. | 30 GREENVILLE» ~Mh A
v ae an RRA.
o" : I Barbers. : semen
a TSE be Vs Bt [SESE aa NOD, TNT ook
i {Slee C ~New Yo
Ze Aa its AMES A. SMITH, Atlanta Ga. via Richmond, Peversburg,
_ pi 4-4 TONSORIAL ARTIST. Weldon, Itecky Mount, Wilson, Fayette-
. . P.M|P. M, i OGREENV!ILLE, N. 0. ~" ; jyibe, Florenre, oOran et en
~Ly wi 11 37 11 37| 10°82 geburg, Aiken and
= hema 338 1207| 11.18| ~Patronage solicited. ~The next session of this Seno! wi Augus a. For Sates, s. Schedules, sleep�
Ar tsi 4 ERBERT EDMUNDS, oe oy ee ie oe a eg ee ne} oF
7 Ag Bd A Sahat || re 1 WQS er sonem, os cane
| n ei we :
tv Acco Ra: oT . Special. attention Ore, to cleaning} . Div. Pom k es 8 re
Rui . |Gentlemens: othing. ~and eentinue for ten months. Cu ae ed
ui Neck Brabeti Road | The qoibya grag ail the bratiches |, T. M. EMERSON, ~=. ML EMERSON
i: usua taught in an Academy. . : T
m Canes mf i setee SoTHE MORNING STAR. ~enti, Nich! tor tuition yg eard yet. "Finite GenT, Pass Axt.
Pe Glad 6.387. Ps fn. ~Kinston: 7: "rail F a ee : ' es bs (2 reasonabie. P eee is £ % :
eae i ves, Kinston 7.20F _ fa : L st 7 fore bw fitted and Renn a ss Pie i iJ a
Firat ties * ay r . course , alone. ; Where. hey wish . iF
o*at "" Suudav. By {pursue @ higher confse, © is ettioel
wil be ENG
Will be in Greenville Wednes-"
ee Ayden Friday of each
Iinvite you to inspect my beac tiful
Gents Furnishing Goods
I will be mighty gisd to wait on
yeouandshow to you my stock.
You will be surprised to bear
my Low Prices that I redaced
since [ bought my Low Tariff
goods. 1 will give the bencfit to
you just to build me up a trade
in Greenville; N.C.
Be sure to come to see me for these
Goods most be sold at
The |
Third Person, Piural Number, Present
| Tense, Potential Mood.
night. . .
|. Col. Harry Skinner left this morning
for Washington Ciry.
J. T. Tripp and daughter Misa Nannie,
Miss Ladie Haddock, J. V.Johnson and
H. L. Hamilton returned Tuesday night
from Atlanta.
The plant of the Greenville Lamber
Company is abusy place these days.
aad the hum of machinery ean be heard
at all hours.
Miss Hortense Forbes has a new oper-
under rehearsal to be presented
during the holidays. Those who at-
tended the one given under her man-
tké following ample apology from
the mother of an absentee :
oDere mam: please eggscuse
Willy. He didnTt have but one
pair of pants an Ikep him home
to wash them and Mrs. OTToole's
goat come and ct them off the
line and that awt to be eggscuse
enuff, goodnes nose. Yours with
respeck, Mrs. B.�
Interesting squibs.
The hardest work in this world
is trying to live without work.
A day at atime is the way to
live a happy life.
The song oThere's Ouly One
Girl in the World for Me� was
@. J. Studdert went to Tarboro today.)
| A. Cohn left for Newbern Tuesday
Cotton 7}.
Train lat again last night.
A cold wave struck us today.
The rush to Atlanta keeps on.
The pretty weather is about to depart.
Services in the Methodist church to
Remember the Chrysanthemum Tea
tonight. .
There was a general mixture of cold,
wind and dust today.
You can spend s pleasant evening at
the Chrysanthemum Tea tonight.
Beaufort county Superior Court be-
gins in Washington next Monday.
Mr. HarringtonTs horse beat Dr. War-
renTs three straights in the race Tues.
best Flour is
Schultz. Try a 24 lb bag.
in auy hurry .o give onr peuple a rate to
the Atlanta Expvsition as favo.abie as
other towns are getting.
Theroom for the Chrysanthemum
Tea tonight has been beautifully de-
corated and the young ladies will serve
an elegant supper.
Those who buy Groceriesof me
once are Sure to come again. The
reason is I keep nice, fresh goods.
D. 8. Sutra.
The Greenvilte Tobacco Boar ¢
the Christmas holidays.
Under the auspices of the Guild of the
Episcopal charch, the charming drama
oAmong the Breakers� will be present-
ed in the Opera House on Thankagiving
Ifhas been richtly said @ you want
tobe miserable think about yourself,
about what you want, what respect
should be paid to you and what peo-
ple think of you.
suld by 8S. M.j |
The Coast Line authorities donTt seem| -
Trade will get up a large excursion par. ;
ty for the Atlanta Exposition to ge near |T
| 3, and a stoek
_ @ FURNITURE that will sur-
prise and delight both as
to qualit
price, Baby Car-