Daily Reflector, July 6, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

ali ee on eg RE ele oe Sean ie Pa Oh eS yee ey | a o= ~
See a mee ee See ali Gp Eee eg tne tee ean) 8 Se ee PMO RIP ae ap aae, Ha ee ONCE eta eR et Pee e eed


Vol. 2.

GREENVILLE, N. C., JULY 6, 1895.

NOTES AND TOBACCO Henderson people asked



~how they liked Oxford and Dur
~ham. They said they liked them
~all well enough, aod that land had
~been offered them very cheap.
Suppose our merchants and ~ne Hendrsoa men asked if they
business men were to be calied |jiked Henderson as well the other
upon to give three or four thou- 'two towns, and they said yes, then
sand doilars in order to establish ~said the Henderson men, if we
a permanect indastry here, thatT will nake the price of the Jand
would turn loose inthe town week |,atisfactory will you locate your
ly from six hundred toa thousand | ytgammery here, and the comm«t-
dollars, would they do it? Ofjitee said they thought they would.
course it is easy to argue that a Phen the Henderson people told |
concern of that much importance, ~them to stake off what they want-
if they wanted to co.n here, would | ied aud they would make tuema
not stay away bocaiss the towa) ~deed f.ee of charge forit. Hen
would not give thanths site o1 ~derson got the factory and from
which to operate. S it waldaTt, phat time on began to move for-
ifthey coald not 24 aaywhere/ ward. From this the merchants
else, but in this diy aal tims leew from $750 to $1.000 per
there are other bidiers for such; yo4k that would have gone to
concerns as this. A fewdays ago Oxford or Durham.
says the ~Wilson Advice, the bus" Now you merchants know how
iness men of thst towa mt% tt) much profit there ison athousand
BranochTs bank to consider a pro | iollars of the kind of trade that
position from a lot of capitalists |t,ig was: Make your owo calcu-
who were intending startiag @ to ||ations and see if you could afford
bacco stemmery and a reordering |¢, gain anything to establish a
establishment. The capitalists |pusiness of this kind. Of course
were turned over to a committee! y., have had no such proposition
who showed them through the| 'made us, but we donTt know how
town and the principal sites. That).gon such a proposition may be
evening another meetiug was call-| nade. There are some people as
ed and the merchants and basi-|, matter of course who would
ness men were told by the pros |rather give something to keep
pectors that they would locate| anything of this kind away from
there if the site was givea them. ihe town taan to get ithere. ~These
That means they will locate there, | people live, always have lived and
for the Wilson business mon are jt isto be feared will live as a
not going to let that opportunity | stumbling block in the way of do-
slip. A few years ago there was ing something. They would not
a large corporation who expected |feel at ease doing busicess beside
to establish a tobacco steamory | men whose business methods are
somewhere in the central tobacco | go far superior to their own, hence
belt. Henderson, Oxford and they should not be blamed for
Durham were candidates for the!their opposition. If we should
establishment- When the inves"|cet an opportunity of establish-
vestigating committee of the cor" ing a busivess of this kind in our
poration went to Henderson tuey | yidst, let the poople got together
were taken in charge by the tO' and express their desire to haye
bacco men and showed over the|theum come among us, and even if
town, and when the coumittee!gq inducement 18 offered it will
asked what indacement would be|pave a pleasant effect.
offered to them to locate there.
they were told to go to Oxford
and Darhem, and before closing
the trade tocome back-to Hen�"�
derson. They did this andin due
time returned to Henderson. The

Turough an oversight in yes-

Miss Nannie Fleming with

the report of the German.

terdayTs REFLEcToR the names of
J. B. White were omitted from


goods this week.

is thrown open to the
you just name the price and we

will suit you.




Cutting and Slashing prices to
make room for my incoming


My entire stock
public and

Low prices on

voods but the quality remains the
Come and see



Falkland Items,



| table was well prepared and w

FALKLAND, N.C. Juty 5 1895. | managed succassfully. After di

Mr. J. M.


A few of our people wil! go to
iOcracoke Saturday.

Miss Mamie Mercer. of Wilson
is visiting Miss Lula Warren.

Miss Bettie Bynum of Saratoga
is visiting Miss Lizzie Peebles.

Many people from here attened
the big races, etc, 1n Greenville on
the 4th.

Mrs. J. M. Edwards and little
son, uf Wilson, are visiting the
family of Mr. J. S. Harris.

The first picnic of the season
in this neighborhood was given
at MayoTs Mill Wednesday by the
tony wrnagers: C. H. Mayo,
Ww. J. Cook, W.S. Newtor, and
WwW. M. Evans. A large crowd at
tended, many being present from
Tarboro, Wilson, Greenville,
Rocky Mount, Conetoe, Grifton.
Farmville and Saratoga. All en-
joyed the musicand dancing until
12 O'clock when dinner was pre
pared and every ong went to the

table, all had as much as they
could eat -and even more. The

Williams is quite | ner the young folks enguged

~dancing and talking to the
sweethearts, the older ones loc
ing on. Everything passed «

pleasantly, ending witha ni
dance in SmithTs ~Hall at niet

There were lots and lots "
pretty girls hers on the 4th, bo
at the races and at the ~Germ:
In commenting upon them
geptleman who was here remal
ed to the Reriecror: oI havese
none that surpass your Greenvi
girls� His head is level.

~ Greenville Market.

Corrected by 8S. M. Sehultz, ~at |

Old Bricx store.
Butter, per Ib 17 to
Western Sides 6.60 to
Sugar cured Hams 11 te
Corn * 40 tc
Corn Meal 50 t¢
Cabbage |
Flour, Family 5.25 to5
ra 6 te

Sugar 4t
Coffee 16 te
Salt per Sack 80 to
Oniomens 20 t«
Eggs pet doz

Beeswax, per 1b ae
Kerosene, 134 t«
Pease,per bu 1
Hulls, per ton ¢
Cotton Seed Meal 2¢
Hides en 51


a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee a a ee Se

f° eer soins °
- DAILY REFLECTOR. |ry Dail 2 00, Sam and Ano Oher-| Overton, J T Nelson, L L Kitrell,jas presented by the Sheriff was
; ry 4.00, Fannie Tucker 1 50, 3 O|J W Edwards, Louis H Cox, Law (allowed.

PD. J. WHICHARD. Editor. Proctor 5 00, Alice Corbett 3 00,|rence Hooker, Eibert Forbes, B) phe Board met with the chair-
~Raster Vines | 50, Alex Harris|E Abrams, Daniel Hateca, C K ner of the township Board of As-
sions 1200, Winifred Taylor 600, Ly-| Johnson, E imoad S Harris, F Mo ogsors, and upon motion the val-
[Entered as second-class mail matter. dia Staton 1 5U, W H Parker 2 09, Smith, Howell Cobb, Jas Hardy, ations reported by the peddasdfaT
"--~ \J G@ Nelson 150. Winnie Chap-,A B Ellington, W G Carson, TS for the seyeral townships was

; " N z - AY) i .
EVERY APTERNOON (EXCEPT silt gull man 1 50. Polity Adams 1 50, Mrs/Steucill, HR Johnson, P H Kit- | ,dopted.

.At Guilford, Battle Ground | W Cnsp 250, W F Williams trell. Geo W Gardoer, Jobo L| Leonidas Fleming and Jesse L
on July 4tb, there was a formal

3s 5v, James Long 70), Armel:a|Carboo, Wiley Pierce, S ~ "| Swith who were appointed us
dedication of a. Munument to, Heartly 15v, Edwin Haddock) W uighars. Doan adie Hv} committee to assist in settlement
Col. Joseph Winsten. There| | 58, Matitda Thomas 2 00, Cha. Pines. WA Daven a of taxes between the Sheriff and
= were five thousand people pre- AIAN Melt ome " _ | freasurer for the year 1894. re-
E sent. The address was delivered | The following ord:-rs for gener | SECOND WEEK. | ported the duty discharged and
: by President Winston, of the al county purposes were issued :| Jos Moye, T L Moore, Howell that the said taxes had been set"
Tiniversit The statue 1s the! RW King 9 80,3 A Lang 1 6s Warren, A J Fianakio, D Sitled.
- ~ft f Gov Holt. It i5\B L Davis 409, D D Brvant 4 90,| Spain, J * Case, W E Moore, J | The amount of county and ~
- gut. ° . (W G Little 24 00. H F Keel 62 27,|Mc D.xon, J E Warren, Alonzo B ..h00] taxes for the year, $20,147,

4 Subscription 25 cents per Month.

T made of sleet co r and looks . - . | .

Oe eae it it wore bronze aud |J2° M Manning 300, WH Reeves|Cherry, (eo W Hemby, B o\53. The insolvent list was $821,"
as = 12 00, Rickard Harris 12 00, W H/James, W E Barrett, W B Browns\4g° The amount of taxes for
is said to be as durable. | Wiihams 14 00 OW Harrington veer ys . tere Lunos | Greenville stock law territory was
~ "E==EEE= 150 00, oustree 52 00, M | ~or emiug, tOoKes $359.31, in Swift Creek and Con-
: The jury has been se'ected forT Tucker 50 00. WR Will-ams 21 20,) License to retail liquor for tix itentnea stock law territory $352-
the trial of Shemwell far killing [ A Thigpen 2200, G F Smith) months were grauted to the fol-|g6.

' Dr. Payne. To the surprise of|220, John A o~1isp 3 0'*, C Piiowing: | _eoniweienierimeenie
every one it took only four|Gaskins 22 00,J J Nobies 26 0°, Greenville"-H C Edwardz, oO. Who Should Advertise.
hours to get the jury. After i B Mewburne 24 85,R W Jones| Hooker, W E Barnett, W LCoLb |
some instructions to the jury 74 00.J W Page 1? 00, Homecd W Suydam, J A Braddy, B F| Who should advertise, is a ques-
by Judge Boykin, court ad beer 134, Jas R Cong eteu) 4 iderson. Malt, E H Shelvurn.|tion that has been propounded "

19 75, HN 19 00, J D Cox)
journed unt] next day when). so 5 bs Pron 26 ov, J J May! Grifton"E A Biand, Bryau and answered in difterent ways.

the trial will commence in a), 1) 3 R Overton 2600, J W Gardner, E. Leng. | We answer, everyone who has
hotly contested battle. Some 6 aith 168 25, Ivv Smith 13 09, w | Bethel"Robt Staton, F S Gard aaything to sell, whether it isa
startiing developments are ex LA Pollard 9 00,J B Little 29 60, Der- | product of hand, brain or ma-
a pected even in the beginning | 5 A K Tucker 14 00, HC Venters Pactolus"J R Davenport, JF chine, and in cases where those
| of the triaL 'g0 00, F G@ Dapree 20 00, W L Mobley. _who wish to buy or secure any-
: . """ ~Smith 3330,C V Newtou 2000, Dongola" T L Turnage. ~thing that they cannot obtain con-
Vol. Fairbrother, of Durham, | Wo McAtthur 9 00, F G Moore! Parker's X Roads"J Q Smith | Veniently, they should advertise.
~sold his paper some time @ZO | 23 v0, S R Ross 21 20, D C Moore & Go. - | Advertising should be treated
with the unde-standing that he)9500,T A Thigpen 3 60, Ivy Smith) Centre Bluff"J S Keel. |precisely as any other investment
was not to edit another paper, go, R W King 70 9, B M Lewis) GajlowayTs X Roads"N H Bed |andin nine eases out of ten it
in North Carolina. Kecently |22 85, A P Turnage 14 99, Jarvis gard. |pays a better profit than anything
he re:urned to Durham and/g¢ Blow 20000, W H Bagwell wWarriston- EC Edwards. |for which money 1s spent. The.
bought the Recorder, but he 3250,D J Whichard 340, T J) Wul"W E Hicks. vest evidence that advertising
has been restrained from pub-|Jarvis 850, Sheppard or Lang, Grimesland"T M Moore & Co. pays is the fact that millions are
lishing it by his contract when) 00, J A Lang 420, W L Housejg O Proctor & Bro: invested in it by all sorts of trade
: he sold his paper. Not many)2 39, E Lang 23%, G T Tyson! Marlboro"S S Harris. and by the most successful busi-
~~ tears will be shed on account of 9 83, Andrew Blount 1 25 Edwards} Oakley"W E Fleming. ~ness men in the land. No sensi-
FF ebis reauit. '& Broughton 745, W M King Stokes-J L. Perkins & Co. ble man van believe that success-
: 9 05,8 M Jones 3 30, T E Keel) Ayden"J B Garris. ful business houses advertise for
COMMISSIUNERS MEETING. [3 70, Jesse L Smith 280, C Daw- - Cobb's Store"C. D. Smith. the fun of the thing. With them
oe son 3 50, Levnidas Flemiug 250, Ordered that the Supervisors !t is business Just as much as buy

GREENVILLE, N. C. Jaly Ist 1895,) ¥ M King 13 95 of Swift Creek aud Chicod town-|iDg stock or selling products.

The Bvard of Commissioners | Swift Creek stock :aw territory: thip allot hands to the new road, There are certain principles of
for Pitt county met this day.) L B Mewborne 2 0°, J BR Jobn- leading from the -Haddock farm trade that men ought not to ig"
Present, C Dawson, chairman, 302 200,A F Pittman 290, Cito Mrs. Sallie WilsonTs on the nore, and among them the prin-

Leonidas Fleming,Jesse L- Smith, Dawson 2 00, J D Cox. 2 00. | Williams road \cipalone is regular, legitimate

SB. M. Jones and T- E Keel. | Greenville stock law territory:| Ordered that poll tax for 1894 and persistent advertising. " Wes-
The following orders for pau-| O W Harrington 500, C D)\be refunded to Romeo Stokes oa |tern Stationer.

. were drawn: Rountree 5 00,G M Tacker 5 00. account of old age. "_"_-

Martha Nelson 2 00,H D Smits) The following Jarors were, (Ordered that taxes of Thomas
150, Jacod McLawhorn 1 50, drawn for Ssptember term Supe-|J. Jarvis for 1894 be corrected and ;
| Waocy Moore 3 50, Susau Briley rior Coart. that he be refunded the sum of ie nial to 5° ee thas. its
a -9 50, Lacinda Smith 150, Henry FIRST WEEE. $8.56. a pase e are prog consive aod never
~Farris 250, Kenneth Henderson} W R Horne, Mc D Horton, J) Ordered that $75 be allowed to a hey ned oe hiokoe
3 00, Eliza Edwaids 150, Carlos|W Allen, B F Cobb, R M Scarkey, Co. H. Pitt County Rifles. plane BE proeperics al HS

Gorbam 2 00, J H Bibb2 00, Hen-|Thos E L~ttle, W S Newton, J 8 The insolvent tax list for 1894

Nothing so helps a town as for

» 4

ge ed = a ae ede ia a ee Se ee ee eee, SE = "o"a- oo To re "Ln td "_ ny ee ee ee ee ae
a eS ee we eee ~ ee, Fe ee ee ge ee ee ee ae tee eee ae ees ae ee a ee ee he ar a EEE Se ee a MR eg Ne. Re agi iee Benge, gee

RCs eee RAS eee ae eS anes me ae
a eae

ome A

A Division of Responsibility.

On the outskirts of one of our
southern cities there used to be an



Superior Court Clerk, E. A. Moye.
sheriff, R. W. King.

Register of Deeds, W. M. King.
Treasurer, J. L. Little.

thriving business, but who, in an
evil -hour, took to himself a young
map as partner. The money mar
ters of the concern soon became so
involved that the old man begged

Coroner, Dr. C. OTH. Laughing-
, ouse. for a release, but the young man
Survevor. assured him that the law in the case

of partnership was so peculiar that
it couldnTt be broken. Six months
later, when the younger partner was
away, the old man consulted a friend,
found out the truth, and nailed up
the following placard:

*~The parnership heretofore resist-
ing between Micah Davis and myself
is now resolved. Who owes the
firm will callon me. Who the firm
owes will cali on Micah Davis.�

Commissioners"C. Dawson, chmTn,
Leonidas Fleming, T. ©. Keel, Jesee L.
Smith and 8. M. Jones.

SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell,
SupTt. County Home, J. W. Smith.

County Examiner of Teachers."Prof.


Mayor, Ola Forbes.

Clerk, ©. C. Forbes.

Treasurer, W. T. Godwin.

Police"J. W. Perkins, chief, Fred.
Cox, asst; J. W. Murphy, night.

Councilmen"W. H. Smith, W. L.
Brown, W. T. Godwin. T. A. Wilks,
Dempsy Buffin, Julius Jenkins.

When Two Virginians Meet

The first thing two Virginians do
when they meet is to take a mint
julep together; they next talk kin.
If they are straogers to one another
the first requisite is to locate and
thus identify each other. Then they
take another julep. Then the wild
hunt for relationship begins and
generally ends in establishing cous-
inship from a first to a tenth degree
from a marriage somewhere be-
tween 1650 and 1895. Then they
take another julep and the conversa-


= Baptist. Services every Sunday (ex-
cept second) morning and night. Prayer
meeting Thursday night. Kev. C. ad.
Billings, pastor. Sunday School at 9-8

A.M. C. D. Rountree, SupTt. tion takes this turn and goes on for
Catholic. No re, r services. hours:
Episcopal. Services+very fourth Sun- ~*You say you are one of the Ran-

day morning and night. Rev. A,
Greaves, Rector. Sunday School at 9:30
A. M. W. B. Brown, SdupTt.

Methodist. Services every Sunday
morning «and Light. Preyer meeting
Wednesday night. Rey G. F. Smith,
art Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. A.
. Kington, Supt.

Presbyterian. Services every ist and
3rd Sunday morning and night. Prayer
meeting ~iaesday night ev. Archie
McLauchlin, pastor. Sunday School at
9:30 A. M.,B. VD. vans, SupTt.

dolphs of ~Curls?T�

~No; but my mother was a Page.
Her mother was a Burwell. My
great-grandmother was a Carry.
My great-grandfather was a Lee.
My great-great-grandmother was @&
Washington and my great-great-
great-great-grandfather was a Ran-
dolph, of Tuckahoe, and, ah""

Here another mint julep stope
him." Washington Post.

To tmprove Your Writing.

~o~T have mude'~a discovery of value
to the schoolmaster,� said the fat
man, and he exhibited with pride
his right band with the ring finger
tied close up to the palm in a
string bridle which was passed
around the thumb and tied around
the waist.

oYou see, it came about in this
way. The end of the finger was
sore and I wanted to keep it away
from the desk while I was writing.
It was after I tied it up that I made
my discovery. Ordinarily when I
write Ihave an awkward habit of
forming the letters by moving my
whole hand and forearm. Since I
have tied that finger up and donot
have it to slide the hand along upon
I find that I am obliged to write
witha movement of the first two


Covenant Lodge No. 17. I. O. O, ¥:,
meets every Tuesday night. Dr. W.H
Bagwell, N.G.

Greenville Lodge No. 28t A. F. & A.
M. meets first and third Monday nights
Ww. M. King, W. M




"IF YOU WANT" fingers and the thumb in the proper
manner. itisa and. valuable

discovery and o
in the schools.�"N. Y. Sun.°

old colored blacksmith who did a|

1t tobe put to use

This Heminds


You every day

in the month of




July that if
you have

your Printing done
at the

It will be done right,
It will be done in style
and it always suits.
These points are
well worth weighing
in any sort
of arte but

above all things in

Your, Job Printing.




@ Patronage solicited. ;

Special attention given to cleaning




Dated (18 HID jes
June 23, [¢ z re é3
1895. A A 2
A. M|IP.M| |A. M.
Leave Weldon | 11 58] 9 27
Ar. Rocyk Mt 1 12 87/10 20
Lv Tarbore 123 20 7 :
Ly Rocky Mt 1 05/10 20 6 00
Ly Wilson 2 03/11 03
Ly Selma | 2 53).
Lv FayTtteville| 4 30/12 53
Ar. Florence 7 16} 3 00
5 b
Pp. M. | A.M
Lv Wilson 213 6 35
Lv Goldsboro 2 10 7 20
Ky Wikelagvos| 8 45 10 00
Dated |p lS 1p
June 23, Py 33 |
1895. BA |Z Al | Aa.
een te 5) .
Ly Florer.ce 8 15| 7 35
Lv Fayetteville| 10 55! 9 35
Lv Selma ~ 112
Ar Wilsx n 1 201 2a
wpa rl: ne
Ly Wilmi on} 8 cs
Lv Goldsboro | 12 065 o9 40
ar Wilson 1 00 10 27
2.| wa:
+" i ; 2 3 z
sa| (24)
P.M| |P. MiP. M,
Ly Wilson 1 80} {M1 g2| 10 3
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 33 / 12 07| 17 ~Te
Ar Tarboro 2 48 | |
Lv Tarboro
Lv Rocky Mt 2 33 12 Q7
Ar Weldon $ 48 12 50| cee
Train on Sootians Neck I wirat
saves Weldon 5.40 p. m, 4.
p. m., Felden Fi ind it at 4.55 "
w., Greenville 6.37 3!


leaves ~Tarboro 4.50 p. m1.,
ees arrives Washington 7.35 p. m

ily except Sunday. Connects wit!
trains on Scotie nd



a Mm.

Gentlemens Clothing.

p.m. Returning, leaves Ai
a. m., Greenyille 8.23 a. m. Arrivin;
Halifax at 11:00 a. m., Weldon 11.20 an
jaily exeept Sundav. i Arig

Trains on Washnigton
Washington 7.00 a, m., arrives

marie & Raleigh R. R.
day, at 5 00 p. m., Sunday 3 00
arrive Plym
| Return!

aon . Kinston-7
yes Kinston 7.2

Branch leav

m.. Tarboro 9.50; returnin;

Parmele 6.1

Neck Branch. ;
leaves Tervers, = C, via Albe

outh 9.20 P. M., 5.20 pe. m

leaves Plymouth ~
00 a. M., ee
arboro 10.26 a.m and 11, 4


J. kK, KENT-Y, Gen'~l :


Ltn saitinaciintin kan

ae oo ee cae ee Oe a en

Bt. Louis 1, Louisville &

| not to repeat the ivjury-
; ARRIA 5 FIRN | Johnny and Jeuny were quarrell.
: - | Jenny began to cry.

ts of Norfolk : was shown @ turkey: gobler that
| CoTTOR. was setting pee. potatoes as
Mian einicely asa hen apon eggs.
Good | ing a 04 Mr. Edwardstbad pathhis call po-
Low Mi a mntlox hie grape bachor $0
Good Ordinary protect them from ¢ sun. ihe
+ ieee en wrt. gobler had maderaT iceT and
a 23 atrewe? pe as by aod h
Prime rotled about 73 potatoes in the
ae st nest and is now setting upon nee
spe ay erties ny us |
: "10 ct»" Firm. under him as 800n. See
-P 2.5) to 2.7 . S008 BS Se Ene :
BEE. Peas"dest, imita en the gobler means basiness.

ta ee


2 Me a a a a el eh a i ae a le ak Bk eS

aoa ne

Sa rs ee es ar ee ey ied eget Rep
Sak te cae ae te ~

The following is the séore of ~ieihiitfervi -lils
ere ed bythe National |The Year Gets Older, Not These

At Brooktyo."Brooklyn 7, Bos | Dr. W, H! Bagwejlss yuite sick.
oon: *- N y N York & Mrs. Bettie Lawrence is quite sick. °
tee & ow ner Mr. Frank Tisdale, of Newbern, is in


At Philadelphia " Philadelphia a
4 Washingtvu 3. | Ex-Senator and Mrs. T. J. Jarvis are

At S«. Lonis "S:. Louis 12/*t Morehead.
Louigyille 6 Secon: game" Ppr.C. A. Whitehead. of Scotlanc
neck, ia visiting friends here.

At Chicago."Chicayo 8, Cin-|
cinnati 7. Second yame"Uhi-
eago 9, Cinciunati o-


Mi~ses Bes-ie Harding a~id Lizzie

Murphy have gone to Ormondsville for |
a visit.

i -



Suiprers, SLIPP:
Bay yourCigars at D. 8: Smith's

Mrs. R. W. King gave an after"
Bgoe tea.to her lady friends Fri-

Race to LanaTs store fur Bar-
GAD 8.

Ali kinds coc] drinks and fruits
at J. L. Sturkey & Co's.

A long row of stables are
being built pear the Star Ware.

At Pittsburg "Pitteburg 6,
Cleveland 2. ~Second gsme~|
Pittsburg 10, Cleveland 5.

Mr. D. M.Prince, one of the principals |

of the Scotland Neck Male Academy, is)
~here to-day in the interest of his schvol. |

oe i i
. . ~| Mre. M. H. Qainerly, of Kinstoh,who|
YOUR -:- ATTENTION (pas teen spending « tw days withT Ler|
| parents Mr.and Mrs. A. Forbes, returao |

/home this evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fountain and Miss |

May Harris, of Falkland. Mrs Bettie

Taft, Missea Lena au Ella Taft and
| Maggie Kinloa, Messers. 4. J. Uherry,


DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LACES, stvesescis tent cs cae:

: T ?'man Wilson. J. J. Hathaway and

Ribbons. Gloves, Mitts, &c., carried by Briley left for Ocracoke on steamer |
| Myers to-day,

; | Sweeprne REpuctions in Wasb-
goods at Lang's.
e * § |

the best Ci in to
"this season. Our Stock of" lor re Satter ECO. wn £0

| C) LL | Georgia Watermelons and

° * e | Ue Carrs Butter, at the Old Brick
"AND" |

; ; Morris Meyer is prepared t?

Ladies & Childrens furnish families with Ice Cream.

Send him your order for any

~SLIPPERS f- quantity and it will be delivered
e jat the hour wanted.

is the largest and cheapest ever of- | : Fas Wesnre; Use.

fered in this town, come and see for, A readiness to apologise for an
yourself and be convinced. ~offence is not worth much unless

it is accompanied by a dispcsition

ing, aD

Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace; ~~Oh, well,,T said Jobnny, odon't

|@ pa Hay.


For Rent."The Old Brick
Store. Apply to I. G. James-

~Just received car load of Flour
J. C. CoBs & Son.

We bear that one lemonade ven
der at the race track on the 4th,
suld over $60 worth of bis goods.

Butter kept in refrigerators at
J. L. Stargcey &Uv's.

Mr. B. F. Sage showed us at
bis warble yard to-uay some
besntfal wonaments in Georgia
marbic. Lhey arespleudid work-

Summer Coats from 80c up at

J.C. Gobb & Son are offexing
all goods cheap to make roum
for fali stock.

SumMER Drings"Oream soda,
ice Cream, milk shakes, ilemon-
ade, soda water, &c.,. at Morris
Meyer's. ;

At B. F. SageTs marble yard are
three handsome moaouments in
Georgia marble that have just

been completed.
vited to eall and see thew.

New Tobacco.

Messrs. J. bk. -Moluawhorn and
J. L. Griffin broaght the first load

Curtains. re a a take pack all the mean
Goods sold on their merits and ~yee youll take oa back,Tsobbed
prices made accordingly. .

ready td use over again?T
What Will the Harvest Be!
WINTERVILLE, N, C., July 595.
Editor Eastern Reflector. "

'fo-day while walking with Mr.
E. 8. Edwards over his farm I


Cotton and Peanuts.
_ Below are Norfolk prices of cotton

and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
Cobd Bros. & Co., Commission Mer-


of new tobacco to market to-day

the girl, osq you can hayeTem just'and sold it at the Planters Ware-

house. We saw samples of it
which showed that it was a fine
cure. We hear that Messrs. Jesse

School.at 9:30 A. M.

School at-9:30 A. M-

Episcopal . church."Sunday
School 9:30_A. M. i J2 ? ;
. » Baptist church:-Sunday School
9:30 A-'M. Preaching at ii A.

Black and Clay, 9 to 1.00 per bushel

oand 815 P.M, ~by Rev. 0: M.

ERS at LangTs. "

The pubhe in-

MecGowon, Hardy Stokes and
Billy MeGowan also cured barns!
this week. fr, = . A

s 25 - : a

~ Presbstérian church Sundav |,

Methodist -church."Sunday



ing their yearTs supplies will find
their interest to get our before
hasing elsewhere. Ourstock is com

n allits branches.

RICK, TEA, &c.
always ut LowgsT MARKET PRICEs.


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling youw buy at one profit. A com
plete stock of


alwuys onhand and sold at prices to suit
zhe times. Our goods areall bought and
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk
to run,we sell at a close murgiD.

3. M. SCHULT2,
Greenville. N.C


"" en


Professional Cards.


a) F. TYSON,

Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Greenville, Pitt County, N.C.
Practices in all the Cotrts
Ciyil and Criminal Business Solicited.
Makes a spectal of fraud diyorce,dam-
ages, actions to recover land, and col-

Prompt and careful attention given

all business.
Money to Joan on approved security.

~Perms easy-

Boers & FLEMING:

g@y~ Practice in all the Courts.

AItHAMS « SKi sun oa,

GREE" oILLE. N. c.


pAbvis & BLOW,

~.°*» GREENVILLE, NW, , +. *
~}@@ Practice n, sllthe Coarts.
Jonn E, Woodard, .F. C.Marding,
: Wilson, N.C, Greenville, N. (.
«i I stare (Greeny. iL
. Special attentionT n .to cof as
and settlement of claims. ¥
7 - ~
. 5
F Mre. W.M KING, Prop.

Im Business Part of City

wf 7 is o
2 « GREBNVILLB, . Ni Css

Daily Reflector, July 6, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - July 6, 1895
July 06, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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