The Little Mint advertisment

The Little Mint advertisment
The Little Mint hot dog building and parking lot. Dates from negative sleeve.
January 03, 1964 - January 04, 1964
Original Format
3cm x 2cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
Copyright held by East Carolina University. Permission to reuse this work is granted for all non-commercial purposes.
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Quentin Warren Nov 12 2022

Wow reminiscing of being a kid in Griffin and going to the Little Mint for a burger...the last time I saw the building it was a Chinese restaurant...heading through Grifton on Highland Avenue not far from Contentnea Creek Bridge where the original Eat Mo Shad was painted...I could go on...don't get me started as they say!

Beth Winstead Jun 28 2013

This was located on the corner of 10th and Beaumont - currently Babbitt's bicycles is in the location. Beaumont was not a road at that time.

Dale Sauter Jul 21 2009

The first Little Mint (there were others that followed)opened by Wilber Hardee. It was built in 1964 on 10th Street in Greenville, just a few block from where the original Hardee's had been located.

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