Daily Reflector, March 13, 1895

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north, acrives 8:22

Greenville, N. ¢., March 18, 1895.

ae ; oes eging and. Boat Schedule.

~ e 4

Passenger and *omail train gofng}.
. Mz. shalt south,
_atrives 6:37. P- M.
orth Bound Freight, arr ives 6:45 A.
~ leaves 0:15 A. M.

~ South Bound Freight. arrives oi

Jeaves 2:11 P. M.
age Myers # ~rives from; Wash |
_in uduy, Wednesday nd Friday
leaves | ~or Washingtou ~Tuesday, Thure

_ day and watur day.


Weather Bulletin.

Threaténing with rain Thurs-
day, co'der over the entire State


_" na oe nee

Pandan tis


What is Havpening Over the State,


Feur omoonshine: 8° "hase been

oarrested in Ousiow connty.

~ Miss Lala Mocre, of Raleigh,
was married S aleay to Me A. £
Paces dade a youbg Hebrew of that

Senator Daniel, of Virginia,
has been selected. as the. com
ineucement ~orator by Davidson
Coilege this year,

A -séhooner taking a lozd of

phosphate from © harleston to
~Newbern, suck at Ocracoke inlet..

on. Wessel andT cargo a toial lors,

3 3 D Servaap
eis reduced fo $10, but the Bai
pene roma eae nocut.. hes i

, ~ }net and got everything in . ~readi-|

Crew. saved by the- Portsmouth

Life Saving Station. 1

. Jadge-Grahain fined two. wit-
nesses in Charlotte $40 each for
+ not. bel aa _on.- han l,. and. one


The $40 ducs were


ys me 4a: hic ser
named Richard Smith and
Rass © ine 5 in


bosch OFF 'T THE WIRE.

Served by our oLeased� Undergroun


A big Loan and, d Trust ~Gomnk
ny at. Russell, Kas., has gone un-
der with fiabilities placed at $290
} 000.

An exodus fuer has ~broken

ma and several hundred cf them
have emigrated to Mexico.

Charles F. Worth, the eplebra-
ted Paris dressmaker, is dead.
His reputation extended all over;
the world� ~Waste: dresses are

Rev. Thos. Dixon, of New
York, has gone off on another
tangent, resigning his pastorate
abd announcing. a new creed
which for want of a better name
has been termed oUnion Evange
dicalism.� |

A disease has appeard in Floyd
county, Kentucky, that is worse};
;than small pox, und eyeu. physi-
cinns ure afraid to attend people
afflicted with it. The disease
resembles cholera, except that it
ehokes the victim: to ~death, be-
ginning in the stomach ~and rising
to the throat Nearly everv case

nas Leen fatui.

Lookeut For Him,

About this time the oold man�
lofthe Salisbury Zerald will be
reading with distended: eyes sud
mouth oa-watering. the iteme
in the REFLECTOR about the shad.
in Tar river. And: wheu-be léarns
that Joe Eyavs: bas. ohung� = -his

ness for a oskim� we'll not be eur |i
-pr.sed'to see it stated

Joe Rouche to®

oup| Herald ~aud cues ous for.
Athe oold. fs


out among thenegroes of Alaba"'



~Bittsspendod final roading
plying the-balance. of the |
tax fund in the..Treasury.
~public-school fund; paying.
expenses of election contests at ~
this session, aggregating "
three thousand dollars ;.app
priating $95,000 for two years -
the Eastern Hospital, of mee

Senator Dula and oReprendtites
tive Huffman were elected trus- ©
tees of the Deaf-Mute- Schovi, jet
Morganton. ; yor

Ax ~bill to allow divorce in cases E
where there has bsea two. wears
desertion failed to pass. ~ ~ es

The bill: to create a Code com- ~
mission was tabled. This causedT

a great. sensation; as the Henan:
licans had in caucus, to-day, .
manded that the bill pass. ome
Republicuns and quite a number.
jof Populists joined with the Dem- |
oerats.in voting. agaiust i) 6)

Bills passed. final reading: mak".

ng the total appropr. ation to the
State Guard 36,000 ~instead of
$16,000 aud uppropriati oe St #1600 (
to pay the - penitentiary s debts,
und $35,000 for tis. maiT
this year and next. year. |

The Seuate passed a. pind =
troduceu to day to abolish nb
superintendents of-publie iastr -
tion aud county boards of adnte :

iion, ~ oe

An exe Vaupge: makes: this�
gestion for business: men:
towns where a Lewepaaeribe
lished, every business |
to advertise in it; even tf
ly.a dard stating bisT 1
the busmess he is


iat he hae tl 10

off to Geeddyiltey. teaving |TE She :
wrestle - withr the} Lou

ls che eg ee
ooo % aye.
~oe 4 al

been abolished. The legislature}
has reduced the appropriation to
~one hundred dollars for each
this will wot psy armory rent

The, bill_to establish a Code
Commission.hbas been defeated
- . and Gathrie, Russell and Biack-
~. ~burn ~will -be allowed to attend to} -
their businéss atT home. The)
-- State has no need of their seryi-|




The most contemptible pieces of
Jegisiation, when we take in con!
~ sideration the time 1t was intro
' @uced,that has .been attempted

~by the Legisiature.is- the bill tnat
*6ae introdaced Mouday to abol-

. Baperistendents of Public. Iiu-
struction. -Two bills of this kind}:
~ eye been tabled, and now after
-. the constitutional limit for the
~ session of the Legislatnre a bill
_ o9s introduced and is to be rushed
_ through to abolish «about four
- hundred-offices in the Btate. In
~fact to change entire the whcle
management of the Public
Schoels. The bill has pot -.even
~been before a committee. No
_ time can possibly be giyen avy
- body to diecuss. the. matter. It
Gs evident that this bas been un-

_ derstood all the time that this
_ -.. bill was to be put through jaat as.
2 is now being done. The Legisla-)
. tare Kpew that such complaint
_. would-come befors them if 4
fs attempted any thing of this kindT
: _ that they have purposely waited
- for this hour,. Even the negroes
@re outspoken in condemnmatien
ofthe matter. ~There uever as"
-sembled a more contemptible set

ma the howe.
_ Let-her not narrate .Mrsa.. Next:

. yell osay� at her.
sh the Board of Education and}

A time of reekoning-will--come in
1896, and the worse"they can do
now. will eaty wiake it-the- easier
to correct it then.
Marrmge Ruics.
Let her meet him with a kiss"
not a frown.
Get dach realize the fact that
they are one.
Let the husvand. frequent bis
home"not the clab.

. Let him assist her in beautify-

Door's goszip.-

Let ber not worry him. with
petty troables.

Let Lim speak.to his wife"not

Let -her make her: home more
pleasent than the club.

Let her sympathize with him in
business cales.

marriage as before-

iteelf rust from disuse.

tin as for strangers.

Let~him confide�"�:in» his wife;
their interests are equal.

Let ber not fret becauseT Mrs.
Neighbor Las_a rich dress .

Let ner hcme mean: love. anv
rest "not strife and noise.


Mr J. Ne Maxwell was in: the
Herald:office this afternoon with
the most remarkable story we erer
heard. ;-He said, upon ~the athor-

to Mrs White Menius gave Dirth
last -week: to twenty-six ~

also: died) Phis cow

ston wahil sooner. yet

cand jot the-spongrel crew com
the present Legislature.

a a

: Let him b;: as courteous efter "
Let: his latchkey gather unto|

- Let her dress-as, tastefally for

ity of Mc. H. V--Ritehie;who saw!
the wonder, that a cow belonging

One. calf.was of sormal: size| *& Ne
and ti . the pe kame eet oe i.
Jdarge: rats -and -dead.

Don't. Take It,

- "PheiConfederate MonumentAs-
sociation cannot affordto degrade

tself.or the

oriés it proposes £0 honor b ac-
the bands
jgang bas disg the oState;
spat upon the honoretT Confeder-
ate dead and insulted-every white
man.and woman in the State, and
if it does-appropriate any sum_to
the Confederate monument 1t-will

'|be done to cover up the infamy ~of
~|it~action in adjourning..in honor

of Fred lass.
If the Association. be et ran to e
itselftrue to them ein
womanhood * of ~NorthT orn Pom,
and to those who died in defense
of the Confederate States of
America, it will flatly and ~absolu-
~tely refuse to accept. aogthing.- at
the hands of the present Le _-
ture Any other course would
apn insuit to eyery dead Conteden:
ate soldier-and dishonorable to
the Associations"Ruth: Dem.




Mise Fernieaf chow ~Wisitor
through conservatory)"Yes; these are
our cacti. Papa is so fond of them he
sperids most of. his time among them.
|. Nearsighted Visitor"Beautiful! And

what a peculiarly formed one this is!
Do you. mind me pulling ~one of: those

| stickers out?

| fi *


in Patter aes pT oe

a soa
* Pita oe


pat Ae i


ae eA


(img: their yearTs supplies will: find =
their to get our prices before pu:
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
n allats: branches.



4By shaking every pol


cy holder� a pee ster : ~profits. !
of 10 cage pent. are. returned +o . poliey




FLOOR, COFFEE, SUGAK.. ~{supseribed vy Laer sina sitaatinils names represent over Five M

= oRICK, TEA, &c. ~
eee at LowEsT Gromeesarae..

bated direct from Manufacturers; ena
bling youto buy at one profit. A CONT}
- plete. stock of


always onhand and-sold at prices tosuit
theT oOur? areal bought and
sold for CASH. fore, having 10 risk
to 111, we sell'ata close margin.

Respectfally, .

Greenville. N.C

| are for sale by


And Stove Dealers.


ss ~Policy-holders are n

o DIRECTORS: J. 8. Spencer; E. D. bee ares

MacRae, Lawzence S.-Holt,. Samuel...
~Edwin Shaver, F. J. Murdock, abs Banks Holt, iggy
Thos, M. Holt, J. M. Worth,' J ~W. Scott, J, Van Lindey.

| Wharton.

oOFFICERS: J. M. Worth, President; E. P. ~Wharten, Vice-President;
| Micallister, Becretaay, and ~Treasurer. . 2

n your policy expires see that it is renewed in THE SOUTHERN

Wa. E :
ha Pe pot inte
nnehan am
L. M.

i %

R.. D. Ta. JAMES,

BeesT, ~& FLEMING.

Literary ricesrradh N..C.
". Practice in all the Courts.



Pacts &* SKINNER,



oa siassitttile





Saee i ; Ke.

A hig & BLOW,


a N. c.

HG: Hardt ia

4 M. oShalt, zt. the 4
dy A ee

19 to 25



Mayor D. oC. Moore, of Bethel, pie Bae $.60 te a
e aT a ardl £0, bi eget bome this morning. ork ce a ti
w sbi "? : | SS ae
Fae, ; ¥ et P. | | r. B. B ~ClaytonT Rit gedecckd abies . ren AS
e * . in ns yurt House again tO-/Flour, Family 300 to 840 ~
oSome oo | sine Moses - was Gouchtae night. : aaee . fe Pe: + ai
off his lqmps. . Mr. TW. . Hawkins tt ator = Ciatoce Irish, per bbl - 800 to 350.
tlendib tal Sw b _3BU.to 40
pS delta seme Gone Tht NO sage gh
4 ee | ~ to 2
Mr. Jobn Quiverly and Mre./Salt per Sick 80 to 200
» Bee 8. E Pender & Co's new Ad | Robert Quiveriy, of Centerville, pe singenoe ioe 12} to a 3:
Spertisoment - alc up OL this morbpinyg train. Tpenoensr: per Ib 20, i ue
~Prayer meeting in the Mviho We wereT ajj| Kerosene, 9told -
giad to have a callip : b 50 to 75
dist. church to-night. Tuesday eyeuing from friend PF. Hulle, a ton "500
Bs. =! The cottcn market went up OC. Eruis, of the State Agriculta |Cotton Seed Meal 2000 .
an another sixteenth yesterday.. ~al Department. Je + aketrs
oe Mr. J. R. Moye, of tke firm of , ~ -
Fe tnt aaa | J.B Caer Uo, went norih| | coven and yosnat
- this muruivg to purchase spring| Below are Norfolk srices of cotton


* .Locals all washed away in the
: eg Sa-dey jine its too wet to bunt


, Ba Cotton Seed Meal at the

tt For the best Special Truck
Guano call on R- A- Tysou o1
Henry Sheppard.

Cream. Walnut Candy, Apples,
oPears, aad Oranges, cheaper than
ver, at Morris Meyer's. ~

| For Cotton, Seed Meal and
: alls and Shiogles call on Heury
St eppard. Prices Icw down.


Ribbons, Raby Caps, all
cheap-r thao ever at

of oar shivpers: have lost
on eggs by the bottom
out of the market.

« » Tribune, with J. Bo John:
» so editor, matleiTs appear
yordey as suceersor to the

nurse se tae week Rer. R.
ifl, a roe Will Baptist min.
2. ats Savtees 4 committed

Sr aie with

aud sumwmer goods.

Mr., R- P. Andrews, an oojd�

sbout exhausts the ganel"Dp |,
roit Free LTrees.

ee perbaps you never heard
who lived by a geyser and fast
rolling Iser, and warried Eliza,
and tried to advise Mer that nu
early riser would ever despise
~her, bat bigbly would prizs °° ber,
f early xbe hies her to the kitch-
en and fries her old manTs ap
petizer in the shape of a good)
breaktast before he gets up_ in the


morning. And the panel is sot
lat srtang. doy reer ree Bal

New Lot of Stationery ;

and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros. & Co., Comimission Mer-
chants of Norfolk :

frtend�"� of the editorand represep- _ CoTTon. :
tative of Addisons paper Louse, yogi bes oe ° are
Washington, D.-C., bas been) Low Mividling 415-16
shaking bargatiue at the ReF.ec {Good Ordinary 4 5-16
| roR tu day- Tone" st: ady. :
No. Yet Eahausted. Pee Ao +e
But fow words rhyme with oad | Exprat Pde 2 3)
ancy +
vertiser.� . i *panish 24
The advertiser, _ Tone"steady. ~
He is wiser! Egyus- dultat Lt cts -
Than the Kaiser, . Se _E. Veas"best, ¢.5) to 2.75 per-Bag.


dauumeged, 1. BU toils.

ginek nnd Clay. 90 to 1.00 per hu- hel. "

justin. Send; your
ORY sins tK

The Place to. Sell your

There was once & miser;

o * ~- ~ ee *
F 2
- : .: 4% | sce "
? 3. , pe ~ : o
he oA ~iu : Be. pom ae }
a i :
� ~_ -
; é. hd hs A
ad oe



* -

Daily Reflector, March 13, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 13, 1895
March 13, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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