Daily Reflector, October 28, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

" 3 z
? james ea ees ha a 2


Le 2 &

5 oOCTOBER 28, 1896..

= Skee we E

fa aE Oe

2g man, and sometimes @ man may be
o| bruised and mutilated almost be-

aE " yond readgriti

~--§} notice of the police of some ee

ine ,.
[or0H Ssello

| Clothing |



GWUMaS + $435 Si} ei


* Je

oO ge as happened.
Ee y One day last week a man was

. rt tracks a rapidl
ran Bi ran Bit vin apy at WS.

|| pavement, He roliod: ins Fr thoint
~2! that hisyht ont 19e als
and redtwhedls bf 8 Ube an

oe eye asa eine aa

Fi ei Fo

Sy. 4

; preachen hin half) a Boudry hassitehnh
druuwing him U! .

~| or whatever it may be,called recent-



Cases Where Death Tias feer Averted y
~the Merest Chance. re

Sometimes a mcre tap will kill a

Instan6és ~ Drodubichpommbelto the

ing his clot} hes and wondering whaT

crossing Clark street near the bridge. |
As he reached the midc le of ~the car |
driv en horse almost


malt so was thrown heavily to the

wagon, drawn re a oheavy span ot
horses and) leaded with: producé: |

Half a hundred men shouted 8
warning, And. a woman onthe side
walk shrieked. with horror. But be-
fore the fallen man could tury the
heavy bind wheel of the wagon
passed directly over his. neck anc
the lower part of his face. :

By this time the driver .had dis
covered that something was wrong,
and he reined his horses to their

aunches.: The wheels crushed back-
aa over the man's: neek for a sec-
ond time, but before the front wheel

Just as they all hed a t
minds ~thet the ~nian Was dead ~he
jumped up and-ran-to the sidewalk

ing when'he Fell.~ Poliséman' Wath:
ier, who stands at the crossing, ask-
ed if he should callT an ambulance.
~Oh, ng,TT said the, man quickly,
~rity! 68 cis ohobs #huch-injtired, ang |.
ITll go Home on the street cars.
Another ease of *~Tuck� or ~~fate�T

ly came to the notice of the officers
at the Chicago Avenué police station.

One afterucor 4 tali,,b avily built
negro 'wamé hurrying ~ip the~street
with his hand closely clasped over
his chin. He ran into the station
shivering with fright. |
AhTm shot dead,T he said ~to the

Then he took away his hand ana
Rhered, an ugly. gash across his

oOh, you're not- doa,� aid the
pgergeant... | :
~*¥es,;: ah iin "abT ni ves shot

in the direction in which oP Wps £044 »

hin 4


Than any ever. produced.

onTt agree with me.

ty The King

Tm, talking about.
the ~stock ; ~itTs complete now,.-and: see: rif you!
~One. of. two. things» I vale
ways mean 'to do: To sell you better goods than.
you get elsewhere for: the same price ;, to, ~sell,
you the same goods lowerT thanT you get them,


My Clothes, Hats anid :
Look, over

Ps fr a4

Clothier. |

r Yo

i) 83 caliber. pales. WRA, oJodged , bes.
neath the skin just under, the edge
of the negroTs cuin. oo

It was asily Slitiel out.T

Upon: tm vestization it-was found |
that the bullet had been fired ~from.
arevolver in the, hands .f.a@ man
who had: not stood more than, ten
feet away from the negro, and that
the man, cértdifT he iad committed
murder; had escaped. ' ¥
f, But the al batik she: point of
[the chin,.and the bone was so bard}
that it could, not pierce, its, way
through, aljbough, it was flattened *
by the imp: tut. "Chicago i1tecure ©



i 4i*T



dent. )

W ASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 26th.
President Cleveland ~found on}
his return from ~AtlantaT thatT al"
though the béason for the props:
gation of Cabinet ~resignations
was'a littlé late in opening it had
been wotkitig ~overtime to ocatch
up. He~learned for the fitst tinte |

twéen hitiself and Secretary Olny
6f such a serious vature ~that the

the cabinet, anedtiat it was on ac"
count, of that. disagreementT tha}
Mr.. Olmey.. did.. not, accompany
him, to Atlantas. This mght have

rogghe(ls 8 fb YOenaA¥
'? A hasty éxamitiation showed thas

'.|bavé béen much ,more LARS
. .-thanT his ~democracy * since !

that could oequal ~theT Soathern ©

thatT a ~disagreement existed be-}

Jatter was ~poitig to ~retire ~from |�

cise: ns was ~goingT +0, ~Attenta 'a
little tater on: °° ]

It~ is, ~of corrse, T eedwi othat
President ~Cleveland is and willT
-be & very basy manT untilafter his a
message tO: CongressT fsT complet= =
ed, bit there:isonething'that all
the democrats -hereabouts:: would!

like him to take-time -enomgh ol

do., That is, to dismiss the. megro, =
Taylor, who.is Recorderjef Deeds; ..
for the District -Of., Columbia. ;
Tay Jor, claims to haye heme At

~|;democrat before be same to.

Washington, but his. spepallan:

cured ~one of the batT ~Ioéal p
tionsT in Washington. mo

kes Fi Sd

Mr. Whidtiard ays that he found
no'cigat at the Atlanta Expositoia

oe jroo a ow

aT cthclest, SOA Fs 8. SuiithTs:T

Ee Sees = dodubs y4i

10' slateT pencilsT te 1°éent ate
Tedeter: Book Hires 1 Shans

' '@RIFTON, Pah ee

a CS


, | been very disagreeavle to him if}

he.had,not, known meee | it was # bee

a 1 ~ 2
z if; f wee: iia sgi2 7 fae hSy ~3

33 is

Will bei in Gree Wedues: |
ages Ayden 1] ; ay. fe each

$i pelts BE: eect be bie: IES

= s =
3 gtiuot Bio:

[2 oe Pie 2


Fim pase ©



Subscription 25 cents per Month.
oEntered as second-class mail matter.


The case wherein the Fusion
Directors are suing for the pos~
session of the Penitentiary is
now being tried in Raleigh.
One day hes.already. been con-
sumed by arguments -on the
legal points involved and there
will doubtless be lots of cross
firing before the ease is conclud-.
ed. Plaintiffs were allowed
amend their complaimt by pay-
ing up all cost todate. Judge
Coble is the judge presiding,
and very able counsel represent
both sides.


Col.J.8. Carr, who for the)
past two years has been the effi-
cient President of the Board of
Agriculture and in consequence
of the State Fair, declined a re-
election. His business engage-"
ments were such that he could
not afford to make the sacrifice
of time which it required to

perform the duties of the office.}

Col, Carr has certainly done
muca during his term of office
for the State Fairs. Had it
not been for his personal efforts
and contributions during the
past two years we would not
have had any fairs. Everybody
will regret that he could not
longer serve as the president.
The Board elected as his suc-}
cessor Col. Cameron, of Dur}
ham. He will donbless make
as worthy and successful suc-
Cessor of Col, Carr as could.
haye been gotten. He is a
large farmer, an active and.en-
ergetic man, and hesides he is|
from Darham. This means
much toward the success of the
- fair. This town always stands
_ by its. citizensiin their efferts

A Kes man. wants a
- divorce from his wife because he

_ supposed when he was marrying |that

her that she was about fifteen)

naar :

A graphic snoident 4in the life
of a spoiled child is well told by
& writer in an exchange:

Among the pusseagers on the
St. Louis train recentiy was a wo-
man accompanied by a nurse girl
aud a boy about three years old.

The boy aroused the indigna"
tion of tLe passengers by his con-
tinued shrieks and kicks, and

sereame, and yiciousness toward|

the patient nurse.

Whenever the nurse manifest-
ed any sharpness the mother
chided her sharply-

Finally the mother composed
herself fora nap, and about the

tOltime the boy bad slapped the

nurse for the fiftieth time a wasp
came sailing and flew on the win-
dow of the nurseTs seat- The
bey. at once tried ta catch it.

The nurse caught his hand and
asid coaxingly, oHarry musaTt
touch. Bag will bite Harry.�

Harry screamed savagely and
began to kick ana pound the
purse. .

~The mother, without opening
her.eyes or lifting her head, cried
oat sharply:

oWhy will*tyou tease that child
so Mary? Let him have what he
wante at once.�

oBat maTam itTs a"�

oLet him haye it, I say.� "

Thas encourged, Harry clutch-
edatthe wasp and caught it-
The yellthat followed brought
tears of joy to the passengers.

The mother awoke again.

oMary,� she cried, olet him have

Mary turnedin her seat and
said demurely, oHe's got it,

The Free Will Baptist church at
Jackson, Mich., has inaagarated.a
| new. development ofour modera
Chriatianity. They have, got tired
of paying.a_ preacher for doing,
}what they can do just sa well,or
better, themselves. so a dozen of
the feremost men in the congre"

}zation have agreed to take: the.

pulpit a. week about. ia rotation
aad dispense with the parson,

-For correct letter and note
heads you should see the splen-

did lot of paper just received at
REFLECi0B office-



[invite you to inspect my beaatifu



I will be mighty giad to wait on
you and show to you my stock.
You will be surprised to hear
my Low Prices that I reduced
since I bought my Low Tariff
goods. 1 will give the bencfit to
you just to build me up a trade
in Greenville, N.C.

Be sure to come to see me for these
Goods most be sold at

The Baltimore Clothing. Store,


Cheap Excursion Rates

Clin Stats and Saterastion] Expt

Sept. 15th, to Dec. 3ist., 1895.

The Atlantic Coast Line

Pullman Palace Buffet.
Sleeping Cars between New York and
Atlanta Ga. via Richmond, P A
Weldon, Hoeky Mount, Wiison,
AugusTs. Rates, Schedule
ing Car Eien ey ow call on or
dress any +r Atlantic Coast Line, or

The Monroe Enquirer tells of '~a\the unde
Union county mae who concluded |J- W.MORRIS, C. pad eg sy em

he would ~cut off'the - tails of!

yearsold and has since discov-
ered that she is forty.

ge tte Bat Bicheecad Va:

Charleston, 5.C.
two fattening pigs; aé he- had), v. EMERSON, H. M. EMERSON; -
heard thatit took as~muck corr'to}: Trt. Asst. GenTl. Pass.

fatten a joint of the tail as it didT

Gents Furnishing Goods

ville, hcg eo Orangeburg. Aiken and}:




ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befcre pu.

chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
n allits branches.

RICK, TEA, &c.
always ut Lowmgs? MARKET PRICES.


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling youto buy at one profit. A eom
plete stock of


always onhaad and soid at pce tosult
she times. Our areall bought and
sold for CASH therefore, having no risT
te run,we sell at aclose margio.

3. M. SUHULLaveraanville. N C

College Hotel

MRS. DELLA GAY, Proprietress

Convenient to depot and to the to-
bacco warehouses.

Best and highest lecation areund
reenville. Splendid mineral water.

Rooms large and comfortable. Table
i wan the best the market af

Terms reasonable.

J L. Starkey & Co.



Thishenkae a a *

ry oest nest� work in
be South; and prices aré._ low.� We
make shipments eyery Tuesday. Bring
your work to our store on Monday and
t will be forwarded promptly. Prices
furnished on er



~ER Neg.



ND Wi.
t AS ti

es| 83
wa In A
3 P. M. P.MIP. M,
. Ly Wilson 1] 37 11 37; 10 32
~Ar Rocky Mt | 338 12.07| 11 15
-Ar Tarboro 4 .
Lv Tarboro .
_ tv Rocky Mt {| 2 383 12 07
. Ar Weldon 12 55

ogg Weldon 8.

BS Bedi at

Yatly except Sundav.

popu Ba af

ar arrives Ww

44 ore
et fo eS :
Sqries se le ah

pare ett


L _P. a: ¢
5.20 p. m..

~Train on Scotia nd: Neck Branep oad!
. m., Hatifax 4.00/



te fet


D. \ A ponte Ons Wee 5o Dreaded Tears, but

3 The followisg Spatietio story of nuke of wal
~y uaa eq how a brave little-girl kept the wolf | _,.
: asi) | from ber fatherTs; depr. for... -brief
& space last winter. waa. old. 0. :9:ne~
~| | porter by the etor of a large; |
, | stord on Pulteh street: Fhe cliild| "

the store and sought out one of the
firm to whom she said: ~I wish you
would let me come. back ~here and/goog mia
work. If you only will let me, I wil!| Midd

62 late, and I won't. expect you to pay
me anything at all for what I do.

rv Please let me come, wonTt you?�T o3.3
Greatly moved by the hitdTs| EStre Prime 7 , 4) "

when papa comes in, se.1 won't have);
to see them cry, besides, besidesTT"-
~*Well, what is it?TT .
_ You see, when ~I worked here I
| saw Tots of salesladides that brought
tooT much lunch double up what!
they did not want: and throw: atl

away. Then I, quick.as a. little
eg end STM et? te:
put themT together, and without|/@. |. "~SEND YOVR-"".

fanybody seeing it put them in my
lunch basket, so when I ~got home
__ | at night papaand mamma had some.
thing fer their supper... 50 if: you'l)
let.meI would like, to come back
here and work for ycu, and I won't
charge you anything.� " f
-* *} turned away from the- child

i 0b ota Weldon 11,20 aun lest she s

1 investigated the ase
what stié said was ~only'p

~let ~anata Ge Werks ore tp


| day rush. Ot oourse she understoad tarot add Big alc

that when the busy season was Over) |. Good * ogto?

she would not cob one Bhedid| «© Fine to XO

_ | her work well ~was 80 prompt ;
~| and obliging that she made ~many Vatheen eee 1 te 35| "
ends during her t o rae -

Sarg ans BS ee iota abe "y 46 $0.87

with the other extras, was dismiss-| Below aré No: "intone oF sotton
ed. A few days later she went-80/and peanuts for 7 as

by Cobb Bros. . &; Commission Mer
chants of Norfok :

Toner y.

earnest appeal, ig propristan: Bayan oancy : : o3
to question ber. sp ) $1 bu

~o*~Why are you so anxious to come ia .

se ue meat. nville Maricet. .

His question brought forth the Beers erie M. Sch 7 Ne: t0°98
following confession: Western Sides. | 6te.7

oYou sea,� said the child, ~~my Sngarcured Hama 12.0. 184
papa hasnTt got any work. Every: Corn Meal hd
morning he goes out to look for! Piogr, Family 4.00 to 4°50] ©
work. And when he comes home at/1-ard 5s to 10
night and he hasnTt got any work/Oats z be 50
mamma eries, and then. that most Sugar otes
always makes papa. cry, too, and/guit per sack i soto 8
when I see them both crying, I. get Chickens to 20
crying foo. If you will let mé come Tete ner doz 104m tay
here and work, I shan't beT home| Beeswax. per lz


a O28 ero THB
é REFLECTOR. Orrtcx |
iF a x


ee eee


s@- Practice in all the Courts,
oo apne peal

ATHAM ~& oxts
a3 fwires siewouds leo? be

4 lip - DAMD & HARDENOY ie -.
come every day. L.-will never T ho ae 7 Sail yasoe crear

Special attention: ass tercelledtions
and settle eran

we, a

Seretiscms aines CE Zor.


On Fifth peers near Five.

A nN As
es any

Rts sen ge nable rates.
fortable | Good 5


" ""


_- =

and mail train

Borth, 4. Ns: Guingé
rriyes 6:37 P. M.. 7+. 4

iT. cee

~mectves 2:00 P.
~3 F 3
wrrves_trom Wash


, cca Saath
M., leaves 2:16.P.



w.c. Billings arrived srom Raytevif
Cadet J. M. Moore returned to the A.
& M. College at Raleigh to-day.

Harvey Jones, one of ou) hoys, hxs
been on the sick list since saat

zie =

Fair Tuesday, preceded b
local showers today, much coc
and probubly trout amtiny morn-

a a a :* uw

" *
~Sunday afternoon fire broke out in
the woods back of the race

came near destroying the stables A|

crowd went out from town to fight the
fire and keep it back. ..


Morris r has,a supply of
nice apples; , Granges, lem -
ons, benanas, ay and - fresh
candies that he ig selling ebesp.

Subscrilis. fo the D itry REFLEC-
Tor 25 a a oo


Giiiv vi pe
oa A a!

~ :

best 1




and the isa are

+ agen


oe cet


~me erent




| ~

H. B.C

where nothing but


_ 3t,B, QLARK.


- 'B. 8/Sheppard feft this mortitng ~for
Parkersburg to visit tris sott who is at
school there. _

B. E. perks aed brite arrived Sat-
arday evening and make their home at
E. BR. AikenTs in Porbestown.


Adopted by the Plymouth Bar.

At a meeting of the Bar of Piy-
mouth and visiting iawyers in at-
tendance upon the Superior Court
them in session, on Wedneeasy
night, 23rd; "2met-; resolutions in
honek? of | sid lute oMaj. _ C.
Latham were unanimonusiy adopt:
ed. Hon. J- E. Mocre, of Wil
hamston, presided over the meet.
ing aud eulogistic speechesT were
made by himself, W. D. Pruden,
8S. B. Spruill and T. 8S. Armstead.
The ~resolutions were prefaced by

H lakeeteh of the life aad public

Services of Maj. Latham, bnt as
very much the same ground war
covered in this asin the article
that appeared in the REFLgcror
the da Lay after his death, we onty

7s cape wig?

a things that concerned her
fame and prosperity; the Bar omp

poobhe i tedetite Nor

oo whom they. could always
F + Haas Pron 9 tender. out
directly |

resolutions~ be!

pemnpes samapeshe above ah Segment are =
Bmp repeat

of these


i Giieaiee.

ae sere

isin Pas.

: peace

stellacwo wtns in livety toxdays
\ Kastern was chock full, -

A. new let. of Capes, Dress|*
goods, Trimmings «and Shirt
Waist Plaids, at LangTs..

L.. H. Pender is having a double story

ne took Ting oa Bee oWhose Faces | Saute had Did Wes. Get iepped in



addition made to his residence in Skin-
nerville. . . :

Car load of choice Prairis Hay
cheap, $1.00 per 100 at S..M

_ If it does not rain before the circu:
gets here the elepbanis will kick up a
big dust Friday.

A tittle child of W. H: Smith has 8 of
mild ease of Giplitheria. ~he house has
been quarantined.

The Hotels and Restaurants all
buy their Batter from me. W hy?
because 1 xeep the best.

D.S. Suivi

This has been a grit chewing dan.
the wind filling eyes sad: mouths with
almost a peck of dirt. .

Joe, Milier, a very old ~colored mao,
died here Saturday night, Ln his day
he cui more yards of ditches than any
other man in she county.


Beautiful Sermon.

pastorate kere. The one Sunday
morning was especially beaatifal.
His subject was oMusic,� which
he treated uader the sub-divis-
ions: Music 1s Nature's art; iv is &
BibleT doctrine; being buch ~of
these it is GodTs power; the
earth is not the home of. music
but its. home isin Heaven; music
does.noet die with us, bat- lives
after us hére and with asin Heav-
be | en. All of these headings wate | Sor
well dicussed, many beaatifal
thoughts being given his hearers,
und ali present were delighted |;
atricten | with it.

Show Wrecker at Lang~s.
Show you a fall line of Capes

| When your,.thoughta


Rey. C. M. Billings preached |}:
two of the best sermons, Sunday |'
that be has delivered darjue bis}

- 7 es .-
~ ; *. % -
| 3
é i :
~ 3
F. ~S 7.
e es!

turn .,

the many, many things

por vou will haye. to. buy

1 Sse tor fer tue fomtait

If and fandiv turn
ps toward the



nwnere yow owill: tind
a the la ats

Dee. ore ed fine the

~flewing goods :


Dress, :

T Goods and


Furnish- "

ing Goods.

@ Shirts,

_ Neckties,

Sea , wre
. Catiars,



Hats _and

of many and vaiied kitids.

and Childrens Fine-and-Heavg
Shoes and Boots in endless
styles and kinds, Catpets, Rugs
, Foot Mats, Mattinys, Flooring
and Table Oit Cloths, Lace Cur-
tains, Curtuin Poles and Fixtures,
Valises, Hand $s, and astock
of FURNITURE that wiil sur-
prise and delight you both as
to quality and price, Baby Car-.
riages, Heavy Groceries, Flour,
he Lard, Sygar, Molasses,
Sagging ana T a Tics, Peanut


and pay the Pani oid ~market } prices

beat: v8 t Re

trom $100.40 $20.00.

oShow you a beautifal line� of Padan Bros. SHOE! SHOES for
Wool and Sitk Plaids. ; + shaun
Show you. an. elegant. line of -éarriea®� Wire acsed. te are
4 Dreas,goods and Trimmings. eat cad ftom med ee B eam
a ~Show you's ~cheaper. ~and pon pred th eae oe Goods are, peat,
" assortment of gvads, thap ever... and pleasty p: Bait ct hperel platted

Raga satan profit bye seater para he tek Baebes
yRoingto LanesSow. oJ PB OBE CRRY «Cn

° 'e O

Daily Reflector, October 28, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - October 28, 1895
October 28, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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