Daily Reflector, November 11, 1895

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oy " pei oa Seas a
As A a: EE A A NE SEEMS IM I i i
: : 5






Dry Goods

: MunfordT 8,


the History of To-
the Eastern


Some Interesting Facts About Green-
ville Now and Greenvilie Five

Years Ago.

1890 had been a good crop year
and nearly every farmer that had
planted any tobacco in that year
increased his crop ia T91, besides
numbers who had never planted
ary begun cultivating it. The ~91
crop was not a good one. The

the culture of tobacco had spread
\from the little community just
Ieee Greenville almost all over
Eastern Carolina. Farmers had
gone tothe expense of making

did not discoursege them, while
some reduced their acreage
a great many who had never
planted any before planted a few
acres. It was in this year, 1891,
in June that a meeting of the cit".
izens who were interested in to-
bacco was called. At this meeting
The Greenyille Tobaceo Ware
house Co., was formed and steps
were immediately taken to have a
tobacco warehouse built. In the
meantime Tarboro was pushing
ahead with two tobacco ware-
houses, Rocky Mount had al-
ready had new life infused into
its sordid veins and that market
too was. making a great. clamor

ing rapid strides progressiveward.


A Series of Articles on)


of the reader to the condition,of
the Greenvill market. In June
or : 1891 the present site of the Green-
heavyrainsin July caused itto| 9). qpobacco market is shown

fire on the hill, but at this time in the cut of the old field, nothing

preparations and one poor crop} opened for the:sale of tobaccoT

for prestige. Wilson too was mak- merchants came on and bought

| Several. new house: were built
there this year and tobacco men
_\were coming in from every quar-


=a DEALER IN 3 -



but a neglected old pine and
broom sedge field, that for yearss,
had almost been considered
worthless. On Sept. the 23rd, 1891
the Greenville. warehouse was

Just a week prior to opening day
the writer was sent by Mr.G. F.
Evans, who had charge of the
house, to visit some of the older
markets and try get buyers:
Nearly everyone that we ap
proached said that he had an idea
of placing a man onthe eastern
markets but they knew nothing
of Greenville. Rocky Mount,
Tarboro and Wilson seemed to
be the only markets that were
known and very much woried but
not discouraged we came back
and depended on luck to getsome
one to buy the tobacco. Nearly
everybody knows what a time we
~had the first year. Some of our


for 3 while. A few young men

from ~Oxford and Henderson came



ter to locate in sil
Rocky Mount or Tack

pipes £5 YT 76a

bere we want to call the atte: 2 ntion

down: to buy and it. was soon re-|

ea ees oaad
se : a3 253
§ 4 ot *
oe meres a ee ee
2 Oe Re ge ee



GRE ELE, B,C. o.


ee ee ee ee Per

Bae Seagate La ee a aa

a Cee ee ee ee ee a ee ee ee ee es ete ee Ce eae


D. J. WHICHARD. Bciteor.

Subscription 26 ceots per F\onth.

Entered as second-class mail matter.

was established, being eonnedt
ed with the Greenville warehouse
before he become one of its pro-

Owe -_


prietors. He is aman in whom
the people have confidence, for

when Leon tells them he will do a :

thing it is dupé justes le gays,
In conducting ~the bouse this

- This well known and populsr!season~he is ably assisted by A. H-

~ oe » the bouse through

Warebouse was the first to be!
built in Greenville for the sale of |
leaf tobacco. and the day that
marked its advent was the be}
ginning of a wew era in the pros

perity of the town and commu-|

nity. InJcee, 1891. s meeting
wae hela bere, a stock compsuy
orgenized avd this house mas
the resolt, its completion being
in time to begin the fall business
of that year.

The first season the house was
conducted by G. F. Evans, who
took it through the experimental
stage and showed that a market
could be establisbed here. The!
year te formed a copartoer
with Ole Forbes aad they.
two sea-

sons following. The fourth year


Criteber, his brother in-law. and
R. S.Evans, bis younger brother.

acd RS Evaps The mans@er
of the bouse is


who though sa young man man is
ope of the pregeers in the tobac-

be formed as copartnership with)
R. W. Hayes and L F. Evans)
This season, tLe fifth since the)
house was built, it is conducted |
by Evans & Co.. the proprietors)
being L. FP. Bvaps, A..H, Critcher!


if & Dative of Person county and
~bas been around tobacco a!! bis

EVANS & ©O.,

life. He knows every detail




it from the plant bed to the |

co industry in Pits county, aod in| factory and 1s as good a judge ito
s thorotgh, substantial business |°f weed as there is on the market. | ened beens

R- 6. EVANS.-
is one of ont own boys Everv-"
body knows Dick and though be
is the youngest in the flock he i+
a hostier from the word go-
Taken altogether these young
men compose a strong business
team and they richly merit the
splendid success with which they

are meeting.
FSS ae
Tosy Say.
That the oyster
the soup.
That an inbarmonious organ is
the nasal one.
That the earth covers the physi-
cian's mistakes.

is getling in

The Greenville Warehouse.


That to xeep your hair long

you must keep it short.

& courageous man
TheatT bone

is a laxu.y.

That Fortame gives her hand
bachelarism ehruald be




Tops."Green.... ........ 1 to 23
sn Bright.... ........ 4to8

o Red........ .-3to4
Lues"Common.. .. 4406

~~ Good......... . Tto 15

o Fine.... ......... 12 to18
OvuTTEers "-Common... .... 6 to li

� Good 2... 2... 124 to 20
o Five.... ...... 6. to 374
Cotton ani Peanut,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros- & Commission Mer
charts of Noifok :

Good Miidling 8 11-16
Middling 84
Low Middliig 7 15-16
Goed Ordinary 74
Toue" Quiet.
Prime 24
Extra Prime 3
oancy 3}
Spanish $1 bu
Greenville Market.
Corrected by S. M. Sc bultz.
Batter, per lo 16 fo 24
Wester S des 6to7
Sogar cured Hams 12 to 184
Corn 4) to Gu
Corn Meal 50 to 65
Fionr, Family 4.00 to 4°50
jad 54 to lu
Oate 4V to 50
| Sugar 4 to6
' offee "6 to 25
Salt per Sack 85 te 1 75
Chickens 124 to 20
Egys per ~log 124 to 15
Beeswax. per 20
J. L Starkey & Co.




| This Laun:Iry.doesthe finest work in
| .te ponuth, and prieeg are low. We
jwiake shipments every Faesday. Bring
| your work to our store on Monday and
it «ill be forwarde:n promptly. Prices
furui-sheu on aj plication:

| Greenville Collegiate


| BEEN VILLE, N.C. 8S. 1"P. Bagley,
A. M. Principal... With full corps of
Teachers. Next. searion will begin
the Engli«eh Branches, Ancient and
Modern Languages. Music will oe
taught on the conservatory plan,
by « grédiiate in omusic... [f#trection
thorough. Dis he fire, tare kind.
Terma ° rable. Artand Elocution
will be taught, if desired, Calisthenics
ree. For particulars address the Prin-
cipal, Gree: ville B.C.


1 fitted and Onl x: |
p. ni, Returming, Inaves Kinston 7.20 otoys, We "" 1, W.B.GLOVER, T- J. ANDERSON,

bacco warehouses.
Best ~and ~~Jocation sreund
reenville. Splendid mineral water. " preg tins: Sanger
Rooms | and comfortable. Table "" eps REN Io
Leave Weldon | 11 55) 927 get pre ed YT raierdies SS LAUT Mane aa: ea
At. Roeyk Mt | 12 $710 Qu oTerms recente. Oe tee] ; RrourT. & FLEMING Law,
% Bias " GEEENVILLE, N- 0-
Lv ~Tarboro 12 20) | J. F. KING, S@7- Practice in all the Courts. a
Ly Rocky Mt | 1 05/10 2v 6 U6} . D.C. LATHAM. . HARRY SKINNE
Ly Wilsen 2 03)11 03 ATHAM & SKINNER, e
Ly Faye vill ~F seh 53 {Lb
vy FayTtte e eine eticgur, ~nie cae ies ,
ArFlorence | 7 20| 3 00 ; apnea aget
" at 2 5 _ STABLES. $ : i bifid = * ~~ ete a ss ~ ee
33 , 1: , John E. Woodard, Fy aoe |
_pBs § AM. os Vi On Fifth* : gtkest near Five Wilsod, 3, U. Gremariie
P. M. A.M se Poms. . Af CODAND 'S HARDING, :
Ly Wilton | 4 08 ¢ 20| PORK SIDES &SHOMLDERS v Orensione os
| Lv Magnolia 416 8 13 Ee pears MEKUHANTSBUY| Passengers - ~carried to any Special attention given. to- collect Cv
Ar Wilmington) 5 4° 945 Mag nd yesa npuppites will Aad int at reasonable rates and settlement of, olan
| ites A.M | Nesing elsewhere. Oat peels complete | Horses. .Comfortabie Vehioles.| "
| TRAINS GOING NOTERH. | n allits branches. . ae Ch Ex
, Dated Te S| fs FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAK {Cotton State & laternational Expo _" clon te
=. a S ° bs ~ TEA, &c. . oileeal tone
wane Hi | % AA | always utLowasT Mansur rasoms: em Arpaia gave i TO. ota
: A. M.|P.M. _ TOBACEO SNUFF & CIGAR , as cot Tl Sema i ie
i Lv Flore 8 15) 7 35 ie , _
Lv etteville 10 55! 9 35 Bie Ber iS bay e it rers, ena: SEABOARD AIR LINE. 5 i eal
i Ly 12 82 an Std at profit. oA ~com fe. tah ee
7 AY Wilsn 1 20}11 28 Vestibuled Limited... Trains... ATLANTA, GA,
oooh ) FURNITURE. oee ore, :
Se | , Est © | DOUBLE Sept. 15th, to Dec. 818%,» tsi5,
: $3 alwiy ca Oar Gonas areal vous na nade SION . - DAILY»
| ? _ | he times: Our, avin RATES. - BERVICE. VIA
: Ly Wilmington 9 25) o4s S00} 23 patie: " SUMUL Fanoreeatille NG ~end any coaches from ~ |The Atlantic: Coast L Lin
poe me lise ht Washin ton, D.C.and - °°
~ Ly 12 06 o9°40 4 on, - ¥-
J ar.) ilgon | A 10 27 GRE tEENVILLE _ Portsmouth, Virginia.
�"� . - i - L via. ks os er ie «ag 5 WY ids to Pe
"Tes| em oe
2A Ss Weldon, Raleigh. Southern Pines,N-
a pit Chester,S. ~C2, Elberton, Athens, Ga...
Lv Wilson Fh 87 Ti s7| 10 82 : ine Tneve 0 oehen eee are ae
sv A : z ie : a : * ©
Ar Rocky Mt 333 12.07} 11 15] The next we yeeros School will are saa oo Piet 12:20|9: ~ea ee age. c. 8. CAMEDELL,
: , nodh, 330 P.M." Arrive; feted: £008 Naarl ee Div.
ree |) dew, (MONDAY, SEPT 2, 1805, Sac erm cme" tron ace
L Mt 2 33 12 07 _Ask for -tickets via oTHE- SBA- *. ' ao
Ar Weldon 12 55 crates oe ten cotan [BOARD alR LINE. _. Pris Mgr. | oAsst. GenTl. Pasa, A
frain on Scotia ud Meck Reksen Zoad| The coarse embraces al all the branches be yg gy Seren information vasa anicitahesmstet
paves Weldon 3.40 Halifax 4.00 myn taught in.an yea Bhan mis: BE oapplication to. an S62 Cae CSIRO sacs
p. un), arrives and a Neck at 4.55 p| Terms, oe at for. tuition tuition and beard | 4 sent « : AitT Line, ~or to|% Sem ae ht EY
@., Greenville 6.87 p.m.» Kinston 7. the undersigned. NB NE ATE MI

8.22 a.m. Arriving |business, by taking -B.G AT
Tiallfay at 11°00 a, ae a. sae Arriving [Soume aloo. Where they wish, tal?T Trail Manager. Gen Paes AGS |...) .. rh pi
laily except Sundav. pursde a higher course, this edtsook s cox 32, SPR. JORM,: | Migs 2 ioe ror 4 otns
guirantees thorongh preparation to) Vice-Preshient. «. « 5 "SEND YOU

on Washnigton branch leave

ington 7.00 a, mics arrives Parmele

8.40 p: m.. Tarboro 9 returning
Yenves TarverT eee bi m, rmete 6.10

x arrives Sresbington 2. .35 ae niacement the truthfulness of this) ; Barbers.
Biel, eae et clk ae || oAny young man with character and) =
: iesaerens ability taking a course with AMES A. SMITH, |
& ©, via Albe-\ge will be aided in malay arene Ee
Sup- mange to-cantinne in ive irs BN ae aieruer.

LLE, o.
Se am aad

peter wich credit, any College in North General Offices, Portemosth, Va.

anther os W fie ns ma RATbabeait Tog mlm se 8 Fis. WETS a PY. « Re Sa WP wt Mew eee aa Pe ol lieT
iis TR ayo z ect nates its hae mate Te pale aba ea = Seek cuits reie cel beatae adie middie Apa anieial ea cad =

Sie sk peste Seda

ae 5

we i

"Pte eclebrated clown, Jobn

Lowlow, says the

_ a


Will be in Greenville Wedn odpes |
dsy sod Ayden Friday of

T Notice
est Taare Selbed ts es

the Board of Councilmen for the Town

of Greenville at the Mayors office on
Monday Nov. 26th inst.. at 10 o'clock, |

A.M. whenthey will bear all com-

plalay, ~cormect exroxt aod receive delin-
quent� Alt who falitc- wit be.
a double tax. By order of the

This Nov. &h, 1835.



Linvite you to inspect = beaotiful



bat LilbL jaro Shue
and show to youmy stock. .
You will be surprised tobear _

ees Saree :

goods. 1 will give the bene fil to
up « trade

; oSouthern
: Leader� is the best cigar he ever
1 smoked. For sale at D- 8. Smith's

H.. w. Whichard «= spending this
week out nome acting as relief agent
at Whichard station while his brother
takes in the Atianta Exposition.

Mrs. 8. Ci Wellgand two ehiidren, of
Wilson. aud Mrs. Pattie Winstead, of

) 7 , artived Sat | might! -
wa wise meteymreata gt the King Howse.
A Kansas man has dissovered that
brandy can ~wet elm saw-

dust, acd a discouraged Prohibitiouis*
asks what chance the good cause will
have whena man can .go forth with a
rip saw and get drunk on a fence rail.

Shedman BrosT trained animal show
will be in Greenville Wednesday and
give two performances here that day
andremalh through the week. This
show has just had a successful week at

W. B. Grdiesand wife, of Raleigh.
are at Hotei Macon. Mr. Grimrs
comes down here to be in closer touch
with his faring interests in this county.
We hope he can be induced to make his
~bome ~inGreesyille.

The secoud Serday in November, fit.
teen years ago, it snowed. The Free
wu Baptitt Conference wae ig -amscion
\at Pioey Grove, aad wany people re-
}member going heme through: falling
~snow. ,

-A&A Salsbary man asked ~oCootTT


'Whichard, of the Herald. for advice as|

~te what to do in time of an earthquake.
pone Oe ee had been given for
~eyeloues and storas, anu he Wwagted to
know what shal! be doné te prevent be"
|ing cought tn an earthqaake. *oVoot"T
jsaya he offered ng suggestion, but he
jought to have told the eaquirer to go
up in a balloon.

Capt. A.J. Griffin, of Hope Fi.e Com-
~pany, says the fre engine isa aseless |
\ornmament to the town unless there was
water to go along with it [n this the

» \Captain epeaks wisely. About the time
the engine was purchased there was
talk of building ci*ternus sad diggivg

wells at oomvenient places over the

| in words only.

a oa eon
~That wheset
face begins to�
That the man
advice will consa

rs = oe his


jas LOU
Third , Present
Ss. C. Hamilton returved saaraas
| Leslie Rawls bas taken a position
with the Rariecror.

\town, bat the uslk seem fo haye ended

Gok Arik b|
larop, watle otbert won't irons

Hay $1.10 at + A. Burbes o
oThis section hac a bard rain uuda\
night aod-mud ss pieadiul.

PLIES: 2 o9

~Tue big hog is. mow getting kis name--
or rather, his weight"in the papers.

News: Tie best Fiour it

Schultz ~Try « 24 ib bag:
An oppor tanity to belp the pour is a
chance Christ has -Ziveu ud. & dv some
thing for hia. .

2 ae; ri ae ef ery
| anh Neue a herd winter"évery
paper you pick up coutuins from oue to
six marriges."UVurhaw Sun,

Task bh tho o¢ + Prd beprbo

mauy. peeple town Sunda
| Mast of them cane dak sa the ralu.

ity of tue depot. One wus cut and

Lu 8 pi go)
as fits) bis
all the
best brands of cigars and
they are sure fo get suited.

oItt requires no great. wisdom to _

Geretend why this sepia tas

areT bette 1 F

Deputy Sheriff L. vio Rumiey, of Beau-
fort vounty, came up today tv uring
Efiad SuttunT who bed beew ar eted in).
that county on.y capias seut down trom

PMS ~Behultz, wha: new goods
have you? Carrs. New Yurk aad
NN tose e Ont
prepared P- Ri.

Fiakes, Died ~Apples, Canforniu

Prones uud deisins cleaned Cur-

rénts, etc; mS ithe aa
Rev: D: McLeod, of | Warrington,
preachad two splendid serimons ItT the

na rh rt z


Proctor Kaott suld by 5. M|

There was: ~another ; row Saturday |
night emong Some negroesTin the vicin-| |

oe Deb AEF ED .

ohen y .
to tho wate ss Meee -
that vou wr have to buy�
~this winter for tiie comfort

. }of yourself and fan.iic turn

your ofootsteps ioward yuo

store of a oa : ~ =


Aiepins ra bbe ieseey get d
the lar an
best vmotted line. of_the

fellowing goods:


of may ard varied kinds.

Goods ahd
ing Goods.
. Hand
Hats and
Caps the
neatest ~&
dies, Boys, 7
jand Childrens Fine and Heavg -
Shoes and Beots in endless.
styles and kinds, Ca s, Rugs
Foot Mats, Mattinys, Flooring
and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur-
tains, Curtuin Poles and Fixtures,
Valises, Hand Bags, and a stock
of FURNITURE that will sur-
prise aud delight you both as
PY |to quality and pric:, Baby Car~
riages, Heavy Groceries, Flour,

Ment, Lard, Sugar, Molasses,
Salt, Bagging Ties, :
Sacks and Twine.» We buy


and pay the Pigs va market prices

ReynoldTs ~SHOBS. for.
Empey oe and ~Boys canTt be 3

Padan Bros. SHOES for

owere out) 0. bear)"

Daily Reflector, November 11, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - November 11, 1895
November 11, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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