Daily Reflector, April 13, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Bhowers me Br aay.




A-C C: itso of Rev. Dr. Swith,
erat Nortel




work pregressing finely. : Bi ony poy ge
Sergi: gna weg reg er |ford ig te about tks ies
ne |Sen ary, id a. seen tty ,

- killed
whileT gunningT at Vegia®)

Ham, Steppard, Collector of

imctad & could trust us with|�
aie we would all tere more of
: tie] Acts

« The eae 2 who sacle throagh| |�

. sob: wales will see speden even e
Served by our oLeased� Underground fi
" Outilo"(Limited ,


It is always the Selt_Hightedds
man Who wants: to know where
Cain got his wife.

Some shepherds seem, to..
get. that jsheep never
their biad legs to eat. ...


The -jouthey'to-the! eres *ia|

# Rites. picces opine ac

lees peak me,a

. mk ade 3 inT far of t Clothes,

= making tobacco 3 1000-28)

of Petal prof "" sae
Gregg: says: oYou
sce from this resume that. ~theie�

$295.02, ye oa ose

Spa Sasol \dit

2a rut: for.¥ ~er

chanta of 1 fas cz

ge eee

Internal!~ Revenue ~for the Western
LY peak adaeg Virgina, diediat Lynchbu g eh? vith bl we are er: to go}
a to it wit eéding feet. Se tee ot ie ees S|
eaeaeee eye ~ fend aagical why Christ ate sal es "= me \. Greenville- Market.

Seven couples app gister Of noblicaus a sinhers was that The Cavolras Fataiery of -Flor | Corrected by 8. M. " wt the ..

betaine licenses, four they made him welcome. es ence; 8. C., prints # aren Sic ty of | Ol Bricks Store. Aare
Becca Jolly ~The blind would never find o.at|the farm operationsT of: Mr, Smilie Butter. perib 2 to 25 :

- R, Speight and Lemrale he Jeunes thas.they were blind if y|A: Gregg; of that town, for the | Western a i pare eat

Fairies and Mate Mette te Langley, J . E. Page with eyes diduTt tell them so. ..., |year 1894. Mr: Grege cultivated Some ot aie Oto 60
Colored" ~ain sini nbush aod Ferebe | ~Phe preacher's spiritual - hfe is 257 acres, of which 116 were in| Corn Meal _, 52 t080
Fornes. Wilks,and Ferebe Bar- vt0-wia id cotton, 116 in corn and 25 iu. to-| Cabbage 5 to1b
reit, J. , Stator and Ida Braddy. | " stutter - ~ porpyras! becoo. The prices: realized, the Flour, Family | ~809 v0 B40 :
~Hevices To-Morrow. vighteousnessT ° othea when "" production and the pr {ol- Oats . pad _ 80 to 60 :
Presbyterian | _ehurch." Surday 18 salary hae been doubled. | evens asco par sated hes: Meio :
Séhool at 9 30 A. M. L16-acresof eotton,53 ,018 pounds | Or ie.
MethodistT ~ church taming Good. Thing For, Davidson College | 1 5-3 aah Conte, $2,646.40 so | Coles : : 16:to20
School at:980 A. M Presching f ~Mr. dames: A- Bradey, of _Oak-/116 acres of corn. 1,400 bushels _" r Back 80 t0200
at 11A..M. by. Rev. G. F. Smith. need Sel, saat ~before. hie death} at 60 cebts, 640.00 , Ch . Bg ig
Tniscopal � church.-Sunday |last Deosmber to. Dav for olt Ge Se ws: a
School at 980 A: M. Lay sérvi-|idson College » deed. for . . ! | we : aes
ces at 11 A. M... marry: in; Minneapohs, oMi "lost of making corn and eotton 296108 | Pease, per bu m0 t0.70
Baptist church. Sunday School/j« imated ; at. abont. Swanty-dive ~ghia, o0a! Halle, ey et te, T .

at 9:30 A- M.� Preachivg at 11 A.}/ nousand dollars.. This. proper- i tone ~ae ok wire nob dell "840.00. eal sq 20

Mand 8:00.P..M: by Bey. 0. M-fty 18 now in the: ) "o a oe
Billings. * and will 4 Profits on cotton $295.02 igeet ees

eee ck ak of. 85 scree in tobico0) 24,410, Me. age , ~ i=

| sold for $2.28 .25

re oe ay pee
Poe ye thas te
od Mid ut See
Shel ee 4

_" Sr Fey Sa ie a
o Ye 7 4 = ane ee
4 tt? + ait a =
a ia a Sek ee Ss ee
T ee ae :
== Seth ange == Sah 4 &


Foye acne pho an as dahon 1 oR cies e

87Q pue voMjuxovss sygod gy. eae
biog etede] peinsa! seasons 9227




_ WOM 980qQ STG e4es ~cizvOUls Stam OUM

, Qaem einjoeqe 0} psonpsi ~pan

mat 205 OT put I m paw .ewogt
©, 2 peda eH oay Barpanca)

m,, ~pres og ,,~UIBy

Soe yay
(TIT AA hele beens 1!

opea 9g} ZULI@AOOSTp yNugTia wat

J0g,, -282 81g Dy perodsyqa ~220394

2 a Sea

S919 243 OF, ,, TOs} 5

fag ~ase tok Shots Boy panna

qinos pidea 2q3 apjue
Yeon ~pireg 4e, oth
, ~teq 4q prveques0
-8¥9 USTIMIOO s}q e4ty 04 JOMI0jIed
943 04 GZnouUe es0]0 Aulpuyis ~ojsna
O% UOTUe3s {UefOSU, Jeq}e1

t Bat
red sea [IqOuNGD qdjopuey fot [Pee

-@zeqo ~souo suomirereere;
oseeuy SiH Oo}

| roetdesignpuoe i)

~Ari quasiny" ~s1STj28 Buys jo 499
974043 0G) Fuoure sov/d & Y1OM 109R]

oSil opeviyuipe sea 4, ouOes oq;
0} SBanwO eG) poyreo put sdfting
MQ pepueys eq ueqy ».. ~poymiseq
o]TeUIs Sea TOTES oy} OF UO SETH |
ope JO eouwgo eq], ~opreiq pepesu
"Buoy peq seyayed og} put 8q3 G0tr 30;
« peesq yueem oinjoid siqi jo, aqad
- 2aL _Jaangzord 0g} 103 nos & nok Awd |
sea ya | veql,, opesnmpsa pote peg
« 3} Wodn eopypem im jo tet ag; (2%
2M}. 3340

soqures & jared 464g 4ng,.

~pea ipe Sle JZINOSNTGVW egy
onosyed Sq peyse) ie

ag ne oe 38 3] 40gO eu 4er],,.
-. 4p ay
quwea [eel 88a B10} peadsileq a#ed 4
Vy] owpels Buyqqng & ul Zaeids.
qinok O° Sffife oy Gorge wo. ayey}
-anoj © puncwe Panera ae wand
yo Gnoizw © ~eresaq 347
my pezeaind udeid sepye, jo seat]
eg Ssqayones wed y eqi ay edeospugy |
@ poured ep nsareeH Ape oq 04 |


oSONg24 8} SBF SN]TI 0},

WG WOT sn zo}d © Posep40 SajoIpoUT }
2 qaayed emoe jo saanjocjnuew 2 £

~o@uQ oBaay & 10; sue; deayo poya
~S183 01 peaungear oy Ueqy osiped

33 381g [jogs JeqiOnt pas
$7] pedoujsep pUe ofpnzs siq

PS°7i jet sm,

|paveq ~£yueppng -paod e se qjoous |

Anal ny Relat eae mele
4 20 2AatT2q


c Dithe tus sofia 2

2278] CGH 217341 Y ~oeouwsearep

od fe ku meh eRe ine strates pas

4 qsnoue 4ueu sea fT o18q
iL pebweasd 097 2020 pedungil ogiee Ag |
Je}8a 9g} Mes | UOCOS pue ~aul, oq}
Te? seme #ur33023 jo 4ya0 ye
omy ~SeSprouy | reds
stam diy og} 10} ~_ON] Ul Sem f,,

20 s yeaou Am Aut
eer Pore ans
gi capemoan oan 3
eepgess ~pce ~ued L104
STU} im, opt ar Ay oeu0g8 10)
SIFEU peinfart zo Honeys Goge osjod |
20d © 9893,408j SMOTH [194 F S13T.,
aber. fade Kq payeztinsiog But
em ~{ngssecens a100) SBw 4ySeQ

jo! ug. peasop eng 0g} 4249 JIB;
pie exvenbs peput] doo; oq7 pus ~uoj
Certo re boa bape
FO 4633 moj © GIqTs e701Q oModsod
'@ se poe 'dqtunqz0ddo. 4 paqoiua
'es00u dite © Hardy Ap_{nh ~pre ~ant
ys0x20, Lar pojddes® | ow}; Lae) Bay
-80] " pus ~em _on238 43qg3n0q%
} oS 7ee] Fe TF UN oFqANGys | 290/09

ys ach tad, oot ts pootice

a hyn yO BMuaryqeeaq 343 Sine
go dewey wv ou] ueRyOIq Stam J3;Em
oq} pre ~oeqjogs veg). pas,o;i008 8


2qy jo SoejznsS 343 rec sees tf

SB.ppe o4Se0O Og; BO Ago] 30u SL3
EL BeOp sem Uns egy [yon

-sdoq qstioour are gis Prteiadese
jeopoa , dum Fo &ysn

CA oBoyes sem unsey eqs pa

IOs aS 3a GEOR, fe pare am comet,

uy ayp Apweure ayaa lo ages: beers ma,..pe

pidam dye gpm paddies Dan -Essen a? ,


ithe phy per oq padthp ews ate

: .
[nplepoom ILM TOwkeap omy |)

VLIp & peoyjou |-ses esz0m |o
PIO] Eve ~appped .e-e_em ppc {|

qaodxe o4ynb eagpoeg, Ji o~snoissuep
fence panel Sem, poupniidjed 943
on fogs en aoe oa ree nem

3+ 3893 4
he de Wea aye

pn Esashi: Sata _Bveaq Praca NG
Zuyurve sy eqs gg Ran aa
O03 93994. ASB; PAIS, OD: bes
os nites adore Beyih 80

JY ibe Wee 90 Phoabet on
£284 pjnoo [ pave ~Horino s,2Xuyus00i
oping i up gs) pel pre, 3n0144 ls

1 J° 4ST ee

-ue shep jesoaos Joy pre ~Xaq

eq} JO 43N23 OYF Fqnop {tw ~euvou
quasaad | phe ~aequuuiel su, eqnb
agodde (em 39, sisef amos, 9upm |
JO sous edxe. PIM S.99G), ~PIs eg

p16 RIOR, pas [jes [fe 6343. 93 wane
: aut me eS yn }

daa ony "nate pepo

-u0o ~ounT} 81Q3. 03 yeu pt cae
ptq oyé wreoot! :
oeyaenieat hoje dozT 20410 abtnde |
penooy: ape! py yo-dadqnaUD ogy °
7 (43808 poe. dues J0} os0H

piel | 4] Buy See PGS 9S9Oo SpHojy) |�
ON «DO. SeR Omg J0}-074034 © Deppyl
peg Urea sy 8 goige @y, genet oy
£2038 ajqeyzseures e pegstuy ysnf peg |
Taders | usBWAT JOoUGD owos azsqa

Oa poet | pue a petal Lebad %

Pare ee

40} Bulg} uowmooun ue 400 sem 4] |i

apestn pofof j.'s»

oef Fargqey pore Hinz ung sea)
T° SF oTes W508 yp aoqa Sapfessren

omy -ottstt ©. ~gassea Baysend)e 4Q pono |

aah en Soe pej fis satg ¢énaI
poxvaiN sep eq; pay ceifem go
sopeys Ot paw *souazancos Atp (3080 |
esder jo duoywows f SB yhoge possed
jeued/ ust 30 ~pu} ae: -a} pearoae
}idae: Seenen ~-getyq séfey Tnj2epaom
spats yey

| pnigsewr =m» _

i a

node} eq} cr ahetianees pus ~stq3 32 | a

oe ana om : s
oAV 86 -OX BPO aaaay

bite ame

Sand Aopen
o}'V ?

M oA
tot Pi 0."
t wtewrane

Se se im

a AES ~ad d-wev

*2038ed ~soul

sp ABid Sad PEE Buje

fepung A10a0 8901;A70g o381POUIK
» *7.dng fumosg.

2° hw V
Shiny oa

Bes .
08:68 TOUR Appa. ,.-4
tm. Pp

fez -6 8
Kr ih pe
AOABIT oBupyet
-Xa) 4 1g

Parca allie! ed

og Tae Br Eye gel

ay utd
ot oSoins pee fa ti; sorter
SaHeS 8, te
. SRE oHp Rao
-sayehout oIt token:
~Su ao14d0, apiece

forepsSugy -H ab He tai i tiag

( Atoowéd oow hutipsem ta.te age
*uopaj#u0 ~a of"BOpwonpA, pave

oUMS TAA oFSO 9 o"udng
Hee seg, oay mM Ha AUS H o3Ang
eh Spur piws

* .
5 sy *



T oeser* [90H "ot (LL Baywrtg Sep uoeT]
ar me: aap bela lis 5 ihs

4 ri : re.

¥t} ~ Seno
aq : aeneus,)
i Os Od oekhewsay,
S01 as, epeeC IF



: *

-" Pow vw oSt oni91.y'sm0g aoHtodng

SUSPIOTJOD OF 00]3U0}38 [Bjvedg
oDN oman ~~

~MV I-LY: og:
° Ssoipient o0 oO o*N oGOST AA
1PIBH O° ;
"nqIn0D I oU, 29}9081 7 OD

7G ds isk
~avGhse y

*mO'ld * stauvis


Age he


aaa poo: ino osoul _"
+e o3 4 Want cies 8 .

0 yoo s o301d
woo y ojyord-3a0, Okie onok Buiqtq
Sue ~S1dINIJOBNUs_ wor We11p {nq om

suveis® Sidusosdvdd

9 (led vit Gia

~aVDAS * 00 ~HNnoli

en a S34
pit rest kb at tey A dow - pial ay = ri
pup It oo """ mae

_daVdda HS AUN

« {é. yea? ee:

ie BORG, «Odo 2%


Ep a igcahonts Bog ie
SU ~eopedy.O%) 0l-UAQIO SNOH Orv
o10ey gg ien eames, Do! 6

&q. RAPS ) c Kd PUM | nz ysnoup Pitace 3049 ©]391L, 399.81, 3,00)
1068 PoR iT BroHIGE RG HY Ot Sify] F909 2oPUN pase oan, sans er aNIA,
a? 7980 oSPUD ar oy Fat OTF A[tavatpio quq 4jddneg aerate
yOwe 09$ yw ~DxT OY ogg} #64 Pinca ~qorta� o79, EM o9g

~spunod #7 Ai oa
er 086 8 P49] UH 2H LOMO UL

ul walt ate. WP

~oomdl Ate scouifegél i

a o 7 ~baalady

t S$rter iz : i ie

Visite nae

~ ~awwESeyoe iiss BOK scape om
| Peeg suo, K 20} [vom VOT { 2418 aly

en eee

te |


ee siimiod
so] 438 Ut eiqente gees oe PS aioe ay

Mi bory! -Kpopim xeyrpT 6a
-i? | Gen eq3 04 PpAvsel Ul

~Yq uyeap oy eaeq teyire iy

24} SoNeg pUM..41 ezIpAD_04 OFC
JOU SEM SEH sPasp, GO 10Z1]9107/ 84) |
Su0148 003 JO .9sn og; JO. esnvo odd
~P2q SBI 8AF CSaap of
eh Ul poelstaaedq ~sey sSontg
oIF 3843 oq Avert pus oqosmous (10
oPOsezT Iq op ¥a6} Op you yua ~poo;
~| Saoas 3908, 1edenEd .emsR.eT3| a

Zea eee

Boruc kiss UIpeo] aes) ur 4ueu

om ae ay wont od bs

SieuVy, 99en an0O acon ic sro
' -iedxe FRO yersd. ie ~PUS wy Se

epuriq e18 sate

7 °



re oital id
ousens yo biidked 00F UVYy e10u1

jot *pris] leqe200d aa ~ehes


BO Wao, aT ys02S7UT E
| 30.0902» TRBap: eepnkepey ye a

eotonbaewoo ur ~pubsT qo:
yo WEI ett toT oan ; 7" pl

og: Ladtian deg: ie

Tie it 1a 4 hes a PMT ody i Hla i _ I u } :
py ak eae odor itty sapgeh tone 20 oven sree onic edo. ou O3i ett
a nse te m oébti : ou! ard? jowey hess i | aa posse woe S-

_ jeorss. eq) 4843 08 ake ue tnt sepraoid : epoo - opur eeu
~ pernoyp whut ° *~0d8eq a4. oya sé ope
4 FIO pel e443 Tivap iioesoayenst PY
a atudtop PWMOr Aigo £41 pus syed, 2:
72h 1A PFT RP SEP :

407 Apver orm pues esovatine .
U3 Wits ouenh tee oan

diz eyworput su0T}008 Tre wosy :
sqi0dey "yeom queseid em But
oup YsTo]ey AM, mi 6o747uI MOD
ealjynoexy =O

ed eUL

ipo. aqyms

osneo Bt

oiy se areas


canes ,

-e1 eOUu0 oPy "pasty aye 3" "21818 04} UT sfOg eYT OF O30T
-woeAs i $ a dere: Sonne somata 10 qse10 7 Pease v poe 3 2
suoroyor® wy pon oe pe +[nomse ~Aleu Wy -ap ue @ianyieQ} 0} eq :
Sk oes suse a Mf |° as reaetm set ow ~AHN 99 «998 | 04 pesodoid so] 4] oSea
~ota ing 5 cates ~ + o i in PURO ZSt: ical '¥ez/a1 eF#e1jop el ea Surpyiq "
REY. Tee BS zc HP 9G: Bs[19Gh: £98 G go. 80RyPery ATH) oy paste BY JOVIIUOD ONT,
eat tr Ae] ri A, 96 B909 5304/ a0 a eee yer ray ya \
outta Ai) va $s tiie eae: $71 oq ABU yRYyM JUesIId |
eepgs que@ 2 an es pyoues3 ~88 piom yous ou-4pmap ti a8 908 03 9] NOP SI II. pus suoyzy © :
vehi O; DIA IETALRRIAA BE. BAPIACA DeUsages ~aodoid e[quiepisu0o Saymnese " :

AiOkSH Qu smu0 mheowtngy oreo ot


uF © tet ar site i F


wl "Foae tex ¢ athax
? 2 eeraciane Tir *

Beard oEaducation"J.
chehTa'F, Ward gh¢ RC. Cannon..

hee ee, 'w. Ht Ragsdale, 4

» 7 i rer

Mayor; 5.1. Fleming.
Clerk; GE. Hartis. |

Treksater, J. S. Sailtti: -

Police-W. E. Jaméé,. chiet, Ke
Moore, asst; J. i Dunk night.

Connetniives: 5.78. = Se

Pearce, L..H. Sey Buia. a.

A Sa eee Fo

~Methodist. Services

vole and». ight.

E Ellingtow,

oe and

Hines, pastor. cnight Bee.


Be Sehvol
A. MB DP: Bree eS Ww?
cone: LOBES,
Covenan Ne 12, 1,0.

merts Right.
Bagwell, ¥- G.
x Lodge Ne. 281 A. F.




safe Wate tol we inglatt: Tow
_ SupTt. Const Home. 3. W. Smith.

R. Congielon,



Me a! | Sunday

. Smith,| o*
a at 0:20'8. Me A.

erlan. Services every third

es 8



ly w. H

: -

Grevavilie & A.
Se Bings we Se rene

| miné' some ~years ~age may. appear
j qui e: rédathatte, afl prostaap

|e aS rm soar eat te
sae jerk tiene teny cnaptoreanes

| dangerous.
, pole lyredrines vaste toler rr

ways brings » Be of inter. |
esting stories |
hunting and. 2: The most
: shat, were, ever:
evolved in. the of man were
passed about as Senge
everyday occurrence, and. shagies
of Walton and elder. Nimcod:
must bave wilted b: been geyx | SCROO!
where sbous. ~Qnect thagestlemen,| Proached
had just fi

and goda, oa)
he séid,T **bat©s title experience of

ns ne ore:

was haat ea apt fohing in

BM was not an ahingendiien tra erage
me te load amy beat tb the quawales
with trout ané@ red fish "in @ siagie

morning's outing, and I could vary
Serene ite

ts mato employ t waters fs

to catch | he oeflver (Bet where the

waters eddy, and when the gleaming
fin would break the surface to-plunge

well be called
EP Became quite expert

-e@pd -sangfroid

. Timedrewon with wonderful ra

inti! the sun- went down: Twi-,

rand the wind died a at
leaving the surface of the S|
smooth as a pond. Suddenly heard!
8 short, oand ~then ~another, andthe

the breaking of a great;

sehen Cette

close I thought, untilat lest. a

thought struck me, and witbout los-
ing ~any ~time I grappled. my lex
line, and, quickly tying @ slip noose, |
watohed ay opportunity, aed as. a
porpoise broke within a few. feet of
the bet E tbre wthe noose, lasse fash:

swirls b aah x

oIt is & well kidwe fact that a por-

sppesr | poise when eteuek or injured makes
for shore. My pear ye followed ~ed

very plan, and, gra)

city and ra


ene | my the aly adit

atts Ser groving Seibert dim in

fad yor in saebers) for the trip was

pode cebhern only of incident. ah as

the line, and soon I saw Chae water

by | By ae lhe tilthiged-over the first aaede

bar. 9 noe Sere eerie

1a Re oepette: tor

tis not 1l6ng on the coast, add asf

water was broken into a heap.of|, Dut Gest

fn tee

oe pepuna

fon, aid the lopp landed square and;
féir Over the buge dorsal finjof the

_| cetacesn"and slipped off.); My next idtee
Cast was more successful; the fin be-;

: ing corrugated by age; and the) line

" , me offer 18 at the aslon,"ie

ited Lins ae
eer semua inbiiater: Wie deb ated.

eae rainbow

Se aoiee ot ny dit aig

Lepage refused. ~Then I
@ sou for the picture!� :

~of this Ae gia meant bread

mission to o the salon was pra ~
hesitated: © fben he silencaa his)
bMpBEE, and carried the canvas to-
the.salon. It was admitted. Its ,
great sucecss: insured Lepage a
plate ~in public recognition and) hisT
*ork'a place among the greait-=
est of living artists. "Current eset
prature. é ; ¥ ie , SFE i eg wr:


, de eal (dildidtinnent once, where-


Lady Churchill was y-.
ing aga
rather insolent attention

music, standing close enough to the
performer to have his comment eas-

p bp arr rl BomT by ber. ~on aaa
cay heaka te wap i 6 a

ah g t

soul.� To the critioTs aston

PECL CSE a mepeles ape map ei.

detiverance. A Poeci while later I) �"�

Tacsas, wad, eyT the prays Bid mod

before, whispered in his ear: *~For

ecuitng Terman, Mesos th

believe me.�
FRAME, WANE BY, ACRIDENT. Fas without dlecovering + gp ey

2 Wiis Gmelin pices rss Le "Avmatoy ent
{Lhig pred og {ae peg :
Saaeke aioe aely. Peat pole |e ink Hendy) WAL" I a


he said, oarith�

; oo

tabered, ns space mail matter.


ThpAdvflstibe) {a Gab. is

fe assumin, considerable propor ae


tions and it is difficult to see a
present what may be its veaatts leas


The contract o43 been let for ths Singkeve-ot

building the Baptist College in | fork.»


| legeto the ~Lowi in the State.

a is proposed to!

The Dem c f£xecutive
Committee r Raleigh jue

ing the present week. Reports|,
from all sections indicate aj;

slid : ogratel ys
in me AE A ay Ga, thor |
oughly disgusted with the
Fasionists ~ are ready to

sede RE i

oYV thte vax ox aun ldw \gdes

to, effect today. It was

_witheut. a swatifying) |
clanse and the code provides

fiat. all bills. passed . without

a is claube shail es nto

« ©



Ks. C

oThe cause; m meutioned: im
Friday's larcnonon or tuo Toba


be to thelisaseceritten: Me: E asry, agricals
@ Forest Col- psi ettigrs

joolft i eee nice "over ~Halt énougii

Si ale ms bi

1s Fltood will wok do
mmahly|stomach, and it_may be that Mr."
enck me se has beemsmisiled in his.

eppli,|cause of the use of too strong
a for i ferilizer of Aakid�"� Abs was not
colable to utilize it yind hence the!

vo) SSiaids

i? Bhd Er



oi iis
Bypat £;
Gis ssiest ees

causes erin +e Bree

or frecks, most important a which

Ha the ever.ase of. gnagorand.thet |

few of the causes canbe rem
under addy ~Cirtiinstadses.�T oFhe
says too thit�"�= wet weather and

pis Ro ~an dréinda~Idud~ Will
rudiée tracks and the only ~Fema: ( ~

rte istothucoas\ he
~a ad.


eof ity,

gan plow a go th- at ths preosey

F Will drain, of,, Io, bhia, we

mer who plants tobacco on such

winT either, have, to..drain eit,
OR; become. @;-bapkenph: sobaceo;

West 2~ Dbis.weriter Roerd. tt
ene Seow 4

vost cl aad i gd!

yar at ware be |
any} ile) yoxerat { mare

i Mhetr year's supplies will ind

a . Rieu iad * Gurstobh iscomplete


alwuys at LowmsT MARKET PRIOEs.



je Gade oeS

ate ee
od. And gpectncations
fally. made at s pA

+ fe FR ae ics LE

Ee | as ik


rower, but in regard to the use
fa gwen0.. wo, differs. widely. ;. de

more than 400 pounds of guano
DUI he, as0d. to

rtd ee. tha Kind:
guano "used. There are brands

o© -

upply bat ordinarily the,
~ateT sbd under tobacT


aat|** timeens the; practioak: exper-
iegee of soms~of otir Lest: farmers

bas. der nist (abou as face we: Ore Bg: Gen: get. catalogace

hayes: b Be? argur il ai cs OR pe ierT ia. "#284
ment in the leading agticul-} ye * Oe CO..
nie eaipst i Sormt Aetey ONNNIE C.

leneaaense Sadat ohit letfong
-delbilitated |

rienes*alpng? tis Hide bes.

sage. haweger poor: the; lagd, not :

~of whic h, wou ald be, .a theta. ad vi

it | | sili Oe

GUN agy Price.
Sapeck Golambia i in 4 styles
ona ge S100 -eack or ji" ;
The'Nei 1&2 Hartfordist $80 éach
weight 24 pounds, .


cea texn $60 each

vi -~weizGt @é.po OeGL 4}
The No, & *, Gta sap B50. gach
Rift ak dékedT ~by

ithe: ~Gola nsbie: - aniahiens oBhere
ane uous abher; for the :rprice, as

a a EO� THOSE!�
we pease



Cotton Seed. for. Meel,|

it wilt rive fos eee! for 2 Tons Seed.

ag Fe aeeappanememns pepenemanetmamenntespuatainenitareninesarersiceesimammaniansaancesinnimaaaie ia
Bake 5 8 set

| SREOM with bim-fgliy and thefarm- LY. ~ost (Prion mate 5 -


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena

£0 | bling youto ty eal ~pne. profit. A com

plete stoeK Gf�

o SHS: NOG Seal to suit
the t mes. Qur goods a moepnt noe
age: Seige epee


We 8. M. SCHULT2,

Greenville. N.C

D* ®. Peggy




GR ssopa VILLE, N.

eer & BLOW,

ga Fa eee.

ll Practice th. al

oFc. Harding,

Wilson, N.C. Greenville, N.C

Woo ns & HARDING,
atgo: T-LAW, -
nville, N.C.

Special attention given to coilectiens
and settlement of claims.


ime and cheapest ever of-

6 a Greaney come and fant

= aie their merits andT
prices make accordingly

J.B. CHERRY & Co.)


Bea Ftnce to ell youll






: .
|Eattle RRS Hither ana)

3 & six weeks continnous term.

"_ a

| AR

To morrow is Easter.
~Silks at 39§ per yard at LangTs.

Munford has Youmans ogad�
Dunlap bats for Easter.

agent myo ae

DonTt torget to hand your
subscription to the carrier.

The 6 per cent. interest law
g0ds ixito effect to-da


Meal at th
Oid Brick Beore 2
Special Easter music will

bad in the M


-Ze-day the Epiecopel church
has beea tastefully decorated fan

| __Oauned goods of all kinds at|boase,
v Ww prices
| Seihs CoTs. now

Base bail is alithe fad now"

elsewhere than in Greearille,

wate ° |

ship Flys s dope ae value friend-
on ona bs ma to
wage used bring

te pote the
sane yhinind enlarge

church to /morning

. Miagiesiccacaes Bal-| ©
~timore to-da

Ber EY, Penk) Hamilton,

sain Sais

Cartie Dail, of Snow Hill. is

iting tae. foe Wooten.

maaan of Wilson, istvisit-


Miss Pat

of William-

mad spent al fae Oatrie Cobb.

oMrs. M. H.
areas Soe

y¥ came over this
veorvielt ber par-

Hiitgused Wrés iA: L: Codie left this
for Louisbarg

bold. court next week.

OTHaganTs- » | Te
ing for Louisburg,

Pookiin court on Mouday. ~
oon Jonnie Wiliams, who has. ra
a gopomere
day 5 ana
Mrs. ms vitng toe ail b who

where the Judge

Mrs W- H. Hardison, of Rob"-
SE Rutt

ok eS zw. i, ee

Bolicitor C. Se aia dt vel tale mere.
to be ready for

Peed Rear a

It te a bright Histle dally iene of
_ Laces in all styles and lities
Lang's. 2 {

Mr. Geo. J. f

Daily Reflector, April 13, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 13, 1895
April 13, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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