Daily Reflector, January 22, 1895

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Greenville, N. cs January 22, 1895.

~tn Use Two Hundred Years. =

Mr. J: W. Smith, Superinten-'
dent of the Connty~ ~Home, show-
edu sa small. gold tinger ring
~that has been in his family for)
several generations. ~ -He says the
-ownership of the ring can be
-ack among his ancestors
= for two hundred years... It is.val-
uable for its ~nistory: and age.

Ph To-day Mr. Ww. G. ere repre:
senting Daniel Miller & Co. of
Baltimore, invited us into his
sample room to take our ch ice of
-the-beautifal line of cravats he

has along. We accepted the in-

witation and got a beauty. No)
drummer shows a_ better line of
dry goods and: nation samples
than Mr. Lamb, and he has taken

large orders here.

Those Bonds,

The Board of County Commis.
sioners have been in _ session
again to-day examining the Har-
rington and Thigpen bonds, but
the last time we went to the
Court House there was no likeli-
hocd that they would get through
to-day The Board will meet
from day to day until the exami.
nation is completed. Soe much
argument arises between the at-
uEneye that the matter proceeds

New Law Firm,

Mr. John E. Woodard, of of Wil-
son county, and Mr. F. C. Hard-
ing, of Pitt county, have formed:
a-law partnership at Greenville
Mr: Woodard for four years was
solicitor of the third district and
was a popular, able and proficient
amon . Harding graduuted|

~the University. in 1893 ~and
mr te receiving license to practice
law, gotnrasd to the Unveseeits |

| Phe Governor is empowered to re

heer} only.a haif bour aud no}.

Mr Popacco Uiotn at
~vy anil oe eee) eee | ee Ba rete E . ee a aa a
ed a * = o2 : = ¥ oe es



oThe principal sew bill in the
Senate was to reduce expenses of
public institutions one-third und).
to appoint a general: board of
three members to visit all institu-
~tions and see that this law is en.
forced- 3

The bill rinsed extending: two
years time for beginniag: work on
the Norfolk, Wilmington and
Charleston Railway. mening

There was a long debate on a
most absurd bill introduced by
Lindsay, Populist, changing ~ the
code in regard to Thanksgiving
proclamation so it would read:

quest. all. Christia::s, -menand
women, whenever he may deem
proper to. offer prayers before

State tyrannies aud Oppressions ;

of acts of wisked ruiers and = peo-
ple. and «woreever -tuo . reuder
~taanks to Almighty God that)

are. . Lindsay made a ridiculvus
speech in which he said thére was
nothing this year for which farm-
ers,and _laborers...syou!d give

Abell. Democrat, offered amend-
ment Insertiug word opolitical�
before word oconditions� in. bill
This caused great laughter. Star-
much tobe� othankful for, and
bill, which was then tabled.

The Senate at 12:30 on motion

untit. 3 o'clock Monday afternoon
bt eieggio of respect to General |.
memory. House session

business was done,

Almighty God to avert from the}
of unequal laws aud baueful effect E | jaier

conditions are no worse than they! _ best pmaes:

Moody, Republican, ridiculed the a



That is what we can wee you in

Bion F. R

Made Shoes.

We have the

oand we are


of Adams, Democrat, adjourned \

, Come. see wh


| 's Hand-Made
Shoes and Bay State Shoes.
Every pair we RMON:


E. P. Reed & Co.Ts Hard-Made
Shoes and Ziegler BrosTs Hand °
Every POOH :


All sizes ane gs? sais

aT cost
"s to Bic at ~stock

r Spring

t we an. ase te


Iti is, 5 your ein we wantT
preparel to §

beat the market on good §

ances at: 1ow" "

buck, Republican, gaid there was| -

ete #

Next deers to ani. mi

ge ee

Subscription 25 cents per Month.

+ ie =a es" *
S ge e 4 2 Sst

Entered as second-class mail matter.

Ali the men 4eebornrbénded to|
~ the Legislature: to .be appointed

ds Magistrates in ~Bladen ~county
are negroes. This, too a orefawmTT;
body! What next? We shall see!
" we shall see.

Marion {Batley fer Good
-into a protectionist. Now you
will hear the other Populists say
_ ing they are protectionists,. too
So the prediction: imade ~when

Fasion first. started, that the PopT
_ ulists were just an eid to get the |...
Republican party back in power,/

is coming true. a
G. Z. Fréach, the lea ler of the

. Fasionists in the House, is being.

shown up pretty badly on his}:

honest fruits of his achievements

down ih any ccaaverey: ai we
dowmot meas to take & hand iw fits
fight with the Populist organ, but
we cannot refrain from quoting a

in Mr. ButlerTs paper in reply toy,
the News and Observer, who had).
dared to: critize the fusionigts for);
displacing»a white-.man: by a
negro. in:-the orgunization ~of: the
Legislature: Wine Populist; organ

oThe negro ~isT a» cleo a ~He
has to bear the burdens of citizén-
ship.« : He iserititied to ithe digni-
tids: and: ~ honors « df» -eitzenship

.| says:

character quabify: him: for: ithem,
and the white man is entitled to
(thers. upon no other groend! ar |
+ oPo make the negroTs real or
angument for denying: to himT the


is'to do hima great wrony-is to/,
}do great wrong againste.ementa.
ry ethics"is, in ~plainT speech,
wicked.� "

And the name of this Populiat

i Boi organ is oThe Cateasian�! it is
~ + Gnd 1860, daw, pein of ol allright: ter the *OaudasianT® to
bi to make love'to the Africans, if it}

~ Populist ~or Republican either
can consent to be led by this self
confessed receiver of money from

wants to,Tbot had not Mr. Butle-,
under: the -eireumistances, |T bettér|*
get his» Legislatare� ~t6-ehative

the hands of Littlefield & Co.,/#18 Paper's: bame *Charlotte Ob-

who bankrupted the State, is one}
_ ofthe. orysteries which character-|

= *% : », izes this reform body now in s9-

sion in Raleigh.


te o&ppears- that� the feform
legislature hss _ increased
nat a over the lest one so as

This A not

an the bill that-has been intro

duced to reduce the salaries
efipgys; ( The Jozislshiass Hf

ell to begin at home first

and reduceytbeirrexpermses. Then

they could with some appearance

ot consistency talk about cutting
_ downT salaries. oOne Se this


EP Fry Ba |

Server.» 12H
i Kedbltteeenitsttaisbaadtiheee : " " ;

Position . W ANTED," _ POOK
keeper or Salesman. in. Ge neral |
Merchandise, store. ; Will, gs
satisfactory teastimonals. op
for name et RErLec:

In portions of. Virginia, hordes iare.
rapidly dying from piake¢ye.. . 2a

A bili ~has been introduced ~inT! the
West Virginia legislature ~providitig®

electrocution: " u a

The schooner Hall watT ~ashore at
Ocracoke Saturday. --

Rovt. as, the pyugil
in chad Hembaie sparring w a Cou
Riordon and struck the latter euch |¢

tao Cause,

hhia/ death, | has: been.

ae: Ne ¥

, nd jury. i324 $

tei try

sentence or two from an editorial).

oville, we

On Batasday, a at 26th,

at our stables i ir ~Gréen-
ea |
Ac lot: of. Good |

whenever:-hisTT intelligence oand

~racial ~inferiority an |

the execution of' the death oeentence » ey Si

gater bythe | syra-j Hides

Bice ie &
Auction... y-

rs abs sold to the high-
~jest. ~bidder without ff
gard to price. | NASR Stock
put up will b
down.or -beu aco i "
us, but will bs! knocked
off tothe highest bidder

_ Tucker, & Edwards.

oGorton and Heanuts, v

Bétow | are Nortolk prices of cotton
~nd peanuts fof yesterday, as furnisted
Gy Cobb Bros. & Co., ~Commission Mer-
Dhantsof Norfolk: 0.

Gésa iiadiing . BS 9-16
Middling ~ . &
Low Middaling _ 413-16
Gord Ordinary ~~ 43
_, Tene+steady,., |
Prime | 12
Extra ~PrimeT 2
hPaney® 24
Spanish 8

ie S18
vs" 8b t.18

Bee Beet, V7
Code f a daninped.

0.19 Chee, 3
9 86 a pen pas.

| . Biaek and Clay, to to? porwalnen:

a srr Crs bee +4] Ky ht te

"Greenville ~Market.

be j wore Pe {
~Corrected by ~$s. M.

in S-

Ychultz,, at the

ly Old Brick Store.

Butter, per Ibe ci 19 to a5

' | Western Sides - 6-8 to 74

; Be r cured ~Hums | {oz

Corn! 36 80

(Hine oes & 4015

cae mi, _ | 8 08sto..440

o143 64+ eihd 7, 6. to 10

_ . T *'B0 to 60

Pennode: nplaaat pol Lied 300'+6 830

Potatoes *weeby per] bii 30 v0 49

|Co . . -
[Sale pet 816k ceettts 80 ais

Eggs; per ~doz: PP res ehgit be a:

Bebswak, cari ibis ~ 12) 49413 BO

Bint Bat Cues 2 = +) ~ 3 te I0

FTE~ Bed fx4 1} tod

| Minks 25 to75





Waki oh Deemer )

aan the war on the floor of the
House ~Friday, while diseussing
pension matters. | * Thirty years
ago Robert Edward Lee accepted |.
the terms of sptrender in: good
faith, and what. he; ~the: greatest

Virginian siuce Washington, did |

the rest of us can do. Mr. Jones }-
will, rye) Virginia better by

working on a Satisfactory finance

The Coufederate Veteran Asso-
ciation jhel anpropripte gdrvic es
Saturdry naent ai Pike hail inp
this city in honor of Gen Lee,
that being his birthday.

Ma Clevelaniiéeyd iithial Oda |
gress fails to adjust financial mat
ters satisfactorily he will not
hesitate to cal] another session.

Secretary Lafioytrebigatp)to the}

propoged improvment of TurnerT S]i...

cut, a part of Pasg uotank | riyer

Gatarday ab tw. diniyas ~buls-|


owas Senator

gies on Senate
The first oSpas

Ransom, ;~ who wan Kehlobped/ iby

Senator Jarvis. Senators Mor-
rill, Sherman,T Chandtier;~ ~Pubois,|
George, Vesty: Rinkbeta, Gray |~
and@alk will algo pays ai tribpte' to
Vahte. 4 ecm 5 xed ri * Fedak &

The tiff ino the. Senate) between
Gorman and~-Hitt-
for. the leadership of ithe! party.
Both wish to .be President. Se: -
ator Ransom silenced Mr. HilT


in the midst of the
tinentadi de bin! att

cus secrets.
Senator ~and_


o, 1B (ATTORNEYS aT~LAir,, rs

a eens Uaatti | cy sity Lil GREENV (Luk. N. C ~

BaicaonT ss edepestaal When! * a oBarbers. Misi
Marion, Batler .was. here; about) 1) Von eee | Pedic
t : Pb oWS Wescsres w! tot 7 cre a2:
3 (peed WATE james a sta


pie vat, a avery oparticular. f° FF tai ae GREBNV2i5�,�, ore 542i!

a number of Senators -were at

the silugn gen aay oer : on oo


eee eed


, DY a L.

wasa struggle}
THOS. Qe OARVIS 2 cs | | ;

16 OR reerrrctet BRINNER, |


OLD. Si oar :

et stipplies will fh


E'fing chet AND
thefr yearTs

theirinterast toget Gur prices-before pu |:
chasing elsewhere. Ourstockis complete |.
n allits branches. | ae 7

Ric. TEA, &e..

aly wuys at Lowney adeet Mid od T


teem fies iG

ate youto buy at one one t. A com


always on hand and sold at prices tusui
the times. Ouy goods are all bought and
old for CASH therefore, havitig no risk
0; RR sejl al a closeT margin. Cryin

; M. scH Lay)
arene ~Greenville. Bb

~Professional Cards.


DE I Ss :
AL se MC

bs FLEMING, yeild

if.e, x oo :
I tho ao toT aati ad c oie

at Pucker:& Murohy7e: @ld:stend.

a per i+ t= 33 ¥

_s! " ok Perea a



Bee Conrts. .


wre ,.

puma we bud

tie 4s $3.

OnpkaRY Ska Ne

we buy direct srom, Manufacy UTE RSs eRe i

ALEK re skow ae

. - This Reminds.

¢ a


You oevery day
InT the.

Hoth ifr.

aes gree that: ifs

you have.

¢ 3 2

oyour r Printing done | f

Fis Ve



| Ht. will be

: and it alw

done ight,

ways 5 suite :


othese points a are:

~well il worth wei hing

badd Patronage solicited... ;) |

at +

Sage ay Sat te

dp aeR ER T,EDMUND Hie :

ez Under Opera Huuse.

# ®.


oa ?

ide Lae

! ap ten Jo

an ainy.

ge ee


ok re but


b b Printing.

Eee SS

eS a



ane Tit will be done i in style,

n iis it o 4




But People who are Canght in the
Busy World.

Mr. P..

= Richmond this morning.

Mr. H. C. Edwards has _ gone;

to Norfolk to get another car
load of horses.

Messrs. R. L.. Smith and Oscar|�"�
Hooker have gone to Richmond
to buy stock.

Mr. O. L: Joyner. proprietor of
the Eastern Warehouse, left for
Raleigh this morning.

Misses Bettie Heiltroner, of
New York and Julia Heilbroner,
of Tarboro, who have been visi-
ting Mrs. M. R.. Lang, left for
Tarboro this morning.

Weather Bulletin.
Wednerday fair, colder.

Bethel Items,

Betuen, N. 0., Jan 2ist 1895

Dr. R. J. Nelson, of Roverson-
ville, was in town to-day.

Prof. McWhorterTs school,
nie glad to say, continues to in-

Meesrs. W. A. Manning & Co.
sre moving their stock of goods

in the J- J. Carson store on Main

Mr. J. C. Wynn and wife of
Durham, N. C., are visiting their
parents and relatives i in the com-

Mr. J. 8. Keel and family wil]
move to Pevny Hiil to morrow
where Mr. Keel expects to engage
in. business.

Mr. John H. Bryan has pur-
chased the Harris house and lot
on Pleasant street and moved i in
town to liye.

Miss Minnie Carraway return-
ed ~Sunday evening to resume

er duties as musie teacher at

Prof. McWhorterTs H~gh School.

Mr. O. L. Joyuer, oue of Pitt f

county's� deading tobacco men
ent | ay in town and de-
red a lecture to a la


H. Gorman left for



teva grin | |

Little Items Hustled Together 1! thes Tell
eS ee ee, News oeee

" a aa

" Pe Set

To-day has b3en : Ge and
ee enough,

~Cotton Seed Meal at the

ola rick Store.
Pes millinery business of Mrs.
. T. Cowell & Coa. has: been
closed out.

Cards are out for. the. marriage
of Mr. R. LL. Humber, of this
town, to Miss Iiena ©. Davis, of
Beaufort, ou January 31st.

The hill just at the edge of town
on the leading out to Falk-
land is in a bad condition and
almost impassable. It should be
fixed before it gets worse. :

My new spring samples for
custom made suits just in, call
and see them. Fit guaranteed.


A Mr. Patterson, from Vance-
boro, is. here making arrange-
ments for locating a distillery.
He has leased a parcel of land
from Mr. J. J. Evans, two miles
from town.

Tobacco Cloth at LangTs|

Suit for Possession.

There was a right interesting
case tried to-day before Justices

G. M. Tucker and J. A. Lang
over the on of property
held by tenants. B. F..Anderson

& Co., have ~been conducting a
bar room in the Bernard corner
near the Conrt House. On the
10ih of December Andersen ~ ob-} -

to rent the property again this
year provided they Sa
as to terms of rent.
of the same month Anderson. sold!
out his interest in the business to

this rents the house

want to or 2

tained an option from Bernard

agree! ,°
On the 31st


0. L. JOYNER, Prop.,

Greenville, N. C.

And Stove Dealers.

g | Repairing promptly attended to


Lamp Goods; Bicycles, &c.

Agent | for: ~Rambier and Crescent


_ "Is the place for" ee

his partner and on the strength of| S75 FP" *5 : 3

mer partner ak R. "grep, 00 ¢ al, ae

Daily Reflector, January 22, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 22, 1895
January 22, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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