[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
(1G 20°o) @utekirts:.of . town.
BRM Hs . A
i 8) Ae Ot) Wee ee
Oar ine embraces
nolds no-ombracer Bion Dn.
Jer Bros. and E. P. Reed & non
adyance of 25 per cent.
o Twasthe scone of a most bratal
o The Atlantic: Coast Lime pay
jof the employes settled with was
~ . pealted, mardered and cabled, = you the same. sede lower than you get them:
on Boy
Murderer Caught.
Our neighbor town, Tazboro,
urder Wednesday - morning:
train had just been along and one
white man named Nevell, keep
sr of the water tenk just on. the
bus when the deed was discovered
a telegram was, sent to. Norfolk
for blood hounds-. The dogs ar
Than any ever produced. My Clothes, Hats ~iil
Furnishings; I'm: talking about. Look over
the stock ; 3 it's s complete now, arid" seé oif you
donTt agree with me: One of.two thing? I al
ways mean te do: : To sell spe beter. ot BOOm a at é
rived on the evening train and
eg-|search wae started for the. mur-
ited b-shbep Youd! baditin
SHOES ~at old prices although
theT meee ebirers bare mate an
mc |
~a |
nod J] oApo Of} UL PatTey
6 a
4,uop Aynp a[qnop op 04 sxB[jop
A ava
~90 400 0} 13}
3 pouiee-pie
1040 URI
panera! *
oS Sas
=. w: ay -
ee oe ol marti ee |
= Seve 1.38
\derer.. He was tracked over.a cisT
home at 5 o'clock. this , morning.
The negroTs name was George
Washington and NevellTs knife
and $51 in money were fourd in
his pockets. There was a gener-
a = al rej icing throughout the town
when the murderer wus found
anda ested.
Mary Auf Tackles One Wire That te
Cant Pull.
A very amusing incident occur-
red in the office of Alhammma Hu
tel, at Atlanta, while the North
Carolina editors were down there
last week. A man wearing a
oknow-it-all� air walked very
pomponsly up tothe telephone,
consulted the directory, put the
*phone to his ear, pulled the sig-
nal button, and one side of a con-
oHello, Getitel; pat No. do and
Sable =f �,�0 ov No. ~so and so.�
«| oHello Tis that so and sof� .
oSenator Batler.�
a id
cuitous route and located iu his}-
. \yersation that ran like this was
jheard: |
~The King Clothiet.
oBemator Batler, ~ot NorthT Oar. |
Tng-a ling-hog. nat J Ae. DPS.
oHello!� | | room,, the. pom sity af th
As the man at the other end, ~phone gave wey .toan awful
if there was any, could sot be bdeed expression, urnin
heard, the reader can do his .own ito the clerk, who like the o ere
magining as to the questions; could scarce restrain his Jaughter,
hese interrogation marks repre- he said in almost pleeding . tones
ent. But..the conversation had {won't you neamn neh hing
not proceeded half way when all ; for me? I canTt manaae st: Pes
Lang leads i in 2 Children Misses Ladies, Cloaks, |
We buy them from Smart people who sai!
their trade. --Those-who pay them fromus
know what. theyTré abont. . ssa
YouTLs BE Smanr if- oyou: follow. whither the :|
the smart crowds le:
ss oe
z :
ph mpap ad apa peek oo rer onan Talo cers. ao
Never can: ssahow pase Clantnonnift besea erabae Af
Gov. Carr is about to accept
two new infantry companies "one
at Plymouth and one at Salis~
PTs eight!) 1/
ANS Buh ttt 3
wits dt woman
up to Johnny Ball.
00 STs cs
The great Corbett- Aenaien
mond Aght bas been decigréd; off.
They were to fight in ee
it was poanetorred to Hot Springs,
wi bool se Wit Aierd? of i the, at
: States puta quietus to any
HT Bh coke Chatde ae 9/ poatyr:
sgce between the Florida Ath
a eo jelic aab cmanT eal 0 soa
| agers of Oorbatt and Fitzsim-
Joy oy gs!) eames letial for @ pokt
ome buildiage-of ~the -@eathern
tailway, a system-that has done)
jyeesbe: Seath im \general,. .
Dexak jon Ogtober 23rd/ gad shea |
for (Atlanta wdc particular
way, most of our tzip to,
bm and its treing.oa the throagh |
ine.were ots a qiuititasnast tem ane wt tex,
of bewea cag ft
- Od beyond tliceuthers baild-
{hy ts! the Georgia ManufuctarerTs.
1 Aare obataiping: yaried div
ays bp tuwetaneiuctasers of the}t
Empire state 34s
ty? te 6 a
= """ this| ponement of the contest to No
| Jaling, Fitzsimmons manager,
ry emia atgs! Fotased to concar.
o ordy wraugie and
ily the declared the fight
. Stade abndcased ' that.
2 in the world on � Nowember
jah ith, Robert Fitssimprons--prd-
aefferred, the man to Siar
iin� twentytotr® heatsT F
» of thé mudalé thn dot
MORBEDIE But Tt WOES oae tfT there
DS coranes trials.
bave bcen sent tot
cavalo oat e Wear = Veeitwaer ROWaRAE QMh©O!=2
_doned. e2b69t o6s ay brass ATLANT#S ATTRACTION,
oe San Sacer ate |
éortaeeal ~Great excitement
Tht FER) fi q a
ee nod af Bhd lo
iis ee ea ~ehh eb © Atlgnte,
toward YoSheib FLSA GE ©
3s - of the
Os neoladg ceoutaud t
STATE LF yl me witha:
| Potgiers | te wer imth® | grounds purpacsesT this
fryine ee rar oa ed
inga)Mege sa oy i Bhevtfic
BO dae ae a
BPs +
The Great Exposinen | Increases in
i *
a Ga.; a Qist, 1 is05"
says she has
Wecnnashs aioe: 2 Sel taks
a 4 would Ba a Aght ot shin MEOH
, the Ao: =F the Cafifornia *buila-
egrodéT Of the Sotith:* "THese: are
i gt #Vesditabie #6 'YieT cofored)
péoble aridT speuk stronger thun |;
can be word id® wordsT 1hé� grate!
a advanbembut thi thao hae maae:}
No oné wh® pobes to the ~Exposi-)T
HeiowT slivdtd fail té spetid piped
avy Peden are ial de
ou dUind to a large
jead yor: Bed which� Feats) pale
fe |foads hia ofll� ~én exntT
Atiantd wae.orer thin Sy$-|'
Os oF
"" sme lS
bhetip oes
. Tie ieit*ts theT Negro buitditig |T
ataiing exhrbite mate by the!
O suurr & CIGA a
a a Eco
ita eowtl 1
ect mes. us grou ates
+] eet for a. imen. Or
toe run,we seil at
af. SUMUL Tararnanvitla, NC
waza ut Li
ee oem arbor fe
ic PP oPity about Lau tB bel Tod
wiisels� flidy Were théte ~iu suid)
of the vestibuled cars.�
From the train exhibit one BeES
ing standjng-open in
upon entering. you J
itipalys endl
dele Fe
bereelf proa
jin, a om . 4 vi
v pus display & Detiged
State _as Bical
Calo 3 5 $0 oak Jpn
Sree * oN 2} i represent
x position. : tbs
F ups uae in this pailding =
so long we laarze, .t the reader
here for our eens mo r
described in articles that. will fol-
~low. ees
like you. -
could just stay there always. The):
+ rae 15 1
Gok ed Hotel 3
SREPEELA 6 Prope rietress
ie ae yoa_to ~the to
ox d
- Begeronds wai shest-tocatton mineral Bhd
Rooms large and comfurtéBle." Table
thie oe the: maxtew ot
exsonable. = = + =
Eee a
over there aad lare all manner of riding vehicles
Refictor Book store:
10 slate pencils f r 1 cent at}
1 ie
Sb codeine cain arbre apemnttneeeo sit-in teenie seem ive sr etrenatesmemtyteancitoert
= He"I bee your pardon,
= 7 bat think. ~Suppose ~we serdon ay lors
}married .cnly.a week and., I hadn't
et ktesea you, in a _ your }--Now Yoex
edt bmi~ i & Smeege
Se .
: In 954a d aught began in
lasting | ~fore
prevailed eg? beg ~Three mil- |:
Yor dived Go Saks om ONS roe ject
att fa
No. 32:
I will be- anighty gl ad to wait « on
yoo und show ro y6d thy stoé¥. *
~You will be csdrprised i to-hddr® :
: my Low; Reibes, (shyt :kirédueed
singeI bought my Low Tariff
gools. 1 will give the bencfit to
you just to buildT me oP a tends
im Greenville, NG ;
10 7 Be sure to eome ta spe me for these
wees Guods mops be sold a fisyry
od """ 3 junk: 2
wate interseby hietj and nent
Good Ordinary�
i} A invite you to: inqeet: my openatifal
. Gents Furnishing: Goods |
\l 16 : Lc eepesegne
Tes 2 = Pak
Train on Scotia tid Breck Branen ; . ~tin Sa :
ATLANTA, GA . as ¢ tt
3 Ee : Pinal £5 sas Pe
ihe Sept, 1h, 38 pis Hi
shat ee wee eu sated sili tn efit
ea Oheap: Bxeursron: Rates
, The Atlantio jo ConstLine =] ( :
Cotton. aad: Peanut,
Bengt pee bh OE
~Brose -& Commissiou
ants of noatok cas ae
Good Middling - BIG) Lot kas
z ~ 2 eet
S25 6% �,�- ey pS (awe GF
Low Middling ators ek sarees SSS h
Sen | Ww.
ate %. a o
: Shia (Rio mestore |
. Fridag, fair. . _| ELL, Coward and wife, of Greene.)
oe jarrived this morning te visit she fa-uil y;
ot J. L. Wooten.
I will be at the following for
taxon the . Bubseribe to the Datty Ruriec#
year 10s. Meet me cael ToR 25 cents a month. :
tioned atid pay'your taxes :
Ayden, , 26th
Farmvilje, » OF. 26th
Palkiand, Sstusday, Oct. 26th.
You will find that a dollar will)� citiden, beving
bay more at my store than a dol- wet ee gee a
larever bought before. This a yeqrs. _, ny ). -
T a a sari I i
T | Pitzsimmons fight will take place this
by" pay sp wall Brest _
- Sent shee ss poe
tore thie Tomes
-|in this matter.
"| z08 are, frou thas big. tobacco . tows
cote ee = S.%
4 ~4
You Find.
a position with agent J.R. Moore at
When the fool opens his mouth every
* lone with goed eyes cA tee clear through
his hed. xd
~Te price on Men's, Youtheuad.
BeysT Clothing, bottom knocred
out at Ricks, Dstt & Co.
The storm that the. weather bureaa
prediathll Wie inky ther this section
of this State turned up missing.
Miss Carr, daughter of Col. J. 8.
Carr, of Durham, is soon to be married
to Mr. HB. ©. Flower, of Kansas City.
For: correct letter and note
heads you should see the splen-
did lot of paper just received at
| Reriaci or office-
If it was not for the question about
RansomTs salary and where the Corbeti-
would be a dreary world."Raleigh
News and Observer.
ee Fe oe en ee oe
candies that he is selling cheap,
fin bed Monday murming. The dé-
phere was 80 years old, aod wash
way that went. be-
at last méeting.
the Council
: y oshiobld be given |*
cia. oe
Off on a long trip & pereon very natu-
rally maces many pew acquaintr nces,
snd the remark was made to us severa!
tmies on ourT Visitto Atisuts,
down therein Bastern North Carolina.�
day and
� alae *
See Whose Faces was ertnas est in
Through and Bquibs the Det Mipped
Much cdoler today.
Services in the Meprlat church tonight.
~The Gaeut aud ~largest Tronke
at LangTs-
All makes end shapes of Fine
Shoes st Kicks, Taft & Co.
Beware of the man who defenda any
kind of evil.
per 160 at 8. M.
Beecy; ae mast eas up
the stream or drift down-
A pew let of teantiful Dress
Goods just arrived at Lang's.
he eka ia :
A Hap Gar mere line
age +}
Ricks, Tarr & Co.
~Darn shackitig anid bd * : IutthT ~are
making the nights merry.
The Hotels and Restaurants al}
buy their Batter from me. Why!
because | seep the best.
D. 8. Suri a.
Shirt Weiete Silke and Woolen
Plaids just arrived at LangTs.
C« tton has decimed more than a cent
=peune Goring the past week.
ddehite Guari"lod Tarbors,
wilt vidiewhe Atianta Exposition.
Do not tryT to make your Cloak
You'll repent it"worry, bang!
Save your patiesce"iaTs, no jake,
Save your dollars, buy of Lana.
In the last fiscal year the United
States_dmported $96,120.000 worth ef
ee ee ee ee ee ere
Draw the comparison wher and
where you will, and the Greenviile to
boceo market holds its own beside any
market in the State.,
~Mr. Whichard says that he foudd
no cigar at the Atlanta ame a] TFT
chatT conid aal the Southern not
Leader, st I - 8. Smith's:
Will-be in Greenville� Wednes-
Then wehad tostop and talk aboat
Greenvilie"just couldn't help it, ol
of yourself
your footsteps teward
£3f 3
of many and va:ied kinds. fy 4
Dress Goods tnd Trimmings
Notions, Gentlemens Furnish-
ing Shirts, Neckties,
Four-in-Hand Scarge;'* Col-
lars. Hesiongy. Yankee Netions,
stirs iy xe = ge de ogg oe and
and set Childrtne Fine and Fas.
Shoes and Boots in endless |
styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs _
Foot Mats, Mattinys, Flooring
and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur-
tains, Curtuin and Fixtures,
- Valises, Hand $, and a stock
of FURNITUR that. will sur-
prise and delight both as |
quality and price, Baby Car- .-
riages, Heavy Groveries, Flour,
Meat, Lard
r, Molasses,
Salt, Bagging and Tres, Poona .
Sacks and Twine. We buy
and pay the highest market prices
Sor them.
ReynoldTs SHO#«S for
Men and Boys canTt be
~beat. |
Padan Bros. SHOES for