Daily Reflector, January 17, 1895

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bid IRE Sie SNES

nate a

or 1.

"Greenville, 3 N. 6, dannary ¥ 17, 1895.

Local ~Trains and Boat Schedule.

Passenger and: mail
north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
arrives 6:37 P. M.

- North Bound Freight, arrives 9:45 A.
oMy, leaves 10:15 A. M.

South Bound Fre
~ M., leaves 2:11 P.

- $teamer Myers arrives from Wash
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington | Teper Thure
day and Saturday.


\{traint «going
Going south,

t. ~arrives: 11 P.

Another Boiler Doés its Deadly Work,�

(Speeial to Reflector.)
Grirron N. ©., Jan. 1%tbh."ig
About five miles from Grifton
Mr. Theo. Bland has. a gin that
was run by an, engine. | Yester-
~day evening the
gine Byes gyre ineteute. aan

Mr- Theo. Biand, Jr., the

manT ne |? John ~
Anothér man was wounded but
not dangerously. The cause of

. ibn ig wot known.

To paces Clothat LangT S

Bishop Watson,

It is + inwelinoed that Bishop
Watson will go to Long talgud
City next week. to take charge,
for a f6w moaths, of the Episco-
pal Diocese of Long Island, duar-
ingthe absence of Bishop Lit-
~tlejohn, who will go, to Europe
soon. The request came to Bish-
op Watson officially, through the
standing te of the Dio-
cese of ong Island. Mrs.;Watsoa
will accompany the Bishop to
Long Isiand and will remain
with him during. his administra: |r
tion of the affairs of that Vo
_cese." Wilmington Star.

; og the| Track: f 343
As the South bound freight
train was leaving Parmele, Wea-
: ~@ bumper) to

im: : ee : ae ~out "
ing the car to mp e track » an
| ng the. Poder for ten Boars,

-| Thanksgiving: Day


boiler to the en-|g

the depontice: clause of %he ~bill ee
repealed all laws in regard te: all) F

{against Dewmoerats. . «
The House and Senate at noon!


Fg 5 as

The principal new bills: intro"
duced in the ade ati day were:
To reduce the sa

galuries of state
and county officer es. , to ~abolish
county boards? o of eiucetion, to
regulate ee business of: life in-~
surance, to reduce theT expenses
of the State guard, to reduce the
~bonds the Sheriff ot Pitt!
county, to change © othe date of
oto ~some day
in September, to: credues charges

of tobacco warehouses.

The bill to redpe the Pitt-
county ~Sheriff's. bond passed ufter
warm debate, in which the fu-
ouists were bitterly attacked.
The Democrats asserted that it
was @ private bill apd that thirty
ays notice should have been
given, i there Was .noO no-

~ nuded


sheriff's bond. The fusionists sag
jthey intend to pass a general. bill
covering all bonds which | were
increased ~as in this case: An
effort was made to adopt'a resolu-
tion instrncting the Senators and
representatives. in Congress " to:
vote against all bills which do not
advocate free cuvinuge of. silver
and the abolition of all banks: of!

The principal new matters at
the House. session were: A res-
olution in favor of the popular
election of Senators; bilis to
amenG the charter of Winston ; to
ébolish the Railway.Commission ;
to abolish the death penalty; to
repaat the section of. the Code ino

rd to,public printing.
etitions : were filed) in seven
election. contests, : They: were all

met -eauvassed the. vote forito
State. Treasurer, . declaring Wil
iam. A, Worl (fasionist) eb elected:

Farmers: ~are gottd ng tobacéo



Oo :
That is what we can give you in |



Bion F. ReynoldTs Hand-
Made Shoes, Bay State

Shoes. Eve airT war-
rented. zt a ?


Made Shoes,Ziegier BrosT -
_ ands Maga, rhea " =

We have the ~very

makes. -All sizes andT
. styles.

Jtis your trade we want~
and we are prepared to
beat the maiket on goud
Shoes at low prices,






|Dress | =a

AT cosT

soltties' stock ~for Spring
Goods. Come see whatT we can
do for you. tok


beds rea Seme have~ already

Next door to bank.

E. P. Reed A CoTs Hand�

rr h «680

eat eg as a

"" : ~~
Subscription 25 cents per Month- per advertisement, The prime,| _ * You ¢ every Say s
" ~Eitered ~asTsecond-class mail matter: (first, last and all the -timeT -object : |
"" eee of an advertisement. is to draw in the

-Tt ~is ~pot, was not ~and
A joint caucus was held) Ties-j custo.
: day by the Populists and Repuabli.|"°"°* will be designed rd - month of
ButlerT and | Pritchard other human purpose. o the | | fem tes al
-_ sapien for the United merchant waits till his store 18 so
full of customers that he canTt get a
Site lotier the contract -made| is Bat off, and thas he rashes, to January that if

the newspapers and. puts in. his
last summer between these parties Ww the; dali
and shows-to what depths. tprpes adverssetnnd nea: SOS

a ls ason gets along, and thete is no you have
can descen trad, and he wants to sell goods oo

o badly he canTt pay rent, he

A bill has passedT ther Senatete es out his advertisement"that on ti d ne
redu cing the bond of the Sherifflis some. of them do; but. oecca~ y ao Printing Oo

of Pitt county from ninety two|sionally « level-headed ~merehant
thousand dollars te seventy-two) puts in ~a bigger one, and scoops | at th
thousand dollars, and giving. the] all the business, while his neigh. | Ne
right to appeal from the decission} bors are. mortgaged to.pay -the| ra
of the commissfonerts"oto the} g&ss bill. There-are times -when| Rotigotos .
courts; anid when. this :appeal is|you couldn't ~stop people - ~from | * :
takén giving it ~precedénce over | baying everything in the store if
all 6ther cases for trial. Et has|you planteda cannon behind; the
been sent to the House and now) door, and thatTs.the time the ad JOB - - OFFICE. ;
awaits its action to(betomeT a low pvértisement is sent on its yt
ee missicn. It makes light work or It will be done +3 ht,
Mri Beart Was feroduseda'~nil|t2®. Bayertioaiment (tor 8 chalby ig

to abolish the Railroad* -Com- a ie tnnaomel oud § poor
. mission, when in the Legisia holiday six: daysin the week ;*but Tt will be done i in aty le,
ture before he.was one. of its|who wants to favor anT ad yertise
mostzealous advocates. Mr. But-|ment?: ~They. are-built toT do hard
ler algo worked and voted to es-|work, and should be sent ~out in} and it always suits,
tablish the _present. commiesion, |@all days: when: a& customer has
and yet they propose dist * me ig be et abe hard|
ish it. ~ This is done for the opar- "_ ne

bankrupt~reductions in prices: be-| These points a are.
pose of getting out the Demo |fore: they: willT spendT "a ~eent.| 7

crats and then they will i i- That's the: aim and end of an ad-}
sil} oatblish anatior peetably VF

Srtisement,:donTt try to get them} = MH
a, Eee mL ycome:-when: they ~aro. already. well worth weigh ng.
eee a pu ee sticking out of the windows, but! ee
their partyin. Such conduct has/ give ithem T your advertisement}

. mever befors been witnessed iz eht between the syes in ~the dall| . in any: sort
= No ~GCardlina& and i 5. (season; and you will wax rieh and)
So a on Sallaes the sale _ ples nou ae hoon seen St
get the offices is for this: Legisls. or twice a week. Writethis down}: of wom
shasiits devviawill.ckerinson this ash), Uuesineettot-e meronant so}
ple willo day: | 8
3. drawT business.is: when he: wants}

a toons a 1895. It. eral Gihnece, and- oc tee oeae oabove, all. things in�
aa ee eo nore business than he.can attend | . q a ~

* already."Laumperton | Robe!

= naam Roser gee



od eal

a Za wi aes x % er : whee 4 4 ee Bet @ =" =i ome yao
a a oe PE ee ee ee ae ee ee eo Oe ee eee ee ay ee eee De ee ~ Seine oe a ee ee oo ae SS Re lee
a Re og ee ea ee ee ae Se aa OO ee ee eee ae ct ee tae

ke ne hee
utente 4a

Agahnet. Confederate Pensone,~ © [ ESTABLISHED 1876, WILMINGTON: & WELD 2 Sie ee
aco phy AND BRANCHES, ~ 2
So ma} H, oTy. pGrant,~ ~who| ape Ault: 4 AND FLORENCE: ~RAI. ROAD.
himself a (oa ~pension from the _Condensed Schedule.
Yankee side of the line, although ~aTTHE " es A
able bodied and -unwonded, has OLD: RICK: gi n RE! . TRAINS gorxe ~sourm. Ce a
introduced a bill ~in~thé State Sen- S & ay orth "ia Ay fa
ate to repeal the act pensioning; FARMERS AND MEKUHANTSBUY| " JAN | ok oleg.
at a poor pittance, the | ;wounded x ing phetr yearTs annelies i fret, | 1595. AQ . zm
eir interes our prices be a} = etie = aoe wgre re 7
Confederate soldiers of this State-| (nec. - papal te Ourstook rete |i cave Weldon (2, a P. ba th
He would take from them, wound |n allits branches. Te Roovk Mt | 12 572020). e
ed and maimed, helpless and] PORK SIDES&SHONLDERS. | ~ ;
starving though they be, the poor L ~Tarboro er wus!
pittance that their own State has FLOUR, COFFE E, SUGAK.. ic LES MEL mt,
provided for them and which RICK, TEA, &c.-. Ly Rocky Mt {| o1 5/10 20 600
their own home people willingly a 1 A cid : 3. 1103) ~ :
ay, while! fe bimsgelr ~draws / a always at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. |) BV ee Ls : .
pas. Lv FayTtteville| 4 30/12 53)
Federal pension for pelsing, to| TOBACEO SNUFF&CIGARS | Ar. Florence .| 7 15|.9:00) 2
moana. them + A vd th j ° Any we buy direet from Manufacturers, ena 4 : 4 ue! #3 +B
negro regimentT ° is is " bling youto buy at one protit. ~A com |� 42
man whommany Gig Seyscorsy plete stock of: | 23 ,
soldiers voted for fn the late ences i dg jad
election on the Fusion ticket FU RN ITUR ee ) TIpoM.D i
against Ben Aycock forthe Sen. always on hand snd sold at prices tesui by Ld apneic c * | rages
a , ; Di. | ee
ofand by whose votes be wae] ie tee Gu eeieategtourhcana|iy Magnet, | 408) | | 238
SH therefore, having noris 1, 1-4000%¢
them: He and arion Butler to run.we sell at a clese margiv. AS eaiacincil te a . : lara 3
ha for- Abe Seat ino their Respectfully, ecHUL ro : . a
urly negro henchman,.in prefer- ay TRAINS GOENG: OTRH.
ence to a OnesleggzedT Confederate} . i Greenville Ne =| : | tee
soldier, as assistant Agorkec per,| = ~ Dated� nr a = S|) | SB
and now he watts otheir opension Professional Cards. vik a 7; oe be Sy eas
taken from. then."Goldstoro |. ee jediea|. ae
Argus: " | 7 R. D. L. JAMES), STi dal ace a)? OP as
We thought from the Secreta-} GREENVILLE, values Be esis eville "Th bol. cond i
rid Ts a aan, aposk Bolten wa that 7 L. BLEMING, , HARTA ar Wilscn 12 42\11 15
the last. State fair.a el w eee Te Fj J Ww aa ~ ras os oean sa pememnnn Talib s Loe cts
the most saccessfal . fiuaacia eben 8 at TTOR: a N.C. z + sf 1 3 ae 3 + per
that has been held, but the fact} prompt i Sere k. business? 0 Bee ae LSB virpdek
comes out now that it fell short {at Tucker & MurvhyTs.old-stand."" -- ra eenT: p bes. Vick dicey
$4,000 of paying expenses. " eae iA; M.| ee Pe
broveed) doga cu THOS. J JARVIS. Y ALEX.L. BLOW| LivT ~Wilmington| 9 007" 1 re
~ - Se BLO : By Mogooltens: a - a 2 = a
juts, v.Goidsboro .
cee aii oni ATRORSEVEARCAWS: av Wilson | 12 25 10 27
eps ft srs N preys prices ef, cisted . GREEN VINLE, NIC) peri ai as ce
a s for terday, as; furnished} _- oO Las oa : =. ee
by Cobb Bros. & Co., Conimission 2 \earPractice in Su ne Eeiabard - : er 2 S =F =
mae 4 Cpe - L.C.LATHAM | WAR RY Ka NE ZR AA SS 7
c+ | Core a4 a ue pea LORE Bak Fe Me sinc
stddting 53 JQaeenviCn a we re a: Ar Rocky:M¢:)}*1 48h.0 a2 02) PE IB
Low Bae. 413.16} wanted : i= {""|-"|"--|"=
one"s yi . - 2 fe: ees ay Bre" one errs 4
a oe . ATM �,� eldon : 3 10]. 12 64} S
Prime 4 ames Serer: e a *
Extra Prime | \O id ra. o Bape ; "
Fancy - .... 3s ; =
Spanish =
rg a rere Weta, O20 C/U seer
E. Peas"best, AT to-2.00- per bag. Ae esau bch wie eh Slee eee ba Ginenvilie
day ze TLOOpoT oi Vy pete Sa ay |
B sak and clay Bo td 70 per bushel. «Under Opera House: Halifax at 11:00 a. m., Wel



pot ee

Faces Caughtas "They Passed Before
, the Reflector. c

Mr. MM. ~Benard SESE ©

~_ from ~Raleigh last night.

: the Wilmington

ie te

Mr. J. A. Crews, representing
Messenger, . is

== ie

Cox left this morn-

in town.

ing for ag veh tey Pai to spend a few

weeks with relatives.

- Rev. J. W. McNamara of the
Disciples church will preach in

the | t church here next}

Mrs. Charles Skinner went to
Kinston last night to meet her
daughter, returning home this

Chief of Pclice W. B. James
has been appointed as one of the
marshalTs for the Newberno fair.
Will will make a good one.

Miss Myra Skinner returned
home this morning from Salem
where she has been attending
school, her health being such
thatshe had to discontinue her
studies for the present.

Tobacco Clotk at Tang S


The gold reserve has been redueed to

~The Asheyille and Spartanburg rail-
road will be seld Feb, 19th.

Another sugar house and refinery de-
stroyed by fire near New Orleans. loas


- It is believed the abeconding State
Treasurer of South Dakota has gone to

Thomas Whitridge a afc his wife were
both killed while trying to escape from

: 7 their burning residence in Baltimore.

_ Another train of twenty-one care,

_ Joaged with provisions, has been -sent/¢
from Atlanta to'the Nebraska sufferers. og


ai eclas

Oia Seed Meal at ths
oid Brick Store. _ ik eres pe

~ete Wi splendid b aks
the 1 babes to-day Baa\pric
were good...

Best Vermout speubrec."2 35 ~saint
a pound J. 8S. Smith & Co. _.

The Democrats in the legisla-
ture will nold a caucus to morrow
night to make - pomlinsisens for

Tarbell Cheese, Buck Wheat,
all kind of Canned. goods, fresh
at J. 8S. Smith & CoTs.

Mr. R. BR. Cotten, of Falkland,
and Mr. Richard Carr, of Willow
Green, both had goou lots of to-
bacco on the market to-day.

ChickTs' Coneert Compay -will
only be here for three night more
and Saturday Matinee. The per-
formance was vory good last

I have opened a school for
small boys and gris at the resi-
dence of Mr. S. son. Will.
be glad to have a few more pu-|
pils. Terms $1 per month.


Horses Aut

On Saturday, Jan. 26th,

at our stablesin. Green-
e, wewill sell

A lot of Good |
eS. Auction. -



Cream, of Local ae Boiled Down be ie
for Puy paiks- . + Cae Se

a r
~a. : ae

=, :
. BS e-
cor ie



O. L. JOYNER, Prop.,

Greenville, N. C.

And Stove Dealers.

Repairing promptly. attended to



Tama, Goods, Bicycles, &c.


Agent for Rambler and Crescent -


"is the place for"-


é ve Children Boos at
| 15 cents. 15. .

| ad also have oCON maa of"

Daily Reflector, January 17, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 17, 1895
January 17, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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