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Greenville, N. O., FobruaryT6, 1895.
Local Trains and Boat Schedule.
train going
~Passenger and mail:
Golag South,
north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
arrives 6 337 BP. M.
~* North Bound Freight, arrives 9:45 A.
M, leaves 10715 A. oI.
Seuth Bound Preight. arrives I: 51 P.
M., leaves 2:11.P.:M..
Steamer, Myers . atrives from Wash
ington Monduy, Wednesday and Friday
- feaves for Washingtou Tuesday, Thurs
day and saturday.
Horses and Horses.
Four.car loads of horses: came
in ou theTfreight late Thursday
evening, tor Tacker:& Edwards
and R-.' L. Smith & Co. We
doubt if any town in the State
the size of Greenville has sold
more stock this season than has
sold ~he here. ~ -
Ope inpow Tea.
"Oh; ~what a ate party,"
sa @. +
at the Beeinbow ow aes a ~by
Miss Margaret Langley to a-smail
party of friends Tharsday nicht.
'The couples were Mr. J. ~An:
drews and Miss HortenseT Forbes.
Mr, ~- I. Boswelt and-Mrs. Geor
fi Pearce, Me. Zeno Moore and
ss Carrie Cobb, Mr. Herbert
White and Miss Jennie James,
Mr. Jaméd Starker: aud ~Miss Mar
-garet Langley. Their girls, to
othe regret ofall, being sick, Chief
James, J 0e ~Starkey and James
Cherry were stags.
Each girl carried an unhemmed
apron. which was to be hemmedie
by her escort, a prize +handsome}
scari"to be given for the best
' hemmed apron, and a booby "rus
ty thimble"for the poorest. work.
~Mr Andrews haying forgotten
kas.glasses, got Joe Starkey to
-sew for him.
unxiety and such fongT stiches {|
~The. ge
Langely, awarded the scarf to
Mr. Boswell and the thimbie to
Mr. White.
~After an elegant supper theT
guests returned home, and a ll il say!
they know by. experience that a
Rainbow Tea may be enjoyedT
even if the weather is cold. ;
Jumes, and. Mrs.
Such~ work, such;
ndiges"good ones, POT PCATENS |
ogee it often.
THE LedisuatuaE.
duced to-day were to incorporate
the Carolina and. Northwestern
railway ;.to forbid the
of first cousins ; to,al ow Bik bial
to kill game and catch ~fish and|-
oysters in all public waters; to
incorporate the Western ~North
~Carolina Christian, Conference;
and ~to ~Prevent " desecration . of
churches. "
all sheriffs. and tax collectors,
meat ~of ge
was table The bill to let ~the
public printing to the, lowestT
| béen so much discussion,
the bill to work the pu
t; 6y taxation and convict
Tobacco loth at at Lang's
Seven Ciader.
The most important, bills. inte
marys age}:
These Goods are direct
erland with the tari
while a bill to allow. the. ship |.
me from. the Statel .
bidder, about ._ which, there has: 4
the Senate ; and in the same body: a
lie roads):
Tahe :
def sated on third reading, b by. Bb :
ep Ps
53 styles Culored Edge Hambarge
ioe ~Sibite-
spot cash and wé want to oa when
hen for the same i oe
A bill passed for the relief. ~ofl |
sie . 2,
was ~7. degrees ~tower than� aiv
oHolds thé Key.
Mr. H. A. Sutton. tells the. ron
one we have heard on. the, weath. | ,.
He says a bird , went, to fly
froze stiff in mid air
extended.. The, bird at last. ac.
icount. was still poising in the: OAT)
Waiting to thaw out: enough ta}-
~eet on to the pext tree.
~They Will Do ft.
The papers report that a n
}boy fell between the cars, wi
attempting to steal a ride on_
fraight train at. i Soptoney ee.
flost ~an arm aud * a Notwith-
standing such atsidente frequent. |
ly oécar, you may Qotice | at baad E
any ~railtoad, station, aad see boy
jumping ob and o _ trains. We)T
At noon to-day thertomporatats!
day' at noon dria & tite gota spell)
it'was 15,|/1:
~itwd years azo.�
while the eolduet day" Dog B
93; it Was: 2g. eyern ny al Bed
frou ene. tree. te another. pate ie
with, wings!
SainT grea Sieg ~reduction...
ih c J. MU NFORD
Next door to bank.
eS, Mex
WF ot tn Wend e
| Rollins, H-L Blount, -W.. =
\j|~ ABarrett, R R Jackson,; JD
2p be peas Wed a. + Bue 5 L A mere Hardy Gorham,
er: Hf, be allo | Becond week-"-S M. Schultz; J
" GREEw N~G., Eels 4, 4895.|ing in~May next to settle coanty |C Dixon, J K"MeGowan, Biggs
++Board~ of Gomnurissioners for|taxes for 1894. _ _ Mow deoJ Listarkey, 8I-Fiem- ©
Pitt COnSty Deb Wis May, F pany Dr. WwW. H. Bagwell, Sept. jing,;kF Pysen; oHenry! Mitchell,
, Dawson, chairman, T. I Bot trealth, tendered his monthly re-jcol, N W Campbell, Caleb. B
SM. Joues; Jesse L. Smith ~sod |port which was approved. __.. |Smith, Wm Bald: ee, Peyton. Kar-
~Leonidas. Ftewing. . .| Et appearing that the following |rett;.col,. Riehard.Hardy; ~Hardy
Orders for ~paupers were issued |persons had /isted with the Regis:|J Smith, W A--Manning,T: Oscar
as follows: terT of Deeds their _purehases|Hocker, J R* Ward; WM Tucker.
©o*WMartha Nelson 207, H D-
Smith_2 00, Jacob .McLawhorm
~1r60, Nancy Moore 3 00,..Susan
Norris 1-50, Susan Briley. 2.60,
~Lacinda Smith 1.50;.PRatsy Lock"
which have not been placed on
the listT farhizhed to the Sheriff, it
was ordered that the. Register of
~Deeds carry the sawe forward on
~Schedule oB� list of this year, to-
Phe following orders. were. is
sued in Swift Creek...and..Cona-
tentnea-stock -law- territory :
John Cre WMerthington 33.00, J.
.D...W orthington 2:25;i Albers� W il-
amy 2 00; Henry Harris 2 50, John
pene Hettie Andrews 3 00.-Ken-:
neth Headergon 8 00, Elize* Ed-
wards 1.50,Carlos Gorham - 00,
wit: C D Smitb, E Lang, Oscar
~Hooker, B F Anderson, WS
~Hicks, JL Wooten, J B Garris.
~License to retail liquor, for six:
liams: 11.65... F. Mo: Kilpatrick,
28,00. 45. Dawson 12.00.
, Mo Greenville stock: law terri-
tory: E
J H Bibb 200, Henry Dail 2 00,;monthes at Pactolus granted to J} §. P, Euwin 2.0 sede Che
pe 9 Seon Amy " 4 00, tak |T Mobley. tj ta Oo. P... Euwin: 2.00, Isaiah -G-ay
nie ucker 1 50, | 6. Shade Allen, T H Reberson; Board adi ed il -Taesday.-
_ Alice Corbett 3 00, Master o~Vines|and ThoniasT Marphy were eleas- ar journed until ~Taesday
1 §0, Alex Harris , Wi jedfrom poll tax for 1894. [CONTINUED TOMOBROW. |
~~Ordered that. lands of Mrs.
Laura Anderson in Swift Creek
~Shea a : ai
° am 1 5079 ~Slaughter ~in Music.
J G Nelson &. townshipT be reduced in acreage!
man 1 50, Poligs from 107 to 76 acres and valua- """
J 2 tion from _$300_to $160 aad differ-| 309 pieces select sheet..music -to. be
Long 11 00, Amelia Healthy 1 53,
Edwin Haddock P50. R'E. Mizel!
gold at § cents each or.six pieces for 25
cents... Call early. if you -wish :to get the
benefit of this ew offer.
ence.in taxes for 1894- be-.refund
ed-to her. ,
Ordered -that- lands of John
3 00. . . -i|James.Jackson, in..Contentuce REFLECTOR BOOK - STORE.
The following orders for-gener- |township be reduced from. 126. to ae |
Ee Pack o16 50 S R Ross Ron ead ~idlonen rp ono f } tr wille Market
arker 50, tae Li cein. taxes: for| .. , ville. .
20°25, G WeitStanail 1200, -W);8}1894 be refunded to hias, alsothat|; " eR eT 7a aa
Wilson 45 80,C D Rountree 31 70,)he be released from payment of "9o
W B Moore:3 65; Ki: H Fiewing|taxes on said -jJaud in. stock law Corracted by 8. M.¢chultz,at the
2 67, Richard Teel 225, Jobha/territory- : rietx
Fianagan-é& Go-3 00, J; SiGherry| '2Phefollowing persons weré-al-|°° °°* 5°"
380, R L Butler 3 70, ieljiowed ~tolist taxes for 1894: ~Chi-[Butter, per Ib ge eee
Hatch 5 16,| 0 0:Ronntree: 123 65;;cod"Marcetus: Smith ofor * wife 1 yen Se um ad
+ Woedie McLawhorn 80, J W| Beaver Daw+-Walter H..Tavioc,focn ence | 140 tor60
_ ~ Smith 151 79D: Fvhichard 50,|/ Lucy Jane Tripp ; Belvoir"B oFicocn Meal 50 te 80
| W BCarson | 20, E W Little 410,|/Suelten; Cardlina"L R High-|Cabbage _ 6. to 15
: Mm 21610; B/S Sheppard \smith; ~ Pactolus"Citizens Bank} fleur, Family hey Pee
s 40.75, Bynum Andrews | 90, ofT Norfolk, Roanoks R R & L Co. pe awh
, Westhi u 340,D iL Grawford| The foilowimg jurors were Potatecs Arist, perbbt : 4308:td B50
=; a RW Ward | 46, H T ase | drawo for April-.term«Supericr | Potatoes Sweets per -bu i Pater)
4 rT nde _-_- ow . Court: : | mo. Su r ~ to"
5 Steprat vel)}| First week"G B Whitiield, RjCofte Sb ae
BTPatker, 5 RK Brewer, G_ W,|Ssit per Sack 123 4020
Urawford, Richard Harris, . Bo an
ane Cane H A Rountree, Ir -
Foazell, D ark, JM ytezs
He ise per ~
2 And. oStove, Dealers,
a, vid
Repairing promptiy. attended to| HY
a 4,4
PADIS, 01 cata
qnes ~Goods; Bicycles, &e.
Agetit forT Réimbter. and * Crescent
a iBieyeles.
z singeinewhere. ee.
RICK, TEA, Ec. . !
a wabiillysatharmait
-"is the place for"
| Have Children Shoas at
16 eents, 15 |
"andalso;haveacomptete lielewes. a
. soldat very. close margin. yh
Bee his $18 Sewing Machine.
& =
icaen aie
Cotton and Peanuts, .
Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
- and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
* re Cobb Bros. & Co., Commission mer
nta of Norfolk :
| N.
Good Middling
' Low Middling
Tone~steady. |
6 1-16) ©
we buy direct.from.Manu£actuzeray ena
nbling youto buy at one profit....A com
~peer stock of
Iwayson-harid and sold at prices to sui
be-times -: Gurgeods are~all bought and
jold.fot C ASH otherefore, having norisk
=0,run,we selliat.aclese margin. .
. Respectfally, .
: oGreenville. N. ¢
oProfessional: Cards.
3 N. C.
= Practices in. all ithe Courts,
Scere & ~SKINNER,
» , pALEM, it. Ba Ow
. Peas"best, 25) to 2.75 wer bag .JERBERT EDMUNDS
ek and Clays wvosK
Salt Bs AND MR mans NT 03
oFebruary at if
you. have
~your Printing done
~ at the :
| t-wifl-be: dona siti
|It-will be:done in style,�
~and it always suits.
These, points are
a worthowei hing,
iD. v any. sort
Sn ee Ce Soe Se Ie eg te ee peat� a ee ee See
Ye ll
asta stil
Little Things edd ght Sid tue Snow
Drift or Pulled out of the Mud.
Come in ont.of the cald.
Turn up your coat collar.
Miss Loraine Horne is sick.
Not much work going on out
of doors.
This is the ReriecrorTs weath-
er edition.
- Bay Cotton Seed Meal at the
Old Brick Store. 4
Mr. Edward Greene left to-day
for Baltimore.
There was six inches of snow
_ in Norfolk yesterday.
Mr. E. H. Shelbarn returned
last night from Tarboro.
You may hug the stove, and
even then itis hard to keep warm.
Personal items are back num-
bers to-day. People all frozen in.
The frosted store - windowe
made many beautifal pictures
this morning. :
This wind feels like 1% ot
a pocket failT of sharp Perio
along with it.
Fine stock of Sh
inact tas ie os
Mr. Thomas Hooker, of Hook-
ertopn, is
under Me J- L-
Dr. O'Hagan says stan with one
ome on last night was the ¢old-
aoe! noticed since the war.
ace Rent."Two Seine Fisher
ies near hepa ret Apply t
i's. Oat Ba,
Weare , sorry to hear that the
Rocky eotigg: Evening News has
Rusp It was ia bright little
papér. y :
How the poor snffer in this bit-
ter weather! There are houses
where a load of wood would be a
great blessing now.
The steam chest to the engine
that runa'the trim sawT at the)~
Greenvilie Lumber CoTs plant
froze and burst last night.
This section did not ~have any} \y
snow last night except a few stray
flakee but the wind and cold oeye
~got hore ip immpnsp, style, .
=i eae
ae a
ot a vey 2 .
aes a me. es a . 5 z, 2. pte Fee Fe
i s 1 i : a oe iin = ea 2 Be gee Me i So. Se T a
=a a een rca a a OE Aa cage el re Mea ea a " Saag see el eed ne da Pe ig Be
stud ing Parent
~4 Door key found on bridge near|_
Jeft ~at this office.|.
Academy and
oO 0
Side ke Bde potions, qdey a
The tobaceo: acreage will =
At 6 o'clock this morningT the
|thermometer registered 6 degress
lat RiversideT Nurgery, and- ~i.
17 to 8 at points down town.
John Flanagan says just before
day jt, wes down ta 2 a popes
Wr. M. BR Lang ~bas, urnished
the Reri&ororR carriérs with
aba proof. .ssorm » hats. nent
crop labs aad Goedeiwoldat fen|
FLECTOR office correspond exactl
with the forms used in the sosord
books of the Register ~of. Deeds
office. When thése blanks are
used you have correct forms.
Doctors, news hunters and car-
riers are about the only ones who:
are compelled to get around gig
of ded? im_all! Kitids! of oweather.
lic but are often poorly appre
To! pacco Clothat Lang's
TheT Mara oe! uO
Ollen Warren-saye he ex) cata
to find his greenhouseT at ~River
side frozen up this morning, . but
when be crawled out at 6:15 tog
investigate he found the ther
mometerregistering even: 50 de
grees. There® was ~sueh a. dif-
out that he was inclined to spend
: + ~suepped qn the Sc:
This afternoon . Mrs. ..D.;
Donghbty _atarted._to"the-"pent-+
office and gibse.. between Mr.
LaugTs and Mruv T*s slipped
on the icy. sidewalk and fell, rart-
lad herself right 'sdévétel y!- S0me
ladies living near Dy ~helpea her
but she could. ae! walk, when
essrs. L. W. Liawrente and
PF. 8
ro|home. a Ae
were badly wrenchec
mo of such comfortable yare|
ference in temperature inside and{ ©
the aay with the, flowersT Fild |
QOD aan st 21.
The Norfolk & Western rail-
road has gone intothe hands of
Sone: idéa of) the ~wovarity : -of
this weather may be had from
the following temperature rec-
ords :*.12 degrees below zero ~at
New Market, Va.; 2 below at .
Philadeiphia; 20. below in the
mountain regions ot Pennsylva-~
E nte7050 obelow® in® Wistdnsilf ; 1S
below id ~New**Hamps*ire ; froth
8 to.24 below in New York} cold-
est in Baltimore for 20 years; all
over Enrope,¢rider than in many.
years; throughout the extreme
e| west aod north: westithe blizzard
is the severest known.
1 eb di sh the?
Auta DLA a bt®
gan, who bythe way has few
peers 1a medicine or sutgery in
carriers our
Danuy ' Re-
the. Sout hy Bapoel here so, see,
aT paticnt. In* making his way
back to the baat, gight by a
fell Age Duard - and
an nen
mis-step we fell
narrowly: -
cold, but: thé veteran Physician
stood the shock wonderfully well-
§}"Wasbington Gasotte, ,
~These belovg solely to the pub- eases tans ied bim Youu foot G8
ai ate é water was quite
The Place te Sell your
~ ees yor:
a ¥é & adn. Smit y
o* «