Daily Reflector, April 6, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

north, arrives 22a. 3. Going
a vives 6:37 P.

North Bound Freight Aaya 6: A.
M, leaves 10:15 1.

South Bound Freight, arrives 1:61 P.
M ,deaves 2:11, oa

sdearen 23 yers o" ~rives from Wash
ngton Mondsy, Welnesday and Friday
eaves f yes: Tuewdty, eaaia
day and Saturday...


See. e _

ay weather Bulletin.



Warmer to-nizht, showers Sun-| Joyner and wife 8 00. ct---wears
a ee TE cuairman of ores Bavorvinors of| sot $5; ~
c 1ONERST MEETING, arolina township, be notified te aad %.
RHE PR ae oa oe 9 new ead Tepating this kind of seth ri Aat
The Boat N. G., April 1, 95. rom - Brown's ase made. All grades, : ~an
on Washingteh road "
ad Begg aa te Rae tits aates| ~ pt eat Felgation of lands Fat or lean, I can fit you...
resent UC. Dawson, chairman, T. $1,500 in. Greenville rahe E* ER. AN EX NATE i:
Keel, S. M. sonee, ) JL etritority" The Lead in Cl
Tig dalmag ol mere Pre on ie saponin peat se e Leader in Clothing:
ollowing orders wer -| Harrington be isda as Ows;
sued Bethel lota $825, Newton land| - P. 8.---I can take

Martha Nelson 2 00, D. 8.
Sau 200, Jacob ,.McLawhorp

50, Nancy Moore 3:00, Susan
250,Lacinda Smith 1 50,
Hoary Harris 2 50, John & Nettie
Andrews 8 00, Kenneth Hender-
#6h' 5S 00: Eliza hd wards~1'50;~Car
los Gorham 2'00,'J- H H. Bibb :
Henry Dail ~2°00, SaniT and Apr
Cherry ©4'00; Fannie Tucker 1 50,
J. O Proctor '5'00,

3-00, Easter Vines | £0, Alex iar
a 12 00,. Winiferd Taylor. 6 Q0,
Lydia Staton 150, Joho -Haw
150, WH Parker 200J G Nel-
son 1 50 Winnie ,Chapman, 1 56
Polly Adams 1 50 J W. Crisp 1 50
W md Wiliams 3 60 Johu Crisp|"
for wife 150 James Long 9 00
Amelia Heartly 150 Edwin Had-
dock 150 RE Mize fle 300 Ma
tilda Thomas.2.00 Cuas, Joyner
and wife 300

Tie following orders: were is

sued fur general.connty pirposes,|
CG L Gaskins 3 55S R Russ 22 55}

G W Staicil 1395 Gilbart Har-
eee & pee W Ri
Parker 16:50. J 565, 7 F
Keel 53:58; J: Is Pieming i a p
9 ~«ughingheuse +
BullockT 120, J W Smith
zB Bah Wwe Staitis 416500; b--C
Cobb & Son 630, Andrew Robine

Jd i Kees 145 3% A Moye % 00 .

Tay! A Splendid Little Mirror.
7 oo hae a W The Reriecrun is a splendid lit
Kicg 98 05. BR W ig 28 + Die mirror.of the local news of

J Whichard 1 50j;3)v3u

= EB Keel st 70, Leonidas
200, Jesse: yp timith 4 32, 8

Jones 3 30, C Dawson 3 isons D,

~Bryant 2 gel he

* Moye 18°50, James Barnes 3 765.

jsons be allowed pauper ©
Matilda Thomas 200, Charles Seid t on a shee

@0;| which was ordered filed.

Alicé®* Cor bier

: Gree

has 65,8 B Wileon ri ae * ode
�,� | Anderson 75, J T Dunn 3 50, J G

"Jerry McLaw
: -Cabady Moore 6 30,
~Theo Bland Jr., 12 00, Jim White
4°60, C Dawson 2 00.
Ordered that Patsy Lockamy
be discontinued from pauper. list.
Ordered that the following per-
Ts: -

$570, House land $25, Briley land
$100, fire arms C8

J A Braddy, A A Fcrbes,|
Eliza ~DrippT nd W S Rawls were
allowed to list takes for 1894.
~Dr W & Bagwell pressnoted his
frmonthiy report as Supt of Health
The following persons were ap-
inted for ..s:essars for the year
1895: Chicod, J A K Tucker, W
L. Smith, fi U Venters; yj nombres
O W HarriagtowrO aE
a eel Ghee
|Mewborne, sens whi iste 9 P Gast
kins ; Contentnez"J K Johnson,
J a3 et y, J D Cox: Beaver Dam
Pollard,. William Me
reat Ivy. Smiths Hen ties

~Lewis, Ao P Te W H

Wikineo y Falkiend_-E G Du
[her R. Williams, Sr, C V

er Pe Belen? A Thigpen,
Richard: Harris,: WH Reeves;
aaa a | B Little, J R. Over.
rows J, J: Nobles; Carolina"J B

, HN Gray, J W Page;

Bothol_D. C Moore, R M Jones,
W @ Little:

The sheriff. reported that he
had laid out a public road in
Swift Creek towaship in accord-|
xoce with an order issued at}

Mafch mesting of the Buard.:-

yilte. Ii cusne to-as yester-
day en larzed, Fay tot ife and
visor. We trust that ail of broth
er oWhiehardTs hopes may be fatty!
treal.z Greenville should give]


. wise eiesccallgeg es ahe aioe agi i
ie : :
ae Se: ¢
ee See ee
= to: S353 2 Fis
3 2 a om ees mg gas S �"�
z= ~eee tear x
2 Pee a
~ = ~ =.
~3 ;

Grows on a sheepTs back and n¢
stalk. It would bea. _ ide
that your. Spring Suit 7

our measure and riiake a
begutiny Suit of Clothes



Editor Leflector :

Thecaase mentioned in. -Fri-
dayTs ReEriecior of tobacco}
frecks or what some call ~~frog

eys,TT 18, In My Opinion,.a mis-}
taken idea, Having been rear
ed in a tobacco field: I have had
jample opportunity to study this
as well as other diseases of}
the plant in question. Wefind;
several causes for this disea
few ot which canT be remedi
ander any circumstances." The:
main cause, however, is in the
way the guanois used on the
land. To prevent pecks from
appre iring a the leaf, howe\ er
poor the iand, not more than
one hundred pounds of guano
~should be used to the thousand
hills, or four hundred . pounds
to the acre. This should be)
drilled in the furrow; when
dropped in. the hill a less |;
umount should be aeed On
~}Strong Jand ninety pounds is
sufficient. Too. much manure.

_| will make it speck, or freck, in

a wet or dry season.

tis better to ' olay by" the: "

~Potatoes Lrish,
Potatoes he

~There is what we call the
~wet weather speckTT which can

{him the beartic st su rt. Dare
hata Sun. , Pey a

draining the laud. Asa _ proof
of ~~wet weather speckTT no~ice
that thisis firstseen in.

or near. where


be avoided only by thoronghly |

~co with a
~corn Tso that t ewe or will
to middle:of row.

}will not pe chec

tobacco but oin any�
with euch pk oges a little
~furcher from ic 80 a6. mot 1o, tear
~ap the roots asahey make. their
{Way to middle of row. By sa
| doing not only sj ,or frécks,
but burning, reaon iy bottom

of plant will r be: e:


Corrected By S$. Me Yeh ?
Ol} brieX Store... .

Butter. per Ib : eee
Sugar cur mg. :
CornT Meat

uae Femfly :



: sono be

Salt. rT Sek.

" these wet: vices ite Mise 5

£ mo toa bas

"" B

at ~tate

BSD: Bb:
the t t they locate eight town Pierpont oMoment pa Sha now

been certified " ene. i mi} New

- cosigsap at has fae ~ake

annot : |singing deninitaretieg Pa6iie de
Lo meure�

, | When she was at the beight of

ejjockey, has made $30,000 in a.

5m farnishing 4or publication
a lige ofa Act to

ee additional Magistrates
sry township. They, were.

ato office on April Ist,
a any of them have not

a and out of the abandance of the.

nai maak expense ~to ite State

No credit, however, ought to be}.

ae prose
in the » tialos evga is supposed

£ na o pres satdent of the eres

eo = 5:
ods Fy cre @lereiond

bya vclaneae to be $50,000. ook Sit.

dais) gook recoiped, SH. New
AorT .f0 maKe $100,000 and

over ree year but his wings

sen. clipped Gy ani retires
er. singin
enor ta ~Madrid. Fréan

from oFaust.� Patti's
eontrect called for $5,000 a night

ther fame, but: she badT 4o give
$30 of it to ~ther axcnt.: Tural the

President FelixT

ingle season.

receives $250,000 a year.:

and the pay of av Eaglish admiral
is SIV000 a. yens., len

6) seep receives. Sica


A Thongnt for, the Day,

What is the care ~for gosstp?
SimplyT cu'ture. ~GoodT ~natured |T
l paopte talk Kbout their neighbors
because, and only bécause, they}.
have nothing else to talk about.| |
Everybody must taik abeut sone-
thing: On some subject or enoath-
ereverybody must-have: seme-
ithing to say or give up. society,)

: e wouth " 6th. That)
which the: mind is" Boy Saag

to leave. these offices. vacant.|_

savidk bt dkbebte) WJ as
cdied scans} Kah owiduteala

by B. Bynes "He woriges ts anand: ; i?

Faure, of the French |: eepube a ae
mi-|: ~ *

| him| ral GreerTs:pay is $6,000. An En}

ghsh generaiTs pay: oe aday |, -):

y making every,
) ie )


Tarmenee Se Holt,

= in -Sb F, J. ~Surdook, ¢
os, Holt, J. M. Worth, ow 7 Scot
= f 4yiw 7s

orvicksll: J. Mt /Averth
1 FER eee:


"Ss are non-assessable. _.

DIRECTORS : FB. insaniny EE. De cg erst gehen By Hott; D: eth
ack ~Bameel McD. ~Tate
gc Bentehan Cameron, A

ses cae Bt

rofits. wae

L. i re Tewur acd ws therpalicysheniceeT
TIAL $100,000.00.

Subecribed by tw ent expats whe
4 my oan woe bonnes

mames represent over Prve fr


Sey saan, E. P. Wharten, Vice-President ; A. we

James P. Sawyer.
. J. Van neste ois BP rain et

hs When penen, roe INSURE ne SES see. that, it. is renew ed ~fn THe 50% TrHERN STOCK

Wise to 0 EXUIt ANGE.

I will give 1 Ton Meal. for: 2 Tone Seed
Conde qnick or you will ~be toolate. :


RICK, TEA, &c.


we buy di
bling you to
plete uaeks ay


a ies
abres tr

uy at Oue profit. A com

t iisters i db

~won {sold for CA
ane -|to tun,we cell At a close margiv. 283


nophand and soldat prices i fed 4

n/Sir. J satan Pauae st obes ~Butie

{am Sto aN gg an :

leeives $30,9 per, num. se

ee am pando : ara Y | LARMERS AND MEKUHANTS BUY |
part Bas paid diple g i onage their icra igus amt ecds calor pu.
J ots Oa, 3 seg 4 se chasing elsewhtre. Ourgteck is complete

: ar. r n allits branches.


Cotton Seed for: acai, J.

7 [f C. LATHAM



from Manufacturers, ena | -

piouny. & FLEMIN



a" Practice in all the Courts, .



ArrouweYsa TL~ 4

and vette of




alex w $06



Practice ii. allthe Court~.


Sohn E: Woodard. F.C ee

_ Wilson, N, C. Guccae


ae aeons ar ie
ee we.
Special attention sect to collestiene

Re ees

2 eA ee ot tag



jrnes A. SMITH, ,

| Soxmmtevi naan at 9,

a 5

bed Patroninize sonienea.



i 5 ok nights that ~we are
~' {having are very bad on young
. ,ptobaceo:plante..
. Every ferniers

hould coustitate
his farm an ex

sriment station of

/ (which ohé' ~isT the ~director: By
~thisT the ~highest attainments 0T

Agriculture can easily to reached.

he bt cigs Re eay ~a ; +

' In. these times of. low prices.

and small profits, it requires the|sessed neither bodies nor souls.

Saath nad SM.
~SupTt. Health,-Dr.- W. H. Bag
_SupTt. County Home, J. W. Smith.

Board Education"J. R. Conglelon,
SoumTn, F. Ward and R. C. Cannon.

SupTt. Pub, Ins., W. HH. Ragsdale.

5 ah eS Pah

most.caceful thought and, judg;|They appealed ~to a~ divinityT known
farm and unlesg: system -and.:ja-
dicious management is
the debit:side. of the
account will be the ~larger.

HowT many farmers-in the
couuty who keep an accutdte ac-
count of afl monies expended and
receiyed on sales ef produ
~Unless this is. done there is: no
possible means: oftelling - whet:
er the busivess is paying or not.
Every crop shoald hayea
account in order to, tell which ie
the best: money. crop: No sen-
sible mau: would keep a Lerd of
_|six CowsT yery~ ~long before he
~|would find.out whieh was the best
milker and then set about to eith-
yer increace,the. walne.of the sorry

..d.jones or get rid of them. Pre
ae (eisely 18 that the case with cere.

' Vals. Every farmer should know
which of his crops is paying the
best and then go te work {to im-
~}erove the sorry. ones. So, also
should this same idea be. carried
Thinto the ) ,
)| which are paying and which are
no$ and then go to work to. im-
prove the unimproved lands.

And Mr. Whichard says Green-
-| ville is to have. a@ fire engine and
Dr. W: 4-/then the next worst thing needed
. , lis a white fire company. During
ast three years we have
seen a fow small fires in town and

at nearly everyone. Seth Hooker
tiwas the most conspicous figure
§x\there dodging in and out be-

~ (twixt the flames,directing and dar
Dling and never losirg his self] i594
possession. His bold and dering | fied bull called Apis.
Dirisks have been the comment of mpi
. Misvectato:s wherever a fire
* &loccured und while we have never
gard bim expiess himeelf in re-
~ard tu the organization of a com-
pany, yet we belieye he will head

exercised |r... awhile im the likenesa of feath-|
P.. and: Li


Fleming, |

cta-?| tition in their. behalf... They. wanted |.

4 maith. 2 ny Cc.
J o¥ell, T.

separate|ltion of the deer head"meaning the |:

ist. Services every Sunday (ex-

ery Sunday
r meeting



O. oO. F.,


| 4 As
_W., rete firat an he Red the p

Wi M. Kings W.M.. . .


is no man in Green-
Pinner at i or adapted

Mow They Secured Their Souls from the
maic Red Bird.

nner aoe A

The Osages, in common with man:
other tribes, believe that the con-


stellations areT gods ~and goddesses,
says the Milwaukee Journal. . They
have a: tradition to the effect, that
ence upon a time the. Osages pos-

them wi
Thus,they pursued existence
ered creatures. In this guise, they}
first visited the earth. There they
met another divinity called the
Black Bear. He offered ' to serve:
them, and they asked him to visit: 7
the various constellations with a pe-

human. bodies for themselves. The |~
to the sun, to the moon, to;

the morning star, to the constella- |T

Pleiades"to the constellation.of the
goose foot, and finally to the Female
Red Bird, who was found brooding:
on her nest: . She it was.who granted
the request whichothers had refused,
giving te the Osages.the bodies in
which they have since dwelt. .. ; .

The sun is a god devoutly, wor-
shiped by most Indians. The cere-
mony of the sup dance, as performed
by the Sioux and Poncas, has often
been described. Everybody has
beard how the warriors torture
themselves, one part of the perform: |.
ance gone through with by the
young braves consisting in attach-
ing themsetves*te the-dance pole by
lariats passed ~through loops of their
own skin, then freeing themselves
by dashing away on horseback. or.
otherwise. For three days and
\nights they dance, gazing continu-
ally at the sun by day and at the
moon by night, while it is supposed
they swallow neither food nor water. :

As matter of fact, however, the
dance pole is planted usually ih a
spot near which certain succulent
roots.grow. These they pluck up
slyly, eating them. and sucking the
juices. Among the Sioux Indians
the buffalo bull is importantly asso-
ciated -with the sun dance. Oddly
enough, in ancient Egypt the sun

Ra was associated with the dei-

oAn aAccornipimnen race

oGrandma, may I take that ~piece
of chocolate you left on the table?


E will beso good!� "._. fate

euaidaa : take i " oa :
and| ~(The litth@gir} does not move:)


eines pied cet co ae

~Ly Roeky Mz | :

i ayTtteville| a
w - 7 a

ith souls in the édies-of| ar. Florence

Ly Wwilkon Sage
ty eet

: + 3 "_"" = ee ee eer
= 3 soe Ce f +. £44525 3 ; ae ee
~ Sa el Be
; z ~age ae a Preeti Rs -e* os
ees z = + 23 ~
-.. - EF 52% 2 e
ar o site
* i: p

~Ly Fieve: ce
Ly Fay etieviil
Ly Selma

Ar Wilscn


Daily. ,


a, |



mn OO

Bo | Dally) sea

Ly ¥ iluiingtoi:
Ly Magnolia
Ly Goldsboro
ar Wiison

pet ee

Lv Wilson
Ar Rocky Mt

Ar ~Tarboro
Lv Tarboro
Lr Rocky Mt
Ar Weldon

Train on Scot
Jleaves Weldon
p.m., arrives
Greenville 6,37 Pe Mey
Returning, leaves Kinston 7.20
flie 8.22 a. m.
Halifax at 11:00.a. m., Weldon 11.20 am

nigton Branch leave
Washington 7.00 a, m., arrives Parmele

leaves Tarboro 4.50 p. �"�.,
.m,, arrives Washi

e Busday.
or eeu pa Ned
Train leaves Tarbo
marie & Raleigh R. R.

day, at 5 00 p. m.
arrive Plymouth

eck at 4.55 p
Kinston 7.35

@.m., Greeny

daily except Rund
Trains on Wash

armele 6.10

©, via Albe-

Sunday 200 P. M;

20 P. : 5.20 p. m.- oS



Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, &c., carried by


"this season. Our Stock of "


Ladies & Childrens


is the largest and cheapest. ever of-
Jered in this town, come and see for
yourself and be convinced.


Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace

- Goods sold on their merits and
Prices made accordingly.



The Place to Sell your








ie ae. i ey

Attend church to-morrow.

Quite a crowd in town to-day.

Ladies ready made shirt waists
and silks at Lang's.

DonTt torget to hand your
sa iption to the carrier.

Registration of voters for the
town election began to-day.

Buy Cotton Seed Meat at the}:
Old Brick Store.

For a week now nothing will be
more talked abouttran the Fas-
ter bonnet.

For Cotton Séed Meal and
Hulls and Shingles call on Henry
Sheppard. Prices low down.

A new fish staliis being built
on the north side of the Market

Monuslin de soiv and ~all the la-
test dress fabrics at LangTs.

Tbe communion will be admin.
istered at the close of the morn.
ing service in the Baptist church

At the corner stall in Market
House you can find the nicest
fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish,
oec. All orders promptly filled.

D. G- Moons.
The case against the Harriso
brothers, the twin preachers!
drew quite a crowd to the Cou t
Honase to-day. :

Old Solomon; who lived of old,
Was very, very wise ;
WheneTer he wanted auything,
He used to advertise. =
There 1s never a time that ~is
not the time to subscribe,
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds King issued
six mAarriage licenses this week,
only ove of which, the first named
was for white. persons. They
were Richard Moore aud Mary
Odbam, John Brown and Clara
Cannon, Ed: Wiggins and Nora
w, Robt Wilson ani Delia
Boston, Jimny Bicuvt aud. Tenere
Bidant; Bryant "Mewborn and

Where ate You Going my Pretty

oWhere are yougeing m opretty mda???
*ofo ride my bieyele, Bat aho-odas eS


oi'm quite in despair, my preity uisid,�T
~fiat with you oT¢Tr
: dale I eanTt ride,T ae
Oh now kind sir, douTt'so badiy-teel, = |
For I eee uo escort while ridibgT my |

But Wanted to rile,

oDbereTs not rvo-n foc tvo, kind sir,T

bt aud th
I know very welt it what I-weuld ao,

4s go

= s


Mr. R. L.

ing fora tri


Belcw are

to Parmele to visit friends.

Mr. T. W. Tilghman, of Wank: i+.
spent Friday and. to-day| °°

who was visitin

hore to day.

Rev. J. L. Winfiel
ington, will preac
ant Sunday morning.

Ex-Solicitor J. E. Weodara
who was here attendi
this morning for Wilso

M:. Ed Hiavs, of Sampson
county, who has been spending
sometime with his
left Friday.
Mr. A. W. McAlister,
and Treasurer of the
Stock Mutual Insurance Uo., cf
Greensporo, is in town.

Smith left. this morn-}
p out west to buy

Mr. Maryin Nash, of Newbern,
g here retarned | Land


. E sie ee a 2


LA i =

bh at Mt. Pfeass}:

ag court, left:
Bi ia

rother here,


Yesterday afternoon abo
o'clock the juty*-on the mu
iai brought.» thei
e defendant P
not guilty. The jary he
only about thirty minttes.


had. the case|


Hardee was.



Mr. Piyon with his phonogr avi
" esterday furnishing

re af &

here. «: ¥

sage O°

mein ry Pore.

Pe eee

oe ae

' Your correspondent was

taken as to the name of thé ~new
landTsod. improvement.
here.� It should lave been Arden.

& Improvément Go: °°

~~ e

opening up for� -
we 6 i ection...


PresbyterianT church.
School at 9: 30 A. M:
at 7:30 P.
' Methodist
School at 9:36 A. M.~ Pp
af 11 A: M. and 7:30 P.
G. ¥F. Smith.
Heoal at 9:30 A. M. ,
_ Baptist church "Sunday School
at 9:30 A.M.� Pr r
as 7330 P.
lilipgs. Mornin
oChrist's # z



st's Last Inviiution.�' Night
oA Disease for whichT there is ro}
Allare cordially. invited
to attend these services...

by. Rev.


M- cy Rey Gor M.

R w.

M. by Rev.

thy at 114.


rough dale ~by some-|y eat

bieyele built for two.� [pigeh a:

nasit:| onniate Sor
chants of Norfolk :

ay i y»| Good Middling.
oMay-I go with you, my prety maid 22T| YOP4 Miduling
Low M¥idiing
Gur Ordinary
Tune "firin.

hil and threugh |g ijanoa

Sotton and weanuts, | | -
Foroik prices st Cotta
: ay, as furnish



Co., Commission.



1 terT

ey j baLk SS Nees a i : :
- o4 tug i le
zt 232i fete i
2 ery OR eas a Te: ~
= i f uF ie 4

You can bay a... ree.


The N

are nove other, for the
g . get.

Meryf ey 0s
31516) SAND

1? dae 7 TaT

|atyle brick and woode



c- 1& 2 Hartfordat $80 cath



Daily Reflector, April 6, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 6, 1895
April 06, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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