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# 19clisi aid peeei cats: @
oo ei Seen Se ney the oT OEE Se Penne = =e ty a ae Bae en Se LST ae PO A rear ie ae : Se SOE eR an ae Ak bE GRE te ee Cah Ts wt a at Se ihe Ena -
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Loca) Traine and Boat Schedule. :
train. going
Postman? ~ana. icaelk
Going south;
erontrnecprbhig ag A. M.
arrives 6:37 P. M.
North Bound Fre
M, leaves 10710 A. 3
South Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P,.
M., leaves 2:16 P. X..
Stwamer Myers arfives ~trom Wash:
t, arrives 9: 50 A
ington Moudey, and. Friday
leaves Vaahi paday, Thure
day ab Pai
Weather Bulletan,
Friday : generdlly fair preceed |G
ed Gy showers op thd convu thé
afternoon; slightly warmer in
interior Friday morning:
That Wonderful Baby Boy.
The proud young mother had
o] donTt wish to appear i in any
wey, partial,� gee, feups
fore cnild of "4: Ba dicy *
consider Algernon a marvel of
intelligence. He understands
every word that is said and joins
in t
kak aot
isten to that!� cried the de-
lightea mother. oHe weans,
~How do ?T Isn't it wonderfal!�.
oNow, Algernoay, ask th
play for yoo (He ada ah
te nby ~Now, atte, dew :
coaxing|ly.) .
oBoo-boo !� said Algernon.
oHe means ~MasicT by that:
oBoo-pooT "~masic.T Isn't «he
too smart for anything? Now,
lovetelithe lady mamma's nawet�
oBoo-boo®� seid Algeuraon...
oThats right. ~Beo"booT"
Tyouise! My game's Liusey -you
know. Oh. dear, I do hope he
isnTt too clever to live! Now, say
by-by' to the tady, precious,�T
' =) oBoe boo� said * ~Algernon:
_* ~Boo.booT. "~hy-by.T Why,
~upon my word there's hardly any
_ difference. oBiess his ~little Gar-
ling heart !.. ieuTt. he a won iad
"Chicagp Evening Lost.
$39 ceri
opéns next Phurdaay: UP he
premiums Offereréd By ' the ~mer-
chants of the tow to farmers
sélling'� tobaccoT thereT | The)
shéws ~the whole town otobe in-
©! Bithide? Cothae tl T
nisl ay.
~la freight train at Haw River.
Several persons were injured, one
thought'to be fatally hurt. ~The
caboose and two cars ~f' the):
freight train were, knocked into|
splinters. The collision occurred
ona bridgeTand it is almost mi-
raculou3 that the passenger cars
did not leave the track and fall in
to the river, 60 feet below.
Just Try Us.
There is not a family inTGreen-
ville who should be without the
Rervecrcr. Greenville is not the
largest town ip the world, but we)
could make.the Dalby REFLECTOR |
a mach better paper than it is if
every persen in town would, give
it the patronage it should have)
from them. You may say-this is)»
idle boasting, but if every busi-
uess and professional maf oin
Greenville advertised regularly in
the Daily, and every family in
town subscribed for it, we would),
SECS rae ane
press dispatches every u
see what it is possible for this
town to have if the people would
give home ~enterprises the sup"
port they ought to...
Not Good Logic.
some watermelous to a merchant.
After ex xminiu
chart offered, Rais thee Ae, ice
around for pris lo
the man remarked: .o1 ih ~begl
them back home and give them to
my hogs. Diet tram aig tan
eee ate gl ae +5." dun Tiers Fey ey
god ringleader AA emia saismnare
" the merchant, "8d #95 thigh, hear from them...
UL Tas The Right Weyi?! eetod |
~The KifstonT tobacco� ~arket}
Press puibtishés © 4 tong list� of
terested in establishing the mat |
We sawél fr@d Afying to sell
omt #i 22 fife #38 Sica BE
$ »
ofigure and take theTgoa
2 tases be
© eyab ylaia? xen
ig? ae co az tee + #2
ods� fooUpe ediT
ie bedeiah dept aod
ia FRO od as sore!
The King Clothier. rUMABY ae
ps : one
will be worth pa your. begs. aa
much se I have offered you 7T
oNo,� said the ~men,T but T hed |
a big profit on them.� That strt
us as & peculiar business idea"
one man willing to lose money
rather than aee another man make
oSome ~Pitt wpa # Pepe: : �
A ~friend at "Grimesland ~sends! 3
us the following item which
proves beyond doubt that there}
are centenarians in ~this section :
~ Mrs: Lucretia Hodges was born
in Chicod towaship; ~ Pitt: county,
July 12th;t792. She is «ow - liv:
She isthe ~mother of sevén o~chil- |
dren, haeT sixty grandchildren, |
ninety*three great grand children
and ttitee great: great-grand-ehil-
avén. ofer ~s06n,' ~Mr. Se Vv Hodges
Pa is'next to her youngest child,
lis fifty-nine years old, basdéven+
rather lose than to 86e you make
The Ty aakRent a wi a
a died a few days, ago,
"cama 8: M. ~eer
~ @
ing in Beaufort county ~nearT the |
line Of Pitt and is in- good: héalth. |
lhiving-"ebildsea, fifty two/|
grend-children and three 3
~Butter. per ~1H & x ig ig yp 8 =
Western Sides 7 Vine bo
~Sora ee Bam Bee i
1 TORE ie
Pica, Ft" = eee cig sages 5
Heel tO erhod
Oats, no
elec ~169.2
Coffee Diese et «i WOE. 16402!
. Salt r Sack, , as _, 4780 te 20
Chicke ens og b 20 to Bt
Eggs pet HI Y £Esii Y fey LHIOTLIT(
| BCORWAX, per. i jusiq edt eA pe
Kerose rosene, , . 134 to 2
Pease,per Bu - Bs SS
cope Nec 4, iment RII ee 68 Oe
Hidée °° * 'Oon «�,� �,�33 4) i: TOTS Be
oii ub goijgegp jae sai oT 7
rs @ éi ff i ae nw . te 4 $57 955
* Below ~ate 'N kT prices of cottor
and peanuts for yesterday; jas furnished
~by Cobb Bres. npn NNSA
Sia el sarah iio dyoqet #1
Be 2 -�,� x
ow £122:
Fe Fein: KIS ve Ce
Good Midauing : 4 7.Belt
Middling i
~bow poup buosae ods oF Ol
Soe Hee HO WRIE is tas?
S et aese TOP RA BUTE, Pot. isi eee
, Peme qi aad mis dy ad
= Spanien Teq ¢ inte Ex oe! Diak
ot tae: ip braid? bs ae at!
ob F
~De Hig WEDE Bdi Te alee
Be *
P. J. PEICEA ED. Editor.
""_ = 2
Subscription 25 cents per Prone:
A aE ee ee
/ gem
+, 90
t down within the
next sixty days on the division of
the North Carviina Railroad be-
The school of. Wilming |
ton just finished ws the popa-
lation to be 22,027, of these 9,482
wT NT caste nog to
the city.
Meas. Holmas and Dawson
have given tothe Norfolk J/our-
nal of Commerce & report on the
growing crop of peanuts in Vir"
ginia end North Carelina. ~They |caa
sent out the following enquiries
eoneerning the crop between 1%hb
and 30th of July:
lL. What is the acreage planted
ia your neighborhood, as com-
pared with last veer? Is it
more or less, and what propor-
tion ?
2. How isthe stand!
3 Was the planting season
favorable or usfavorahie *
4 Asthe planting season
eonceded to be late, will favor
abie seasons from now on bring) )-
the.crop up to a good average ?
To the fireat question 30 per
crap 2 Par aeons
pappentil to qalie's peintel accl
cost aeipecetr bi) perltese Hel BW lettering to
cent. of the answers said it is im-
rset semanas (rn meee | poeatbig or the most favera
or tq Gcing the crop bp.to
mount his fatherTs horse when the
horse turned. suddeply around
and kicked. him. square in the
face, Ak first it wus thought that
Mise Fannie Knight, of Chowan |,
, who eight years age went
Missionary to China,
died recently at her station in
| The American government could,
cent. of the answers said abqat|T
same number of acres as jast
geass Lees
seasous the crop will come up all
Summing up the replies they
say there is about 15 per cent. re-
duction in acreage. Tne sgtand
is only a fair ong, and tote
a outlook Sf ie year.
While the crop will not be so
arge the money value promises
to be equal to that ef last year:
~There will be leas old stock car
Agved over than in years; and the
general quickening of activity in
cirel ites ape
expo tottee p ire
this pote "Scotthe
| ocrat.
News comes from China of the
~massacre of a nomber of Otris"
tian missionaries in the interior
of that great country, and there
is talk of the going of an Ameri
map-of-wer to see sbont it
however, take sammary steps to
enforce punishment and secure
indemnity if.it had a better rec-
ord shan it has for the protection
of Chinese in this country and the
obseryance of ita treaty relations
with our Celestial friends:"States
year; & per cent. ssid a alight
increase, and 62 per cent. of the
answers report a decrease in acre-
age averaging 27 per veat. re-
To the second question 30 per
. eemt. of answers said bad stand,
80 per cent.ssid moor stand, 26
~per cent. said fair, 16 per
_gaid good, and 8 per cent. &
_ very good.
To the third question 85 per
cent. of the answers said unfa-|
away with old. ege..He.served ip
\the Mexigam war aad
drawing @ pension for years, says
the Record.
hes been) _
he was sereusly wounded, but a
later examiuetion proved. that no
benes. were broken. An ugly
wound waa made, beginning at
the nase snd encircling the left
eye-"Varham Sun.
The. Charlotte
North CarolinaTs
Independent and fearless ; r and
more attractive than ever. it lbe an
invaluable visitor to the home. the
office , the club. pr the work room.
All of the news of the world. Com-
plete Daity reports from thé State
and National Capitols. @8 a year.
A perfect "* aioe All the
news of the week
from oe the Le ging a upecial om Fen
pao ol o
Send for sample copies. Address _
Charlotte. N.C
Mere. W.M KING, Prop
M ed ili Ss " So
7 APL ae gt: 7 as ee -
Seal ee xe i Yr at oe eee aie. ae: A i Pas aaa a a ee ee ~~
ae, ps er Ee See ee ee - poscad e Te a aa, | ee ee ee
ae: sae
Greenville | Collegiate,
R NVILLE, N.C. 8. D. Bagley,
G wt Prinefpal. With fall conpe ot
Teachers. Next will n
the English Branches, Ancient and
Modern La | Musie will oe
coment on the conservatory
a graduate i:; musie. Instruction
1 Mnteg Di-cipline firm, but kind,
Terms reasonable. Artand Elocution
wiil be taught, if desired, Calisthenics
free. For particulars address the Prin-
cipal, Gne wile N, ns
The fall term of my school will open in
the Masonic Ledge building
Monday. Sept., 2nd T95,
Course of study embraces the awe!
English branches, higher mathematics,
Latin and Freoch.
Number of puptis will be limited.
Apply fer terms.
[ will open a select Music School on
Monday, Sept. 2nd., T95.
Instruction thorough. No extra charge
_ for use of Piano. Tertns furnished
dn application
The next session of this School will
begin on
MONDAY, SEPT, 2, 1809,
and continue for ten me Ly
The course peg ayre all the branches
usually taught in an Academy.
Terms, both fog tuition and beard
rove ime 1 fit and equipped for
ye wei
busigees, by te the ae
alone. Whére they ~wish ~te
pursre a higher this
guarantees tho
enter, wi h credit, any College in North
( or. the Stare Universi It
reférs to thoee who have recentl oleft
its ~walls. far the this
~Any young man With character and
mederate ability taking a course - with
o will aided in
" continue fr A ln trite ohio.
aavigiine ail ~ve. kept at its
~tinile nor ~attention nor
mane comedienne tele FON
ou tons
pats oor beso he she a oe a.
W. H. Riespatz,
work wil
oBuperior Court @¥érk, Bi A. oloyer*
sheriff, R. W- wade
Register of Deeds, W. M. King.
~Treasurer, J. L. Little.
OTH. Laughing-
Coroner, Dr. C.
~- Commissioners"C. Dawson, chmTn.
Leonidas ee T. E. Keel, Jesse L.
Smith and 8. M. Jones.
Sanit, Health, Dr, W. H. Bagwell.
SupTt. County Home, J; W. Smith.
County Examiner of Tcvachers."Prof.
W. H. Ragsdale.
dee Ola Forbes. |
rk, C. C. Forbes.
Treasurer, W. T. Godwin.
Police"J. W. Perkius, chief, Fred.
Cox, aset; J. W. Murphy, night.
Councilmen"W. H. Smith, W. L.
bene i Jha hati ha smal?
ego Services every Sunday (ex-
and night. Prayer
'M.| 0 catch: becatse ft will ~not* take
cept poral
ureday night. Rev. C.
ae seman creer Sap Schvol at 9: 9: xo
j_plscora. serv
day morning
Greaves, .
A. M. W. B. Brown, sepT
ist. Serv
* atid oE
pha night. ° itey .
apr Sunday Acheo! at 9:30 Be Sure
~Billington, Supt.
Breebyverian. yyterian. Services ever lst anc
3rd Sun 7 ght ay Prayer
sat aeneny:
v. Archbie
Laskin, pastor. nday. Sehvol at
930A. M.,.B. D, oe Supt.
Covenant Laden Yorlt 1%. IL. De QO,
meets every Tuesday n D.D.
ei NG.
Greenville Loge: No. 28 +A. FF. & a
M. meets first and third Monday nights)
Zens Moore, W. M
F | of ~pétch,
8} ground in the swamp, and one sinks.
Salat every step to his knees in mud.
~(| The: cane: which forms. ~brakes ~all
B| through the south id abundant. | To-:
g Rae ae ewan Hatin el
. oT have just returned from a visit
Yo the Dismiil ' 7 said De A.
K, Figher,: pit icp of . the ge-
partment of jure, to a Wash-
ington Star wri
oIt is a stes (full of o�,�d-
ities that ere , tobe fond eisé-
where. i-
tion was to Pest ahs E12 p4 isk ei ak of
the lotality; atta� of Yate� thittimals
and birds I hoor quité a namber..
Saker mrp teny tee tnt
by the pa ase oo
all that isaw to bd venoms ees. Whet
I picked up a g0e@-sised One" from ~a
log.and held. Aca hid) ating k, the
negro who ge ine
shuddered 80 that he early upset the
- Ae] found - about: fifty: apeckes: of
birds breeding in. the swamp. One
of them is SwainsonTs warvler, which
is very! ~rate. -P tray ! gévéra)
species of sivall ~thice"riceT mite.
field mice, goldep mice and lem zg}
mice. The lemming mouse is b
1 any sort of bait. ' Theonly way to
capture itis to seta trap in its Ny wll
~way. I set my traps in dry dry plates
out of water. Among other bings
«| £. got two rare shrews.
~Phere are plenty of. exttioin the | Faised
swarmp--small, derk,.and very, wild..|
They are the progeny of animals that |
have strayed from: domes tivated },
herds. Hunters stalk and ~shoot| |
them like deer. Bears are numerous.
tly..ow~the fruit of the ~sour
gum. . Laoepepsparsbapant spate Tec:
coons are not scarce, while #q1
are remarkably abundant.
squitrelsT have discovered anT easy
me sore gore Seimei slong
Sieking sen pepe ges
pic up d-.be
F| picking� fallen pai te rater and
drifted:.in' wiadrows- ohey: trot |
alonn. the Joga..and fobs thea. out,
wit their. paws. it sal
but hard to
futi ~them ~in BR Nes Fad ~ood catch
them with dogs. -#9
Dramioae whieh: chatsibe plenty,
plack babs, two kinds of
pickerel. three spsolesiof sunfish, and:
other . panfish..| ~There cis::no -dry
ls the Sat-rier,:
fn the autumn they feddT greed-|
5 aaa
cacch 10
D : nie the clothing and hold on e books.
5. aia hie craett acai emunaid ree bouts weed in the Dismal
A Strange Reo ~Pin oof Cech) swath are a: dég-oute.omude-frow
" cypress ane keene 60 " _
. . narrow. .Tos
Some Things Teld by Dr. A. K. Fisher, an propetly ts nfo pt piece or Cort the
Orniigrns went er le cutwass Employ, | novice -who stepe into pe of ane
of Investigation. | boate ds apt: te. go out on the other
side, but the native stands up and) _
paddies with. security, ...The water
is darker than amber, and; excellent.
to drink; it is said to be a sure cure A
for�"� malaria. oThere ts So ~malarial
~disease in the swamp. ~The svwarnp
is ~fall of omagnolias. from he. size ~of
bushes © to� trees isistty «geet eee [Ex
Wheo Iw ae potig Aca rd :
flowers. . he, . trees are cut Ly Fay teville 4.8u
for shing e bes r the Ar. Flo P26)
paren ~to ayy ,
are pow covered gh moss.
negroes wade in and cutoff she moss
and: fotten bark. .Then they: cut up
she log into shingles on the spot. The
best tree is one th Ae newly
fal en, and the third qua ty is the
tree that bas to be fell |
- Denise er
A capital� Fy was once told of
Rev. Thomas ~Hunt, ~the © veteran
temperaace orator, who was well
known: in the: early history. of tbe
| Wyoming: valley... ::Hei was a-some-
what eccentric man, but péssess
of néniarkably quick wit; which stood
bien: in Rood stead ' on © many occa
_During ~the ciyal,, was hnanilotet
in one oe ee ee het ata served rid ged
chaplain.� ip Ste� 6 very
fiercest of the .bettle a. major rode
bis in front, of the re it,
g Father Hunt at the head
thats, lace ip great astoclet
oWhat am I ~doing?�.
|etanch old minister, quickly.
ated the
~cheering the heatts of the brave, |
rand watching the heels: of the sept
ards!" ©
He was evidently performing: thia
| double task so well and thoroughly
~that the miijor could find no fault
~with him, and left him ~to: his séif-
a Fireiess Lo Locomotive.
A fireless locomotive. was recently
used. on the Als le Chanelle, Iie
railroad. motive power is
rived from toda. The invention is.
based ot the principle that solutions
of caustic suda, which bave~ high |.
ee ae anaes -heat. while,
_ steam. ese eng
area neither smoke nor stcam, coe
work - noiseléssty. Compared with |S"
é6al-burving locomotives: | theT soda!) .,
an. raiser epics OO SS
me oe
"what -are- you doing |-
Sirens i A 4 Pe
trumneel aa | [2
Vv = Ne
| Galifax at: ¢ 11:00 a. or Sas rege
o| lafly coke Sandav..
5 ewe oanas ~Washnigton . leave
a ee
bap Fe
10.26 on
YOUR.-ATTENTION| _ svevsrvacme:) ° =)
~MER. B. Seah, ofA yéen has boon it)
Ribbed. \Nckte's bey
town to-day. *
. "Master Bennie Higgs ts ~aking rele.
; ; tives near Farmville. " |
*y| Mr. J. H. Small, of Washington, spent.
S H.O.ES. Miss Abbie Carr, of Willow Greene,
i = Same Stirring roun
_.. «These Warm Days. _.-
a� , _ "
Me. M OQ Blount, of Bethel, was hereT
| to-day.
is visiting Miss Mary Alete Moye.
Mr. A. L: Blow returned last night
"AND" from a basiness trip te Tarbore.
. | Mrs. Dr. W. Hy land children
~SLIPPERS! *: |. Mr. aad Mrs. W. 8: Bewisand dimgh
fret Miss Velma, lett today for Bean-
s the largest and cheapest sver m| at
Jered int town, come seeSor) yy. A LL. Galloway took
| y the train Here| y
yourself and be conwineed. (this morning to visit tigide jn Cugthatp'�
BABY CARRIAGES, | ess, cored ta aban a
~the yard stick again god can be found)
Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace} with J. B. Cherry & Co.
Goods sold on their merits and Mr C. M. Jones retarned this morn.
priced made aoserdingly. ing from New bern. . He tus taken « po-
sition with Js B. Cherry & Co.
Toe Dax Berizcrozn ought
~ta be a directory of the. business
of Greenville. How many busi-
' oRess houses would @ stranger
Just peocived a nicT line of pure North |*Hink the town bed by looking
Carolina er our advertising colamas.
Sweet Gum and Pepsin A Bing 284 Years ©).
CHEWING CUM Mrs. Wm. Plummer bas a gold
ae small red set ip it
Manufactured at Seqtiand Neck. ~sore| Thien bears the following inesorp
digestion, whiteos teeth and cures .
throat. At the same time you Sane ~tion on the inside: oLR. W. to
age howe industeries by chewiug this|M E V..1611.� The ring has 6
Gom, For sale by ~history ahd has come down from
J.L. STAREEY & CO. generation to generation till it is
J. L. Starkey & Co. nearly worn ont, thcugh the 1n-
"AGENTS FCk THE" -cription is intact" Burlington
WILMINGTON. WN. C. | The anntal business meeting
This Laundry does the finest work in ~and gicnic of-the Bryan Grimes
the south, and prices are low. W® Camp of Confederate Soldiers of
make shipments vesiay. Bri
your work to our aenban Mandap am | Pitt county wil! be held on Thars-
at the Coliege
ie ef) be torwardead promptiy. Price day, Sept. 5th,
| xrove in Greenville. Every old
fo et ER he
~ Goll B \Contederate Soldier is especiaily
ege ote linvited to be present with a full
Lasket of something to eat 0d
MES. DELLA GAY. Proprietresa, A good time is in store for the
lod Soldrers. Every ove should
ensindnabtcs dupes and to the hed com mittee Of dine� to� Bes
bacco warehouses.
highest location sfeund/ ome one else that all may get
path. Splendid mineral water. _|potice in time- The best speakers
Reogsstarge wad comfortable. Table will bo there to.eddress. the oc
Wupptied wHh the best the market af-jcasioa vs - 79
ete eet ~wa eos 8; hk More, Oom:-
Termé reas onable. ~B. F. Svaae, Adj.
J. B. CHERRY & Co,
a .
aaa iad
Brings Mew Items, and he Reflesos
eras we 20% seit
Nice ahowers-this,aftexpoan, _
Services ia the. Baptist. @barch.
oie .
At was fearfally warm before the
shower but pleasant since.
oWe are indebtedT to vr W. H.
aqgijewwsa! 7
| Bagwell for a ~very fine canteloupe
All kinds binda nent ius and fruits
at J. L. Starkey: & Co's,
Midses Louise Latham and
Winnie Skinner will. give a lawn
.|perty to-night
There Were good breaks out at
the warehouses to day. As usual
vrices were all right. .
eae * kept in refrigerators at
L. Starkey £U0's.
~You can notice the difference
im the length! of days now, ~and
they grow still shorter.
New Corned Maulletse and Cod
Fish as S. M. Schultz.
This is the editorTs~ birthday.
He is .not yet an old man, being
still om the bright side of fifty.
For the best Cigar in town go
to J. L. Starkey & Co.
Not a large crowd went on the
moonlignt excursion W ednesday
night, but they had a good time
Still a greater reduction
ummer goods at Lang's.
The train gave us a complete
water haul inthe way of,personals
Wednesday evening, nota paseow
ger for this station.
At the firemenTs contest at New-
bern, Wednesday afternoon,prize |,
forthe quickest steaming; was won
iby the Greensboro company-
Hair singeing bas become a
popular way of*getting off the
hair and musteche. We donTt
believe that style has _ struck
Greenville yet.
Mr. Alfréd Forbes is Laving the
paired and fitted ap to be used by
Mise Hortense Forbes for her mu-
sie school. -
The many friends of,Mr. Thom:
as McGee, of Mount: Olive, who
is well known ~here will be~ pained | o
PS ach ~little
oleer eaoree. Hie a wid igen
bailding near his residence re-|,T
S.-W: Ss chultz
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