Daily Reflector, March 9, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

~ the election that the price of

Greenville, N. C., March 9, 1805.

Local Trainsand Boat Schedule. _



Paseenger and mail train going

north, arrives 8:22 As M. Going South, couples,

arrives 6:37 P.M. _ |eolored.
North Bound Freight, arrives @:45 A.| Kiks and Susan Arnolc
-M, leaves 10:15 A. M. : Garson and

Seuth Bound Freight, arrives 1:51: P.
d Mary E. 8

Ayden items,
N. ~C. Mar. 9."A-. L.
has been appointed a
Notary Public for this place.

A. G. Cox and wife spent yes
terday here.

Much dissatisfaction is .expres-
sed here, both by people cf the
town ~and surrounding country,
he contemplated~ changing
of the name of Ayden to

M., leaves 2:11 P.M. oe
~Steamer. Myérs «arrives from Wash.

~~ ingten Monday, Wednesday and Friday |and Francis
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs| pass, Jr., an

~day and Saturday.



el -

Refered to the Colonel,

A story is told of one disap-
pointed farmer who had allowed
himself to be deluded into the}
belief that the result of the No
yember efection would increase
the price of~ cotton. A promi-
nent Statesville Repubfean it!
seems had otalked it� just after

~cotton would go up, probaly to
_10 cents a pound. The farme
heard of this talk and having
much cenfidence in the aforesaid
RepublicauTs _ fcresight he be.

his cotton to tewn a_ few days

ago and was offered 44 cents. by

a regular-dealer he jeered him.
- He kpew where he conld do bet-
~ �,�er; Blank (calling the promi-
nent Republican by name) would
give him more for hisT co ton.

up Blank (who dusen't deal in

eotton at all) and whep he found
~him Blank wouldnTt talk to him-
faced the farmer
came back an sold his cotton to
~ the buyer who had offered him
, 4 cents."Statesville -Landmark.

& » Rather shame

Let it Alone. ~

/_ fort-"Newberp Journal.

_ Marriage 1 ice nses:
Daring this we
of Deeds issued

three -white an

licenses to five

ad two
a; Bi JW.

Legislature to-day :
uufavorable report was ~ made -
the bills to punis
railways 1 being foun
raiiwuy comm
power as to t
A favorable rep
-_|the House on the
~establish a ref
Bills passed
ences by insolvents an
pro rata setle
amend the cha
and continue its presen
tration until 1897. 7
A bill to amend
ter passed the
eight Populists and on
can vetivg nay with

h boycotting by
: hasT amp
hat matter. " ps
ort was made in
Senate bill" to _
ormity for youthful :

ley .and Victoria
Green. Clemons
J. R. Res-


Harrington to prevert prefer-

ring d requird.
ment of debt; "
rter of Wilmington _
t adminis- "

saleighTs char- -
Senate-27 to 15- _

-Harris the Damo ©
the House appro-

U0 annually. for the ©
tal for the Insane ~
| $70,000 an-
n3ane asylum at

Bille passed
priuting. $100,0
Western Hospi
at Morganton,
lay|nually for the 1
hing |Raleigh. pt
Tiere was iut
the debate in the H
Senate bill appropriat
to complete C
It passe
60 to 38.

Services To-Morrow.
Presbyterian church." Sueday
School at 9: 30

Methodist. ehurch.-"Sunday

30 A. M. Preac

School at 9:
d 7:30 P.M. by Rev.|

at 11 A. M. an
G..F. Smith..

Scbool at 9:20
vice atll A. M.
Baptist church:
at 9:30 A- M. Prea
M.and 7:30 P. M- ty

nse� interest ix
ouse on the "
ing $10,000

onfederate oMonu- ~

A. M. Lav Ser
"Sunday School
ching at 11 A.
Rey: Cc. M.

by Maj. d ~second reading" o

Scene, tn ee medion or tli at A ie AAR COOOL


New C fiicers ning Over the State. " aS
At the meeting of Pitt Cuunty te |
Friday - afternoon, |
T. Smith announced the
following non"comml
~icers for the company:

"§ T. Hooker.
C. Hooker.
M. Snugegs.
W.S. Briley.
"J.C: Adbritton.
N. Briley.
F,. Evans. ,
. B. Whichard. _

What is Hapee

A team of. six oxen
large engine was seen On the
stree;i to-"d ae |

| The sixty d
ture expiretoa
will take plac
ling week, as t
burdly remain
expense. " _
mington ap )
offers to . cou

Capt. J-

ays of the Legisle"
ay. Adjournment
ly in the com-
he Doagiassites will

ist Sergt.
2nd Sergt."H.
3rd Sergt"
4th Sergt
_ Sth Sergt
2nd Corp"d °
~3rd Corp."E

The Fusionists are trying hard
to break up the present good
" management of the A. & N.C... Bet
BR. Itissaid their plan for its
3 wae put in Grant, o
- Goldsboro, or Duncan of Beau | -

there at their OW

| The Wil

ter keep i r. Chadwick. for :


ll of the company
Friday, %ud 1st

ut todo whet

se Se Oa at |





pulling a



a eee eee

a oe i es ae bi F

~ .¥

. dead. The

und Buroham.
~s Philhps glaring at him.


Sse: WR

D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.
Subscription 25 cents per fvonth
Entered as second-class mail matter

Tt looks now as if the women
are going to win in the fight for
the monument to the Confederate

ten thousand dollars for this par-
pose has already passed ths Sen-
ate, two readingsin the House
and will. undoubtedly becowe a,
law. _We-notice that Cox of Pits
did all he could aguiust it. Af-.o:}
Wednesday night's proveeding=
Phillips seems not tg have been
presert ._Tharsday. Hs is not
recorded as haviog voted at all
that day. We donTt bla; him.
He has probally left fur bis howe.
~This is certainly what he ought to
hare done.

The Fasivnists think by this
bill to ameud fo: some other
thinzs they have done. For our
part we donTt believe chat adiey:
are entitled to.vne paiticle of
credit for passingit- Tnry voted
it down once. They would never
have passe~ it bad it not been for
the critism that was lavished
upon them.

Below we publish a short ex-
tract from the Levgislatiye pro-
ceedings of the night of Marc th
sixth. Read and judge for yoar
selves- We are sure ycu will fee!

-that Pitt County is not very much


Ray broke into the speeca of
Phillips perfectly cooltly"his de
meanor having been one of per-
fect _serenity throughout the
semi asking, now, bad pot
Phillips said to Huffman iu the

presence of Young and Baruham

. (Burnham sits by Hoffman and

Yuuog behind Burnhaw),tbat the
vainority report members had
been bought up. oNo,sir, *shoute

Phillips, Ray appealed to Young
Yeung - arose.
: Young
seid empha~ically that Phillip-

was true. Was
Ray standing, Phitli

bil appropriating the ~aisle and said to Mr.

beeu bought «p,

(Mr. Phillips askivg in the

DAILY . REFLECTOR: |presence thst ~the minorityT had|

bought up and he called
upon the gentlemen from Ban-
combe to say whether or nt it
~There was a pause"|

~¢ reply. ooMr- Speaker,�
said Mr. Burnham,othe ge.tleman :
from Pitt stood right there 4
little while ago in the middle of
just-by me, that the minority
membersof the committ 6 had
and I callupon
Mr. Huffman to say. whether he
did or not.� Mr. Huffman arose
slowly and every one listened in
tently. the House having drop-
ped into stillness. Haffman was
about to speak, when he was
rapped dowa by the Speak,
who declared him out of order,
of the raling that he be allowed
to make his statement, but he
sat down without having uttered

@ s und. a

A Pretty Good Steal.

- That litle amendment hitched
on to the civil appropriations bill
lowing employes of the two
Houses of Congress a monthsT
~extra pry will cost about $150,
900. As some cf the -Copgress
ren have no clerks, or employ
members of their family, ~this
looks like a pretty. littie steal
which in the aggregate amounts
to a pretty big steal. Liberality.
is all sight but liburalitv at the
expense of the people, in the in-
~terest of dependerts or favorites
rp vot all right."Wilmington
Si! ir. :


"Z- = scien :_ al
Glass 11 dis Fort [5 Yers

kins steppe on a piece of lamp
chimney. Five gears later his
fugt pained himand upon inves
tigation a piece of glass was
found jast under the skin on top
of the foot. For several days the
aame foot has been giving him
some trouble. Yerteriay after-
non be called upon a physician
t» see what the trouble was.
Another piece of glass, as large
~as the end of his little. finger,
was removec from between the
large toe and the one adjoining

Some 15 years ago M. A- Jen]

eA ili

z ty alt -


Papa"But why do you sign it: oYour
loving son, Amy?�

Amy"Why, of course mamma will
now. and T canlanTt enell Aenet te "


Uncle -Hiram"Say, the
darned foo] wonTt have a4

when he gets home.

Mirandy, |
drop left ~~
Look at it leak!"

West LOVELY , ie een » OTKA. a

= o3

T Sign Maw banke"Vote for that hor

oae ind said in. bis and BarshamT |

"_"_"""" EEE ;
Hand your supscription to the
carriers. i Oe od age

ere a

ti pe

ae tm a oe =
wes a

ae : 3 aa
Bit ee eae

(eon ee
fea a Beat 67 a



Oe Ur ae ern

ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices before pu.
#hasing elsewhere. Ourstock is compen
teallits branches.


FLOUR, COFF cE, SUGAR. Subecribed. by eweats enpit: alists whose names répresent over Five Mis.tI0NS
._ DOLLARS, Poliey-holders are non-assessable, " :

RICK, TEA, &c.


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling youto buy at one profit. A COW |
plete stock of

~teri son hand and so idat is ouclothi tesui
he times. Our goods are all bought and
~old for CASH _ therefore, having no rist
o Tun,we-sell at a close margin.
. §. M. SCHULT o2ay
Greenville. N.C

oe ae STORE|


Mackae, Tawrence S. Holt, Samuel -McD. Tate, James P. Sawyer, J. def
J. Murdock, L. Banks Ho't, Beunehan Cavern, A. F, Page
Thos, M. Holt, J: M. Worth, J. Wz Scott, J. "Van Lindley. 1. M. Scott. =

W harton.


|. MeAllister, Seeretary and Treasurer.

When your policy: expires see that it is wanawied ic THE sou tHERN sre 00



By making everr policy-holder a ogharer in the profits. All profits " excep
serve of 10 per cent. are- return.d to the pclicy-holderé.

"_"OFFERS-"" ae

CAPITAL $100, 000.00.

J.S. Spencer, E. D. *Lat~a, Wm. EL Hot, D. G. ~Worth, Dp

M. Worth, P.esident; E. P. Wharten, Vice-President; A.

L. SUGG, econ


And Stove Dealers.

: Repairing promptly atiended to

Lamp Goods, Bicycles, &c.

Agent for Rambter andT Crescent

ai pair



- eiicmus cd slick ed.



Professional Genie | oThis Reminds =


owe RBERT EDMUNDS.� cute


R. D. L. JAMES, a

You every pia!
inthe month of ,

_ Mareh. that. He


pious uemiia, | you have.
7 "GREENVILLE, N.C. | Out Printing | done
pas- Pr .ctice in all the Courts. | at the -



JARVIS & BLOW, and. it always suits.

BASRA ILE HN: Ce These points are.
@ Practice is. wil the Courts.


muex. ccacow! It will be done n styl

well worth. cigs

| Bois atte ntion given to. phgicets ;

sng Ey BY as a! sete BARBER,

and settiement oe eat Ss


Jour E. Woodard, ae Harding. é k, b
_... Wilson, reenvil'e, N.

: OODAKD & HARDING, pn oe _of wor UF

ATTORNEYS:*AT- LAW, a preteen hi

in any sort.

Greenville, N.C. 2: espa ting Pare See:

ey . = = a petit oy 1 . : ts " rf

hes 48 spri weather proper. |" ee : ie & Pa Aen

a oo ane i ae Capt. E. M. Pace, of Wilson, 1s Wid :
ore school opens MOn'lih town- Ce a gs ER
us this morning. 3 7 ; d *. | PEANUTS, 36 RS
. Pigh west winds haye pre Hon. JT EF. Moore left for Wil- nates . ? seo ai ;
~ vailed to-day. -° hamston this moroing- estre-Prime 2 to2h

_. Fresh Hominy and Grits just; wrs.O. D. Rountree returned Fancy } eee. | seers
3 received po D. 8. exec re from Griiton this morning. Ee oneal. . :
eH To igaretts are the best in . . 7 Eggs"s~endy at 14 cts. ie.
the market"20 for 5 cents. Mrs. Fannie Highsmith left) 4°. Peas"best, 2.5) to 2.75 per big.
2 J. L. Srarxer & Co his morning for Conetoe. o odamaged. 1.50 to 1.75. r.
a. , ; . _ | Black and Clay, 99 to 1.00 per bushel. z
es a cna por tea has made| Ww. C. Hiues has rire into his\|- . Pui base : S 7
_ another slight advance. ~pew bouse on Second street. STD | CTOP | Crp | j
= Sag Seg ages Meal at the| Miss Dora James returned to H . e : =
_ , ~her home at Grindool to-day. Stop buying the goods bought ;

-- For the best Special Track "last season and buy the"

. Gnaano eall on RB- A. Tysoa Mr. W. 8S. Bernerd is bere from ~ °
- Henry Sheppard. Chocowinity visiting bis mother. i. ( 7 4
Pa. Ames is Bom likely to get Into) Ww pocret that the condition of XY i ue |

-@ brown study when be's blue. Mis. B. H. Snge is reporte d ;
E Ramey Welsct Covey, kas worse to-day. - just recaived. It. 2 an ald oo .

sd ears, aad Oranges, © | |to say goods are cheaper and tar-

= ever, at Morris Meyer s. ; iff off, &c., but come and see for P
| The Indien rabber man doubt q The ot obit ne ne man yourself They are very much 2
less began life as a bouncing boy. oon od}? hj Ing 4 Diiower, lower even than cost for

= | Seed Meal a earns something from under||jast seaso.. This is plain facts.

-_- For Cotton and |pher yery nose. See f if

__ Hu'ls and Shingles call on Henry | oe @-Tot. YOUrnps"s -

7 Sheppard. Prices low down. Dia " "_ "_ WILEY BROW :
ig | Cak id you ever know a merehant . .
~ Fresh lot Fancy . aod to advertise old fasioned, ata Will commence selling 6th of -
ay Crackers at J. U. Starkey & Co's. worn goods? Guess tot"mer~ March at cosi to close busisess. :
E The jiry foz the first wees of| ~hants that advertise al ways sell : i

= Court wera discharged this morn- "
ing. The only trial they bal tare before the stylesiqhe Place to Sell your. -
_" pass upon wes the Cory divorce) e - |

*. ease to-day. | | ye
oes = _ Greenville Market. TOBACCO Yo

ty j =
: ie : | Corrected by 8S. M, *chultz, at the 5
» Served by our oLeased� Underground |.) jriex store. : THE
~ Cable"(Limited). Butter. per Ib 19 to 25)
"- : Wester Sides | 6.60 to7 . 7
A nse reg py orticate has Sagar enred ifaus 11 to dH
purchased the Ocean View prop"'C:rn 49 to GO
arty, near Norfolk, including the Corn Meal 5u to 80 KA STERN 7
- railroad. (cabbage . & to 15 ; o
6 Se . Flour, Family 306 to 340
22. CWO op tie collided in the Lard Sto : | .
~bar near timore, causing con- | Vats to } 1
aetbere: iy ag COD�! Potatoes Irish, per bbl 300 to 350 TOBACCO © .
zs ere) Snag pasnonze= Potatoes oweet,per bu 30 to 40) : + 3
One of the steamers badly dam-|gagar | ooto 8 | ee
a aye : t per Sac to .
At Seattle, Wash, the dead |S 2o,5 0103 WAREHOUSE,
ties of two infants and &@/Eegs pei doz o35}. ets
pamer ne found � bese: esw 20 PRS BS
3 su of drinking water- |) i.Tsertov bar os oO. L. JOYNER, Prop...

Daily Reflector, March 9, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 9, 1895
March 09, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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