Daily Reflector, September 30, 1895

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~as AVHaH

ie Bo fine ao for Men. a te
for Tnaé andT Otilaren. oAlso a




olthat it is not practicable.
_|son who indulgés in such talk is
not oaly anworthy..the blessings

OuWliperegtionted Bien i Rev

_A_Pubhe, Enemy. |
"Marion Butler, in hie speech

ligT Chartotte last Friday niebt,
= |telling the people of the oppress:
|ions to which they are subjected,

suid: to thetd, that it, would wat do
for them to resort. to bullets for
tue redress -of ~their ' dhievences
because their oppressors have the

' |government: and would, -thus :be
4 |ensbled ta coetcg and ¢fush them.

~Phe lvgieal inference: is:
.| people ought, by right, to rise apT

that, the

in ame against the government:

| Chat they have justification for so
/4 doing and that the only consid-
~' Jeration which
~ithem relates wholy to the prac-

-should: restrain

eer oth

and this Bag

ie @dlenr de the
unmerity. fule. | pin,
Y: peop e elect the meu

who make and those who execute

\ the laws. and yet. hese is 9 fellow

Tee will soon take the oath asa
6d Stétes or tag ppc

IY citation id the |¢@ -
~ine around Alviting a ony re-
bellion upon. the . grouad., only
A per-

of free government himself put isT
a public enemy-. None but a bad

fi/man wonld do-it. He who talks

thus should be regarded as a dan-
gerous element in society and
should be shunned ~as one shuns
@® poisonous enake.-"Statesville

A Suggestion as ta Turnips..
~This dry. bot weather is expect-
ed to adversely affect the turnip
crop now growing. It ia too late

ito do anything. with rutabagas"

they being of slow growsh"than
take the ebhaaces with those.grow-
Sling, but a gardaer iuforms us that
white turnips will aut come and
do weil if planted. | A eAWAS

It might be~well for our farmerT
friends to try ~@nother sowing. If
the firat sown ones should trro
out poorly-therevmight: be ¢:
money iu theT wend: sowing ~-
: Newberne Joumal. alee


best at 4 Rurialt profit.�

for noth Good ordthine is Seen
fair ~price. We spare no pains to ~give ~you


_ The King Clothier.

is pl Ste tose:

+ jin

a F

" f He
ag a ea ie a
La Oe So

worth 7

TeLmerarnic ok Sine

a? 4


~The long controversy sver Min

settled. Com ptrolfer Bowers ~hasT
approved BilT drafy etd ~he will
get his motiey.� ee

oPhe Woman's, building ~at the
Atlante. Exposition .waa opened,
with appropriate. exercises to-
day- . The daily. attendance npon:
the Exposition is now about 30,"
000. 3 iV fed a fit 4 :
~Dr. Alexander; of WashingtonT
City, foand « bargiar in bis room,T
Saturday night, end killed him
with a Winchester-rifie..

in St. Louis, and the city is also

phoid fever. .


by a Spanish cruiser off the coast

ister RansomTs. salar ohag ~been |

There are 500 cases of diptheria |.

suffering from an epedemio-of ty-'|

A British steamer, was fired oon.

of Cuba, and. now some roaring
from the B ritish lion is expected:

One of the largest iron manu-
facturing plants at ~Meridian, Miss.T

bas been de destroyed by fire.
~Fire destroyed the ~elevator of

~the Daisy flour milla at Superior,
. Minn, causing a logs of t 3$100,000

we FE


EW GOODS, i 4a
~ : Es ee egy (93! Se he at

; F438
= is | ee 33%

9 isd esdacs Due
Big Lor oto iW axon
fits re pers ti


: 3 ee - Boney
_Is now Sompletey


ha 3

} He wants your trade "
He'll get-' too 1f
youare wideawnka .;:

please rem
~see CLARK hea
: jou want .. ~# gt ee!

Niece Mne-of samples tenenhenn 4 ~ork
mae Clothing"!

He oBy OLARK:. Gey
~Middle store Ope towe oc

ae 4} tie i:


ee ai ~the = Bee .




Subscription 25 cents per Month.
i. = (= 4
Entered as second-class mail matter.


The Govenor of Texas.
ed a special session of the
ture of that State ~to take
on prize
ly does not ¥
come into



othe pew:

in aE are [ot ey Be ve
annual tax of 5 per cepts. on the
thousand, sed one-balf per, , cent

~pound | n manfecte red tobacco
some, of et) merchants are either
igbotant of or have forgotten the
law and are notified tc make their |.

Moree that when 1T is 12 o'clockT

+ Dilt@rence | a
\D dheat vistors

oliaa make a note ofthe differ-

put to many little annoyances. If
those who go from this section
will seé their watches one hour

of keeping the GOrrect time, for

Atiancé tithe is jest. oneT hour

ower than North Osrolina time.

+ Whemit is 12 oTclock #00 here,

itis 1V AM in Atlanta.T cis ensily
|seen how this hourT ce jn
ime May work trouble for those
careless about such mattefs, es-
pecially when they ~want to be
pro at dinner, at the theatre
or more particularly wh they
want to batch a tratr fur home.
Carolina people shouldn't

in Atlanta it is. ¥ OTcloek in NorthT
Carolina and fix their watches 80}
that they will not got muddled. "

a shy at kissing. It says, that Ja
das betrayed the Savior with a
kiss, 664 trom� that hour te"the;
Yeh has
betrayed by = ~TWere tu, by
the way, a goed ~desl more in\this
unique proposition than would

sear Pena Se

and makes her his wife, and the
next tning we know the spark-|
ling Wine has lured him away

pa yer howe Rabe meres fr

young wife believes every word
of it. The son ~bas a kiss for his
mother while she toils with the
needie for him, and in a year or
two the gambling den has mor®
of his love than the woman who
bore him.. The daughter has a
kiss as she wishes mother had

not o much & eh to do, white she iolls
on (tb rahdé fot [héwra and

reede trpahp pozals af the Trib

= While the foregoing specimens
are, of course, exceptions to the
general rule, their counteparts
are to be found ip every commu
nity, and tLat without the aid of
a magnifying giass. A kiss avd
a ~smrle" have been the rain ~of

~ers f vese_Vi -/

2 A
Saleh nl Adjutant General
iuehed a requistion for
\zevolvers forcammission officers
of the guard. -_The reguistion in-
cludes 119 Colts revolvers, 38 cal
ibre, 110 cartridge belts, 110 pis
tol holaters and , 6,000 revolver- ball
cartridges... Maj. Hayes pear e
n| vesterday that he -considered the
militia now to beim better api
tion than it ever had been, as
as his observation wernt. the
men are thotoughly provded for
aud comfortable in everyT way,
d| both in clothing, camp-outfit and
military supplies; alf which 1s
largely due tothe unceasing in-|'
terest. and vigilance andT geod
management ot General Caateron.
"Raleigh News and Observer

- Large lot of Ledgers and Day

Book Store.



o Good.


310 4;~
7 Ry 10


Books just received at Reflector),


bacco warehouses.
Best and highest location areund
Splendid mineral water.

Roonis large and comfortable.
ast, om reaching Atlanta, they |supplind with the best the market af
4 will ha¥e no trouble on the score fords.

Terms reasonable.

MRS. DELLA GAY. jae ite
ence it time théy are spt fu be | - Contevidnt tolddpat | add te she to-



Modern . Lan

Greenville Collegiate |

Badge AG aed N.C. «8. D. Bagley,
A. M. Prineipal- With aL ee

MOND AY, SEPTEMBER 210 21008 wu

tanght on the conservatory Bey
by a graduate in music. Iestrection
Discipline firma,
Terma reasopable.
wit! be taught, if destred, Cualisthenies
free. For particulars address the Prin-
cipal, Greer ville N. C.

Rages. Music. et on

but. kind,
Artand Elocution



business,| by
course pope.
pursié a
guarantees .

}Carolina, or the

July $0,1895.


The hext sesston of this Schvol wil | '

and octittivie for ted! months.
~The course embraces all the branches
usually/taught in an Academy.

oBoys weil fitted and equipped for

ny ro er course, this oe

refers to those who have recently left
its Liscead the jsrurhfulness of this

Any young marr with character and
moderate ability taking a course with
us will be aided in making arran
ments to cuntinue in the higher schoo ge |

The diaciplire will be kept at ita;
present standard.

Neither - time ser: attention nor
work will be spared to make this schovul
all tuat parents could wish.

For further partieulars see or ad-
| dress



begin on

SPT. 2, 1895, EER

for tuition and beard

the academic
Where they wish to


enter, wi.h credit, noy Re College in North

University. It

Ww. H.. oRaq@space,
7 Principat.



ws Patronage soliched.

James A. SMITH, ..



their to pet






lies: willie
there. ratockis a cempets

ee suGaAK
a THA, &c. ©

KEE P asORs.


wad det Lapw

Wate atn. i]

Limited Free Gofnane



legen tone oss

your work to to our store on Monday at aud

tt will be
lists asia Re on pret PER Drie

Optiert = opane


ps Bg nn ina BARE ak.

Special attention given to: cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing.

5 Be

er a out. Ie Wid Sheebatbity Hut and! Professions Oaras.

irl may Sod Ati eons This fal? is very u myehT ike the} ntrving. on the bo ys ~and ~ eae . ., say .

oe "Se SeV in one eleven years Most ey-| rience aldiagg. . pure in ot "| pfu. J. agit sabia . :

y nce BLOW, BRIU@WIS96 bua

COUNTY: ORFICERS. ory one ae teen r that Parkes diering. �_Sslisbury 2. olyanvis & : ee

; e Sta xposition oper ee aT :

SEW wing� EWA. Muge, ~Raleigh the fret, of October,1884,| The Base of WAn. " -% ATTOUN EY , scale esd jek i

. jitShe weather was very ~much as pie _" _ 6 Prmctios iu Mi the, Comres Courts F a 3

Register of Deeds, W.M. King. "_/has been the week. The boys of| The Baltimore Suh, in fetorriniy wr anlbstctsanatiie

Rroasarer, JoT.. Littie, | |the old Greeaville Guard will Lot) tothe price of cotton at this time, oan i ROTTS Ee

Coroner, Dr. Cc. OTH. piheidins soon ~forget | ~the hut mareh they takes. acexsion. to 6A that. after Ss. F. TXSON,, ¢ 4a¢9) weryiet tem dy il : ~
- Scythia pee Greeny He BYE ROTOR,� Tay ob oEs esee Attortéy ava Donhedtee WENA!
Suryevor, eae ~+ The occasion is well remem"| * oes Sen no real, sabsten" ito ey a ""

Commissioners"C. Daw : ght i" lbered. We were a private in the

Snith and 8. Me svones.� Ke L. Greenville Guard apd with then. is getting reasonable: prices; ': for T Ciyil and Praceings do ail She faye i242

a and the other members: of ohe what he Was to sell, forthe farmer} Mukes a special of frand divorce,dam
supTt! Preatehi, Hor! Ww. Baw eIP Séaté Guard, somo 1,109. of, 1 200 | is the base upon. owhich all tho |Sspemetioda.to Henever InpdeenA op
SupTt. County Home, J. W, Smith. _ {in pamber, stood in the broiling | whete fabric of our natiaaal: pros- oPrompt and carefial o~gevenition ° ity ¥
Cyunty Examiner of Teavlwers" Pret. sun for fully two Hoars'th the rear perity and happiness reste. _ Phis}" business.

tial proeperity unless the farmer} calor onrne Bish, Compsya the Ory 2] o

Maury. to joan. pete arent
W. H. tagedale. fof the capital while thbig otters} #® "ory true: Tf the farmer tesue-|rermeeny. i : fs :
" and dignitaries were getting in csssttt-and crops are good the , ne aia
TOWN OFFICERS. their ~carnages~and 6n 'theit fore} Cuntry is very eres: bea ~be: pros~ (piount ~ wumeawee., 45 dela
ar Af perons,- | TTORNEY SrA Red 6
Mayor, Ola Forbe (es. After this lopg wait came a 1 ote
Clerk; C. C. Forbes. © cae, fternible - tranip of ero. mulon{, Speaking of Plenting., sey Practice in all the Courss. #5 Fa
Trensurer, WV. T. Godwin, =. }throng b dust and heat to the. ex- out contemporaty, saya that the SA d si

porca-"J. W. Perkins, chiet, Fred./vositio roads, Every compa- cotton planters .of the South ate | * 5°
Cox, aset; J. W. Murphy, night. jOosiHOR Pry: OP: this year receiving about: 3 cents L. ©. LATHAM. oeis

~ otay inline had men who _ feil. Aldas a
~Counciimen"W. H. Smith, . We oy tive wayside, overcome a hea bp: & pound muse . for. their: cotton itte keene a]
rown, W. ~I. Godwin. i. A. WilK% laud some werd� Kerionsty - ~giek. |:than they got last-:-year.«'~Phis is; ~ APrORN WTA Tshsa y alice
Dertipey Ruffin, Julius Jenkins, , Ge poor féllow, we behievé, died | saadvatce of about $15 per bale, GREE- VILLE. Be Gite 2
a |lfrom the effects of his exertion. ; Estimating the crop - tis year at | 77 oantl inne a
CHURCHES. | We remembér; toy, that an -6ffort '3;000,000 baigée which is :2,000,000|donn E. Wer ;. F.C. Harding,

was made to have thé oBoys ap-| uuder some ofT the.patimates,: the|,:., Wilson, na oS, a :
Baptist. oSéryides every pee Bx, pear on dress epi: after Bit] 3. 00,000 a ponnd will bring $130,- WPA rr 7 whan ias
stern teeta ~aha tight, er ae fitheir » work,~ what 6 Boat sae ore into the cotton St | srrounenana pe

mee ¢ 6 a? - a:23 3 ° a a
Pes eg? Sunday School at 9:30 ~| protest went up from the officers | than year. The ~cutton and|: reenvillé,.


: G who. knew uffering: . thé w ~growers welsbe siglo attention gtveb ~to ote
he . dey sh Feber SupTt. bed ; Oeten ok bate eombe pete] Be dent. ate ocr na -all: se and settlement of clubs, uivg ino
(gobie/T ib Febulsr serhtees | gah. ~now Brigadier. General, threaten- | sumers. of the manufactured, pro-
night. Bey. . A. ed to resign his ~commission and Pe and the ast sum of money ~The ~Chariotte
Greate, Rediot 8 ~Sunday Sato! af 9:80 dishaud his reg*ment' before sab« Cale he -will all be spent in|,
A. B. Bye Sup Mts Aida! ee guns to sach inhnman treat" buytn the prodicts~of labor.T ' |�
is ro Sund. ant ,and other equally as strong |: eta: witly thess products of
a pr. UF protestsT ~weté made. One captain aren and wheat . so.it. ie. with |
y , B f ~FY, Arbieh, |rerdiirked thatT thé 2,500 car . (Rear a yeas cite, fer |
heotatT 9 jes in the bores oF his en word } : ad :
nearness STT bee exhausted� fork, - |
resbyte: services every staver{ os = | | oNorth CarphinaTs as ~ i
Rev. roma Ae oS ss
tds ~mie Got the ralina, 2 FORE MOST WEWSP&PER� ad.
ae aiid etl et ail]
So Sorte ok J ANP Pee
| Dip. aeT ~ WEERELY.. z
Se wmmniplioees "5 1 1 Fea)
deciecaie Lois, Lhe & A. nee ii sidalebelidd
aca Bases. rr poe - Independent and gpartons 5,

a guna se - | more attractive than ever. it
aca o cee aa pore sttras visitor-to the ~

y Speco ps =; : --. ~police, the'elub or al work POR es
2e.-, ms F - - =
wi aamed laces� Br the Fad purpose. ° ~Sohnth gz arm THE D AILY OBSERVER. bi *

Bek 2 tob no

Pig opted By offs waging tanec ee by. itm - All of.the news. of the world, Ge

a te lete ep re iis
omewedipews of Recorf ia the a ee P iy rat Capi
Unt ; W ashin An, D, oO. The. Ey low rates ~ and tols. S88: rg +?
ae oh "mesyb held good. ntil Oct. 29, 1638, to. wit : . sino! Je
UA |For Five aS ess, . Fora greater.numberthan. Five Kilone ¢KbiO. THE aarti! QBSERVER.. {«. *
I shall be glad to-meet the farmers in persun at Greenvil~e, N.C: Wedneslay

~ amd Ling toe p Oet, 2d and 43:d. ~Tarboro, �"�®. G., Priday. we tee Mesober

4% 40h a8 ij Necks ogee a. Mote and | 5 Octo oMteher-2e Ze and. 8th. |); news of,
D | vriday nd Se coer eri rand. th. Parties who Seu ersme'l purebase pienso
oRanges, QEEIGE | 3 rarm Rights at ence; or-who cannot mesh wie at any of the. plaged. named. may� rve lo eerie
sss at si eh oe - O.-on Raaand igh Va.. or by ~ Better to my .s ONLY OnE DOLLAR a YEAR,

ho ~be P peeoe by mall. In writ-


sapien taedibea she Wink Peon Going Sad Gomng Thee [ieiet That Deter m You What.is Go-
overworks the heart. | misty Wiki Days� , on.
Saity Cece elbion of tan kulnove. Maj. L. C. ~Tatham has been quite Gabe Re: (2

; nian won a veral care Last day of September. _
t creates an appetite is Rev. J, W. McNarmara, of Washies- The eott will be shert.

only increased by being gratified: | spent taday here. on erUp 1 ;

oa the nerve = aiienirhas!Ovi Unies Judes oae Sahel Three-fourths of the year ia gone. ae PEANUTS. .
- paralyses operay. of man. | today to take a prisoner to the pesiten- The races ure the big event of this kutre Prime %
~~ It tranSmits disease to the third| tiary. ears

ah ern vee by heredi-| . . 2 thas retarned to Checo- The bla ald wave nore bat to] BEA eaway ae

winity to resume his position as instruc- |"! yet-

Bs, ruins ened wre and b -phaa~ tor in the Hughes schoul there. Prospects of cooler weather makes Greenville Market. ai

tha hi : . poliea the train bere today for Haltimore, tv The Obeecrver.ts. agitating & -tol Bntter, per lo Vet ede

and emai 3 is = * market.for Fayetteville. | Sues cured Hams 12 to 183,
MrePaitie Winstead, who was visit Corn 40 to 6u

It degrades father and son, and ber the it will. not take:many. more big juMp8)¢ orn Weal 50 to 63

lug parents aj the King Uousae, ic ft

blights the Jove-af wife snd. oth: | ior her home in Reoky iount ceday. for sctton to each 10 cents. your. Family pea ato
hell of chastity. Mrs, T..B. Moore, Mrs. Susan Moore| 17th."Gov. Carr'sT fie fresis| Oats 4U to 50
I: blocks the wheels of indué"|*54 Foster Quinn, one of the REFLEC. Batter today. 8. M..Sonuure- Tre, 16 to 3
Basie mines and mills, and ibn oc eptarned from a view. toGrit-| i?'au the ear:h predictiens conse true ra ~ per Sack -1 nay 5

¥ oe Oy Oe a, f . morning- there Will be a storm before this week! Eggs per doz - 10 to 133

t causes strikes 8 jails ap The tobaccoT men ~ars going to have} * ©%- Deedes tae le ate -*
_"" country, state ang on-savérinn weliaunk ot convenient| The white. 3 and ealored ie] Walle. pet tou. ity to 15

ation. point near the warehouses. The ma"| both had a bayptising at ForbesT wil] | Cotton Seed Meal 10 00.
It hinders honest legislation | chivery is here for patting down the | pond Sunday. - | Hides Sto 9

and laws which -are a/ well. ~Ibis is a good stepanti' we hope

of : a nostrils of every | will be s6il i by saobe wells. Frese Juupch Biscuits just fh at D. 8.| The best line of Tablets, Note
patriot. - A Sun ithTs. Paper, Envelopes, Box Paper,

And sbove all, it damns men| The men who dip their pens in| W#® tton om the ether: tide of s/and Cards in town can be fonndT
eternally and leaves them wWith-|royegolored ink have latterly, had| ent tobscee going'stilt mgner and the|At the Reflector Book Store.

out hope in life or death. munelk ho cong: Gf ~the . | weather getting cooler, the farmers and " Ud
~greatly im- 3 }

proved Sé0idek audit vd nodoutt ~bustaess men alt sasile and step lively.
true that there bas been some| ~*�"�*¥ rill. snelsin.yeur moutb, those |
The base ball games of last|reaction that is favorable sinée| *T" Lecce Biseaite at D..8.SmithTs.| JS CALLED 10 THE ELEGANT
)BallimoreT the | pen-|the very low plane of 1894, when} Inclosing a check for their advertise- "LINE OF"
ree, dlabiiecing so fat aheéd the bottom had weli-nigh drop-| �"�=nt of the Scotland Neck Male S20001
her can an bo fg Cleve |ped out. But somehow the tramp) Primes & Wilson write us they have a DRESS GOODS. SILKS. LACES
2 hee phates seéobnd. Bal- businces flourishes. A i me fauli sehoel, the opening being even bvet-

timoreTs success over New York|to a Northern oauthority,� ial aben. they Ret heped flors,. |. Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, &c., carried by
Satardey settied the unfinished 1992 the namber of tramps was oo the second Sunday fu October Rev. ao oi

business. 45,143, costing-$9,06 nesasl cache fer he will begta ® et AN,
Théefellewing is the record of/for their support. He says that meccing fn the miptist ~chhreh st } , : fe hhh

the clabs, including the games/this devouring army has so in- cana See es
played Saturday. + reased that in 1896, it really "this season. Our Stock of "
Won Lost Co t| umbers 85,268, costing the peo-| ~Ow aad After Oct. 1st, the O. D.S. 8.

Baltupore 86 43 666 ple $17, 000,000 to f2ed them:* The Co. wil! make a reduction on cotton f4 C). E
Cleveland 84 45 651|areny of trasaph Ste bchinge seebibhgl Meeeahae ie betee trom meee will he S ° °o\ o5
Philadelphia o 53 -592/and enlarged ell the time. Wayt fifty-five cents per bale and from Tur "AND"
Chicago 1 59 -550| Where is the FS IT river eighty cents..-Washington Mes-
~Brooklyn 72 59 -549| Messenger. � | senger. Ladies & Childrens -
» Boston 700 8Ttit«C ve pbb. 7d
- Pittsburg 71 i -534) Local Trains nd Boat Schedule. o :
Gincidnatti 66 = 63 512| | ORIEN G,. pips es re
NewYork 66 64 508) ene oat Sal ae £ LVRY. 8 jisthe lenges pre er of-
�"� ~Washington 42 84 333) arrives {15m og outs | DF ED ered: pare come ~and oe for
h St. Louis 39 92 .238| North Bound arrives 9:30 A yourse convinced.
. o1 10:10 A.

M.. leaves 2:15 P. :

7 . Steainer arrives from) Wash|. r
_ President Winston writes ma that the/ ington Mondey, Wednesday and Friday

~@uroliment at the. University is 605, as | ~e#Ves for Washington Tuesday, Thure |. On Fifth Street near Five:


attinys, Window Shades and Lape

_ follows: graduates 8, seniors 40, juniors ~tay aud saturday. . Point: , eine.
3 56, sophomores 67, freshmen 134, medi- rece: Godds'sbiaT on ~thetT; eg Fe
Z 27, law 43, teachers ie summer school | . Weather: Bulletan. . |prices made accordingl
: 140"total 675.� Counted twice 10,mak-| Gonerally fai any? Ordingty.

(J. .Bio@HEERRY::&: ad

ha :
a -_ Pe ae oe z=. git a "* a de es
- o 2 Pee

Daily Reflector, September 30, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - September 30, 1895
September 30, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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