Daily Reflector, May 21, 1895

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" ~

Vol. 1.



C., MAY 21, 1895.


Local Trains and Boat Schedule.

Pissenger ant inail
porth, arr.ves 8:22 A. M.
airives 6:37 P. M.

North Bound Freight, arrives 6:45 A.
M, leaves tu:15 A.

south Bound Freigit, arrives 1:31 P

., leaves 2:11 P. &.

Stea ner Myers acrives from Wash
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure
day and saturday.

train going |
Going Svuuth,

Weather Bulletin. ;


Showers to-night and Wednes-"|


Quinerly Items,
QuINERLY. May 21."Willie Best
is ow the sick 1i3t.

Miss Minnie Harper, of Kiv-
ston.is visiting Miss sallie Tucker.

The ground was almost covere i
with bail here last Thuarscay.

Mrs. Penny Smith, of Golds-
boro, is visiting r-latives bere.

Mr. F. C. Harding of Green-
ville, is visiting in our midst.

Misses L. B. Mewborn and G.
B. Kilpatrick went to Kinston
Sunagay and returned yesterday-

Mias Annie Harding returned
home last week after staying & few
days in Greenville.

Mr. Theo. Bland caught 4 very
large stargeon in Neuse river yes-

Mr. L. J. Chapman and Miss
Annie Brooks went to Greenville
oaaamee and returned same
aay- :

Rev. Mr. Tingle preached at
Saiem Sunday morning and

Dr. Best returned from Golds -
boro Friday.

Owing to this inclement weath-
er the concert was almost a fail"
n.e Friday vight.. Another at-
tempt will be made May 30th.

The closing exercises of Cen-
treville Academy will take place
Thursday, May 30th. Mr. F. O.
Hardivg will deliver the anoual

other fire occurred here this mor"

| building was burned down. In-

O.\few weeks, we had hoped ,the

Fiends Again at Work in Kinston"
Dwelling Burned, Stcre and Depot

Broken Into"Man Arrested.

(Special to Re fiector.)
KIN. ron, N. C., May 21st."An-

ning between 2 and 3 oTclock- It


was discovered in the residence
of Mr. Irvin Whitehurst and the

surance about $:,200, which was
about $5V0 less than the loss.

W hile the fire was 1n progress |
the store of T. A- Beasley and the,
A & N. C- Depot were both beok-
en into. The parties who broke
into the depot took the ticket case
and carried it to the edge of town
where they tore wany uf the tick"
ets up atid scattered the others
around promiscuvusly. They also
broke opeu the desk and secured
about $300 worth of freight re-
ceipts. CanTt miss aby goods from
the depot. The thieves were 6v-
idently in search of money, a8
they also emptied the drawers in
which the Western Union tele-
grams were kept. Only about $6
in money was obtained. The tel-
egrams were scattered all over the

The party who broke in T. A.
BeasleyTs store is a colored mab

named Bob Graham, who is now
under arrest. Those who broke
in the depot have not yet been
discovered. | .

The supposition is that the
Whitehurst residence was set on
fire to attract people to that. per"
tiun of the town while the robbe:"
ies were being perpetrated.

KinstonTs Troub ¢-
As there had been no attempts
at burning in Kinston tor the last

reign of terror that has ex~sted
there was over, and that the townT

The 18-months-old daughter of
Mr.M. L. Juckson met with a very
painful accident .this morning.
She founda loose match on the
floor. and stuck. it in her. moath-
The head vf it. getting between
her teeth ignited and she swal-

had returned to ite former quiet
and would soon regain its old-time
prosperity. But our special
egram to-day shows that there
are yet those in the town who
wouid make further manifestation
of the fiendish spirit within them.


When little Geo

smokehouse to se
was a pair
ainful to mention,
veona pair of
He didnTt know

do. Price---

are way down.


hort Talk

; eorge cut down that cher-
1y tree with his little hatchet,
ashington took him around behin



With the Boys.

and Mr. i
idthe ~

ttle with him for it, it
ainful scene---in fact *twas too
all because he didnTt
my double-seated Pants. ©
that I had the
$3 to $5 per Suit, wi
seat and double knees.
Clothing is clean out of sight and prices.

ouble |

My stockofMenTs.



a ¥

er ~


Bethel ye , .
Dr. BR. J.- Grimes. attended the
State Medical Convention, - at
Goldsboro, last week.

Dr. J. C. Montgomery, of Char-
lotte, spent a few days iu town
:est week- .

Messrs. W. M. Smith and Wilie
Pierce, of Falkland, spent Sun-
day in town. a

Dr. R. J. Grimes left Sunday
morning with his two daughters
to atteod the unveiling ©o the

Confederate mgnument at Ral-"

Mr. F. G. Andrews has moved
bis family into the James ~Bryan
house on Tarboro street. .

-We hear.a general complaint
among the farmers of this section
of the damage done crops by the
heavy fains acd cold westher-

the sermon at the commencement
of Prof.

Sehvol on the 13th of June-

elected Borrd of ~Town Commis-
sioners the following officers we:
elected. viz: VConstable"McG
Bullock; Treasurer"A. B. Cherry
Clerk"-J obn E. Carson... -

The Southern odepot at

lowed the blaze. Her throat was
badly barned."Salisbury, Zerald.

|We believe such ontrages will y

ot day

00, insurance $16,000.

Rev. Dr. L. L. Nash will preach {Corn

MeWhorter's High | po

Cotton and Peanuts.

Below are .Nertoik, prices of cott
and peanuts for yesterday, a5 Turnishe
by Cobb Bros. & Co., Commission : Me
chants of Norfolk : .

6 13-

6 1-

Good Middling
Middling "
Low. Middling-
Good. Ordinary

Common a 1 to
2 to


Eggs"10 cte."Firm. - a8
BK. E. Peas"best, 2.50 to. 2.75 per bi

os dan d. 1.50 to }.75. |


~Black and Clay, 90 to 1.00 per bushel

ea a

Greenville Market.
JOrre by S. M. ehultz, at. |
Ola Brick 3tore, aie:
Butter; perlb UT te
~Western Sides. ....., » 860%
Sagar cured Hams = TE te
ir x a ee : , 40 ts


~At the organization of the newly- | Pots

i ees eeiaet

"""EEEEE 1

* On the case of Governor ( arr
bra Secretary of State Coke. to

2 law, chargiag that it)
Court deeides thaT

~cision The Democrats sy we
cau investigate sach matters
~The Fusionist say no :nvestiga
tion. Why ro investigation |
Iie plain. A Fanon Legisia |
" ture would be proven guilty of
- fraud. A non-partisan Suprem¢
Court! Whew!

~. "_"___""

Washington city is develop



sat the pablishing of the) whose coming throws it into par-

by fraud, |


Mer eee ie

females. It :
when it @. 2 ;
female deposits but one egy in each
spider, she has a large numUer to
cid of, each Sot af Whies she
with » home, and its grub

with future sustenance at the ex-
| of the Tife of a spider. From
ithe powerful characte? of the tar-
aotula waspTs sting it may be in-

Notwithsteodiog all the tarantu-

is's | gtTest god pugnacity,
there {s ond y the sound of

human beings.
[t never annoys them-"unless teased.
Without adoubt: it is man's friend
aod not bis enemy, a9d much would
dwellers in Mexico regret its ab-
sence were it destroyed. "ChambersT

. of fear. This ,ewemy of
it bas such an iostinctive

Ox Fens

ond sina at ® volden bue. pe it LIGHTING A PIPE
fies bere ead there in the suo Lia Device When Matches
giftterieg like a Gast wh on one Failed to Do Their Work.
mément restingon a-leef,the next paddling up Sebec lake last
on ® graaite bowlder, it keeps up 20 | summer in a birch-bark canoe,� said
rel is "_P a New York sportsman, ~~the breeze
vibration wiogs. tl
-. thi. | blew vo bard end constantly that,

try as I might; I could not keepa
match sbiase lang snouan to light
my pipe. Afters balf dozen matches
bad flared out in the lighting of
them. I made some remarks apropes
of my failare.

** oLet me show you how to do it,T
said my-compenion, en old Califor-
nian, «bo was bendling the bow
~peddle ~Hand me a bit of that
newspaper sticking out of your

than he trembles with fear, for well
he knows theTfate In store fer bim
«bea ecee his mortal foe pecocives
| is whetanbouts; Thiy it sec dows
and btstems to the attark:

At Grst it ie coetent with fiying
in cirefes over ite intended victim.
Gradually it approaches nearer and
ocerer. At last, when it is withinT
a few inches, the taractula rises up-
on its hied legs sed etiempts to


| ing anew icdastry. There is a
- branch office of the Fidelity and
| Deposit Company of Maryland)
im the city whieh furnishes)
| bonds for a namber of office
oJholders The cash capital
- $500,000. Recestly Ficthagh
Lee was appointed Collector for
- th Western District of Virgin |
fmand instead of going home

and getting a oumber of his

| friends to gv on his bond, as
has been the éustom herevofore,
- he went to this Company and


~was promptly approred by the)
Treasury Department. SemuelT
~I Rogers, who was appointed |

Melvin Carter,
Ly i for $120,000 in the same
. He received his Ommis-
and the next day made up
bead in this Vompany,

|bave been avoided.

is| cies

_siyra of life has disappeared from the

secured the required bond whicd | .oits over dead.

to the Western North Carolina |. thse economy of the insect world.

© District as Collector to sucoved The waspseises hold of the now pros-
furnished his ~rste spider

at 4 o'clock in the after- aret

was approved by the)


oHe took the piece of paper. and
crumpled it up into a@ wad, which
retaised ja the pelm,of bis hand.
Thea ptcisinne match he closed both
bands about it to shield it from the
wind, after the traditional manner
of the raliroad nevy in lighting his
pipe. The flame instantly set the
paper smouldering on top without
its breaking into a blage. He passed
the burning wad tome and it served
as a pipe lighter equal to a live coal,
~the high breeze fanning instead of
extinguishing it. It was the sim-
ple invention of a practical mind,
en bo legs which served my turn eee ond
tarantula, once powerful ~afterward, and I commen de-
curl ap beneath the body, aod it vice tos needing tinder for

a pipe light or tostart a camp fire.�
"N. Y. Sun.

Penny Postage.
Penny postage for London acd ite
suburbs dates {rom the year 1681.

Explaining a Joke.

erapple with its foe, but without
success. Like « flash the giant wasp
ison its beck. The deadly feags
The next in-
stapta fearful sting pesetrates de-p
into the spider's body. Its strug-
almost cease. A sudden par-

creeps over it and it stag-
gers beipless like a drunken man,
Arst to one side, then to the other. |
These symptoms, however, are only

short duration. While they last.
the wasp, bet se few inches sway,
swaits the result; nor does it have)
to walttong. A few seconds and all

Then takes place one of those
straoge incidenta which illustrate
the perfect adaptation of cireum-"
stences, everywhere so remarkable

, aod with little appar-
ent effort drags it to a hole in the ;
ground. Therein [t completely Two girls were riding in a Pitts-
buries it with earth, after having burgh cable car, and one of them
im its back an egg, was reading a comic paper.

ebich in course of timechanges iato| o1 dnTt see the point to this joke,�
said the reader, es she displayed to

sented a saan in bis shirt sleeves

~ber companion @ picture. it repre-| you


A very prosperous-looking busi-
pess man boarded the front platform .
of a cross-town car, and, drawinga "
well-filled cigar case from his pocket,
selected a choice-looking Havana.
The driver ~~sized up� the man and
the.cigar case, and his mouth began
to water. The smoker, after biting

-loff the end of his cigar, began

fumbling for a match. Failing to
find one, be turmed to the driver and
usi:ed bim if be bad-a match.

~~Yes, sir,� responded the driver
with alacrity; ~~bere you are, sir.�

~Thank you,� said the business
man, lighting his cigar, and sending
the fragrant smoke wafting across
the driver's face.

~~Very convenient to have matches
ground, sir. I aliers nakes a point
of carrying ~em.�


~*Yes; so many gentlemen pull out
}a cigar and then find they ainTt got
a match.�

Puff, puff, and silence.

~~} am quite a smoker myself.
"Course I canTt smoke on the car,
but then I enjoy it all the more wheu
I get off.�

oI suppose so,� said the smoker,
absent-minded! y.

~~Many gentlemen makes a point
of giving me a cigar, especiully when
they rides regular. I ainTt bad my-
after+dianer smoke yet.� ;

oOb,� said the business man in a

~Yes, sir; I allers carry matches,
as I said before, ~cause when a
genticman has a cigar and no light
he allus seems so thankful for 1t.
Generally gives me a cigar, too.�

~~Ah,� said the smoker, evidently
busy in his mind with something
connected with business.

The driver looked despairingly at
him, and after clearing his throat,

~*You donTt happen to have another
cigar in your pocket, do you, sir?�

oCertainly | have"two or three,� "
said the business man, testily. ~~But
what bes that todo with what you
have been talking about?�

The rest of the journey was made
in silence."N. Y. Tribune.


oYes,� said the seedy man. ~I
guess I am boodoed. Thank you.
That will buy me one meal, at least.
Now, for instance, I had a good
thing in a mine out west""

~~What part of the west?�

oOh, just out west. I was east,
know, when i was booming the
mine. I named it the Oyster.
Took pretty well, till some fool
sprung what he called a joke about
au oyster being more than ninety
per cent. water, and then the old
hoodoo got its work in on me in the
CouldnTt sell an-


prapebap ot the

stock to save my



+ ti M2 as pe Ff ii
; Tt ade eis; of Ghee ciel
4 3; : Pa &
i kté thy! ordi Geis, lie

Saperior Court Clerk, E. A. Moye.
sheriff, R. W- King. " 7
Register ofbeeds, W. M. Ktag.
~Treasurer, Seb. Little.

Sons of a father who prides bim-
self on being a soldier rather than a
citizen, who has frequently declared
that be would sooner be in history
as a great general than as @ great
ruler, and scions of a dynasty ~which

Coroner, Dr. C. OTH. "Langhing- owes its origin and its present emi-
Oude. nence to the sword, it is only natural
Surveyor, that the boys of Emperor William

of Germany should have inherited
the military tastes of their ances-
tors. Every prince of their howse
is ipso facto a soldier, and they have
been reminded ~of thisT Since théir
earliest infancy. While their train-
ing has been essentially military, it
has not been permitted in any way
to interfere with that softness of
heart, that generous impulsiveness,
. and that ingenuousness which are-so
TOWN OFFICERS. endearing in children. And, al-
~ though they invariably greet their
father with the corréct military sa-
lute, yet thisis immediately followed
by a thoroughly boyish and loving:
bug. ~ ist. se tenes kf
Itis on attaining their tenth year
that they first enter the army, and
ou the birthday table of every prince
of the house of Prussia on that.an~
: niversary are always to be found the
CHURCHES. epaulets, the sword and the sash of @
Baptist. Services every Sunday («x- lieutenant of theT first company- of
cept second) n.orning and nigut.. Praye: | the FirstT regiment | of foot guards.
inceting Pharsday night. Rev. Cc. M. As the corps is composed exclusive-
Billings, pastor. | Suuday schvol a6 9°2"/ ty of the tallest mcd 10 ea GerT
the ~length and breadth of the Ger-
man empire, the contest between
the tiny royal lieutenants and their
gigantic fellow officers and soldiers
is exceedingly entertaining. .
Of all the emperorTs sons the one

Commissioners"C. Dawscn, chmTn,
Leouidas Fleming, T. FB. Keel, Jesse L
Sinith ands. M. Jouce. §

SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell,

SupTt. County Home, J. W. swith.

eo Bducation"J. R. Congielon,
mTn, F.. Ward avd R. C, Catton.

SupTt. Pub, Ins., W. H. Ragsdale.

Mayor, Ola Forbes.

Clerk, C. C. Furbes

Treasurer, W. I. Go Iwin.

Police"J.. W. Peikius, chief, Fred.
Cox, aset; J. W. Murphy, aight

Councilmen"W. H. Smith. w. LL.
Brown, W. TV. Godwin. VT. AL Wilks,
Dempsy Ruffin, Julius Jenkins.


No regular services. |
Services tvéry fourth Sun-|
day worning aud nizht Rev. A.)
igreavea, Rector. ~Suridcy School at 9:30!
A. JA. W. B. Brown, sup C-

Methodist. Services every Sunday rs 2
morning and. vight.; Prayer meeting) whose military tastes are the most
Wednesday Dine eye ws a AL pronounced is the crown prince, and
Bh lington, Stipe. : - AL As) ng one is quicker than he to detect

Pleasi any fault in drill, any defect in the

regbyterian. Servicesevery. Ist and) viform or equipment, Indeed h
3rd Sunday morping and ni_ ht. Prayer) ~* F equipmen�"�s ndeea, he
meeting tuesday night Rev, Arcnie| &1Ves promise of proving. eventually
MeLauchlin, p#stor. Sunday schvol at, quite as much of a military marti-
9:30 A. M.,B. D, Kvaus, SupT betas bis father. William IL

Smallest Republic in the World.



dge No. 17. I. VU.

F San Marino has an area of li
H | Square miles. Its population is 8,000,

| the capital claiming 750 souls. The
Grecnvile Lodge No.98t A. F. a.|tArringo,� composed of heads of

M., reets first and third Monday uights. families, was its tirst -political so-
w. M. Kiug, W. M. ~ciety. This was developed into the

sovereign council, a body of 60
~elected by the p2ople. The council
|is represented by the eaptains regent.

nTurTr . * These hold office for six months, and
f NEATNESS-?-QUICKNESS | are not eligible again for three years.
al ~UU e & One stands for the professions, the


Covenant Lo
meets every ~Kuesday night.
Bagwell, N.G.

"-O" other for the agricultural classes.
SEND YOUR " | ® To avoid favoritism, justice is ad-




2 by a stranger. The army
~is made up

of all male citizens from

nine companies of 140 soldiers each,
or 1,360 men in all. The receipts
and expenditures about bulance,
each being a little over $20,000. Of
this amount $6,000 is devoted to the

16 to 60 years old, This consists of |T

ne Brogan phen TRS yy _Schultz|

IT ing their yearTs supplies will find |
their interest to get our prices before pu.
chasing elsewhere. Our stock is complete
on allits branches.

"RICK, TEA, &. |

~we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling you to buy at one profit. A com
plete stock


always onhand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Qur goods areal] bought and
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk

to run,we sell at a close margio.- "


s. M. SCHULT2,

== Greenville: N.C

es ae

Professional Cards.�

Attorney and Counselor at-Law
Greenville, Pitt Coufity, N.C.
Practices~in all the Courts "
Ciyil and Criminal Business Solicited.
Makes a special of fraud diyoree,dam-
ages, actions to recover land, and col-
lectious. Pe
Prompt and eareful attention given
all business. oe
Money to loan on upproved security.
ferms easye.


Blount & FLEMING

gas~ Practice in all the Courts. ,





6a Practice in all the Courts.

""" a

John E. Woodard, F. ©. Harding,
Wilson, N.C. Greenville, Nw�,�
Greenville, N. .
Special attention iven to collections
and settlement of claims. ""


£5 = £

3 ~o? GREENVILLE, N- O.-
Patronage solicited, | +.


james A, SMITH,


larmy. There is*:no public: debt.
-Thereare a public library, hos ital, a

cathedral and a university: o~

Opera Huuse. | © ego cga

Your Job Printing




Sets fib
Ae vith Sales

~It will be done right,



and it always suits.

These points are

well worth weighing


of work, but®

anove all t





IS CALLED 10 THE ELEGANT | opuig, gromcd motT Bite Em.
"LINE OF " pune
ee The military boys will get back
as, 2

r _ Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, &e., carried by

Lapizs come to see LANG for
your commencement outfits.

The spring clicken is yet a
8 scarce article.

Bishop Haid will preach in the
Catholic charch to"nig ht.
| Women may not be deep think-

~ers, but they are generally cluthes
S U C) - S observers.
J * * * *

Some of the merchants are
closing their stures early these)
evyeuings. Ali might do so.

But We Could Only Catch-Up With

Mr. W.B. Wilson went to Parmele

Dr. R. L. Carr, of Scow Gill,
~receotly returned from the Uni-
versity of Penusylvania, i io

Mrs. A. L. Blow and MIittle
daughter, Alice, returned fiom
Richmond Monday evening- Her
mother. Mrs. Monteiro, accom-
panied them home.

Mr. W. M. Lang, of Farmville,
is in town to-day. He tells us
tbat a number of farmers around

Ladies & Childrens | Doa't say you will start adver-

-SLIPPERS! |- ~tising when the trade gets better;

start oat Soe when you need the.
is the largest and cheapest ever of-


New Mountaia Batter 20 cents.

Sered in this town, come and see Sor) " Cheese at the Oid Brick
pourself and be convinced.

Farmville bad to plow up their

|cotton and plant over.

Sunday Schoo] Convention.

The County Sunday Scho!
Convention bas been called, as
~bas been seen, to meet at Ayden

ms Lovit Hines tells us thas/°® the second Saturday and Sun-

in Jnne. We desire that

BABY CARRIAGES, FURNITURE, ox S=t2rsts"so"sae'tws� diss Sez, ieee We dee, th

Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace **® the first reported.
Curteins. 50,000 N. C. Fresh Corned Her-
Goods sold om their merits and rings just received. J.J. CHERRY.

prices made accordingly. Spires larence viding one of hry
, = R force, b ne to
J.B. CHERRY & Co. ""
~at Monday night's s-rvices in the
and everything kept in

aa to spenod a week with the
|Methodist charch, many persons
ret-class grocery store.
A bride who wasnTt pretty?

GROCER! ES. remaining and several making re"
aM i SPORTING ff | A young man who didoTt knowT

Shoes, Slippers and Gents Fur-
Just received and to be sold low quests for prayer at the after-
Cigars, the finest inthe State =| 4. old man who donTt remember?!

~nishing Goods"at redaved rates
""a complete line of meeting.

at LANG'S.
_ There was an increased interest
Lagp, Meat, Meat, Molasses, o=

Did You Ever See

A lazy man who had time '

D. S. SMITH. A politician who wouldn't prom-
ise *
_i#i. G. JONES, | A pretty girl who diduTt look
~saucy ?

how every other business
to be ran except his own ?

shall be re ted in this meet-
ing by atleast one delegate who
shail be present. If there is a
school in the county which wil.
not be present in the person of a
delegate weask you to send the
statistics of your school at once
to the Secretary, D. D. Haskett,
Greenville. @ are aniious to
get correct statistics of the entire
county. One other thing I desire
to cal the attention of the schools
to, and it is this. ~[wo years ago
the delegates from this county to
the State Conyention pledged. ten
dollars from this county. Thi
was not paid at the last pven-
tion. It must be paid at the next.
Will not every Sunday-school
Superintendent in the county give
his school one opportunity be"
a now and the seco Sunk
day im June to help pay this ?
Be sure and do this and tend the
amount you raiss to the Conven-
tion at Ayden. We believe that
the schools of the county will pay
this amount which yourd
~pledged. Now donTt neglect this
matter. Let all of us an in-"
terest in the meeting at Ayden

we can make it accomplish
much for the Sunday-schoo! cause
in Pitt county.

Remember that
it 1» with or pamper var the
meeting shal one of profit or

W. H. Raespae, Pres.

Spring and Summer Clothing
ESS than Cost at LANG'S.

Cards are out torthe marriage
Bettse S. Johnson to Mr.
O. Proctor, Tharsday mor-
30th. The
at the home of
Hardee, in

r. and


From the fact that
we sell the BEST

Clothes, Notions,
Hats, Furnishings,
Dress Goods, Trim-
mings, Shoes, &e.
ThereTs nothing
equal to a person-
al inspection to
carry weighty con-
victions. The lit-
tleness of my prices
seems almost to
contradict the in-
controvertible evi-
dence of the quali-
ty facts. What-
ever you do miss
seeing, donTt miss
the Neckwear "
donTt. Suits, Un-
derwear, Furnish-
ings"in quantities
mountaineous, in
qualities majestic,
in quotations min-

oai0. 7. MUNFORD.

Next Door to bank.

Daily Reflector, May 21, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - May 21, 1895
May 21, 1895
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