Daily Reflector, January 24, 1895

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Vode ick crak "Greenville, N (0; January 24, 1895.
oBoe ~Traide, a ieee Ta Tage ie THE: ~LEGISLATURE, AGunone ts na

ot, * 4 = vi

Passenger and imail Owain going)

nor Tee hae 4, dhs, : Going Pouth,

arri eM

Nol nd a é ht, arrives 9:45 A.

teat Boon wight arrives :o1 Pi
vom Seka Pp. ie ae ry

oai oats arrives: fran. Wash

ington MDa . Weednedildy Gad Friday: f

ecu eeees Be


" piste wail eeepc

va a

=. ete


ges o py
a r EB i

« oe

% mee

~The. heayi snow: : etdrve: bing
blizzard has. meee New York.

Peter Jackson has. accepted a
challenge to fight Charley Mitchel.

Snow in portions of California
is twenty-two. feet deep cu a

Eight thousand troops are on
the cone of the railway strike in

The American hotel at Flor-

ence, Ala., destroyed by fire.. No}

lives lost.

Lucien Baker has been chosen
U. 8. Senator by the Republican
legislature of Kansas. .

Mr Josehus sensi has re-
signed ag SoBe Glork gt fae; En-|-
terior De ent.*~ 4is ~suc.
ceded by ~Capt. an Barpea,

The legislatures " of several
» States ~elected U. 8S. ~ Senutors|:
Tuesday, as follows ;. Texas, Hor.
ace Olifton; California, George|,
Perkins; Wyoming, . Francis
Warren and Clarence D. Clark ;
Néw Jersy. Million J. Sewell ;
Rei ietes. Isham G. Harris. ae

� Notice of Dissolutio3.

whe fith of J. A. Ricks & Co,, tradingT

oa5 fe Burnley, male at Store; iss}

day dizolved by mutual ~consent

Pe camer tha interest of Ch

Me I ern + nose wl con-/}

~by. A cks, to w om all per-
bted to the firm will, ake

ss. a ie dp as

~This 23ra of Jany. 18%,


yn 18 MUN FORD, 1

: teedial


Not many new bills were intro-
duced. in-the Legisiature to-day-

naces fron taxation, if built by
oreiga corporations; to aid pub-
lic schuols by jocal: assessments ; ;
~|to repeal the act giving: laborersT

"ijliens a parted over mortgages; to}

award pu blic printing-by-eontract ;
to establish a e¢riminal-court eir-

cuit for Henderson, Rutherford,
and Polk counties ; to reduce sal-
aries of State officers.

A. committeeT was: appointed to
investigate, public expenditures
especially in the Agricultural De-
partment, Bureau ~of Labor Sta-
tistics, and Geological Survey, it
being the avewed purpose of the
Fusionists ...to . consolidate ail
these. A special committee on
election Jaw was chosen, and was
given charge of the. county-gov-|
ernmént bill.

The election of antes Was


lows: For,.Marion Butler: and
at eter C. Pritchard (Fusionists,)43
in the Senate and 66 in the House,
and for Thomas W. In cairn
Lee S. Ovérman emocrats), 4 4
in ~the ~Benate and 41 in the

(Toi bacco Cloth at Lang S

my ~Difficult Gpérathed
sisted ~by Drs: OT Hagan,

ville, | Hyatt, of Kinston, and J.

Taylor; of Washington, on Wed- De Linn
~'Tnesday removed ~a ~large tumor| TY,
from thé stomach of Mrs. Thomas |,

who was� ~brought: here to} ..

{the: Quinn House to undergo the
~Operation: TheT
pinta: of finid:: 2Skalt died 2 tha

otoo Tong for her life | to o3 be saved.

~Those.of importance were to ex-
empt cottena:milis::and + ironfar-'


theld at noon. The vote was as fal-}


| Oharles Cadighinghbes

- Bag-}.
paar and F! W. Brown, oof: Green-;

7 . DURABI 3
That is what we can give you in

S = ©



Bion ¥.-ReynotdTs Hand-Made
Shoes and Bay State Shoes.
_ Every pair warranted.


E. P. Reed & Co.Ts Hand-Made
Shoes and Ziegler Bros.Ts Hand


We have the very best makes-
~All sizes and styles.

. Tt i is. syour trie" we. pre
oand we are prepared to.

~beat the market on Rood,
e Acard ahaa priest. :

tamor od� 908 nS

evening about 80 oTelock- Mrs} : se
: Danae imanidmet cocaine: to. ~an|/¢

Made Shoes. . Every pet ante: :

Subscription, 25 cons per Month.
: ~Saitered: us second-class mail canteae
Respectfully referred : to ~the
legislature: Please change or
3 abolish doz. days while you have
your band in at the business.
Seotiand Neck Demoerat
now issues 81x pages regularly,
o its growing advertising patronage
necessitating the enlargement:
The Demoorat is among the best
and ablest -edited papers that
comes to this office and we are glad
_ that it is so prosperous. |
"""""""ESSEE :
A Fusion caucus in Raleigh ap-
pointed: Marion: Butler, Harry
Skinner, Richmond Pearson, _T-.
R. Parnell and-D~ Th. ~Russell -toT
draw up the bill. for.a new election
law and county government law.
As the bosses dire et the pigmies
will do.


Threw " Paper.

They tell a see 9 one. on the new
Populist sheriff of Cleveland

county. He received a document
in the mail the .other .day, -but
after a careful scrnutin:
fore and aft, he concluded it was
orot� and no good, and_ his. wife!
concurring it this opinion, thei
doeument was consigned. to. the}
tras heap. (This wortLy official
doesnTt use waste baskets-) The
man who used to be sheriff hap-
pened to pass-by the-new sheriffs
office about this time, and he was
called in and thé paper fished out
of the trash pile and the ex-sheriff
#iven an opportunity to pass upon)
it sud-see, what a fool. thing» it
was... F
The man who had held dows
the job of hanging the.countyTs
criminals in the cond old Demo-
coiaiatngs now gone, looked at
the | Di ase ~moment and said;


- the (railroad

PMs he eee
Mir, Gaokee W. Picket went out

to Mr; Hearg LN. Oalbrighis ¥

short time ago to build a new

ithe failure of. his

~- Imanner. He has returned to Les-


L this is. a

dwelling for him:.» Heswanted it
on the same spot of his old house,

the. new. house over: the: old one;

the old one laid-a floor,T

the family up there; tore Bets ~the
old house. completed the:new one
and deft. Mr. Albright in his new:
home withent moving. «Did oyou
ever bear of: such @ thing ' in thisT
country TT


It is ~said that Colonel Bréckin-
ridge is very much humiliated: at


We donbt it not.
lie regarded his association with

until he started ont onvhis: leeturé
ing. tour. Eyerywhere ~he was

received cooly. In the South|
the Gold shoulder was turned to
himT in theT most © wiintabaa Le

ington a sadder and a wisér man.
Now he would do well to with-

forsome years. "Richmond.. Dis-|!
patch. - :

That was a funny. thing, _gure}
fenough"the adoptton by .

jresolationsor felicitation npon the
selection of Mr. Jeter C. Pritch-

ard for United: States Senator,T for
the reason. that he had: been fora
tshort time, long, yerrs. ago, a
\printer boy ; and the suggestion
of the Wilmington Star that the
revedue officers should assemble.
and adopt similar resolutions,. for
the reason that Pritchard . was .a
~revedue officer lunger.than the was!
@ printer, is as. pat .as ; Perens:
could. -be."Charlotte Observer... ~


A.rua;on: the Atlantic Coast}

so George figured it out and built} T

covered it, then took the: Revie off| ~

He:-could® not}
be made'to believe that the +pub-|

Madeline. oPollard:. 88° heinous Good Middling

draw from the gaze of the public} ~

Corrested s: ONE Shultz, at th
Raleizh typographicat union of Iba Bricx a: n .

LeurSaturday, J jan. o2éel,

at our rane in Gre on-
Alovot Good '

will esol tothe high zt

wel bidder. wath thout # Te-
gardto price: Nostock:

ut up" pede
pets or.. will bet in- for

us, b ae be knecked
off to tus highest biader

-oTuckerT& Edwards.T

poe Se. SP Pee Ge Ft

Cotton and Peanuts,

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton,

and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished

OF Cobb Bros. & Co., Commission Mer
ants of Norfolk : ape me


en 5 7-16
Midd lin sie tS
Low MiddirngT a 11-18
Good Ordinary: T 4
-~Tone"nominal. ei
Prime, f apt
~Extra Prime . 14:
Fancy 2s |
Spanish z
Tone+steady.s ey
ieee geeady at 18to 19 Ghatak 2
+. E. Peas-"best, 1.75 -t02.00. per bag.

damaged.o1.00 to 1.75.

|) Black and Clay, 60:to 75,.per-pushel: !/

Greenville. Market. .

tter, per. Ib

19 rs pat
estern Sides _

6.60 tol

Line. is reported of 178 ~miles ~in|Hu
200. minutes; the -enginme pulling |

~ = = =
= 4 a

ges aks

'"Charlotte Observer.

ver Leven ceees dour of soem a 8:


aa i



Sagar Cured 4fyms o1116 17:
Cor =: 40 to 60°
Corn Meab © 50 te 80.
\Cabb & to 15°
Flot, F amily 300 to 340%
Lard� - 6 to 10-
~Oats 50 to 60
Potatoes ivi: per. bbl 800 to 340
| Potatoes Hwee per bu; 3u te 40
~Sagar ; - 8 to 5
Coffee _. 16 to 25
Salt per Suck. 80 to 200 ..
eet: a 1ad-tate
1 dog . co ae
Z olesawas x, per lb. BS 80
Petse: per be ais a4 :
~ease, u to: #8...
tton nes. mesh: 21 00
lides .. es 1 + to 3
links © 25 to Jo"

: in tg ips saree in exchange
for a Senato 30E
and a few of thé lé6aves and fishes
for the leaders in the Populist
ranks, has been, carried . out.-in
good faith. Pesan has; _
elected to Congress, Pritchard
gets the short term in the Senate,

and Butler gets the long term.
bate t have been
out +~an © legislative}

mill cas been set to work to cre-|

places for a score or 80 more

' BS TT ge in

opoor farmers,� the down-

trodden laboring man? The big

~bosses are too busy now to think |

of thi of 6. aa Minor imporé))
tances. oPlow On,� oh ye faithless
and mnhaliaviag. Two years

: from now, about election ~time,
Bat will be looked after again.

ut untif noiteyts rtah Adieu!) |.
ic ~' ~bye! Sayo oye
ne Oa -Pshaw !-. ~Beat + oSkip the

for Butler!

jthe t

Pop clint wae rae to be delivered a:

. ing their ye Acme
their interest toget our i ome pe
chas e e. Ourstock complete
n\n allie, branches, 3


; ~RICK, VERA, &e
wingy at Lowabit {ARKEt

TOBACKO Suu ravines |

we buy direet from Manufacturérs, : ena |
bling ~youto ee one profit. & com
plete stock of .



- Ourg
ta run,we sell at a ctese murgin .-

533 2 as: iSHELERLY
meee sevesarettte. N.C


gut Git !- conte 3
dine day tiey'tt I andlet bavk|- "Professional G a

se chee NDR © ~ 3 swt agi you ae .
ey were going oma e cotton . me

bring twdlve, tents; a pound ) and) [) D*: D. L. ~JAMES, |

corn 8 dollar a bushel, and who}
wore gong to, distribute, fifty dol;
~per capita� all over this

, land of the free. and. home: of pani

Pee cf are ¢ leieaiy now"yery:)
busy, and you.r,eally must wait. *

Time ~enough to eal to you.
when there's: nothing else to do.

Wait, till the offico-seeker, tires,
Wait. till the century expires,

oPlewon shad iorpainton * enemas


= oo Wait till you think att mer ~are oHiars "|- ¥
és Praition it. all the Courts.�

DENT] Sry.

ii ts FLEMING,

Greenvil.e, N.C)
~Prompt attention optic aeex: Office
at ~Tucker & Maron's old'stand._ .

Mei s 3

THOS: 3, saan:

apes! iLLE, N.

36), OC ) more than-the en-
.: fotce. oT =


7 re = are. 969,5 dhs nsione ke GAT HAM sali in")
a OEE Koy otha, ey eo sionoras" am: & SKINNER,
oo ve lop sate of| | Armonmensse t+ Law;


é T mes Al am 57%

eg Ree ee ees ae Ne a
b nage. i i 4 43

on han@and soldat ~prices to sai | .
oods'are afl bought and)
old for. CASH therefore, having ne risk


of It will. be done i in syle,

ont ALEX. £.;8LOW i
J oe & BLOW, gl

omonths of : ma

pare :
"your Printingrdotie
: atT the

It will be doneT sights

~ahdTit always suits. -
These paitits are
| Caf worth weighing hee
in any sort

| of eis tut, ~

z pe

Your J Job Pring


ange ony

x Mr. J, 8S. Hi datas

land Neck to-da

are Wickdght. in the |

to Scot-|

Mr. C. M.. feigt left this| 5 pase

morning for Louisburg.

- Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Lang and
Mrs. Sue Albritton, of Farmville,
spent to-day here.

Mr. A. L. Harrington, of
- Ayden, came up this.morning to
; spend to-day here:

Miss Becca Weathin
oWednesday tor Falkian:
Miss May Harris. :

Mr. W. B. Grimes, of Raleigh,
came in on the train last night
and went down to Grimestand.

Pe fe has commenced on Mr.

J. L. SugeTs new residence just
beyond the railroad on Fifth

The wife of Mr. Allen Forbes
died Wednesday night at their
home three miles from Green-

Deputies H. T. Kivg and S..1.
Dudley left this morning taking
three colored prisioners to the

Mr. Herbert ~White, of Brecon
boro, is here spending a few days
with his uncle, Capt. C. A. White

on left


He is representing an ~tematic


Messrs. J. H. Mallard; Joe
Jacobi and N. H. McLean, three.
cleyer drummers from Wilming-
~ton,-were callers at the REFLECTOR
office this morning.

Messrs. U. P. Wooten, of teow
Hill and H. E. Shaw, of La-
Grange, who were here as attor-

-neys for the plaintiffs in the bond

ease, left on last nightTs train.

We were glad to meet friend P.
©. Ennis, of Raleigh, at the depot
last night. oPiuk� is now with
_ the Agricultural department and
has been making a tour bs sites
_ eastern counties.

i 5 _ Rev. D. W. ia a ee Eyan-

--|ministered. . KingTs ~

J. A. Ricks & Co. doing, ~Hust:
ness: = re ponte e & & Baoket

ship, ie reyasing. the
interest of Ricks puro

Fine stock of. Shoes cant in at
J. Li, Starkey & Co's...

Mr. be FE FE tain, of Falk~
land,T bb Wed daa killed- two
hogs weighing 325. and . 275
pounds, making even 600. pounds;
for both. Mr. Fountain is not a
| farmer, either -- | :

My.-hew spring KiseT for
custom made suits just in, call
and see them. Fit..guaranteed.

Tobacco Cloth at LangTs
List Your Purchases.

Register of Deeds Kins says
the merchants are comine forward
very siow to list thoir purchases,

only a few of them having so far}:
complied with

should have been attended to by
the 10th of the month. He asks
as to request them not to delay.
longer. A hint to the, wise should
be ppeprapocen ~|

Those pendde Mos

The Board of CountyT Commis.
sioners. also rejected the bond of
J.A. Thigpen, Populi
elect. Thi igpen ore notice of
appeal. The bon . W. King,
who was ~elected: rnd ~the Board in
December; was tendered and ac-
cepted, and the oath of office. ad-
bound: was
perhaps the best ever given by}
aud an officer in Pitt county. his
sureties being -worth between
$300,000 and $400,000. John
Fianagan, whe Was 3i¢eted Treas
urer by the Board in December,
having declined toy

successor will be elected at eons


the law. Thist -


qaalify «hie}

0. L. JOYNER, Prop.,

Greenville, N.C.


And Stove Dealers. tay

Repairing promptly attended to


Lamp Goods, ' ~Bicycles, &e.

Agent for Rainbter and Crescent
iey tee:


"is the piace 1 for"


Daily Reflector, January 24, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 24, 1895
January 24, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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