Daily Reflector, December 26, 1894

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Local Trains and Boat Schedule.

Passenger and mail train going
Bites ~arrives 8:22 A. M. . Going South,
arrives 6:37 P. M.- oae
North Bound Freight, arrives 9:45 A.
~M., leaves 10:15 A. M. = :
South Boun f Freight, arrives 1:51 P.
se Se Saas 2:11 P.M.
oSteamer. Myers arrives
: Monday, ~Wednesday and Friday,
= o oTeaves for Washington Toesday, Thurs-
3ay. and Saturday. ** : 2

_ Sea

Pes Bullet Ze

" " Sa

from Wash-|

A Constable Killed for Discharging
His Duty.

(Special to Reflector.)

WasnHineton N- C., Dec. 26. "
At Idalia yesterday J. F. Ber-
geron shot and killed Constable
J.-H. Watson. The Constable had|
arrested Bergeron for some of-
fense and the Magistrate - - before
{whom the case was tried imposed
iaheavy fine. This angered Ber-
geron ~and he shot Watson twice}
in the back of the � head. After
Watson fell Bergeron shot him

jfour T times. more. He is under

D. J. WHICHARD. Editor,

Subseription 25 cents per Month.

Entered a8 as second-class ae matter.


Twelve Months.

~\had two teeth. When it was ter
ee ~oath This

{First national bank of
Oct. &Coffin & Stanton, stock ie
New York: $3,600,000.

Oct. 10 "American Deventure Co.; of Chicago;

wi B00:
Soe il "First nationa) bank of K Neb.
12 "Buffalr county menting age

Sher bank, at nk, at Merced, Cat

J. B pithmen and 3. 7. 5

~Two Teeth at Birth "Pour Teeth at/
Ten Days Old _

A Charlotte commercial . tonrist
who camein Wednesday morning
from a trip down the Carolina
) News an item.

ablic and of

_ hecaw air! Star ure weoks|
old. When the baby was born it

old it had four
7 2E:

oEn the course. of. a.

7 interview, Hom.

intimates that while -# tt

government. system will
lelective- by the-new - ;

een aiiasaants

. Foes Ceusnte oThey Passed Before
- _ +. the- Reflector. ty

S Gol. Sissdver is BS
Pifonday x ghtfrom Washington
~ City.

Mr. Lee Pitt left this morning!
to aeoee afew days at oScotland

"Mr. Luther Savage is spending

~_-- the holidays with relatives in Hal-

- fax eounty.

~~ *\- Mr. W: C. Taylor; of Griangers.|

-- is here for a few days assisting at

the depot.

=) Mr: Z. V. Hooker went to Ayden T

~~ dast nicht to join in a large opos-
sum hant. :

Bogda Pattie Hocker, of Hooker-
is visiting her Phgsoes Mrs...
3h. Wooten.

Mr. E. H. W. Mcintyre, Jr.,
oistant = at the. denon
morning to yisit-his fathers
der county.

Rev. ©: J.. Woodson, and fami
ly, of Gatesville, arrived Mond
night to. spend the holidays wi
relatives here. �

Mr. A. L. éilbroberc oe Tor.
boro; eame down on» Monday -to
bid-his many friends good bye'as

he has ascepted a position in. New
York and will soon leave for that
| place. -



Cream, of Local News . Boiled Down
for Busy Folks.

Cotton 4% to-day.

~Bervi ices were held in the Bpiavo:

©. = Mr. and Mrs. C. .. Munford |pal church yesterday.


_ = Went to Wilson Christmas» morn-
ie - ing on a visit to relatiyes.

= oMr. Larry Heilbroner. went to
= *fParboro Xmas morning to spend
8 few days with relatives.

Mrs. B. T. Bailey left this
rning to s a week with
caeatives at 4 ille, Va.

oMr. D. 8. apaee left yesterda
* evening to of nda ~a fow days with
eae ives 4 in Greene county.

Sematce Jade oul ail es MS 4

: ed last night from pidge |
_ D. G.,.to spend the holidays-


o was visiting Miss Tone Bkap-
rd, returned home Monday, |
r. W. F. Harding, of. That.

, came home iast n
ad the holidays with his par:

iss Bruce Sutton, of Kinston. nu

night: to |:

\ r -G. B. Hing, clerk to Con- ee
2 ark to Con-|

_ Regular prayer meeting services|
in the Methodist church to-night.

Granulated Sagar 5° cents -a,

~pound, and: Seediess a at

i\Oid Brick Siore.

This is an all-round PR
ble day, and quite a contrast with
": beautifal oweather of yester-



You can still. get Dry
O-P: Sea hanes:

ls might to spond the. holt arr

Fs ange a


pyies. will be charged, pact ot es . as
" wpoblic. furnish deske

sees ws looked dull in town |

dand Clothing at eee ~prions at

igame and paying for this: ot ma

The manager of the Chick Med- =
icine and Concert ee ee S68;
been hereto make: arre ents

for a two weeks en

ginning Jan. Tth. Eetereinments
will be }


lic $chodi :

ur the new: po

Cruel and Shameful. ag
The most cruel thing we saw
Christmas was the way a rabbit.

near the Gon

urt House.

captured it was -

|performance was repeated. T
jwas kept up as long as the ra Sans
ohentite ensngh. at ro ren.


rtured by 8: ocrowd
. The p

dogs and in a few. pn eh hi =

phe ge

atreet ~and dogs set after it. When ;

Daily Reflector, December 26, 1894
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 26, 1894
December 26, 1894
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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