Daily Reflector, November 15, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


for this week:

New Dress

day. When the 0 " a).
he ie callea a-husband, and then


Shoes, Hats,





ple who have money toT spe
the newspapers, and instead)
tof going around the strubt haat }
ing for what they need, take up| #
their paper and soon ~tind: where; '
they are kept. The wan who ad-}'
vertises and does it in o business)
like manner will mm the end come;

out ~ahead of his néighbor ~who _
thinks the world ought to hant/
him up to find out ohis business.} ff
If yon want opeople's ~trade you"
shon)d invite them-to come to see! |

Troth in This. ee a
The Rocky Mount. Argonaut|
truthfully «says, " oth : . wiiiens
taan who thiaks he can |
ness without advertising &
lamentable lack of jadguient: In}
this year of our Lord 1606; peo-|


x ;


sttjl 6 miles nearer Norfolk,
charge $1.00: » vale. From Par
mele, stilll.8 . miles. nearer. Nor-|f

Her Composition. =

A little girl in Boston wrote a| f

composition on boys. ~Here is ig],
oThe boy is not~an aninial, yeu/T

he stops wading and stays out
nights, but the grew-uPp
widow and keeps house.�

railroad companies will

Washington N.

folk, they charge $1.35- That -is|decre:
they charge $1.10. more a}
bele from Parmele to Norfolk|simeavec
26:miles farther."Scotland Neck

| Fact is it had to be, for before
the absence of the bride was DO-| "
We have it from good authority |. ised she had ~ne gone and was
that the |
haul cotton from . .
C., to Norfolk, for 25 cents a bale.| From 1,632 letters received by
From Pactélus, 12° milesT nearer: Latbam, Alexander & Co., of New
Norfolk, they charge BO cents a/ York, as to othe probable to%al
sen WhichardTs Station, |ootton crop of the United tates)
they|for this year, the estimate 18

so 3 : : Pe: ae T
wee te
p= Ree ee 4 ea = S : :
? Peas : ais . : - = 2 %* ¥ $y
. ee « ne: 3 3 2 : Soc. eis Ei : ig Fee
Ser 3 ge i Ee es eee a ae jae es Fs aaa 3 a4 Eos
ate = i : : ; eS 3 cts
ACES " wae & ei Pp e
4 . - Pag 3 = Z t a #
: ae ~ : : ee :
�"� » =
A ¢ } = é & oat ¥ % ae ns *
er . a ae ia oe pee ne ~3 |
ad % +

eer er reapectabie. and tell just|some way gaired socess t her |
how it was. A boy thinks bim.

self clever because he can wade

and ~the next thing the guests
knew he ~had carried oher away,

whether On e flying charger like

but what canTt be cured must be
endured and the situation was a¢

by this time married.

10 to 12 pounds lighter

| Davy Crockett, or inT his arme is{ :

9,901,000 bales for lastT year, or a]
ease of moré than onethird |
» the pumber of bales. It is es-)

than last year, making the differ~
ence in pounds-cven grester. "


For First-class

pteridine e git 2 ect ke
. oH oB et
2 e.
= =

= very often with a smile.

ling dagger of the. ee

Subscription 25 cents per Month.

ai abartcla ns the ooomtailice

Entered as second-class mail matter.





-=_ tee

(Special Correspondence.]

boro, Baa kee ~ sess

$1,000 to the 42% 3 Me

eae =


Wake Forest Oollege� Dar
_enroiled 339 mints fru ot.
the largest enrollment in the his-
tory of the eptlege. Wiw yl
Prot. Pétest, ithe, ( Riideigeor 3
General Biology and Geology,

addressdd the Baptiat Cao6venh
at Providence, R. L, on the le

his subject.
Basis of Morality.�

od MY Bride Banton, Uf Montes,

Soreheed otefor. The medal was
won lagt yegt_by a Wake Forest
mao,T Ebd we will be glad if oné pf
her wet windt this year. "}+
Rev Tom Meco.
here im 4883, ~sud wh
a world-wide ~rep

a ae eae

ora . hog ~ nda ~

tienda ent e Se
attontisely. Sp wae grand
ture indeed. ce

Prots. J- See Row.
Hay egod, the Prot f Latin,
ee " "_"as t

° boreso I Se Se 9



2... de-

fense. It startd with) a pword"|


3 with a. with a

a aprebabncctasca: graetemnnarsared

copelprled te Toy Yale oFiers

the wind is going to rise,
ahen we Se tamale ook all intima "

aw -nenk-E:- ne Cane ae Ua be

hour fires the dwelling ot anoth-

ae burns the

pillar, raiment, the very
it ~40k ee Wry that

slingeag. Rosh Pipiretmannr toed

=e him food to eat and raiment

iene ets poof eyer the ashes of

d, and will again sit at our
fireside ees the tenis of
jf iriseetle snd at bone.
~But the mam whe - ¢i
false reports concerning a brotn-

bia/cWarketdr, who expuses every

act of his life which may be pre-


goes to this and. that. brother,
telle them he is very teuder of hi
brother's reputation; eujvius»
them the. strictest. sesrecy, aud
then fills their ears with,
xzamors, aod, what is: worse,
lesying them . te dwell upon the!
bints and. suggestions of bis. own
busy, imagination... : The man who.
thus ofilches fram agother his
0 ata By ha ene a i
tice which neither industry nor|
4 ames ee nate ouers


iittimely assist him,

}would nut only be helpfuito local

"Winstoe and. its manafactarer:

1 of it� ir. .
Tobacco a


Why cannot. Wineten. Javea
tobacce erposition next autumn!
lt. need nat be. gotten: up. on t00
grand and expensive « scale, aud
vet it ought.not to be. asmalil af-
faxr-. A bappy:. medium. can be
struck, and with proper interest
displayed a complete success
scored. .. af . .
._Qar tobacco people shuald give,
the. matter. consideration, Talk
tt over... Look at it from every
point of view. In oar opinion
it ia ..practical. We believe it

tebacconists, bat of benefit to the
tobacco interests of the State and
of this -section. Great crowds
would be atéracted to..this city.

would be. bandsomely advertised,
be market would gain. impor"

Motion and corn wad wheat and|¢
ber neods ors, have had their ex-

posttioue palaces and 86] Oat
ead ~tobacco © little or}S8
Raa ee

~has even been = done} f°
Why should. mot Wineton,s repre-| =!

sown, do some-
thi guprenionts Winetqe | Peerwa

itis evident that theltiou tives | on

eplerne jnipmeany,

c me than at thé

ery county farmer formed one ¢
a group of ménh who were @iscts-

sing Weather signs recently. ~~T'
p wind heen he skid, by witchT

with their beads

ups ext west, and. so. On. Bat.~
Tr eee leesonie ms kee 2

oSec ;

pestilence walking in ~he tock

eS ee

A oGta aR gtd wedge @maan

to, roost each ~night, Io calm)
Phe | Yeather she. fowls always. ropes |
oa y aa

= Poe

| factare-zeods ofa Hlads st
less cost than, the. OF,
only . aie


~}hand, aadtherefore cheap, ali the)

ithe bome demand: bat: also ex-|
always know when there is ~to obe! fi

"_ 2 io¥
Tors."Green.... .......+ 1 to. 24
Bright.... ........ 4to8
+ -%-s- =.
ee Oey
« & eS aie 15
| Oe DUNE 5c cpee seus ens
UTTERS " V2-s.-6 to 11
« o1G . ¥.¥.124 to 20
vi IM@.... ...255 ee to 374

Below are si dat Paid. rices of cotton

and B ys for maar furnished
ae Mer-

chant a det (P ~_s

|Good Middli .
Middlin co

Low Middling

Good Ordinary. T Po
yn» ¢ Cy TA TT VT
tee LO ; VID iy
ook fasy. f as bas
Greenville} Market.
Corrected. by.S.M. Schultz.
ntter, per Ib 16
Wematr na, Sto?
eared yy Z cur + 133
gon Pr TOT i tafyed
vise Family 4.00 to 4°60
er idl: sie te
16 to 25
per F Sack 85 to 175
exe per tows" -7dabdds

idl ed
ae a

tii oe



First-Class Work.

i IP YOu WANT. °°" Bite:
bilson ane lee eae anal ~

| will be ae rere ocnigely, Prives
urnished on application:

FREE LS OE Bev �,�,
gesgh. 2 bf +7

Greenville .C legiate
one EY

in. c. 8. D.
iwi. c. SD. Bagieyt

SEP will
R 2,1895. +P]
Ancient and
_ Basie fe eg

Phe es

| ipa, Greer vile W Cc.

odesired, Callathonian

be Pog Pas

MRS. DELLA GAY, Proprietress

ia ee

~Convenient to depot ~and to. the: to.
baceo warehouses. .
Best and h hest. Toration: men
Be andi Splendid mineral water,
ooms large and cemfortable. " ee
stp plied with the best. ~he meekiey,
Terns reasonable.

T ae

209 UJ


On Fifth ~trees near Five.


ing their yearTs supplies
theirinterest ballet ernest
chasing else where. Ourergen 6 -qinem
n allits branches.� we: 225,

RICK, TKA, &c.

always ut Lowgst Ms RK ET PRICES


we Dug direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling youto buy at one protit. A com


1k) ¥ (YIM Gowoan

Passengers ocarried to any}
int at reasonable rates . Goot
orses. Comfortable Vehicles

Yel hee od With: wwT

Beg eM ~suad[D Aana yy: egy

Jaro SOIg 1100 ~RtEtpeNtog *eTO]qIV

© igyeyaoHTOANGD oeeOUTEKA 940 \ZwOR)


is¢ them. Tent on the vacant lot opporite Hotel

: ~i BA
f Vebt

plete stock o ~ ss) via tan

FURNITURE (22 i bday Ot BOR EE
always Ouband aad sold at prices to Bult CU
she times. Qur goods areall bous 4a se RATEs, : - SERVICE.
sold for ASH therefore, havi a = Through Pullman Buffet Sleeping Caz
to run,we sel) at a close aaare =

o and day coaches from

3. M. SHU ee +90 .
. " " ~TAs D. C. and

a ca | , ch ATES Ou
G. W. SHEDMAN, Ass't Manager. ate "

Performance every Afterndon at 3 oTcloek gnd:at Night: at 7:30. ~aledeninadon Fredericksburg. Richmond, Petersbur

" [Dom and 20 ae A few seats reserved....A LadiesT, and, ChildrenTs Show. tens po foun oa bay S )
nTt miss 1

fevers SSSR A ae PRE Ee Leaed Weldiod, 0H iA/} Bi seeds
Arrive Atlanta 4:09 P. M., 5: 720. A. &

The most inierestivg troupe of mai aa Monkeys ~ in the

" world.
eeg osINO}] omy ae Hig Ajoue, opas

The next session of this Scheol will | Reena , ie 5 or tae e-day. Wilmi 12:5
; on ee Proféssional ~Cards. | {Cheap ne ae nan, 3:3)-B- M,) -Artive Ei re
enema 7 TBM, Sd0-a Ms dene.
MONDAY. SEPT. ) 1890, qH08. J.JARYIS.,..... ALEX, 1. BLOF Ask for tiekets via oTHE SEA

and Gentinue for ten ~months. J | Cotton States si hat asia Pullman Sleemng Car reservation

The course embraces all the branches - ATTORNEY S.A TELAW. willbe. made. and furthe1 tnformatio

ag eggs nn rhe miliien aka board oGREENVILLE, N.C. is Macchia AELANTA, GA. turaed MRO eppiicath a ~ir
reasonable. | fecal ta ai iad) tor oF Practice ii: «lithe Courts -- dine: iath, re Dec, Bist; 1895, 1 ere dersigne a. ?
basiuesd, 3 faldog ta | jaraddemic jt. BLOUNT. abe FLEMING | ip H. W.B. GLOVER, T-J. ANDERSON
ursve & ~ateet course, t ~achool : 1 STT JOF os
peur thorough oreparation to i c. ophe Atlantic Coast Line tet t Seid wreak a
enter, wivls, ert py, ye aatee Res Na ract ia all th ~Courts. General Onides, Portemooth, Va.T
Cardtindr or MIveraLy er ies : . | o"oThrou h Poliman Palace Buffet
refers torthose whoohave ascend y: co Sleeping Cars beseween'Now York aad| i Tun iimiiiie a
its walls for the truthfulness 9f. _ this Ly ie. LATHAM UHABBY SKINNER | & ia Bich ada it TT ee od. The
statement. ATHA: & BEINN ER, Atlanta Ga. Via B3IONC, etecsburg, a 2G G82 3 tage
Pe HAM & -BRANME Weldon, Jtocky Mount, Wiison, Fayette-| "_ . so esac
shouorate aint ae ac Age bss piimid vig ville; Florence, Oraagebury; AikenT and! - ~
en Feb be gee Lickiurhe: op a a gs sa. Por Rages, Roker gets: SAE AMES A. oSMITH,
22 302 Eo TILLE. Ns OC: accomm ns call on or é :

ments sores? 4; dy ah Oa TS te rare recenad gear oo tog at a agent " apaet: ~eae ar TONSORIAL ARTIST. Z
present, stan Bb, A) John KE, we Wooda C-Hardings the undersigued.... ve

oNeither, isisT torT attentionT nor|-fe WV Uae Me © Grocnuille, N ¢ J.3V.MORRIS, . C; SCAMEDELL

will be spared to make this schoo)| (A. OODARD SE HARDING, : 9-25) Div, Pass. Agt . Div. Pass
aifthat parents conld wish, © DS oe ASAT he Ad Charleston,s. o Richinen oVa.
aie piste particulars seeT or. ad-| ig sf Greenville, N.. T. M. EMERSON, Hi ; M. EMERSON,

RA TI Secdial Astaution: given it Doli: Ori Mgt.T Asst. GenTl. Pass. Agt.
July 30,;1895.. Mis a miceoai |. and settlement of claims. _, Wilmington, N, C.... és
bes ; *: : oe Ps j 7 * é tee


Lecal Trarss and Boat Schedule.

T aeiemmmeinemnelll

a0 i a Geum

north, 8323 A. M.

rrives 6:37 P. M.

North Bound arrives 9-50 A
M. leaves 10:10 A.

South Bound arrives 2:00 P.

M.. leaves 2:16 P.

Llinvite you to inspect my besatiful



Gents Furnishing Goods

I will be mighty giad to walt on
you and show to you my stock.
You will be surprised to bear
my Low Prices that I reduced
since [ bought my Lew Tariff
goods. 1 will give the bencfit to
you just to build me up a trade

in Greenville, N.C.
Be sure to come to see me for these

The Baltimore Clothing Store




| Miss Susie Johnston, daughter of Mr.

as to the articles on the tobacco
market that are appearisg in the
RerLEzcror, we will state that the
articles on the general growth
and development of the market
are written by Mr. O. L. Joyner,

|ance tomorrow (Satarday) A. M.,

A. B. Cherry of Bethel speut Thars.
day night here,

Adrian Savage returned from Rich-
mond Thursday evening

Frank Johnston. near town. is crisheally

iil and was not expected to live through
the dzy.

A. BR. Dupree left this afternoon, in

As some inguiry has been made

while those on the different ware-
houses and warehousemen are
written by the edrtor.

He Get The Piz.

A man who believed in the
saying. oSee « piu pick it ap,
all day long you'll haye good
luck,� saw «a pin in front of the
postoffice the otherday. Bending
down to get it his hat tambied
off and rolled into the gutter; hiw
eye giasses fell and broke on the
pavemant his suspenders gave
way behind; he burst the batton
bole on the back of his shirt collar,
and he all but lost his new false
teeth. He got the pin."Weldocn

For the Children.
Shedman Bros. train doga and
monkeys give a special perform -

at 10 o'clock for school children.
All school children holdiug school
eards will be admitted fur 5 cents
at this performace by presenting
school card at box office. Tivuse
children who bave not been
served with the school cards can
bave them by applying to Prof.
Shedman before 9 A.M, tomor-
row. Regular Matinee at 3 P. M.
The last appearance at 8 P. M.
admission 10 aad 20 ceats, a few
seats reserved.

- ~Will be in Greenville Wednes-
day and Ayden Friday of each

Subscribe to the Darty Rerizc
TOR 25 cents a month.

response toa telegram, to take the run | again today.

as postal clerk between Tarboro and

Washington. The celebrated clown, John
7, says the oSouthern

Leader� is the best cigar he syer
smoked. For sale at D. S. SmithTs.

ten hours in length.

Another large lot of Viamond| |
Ink, best writing fluid made, and

Cream Mucilage, at Reflecto
Book Store. .

ta Exposition now.

Boys, Youths and Meus Ciotb-
than New York cost at Lane's

organ cheap, can learn of a bargain by
calling at the REFLECTOR Office.

to D. 8S. Smith for a smoke is be"
eause he keeps a fall line of the

ing aseries of articles on the

For Rewr."A dwelling house
in Forbestown. A. Forses.
It bas been fair and watmer today.

A long spectacle case has been
found and left at Rergecroer of-
fice. -

There is not much cotton left in the

Seed Oats 40 cents, .Timothy
Hay $1.10 at A. ForbesT.

Splendid breaks at the warehouses

The days have got mighty close to

People are just flocking to the Atlan"

From this day on oar Children,
ing will be sold 15 per ct. leas

Any one wanting a splendid parior

The reason so many people go

very beat brands of cigars and
they are sure to get suited.

Oar neighbor, the Greenville
BR. 18 doing especially

ée work for itetown. It is giv-

Greenville tobacco market. The
articles are well illustrated, and

the work shuws commendable en.
terprise in Editor Whichard."
Scotland Weck Democrat.

News."The best Flour
Proctor Kuott suld by SBS.
Schultz. Try a 24 lb bag.
The citizens of Robersunville,
Martin county,
the Railroad Commission for the
establishment ofa freight and
passenger station at that point.
The petition has been granted,
andthe station will soon be built.

Mr. Schultz, what new
bare. yout, 9 a Shige oe

ee Bocketeesl 2


have petitioned |

J. J

When your ¢t

cot vines
e many, many things
that vou will have to buy

this winter for the comfort
of yourself and family turn
"_ a powers he

JB Cherry & C0

aioplayed the largest
beet sanested ter ak tee

fellowing goods:


of many and varied kinds.

Goods and
TrTmmiT gs


fos k Boys,
and Childrens Fine and Heavg
Shoes and Boots in endless
styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs
Foot Mats, Mattinys, Flooring
and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur-
tains, Curtuin Poles and Fixtures,
Valises, Hand Bags, and a stock
of FURNI TURE that will sur-
prise aad delight you both as

to quality and price, Baby Car-
riages, aw Groceries, Flour,
Meat, Sugar, Molasses,
Salt, Bagging 4 Tics, Peanut
and Twine. We buy


ReynoldTs SHOES for

en and Boys canTt be

Padan Bros. SHOES for

2 pe and Misses are


HarrissT Wire Buekle rs are

her Bag The cei near, 8nd be con-
celebrated R. & G. Cor-

. Our
sgeahine a " te natal gtd

weet oy ome: a:

Oat | snd
ni nb tee :

C IBC money mone

Daily Reflector, November 15, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - November 15, 1895
November 15, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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