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o). AFRICAN AMERICANS rocky MOUNT WILLIAMSTO: t 5 (Retail Value: 50 Cents)
_ October 2008 2d issue Pitt & NASH County since 1980 Bay Pet
SSV1D-1SuLd ¥sn
SSV1D-1SuI3 vsn
Lee Godley Il
pg 13
a MrsLucille W,
Visit Joyner Library ECU
The D.D. Garrett Exhibl
It Ts no secret that Black
voters have in recent history
overwhelmingly voted
Democratic in presidential
elections "even as much as
90 percent. But, this year Ts -
? election will likely break even
~ that record, revealing a strong
AfricanAmerican solidarity ~
behind the campaign of Sen.
Barack Obama and a dramatic
drop in support for the
Republican ticket, according -
toa patton poll released this
week, |
oClearly, the historic Obama
candidacy is drawing almost
| unprecedented Black support
for the Democratic ticket,
some 15 percentage Tpoints
=! White women
White women voters speak
By Nisa Islam Muhammad
-. women voters have become
the talk of the election and.
the prize for candidates
trying to win their vote,
Leaders of several national
women Ts organizations
primarily composed of White
women recently came te-
gether to say Sen. Barack "
Obama is their candidate.
Representing omillions and
millions of women, ? the
National Organization of
Women Political Action
Committee, the Feminist ©
Majority PAC, the National
~ Association of Social Work-
ers, the Business and Profes-
sional Women Ts PAC and the
National Congress of Black
Women made the voices of
everyday women heard,
oFrom teachers to social
workers, from business
owners to college students,
women in this country are
lining up behind the candi-
date who is out there every-
day standing up "clearly and
consistently "for women, ?
NOW, oWomen of all ages,
races and ethnicities are
coming together in support
of Sen, Obama and his
_ pledge to fulfill this country Ts
promise of equal opportunity
for our daughters as well as
all our sons. ?
| Bach of the organizations had
completed an issue-by-issue
comparison of the candi-
ae ee ay
ede a
Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-IIL., greets supporters at
the T Maumee Bay Resort in Oregon, Ohio, Tuesday, Oct. 14. (AP Photo/Jae C, Hong)
dates T records prior to the and economic rights for Sarah Palin asthe Republican stands for, ? said Smeal.
announcement and each future generations; stubbornly _ vice presidential candidate has
in dependently came tothe opursue apolicy oféndless forced these groups to take an Polls showed a dramatic
conclusion that Obama was the " war no matter the cost in aggressive stand in thiselec- Switch in white women voters
best man for women Ts rights T humanllives anddollars; and. tion. from Obama to McCain
and women Ts issues, continue Bush failed econom- 4. immediately after the an-
ics and political policies. ? John McCain just doesn Tt get nouncement of his vice presi-
oWomen simply cannot afford it. He doesn Tt understand dential pick of Gov. Palin.
a President McCain, ? said These organizations do not women voters and especially
Eleanor Smeal, president of "__ regularly endorse presidential Hillary voters. Sarah Palin is oWe have to wait and see if
the Feminist Majority. oHe candidates, NOW supported T no Hillary Clinton. Youcan Tt "_ these numbers hold true, ? said
would stack the Supreme. Sen. Hillary Clintonin the attract Hillary voters and. Smeal.
Court and federal judiciary Democratic primary, The women voters with a woman oyr
against women Ts reproductive selection of Alaska Gov, Opposed to what Hillary ee Cun NNPA from
October 2008 2d issue
- Solidarity Behind Obama
Popularity of Clintons Alse
higher than what Sen. John _ "rby 60 percent since 2004. ? . the general election will . The poll also found that
Kerry received in our poll four surpass existing records both despite the contentious
years ago, ? said David Bositis, Based on the study, Ralph B. national and in individual. © Democratic Primary process,
Senior Research Associate at - Everett, the Joint Center Ts States. ? both former President Bill
the Joint Center for Political president and CEO, predicts . ~ Clinton and Sen, Hillary
and Economic Studies, which a record Black turnout on. The poll of 750 African Clinton (D-NY) have
conducted the study. "Ifthe every level. Americans, taken between increased their favorability _
undecided [voters] break along September 16 and October6 ratings among Black voters.
the same lines as those who. T These poll numbers are with,a.margin of error of plus . | .
expressed a pertescace, Sen. - confirming whatwe © ~~ orminus3.6 percentage - " "--»Accordinig'to the report: oSen. o
Obama would draw 94 percent expected-that Sen. Obarna Ts points, also revealed mainly ~~ Clinton is viewed favorably by
of the Black vote and thereby _ historic candidacy is one issue of note: the 86.4 percent [DCS1] of
tie President Johnson Ts record- oenormously popular with "_ economy with 62 percent of _ African Americans, more than
high share in the 1964 AfricanAmerican voters and _AfricanAmericans naming it Six points higher than she °
election. ? is, in fact, driving significantly the most important national _fared in the Joint Center Ts
higher percentages of them to problem. In that regard, only a 2004 poll, with only 7.8
The new survey ofAfrican. _ identify withthe Democratic handful of respondents - 8 percent viewing her
Americans T political attitudes, Party, ? said Everettina percent - said their financial . unfavorably ?
authored by Bositis, confirms statement. TThese numbers situation improved over the
that support for Obama come on top of record levels _ past year while 55 percent of Former President Clinton was
oamong Black voters is at near _ of participation by Black AfricanAmericans-55 - _. viewed favorably by 85.5
record levels fora Democratic _ voters in the Democratic. percent - said their financial percent of respondents, and
nominee, while Black primaries, allofwhich ? © status was worse thanit was. | eer,
- identification with the _ Indicate that Black turnout in in the previous year. Solidarity cont pg 12....
Republican Party has dropped es ae ;
voters speak up for Obama
wh a a
ee eee
Minority Voice Oct 20, -Oct 24,2008 pg2
Published: Thursday, Octo-
ber 23, 2008 12:28 PM CDT -
Within a week of the ratifica-
tion of the 13th Amendment
of the U.S. Constitution, the
_ KuKlux ~
Klan was formedin Pulaski,
Tennessee. The founder was .
former Confederate general
Nathan B. Forrest, who also
led the Fort Pillow Massacre.
After Forrest secured a truce
with Union troops, he -
- Slaughtered 238 Black
soldiers at Fort Pillow.
With the KKK leading "
terrorism, slave power was _
transferred from private
ownership to states T rights, "
The local custodians for
newly emancipated Blacks
were local sheriffs. Court-
houses were the local head-
quarters for white su- |
premacy. Black Codes would
supplant the slave codes,
Nearly 100 years later, the- |
© | racial factor that can go
by Hazel Trice Edney
; aot:
. 8. Sen. Barack Obama
has moved yet another step ?
closer to becoming America Ts
arguably blan a
Monday night that gave him "
strong leads over Sen, John ?
McCain in several key polls, -
But, some political observers
say the polls may not feflect
a racial undercurrent among
- Whites that could hurt
Obama Ts election on Nov. 4,
A National CNN poll at the
conclusion of the debate "
which focused largely on the
economy - had 54 per cent of
voters saying Obama won
the debate, versus McCain at
30 per cent. Likewise, a CBS
poll favored Obama at 39
percent to 27 percent amon
an pe teh i 3
percent claiming the debate
a8 a draw. Moreover, Gallup,
among the most credible
polling re in the world,
reports Obama actually
in ing McCain by more than
percentage points in a
national po hing voters
who they favor. ° ,
oBarack Obama has opened
upa nine-point lead over ~,
ocketing f
| the latest Gallup Poll Daily
_ tracking, ? states an explanation
campaign to date. ? University
_ Of Maryland Political Scientist
~ minute, this is okay, but I don Tt
i N TON (NNPA) . discount it a little. ? For
_ example, Walters says Nig a
_legal structure of the South
ox i
remains unaltered. James Cruikshank v. United States.
Chaney, Michael Schwerner and ee :
Andrew Goodman found it Out In February 1886, Sheriff
the hard way. The local sheriff Hamilton had already given
andaposseofKlansmen the keys to the jail at the
intercepted'them on June: courthouse to a white mob.
21,1964. Their bodies were later Will McKinney had been
found near Philadelphia, Missis- convicted of killing Charlie
sippi. Sheriffs in PP! Broadway. The mob dragged
were, invariably, members of " McKinney out of the jail, shot:
the KKK. and lynched him on the
ee een pls. stag re
eS _. , house so servedasthe
On March 17, 1886, Blacks had county Ts auction block and all
assembled atthe Carroll = ave records were housed in ?
County, Mississippi, courthouse j, Be
to support or to give testimony "
on behalf of two brothers who Sen T John McCain ¢o-
had been charged with assault- authored oFaith of My Fa-
ing a white lawyer with intent thers ? Jr ig mostly about Sen.
to kill. The white lawyer had _ McCain, his father and his
assaulted Ed Brown. A gunfight srandfather However, he
ensued, with gunshot wounds Gescribed his anonymous,
to the lawyer, James Liddell. Ed great-grandfather in the book
and Charley Brown were as oinspiring his sons,my _
vigorously prosecuted in "grandfather and great-uncle,
Carroll County. ay to pursue careers as profes-
While Sheriff 17, Hamilton nonal ayee
Was conveniently athome,a " McCain Ts father and erandfa-
white mob entered the Carroll ther became adinirala, MoCa
County Courthouse atid pro-. had a career in the Navy, but
ceeded to murder 23 defense- opted out for politics and
less Blacks. A grand jury Wollld hecame a carpetbagger. He
later fault the Black victims for chose Arizona as his political
their own demise, Even after tome: Arizona had beena
the ratification of the 14th territory of the Confederate
- Amendment, Blacks enjoyed no States of America.
right of self-defense, pas
anil nay Interestingly, McCain failed to
Every white official in the state, reveal fae late of his great-
including Sen. John McCain's " grandfather in the book and
Feed ote! Plauded " for good reason. He was an
emassacte. Sen.Blanche arch white supremacist, In
K-Bruce and Cong. John R. four other books written
Lynch of Mississippi wentto about Sen, McCain, none of
the White House to protest the them even mentioned his
Carrolton Courthouse Massacre great-grandfather,
to President Grover Cleveland, "~~ |
who would cite to them the.
or Obama, But,
John McCain, 51% to 42%, in
- on Gallup.com. oThat matches
_ Obama Ts largest lead of the
Dr..Ron Walters called the
lis astounding, but says
lacks should shave off at least
five points to account for the.
undetected until after people
ee |
oT Tm saying to myself, Wait a
think it Ts that high, ? Walters.
says. oYou have to respect the
polling. But, you have to :
Gallup reports a more than 1
percent Obama lead, that
sident after an. should be thought of as more
like five percent to account for
racial and other prejudices that
_ May factor in the voting booth,
_ The so-called oBradley effect ?,
~ fecalls the 1982 gubernatorial
race between an African-
_ American Democrat, Tom
Bradley, and a White
Republican, George
Deukmejian. Though major
polls placed Bradley wall ahead
of Deukmejian only days and
hours before the election,
Bradley narrowly lost. .
This discrepancy between how
Whites say they will vote and
how they actually vote was
_ observed in the 1989
irginia governor Ts campai
between Risse: Acaeeioon
candidate L. Douglas Wilder
and White candidate Marshal
Coleman. Wilder won, but by
less than a percentage point "
only a few days after polls gave
him as much as an eight point
lead. Walters says because the
y tace was more than 25
years ago and the Wilder race
nearly 20 years ago, racial
_ attitudes have changed. Newer
_ unpredictable - states to now
Supreme Court ruling in
and younger voters must now
_ be factored in and it Ts no
longer unique for an African-
American to be running for
public office. .
Still, the Obama camp appears |
to not take polls for granted, |
working vigorously in so-
called battleground ~ or
excite i voters to go.
to the polls Nov. 4. The
outreach appears to be
working. In'states considered
especially hard for Democrats, |
Such as Virginia, Obama is .
ahead 49.9 to 45.1. In Florida, [
he us up 48,310. 45.3 andin =f
sylvania, he is up a
ing 51.2 to 39.2,
Seni Ae
eons 9
14 owe
according to |
RealClearpolitics.com. The
Key is economic worries, "
itical observers say,
oThere are no issues, There Ts
just the one issue. It Ts the
enor researcher forthe Join
Center for Political and
Economic Studies. oI Tm not
worried about the Bradley
effect. T ? Even if attempts to
deface Obama or undermine
his reputation with veiled
racial attacks in final days of
the campaign become
prevalent, Bositis predicts it
won't matter,
oIf your house is on fire and
Frankinstein is outside, you
don Tt worry about .
Frankenstein, You wo
about you're going to die in
the fire if you don Tt do
something about it, ? Bositis
says. oThis election is about
hare le aba how
§ are going in the country
right now. And the way they
feel about how things are
going in the country is that
ey stink. They stink bad
, says David Bositis, 7
By inference, Sen, McCain
admitted that this racial
patriarch and mentor wanted
oto fight for the Confederate
~ States of America to uphold
white sup emai , white sta ioe
Christianity and states T rights,
but he was only 14 years of
age. He upped his age to
18,but to no avail,
His great-grandfather was not
only 4 prominent slaveholder
in Carroll County, but he was
also an influential local politi-
cian and eventually its sheriff.
He took over the.county Ts law
enforcement reins in 1891
soon after the Carrolton
Courthouse Massacre.
Sheriff McCain Tsreign of
terror started during the
_ height of the Colored Farm-
ers Alliance, which had
organized 1,250,000 Black ..
farmers by 1891 and would
rival the all-white Southern
Farmers T Alliance. Interest-
ingly, the Colored Bar of
Mississippi was also formed in
1891. This started the
oGreenville Movement ? to
form bar associations in other
- In 1891, this Black alliance
~had called for a cotton pickers
strike and had supported the
Federal Elections Bill. These
demands, if successful, would
have overthrown sharecrop-
png and would have put
Blacks on an equal par with:
- white farmers.
Local sheriffs initiated another
wave of whife terrorism. The
_ KKK furnished the manpower..
_ Judges donned Black robes
wine War pe
won the \ivit Wat, philosophi-
cally, states T rights would
trump federalism. The Su-
-preme Court said its hands .
were tied to stop white terror-
This exercise of First Amend-
ment rights by persons of
African ancestry to achieve
Political and economic power.
angered white supremacists.
Local sheriffs were on their
posts. Organized Blacks,
seeking political goals, were a
threat to white supremacy. This
Was a bloody period and it
wrought Plessy v, Ferguson.
The house organ of the Col- _
ored Farmers T Alliance, the
Colored Farmers T Alliance
Advocate, was published in
Carroll County. State-spon-
_ Sored terrorism, and particu-- -
larly in Carroll County, Missis-
sippi, would eventually under-
mine the Colored Alliance
oIn 1902,when McCain Ts grand-
father was admitted to the U.S.
Naval Academy, it was institu-
tionally racist and anti-Semitic,
While Henry O. Flipper be-
came the first Black graduate
of West Point in 1877, the first
Black graduate of the
U.S.Naval Academy, Wesley A.
Brown, had to wait until 1949.
The Navy fitted the McCains
like othe glove ? fitted O.J.
Simpson Ts hand.
In oFaith of my Fathers ?
McCain said his great-
grandfather ohad expressed his
- Mississi
ospeaker at UAM Ts weekly
Classon Avenue in Brooklyn
patriotism by serving as
sheriff of Carroll County,
ppi ? to suppress
Black resistance, Sen.
~ McCain uses the same term
to describe those white
supremacists who have
heckled ce
- Sen, Barack Obama Ts name
_ at McCain Ts political rallies.
Ih this country, a racist is,
obviously, a patriot.
By the way, the full name of
Sen. McCain's great- grand-
father was John Sidney
McCain. Three generations
of McCains have embraced
his white supremacist
philosophy. White terrorism
continued in Carroll County
throughout the 1960s.
History explains Sen.
McCain. Hopefully, the
Jefferson Davis side of Sen. °
Obama Ts family will not
captivate him.
October 29- "Min. Joseph
Carswell will be the keynote
forum at the Elks Plaza,
1068 Harriet Tubman
Avenue (Fulton Street), near
at 7:30 p.m. His topic is oG-
7 and the Third World. ?
Admission is free.
November 2 "Alton
Maddox and Carlos Russell "
will keynote a pre-Black
Solidarity Da a arse at
Boys and Girls High School,
1700 Fulton Streetin
Brooklyn, at 3 p.m. '
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£ er due makes pit = a oo ee ? | a ee o Minority Voice Oct 20, oOct 24, 2008 pg 3 :
Stop in. Greenville
Lt. Gov. Bev Perdue Ts down- « photo M. Adams
to-the-wire sweep of North . »Ppig ig our last Eastern swing
. Carolina continued morning "_efore the election, ? said Tim
when she visited local land- Crowley, Perdue Ts press
mark, The Tipsy Teapot, in secretary. oIt Ts important, for
Greenville,NC Bev to come back to where
. She is known best. ?
Bev was greeted by local.
government officials and Perdue, who is campaigning
organizations, including for governor of North Caro-
members of the Greenville lina, spoke to asmall audience |
City Council, local school crowded in the restaurant/café
board members, StateEm- The Tipsy Teapot on Evans
Ployees for North Car olina, . Street in Greenville about her
the Pitt County Commission- goals if elected, and also.
ers office and the ECU Col- about her Opponent, Charlotte
lege Democrats. mayor Pat McCrory.
b She's working for all of us!
- McLawhorn
OF THE 'M' VOICE NEWSPAPER AT Working together, On Tuesday,
THESE LOC. ull ON. $07
eee ceecrorc| November 4th President Obama
fe STREET aan
~ bec lee NC
=| and the Democrats in Congress
1320AM :
Washington NC.
Wegenoe ¢ | will bring the change we need
Jed A be i to America.
Make sure your vote is counted by voting
early through November 1. You can even
ie| register and vote all at the same time.
Y@uth Ministry
For early voting locations
ocall 1-888- NC-EARLY (877-624- 2426) .
or visit eg com
© Obama
Paid for by the Democratic "
Minority Voice Oct 20, -Oct 24, 2008 pod
community is balloting s 8
far. d
arena. A price
"Was paid to
_ Crats have voted as a group - ol
-. affordeachof - than any other that Ts gone
us a choice to. to the polls since early vot-
rightfully vote, ing began Oct. 16,
Seed More than theit black
- Sow A male, white male, female
Joy R, Brown Your vote does matter, : oe or aa :
: Bets So, 1 want to sow a seed oe
I would like toencourage will makea difference. more bidele fen Demo-
everyone to go out to the . Become visible and show. crats have voted than white
polls and VOTE, Your " up at the polls. Let : - female Demo-crats, the sec-
vote is important andit America know that yon largest group to poll.
does matter. sare we adopt are concemed and you i One political Mielec.
thomental ! ! care about the future of _sug-gested the fact that 3
| this. country. _.. most may chy a yale
= Voting foran African-Ame
You ¢ can make a cmeet - canmale, nam ly Sen. Barac
before on Novem: Obama, fo-become the first
fo ORS black president of the
~ United. States, may defi-
Day Reg-istration began T a
North Caro-lina, as of p
~~ time Tuesday, 544 02 bal-
Elections website (wwrwsboe,
_ State, ne, us/). oo
3,812 military ballots, or the
North Caroliniang Who
voted from overseas by ab-
Summit on EDUCATION...
a community forum " |
" prescated by DSM Om
The public invited fo alfend the Annuel Eaucanan
Summit of the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of
| Commerce, » an issues forum for the purpose of discussing
public education in Pitt County. |
Leam the FACTS about achievement in Pt County.
Schools * What does AYP really mean? « What-are the
REAL challenges facing our schools? * How cah we
compete globally and provide « warc-clos education
ee for Pitt County's youth?
ae Come and leam the facts, then shore yu though hs
ups | | breakout sessions, This is a chance for all Pit County
. || clizens to voice thelr opinions and be a prt of solutions
for success for our schools.
Agi supper wi be provided nthe food us out $0
come early!
Meare IV? you alondonce 72-40 ~ tanead@oreenens ra
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
J. H. Rose High School -
opecic harks 40 DM and the folowing businesses for their gerierous sponsorship:
oid Hac ica ens ae 3
* nltely be ee * :
Since. Oct, 16 Oa es T
Stop Early Voting/Same.
lots were cast, ac-cording 9
to the N.C. State Board of " 8
That does not inte the ae
79,711 ocivilian ? votes, the
17233 AL NY. Wiis wie ROY Tht Ls f
: All totaled, more than 692,000
have voted thus far during North
Carolina Ts early voting period.
- Outof the $44 020 who Tve vot-
_ ed One Stop so far, 98,493 have
been African-American female
Democrats; while only 1,146have
been black female Republicans.
; o\iycomarin, when it comes
to white female Democrats,
92,102 have voted, while white
_ female Rep
, tage 62,043. oe
: wee : 2
voters, so far 6,770 have balloted,
blicans could only
as opposed to 34, 631 white fe-
. maleindependents,
What about male voters state-
Black tine Demberaté Mavi
tallied 60,922 votes as of Oct: 21,
almost 40 ,000 votes behind black
female Democrats; and
approxi-mately 1,000 votes be-
hind white female Republicans.
In comparison, white male
Democrats have balloted 65,659
votes, while 57,085 Republican
white males have marched to
the polls.
African-American male Re-
publicans, like black female
GOP Ters, barely register on
the voting scale with only 1,228.
Interestingly, though, more
black male Republicans voted
than black female piseavicy
with 1,146.
Per sinaffiligned v voters, 33 939
white males lead all indepen-
dents, While black males com-
pees a 6, 731,
Z Judge Cheri Beasley A
District Court Judge
for Nearly 10 Years
Minis Whieieeb emda hcunint- | kk. Tek ee eT ph
bia haved vee A ERAR EL Ce eee
~ Committed to Families c
and Communities
Uyee eet tc
Endorsed by Gov, Jim Hunt "
and Many Major Statewide
Organizations, Such As;
biter hee PTE ELT te
S00 ERE HP 49 90054 eben Wise T OT ant eT
North Caroling Academy of Trial Lara
North Carolina Association of Educators : :
North Carolina AFL-CIO
North Carolina Association
of Women Attorneys )
North Carolina Police Benevolent Association
North Carolina Troopers Association, eee
National Organization of Women (NOW). |
North Carolina Fraternal Order of Police
Tue Minortry Voice Newsearer.. Jim Rouse. Pusuisuer/Founper _ 40SEVans Sraeey P.0.Box 8361 Greenvitte,NC27835
REE ee See wera eee | Gera ee ee
riod ends ee Nov. 1.
| "When it conies to the military
: balloting, 371 black Democrat fe
a personnel have voted
mo-crats have outpaced
ee With ide bh aciats in the
military, 143 females and 201
thales have: voted their choices. T
So why are. more black and
white female Democrats show-
ing up to the polls than the men?
Part of the answer lies in voter
While the N.C. State Board
. of.
Blections doesn Tt list party
regis-tration online per racial
genders, it does show -that
there are more females over-
all registered to
vote than men in the state for all
political parties and unaffiliat-
ed "3,339,661 women to
2,769 414 men as of Oct. 18:
In terms of Democrats over-
all, there are 2,804,383 regis-
tered to vote in North Carolina,
compared to 1,980,092 Republi-
_-?,?ans, 2,728 Libertarians and
1,366,347 Inde-pendents.
The One Stop Early Voting | pe-
, r _ t
i ree
r " we a es phlei c:
Ih dating with young
ae Minority Voie Ot 2-024 208 pp 5
folk or with anyone over
om we have authority
Do you live what you
preach or are the young
"people around you
getting conflicting
messages? Areyou ~~
saying, oDo as I say, not.
as I do ?. Do you drink.
and drive? Do you lieto.
your children? Do you
| cheat on your taxes?7Do
you hang out with |
hegative people? GET ,
_ LIVES. Can you name
-your children Ts friends?
What is your child
studying right now in
_ School? When is the last - |
time you did something,
your child wanted todo? ._ "
| Pree: stags
pice sy ol
| Suejett A. Jones
Sane. a
?"? oMs Beatrice Ma Maye ap
Certification Division had
- outlined a course of study.
- this change. Having gone to
Winston-Salem State
summers, I deci
Course requirement
Neidio: otonpe
{kb pagiel ntsc oad
_ Scene, so it was n
! enroll ins history cla with
Dr. Tippett, an instructor,
: whom I never saw until this
P cia receive an ellie for
| if ; psig yon view I Good
fe t0 positive
people, Let what is past,
pass, Harriet Beecher Stow
Said, oWhen you get intoa -
_, tight place and everything ©
goes against you until it |
seems that you cannot hold
for a minute longer, never wi oaks
~ They become impatient. You
give up then, for that is just
_ the place and time for the
tide to turn ?. °
me to hold on until my
change comes. The
challenge i is to hold on in
bad times. As long as you
are here, find ways to make
yourself happy. Good things
are supposed to happen to ?
me. No matter how bad It is -
: i lil eee
- to makelt. |
Are you a
defeatsts? A moaner and a
? Is that achip on
your shoulder? Do you
always have a story ready on
_ how life has done you
wrong? Bad relationships
drain your positive charge.
Seek out those who
_ empower you, who Inspire - ,
and complement:you, the
people who inspire you to
. See great possibilities. for.
yourself. You really cannot
afford to have relationshiy
Ican distinctly Petiomnbiy
| __ taking a correspondence
course through the mail (circa
1952) from the University of
North Carolina when I was
converting my music
certificate to a then called
ete. grammar grade certificate.
bane This would .
_ teach grades 4-7. The North
: Carolina Department of
certify me to
Public Instruction Ts ~
Teachers College and Shaw
University the "
to stay at
home and complete my final
computer nor the
a scheduled number of lessons
_ and questions to answer.
» with a textbook to apr it
would proceed with such
Ne a ue th ; 4g ay
: ; . ee :
and light which always c come.
~ Robert Schuller: o
Lord, help ~
provides access to learning
_ that would otherwise be
_ online which can be
, ot plan to fail, but they do
"fail to plan ?. When people
~ don Tt see instant results,
must have patience. Your
time is going to come If you
- work diligently and "
meticulously, Persist until you
_ Succeed. From: Les Brown,
oOversleeping is. a mighty
poor way to make your ©
dreams come true ?. No -
comes true until you Gaiep
and go to work ?. "WE cannot
couldbe ?.
Wachin Weight Beha
- Fesundet ent Presidente
_ Children Ts Defence Fund, a
leadinf national organization
devoted to the needs of all.
children. She is author of -
_ YOURS. She is also the
_ mother of three sons and ives
. {in Washongton,DC
1. Assign rourselt
2. ) %b f
Today, anil are turing to to
online education because it _
inaccessible to many. Web-
peat hiphoc err
flexible, i ) Jeai
schedule of rh people, and
complements their :
ste ay pale fo
that their career reaches a -
plateau and that employers '
place a greater value on
reclovenn deh ahh Evi
| of education of one more a
relevant to the modern T
workplace, An sdibiaeres
offers the perfect solution.
There are a huge variety of
degree programs available
to bachelor Ts, master Ts or
doctoral level. With the
advances in information
technology, over the past
decade, there is no reason to
get stuck in arut. Whether it
is nursing, education, business
management or information
technology, a development of
an existing career or a whole
pa tre. opagal
6. Beflexible.Do
- things in the car, at meals,
inthe pool.
tine t tlk abe dal
pray should become a
lifetime and a lifestyle, not
just on specific occasions,,
. 8. Keep
| Sxpectations realistic.
_., The time you spend
-. with them will
_ them fora lifetime,
Note: Subscribe to: Focus on
the Family
PO. Box 35500 Colorado.
Springs, CO 80935-3550 (It Ts
~ TEopportunity doesn Tt knock, In times like these, it helps to
recall that there have always
Paul Harvey "
Build anyway!
"People really need help but
may a0 Yor if you Nap
, learning Help people anyway!
8. Bea can-do, witty penon ive he wuitie bonis
9, Leama so be alone wikkeat Poahed
10, Alay remember that Give the world the best
ee . you Tve adil
le are unreasonable, _10SPIRITUAL Q,
opt rc uresone | GUIDELINES OF VALUE oe
Love them anyway! TO YOUR CHILDREN ae
If you do good, people will
accuse you of selfish ulterior " 1 Beamenample,
motives. = 4 ser. *
Do good anyway! , main thing i is not the
If you are sucessful you will fee ? ess We cety
false friends and true enemies tn
eo ob Sea
orpotien tomice ear , :
Do good anyway! » :
Honesty and frankness make r ideas to the
you vulnerable Keep it simple.
Been nd fk yey ee
3 Be: . ie es List
Heh in pagers ave
_ down by the smallest men oe at its
_ with the smallest minds
_ "- Think big anyway!
bg pel
Fight for some
What you spend years build-
BD saa alata
= allows study nie ")
whenever a busy schedule build a door.
| allows. Even if you are living | shot: -
_ abroad, you can gain a degree Milton ;
online from an American a
: , ee Recaps
g and accessibility of an online
_ degree makes it easier than ; -Allmen make mistakes, but
_ ever to learn while you earn
"and enhance your career ~~ good man yields when he
prospects. knows his course is wrong,
: me _ sateen heer oThe only
hy dy a je Sent
__ own opinion, but not to his
own facts.
Patrick Moynihan way a ae
easute i svinat T Ams ibeapetne allies
| on wort giving makes a very small parcel.
up for the sake of two more « i
years in a geriatric home. praca
T cannot give you the formula
_ for success, but I can give you
-Inall affis, it's ahealthy the formula for failure - which
ing eo is: Try to please everybody
earnest tee | Bald
Minority Voice Oct 20, -Oct 24, 2008 pgé
Monday, |
October 20,
march to vote
The Rev. R.B, Holmes Jr:
called it a oPentecostal
experience ? as tears welled
up in his eyes, Blocks of
students marching from the
campus of Florida A & M
University to the Leon
County Courthouse to vote
on the first day of early
voting with the FAMU band
» playing along with them:
"History being made in
America, ? shouted Holmes,
pastor of Bethel ont
courthouse doors in Talla-
hassee. oIn the name of
Booker T. Washington,
, Martin Luther King Jr..
: done ha
name... You Tre prayers are
up. Thank God for FAMU.
Thank God for a new
beginning. Change hase come
to America, ?
Holmes, a Democrat, who
was an outspoken supporter
of former Republican Gov.
Jeb Bush, especially his
education agenda and
voucher programs, is now
solidly behind Barack
oI never thought this day
would come in my lifetime, ?
he said. oTo have these
students vote their history,
vote their heritage, Our
foreparents are shouting and
I Tm overwhelmed by the T
Pentecostal experience, ?
He said he was inspired by
the peaceful march of
students to the courthouse
building; directly across the T
street from Florida Ts Old
Capital, where segregationist
laws were enacted a genera-
tion ago and where, just
blocks away, mob lynchings
were once sanctioned,
"T Tve been involved in
almost all the marches
before but this is certainly
the most significant march of
the 21st Century " to make
sure that this American
dream is not a nightmare, ?
Holmes said, oIt Ts a new day
in America. ?
-. Labels: students a