Daily Reflector, April 5, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


C., ~APRIL 5, 1805.

a mat 1 etn ota going}

tare e

i jronpuen NoTICE Or ongen.|

7 ei camnal
+| Deer Mistur Eddietur:


ge.erlow me ernuther short
a rorth Bound cmipesreres ea viiyo valuball kollems fer M Y CLOTHIN
_Sogth Bound Freight, arr/yes 1:51,P. butyfall a litte! site be tire Tas. 4 i
Me, ieaves 4:1 E, Xe ipo not wish wobeter ot over Pies ape i
peSteamer, Myers arrives trom Wash|my ofton kawip, butt 1 wee |Grows.on a sheep's back and not Or , & cotto
ead oWaskington fused ty gee moch strickin with xe town that|Stalk. It woul idea for you to.
nan y and Saturday. piace ged full hart I'm bowa ter/that your Spring gd Race ef of the : ta


oebed of praise for the Dariy



While on yo streats I tride ~tes
see evry thing guine op, an I sud.

o , "" Now, I'm er ole man. an baye Lire | 0
Land nt Company Organ-/ most brophoundist féspeck f..
} Rpebe eaoeey. SF ee Werchouse Talked, | bois, cauze L wuz onset er boi in
ey " er befo-. raat wuz) te)
Sth, 1895. . {DOL Re fo he wuz_marrayed to :our.
Aron, SAS Ane mers tr butt I mevur hezzertaits ter weeld
Re bt mish Po mo -when Feap da goud with}
its Sprit stroaks.
Rey. J. ik Ber8iid. moved , jato |T. tehng shat that struck me regyar
Sp NEES on o bois wus ther smokinT.
M awluvem smokes in sum
Be disvd ai man Gwith | | boa .
plenty o money who in trea ing ili
tobacco warhouse strong. We

oee it wilson 1 .
We wannot- haisiibbom addi

- FLECTOR wee its enlargement

and_ improvewnt company "

At is: qoute a handsome little
sheet, and otter still, at gizee
the. news: mT AT

Xyé@en, seems to be on a boom. a

oThe style of the
Carolina Land &

: ntT oCo., ae Jesse
Consgy } cnident W. F. Hart,
Vice Pres kW W. Swith.
. View Bre = ~winith, Treasur.

Correeved ty
- _ Qld Brick store, _

er. All of shen are live business
ufen &@

big thing for Ayden, »

Greenville Market. |

8: M. Schulte, atthe

" _, .z 19 t0 93) reck

Ragen ae

2 ~cared HanssT air ke ie
Gorn OANA. Comes ¢

- Cor! MealT = 6° | 80

~ g . Pe Gg sme mvt shed ne ges

Oats to
* -- $00-t0-350

oPOA Tées Trish, perT vor
Patatoes prone bu

eradteRa aged ) £ of aye On next);
Back | hayerly. bodies which gravi-
a, a a sib ~ 23 3 4 tiie : pr gexh od Be em
Kerogei ro : 9 to 18/ occupted in ~the firmament tb /
Halle, on Tee a Soap eed pod ot re nok oth it pil}
cad Meal eae So the first time sqoh a thing has) ,;
Hides caves n carred since that greatj day,|"
EE ain hp cee aaah Ys jast 1842 yearsago.


né@ we believe evi will ~be * 4

gone itT an wus. Well, I no ther
paw an maw didnTt no how ther
chillan was duip, les tha found
out by em hayen kollick, or sum-
pum, fron swolleren so much
smoke. [ felt sorray fer em, see-
in um smoksen £0 ex VA
no wa ter brake em

Hraa ft';oferet. yer wut ter. go ter

ther maws an sa oyo bois smokes,�

tha wood be mad er nuff ter set
evry houn in the kuntry arter yer
& Ba, taint so; my bot sez he don't

Pavrunte, don't luv. yer bois 2
well to korreckt em an disbleve
em some times.

2 -hered, while I wuz in yo

atayte,. that thar wus er law ter

keap fokes frum sellen miners se-
gérrets in northkerliner, butt I
ors its faulce, fer fokes wood-
éb't du it ef thar wuz sich er law.
~Yo frend,

Just 1892 Yeats Age. "
= Lhe
ebm Wiltbe a remarkable
both from and. astronomical an



the same pena oad onyeis rier!

1895, according tojy,

grows on a sh


étter, looks better, holds « ole e
Ours, $8 and |

$8 nee ee Paring Suits are ante
fit just like: henge
mages Allg rattok rig dohore and all shapes.o ai
|. Fatorlean,Icanfityou. § -

: a = fa NT ES WILSON, ,
? The Leader in Clothing.

P. §.---I can take your measure and: make
beautiful Suit of Clothes. = .


a el






What ts Hacpening Over tne State, = Mervea by our ' .
$5 :.
Hon. H. A. London has: veen- iB
invited to deliver the address here wan eitea mr m, pd

~on Memoriai Day, subject Maj.
General Bryan Grimes. r- Lon-
don 18 an editor, a lawyer and a
fluent speaker. We trust he may
Gazetee. ;

Governor Stone has issued
call for au extta session of th

heresies Legislature April 28ri

accopt" Washington 4 syolong He ples down a Begt
One of the most Indicrons acts }Chure mie is ome
of the late Assembly. of conftsion-| School was in =
ist was ove to established the | teacher and forty fe:
Grand United order of Galliham /Utied under the timber

fisherman of North

Caroliny.|90d every one of them v was »take

The fact is for the benefit of «| 0ut alive. 1 21
jcharitable object.and the author -"
jof the bill spelled the name of Saved the peaping..

our. State as itis now engrossed
and aboveT spelled "Raleign

The Methodist chu se
ville had a narrow es fro:
destruction OY fire, oneT Be Ly Te

Cotton and Peanuts,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton cently.
and peanuts for eetnrdey. as furnished | covered to oon
\ Cobb Boos oo ~Commission Mer.| There was no |
nts of Norfolk so Mr. Latner
+ cia aaa
Good Midtling :
LowT Miidiing
~Gord Ordinary
12, ine. hein i; RANTS
pamon ls
~Extra Prime
Ar aE
Ege 1l ete. . ~
E. Peas"best, 2.63 to 2.76 75 per bag. |� eoretn
~+ thr
Black and Cav, to 1-00 ber bashel. pall po:
" s% vote eeeae | 3 #¢ te een




Our et ©) Be,

a is developing into a

rastend exool

"* s eb fod =
"We have frequently been asked have

Stel memes ivebie st )
1Wa donTt uow and don't; thins mt
manyaoi; Oeériainl isc thecsin PTS

sence from the soil of some

iy Si ". uired ae rap
59h TD RPh beeaida

z . bing the top.
vent it, it is ead
6 Fast at Anas niale
_ give too much thought and atterk

theirtebsecoisnd«: Hehedand is

-§horoughly pulverized the young
Monts -bkU tte: 40bncco vhave--8

_ trouble iP pevetratine the soil ss

t efoll benefit: of: all. ma
oBnres, thén again they will gro

& mm ater de thin ees rch
aby aanop.aronion dentin oes
Splas laied bo thorwunnlg prepared

ae thié debFéliséd ~acreage in
and Va, may be and duubt-
- tres is eqeval to thé increase iu ac-
oPeageth the eaktern coutities yet
itis not a nice policy� ofor *%
farmers to. Fo tato a big


3 for medium or inferior to-
co, y will beT surely dis-
» Maney oak of a. to-

ae - é
¥ - ; Tha o4 a7 £ é Ea
= hal = Bae
rv OL .

aA at to amet Ln ae

We HBS d

others of ox our oe pees x

}Gabed~ds tach premiums, make! .:-...

Jap effort $7 Fe5P'2 On8- i

fd tobaceo belt of this

nee, if th ts
jhad begins te jeg clatre a
would. haré been ac rowta a
and such provision� w d otae
been made. The ex

4 aan : 4 a q

Constitution Publishing Co He
must Have lous atid) Ao. maze
no less, must have it staked off

and given in detail amonnt aoa


and Dixon line but anywhere be-

oot gag va and Pacificy . i Si CAPT z;
#4. a 2443473559 : a
Untier stiputations se ewetiet eile (uiles PIT: = " 4
it occurs to us that a Pitt county, | oun. cibed aby siiveilag! id
| [voy git DOLuaRs.





sete tS

Fama ra Holt, J. M. Worth, ~5
aibs;| Wharton. 54


pn | By making every Weer one a sharper


: oOF ¢


: |


H Ise AF BG tes

; 2 orrers " |

Eftes t=

tee 8: ate #2i #

LiFe Ste ery

gt oa Wn, Ez. Hole Du 0. onl ere.
somes PR. ee om

ave My art

. etn 5 S| ¥Y 4
dats E. P. + Wharton, Vice-President A. W.


see stat ta reba eca a THE B SOUTHERN STOCK

Whekitioke-pethers ~expires:
2 Igbeeaieeraconeacoe earn CO 08 ya

x $i ~

a z


= ee oem

ef iekei

Le Fan | 390% i

sis He . L we

uing Lgsi

he Suse s

hall w with a sta

next ¢ 2
fi | OF

str Hass

"|have ¢ eae. provided. $9 pone witb-}
of taxa

lotte.. Observer.

Maneatis 4 Phe |

Mr. Charlies "


}o allits bal Peg nt ach?

| les erp xcns, | |x!

Be vede di
Sse ivi? i 2 Hs

4 . RICK
ate plie ;
elsewh Obamas ieeonaplete

ere ti 3s

iy 7OiD Te fine Tes 1 fod se) tes ; 733i bs ony =
CS eugene rar ol ey :
5 quint2 tiigusa eayghod « iiw 37 ieee
the heartsiof the Republicans andf R. D. b. paste
Populists"after..he died. J hes | Coston: biti for Meg, D 7 Re us 5a
year ~and turued his onlserences bi 5 al Bigeye; Te ON TE TT LT
inst the Democratic party. ome quick, or you, ou, will pé too iate ate Me ans a 1. Bier gad oa Fim ina
et their oLegislitute.' nat Only}oo) - A BNRY: SHEPPARD. Rte a+teMive Jonata
mate no eee for « gah jus 310 eiliod acyved mayd Hc ATTORNEYS-ATebaw,:!!
a ot hin,. por ornate ~Olt is: ot Geri S LL&, c.
~him in/oneof the State's vacant}... PracticeT i ah the Cauitea: ve
niches fn-statuar�"� hall inthe cap: |); «ji: Hi) Lia "peerec fae a ee
ritol at Washitgton, - ~but it- 4 ee Xe esa Promant pat es SOT Oo ) oa
not even'go on record Wisineenns : Wily ATLAM dee eR� sige
Pen ression of @ sense of t a} » : as iy a nek Pe Nappi ote ds wre ote
08s Cn account 'o A) h.}- Apr NEYS~ Ar aw,� )
apis per and ~other Pested|.. @] ~ht tg it aimee
ae ebige se 8 ath, at eth jedi: oe Cans
ecislata ) ud :

Matettention 1

1 settlement of claims.

ee ¢
e oh


aide sal ~t8 f stint ad te bat
wiv Yet owees.

Gt folie: cee wit T

~ b. Vin Ming. Se jimuinte fe

or t Deedes Wie Me ings a

yes oaie tor

Petra: | SS at ats adi

: Commissioners"C. Dawsen
Leonidas Fleming.
Smith and 8S. M. Jones.

SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell.
| papT County Home, pe . W. Smith..-

4 Be ~¥t teks; i ing t #

ghun'n, F. Ward and imo c. Cannon;

o-Sup't. Pub, Ins., W. H. Ragetals ~ae

98ge BisdnloisW
a ii dows onesies.

|sveauINe eh ~Wonns ;

chm*n, |!
T. E. Keel, Jesse L-

pwerdss. «
-Conglelon, | pisses tam at

peel. 9c

of AP at
¥ Lotd Heakitioupon Lad:
Payne introduee'ssimilae iia


UT. Rn:
4 t. Ta Bs.
_ 4 Counciimen"J. 8. J &. age ies |
2 et LL. H. Pender, Wed J. Cowell
CHURCHES. . tae:

~ Baptist. Sucvters wot Sender (ex-] duces

oeept f urthy
Billings, t

oe deta

oo og A

| REIS We taeT! to Outord bent & troop ot Boree,
opect iy tn wire y £2 , Zor varias ows no srgumons pa books he ont, | Station
Greenville Lodge No, 381 A. F & alT Fe Waite Ula no force bet arvumen
= ie ans third Monday nights ~While on the pabkeck of: on the pant!
Fee) , ~}vorsities'it muy be well to quote the| 4

pery See Bagh The king ~sent'some
Senin eect ste


koa a it Hastovet oliduest�"� a9 ofa

, 9f,Oxford to

How much that loyal body wanted learning.
To which charge of jack.oflearning'
a ~Cambridge. graduate cleverly re-:


: - E LOB. Pi

: pilsissscs obey

sacl aisf
bo bev

: following lines, which give @ eurious |

xason for the! amount of; learning
: iby Oxford and: Cambridge:
[to wonder shat Onford and, Cambridge 2ro-

aphee the to"pre.

Ny gan�



Pg eee Wore rahi

Bb deouted irene

i. certain: degres: ~the tahapit!|
atts ofall: theT Mohammedan coun-

known as the date palm,
ster-| prophetTs most supreme A
T Se ,,| injunctions is: onor thy

eli Rida. ibe vids

zi it

[Ee Stegnotia


* abraham Li

troller Sturgeon,
ing reference to. the
Abraham L jincoln;

| ee

and his-name
~hamT Linkhorn.T ©

ot on Be

aie Trahitithen.

OR. T. Durrett, of: Louisville, atone
tiose an editorial: writer on the Gour-
ier-Journalgin a letter to City Con~

he arendisther. a 5

jon. 8 taed of- 600 aeres
d the� old LongT Ron
ry meeting-house now stands.

The land bears date of March �,�; £780,
im it as oAbra-
x ~He was killed on
Phis ldnd'by the Indiaus in 1786. /Mor-
also oowned .a tract of
500 acres of ber adjoining the. Lin-
poolaT tract, and, likeLinep
one of the earliest-settlers. of. efter.
gon county. ~On-this land of Hughes
} @m: a an known as. HughesT
, was ee, at an early date,

2682 4 494k:

e3, the follow-

ip this

Ar Wien

~Ev Foret ce hy + SA )
Ly Selma -:°. 49 :

+ F
ame be



*¢ 3 ? i 4 ae Ta *
Ly Wilmingto
Lv Magnolia
Lv Goldsboro
ar Wilson


P.M. P.M PMs
Ly Wilson 1 80 11 8&).
Ar Rocky Mt. : 2 38 412 07; 11 15
Ar Tarboro 2 48
Lv Tarboro
was| Uy Rocky Mt 2 33 12 07
Ar Weldon 3 48 12 60
Train on scot and Ne Neck, Brevich Road
leaves Weidon 4.00°
p.m., arrives d ~a Neck at 455

. bey Green 8.22 a. m.

daily txcept


8.40 p. m.. Tarboro 9.50; .
leaves Tarboro " P le Ps

Pp. My, arrives,
Daly oexcept Sutida
trains en 5

~mele 6.10

marie &
day, at 5

p. m.,Sunday 200 P. M;

- farrive Plymouth 9.20 =. oes ze. m.

norivadarbene: 1025 a. m ~ond 118

oan es oo:

w., Greenville 6.37 p, m., Kinston 7.35 .
p.m. Returning. leaves Kinsten 7.20 "

jm, Weldon 11.20 am�

ont rains on Wramsnigton Branch leave
Washington 7.00 a, m., arrives Parmele

Train rem Baton N C, via Alte- :
daily except Sun-

ie nme ens = a ee




Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, £c. carried by

Sad Se�,�GSOR. Fe Stock a

red: PA}. Fs:

ar ee ee

is the largest and cheapest everT of-

_ Sered in this town, come and see for

yourself and be convinced.


Maitinys, Window Shades and Lace

Goods sold on their merits and
prices made accordingly.

J. B. CHERRY & Co.

This has been = a beaatifal ~daz:

Eadies ready: ~meade shirt waists
and silks at Lang's.

~Mrs. Lease is ShiteT ah ~article! .
on oWhat Constitutes a -Beauti-
fal Woman.� lt ia uot an. autce

2 pee Ameer eee are

ny Cotton Seed Meal at ~his
lola 4 rick Store.
; Spri is coming,. throw off
sgetcahan But donTt be ina

hurry to ict. your fieunels. go
atone with the tronbles. _ .

For CottonT SeedT Meal ~and
|Hulis and Shingles call on Henry
Sheppard. Prices lew down.

Our informant gave us the
wroug date on which the. Rifles!
have their drill.; It is Friday.-of
next week instead of to-day.

Many poeple, went out to the
race trac esterday afternoon.

42 ig not in pb ars éondition to use

yet bat soon will be.o

Every. lady who visits J. B.

Chetry & Cos store is enthusias-

tic in her praise of their beanti-
ful goods. . They have a. display |
worth going to see.

There was another frost- this
morning. Mr: Olisn Warren tells
us he has examined tender plants
and fruit trees and nothing seems

The Place to Sell your,




) Lae

jdamaged:i in the slightest.
-Monuslin de soid and all the la-
test dress fabrics at LangTs.

Since ealarging the Damy Re-
FLECTOR it es-more news .to
fill it... If yon know apn item
please tellus. Thatis what the
paper is here for"to pant the

~The room just vacated. by the

| Trifiine.and ~ChristianTs: printing

4{0ffide is being -fitted up for
| Messrs. Heary heppert: and. Z.

va Ponte ne Fish,
or. severe A
Se. Ait orders Be wen filled.
@: Moors. .
P. ite $93 one of the pablic
0% i Gas was asked

why. Easier, i ard ts nah: Aelt ~onT the
ear. He

mel nate ate we Rona


eas BeElis ose pot ae 235)

ms Aisi lodéitier® stall: 0° Market

[reuse vou

jes tele pempbedy: did not srany

That the Refactor Weete
(Fe 2279 GR esokewe

Meas Kvitb;-of.: Wilieae
visiting: Mrs. sade at-Shethern-
Mre- W.G@ Lan a | ~
spent 4 oee: acer


was acaller at the sag oe 6
office to-day.

ant Sunday morning.

Mrs. Georgia Pearce pe Mise
Lillie Harris retarned Thursday

evening from Baltimore...

Mr. 8. C. Hamilton. took My.
Hamilton to Asheville to day


"Mews Depot. Bey)
J. M. Blow and W. $F. nk.

ure preparing to establich a news

of periodicals. it will bs ° under
the mana aa pore of, Mr Ah 2 ead
conducted in hen Mrs
HiggsT inilfine 'y store 1

-_, Mot am April Fool,
The Greenville I RERLACTOR, cele-
brated ~ ~all fools. by adc
font oolumas, $0. ita, $10. and con-
siderably increasing the erat:
of reading matter. - We hens ~the
jim provement is a 6rm én One,
land pot an oRoel foots
bury Heraid.


He WasT Overlodked.
A little boy was haa.d ~teT re-
mark that he hadT alreadyT rad
the ochick-enpops, munk#, ~Weas.
les, hookisg ¢otgh ahd ~brown:
keetus,� and had been ocated ® of|
them ali, but he had never yet
seen his picture in the rea cd
"Salisbary Herald.

oDid You River Ser:

A lazy man: who.had ad time? }
A young ret whé'didnTt: kiow ?

4 old man whe, Pia rem

A ~politicianT
ne Aire

pie owouldaTs

saucy? .

A town eck: bdeend
\whea part. of- ite -- people. p
against the other part?-:.._- ae
Aoy kind of. weather. oyer

Rev. Samuel Moore, of Bethel: aad

amined on a speciat deka
the a time. oStatenville uae

Re ee

Rev. J. ) Pi WinSeld, wy Wash-|¢ot
ington, will preach.at. t.. Wiener)

the hope that it may, lwprord Her

depot and wilt handle a full fine|,

Sra ies ne whe 3.

ey " dete HZ SS ,

IetGlt ia LM A
The SuperT Coleen in 4 ~styles

u- @ge@3100 each: |
ttc a r&é2. sriford au#80 each ,

Tlie No. 3 a

the Columbia. -gadtatites. .}
are none other, for the pice, as

good. You, can get catalogues


{SE PENDERT& 00.,-

Colambia bac agentes C.
bck WZ pba | ottigstcs

A.-protey gil who; dide't. look pan

Daily Reflector, April 5, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 5, 1895
April 05, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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