The Minority Voice, April 25-May 1, 2008

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Minority Voice April 25 - May 1, 2008pg6 -

Lil Wille Center Sup


attend Banquet

Banquet Time... While at the banquet for the Lil Willie Center; ECU Chancelor, Steve
Ballard poses with his wife(3rd It) and (It to rt) Christopher Taylor, Dr. Bass and Debbie

Moody of The Intergenerational Center of Greenville. photo J. Rouse

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WINPOP oWomen In Pursuit of Purpose ?

Pastor Sheila Ingram
_ Purpose
WhoAmI? Why Am
I? Where Am I?

Like everyone, you've

dozen times. Who am I? Why
am I? And Where am I?

Maybe the knowledge that
you were very much wanted
and planned for by your
parents still hasn Tt answered
your questions as to God Ts
special plan for your life.
Perhaps you weré the result of

you grew up felling like your
parents really weren Tt excited
about your birth. You may
have even questioned your
right to be here, or may
believe that you are a mistake.
_ Maybe painful experiences
have convinced you that you
are doomed to a life of failure,
disappointment and
unfulfilled dreams.

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I Tm speaking out to all my
WINPOP women. All of you

_ who are in pursuit of your
purpose those of you who want

to turn things around and keep
itmovin. I want you to sit back

_ and exhale, every breath you
- take understand that you are

still in charge of the direction
your life is taking. Time has
permitted you to make quality
decisions as well as decisions
you would rather not
remember. Nevertheless it all
is a.testimony of your life, It Ts
the story to be told to others
who will listen and understand
and embrace the total you
without passing judgment, [
want you to always remember
that mistakes are what we do
not who we are. Psalm 139:
15-17 the word of God assures
us that God ordained our
existence, even before our
conception. So in case you
forgot my sisters God does not
make mistakes, ~~

Many have tried to find their
purpose through many things,
wrong male choices, wrong
friends, drugs, wrong job
choices and many other paths
that lead them to everything
but their purpose. The creator
God knows the contentment
for all of his creation lies in
fulfilling the purpose for which
they were created. It is living
fulfillment and most often self-

~abuse. Where purpose isn Tt

known abuse is inevitable.
Every one of us is in search of
who we are and why we find
ourselves over and over in the
same situations. If we could

just put our finger on the button |

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within us and get the answers
about ourselves we would by
pass a lot of drama. Apart from
God you will never get
connected with you. It is God
who created you, that means he
wired you he set your emotions
in place, T He knows your
strength and your weaknesses,
So why do we look everywhere
else to be fulfilled. Think about
it, You will realize that the very
thing we look to be validated by
is also looking to be validated
in some way. Your life message
contains the essence of what
you have lived for believed and
strive to accomplish during the
course of your lifetime. It Ts
about your existence: Our life
message is usually the result of

a collection of our life

experiences, both positive and
negative. Every event in our
life whether pleasant or

Unpleasant still results in

shaping us into the persons we
are today. Only when we
surrender situation even painful
and challenging situation upon
the altar of God, can he
resurrect them and cause them
to result for our good.

Your past is a rehearsal for your
future. God will use every


to affect his own purpose and
plan for your life.

Isaiah 46: 9-1] remember the
former things those of long
ago: Lam God, and there is no
other, 1 am God and there is n
one like me, | make Tknown the
end from the beginning, from
ancient times, what is still to
come. I say; My purpose will
stand and will do all that |
please.. What I have said, that
will I bring to about: What |
have planned; that will I do.

The areas of weakness or
tragedy in your past can one
day be the trumpet that sounds
your life message.

Pastor Sheila Ingram

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Minority Voice April 25 - May 1, 2008p¢8

-»» Rev. Wright Episode

pastor Ts incendiary remarks
about race and American
foreign policy ~ remarks Sen.
Obama has repeatedly
denounced - to reopen the
important dialogue on racial
divisions in the country,

oThe conversation that Barack
and I had was, This is the
Opportunity; this is the reason
why you're here; this is Why
you Tre in this race, because
there is a perspective, a voice
that you can bring to this

conversation that is needed,

and that no one else, can do or
say, ? Ms. Obama said prior to
her appearance before. over

5,700 enthusiastic supporters at

N.C, State University Ts
Reynolds Coliseum Tuesday


oWhat I said to Barack was, 1 .

know you have it in your head,
I know exactly what T

oI chose to run for the
presidency at this T moment in
history because I believe
deeply that we cannot solve the
challenges of our time unless
we solve them together, ?
Obama said, ounless we perfect

our union by understanding that

Wwe may have different stories,

but we hold common hopes;

that we may not look the same


AMIR AIA Per gece ral Se i aaa gail spare,


from the same place, but we all
Want to move in the same
direction " towards aybetter
future for of children and our

grandchildren. ?

oI was incredibly proud of
what he said, ? Ms. Obama told
The Carolinian about her
husband of 16 years.

oEverything he said spoke to
me in so many ways. Every
word that he uttered was
clarifying and wise, and kind,
and unifying...And it Ts just the
beginning...Barack is not
naive, ? the Chicago, Illinois
native and Harvard Law

_ School graduate continued.

oHe. knows that " this
conversation doesn Tt begin and
end with a wonderful speech.
This is the beginning of a long
dialogue that we have to have.
And Barack is the leader that
will have it, unlike many
before who have just shied
away from it because it Ts hard,
I Tm not afraid of the
conversation, ? she added. oI Tm
desperate for us to have it so
that we can move beyond it. So
I was grateful that he did it, and
proud of how he did it. ?

That pride was evident during

. Michelle Obama Ts remarks

during campaign stops in
Harrisburg, Winston-Salem
and Raleigh,. where she



oP ansberteenyeapaies near ecatais ce cere r 4
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postman y

stench atic cstemaegsaaonn,






consistently talked about the
need for poor and working

families, beleaguered by a_

crumbling economy and
failure of leadership at the top,
to demand a change for a
government that speaks to their

oWhen I Tm out there on the
stump, I Tm not out there as his
wife, ? Ms. Obama, who took

leave during the campaign |

from her administrative
position at the University of

Chicago Medical Center, told

The Carolinian, te

oT Tm out there as a, woman and
a citizen, and I Tm looking for
Change. I Tm looking for
someone who is not going to
come in and play the game T
better than those who have
played it before, because from
my vantage point, the game is
broken, and it Ts broken for all
of us, regardless of our gender,
our race, socioeconomic
background. This isn Tt

working for the vast majority: -

of people. ?
Apparently a lot of people in

North Carolina agree with ?

Michelle Obama.

Sen. Obama substantially
leads Sen. Clinton in every
recent poll in the state by an

average of 15 points, with one

_ giving him a 23-point spread.
ee ee "Clintonare scheduled to debate

respected survey, Rasmussen,

While the Clinton campaign
has taken to the airwaves and
has her husband, former
President Bill Clinton back
campaigning in North
Carolina this weekend for the
fourth week in a row, the
Obama Campaign is also

blitzing the state with a

massive: Voter registration

. drive, celebrity appearances,

and coordinated TV and radio
strategy, as well. .

The prize " the lion Ts share of
North Carolina Ts 134
delegates and 19
superdelegates, most of whom
are expected to publicly
endorse right before the May

6 primary.

Obama Ts pull in North
Carolina is so strong, even the
two leading Democratic
candidates for governor, Lt.
Gov. Beverly Perdue and State
Treasurer Richard. Moore,
have both endorsed the Illinois

Senator, and are even pictured
_With. him on. their. campaign

literature in: hopes that the

tremendous Black vote:

Obama will attract will also
flow their way, :

against Sen. Clinton for the
April 22 primary (both he and

there April 16), supporters are
hopeful he can significantly
build on his 135-delegate lead
on his way to the Democratic

nomination in August, and is "

eventual face-off against
presumptive Republican

nominee John McCain in |

November. |

There's no question Michelle
Obama is doing her part.

At Reynolds Coliseum, Ms.
Obama drew an estimated
5,700 excited supporters; the
most she Ts drawn anywhere
without a big celebrity like
Oprah Winfrey or Stevie
Wonder sharing the stage with
her. :

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With Sen. Obama tightening

the race in Pennsylvania


Minority Voice

cm AI ty


Fb ye

Behn a ee toe See ee ee eee

ORT Saga ate car etinsppesarr pes ?

Re as ee ale De eee ai

Minority Voice Are 25 - May 1, 2008pg10

Sow A Seed

Joy R. Brown

A Single Ts Affirmation

I am Single. Yes, [am whole,
unique, called, appointed and

- anointed for such a time as this.

J am blessed to be in this

position. I am able to spend T

time with my lover, my friend,
and my confidant: I can

_ commune with Him anytime of
the night. When I am lonely,

He comforts me. When I am
down, He lifts my spirit. He

whispers amazing
words in my ears,
~~ such as oT am glad
to have you as my

beautiful to me, |

__ Wworship-me. I love
~~ the way youwcry out
to me. You have
ma glow. I get so
you, because I know
I'm the reason for
this glow. ? I am
single and proud to

be. I possess the
greatness and the power of

_ being able to hold my head up

high and proclaim, oYes, f am
single and I Tve got it going on. ?
I deserve the best and will not
settle for less. [don Tt envy you
because you are connected in
the flesh. But you should
admire me because I Tm

connected in the spirit. Yes, I.

am single. I am a designer Ts

original. Only I could accept

this position because of who T
am. I am confident. I-am
beautiful. I carry such a
glorious anointing. I am carved
in the center of my man Ts hand,
He always has me on His mind, :

Queen. You are so

love the way you~

such a beautiful

excited when I see

Never do I have to worry
where He is because He said |

will never leave you nor will].

Ce ee ee ee ee oe

forsake you but I will be with

you every day of your life, "

Yes, I am single. I am called
out to be God Ts chosen vessel
for this appointed time of my

life. And yes, I desire to be. -
. Married in the future but as for

me and my singleness...I Tve

- got it going on. I will live.a

fulfilled and satisfying life so
when God presents me to my

Boaz, I will look up to Him: "

and say, oGod is my singleness
over? ? He will proudly say,
oMy child, you have satisfied
me extensively in your

singleness. You have made me

so happy. I just wanted to
share my joy with someone

else that deserves the best that

T have. ?

*I would like to dedicate this
article to all singles who are

pressured by loneliness,

discouragement or impatient
with your presence state. My

prayer is that this wilt |

encourage you to wait on God
until your appointed time. Be

, bless, powerful, productive.

and in possession of God Ts
- promises for you.

Redkics Wiehe, Se diet Te
Phone 22 cake

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ee ae a at te.

| _ Oban Obamats |

ster aa = aE cote eam

tse 7 Seles eer

i Se
ea ia

by A

Minority Voice April 25 - May 1, 2008pgi1__ z
well. He was quoted as saying, not going to let anything stop

Captain Hard

Hardy strongly where they-live and-this is She said that wants to let West Greenville has a

indicated that he was willing where their fear factor is. the people know that there number - empty . rental, oThis center isvery important us, ? Anderson said.
to support Tesidents in Powell Said he and his programs are here fo stavand dilapidated and abandoned to this community. We are

stamping out criminal
behavior. oI warited to show
residents who lived here that

I will stand up for those can Tt.
stand up for themselves, ? he

said. oThere arespeople who
want tohelp but because they
also T live it T these
communities, often fear

reprisals, ? he added. The

same issues that hurt West
Greenville oalgo hurt the
entire county. ?! One could
think of it as.low grade
terrorism, f -
Marching strategies...
Although courtesies are

leamed behavior, Hardy feels

that younger members of the
community need to make an
effort to be more respectful
_ towards each other as well,
oIn order to have a

' said, oyou have to T act like
you have Tsome Ownership in
it. ? Clinging to pretentious
and hollow values sor Codes
like odon Tt snitch could

ultimately ohurt you.
especially if it involves an.

unfortunate incident that

could end someone Ts life ?

endeared by you. This
thought lies at the core of his
mission - death marches, no
matter who the unfortunate
. May be, that someone could

said. re :

So many times in the past
during his years with the
Greenville Police, Hardy has

been the bearer of bad news. Green

His plans call-for having
' community wide vigils in
response to the lost of any life
regardless... of .the
circumstances, person or

character, oEvery life is

judgments. ? "
participating in the march who
! overheard his remarks were

be overy close to you, ? he. ts |

organization was going to do all
it could do to support any move
against crime.

He also felt that the

hardcore element needs

hardcore measures to
encourage unwilling elements

| to participate in the positive .

development of the community

but quickly added that he

would hate to make oany

Suggestions without a remedy, ?

but still felt, osomething has to
be done. ? a

Mr. Powell was also
interested in seeing the

grass roots organizations grow

because the . size and

Involvement of the local
citizenry could make 4 "

oprofound difference, ?

progressive community, ? he

young age...
Lyons one

Pow hh: @


joined the
march as it

Said that it
Was peer
| prevented a
' Tot. of the
- people from
ae on

events like
this march,

ofor; ingiance ? His) J
observations indicated that
younger people were afraid of

what their friends were


1 say despite whatever urges

they have felt tobe a part of
something progressive, In

contrast hé also added that -

those who are. in charge of
sometimes too quick to make

quickto agree,

One other organizer and
retired educator also pointed
out that when you look at the
gang problem here in
ville and compare that to
gang activity in Los Angeles for
instance, othat gangs there are
3 and 4 generations deep which
is unlike the nature of gang

- activity here, He feels that this

is a problem that can be


of the few

community -

changes oare

also in light of the recent
discharge of gunshots she
wanted to dispel any thinking
Or notion othat it was not safe
to.come to the Intergenerational
Center or the Little Willie
Center, ? Mes |
oIt Ts gonna happen -
anyway... ?
Apathy or fear exhibited by

some of the residents was

another isstie she was planning
to address by looking for ways
to rebuild those citizen sense of
self esteem by otalking to those
people ? as they go along and

-provide them with the services

that they need like the
Intergenerational Center which
is becoming a high use facility,
as well as a Police Sub-Station
and vowed that whoever
doesn Tt want to see what she
Says is progress in the
community, it Ts gonna happen
anyway T to include restoring
those government services
vacated before completion.
Prevention and
intervention, revitalization

| and restoration...

She said revitalization was
important because she wants
people to ci

me back and_
©. . purchase homes in her distri

ther. district, depar

structures which the city has
been removing and is slowly
replacing with homes: She says
program is about oprevention
and intervention, revitalization
and restoration. ? "

The Intergenerational
Center is headed up by Dr. Best
who lives in the community
and Glover is confident that
Best. knows what the
community needs. She wants
the people begin to feel. safe
and get the area back in control
of their community again. She

said people need to see and

know that you are trying to
restore the quality of life to
their community and feels that
once they see things happen
and that the city cares they will
become more supportive.

oA number of people spoke

to the crowd of about 25 to 30
people who did two separate
marching tours through the
community also. included
Mayor Pat Dunn, Greenville Ts
first Afro-American Police
Chief William Anderson which
whose neighborhood policing
policy according to the Daily
Reflector has set roots with a
new substation has pledge the


excited about the positive
impact the new substation is
going to have here, and we are
going to have a big celebration
for that. All of the individual

efforts by the city are .

important to the revitalization
of the neighborhood. We are


Captain Hardy said that we
can expect to see changes as the
community rebuilds itself.


e f a m y
Pils Oe a 1s y

Walter Dalton has exp i pe
unmatched by any candidate-

North Carolina...

has experience

ALTON was the primary sponsor of a law to recruit minority
businesses in public construction contracts -

: DALTON raised teacher pay & reduced class sizes
DALTON increased the minimum wage by $1.00/hr

DALTON created the Home Prote
families from foreclosure

DALTON provided health care to over 100,000 NC children

ction Pilot Program to protect

valuable, ? he said, corrected in a timely manner, DALTON Supported the death penalty moratorium
Numbers are'the key Making it happen - te, age ey. y
Arnell Powell, President T because we Tre here to stay : Ne ay ie

of CAV, added that onumbers Councilwoman Rose Personally Endors ed by

are the key ? to reducing Glovercommenting on Hardy Ts iy BS:

crime as well, He said, othat sae ae Ce ety 100 % of the Senate Black Caucus, including...

it is imperative that we go was talking about was hs ee

around the community and Community Policing, ; Senator Ed Jones

make every citizenintimately oCity aa _ Former Congresswoman Eva Clayton

aware that there isaproblem active part adds to t e a 3 é aac ys

in Wats area ? and he itinping development of the community : Representative William Wainwright

for more participation, He by helping to eradicate some of fee mB is |

added, oI can understand the the problems and some of the

impatience and reserve that serious crime which takes place § oh

individuals have in this. os Paid for by Dalton for Lt: Governor

community because this is

here, ? shesaid.

en ea a ee ee

Johnson In First return average eas ie during his career, which
Round Of Draft pr) and rushing (24th/109.46 - ; omplished in 36

| she ypg). In addition to were acon 47 total -
Record-Setting Running representing a career-best, his °!"S Spanning er es
Back, Return Specialist "1,423 ground yards marked... °omests. He led the Pirates
Matches ECU's Highest Draft the highest individual total at ° i" ?"?shing as a freshman,

_ Choice Ever . ECU sinee 2001 while his 24. Sophomore and-senior, and
Carling vedi igeittuchdowns and 144 points Tey ranks third nthe
Carolina University Tunning served as. a school single- righ 5 shaggy i
back and return specialist season record. ? charts (2,982) and sixth on
Chris Johnson was selected _ | x the receptions list (125). :
by the Tennessee Titans in on pride a fae Johnson, who will turn 23 on
te eee overall) me . September 23, also ranks as
of the FL Draft
Saturday, age |
With his selection, Johnson
matches former Pirate
linebacker Robert Jones,
who was also the 24th
overall pick in the 1992 May 6, 2008
draft, as ECU Ts highest draft |
choice ever, "

He is also the 12th ECU. re of Ars

running back in history to be Masters of Social Work

drafted and immediately PROVEN LEADERSHIPSKILES

follows wide receiver ia Byer peer tac Sit .

Aundrae Allison, who was Cachet Leadership and Teamwork (Center for Crate Ledeen)


Vikings in the fifth round of oroate haa, ofc Roe a Le , .
5 Coordin fo the Save Ou Sisters and Sons Program st Conestone Misonary Baie Chutch

last year Ts event. East _ Meare ipso Yosb Congr | :

Carolina has had at least orie Member of Edgeoombe County D io

player chosen in 14 of the _

past 19 drafts, :

_ AFirst-Team All-America Se tt ma he |
selection by Pro Football eh Seto
Weekly and a two-time First- % Advocate for fess and equity in ero ional practices
Team All-Conference USA Pays oyu Ye vpn a
performer, Johnson recently "Pair by Citinens to Ble! Clifon B, Hickman
completed his four-year
Pirate career with a school- .
record 6,993 all-purpose T

yards as the program Ts top
running back and kickoff _
retumer since 2004. He
authored a total of 18 single-
game, single-season and
Career standards at the

Se eed

_ Feception yards (125-1,296)

_ Season as a senior in 2007,

° Minority Voice April 25 - May 1, 2008p912
Titans Select J dy 100-yard receiving games

conclusion of his senior "

campaign, leaving East " «fii
Carolina as the Pirates Tsall? a
time leader in kickoff return

yardage (2,715), touchdowns
(44), receptions and

by a running back.
Johnson turned in his finest

topping all Football Bowl
Subdivision (formerly
Division I-A) players to
capture the national
Statistical championship in
all-purpose yards (227.7
ypg) while also standing
among the Top 25 in scoring
(4th/11.08 ppg), kickoff

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See Ee ep | Minority Voice April 25 - May 1, 2008p 13

Influential Black
Reprimands Bill 2008 omnes Driver Education Schedutes

oe fig ) County Schools
Clinton eas as

Co Jane 16 ~- June 26, 2008 } am " 12:00 pe)

House Majority Whip James _ Xe class on Jane :
Clybum (D-SC) publicly Regier with Tracey Williams ~ May 12 " May 27, 2008
denounced Bill Clinton for | yeas
what Clyburn considered , Register whe, Cacti Same pr ew Shay 27 2008

: 5 A 2i~ oe.

. racially-charged comments by Financial Destination, Inc Cree 31, a " pons " =
Clinton about Sen. Barack (FDI) . Register by calling NODS os 324-6706 ing May 27. 2008
Obama. ey

a Jane 16 " June 26 SE es 22:00 pen)

Clyburn told CNN that Bill Warren and Jennete Smith were trying to buy a house and land in 3
Clinton Ts comments on the February of 2007. They were cumed down because their credit score
Clgeiag n Was 100 low. A friend told them about Financial Destination, ini, They

race card ? were very Joined in April 2007. They now own the house and lands they were.
upsetting, but he added that unable to buy in capi nee -
some of his concerns with Financial Destination, Ine, They wanted to wait and oon © the baslaess

. ; really helped people restore their ctedit. They are now -withess;

Clinton have nothing to do . this basiness realy wots renin hople one yd
with race. helping anyone that needs help with their credit, |

.. het them. sign you up with the professionals at Financial
Destination, inc, to help you live the better life. The definition of
insanity is doing the same thing over ad over, expecting a different

oI don Tt think it Ts all racial, ?
said Clyburn. oI think it has to -

do with the tone of this result; So do something different to beer yourself. ,
campaign and how people are

reacting to the campaign, ? |
Clyburn Ts anger was roused The Holy Bible shows us what to with the first 10% ofour money.
after Clinton was recorded. We are here to help you with the other 90 % that Ts left.
saying, oI don Tt think I should ,

have to take any s*** from |

anybody on, that, do you? ? To Join: 252-402-0408

reportedly referring to the | 252-402-1967

Obama campaign Ts attempt to

oplay the race card. ? Visit:

Also, Clinton compared |

Obama to 1988 presidential
candidate Jesse Jackson by
insinuating Obama would not
win the primary just as
Jackson did not win.

Clyburn fears that Clinton Ts
actions may create a rift with -
the Black community that
willbe dificult, i not





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ai cruel

Minority Voice April 25 - May 1, 2008pg14

They Killed Sean All O

By Hazel Trice Edney
NNPA Editor-in-Chief.


Outrage. That Ts the best word
to describe the mood of the
family of the late Sean Bell-of
New York, grassroots activists
and civil rights -
representatives around the

This time, the protest is
focused on the ruling by

Queens State Supreme Court

Justice Arthur Coops
which cleared the three
undercover detectives -
Gescard F. Isnora, Michael
Oliver and Marc Cooper - on
manslaughter and additional
charges. The shooting

Nicole Paultre Bell addresses a rally Saturday in New
York. Behind her is the Rev. Al Sharpton,

country this week.

oOn April 25, 2008, they
killed Sean all over again.
That Ts what it feit like to us. ?

Those were the emotionally
charged words expressed by
Nicole Paultre Bell as she -
spoke at a press conference
immediately following last
Friday Ts acquittal of the three

" police officers who killed

Bell, her fiancé. He died in a
hail of 50 bullets Nov. 26,
2006, the couple Ts wedding


Civil rights leaders gathered
to call for public officials to
take action against police
misuse of force and brutality
~ an age-old problem in the

once again center stage:

oBut, I Tm still praying for T

Justice, ? she said in thé
televised press conference, ?
oBecause it Ts not over yet. It Ts
far from over. ? | cee

She was right.

The next day, she stood :
alongside New York activist
Al Sharpton and led a march
and rally protesting the ruling.
Then on Sunday, dozens of
civil rights leaders gathered to
call for public officials to.take
action against police misuse.
of force and brutality " an
age-old problem in the Black .
community " which is orice -
again center stage:

. Moving or Ad

- happened near a Queens

nightclub, where Bell had just
left his bachelor party.

' He and two friends - Jose h
. Guzman and Trent Benefield

- were found to be unarmed
although police claimed they
thought someone had moved
to pick up a gun. Police said
the officers feared for their
lives.: , oe

Guzman and Benefield, both
passengers in the vehicle,
Were seriously wounded. The

officers, who were conducting .

a prostitution sting, said Bell
had tried to drive over a
detective when they began

Those in the courtroom last

Black community " whichis _ deo left outraged after the

Judge said he simply did not
find the testimony of the

Witnesses as being credible,

_ Mainly because of their
~ demeanors on the stand. The

controversy, yet another in a
string of police brutality cases
in recent years, appears to be



oThe acquittal of New York
police officers in the

unprovoked murder of

unarmed Sean Bell is yet
another example of a pattern
and practice of excessive

force used by police across

the nation on Black people, ?

Said Mare Morial, president

and CEO of the National
Urban League and chairman

of the Black Leadership

Forum (BLF), which has a

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membership of 36
Organizations around the

_ Morial was speaking at'a

press conference at the Rev.
Al Sharpton Ts National Action
Network headquarters on
Sunday, where BLF members,

_ Sharpton and Bell called on
~ Justice Department and
Congress to establish laws

that with stiff penalties for
police brutality.

oThe decision in the Sean

Bell case was not a

miscarriage of justice, but

rather an abortion of justice, ? -

Sharpton said.

The BLF members at
| Sunday Ts press conference
Said they are poised for
_ action. They said they would

send a joint letter to the
Justice Department this week

Calling for a full investigation
_ and requesting a meeting with

Attorney General Michael

Lawmakers are looking hard
at the case.

U.S. Rep. John Conyers Jr.,
chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, and a
congressional delegation
visited the Bell family on
Monday to discuss a possible
civil rights violations of Bell.
Conyers said he would also
go to the spot where the
shooting occurred. ©

A statement issued by the

New York delegation of the

Congressional Black Caucus
and Chairwoman Carolyn

Cheeks Kilpatrick vowed to
remain Vigilant on the issue.

oWe do not accept that this is
the end of this case, ? it stated.

oWe have joined with the

families and their attorneys in
filing a compliant with the
U.S. Department of Justice
requesting an investigation of
violations of the civil rights of
Sean Bell, Joseph Guzman,
and Trent Benefield. ?

The Justice'Department has
announced that its Civil
Rights Division, the United
States Attorney Ts Office for
the Eastern District, and the
Federal Bureau of
Investigation Ts New York
Field Division will |
independently review
circumstances surrounding
the killing.

Southern Christian
Leadership Conference
President Charles Steele, also
a BLF member, says he will

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take the pressure a step

oAfter we get the Justice

Department to address this
tragedy, we are going to ask
New York City Police
Commissioner Ray Kelly to
meet with us about the =
SCLC Ts non-violence conflict

- Tesolution program to train

Officers about non violent
Conflict resolution in order to
prevent the deaths of other
Black Americans. This "
program has worked well in
Atlanta, where we are training
Some 1,700 police officers,
and in international markets,
Where they are seeking
peaceful resolutions to end
violence. This program has -

~ instilled a trust and belief that

violence can be eradicated all
Over the world. ?

A 10-foot long banner carried

by protestors at the oEnough
is Enough Stop Hate Crimes
and Police Brutality ?, ©
sponsored by the Hip-Hop
Caucus in Washington on
Nov. 17, 2007 carried the
hames of more than 1,700
names of people killed by
police in recent years.

Sunday Ts press conference _

also included Rep. Gregory
Meeks (D-N.Y.); Melanie
Campbell of the National
Coalition on Black Civic
Participation, Rev. Lennox
Yearwood of the Hip Hop
Caucus; Darlene Young of
Blacks in Government and
Gary Flowers, who is BLF Ts
executive director and CEO:

- Bell says she will do what she

must in order to remain ...
committed to justice for the
father of her two children.

march, at every rally, I Tm
going te be right up front, ?

she says,

The CBC statement

being of all. ?

encourages supporters to join
her; "We must all remain



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; Minority Voice April 25 - ~ May 1, 2008pg15
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Minority Voice April 25 - May 1, 2008pg16

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The Minority Voice, April 25-May 1, 2008
The 'M' voice : Eastern North Carolina's minority voice-since 1987. Greenville. N.C. : Minority Voice, inc. James Rouse, Jr. (1942-2017), began publication of The "M" Voice in 1987 with monthly issues published intermittently until 2010. At different times, the paper was also published as The "M"inority Voice and The Minority Voice. It focused on the Black community in Eastern North Carolina. Pages not displaying for this online item were missing from the original microfilm and could not be digitized.
April 25, 2008 - May 01, 2008
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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