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"Greenville, N. 0., March 5, 1896.
Local Trains and Boat Schedule.
Passe r and mail
north, arrives 8:22 A. M, Going south,
arrives 6:37 P. M.
North Bound ". arrives 6:45 A.
i M, leaves 10:15 A.
- South Bound Freight, arrives 1:51 P.
M., leaves 2:11 P.
"Steamer Myers arrives from Wash
ihgton Mondyy, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure
day and Saturday.
~ train going
Short Snaps.
Economy is the half-way house
between parsimony and prodigal-
ity - i
~The dyspepticTs !esson of Ife 1s
that if he would comfortably live
it he must aint.
Mr. H. 0. Edwards is having
.Jumber baulod preparing to
building another house in For
Two diastrous fires vsiting
Kinston Within a week is a very
disastrous blow to thetown. We
hope it can soon rebuild.
The Penny Press has eneawed
hands, Mr. J. B. Johnson, ZJr.,
taking charge of the paper from
today. We wish ~~Tupsy� suc
COSs, :
A -horse belonging to Sam
Bryant had a fit this morning and
ran into a post, receiving such
injuries ~that the animal soov
While out on hia wheel, Mon-
~day afternoon, Mr. Walter Pen-
der fell aud cut one of his logs|?
Light badly. The flesh
opea to the bone.
- The verdict: of the CoronerTs
jury in tbe Hardee brothers case
=a that Ben Hardee came to
his death from a knife wound
_ inflicted hy Peter Hardee. The
was laid
Aatter ' as committed to jail
without. ail.
Aer y people have been
seo M ae rong oOssified
Anothe: Fire Destroys $40,000 Worib
ere| Monday evening was a heaviey
day bas ae Shan osu, :
cf Property"The Work of
(Special to Reflector.)
Kinston, N C., Mar. 5ta."
About one oTclock this morning
fire was discovered in J.B Cam-
mingTs livery stablas, and also be-
tween the stores of Star. Hicks
and C. F. Dann, both colored,
about fifty yards distant. It was
evidently the work of a fire-fiend,
as kerosene had been thrown on
the buildings and the niglt po-
liceman heard some one strike a
match just before the flames were
discovered. The fire spread to
other buildings and~in a few mia-
_j ates the whole wast side of Queen
~Istreet, in the section of the towa
kuown as Tuckaho, were in
flames. By heroic efforts J. B
CuwmiogTs brick store just north
of the baraing bloevk, aud ~Deo J.
A Pollock's dwallive jast south
f it, were saved. |
Tne heaviest losers by thTs fire
are G. E. Koruegay, J- B. Oum-
mings, W. L. Keunedy, J. O.-Bec-
ton, Dr. J. A- Pollock, R. ©. Hay,
W. F. Moore, Mrs. Matilda - Cum-
nings, Dawson Bros., C. F. Dann,
ie Hicks and Adam Singleton,
Eight horses were ourned in J.
B. CummingTs stables. .
The total loss amountsto about
40,000, upon which there is not
more than $10,000 or _ $12,090 in-
A light shower of rain in the
early saat of thenight saved the|
town from a much heavier loss.
Some of the parties burned out
this time were losers by the fire
of jast-Tharsday and had just:
moved what zvods they had saved
into " stores.
Dye south booad taint trata
laxt three baiag colored. |
~ The most important new bills» ee
idtradtnoed in the Legislature to- "
day were: Toamend the insur-"
ance laws by giving po chk eae
against fraudulent companies;
tc abolish free. tuition at at the
State University ; to fry Bi per-
sous ineligible to hold of Z
more than two terms; to prohit- ©
it inmates of the SoldiersT Home .
from receiving pensions. _"_"_.
Bills passed the Senate mak-"
ing the anraal- sppropristions
for the white and _ colored
cultural and wechanical colleges ;
creating a Code Commission AS
three members at $2,009 for the
establishment of a reformatorg "
for young criminals, and - $10,000 -
ananally for its mainteaanee.
The election-law bill passad; ©
every amendment offered by the
two Democrats in the. Beante::
being voted duwno. The vete. on.
its passage waS"ayes, 34: ices,
4"two Populists havieg bolted "
- fusion caucus and voted for�
Four other Populists voted ~
for it fabric protest. -
The House vonsidered the rev- "
enue bill ~in Cummittee of the ats
Whole. A great effort was made ~"
to strike out the $100
tax ou all drummers, but it was
retained. It was decided that "
whiskey distilleries could sell
pads: by the qteaet instead. me fe
by the gallon. Gis 4
, Those Bonds Again. ee
-The~first cuse in Coart this a
Harrington against R. W- King
for the Sheriffs office. The plain- ~
tiff is represented by Bloudt &
Fieming,. Wooten & Shaw and
OC. M. Bernard, the defendant by.
Jarvis & Blow dnd L. U. ~Latham
The case is being warmly co
tested. Foal is thea; ee ~now
zg. about whi
morning was the suit of W:. H. o
de all, ee ne
é 4
ui: =
. =
more Of her priacipali men of the| Company of Greensboro, and at-
Hawaian Island have- been - con-|tentioms inyited, to its plan.end to}.
victed. The Queen was: given -five}the list of its officers and directors:
~her followers. were given .thirsy|for other parpeses"maney which.
- Populisin inT Pitt county bas been|"2"¥ unless same such: stateme nts}
a Satarday.. expressed ~himself:
- -Feetion.
._ Many men -lefs »
If a better one was-eoming in nojlave given them-a dose which
one would regret tts; demise, but| brings~themeat ence*back* itd]
there iwillbe no-isopeovements | harmony and ~they~ move oon as|eaic
oi ; ~one party with but one thought.
"_-_-""_" ~ar io
They indeed exhibit a poo:, spec"}
Two: North: Garolina * -e@itors|: Jinan of manhood. - Nothing. need
died last oweek. ~They. were oMr. he expepied ~een khan: .
J. F. Perry, of the Wilmington ahevkeenhsendiadenes a
Dispatch, who died on: ~Thursday, _As-Good as the Best, | ii
end Dr.:B. F-. Long;iof vthe« WW ar- ac
renton -/ecord;-wtiese * death: ~oC- I
corred Friday. - sad yesterday-mornjin g.an advertise-
= aeapannie amen cumaie 4Sment sof- the newly-chartered
Queén, LillT and a. dozen oF Soubshern'Stock Mutual Insurance
years impriscument and a.fine of/Fabulous sums go out~of* North
five-thousand dollars...Some of|Carolina yearly for insurance and
five-years and ~fined ten: thousand shoald, be kept-at: homes but: this}
ajarT statement would not be :worth: :
Sete }aoments consideration! by a busi:
""""E - 70888 man in contemplative :the
A man who since the advent~ oranne of @ local insnranee + com:|
~these ecould:-be made about - itz;
one of its, nrominent agitators, Ou; That,the capitylof this -new cern -{
firnat os an each of heal.
di vinted and~ disgasted~at - the e ea sts; «whom
es ot ke ahi eeettaie man och: ess)
_ coutse of the Legislature. He said $25.000.00,» that-all: proBte,
ohe yoted the ticket with the expec: execpt 10 per.ceat, ewhich - is! ~get}
_ tation, ofjseeing many refor o for s reserye fnnd;:aresdi-'
oacted, | but-sees that. absolately xided.a the. peliey. tholders 4}
nothing has been done in that diT tesscpoliay:
~) There appeared in. this paper ought
Crs are """ =
: peseil ywesed the | tet
vithout ememlment. It| "
D. ES, ar shige h t athé x oulists
criptic smand some chan bat). we 7
Suber } 3 . onot Te is amt eg 4"-p-histery"of-.-the"cheplain--service
Entered as second-class_ mail matter. among. the North Carolina be 7
a ch the late war. He omust
"This Congress. -passed-" ont-"ot}th a ae s-help- Saat the eae
existencesyesterdayiat.12 0'clock. nexteday comas: thes Republi ms sstolinpininai; 2 Uatrwiahes...ter Mirna
from every one-"Fhey should
talkhim when sige services: be
eae. anden
cack bE feie longed and ""s Of |
their experignce.and work: darmg -
the war.
iHe urges the old aolJtiers also
to; write and, tel! -him..:abeut,:the
work of their dead chaplains. If
the chaplain. loved. thesoldiers
-spenough to go and sleep on frozen a
-}ground, to preach to them, they
them.» Letaeveral ' ~handred:~let-
ters goto New Berne in.a few
Cve Prices " wee
oTae room was full of students reg-
istering and-paying for: the ~courses
lelected dbytaenr or their parents. .
. As a tall boy from the. woods ap-
proached ~the-desk thé ¢lerkiooted
up, wondering a little what :
S| bad: ~i? mind: «He found out. =
-SIswant to: take* drugs,� ~he an-~
nounced. fe
He meant chemistry. Whatia pity.
the -eollegeiwas ~not: homeopathic.
~Bore was ;a:o~prover�T to Randt--:
Kate FieldT . Wasbington.
Stop: obaying the ~godds- Noe:
ee tee ee
He-"said--further that sian features make the
led and controlled that|OT ® Demspaper.to giyeudvice ~to
the pablic about matters:ini which
vba Setenitiod: that the:pres- money is- dinvobveds-bith retake
a hegislature. was the:..worst| server, withent the sl :
css Fiddem bedy the ever dear : be 00s Oy ari Gaara pre ena
ate valeoT frankly oexpressed the the Southern Stock .Mntnal
. ; istake|*Utance Company."Charlotte Od
~the - Democratic! pany.ias good as the-best. " |
os anes eg of the ideaT that a}dapgerons thing~for an individual! #4L
Siena Te: 6: an ~ola ax *
to.say goods are cheaperT and ta ages
liff_off, &c.; but ~come antl see for
yourself. ~They are very mac
lasts season: ~This:is: F plain facts.
See ionste eet
to be*clad to write about .
weeks. debnich «st thachaplainsT
this boy ©
wer, lower even than * obet tor :
~Prameers brain deel aisere uel
ing their yearTs supplies~will tind "
theirinterest-to get our prices beforepu.
aleowiete Snentp ta mnsts
RICE, TEA, &c..
al wuys at LowasT MARKEY? PRICES.
we Duy. direet from: Manufacturers; end
bling you to had at one: profit. =X con's
plete stock of
son hand aad soldat privestobal
ee times. Our goods are alibought and
old for CASH_ thereferejsaving no risk
oO rynygwe seli at u close margin.
8. M. SCHULTz,
AbaT a~ a StéveT ~Dealers.
~ " == or "
~Repairing promptly ~etibuded toy
Lamp Goods, Bicycles; ke.
Mpeat for Rambler and Crescent
Bicycles, Pee
. Ss
lsiaeiia oleae tae Lee a "
j Sone Sm
: - Petrone solizined..... o
eae L ak a eee gi 3 te
a. era we
~| MacRae/d,awience, 5. Holt,.Samuel (MeD: ee iJaames' (Po (Saxvry er, v8.
»sfiMe Allister, Secretary. and ~Preasurer.
Greenville. Noe Cr
: "_"_ OF FERS-""
By making: every -policy-bolder a shatér in the profies.i; AH profits: ecexcept 2 are
serye of 10 pen cent. ATS, returnd to the, pelicy-holder
- CAPITAL ~$100, 000. 00.
Subseribea by- pabeennce capitalists: ichetidins tnoadheptiaeinis ve hie Mrexa0KS-oF~
Denbars.: Poligy-holders are non-assessable.
DIRECTORS : sia J Su Speneer, E, iD. Latta;-Wm. EB. + Hott; - ~D..
» Worth D. ° . :
~dwin Shaver, F. J. Murdock, L. Banks Holt, B
Phos. M. 1tolt, JoM. Werth, oJa! We Beart, J.
~Va nae a
Wharton, o
~OFFICERS: J. M. Worth, President; E..P. Wharten,, Nleo-Presidents ALM
' Scott.
}) Whentyour policy oex pires~see that it's yomowed int THR SOUTHERN srock
SS. ""= a=
~This ~Reminds "
| You eed |
vothe j in month oF
¥ ads
Professional Oniras. :
D�"� * SDENTIST,¢ ia
- oMarelr: ~that. ee ;
pian a gue, Basis ea
woneantire ee: | --your Printing done. on
= Practices in-all the Courts. ; | a t- the. ;
oi Arronwers~aT-Law, a ae | Par
GREENVILLE. N.C a ~pe right. ae
} . jpn, dss a i ~1° [asa
Veda chemi. onde: wecow | It owill be deue. 10. a eile oy:
JABvis'e@BLow, ~ and it alwe Lysis
one eee: | These points are
SB Practies in hil slats Cobar: cowell, Wol Ad: bee al
John Eon mraccaits 6 mérdingT oN ee = in any Sor e.
ey: i Wiison; Ne Os aeenate;: deed a : of wor
¥ paige tite i on
oBut Teme Purely� ~Original That
aiae Gata away.
_ Thie has been a a fine hay
- Many pent! in town to-day.
and Grits. just).
; Smith's.
__ For! P."Nice Feather
Bed. pont to this office. ,
oes a trees are budding. It is
5 be hoped they gill not get,
oe: Fe
~i "
Ancthe- largé crowd of passen-
Soe on the south bound train
While I- am selling out at cost
- @o not ask for credit, it will beT
: opeu you. Winey Brown.
. Cotton Seed Meal at the
: ola� rick Store.
~ For the best Special Track
_ Gwaane call on R- A. Tyson or
- -Henry Sheppard.
os Fertilize sales are large, ana
enough seed potatoes cannot be
_ had to supply the demand.
Fresh lot Fancy Cakes and
oo ackers at J. L. Starkey & CoTs.
a onear ri = Candy, Apples,
_ * Pears, , cheaper than
eer. at Morrie eyerTs.
'" For Cotton Seed Meal and
2 Hulls and Shingles call on Henry
Sheppard. Prices low down.
- . We have not mentioned facto-
- Yes in several days, but Green-
ville needs them just the same.
_ Good time for merchants tote
_getting spring advertisements
ready. Plantthem early to get
the best results.
~Work 1s progressing finely on
Mr. J. L. SuageTs new residence
since the weatLer cleared up. It
will be a comfortable home.
x were
oy ng at noon Monday.
f Noah ~count.
North to buy his spring stock.
Mr. J. B. Cherry, Jr. has gone ones tt Norfolk :
he orig of _the
01 of the char are prob-)*
thot |
" sige
oAt Least The Names | Are,
News fer Our Readers.
Mr. C. W. Priddy; of Beats!
isin town.
Mr. L. Hines has gone to Lo-
ver to spend a few days. fp
Sherif B. W. Edwards, of
Greene county, is in tuwn.
Mr. Henry Johnston, of Tar-
boro, spent last night hore. ~
Mr. Frank Wilson has gone
to Baltimore to take a course in a.
Mrs. L. Branson, of Raleigh.
who was visiting the famiby of};
Maj: H. Hardisg, left fur her
Lome Monday evening. }
Messrs J E. Moore, of Williams-
ton. H. EB Shaw. vf LaGrange,
T. C. Wooten, of Snow Hill, are
visiting attornegs at Court
Rev. B. W. Spilman passed
through Monday evening returo-
from Weldon to Kiuston. He
has regained his health.
Judge acd Mrs. A. L. Coble ar-
rived Monday evening and are
Honor opened Court tiis morn
, Home Enterprise.
Attention is cailedte the ad-
hve tisement to-day of the South
ern Stock Mutual .Company, of
Greensboro Mr. J. L. Sugg oo
taken _ Greenville agency.
this co y and wiil tae hag
as in tellin ng you the advantages.
tO persons wanting in-
" Read also the strong
irene this. en eA
Bi et is}
eatin te.
stopping atthe King House. His;
Mr. 8. v. Joyner, of Kealy is |costun
~jhere. - | )
oe manawa aig: crac ;
bis figure. Who ang y them there
or whether George did it himself
the keeper of the capitol.does not
know. Buta many people
here thought it about ~ine: for.
~jthe immortal , oFather of his
Couutry� to put on raha asic
and Obseruer.
Cotton and Peanuts,
Below are Nortelk prices of cotton
peanuts for vesterday, as furnished
Cobb Bros. & Co., Coninission Mer-
ba siness colloge. Good Middling 5 3-16
Rev. ©. M. Billings arrived. Low Meidting - as ri
Monday evening will preach in/Gord Ordinary 3
the Baptist church Thursday Tone"steady.
som mon ltol
Mr. ~Chas. Lassiter, of Greene Adcwanee : nit
~county passed through this morn- Fans acekd 2
y ¢.
ing going to Norfolk. Spanish 24
Bare stendy at 22 to 23 cts.
. Peas"best, 2.5) to 2.75 per bag.
Mae ba damaged, 1.50 to 1.75.
Biack and Clay, 90 to 1.00 per buxhel.
The Place to Sell your
. ean. ~
= = 3 =2 Se =
= wt wy i oe a =
# Sit , ee ee
Pigs yt, hs ee
" Ea
we: *