Daily Reflector, January 28, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Vol, 1, ive weet & 110 ii ms

Py it 83

ae has wit

spat pa ae Fi nee bas Biz

= "3ST

January 28,1600


ahtBi i ee ar se tredi ¥ Oi p at Be

wi ~All al

= 5:
oar i viata einnorhe.

Pip sities 2ut Lg) Baeh FEAR SRS wut

word ciwy Weather Bullets: % hit

5 abt ~Dyesday-nain,ewaraibr. oF ee
tL deapeatoneee sii eae: 2

A wee
Face ii
a BF

Press ee We Fee e:

THE Laue ;
ee Git os male ;
4p C@RIDAY. © , vj
Bho? Senate puseed 4 pall ~rTe-
agalactiae fréi heahipinente' by
& av gehowidbiety 61! atT non perisiable.
i » freight! mast be osnapped with in
~frye days) audit not; theT fatiwey
oilis liable for'twiée't o amount of
must Lec padanticnit

i~ tive fretghti?*Peri treign
otet if not, the company is. jhable

rut ;


j " Hu §
% * % s ;

tw o days,

Mio dichinnrsandt 91D Pen: and: ~warped: but | of hape oa oSn sth.
fop kets each Gay's delay. dhe: Bivins Brohndé ae te obadly: _ Shoes; ee State: Sboes.
, a PRincipal new bills intro:|stvaiked:: From the setund story meee
~duced were: bap'the' building seems ~toT be ~in... =

aregulatée the}
. hours of labor in y= penny k,

= ing. hours a dayTs«work,' ~or Hot
ever fifty-four hourT a week 3 3 far.
* bidding employment of children
"wrder 13 years; forbidaing.,em;
a Ea not to make, pagreement,
:pot to. join labor unions: No
Q motben or ser are to owork,
~between 10 P.M aug 6° A.M.
No" child under 4" is ~toT be. per-

bs 7 oi Fi MM ae oe





rest lables


rat oe a Friday
nightand Saturday nearly wreck.

dl inte

re id

ati ira


dikes tS what: we can giveyou in

dzuit} tape). BS

oro ee 24%

. 3
Be tae ae a

ed the hires five-story 8 Bousel.
Vof. ~Hooker oe ep oul ~oeGupied, 4
[by, she, American ;, Tobacco Com), KW.
pany. The Sonth end of.the'first | ay
story is" 2

and Gareened until,
it is about three fa

sat out of mids
tion, and the window
~tered.T The Wést sideT


FOR WENT ! oa |
. Biom F. iReybold's s HandsMade

9, are shat
is ~Stink 4


mak. /yact; bab with vie iti mense meinbtld F

of thebuitdinginnd largeistock of" np pela @ i's Hatta? Made

badéeo beuting on thea | i
eee oi tae ae et pie oo. Shdes aid Ziegler Bras:'s Hand
tor we canT be Snyved@" Hs� Tc. Dein ee, :

pearince breamié*80* dangerdus, nek unset

Pir Pao 3 $3 : ~96 ee ceo 2
Rabardey that the hands~ de seer ere |
it/aud the remendér of ~tifatT da bre

and Stuhdky ~the! coHap Gea ptt

building was Iuoké ate

* o initted to clean Sian while : ist : | :
bz o@B:Operation. The bill-alsa ~fixes, i stung Nace god Pa ee apie arg ie :
oSnin@thours as a day ~ Leet ~te that Habds an opd� inT ~and] stomat) 4 *
_ State contracts. yicge ot UbReti¥ove thé stock 'of tobacto.,
,.fo provide for the dlection; ,08| fandredd of? pao pié haved" boon B ete
eng Spmmissiquer of, Labor: Stat Jonette Raden: cb. DW sigothelt rood
istics by the Legislature om ~JoinT | 54 me+building that -blewT down | .% As wo 9 Atay EG BE |
0 cubsitllot ; to preventthe kduilterition| idat Duly awhed orise tothe & poet ne ike ee
(SB bgody; to, allow farmpiéo| fourth » jured severdl]'s low prices," .
oship quail and other game out of wor ee : cag by | Soaassenm be a otaiein aces
Bog Tie ee ee a ee mee av Rist, BS sf wi be. neerr eit TL opened 4 A860. =
sf a pup the eet id upon thé Owners, even if Wpsiikiol ap ie ots oud 0008 oe
og a foaaE se tgleorteOt A*tOtATIOSS 4 seed! vel] jd cetera oe ET
®/The Americaz~D@bacco Company}
have some. Joreaas insurance on ses
: is. batwmotiiiiear | |. tt or% TaN |

od. widingersd oct
aust ila sab:
2 ODS, BS, DES] of erlegs iii:
reap ; the Paldiu, |

REE: mmu-article of intervie
Se Ba eae BE ea minent .New Englan
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor, senclintasee ie" at ga Fall| .
Ss 2 a� al Ps and Le ony all of whem Sa ate
Subscriptiog25 cents per Month: |oncur in the belief that_ the fa- ae ! ee
Entered-as-second-ciass mail ome ture develo poset of apianing andT S se 7 sl whd Willd not
The Wilson Mi es Sieben: To all _ the iateusious er their brains and hands

| s. In_ all Seles n-of
; the extermination of whiskey sell |°�"�Phasis is.laid on. the labor|¢,) enterprise. -Boys vole ienae

: . | : uestion and especially upon tga ser Pl . :
ing, while the two-targest- home this subject.~ While _the argu- i , gh, india ewe te
= advertisements in that paper are|/ments iu favor of the South are|-°t,*2e-fature. Those having-the
* . sof barrooms.»'Fhat is consis-|all undoubtedly true it may .be| T2108 of childrenin hand
th - hak tide wo Ad plies FS y ab. |Should bear this fact in mind and
~ tency with a great big ©. ekbae in the Bowtal hte bend their~energies toward in-
Josephus. Daniels has resigned |i2 the New England States to: let|ioy. toy Aamaah Sedkc Dinter tie
Chi : Ene ithe labor question alone.. .Wheth- rover. attention ser thiacsniebioct .
as Chief Clerk in the -Interior|o, this is so or nat the agivation| on... ~his. anb
. Department at) Washington and/of the subject is direciing atten-/Porents and teachers cam:rolieve
hole tite be te yer te nil Oheerur etT {eesponsibility, aud..beaome..0on-
6 time e News : .

i'5: Se * 49

T """" spicnous factors. in wsolving the
ver. He is a power in this, his Gold and Silver, problem : of _. lessening. criminal
chosen profession, and it-ia-better omens expenses." Darham: Sun.

for North Carolina to have him| Something everybody ~wants,
here. at the head of this paper |somethingall can get by-securing|: Greenville-Market.
_- than to have him in® Washington: |% copy of VickTs Fioral Guide. for O-

whe has.beerm.im public--service|amount may.-be. deducted. from}Kerosene


1895, a work of art, printed in: 17{: ©orrected by -S.°-M:- ¢chuitz; at . the
~agin, oar ip different tinted inks, with beaut: |©!4 Brick store.
Hon. Thos. J. Jarvis is no long: + s+," Butter, per Ib o-19-to 25
: | fal colored.plates. Fall -list,.with ~I

er a United States fenator, -his description rices,. of -.every- | Western Bides. ~ 668 te 73

: 7 oe 8g : 3 : | Sugar cured Hams : biaolz

. gaccessor, Hon. J. O. Pritchard, thing: one: could. wish for .vege-| orn - 400 60

_. paving arrived in Washington and " "" ee werden: | Corn Meal 50 to 80

- ms a ais by pages of new. velties,: en-|¢ age 8

beon:awors-1n woantor Jarvin' aes. 5 a @ chaste. coyer. of. sive: } fleur, Femily 300 tu340
term has been short, but it is not and gold. . biard �,� to 10 |
on record that any other maneyer| Tnusual.and astonishing. offers, Petes cee Irish, per bbl oy reacted ,
made such a~-representation and|such as Sweet Peas for 40-cents a} Potatoes Sweet,,per buT 3U te 40 :
took so prominent.astand in such| pound, $300.00 for a. name: for: o/Segar BR A, |
. " ai New Doubia.Pea,: ete. If. at. al}| Coffee ~16'to 25 :
@ short while.as he did.. He re-}: Salt per Sack @8)'to 200

. : . 4... }interested in.seeds:or.plants.send|�"� S

tires for a while from public life|ig cents. at. once:ior » copy: of hapa pet fod ne oe
and no men in North Carolina |VickTs Floral :.Gaide, ~.whieh|Becowsx. per lb 20
, ,

as long as he has: can--have the! orst order; to James -VickTs :Sonz, }#'e4se, per. bu

consolation. : Rochester, N. Y-+..and..Jearn, the}Hts:verton »500
ee ie oe ie ae
Are. : 2 ~ rays """""__aa ae

been a pleasure for this State to NORTH CAROLINA NEWs.*

honor him -and -he- has fulfilled vedee 1S. EeP. EN DER: & CO.,

every expectation... He.willagain . TJINNERS
~indime.be called into service. " |
: ~The Southward Mevemeat From New Ella Norwood. whoT Killed her And Stove: Dealers.
# __Sngiand own child; and was sentenced to ee
. : be hanged ati Durham; has had | Repairing promptly: atiended to

: : Fs Seas ber sentence commuted to life im
~ The advanteges of the South}prisonme ~by Go
for manufscturing « sto have nt vernor Carr.

~~ Bogland. ie locks sow, an 7i(that during the recent big freshetf eum Cush» GUMS. AND: FURY

onow as -it

m there. would, be ail:atonce a .|tn-Deep Biver a party, .of-sports-| Lamp Goods, Bicycles, &.


~oBhe Boston Herald publishes a!


nei ideanp

urned Tr wLie from an}
official trip-of inspection to Dia-}

mond shoals, off Cape Hatteras, sae

shel tacoma te wcten Prices belore a.

iNe oe ¥\Ffe-reports as the~ results
of his .investigations as to the),
_obaracter! of the:sandsvand :.ceast,
, thatthe: found: notinng ~to
the opinion of the light house
board that ~it-~is~ entirely practi
cable to erect.alight-beuse on the
i edaatabe hen, wad
perens ag made. an..appro
'$200,000:t02 begin: the |
djimited the totat cost to
000. The plens are in an,
. advanted'stute of preparation. .

A )
_Antoteresting Cameidence.

ii need

Maj. J: W.,: Wilson; oChairman
of the Railroad:.Commission, re-
calls to..memory..an: interesting
coincidence in connection with
tere United ~States Sen-
General Assembly of 1888, Hon
-Thos.-W-Mason was in the Sen-
ate. andr: Hon. -.Lee 8.) Ov
was a member of the House!

Both of these gentlemen made
the leading speeches in that Gen-
erak » the :one in the
Senateend «the: ~other in thé
House, nominating Hon. Zebulon
B. Vance for United States Sena-
tor. In the present General As-

x ee eh ee.

sembly CUapt-«Mason and Mr.|

Overman were themselves the
nominees of the Democratic)

Jen for the same-high position.

mingtonT Star.

~oli ta buy at aces ds hj COM

+ lwa a Dal denied be sling pesponsons

ture: Ini the!

FLOUR, Merk wants
* RICK, TEA, &c, _
always at LOwEsT MARKET Fae.


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena


he times. Our. are all b
old for CASH therefore, having 1
oTun;jwe pes tay margip."

~8. MyseHOLT?,,
i: Conpenvil le, N. aid

Professional ¢



R.- Di 1 JAMES,
D ai N'TIST.










. Greenville, N.C.
Prompt attention. to. . Dusiness. Office
__}atoTucker & MurohyTs oid stand..



- $s the place for" lal XRVIs. & BLOW, .
CHEAP SHOES) | osound�
y Practice incall .the. Courts.
Have Children:Shoes at|_". EEL ate
15 cents. 15 it pe - Barbers. |
"and also spiced aise line of" iz é oie
7 ames ra ~SMITH,

ich REENVIELE, N. 0.

2 imany: ~sort


~iting Miss May

tit ented

auanall oies ince sli icra ttt a Ae


t slosh ee Chien in th

Busy World.

Miss Maggie s Dowghtf is sick.

Mr. L. A. Cobb, of Grifton,
here to-day. |

Mr. J. Ho Rudker returned to
Asheville to-day. tr

Col Hsrry| |Skimner returned
vn, evening from Raleigh.




2. KE, M ned Sat-
urday eb trons Hate! h.

Miss Emma Hatris: went _to
Ayden Saturday poxpRing to visit
friends. ante ,

edtenn W. H. Frost, of Marlboro,4�

qugh for G this

papeed Feeayee a° st sii toie ool
ae E. #. Taft wont to Ply
mouth Sund He will be there

a few days p tine up the Racket} :
pore stock er ya -it to Green-

eae Charlis Horne a few days.
vac fell off the back porsh of his

prone ip begs Kia ape a diptakige of

and was right}

badly hurt.
deities oe?
Miss Becca Weathington is vis

arris. oe;

ted 70! G: OFibes fapatidiad ba

dwelling house.

Mr. John Moore h moved
int tbe Ronse itertebrly, upied

nt News"

war ieiamip -Moxica and

ala is ion mm
7 reer tt il ve rie low
ae Biveces ~capal bill passed
the Senate by a vote of 31 oo 21.
The Brtijsh mé@r Escurial

has been wreck and twelve
hrves lost.

boilé#dx plobionT aé~Mendota,

| six peopie and wuund-
ed seven others.

sgepeiWaile; ov xdHon,
hol local is denlers in hats and
Rite aS3i , liabilities

cit sonar sits

aval a AOE


hota rick Store..-.isasid "tts:

Mt Hote


to make réenville grow

There seems to be more sho
ing going on at night

lagplows fo roieestord
"Bring your cotton seed
Henry Sheppardy and. buy.
Meal and Htilts. Car load of
just arrivédotor sale cheap.

-* After,
be seen in various

from town ~ BYa nse at é

an appointment h
to preach it the ~
Sunday might,-

A congrézation' ~assem

8°; na
+1 hee char


we Aj ~
Laat: rates
3. King 7

which owe)/imartea
| prisoner? aid aWos eR

gee s ah sis BO, al

Cotton. Seed. oMeal (at. the}

Bi, leash ereaiers at!
Syria, ~ ghonid be taken|"

of every. =p ph Gye to advance

i ATL spring Va for

custom made ~suits just Rank call
and 866 Bete ge Tie uratitead.


in certain




_ nightfall | bright. fal
from ae rae oTeta &

irections |.

Rey. 1. "China fa for whbas


odt A come.


al hing, ete ee P.

ere: | ase avi is uy oSP.

~~. i4 aa eS


a 4 AL git re ini iio
& . moc D-4etsis£ if « ~fio wlaode bavim
ba ~ond Tiatollaweder acl 3} At " in, Greenvilleyon.


3 ery 1

/ ty, a ii eeolbets be


at Auction. . oThey owill, .
be sold to the highest
bid@er without re are
to price. Nostock pu
up will be taken aowi.
or-boughtif for~us, butT
will bev knobked | ~off toT te
; the highess: ~bidder. eee c,

Tag Pigoe to: ~gelT your

HS . : dauch

es 7


Ps em

teen) Het ai wert 4


: tea joc & Ji3 ii Cpe pit zst
A bss sia J tot a0 _ 3
iid ee OF

svat ae oA » yi

Fit re aoe eb gba
bra bs % be somes td i * cise ntesiz a
edivet yriaeg

me FASTREN, guia i VI ~-



BAat som

Fai ae h ijt +i;


fl oao0H2 GAAHO


tee Wak RBHOUSH 3X
4. Gl .etaseo ci

wetly Ti L emokauaers :

» ee ov ed vals tila

til dm

a 2h

+o a yc

Bs ise wei ft

tl gaat ae: tae tee

-saidond pained 2 Bie. ne 996.

Daily Reflector, January 28, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 28, 1895
January 28, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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