Milton Quigless Various Letters Disc 11

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[Audio 1]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:00]
AJ, this letter is to Dr. To not doctor but Mr. Jesse M. Baker, 201 W Water St., Tarboro, North Carolina in regard to Mr. Milan, M I L A N Pittman, P I T T M A N. [Inaudible] 255 Scotland Neck, North Carolina. To start everything: Dear Mr. Baker, the above named patient came to me came to my office on 1-31-97. He stated that he had been involved in an automobile accident on 1-14-97. Mr. Pittman stated that the car in which he was riding was stripped from behind that car driven by, leave a blank there. We can get the name of the driver of the car from [Inaudible] put it here. Mr. Pittman said that he had on a seatbelt at the time of the accident, however, he was thrown forward violently. He developed severe pain in the neck immediately after the accident, then he became their dizzy. However, he was not taken to the hospital at that time. Mr. Pittman did not receive any type of professional treatment immediately after the accident. Physical examinations revealed a well nourished male patient approximately 30 years of age, who walked with foreword. He complains of pain when he was told to turn his head from side to side. Mr. Pittman cosigns eventually essentially the negative however he did tell me that he was taking medication for diabetes. For his diabetes, he would take 25 units after breakfast, and 25 units at bed time. My diagnosis was [Inaudible] to the next. I gave Mr. Pittman 80 milligrams of depo medrol intramuscular and prescribed ibuprofen, 600 milligrams to be taken four times a day. Mr. Pittman returned to my office on 2-14-97. He stated that the neck pain had subsided, slightly. I repeated my injections of depo medrol and changed his ibuprofen tablets from 600 to 800 milligram, one three times a day. His third visit to my office was on 2-25-97. On that day he still complained of slight pain whenever he turned his head from side to side. I repeated my ibuprofen injections and advised him to continue taking that ibuprofen tablets. Mr. Pittman was last seen by me on 2-28-97, at which time he stated that pain has completely subsided. I advise that Mr. Pittman return to my office for further treatment, in the event that the pain recurred. To date, he has not returned for further treatment. My final diagnosis was abrasion injuries to the neck and I'm including here to reopen my services. Yours sincerely, Milton D. Quigless MD

[Audio 2]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:00]
This person, this person that is to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Group Health Claims Post Office Box 6025. N E W A R K, DE Newark, Delaware, 19714-6025. Attention, Ms. Alice S C H E L L E S, as Ms. Alice, miss M S Alice S C H E double L E S, Senior approver group health claims in regard to group number 24776 claimant Edward Royan, R O Y A N identification number 246-38-4707. Dependent Sarah S A R A H. Dates of service 1-13, 1-19, 2-24. Total claim 17250. Reference number 0031620294. Deal is Sarah S H A double L D S and after to your letter of April 2, 1990, in which you requested a patient history and physical, an office visits on 1-13 dash, 1-13 comma however 1-19 comma two comma 2-24 comma Mr. Royan comma who has been consistently constantly under my care for the last 14 or 15 years came in complaining of shortness of breath comma, wheezing, comma, and O R T H O P M E A and O R T H O P M E A and as much as he suffers from chronic asthma. I continued my treatment with depo Medrol 40 milligrams intramuscularly. Theophylline, T H E O P H Y L L I N E, 300 milligrams be taken morning and night and leave a little dash there about space about three words one teaspoon full every four hours period. Mr. Royan returned to my office on 1-19-90 complaining of flu like flu like symptoms. Temperature was 99 degrees he complained soreness of the chest because of prolonged and frequent cough, coughing spells, because of soreness of the chest, I gave him an intramuscular injection of sodium thiosulfate prescribed prednisone to be taken three times a day after meals. He returned on 2-2-90 and advised that he generally felt better, however, he did complain of persistant coughs with thick green spit up. His temperature was 996. The blood pressure was 170 over 110. I gave a genetic [Inaudible] along with the exlixophyllin tablets that will be taken around twice a day. [Inaudible] tablets, genetic ornade to be taken at bedtime. And 36 of tetracycline capsule be taken four times a day along with L U F F Y N four ounces to be taken every four hours. Return on 2-24-90 he was feeling much better. However he still complained of pain at times. Blood pressure 150 over 88. I had to continue to take him to can continue [Inaudible] generic, generic along with Q U I D R O L and theophylline, 300 milligrams. She would give him T R I M I N E trimine tablets to be taken at bed time for relief of asthmatic relief about symptoms relative to sinusitis. He returned to my office on preclinical, he had a blood pressure 170 over 100. I prescribed seraptus on that date, I prescribed 60 tablet H Y S O P H E M along with allothin for constipation and [Inaudible] for her productive code. I enclose here with the information concerning this patient that I submitted on July 7 1989. And on January 10 1990. As stated in my communication on January 10 1990, I consider that Royan's condition is chronic and my prognosis and further treatment for as long as he lives. I do hope that this information may be of service to you. Yours truly, Milton D. Quigless MD

I'm going to need an envelope for this letter. I repeat my injection of depo Medrol which will relieve asthmatic symptoms in about 10 minutes I gave more ornade tablets for the prone headache and low blood pressure tablets. She complained of extreme nervousness. I gave her 60 tablets H Y S O P H E N, the generic equivalent of nanocale. The next day she visited me was 8-8-89 at which time he complained of severe [Inaudible]. At rest, along with a productive cough. She stated she had been unable to sleep for three days. I repeated my depo medrol, she complained of extreme nervousness and quote severe gas pains. I prescribed the hysophen tablets and they are equivalent to manotab. The next visit was on 8-29-89, at this time she stated of patient headaches and this near were improved, her blood pressure at this time was 170 over 110. She still complained of a productive cough with yellow sputeul, to me that indicated the tracheobronchitis, after I prescribed oxytetracycline capsule, the equivalent of terramycin. As for her joint pains, she noticed some improvements, however, I had her continue to take the ibuprofen 600 milligram 1 D I D. On 9-12-89, she came in complaining over severe asthma attack. I gave her depo medrol intramuscularly along with exlixophyllin to be taken at bed time. Her blood pressure 140 over 90. I continued the treatment with HRH tablet, the generic tablet equivalent to seraptis. She was last seen by me on 10-16-89, and this time her blood pressure 170 over 90 however, after a period of rest it came out 150 over 86 period. She did not complain of this here at this time. However I repeated my exlixophyllin and gave her an antispasmodic to take care of the gas pain she complained of. Mrs. Ryan is still under my care however, I consider her condition chronic and my prognosis is for further treatment as long as she lives. I do have the open information. Information they do send you. Yours sincerely, Dr. Quigless MD

[Audio 3]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:00]
4-9-32-32 period. Start it off with saying Dear Ms. [Inaudible] a person came to my office on 9-18-84 and stated that she had been suffering from rheumatism for a long period of time. She complained of low back pain and really really suprapubic region and stated further that she had severe pain in her neck and low in both shoulders. Physical examination done by me revealed that it well developed [Inaudible] through walks with her decided to limp. Her blood pressure was within normal limits heart action was in normal limits. She complained of severe pain however, I attempt to read from her side. She also complained of pain when she attempted to arise from a sitting position. The pain was localized in the lower back and related to the suprapubic region. My diagnosis, I considered the diagnosis obvious and did not press further examinations and diagnosis was chronic arthritis involving the neck and lower back period. I prescribed an injection of depo medrol along with ibuprofen 800 milligrams with instant relief with the instant relief of her symptoms. She returned to my office on 9-30-95 and stated that her joints were much better, however she still complained of some residual pain. I repeat my injections and repeat repeated the ibuprofen pills. She was last seen by me on 12-9-95, at which time she stated the pain had almost completely subsided. I spoke to Mrs. Wilson that I could not cure arthritis but I could keep it under control with periodic injections and regular administration of ibuprofen tablets. I do hope that this information may be of service to you. Yours sincerely, Milton D. Quigless MD. I'm going to sign letters and get some money. That's all on this tape tonight.

Write down the day. Ms. Burton returned to my office on 8-12-95. She said that she was still having some pain. However, the severity of the pain has subsided to some extent. I repeated my intramuscular injections. She returned to my office on 8-25-95 she stated that the pain it almost completely subsided. I had Ms. Burton to turn her head from side to side, I manipulated the the backward and forward movements of her head. She complained and note she had no complaints of pain. I had her to rise from a sitting position, I had her bend forward with the hands touching her knees. I had her to lean over backwards just like she could, after all those moves she complained of no pain. I stated, I advised Mrs. Burton that I felt it would not be would not be necessary for me to give her any more injections I advised further that she might have some pain, which could probably probably be relieved by medication that could be bought over the counter some type of allergy. I added valium to relieve her depression period. She was last seen by me on 7-21-84. Her blood pressure was, her weight was 171 and a half pounds and blood pressure was 100 over 70. She complained bitterly of depression. Continued to treat Mrs. Alexander on a monthly basis and effort in an effort to control her obesity however, the depression seemed to been the most troublesome condition that I encountered during this entire time. She was last seen by me on. Mrs. Alexander was referred to Dr. Milton D. Quigless Jr. of Raleigh for the treatment of the [Inaudible] in her right breast. Dr. Milton D. Quigless Jr. is a board certified surgeon. He's also a member of the American College of Surgeons. I have in my piles of reports from him describing the surgical procedure undertaken. According to Dr. Quigless Jr. The post operative course was eventful. She was discharged on 9-12-84. Dr. Quigless Jr. noted that Ms. Alexander was desirous of the implantation of the prosthesis. I have no record of the surgeon that she contacted to do the implantation of the prosthesis. However following that procedure, she returned to Dr. Quigless for telling him that she was not satisfied with the prosthesis. Dr. Quigless had nothing to do with the prosthesis has nothing to do with the implantation of the prosthesis. The post operative care she received following their procedure, she did return to him to tell him that she was not satisfied with the prosthesis. Dr. Quigless advised her to see an internist for further instruction regarding the [Inaudible]. The internist could find nothing wrong with the prosthesis and advised further treatment for her depression and anxiety. Up to this point, here, neither me or any other surgeons, physicians in Raleigh, had nothing to do with the prosthesis. I would advise you to get information concerning that procedure and sequence and the sequence as far removed from the surgeon who performed the prosthesis. Yours sincerely, Milton D. Quigless MD

[Audio 4]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:00]
Miss Patterson just start this letter in regard to [Willer Bettle] [Inaudible] number three five Tarboro, North Carolina 2786919. Phone number 918232943. Start out by saying dear doctor, leave a space for doctor's name. The patient came to my office on 12-4-93 and stated that she had been involved an automobile accident on 11-27-93 period. She stated a car in which she was riding was struck from behind by car driven by [Inaudible]. She was wearing a seatbelt, but because of the severity of the impact, she was thrown downward then forward. Immediately after the accident, she was taken to the emergency room at the Edgecombe Heritage Hospital in Tarboro where X rays were need. No fractures or dislocations were observed in her neck and lower back. She was given tablets for the relief of her pain. However, instead of diminishing the pain, instead of being diminished, her pain was increased to certain extent that she was able to get out of bed period. Typical examination revealed that the will to them a will nourished female, who worked with the head forward. She complained of severe pain whenever she attended to arise from a sitting position period. My diagnosis was whiplash injury to the neck and lower back. I then administered intermittently injections of sodium thiosulfate, along with [Inaudible] which is a generic preparation analogous to depo medrol. I prescribed ibuprofen tablets, 600 milligrams, three times a day for relieving the pain period. This takes experience relief from her relief from pain and 10 minutes after the intramuscular injection was administered period. She returned to my office on 12-6-93, the stated that her pain had subsided almost completely period. I repeat my intramuscular injections and had her continue taking ibuprofen. She was last seen by me on 12-10-93 and at this time she stated she still had some residual pain. l repeated my intramuscular injections and advised her to continue taking the ibuprofen. She was last seen by me on 12-17-93, at which time she stated that there will no no residual pain. I repeated my intramuscular injection. And advised that she would probably have some residual symptoms that might occur. But such symptoms could probably be relieved by taking over the counter medication. She continued to take the ibuprofen tablets period. At the time of her discharge, Mrs. Hicks was completely free of pain however she returned to my office on 9-9-94 complaining of recurrence of the pain in her lower back. I administered the treatment that is the intramuscular injection on 9-9-94, 10-10-94, 10-21-94, and 11-12-94. On 11-12-94, I confirmed evidence of involvement, involvement of her lower back and neck. At that time I advised Ms. Hicks that I saw need no need for further treatment at my hands period. It has been my experience over a period of 20 years that this type of injury usually clears up after one after mostly after one series of treatments however I have run into two or three cases where the injured person tends to prolong complaining with pain so that the treatment of the case is extended over a period of years period at the hands of other physicians however the physician will end it by referring a patient to an orthopedic service located at Duke, University of North Carolina, and East Carolina University and in every instance of the secondary referral, the physician in charge notifies the attorney that they can find no cause for the symptoms complained of by the patient

[Audio 5]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:01]
2600 Chamberlain Rd, Rocky Mount, North Carolina got to address here. Start is by saying dear Ms. Stafford, please forgive me for the mistake I made that I sent your record to IC system for collection period I check my records and thought that you have indeed found that you had paid me for your visit. I hope that you will accept my apology, I notified the collective assistant to discontinue billing you for the amount indicated.

Mr. Cuss stated that he was seen by another physician period. The other physician made an examination of his jaw and found no dislocation or fractures period. It has been my experience that low backs sprain was in many instances on accompanied by X Ray finding. My diagnosis sacroiliac sprain period I have advised Mr. Cuss to discontinue the karate exercises yours sincerely, Milton D. Quigless MD

Pain is extending down both with pain and numbness extending down both legs to ankles. He said that been out of treatment at hands of several doctors without relief of symptoms period. Examination in my hand view a well developed, nourished black female and no pain or discomfort unless she was have to turn her head from side to side when her arms were manipulated period, she complained of pain whenever she was asked to arise from a supine position period. There was moderate swelling of both ankles and both wrists period. My diagnosis was arthritis. I gave Ms. Todd intramuscular injections of depo medrol along with sodium thiosulfate intramuscularly.

She stated that pain subsided about five minutes after she received the injection period. I prescribed ibuprofen 600 milligram tablets one to three times a day period. I explained to Mrs. Todd that I knew of no cure for arthritis. However, I assured her that I could keep up for your pain by injection such as that I had administered along with oral medication that would keep her comfortable period. Mrs. Todd returned to my office on 10-30-90. At which time I repeat the intramuscular injections. I continue to see Mrs. Todd at two weeks intervals and kept her free of pain period. On 10-11-91. Mrs. Todd came to my office and stated that she had been in an automobile accident accident. She stated that tractor trailer with a trailer tractor with a trailer blew [inaudible] and turned into right side of her car. She stated that she was thrown against the dashboard. And immediately after the accident she felt severe pain in her neck and lower back. The diagnosis was actually made in a local hospital, no fracture or dislocation observed. My diagnosis was a whiplash injury to the neck and lower back period. The treatment for the accident injury was same as the treatment for chronic arthritis period. Except for the fact that injection was given once a week until 2-15-92. On which day she needed no further treatment for the automobile accident. It was that it was just about that time that Ms. Todd stated that she was having some trouble with her eyes period. I advised her to see Dr. White, and after [inaudible] Greenville period. Dr. [Deda G. Moore], who practices with Dr. White in Greenville say that said that her condition was assessed that she needed some laboratory work done. I advised Mrs. Todd to see her doctor in Windsor, North Carolina to get the necessary laboratory work done in as much as she had a very hard time getting to Tarboro on the days that her laboratory work should be done. Accordingly Mrs. Todd was admitted to [Bertie] Memorial Hospital in Windsor, North Carolina under the care of Dr. S T E I N B E R G for several years now Dr. Steinberg had taken care of her. Therefore, I think it will be proper for you to contact Dr. Steinberg and see from him reserve for his observation from the laboratory. I'm sure Dr. Steinberg would be great to cooperate with you and our any type of laboratory with it. At the present time. Ms. Todd takes the ibuprofen whenever her symptoms flare up she comes to me for treatment. I saw her on January 21st, 22nd, 1996. Did not see her again until March 30th, 96. She was last seen by me on June 29, 96. As to her ability to be gainfully employed after you later operators is under control, however, she must continuously take medication continuously to remain free of pain period. I hope you hope this information may be of service to you. Yours sincerely, Milton D. Quigless MD

[Audio 6]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:00]
6-24-91, 7-5-91, 7-26-91, 8-12-91, 9-3-91, 9-17-91, 10-11-91. On that day she advised that she had [inaudible]. However her neck and back pains were consistent. 11-1-91 she stated she had lots of cramps from her last treatment. 11-15-91 11-2-91, 11-23-91, 12-9-91, 12-20-91 1-3-92, 1-13-92, 2-1-92, 2-17-92, 3-14-92, As I stated before, it appears that [Ms. Sanderson] will have to undergo treatment for extended amounts of time. I do hope that this may be of service to you. Yours sincerely Milton D. Quigless. I need an envelope for that letter. This next letter is to 20 Glennon that's you can add his address and everything. In regard to Ms. [Duet] Satcher 386 North Carolina 27808. Dear Mr. Madsen, the above named patient came to my office on 2-20-92 and stated that she was involved in an automobile accident period. She stated that car which she was riding was hit from, behind. She was thrown badly forward causing her neck and lower back to become very painful minutes after the accident occurred on physical examination. The patient was found to be a well developed well nourished female who walked with a head thrust forward period. She complained of pain when I asked her to turn her head from side to side. She complained of severe lower back pain when she attempted to rise from the sitting position that that indicated the involvement of the cervical spine as well as lumbar spine and diagnose was replacing injury to the neck and lower back. I gave Ms. Satcher injections of isolated depo Medrol and prescribed ibuprofen 600 milligram one to four times a day. She returned to my office on 3-7-92, at this time she stated that the pain still subside, the pain was still present however, the intensity of the pain had subsided to some extent period

[Audio 7]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:01]
Ms. Patterson this next letter goes to Taft whatever his name is in regard to [Columbus Bell] 209 [St. Andrews St], Tarboro, North Carolina [inaudible] person came to my office on 3-21-92 and stated that he was involved in an automobile accident. He was driving across the Tarboro Bridge when the car in front of him stopped suddenly. He stopped to keep from hitting the car in front of him and the car behind him ran to the back of his car causing him to be thrown forward violently. Immediately after the accident he experienced severe pain in the neck and the lower portion of his back. He did not go to hospital for prices however about three hours after the accident his neck became very stiff and painful whenever he noticed however he noticed further that whenever he attempted to sit down he had low back pain period. He took some of the old over the counter medication hoping to get some relief from his pain however, he continued to experience severe pain whenever he turned his head or rose from a sitting position. Physical examination revealed that well nourished male who worked in a stooped position as he walked his head was thrust forward and he was whenever he attempted to turn his head, he had to turn his entire body because the pain in his neck. My diagnosis was whiplash injury to the neck and the lower back. Lower back I gave him intramuscular injection of sodium thiosulfate and depo medrol and prescribe ibuprofen tablets 800 milligrams to be taken three times a day. He stated that he felt some relief from his pain after the injections. He was last seen by me on 3-28-92 at which time he stated that the pain had subsided to some extent however he's still suffering the pain when he turned it here from side to side. I repeated my injections. He was next seen by me on 4-3-92 which time he stated there is slight pain left. I repeated my injections and gave him more ibuprofen to be taking three times a day. He was last seen by me on 4-11-92 he stated that he felt much better however there was slight pain whenever he attempted to arise from a sitting position. I gave him, I repeated my injections I advised him that he will probably have some residual pain over a period of time. But this pain could be taken care of by treatment with over the counter remedies. I am enclosing there will be open to my services. Yours sincerely, Milton D. Quigless MD. I need an envelope for that letter Ms. Patterson

[Audio 8]
Dr. Milton Quigless [0:01]
The letter is to Dr. [Deda G. Moore] I gotta underlined and named underlined down on this letter. [inaudible] Associate TA 301 Bowman Gray Drive you see the address in the upper right corner. Greenville, North Carolina 272585800 put the date at the head. And you have a name and address in regard to Ms. [inaudible] Todd 31581. Start it by writing Dear Dr. Moore, I do appreciate the care that you give them to Ms. Todd, an old friend of mine. Miss Todd came to my office on 12-21-90 complaining of severe joint pain. From a headache period, she exhibited the cardinal symptoms of chronic arthritis period, I began treating her with intramuscular injections of sodium thiosulfate along with depo medrol and ibuprofen by the mouth. She improved rapidly on the above after my treatments. However, however, as you know, there's no cure for arthritis and she has to be treated from time to time or series of injections in mid and medication by the mouth. She developed later she developed symptoms of diabetes of mild nature to keep that condition under control by by administration of [D Y E L O R] tablets. Mrs. Todd was involved in an automobile accident and I was in I was able to take care of the pain. As much Mrs. Todd required frequent visits to my office and hospital. She had great difficulty the times making the trip into Tarboro for necessary treatment. Mrs. Todd was admitted to Bertie Memorial Hospital, Windsor, North Carolina, under the care of Dr. Steinberg for several years now Dr. Steinberg has taken care of her. I've only been able to see Mrs. Todd after the condition became unbearable. I know that Dr. Steinberg had done quite a bit of [inaudible] Ms. Todd and I would I think it would be proper for you to contact Dr. Steinberg and get it and receive him the table reserved for the observations and laboratory work. Unquestionably Dr. Steinberg would be glad to cooperate with you and order whatever type of laboratory work that you should suggest be operated. I do hope that you'll be able to help [inaudible]. If there is anything that I can do, contact me. Yours sincerely Milton D. Quigless. The next letter is to Ms. Kitty D R U M M [inaudible] 2331 Professional Drive [inaudible] 7099 North Carolina. In regard Ms. Jones. Start off by saying dear Ms. Jones, I tried to contact you many times regarding [inaudible] in the last several months however, when I call the offices, I was told that the only way home and I called your home number I could get no answer when Ms. Jones worked now in my home for many years, we thought she would recover obesity and arthritis with her activities to certain extent that she will no longer wait for us but I continue to treat her for her arthritic conditions. Mrs. Jones was at home when she developed blood clots in her lungs. She was taken to Heritage Hospital and from there has to receive a transfer to East Carolina Hospital in Greenville. She was treated, there she was treated for a pulmonary condition. With gratifying results, I have not treated Mrs. Jones since she was discharged from the Pitt Memorial Hospital. I feel that she would be better served by getting in contact with the physicians at Pitt Memorial Hospital that treated her pulmonary conditions. Unquestionably the physicians in Greenville will be glad to furnish you information that you need to meet that you need. Yours sincerely, Milton D. Quigless MD

Milton Quigless Various Letters Disc 11
LL02.10 Disk 15 - undated
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