The Minority Voice, November 17-24, 2006

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Complimentary Issue
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(Retail Value: 50 Cents)

Vol XXVI_ Nov Issue


Serving Princeville Tarboro Williamston and Pitt County since 1980


Complimentary Issue
Please Take One

(Retail Value: 50 Cents)
Vol XXVI_ Nov Issue





60 Minutes and CBS News
Correspondent Ed Bradley.

Ed Bradley, one of
Journalism Ts brightest stars
whose name was synonymous
with the CBS News magazine
60 Minutes on which he

reported for the past 25 years, |

died Thursday, Nov. 9, 2006
Story pg8

Dorothy Dandridge

Leaders condem
death sentence

by Mede Rutledge

The History Of
Soul Food

by Suejette Jones /

pg3 (

What You See Is What You
What You Read Is What
You Know And Save

She was a Star -

| Congressman Charles B.

Rangel is the Representative
from the 15th Congressional
District, comprising East and
Central Harlem, the Upper West
Side, and Washington Heights/
Inwood. Congressman Rangel is
the Ranking Member of the
Committee on Ways and Means,
Chairman of the Board of the
Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee and Dean

of the New York State
Congressional Delegation.
Congressman Rangel is the

principal author of the five

billion dollar Federal
Empowerment Zone
demonstration project to
revitalize urban
neighborhoods throughout
America. He is also the author
of the Low Income Housing



peat} cs

Tax Credit, which is
responsible for financing ninety
percent of the affordable
housing built in the U.S. in the
last ten years. The. Work
Opportunity Tax Credit, which
Congressman Rangel also
championed, has provided
thousands of jobs for
underprivileged young people,
veterans, and ex-offenders.

(cover story page5)


PASSING ON WISDOM .., Commissioner Melvin McLawhorn (standing far left) Bishop
Randy Royal (3rd from left) and Decaon Ben Johnson (standing

2nd from far right) along

with D,D, Garrett(seated far right)Rev Thomas Walker, Guest.Pastor Terry Streeter from

Mt. Pleasant, Wash.DC and Mr Francis Mebane
the Hilton Hotel in Greenville. Provin

collectively share our ideas.

share with the brothers present. They met at
g that in order to get things accomplished we must

photo Jim Rouse


The first Black woman ever to
serve on the N.C. Supreme
Court |

On TheRoad To Victory... .. While on her campaign trail


Patricia Timmons-Goodson pauses for a moment for our

camera. Patricia (1 )is joined by her sisters,Sandra (c) and

Lise TTimmons. story page5..... photo Jim Rouse
f }


% , Fo aa
eed |







Election went beyond usual

One of the benefits of this
campaign season coming to a close
is that we won Tt continue to be
bombarded with TV commercials
drenched in lies and distortion. The
closer it got to Tuesday Ts election,
it seemed, the bolder the lies

Much has been made of the
racially-tinged commercial in which

a white actress claims to have met

Ic Ford Jr. at a Playboy party.

i oBlack esis has an
overelass that is charged

with the responsibility of
i the racial -
status quo. This Black

_ Overclass is wedded to the

white power structure and
is opposed, therefore, to any

independent thoughts or

actions which might unite.
Black America. The
overclass is commissioned
by white organizations and
governments to keep Black
Americans powerless by
allying externally with other
groups rather than allying
internally with members of
their own race. � Dr. Claud
Anderson, More Dirty Little

~ Black leaders, why have you

forsaken us? We have always
stood beside you, and
oftentimes we stood in front
of you, willing to die if
necessary, to protect and
defend you against our
enemies, Despite all of the
sacrifices we have made on
your behalf and all of the
support we have provided to
your efforts, you have
forsaken us, You have
abandoned us, You have
relinquished your position as
authentic leaders and opted
for a watered-down, tepid,
caricature of Black leadership
that continuously succumbs to:
a white dominant society.
Instead of standing up and
speaking otruth to power, �
you cower in the face of
adversity. Instead of refusing
to be bought, you eagerly cut
selfish deals that only

in status quo, which,
for Black people, is a
ion for failure.


OPINION, the Web site that
serves as a credible referee for all
of the political charges and
countercharges, provides us with |

5). other examples of false political
Claims in Ford Ts unsuccessful

Senate race in Tennessee and other

. Campaigns.

Former Chattanooga Mayor Bob
Corker Ts campaign teamed up with
the National Republican Senate
Campaign to produce a TV
commercial that proclaimed,
o,.-Congressman Ford voted |
against reauthorizing the PATRIOT
Act, which protects us from
terrorists. He voted to cut defense
spending by 16 percent. Just who
does he think is going to provide
our security? And get this,
Congressman Ford even voted to let
liberal judges release felons from
jail because of overcrowding... � noted, oIt Ts true, as
the ad. says, that Ford voted in favor
of an amendment proposed by the
Congressional Black Caucus that
would have cut defense spending by

over 16 Pervent for fiscal 2001,

subordination, a oless than �

have abdicated your role ag -

scumlating wealth for
description of our people; you yourself
o � why have you turn a youl

directing the additional funds to i

education ad working class family
safety net programs.

oWhat the announcer doesn Tt tell us
is that Ford cast the vote in 2000,
before the attack on the World
Trade Center or the beginning of
hostilities in Iraq; the date of the "
vote does appear in fine print at the

- bottom of screen, where you can
see it if you squint hard. �

The watchdog site stated, oSince 9/
11, Ford has supported rapid
increases in defense spending for
the war and national security, ;
voting, for example, in favor of the
fiscal 2006 defense spending bill as
well as the 2003 emergency
supplemental funding bill. The ad
also doesn Tt mention that on the
same day he voted for the
amendment Corker cites, Ford
voted in favor of an amendment

_ that would have increased military
- spending, though only seven-tenths

of a percent, which isn Tt enough to

keep up with inflation. �

The ad correctly notes that Ford


and your f families,

spokesperson and warrior for backs us?

Black people by allowing

Black intellectuals, why do

others to define you; you have you lecture us on the "

accepted the label of |
ominority, � a tertn connoting
deficiency; you even promote
diversity and
multiculturalism, but outside
of rather than within our own
race. You advise us that we
must help everyone else, but
you fail to lead us toward

What a tragedy to propose
that Black people, whose
collective power is virtually
nil, should engage in the

economic problems we face

but seldom, if ever, build
institutions or start initiatives
that will solve the problems
you decry? Surely you have

_the intellectual capacity to

lead us to higher economic
heights, with all of your .
degrees and oratory skills.
Marcus Garvey did it without
degrees, but you hold
yourselves up as our
intellectual leaders, making
high-priced speeches before

struggles of other people prior throngs of Black people, and

to winning our own battles.
Even sadder is the fact that

have yet to come even close
to what Garvey, Booker T.,

you, Black leadership, suggest and others did, without the

we do not love others because
we refuse your call to action.
Some of you even use the
oxymoronic term, oBlack
racism � and the canard of
oreverse discrimination � to
describe those of us who
don Tt follow your illogical

Weare offended by Black

politicians who rush to the
podium to publicly proclaim
oT am not a Black politician; I
am a politician who happens
to be Black, and I will work
for all of the people. � How
strange it is that we never

"hear any other politicians

make such a statement. We
are insulted by Black leaders
who turn their backs on the
very ones that elevated them
to their lofty perches, We are
disgraced by Black political
leaders who have sold out,
settled in, and succumbed to a
corrupt political system. Why
have you forsaken us, Black
politicians, after being in
office for. decades and

trappings of an ivy-leagued
education or a professorship.
Black religious leaders, why
have you gone the way of the
moneychangers? Your
influence is the strongest
among Black people, but you
misuse it for your own self-
aggrandizement, building
edifices that showcase your
power to persuade Black
people to put up and shut up
when it comes to their money.
You live royally but keep
telling us every Sunday, and
two or three times during the
week, that osomethin T is about
to happen in this place, � oGod
is gettin T ready to bless
somebody here tonight, � oIt Ts
your season; the anointing is
coming. � Why have you
forsaken us in exchange for
filthy lucre and political
favors? Have you ignored the
greatest leader Ts words in
Matthew 20:27 and 23:11?
o,. che that is greatest (or
chief) among you shall be
your servant �

voted against reauthorizing the
PATRIOT Act, once on the House
committee report and again on the
conference report. However, much
of the objection to the new
legislation was based on concerns
over civil liberties.

*..-Republican Sen. John Sununu of
New Hampshire then introduced a
separate bill containing civil
liberties provisions on which both

Democrats and Republicans could

agree, � reported.
oFord voted for the Sununu bill,
without which, it seemed-clear at "
the time, the PATRIOT Act would
not have been renewed. �

As for the claim that Ford ovoted to �
let liberal judges release felons
from jail because of overcrowding, �
again the ad misstates the facts. The |
reference was to a bill introduced

by Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) that

would have prevented judges from

exercising their right to release

prisoners in overcrowded state
facilities back into society. oFord,
we note, did not vote to allow
judges to release felons from jail,

Curry... The end of a nasty ele tion 2


� ' 2
Iran, _

he voted against restricting their
existing right to do so, � the group
said. The DeLay measure never
made it to the Senate floor.

Perhaps the most egregious
commercial was sponsored by the
Republican National Committee
and aired against Rep. John Murtha,
a Pennsylvania Democrat who had
been one of the staunchest
supporters of the war in Iraq until
recent months.

This is what Murtha suid: oFifty-six
percent of the péople in Spain think
it Ts more dangerous, the United
States is more dangerous in Iraq _.
than Iran is. Every one of our allies
think that the United States being in
Iraq is more dangerous to world
stability and world peace, every one
of our allies, Great Britain, every
single country, they think it Ts, we Tre
more dangerous to world peace
than North Korea or Iran. That says

something. �

tthe cE At ade

. Say: oWe T re more dangerous to

world peace than North Korea or

The monitoring group says, o...In °
this case the RNC managesto
present Murtha as seeming to say . -
nearly the exact opposite of what he
actually.said. �

The commercial ran on television
and appeared on the Republican
National Committee Ts Web site. ~

FactCheck pointed out, oThis is the T
same RNC web ad that attracted . :
attention because of an image of ©
Democratic party chairman Howard T
Dean that appeared to have been
altered to give him the faint hint of

a Hitler moustache. �

This election went beyond the usual
mudslinging. It was downright
nasty. |

George B. Curry is editor-in-chief
of the NNPA News Service and - To contact _
Curry or to book him for a speaking
engagement, go to his Web site,

After we have supported,

_.. promoted, and even forgiven ,
. Black leadershi for -

your T
missteps and transgr ssions |
against us, you have ignored
our needs; you have
collaborated against our
interests, and you have
engaged i in actions that keep
othe patient � sick, as Booker
T. Washington noted.

You continue to lead us in
circles, rather than where we
must go, and it seems you do
not understand the negative
effects your brand of

T leadership has on us. How is

this possible from intelligent
Black leadership? Why do
you pursue an integration/

assimilation strategy that -

pushes Black people toward
the bottom rung of the
economic ladder? What sense
does it make for-you to
remain silent in the face of
continued mistreatment of
your people? Or, are we
oyour � people?

Why have you forsaken us,
Black leaders? Why have you
become hypocritical and
disingenuous in your actions
toward us? Why have you -
feathered your own nests at
the cost of our blood, sweat,

_ and tears? Why have you not
provided real solutions to our "

problems, not just in words,
but also in deeds? Are you not

capable? Are you unwilling to §

sacrifice for your people? Are
you reluctant todo what
DuBois asked of you? Have
you disregarded Carter G.
Woodson Ts plea for obervant
leaders �?

We don Tt know what your
answers are, but we do know
that we are tired, and we must
have a new brand of Black
leadership. We cannot afford
to wait for you any longer. We

love you, but we must move

on now.



We are meeting each Friday at 7:00 p.m. at the CM. Eppes -


Recreation Center, 400 Nash Street, Greenville, NC. We are 36
trying our best to rally the Black community around a written =
Pitt County Black Leadership Plan with action steps. You are =
invited to the Friday meetings. We are seeking to form a Pitt
County Black Leadership Council as a steering committee to
carry out the Plan. We need your input into .

Coomatly Fasany _ |
a, Ye, flours Soa Sapoinw
hlng Egos Gap ofr

el » ie
bs 30d 2 o£

THE MINORITY VOICE NOV. 17 - 24.2006 Pg3


-» channels of Power in

Family members have a

Prepare a book or tapes of

Nothing so blinds us to the

Don Tt just spend time, invest

- touching aoe who would strong religious orientation rasa about vetber te real character of sin as the 7a st Ts blood makes us safe:
airtime oFamily members interact passed down, fact that itis our own, God Ts word makes us sure.
_ Jesus has no feet on which with the community in . Large asking results in large Time in Christ Ts service
-torun errands of mercy but mutually productive ways. receiving, for prayer moves requires time out for renewal.
our feet; He has no hands a SOME TRUTHS: the hand that moves the A bit of love is the only bit
oma forth in _ Surprised! Perhaps your . sore God? that will put a bridle on the
compassionate concern family already has these " Real love is helping someone a one a tL Way can tongue..
toward the suffering but characteristics. Or maybe you _ for Jesus sake who can never a ie the | aon ; te Active worship requires
our hands; He has no minds see the need to work on some __return the favor. Wa a i" 5; c at ron active involvement.
with which to think aspects of your family life. The Bible is the bread of life, 6, ut Me first chapter on things when done with a
Ly Y thoughts after him but our and it never becomes stale. Fie eyieitegiece. Mobs desire to please God.
a. ee minds; and He has no heart Following are some The difficulties of life are Pap ~ " When Christians live the -
Mrs Beatrice Maye through which to love with suggestions: intended to make us better, wer ; _ . gospel, sinners will listen to.
: | a giving love, a forgiving Ask each member what the __ not bitter. i 0 ea Be ice od the gospel. , .
as love, and everlasting, living word ofamily omeans. Look God Ts answers are often wiser OPPO y to ; It Ts possible to do the right
The Touch of the Master Ts love but our hearts up the word in the dictionary. " than our prayers For the Christian, dark clouds thing for the wrong reason.
Hand | Make a list of things your _ " The hand that gives gathers. coe are but the shadow When a promise seems to fail,
oo The editor: family does for you and what _To be saved here is to be safe ° 8 Wins. we can still trust the Promiser.
There were qualities in the you do for them. . hereafter Jesus came to save the lost,
touch of the Master, which set Ata time when families are _ Spend an evening with the We must goto sinners if we _ he ast, and n . east
Him apart from all other breaking up in alarming family album. expect sinners to come to the. Seah Sie
healers in His time. numbers, many families are Ask grandparents (or Savior.
1. Jesus had a curative asking, oWhat can we doto oadopted o grandparents) and ,
1 touch (Matthew 8:14) prevent it? � Researchers parents to tell about how life
2. Jesus hada fio have bee dvi used to be and special The growing popularity of deep-fried turkey could lead to disaster on Thanksgiving. To keep
compassio h who have been studying pec that from happening to you, Greenville Fire-Rescue asks that you follow some simple safety tips
" (Matthew 20:30,34) family life for over 40 years rememberences. . when using a turkey fryer. , .
3. Jesus hada cleansin have come to some simple Discuss your family roots; * Only use turkey fryers outside " and 50 feet away from any building.
; conclusions. Strong prepare a family tree (include | - Make sure the fryer has at least four legs and is on a level surface.
touch (Luke 5:12,13 ) - families have these occupati@ns). - Never use a fryer on a wooden deck or ina garage.
4. Jesus had a conquering characteristics in common: Send a contribution to an T Test the proper oil level the night before by putting your turkey in the pot, then filling
7 re 7:12,13) " orphanage. with water to just cover the bird. Make sure to leave several inches between the water
e�,� touch of Jesus is not ; . : Laan! level and the top of the pot. If it Ts less than 4 inches, then do not our bird. Take the
only curative, jan members practice someone pee cally or turkey out and remember the water level - that Ts where you spy with oil prior to
ocompassionate, conquering, &00¢ Communication. for the eveni cooking. :
and cleansing, but it has Family members show or the evening. * Do not allow children or pets near the fryer " even after you Tre done cooking. The oil
hang} in th appreciation for and enjoy Visit relatives and discuss | can stay dangerously hot for several hours,
anging power in : �,� being with one another. family Customs, mannerisms, * Don Tt leave the fryer unattended.
bodies, hearts, and lives of Family members are and personality Use a thermometer to make sure the oil is the proper temperature. Oil that gets too hot
men. The only limitation committed to share family characteristics. can catch fire. | .
to His power is the bals\andiresvons bilities, Make a family calendar for | Completely thaw the bird before slowly putting it in the oil. Partially frozen items will
limitation of faith and 8 Family 5 po be : marking birthd ays cause a violent reaction when placed in the oil.
willingness on the part of aan ea arate ae ones ples: * Use well-insulated pot holders or oven mitts when lowering the turkey into the oil to °
people to be used as His adaphab e and support one jeeniliae for all the family protect yourself from splatter and steam. Consider wearing safety goggles to protect your
. . eyes.
Keep an all-purpose fire extinguisher nearby. Never use water to fight an oil fire.
Call 9-1-1 if you have a fire that is growing or out of control.


re a - Slaves oft vevetabl catches. The young male and commemorative
It evolved from the rich adapted quicklytothe === 4 on ae an 1 oS slaves were responsible for gatherings. Soul food is as
heritage of African customs, Southern environment. their 7 fl time u i g roasting the meat or tuming _ well known today as any
was shaped by Southern The birth of soul food began 5 lays eC ae kha, x o4 the whole carcass on a spit for other cuisine. Meal time is
Cookery practices, and when the first African slaves ch ae wild : unt ane" their masters. Coating meats still time for family
regionally influenced by West _afrived in the new land. fer it tee li . dmeat With sweetened sauce sealed togetherness. A typical spread _
Indian, Caribbean, and Controlled by their owners, ah ie diet s; ar mca" in the juices, while the fats _of deep fried chicken, collard
French cooking. their diets were influenced by 1" ored the en a he Which dripped on the coals "_greens with fatback, candied
As slaves, African Americans southern practices. It is ironic de vines eth a © smoked a rich flavor back sweet potatoes, cornbread and
were not permitted to leam that pork is such a prominent ih an oe ng met af onto the meat. fruit cobbler is a part of any
how to read or write, part of soul food today, me pre ie were similar0 The nutritional contributions "_ family gatherings just as grits
So they cooked not from because most African tribal Sweet on toeah ty of soul food are remarkable. and home-fried potatoes are
recipes but oby knowing �, religious beliefs prohibited a a is , sales Afien Slaves had to be strong and common for Sunday
giving strong credence to the pork. Yet, it became the meat nee popular Collard, rican hardy to survive on their breakfast, black-eyes peas,
: essence of soul food T. Slaves of choice in the south after the oand an i sarnie meager diets under such and ham hocks are a New
Suejette A. Jones _ had virtually no control or first settlers (Indians) " who wits = kale vee Eke physically demanding Year Ts holiday tradition and "
choice in life, so cooking originally preferred mutton " fe a a : ads of th conditions. Once in America, barbecued spareribs and
History of Soul Food _-became a way to express discovered that pigs were ; © 4 y ha G , icf male and female slaves watermelon are a part of
The feeling, share love and nurture easier to raise and quicker to ried hull o4 TIS, ker if rom labored all day, with a 30 summer picnics. Are you
Sobil food is fondly described family and friends: Meals fatten up. Corn is another honain which oi inated *T minute break from breakfast preparing now for your
as food made with feeling were a time for sharing _ hotable influence on soul food fro =H tive Ame Ds in the morning and a two hour Thanksgiving and Christmas
ang care. � ~ common feelings of from the Americas. It was : ij a milar to th break at the hottest portion of | dinners? With soul food?
: happiness and sorrow. Food _ actually introducedtoAfrica (In Pe ef MATEY , othe day when they often had
: was comfort while in from America. Because it cereal mace trom groun to do lighter chores. They KNOW YOUR
] bondage, and because they could feed animals and oem in African. Beans. tice. WrKed at least 12 hours in © BLACK HISTORY
- could control cooking, it was _ slaves, and sow the land, corn Aten 5 olmek SoU "asc the fields, and five or six
one of the few real pleasures, _ was the plentiful grain of fail foods, With r h © hours bringing in crops, Note:
a way to feel free. Their choice among southerners. It mit af ood $4 i We 4 carrying water from the well, Sara O TNeill is a friend of
involuntary journey away may come also as a surprise ren ee Yall caring for animals and cutting mine and resides in Durham,
from the motherland removed . that pork and corn were 3 aah lve we grass. At harvest time, some " NC., with her husband Gene,
Africans from their healthful actually the restricted foods in the tastefully to be one * records show 18-hour a professional musician, and
roots. On ships enroute to _slave diets. Slaves were = Me fare Age - ae workdays. Back then, soul _her two cats " Toby and
America, slaves were feda given a weekly ration of corn * c cea it ton helped food as hearty nourishment "_ Bacon. Sara is an artisan who
paste of boiled beans and lard, meal and meat scraps on i combine vedient that met intense labor needs. makes and sells her creative
rice and yams. Peanuts were considered unfit T for the and ieee) oe o - Corn, rice, and beans met wares that she makes from
sometimes included but meat Owners. They received as ot ted | ofla on tiiea ob physical energy needs with glass, metals, and other
was rare, Nourishing meals _ little as nine pints of corn and ae © Ric a vegerae carbohydrates and added materials. As of this writing,
to fatten slaves up T one pound of meat parts per o!S bi lw: hbeane ae fiber. The sparse but fatty her speciality is pottery-
Before sale were common. person per week. Sometimes ©°�"� indi tt ha an meat scraps were sparing making.
The survival of Africans on _the basics were supplemented fe n ke hn T a ke lad sources of protein and She works out of her
such a meager subsistence T __ With rice, syrup and fruit. ai tion of oreene | Concentrated calories from workshop which adjoings her
under severly stressful and So, the pig's feet, intestines or incl iim da " o one i fat, readily burned off with home. As she attends art fairs
abruptly different chitterlings, jowls, ears, and c!ucing dandelions an daily activities. Leafy green _and sets up workshops along
environmental conditions is _ ribs; chicken feet, necks, Stewin tensderized the , Vegetables, provided essential the East coast for her displays
evidence of a strong, hardy backs, wings, and organ Sayer otron leftover: _ Vitamins and minerals. Even and sales, she runs across
race of survivors. With the meats such as livers and v ion edit meitovers the cooking water, which was _ other artisans who sometimes
slave trade came four major __ gizzards, corn meal cereals hee Nowe al full of nutrients and called exchange with each other.
~ contributions to soul and And quicks breads which h ioed. Itheen c0 ker | pot likker T, was drunk or Sara attended East Carolina
southern cooking: Cowpeas _ created meals became known ae "el y a sok if. used in soups and stews. University and until recently
or black-eyes peas, okra, and as soulfood. = their owner Den fat frvine, Watermelon, which is more supplied Artisans (here in
watermelon seeds were | " The cooking skills which cr rin th th at frying, than 90% water, replenished " Greenville) with most of her
originally brought to North made such leftover odds and Popular rs ie hi A heat , fluid lost while toiling in the creative jewelry for sale. Sara
America from Africa, The ends the nourshing for hard ook ine +s an kh. The» Hot sun. These soul foods _is responsible for the content
"peanut originated in South Laborers, is a unique bre ded ie y ed ec continued as compassion food of this writing as it is
Atherica, but was introduced distinction of soul food. rea oa Ing the ee in because thembility to cook _ extracted from a book that she
to North America by way of Slaves cooked with their Bare re frome 5, aha and nourish children and offered me.
the slave trade, except fot whole heart, doing their best d cue, Irom 4 Spans friends has remained a real
watermelon; which was with sparse ingredients. It bp ated frre gr =a pleasures that bonds ones Respectfully submitted,
introduced from séeds, these Was truly an expression of ah ar ale ay ng Over together and is at the core of
new foods lasted during the | creativity with limited ees opal and as African American families T
resources, popular ater big game celebrations, festive holidays Suejette A. Jones

_ Slow ocean journey and

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Amsterdam News Staff

eA month ago 36-year Harlem

~ oCongressman Charles B.
Rangel said if the Democrats
didn Tt take Congress in this
year Ts elections he would
Fortunately for him, Rangel
won't have to make good on
that statement after
Democrats took the majority
in Congress in Tuesday Ts
elections. The Democratic
victory ensures that next year
Rangel, the most senior
Democratic member of the :

. powerful Ways and Means
Committee, will be its new

oIt Ts the only congressional
committee that Ts written into
our Constitution, � said the 76-
year-old statesman, assuming
the position from Bill
Thomas, a Republican
congressman from California.
Quoting the Constitution
Rangel said the historic
document gives Congress, ~
through the Ways and Means
Committee, the power to
collect taxes and duties, pay
debts and borrow money on

~~the credit of the United States.
: Additionally the committee
oalso levies powers over Social
: Security and Medicare
benefits. Rangel said

Tee ee ee ee ee a

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ee ee

6ST ATE SS a Pa Oe OP SR er weteetE et 2° o

oe? on

President Bush Ts tax cuts,
which grant the largest cuts to
the richest residents until
2010, odidn Tt make any
sense. �

While slamming the
president Ts tax policy at a
press conference in Harlem Ts
State Office Building, the
congressman urged that both

- parties in Congress work

together. oThe only way we

_ can resolve this problem is in

a bi-partisan way, � sai
Rangel. So
The congressman, who has
long been a critic of the Iraq
war, voiced optimism about
Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld Ts surprise
resignation, announced by

President Bush on Wednesday |


oT think symbolically it makes
a lot of us feel more
comfortable because we knew
where Donald Rumsfeld was
coming from, � Rangel said in
a.CNN interview Wednesday.
Rangel, who has had a
tenuous relationship with the
Republican White House,
added, oNo president can
possibly discuss furthering the
war if he doesn Tt have support
from the American people. �
As chairman of Ways and
Means, Rangel certainly plans
to exert his new authority
against the White House,
beginning with putting Vice
President Dick Cheney in his

oMr. Cheney enjoys an office
on the second floor of the
House of Representative that
historically has been reserved
for the chairman of the Ways
and Means Committee, � said
a half- joking Rangel about
longtime rival Cheney. Rangel
said he was conversing with
Speaker of the House-elect
Nancy Pelosi on ways to
orestore the House of
Representative to the dignity
we once enjoyed. �

The Wilmington Journal

The first Black woman ever
to serve on the state Ts
Supreme Court has
convincingly won her
election to the post in a
statewide election.

At press time with 99 percent
of precincts reporting, NC
Associate Supreme Court
Justice Patricia Timmons-
Goodson defeated her,
challenger in the non-
partisan race, NC Appellate
Court Judge Eric Levinson,
58 to 42 percent, to win an
eight-year term in last
Tuesday Ts election.

Her victory is noteworthy
because traditionally,
candidates, and especially
Black judicial candidates,
have had a difficult time
winning statewide races.

Gov. Easley appointed

In her limited television


Li Mon - Fri 7pm
by her record of judicial SUPPORT BLACK RADIO
achievement, and not by her

Timmons-Goodson in January
to fill out the unexpired term
of Associate Justice Sarah
Parker, whom he also
elevated to Chief Justice.

Parker handily won her
contest Tuesday as well.

campaign ads, Timmons-
Goodson was not seen.
Instead, Gov. Easley urged
voters to support, in addition
to several law enforcement
officers. That strategy " of
having voters unfamiliar with
Timmons-Goodson judge her

color " apparently worked, as | | | |

results show she did very well
even in traditionally
conservative Republican areas
of the state.

In the General Assembly, any
thought of a GOP takeover in
the state House was wishful
thinking as Democrats there,
despite scandals and possible
indictments surrounding their
standard bearer House |
Speaker Jim Black, won
enough seats to actually
increase their majority 68-52.

Patricia Timmons-Goodson is
a working mom, career jurist
and a history-maker. On
November 7, 2006 she made
history by being the first
African American Woman to
be elected to the Supreme
Court of North Carolina.

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roasted Krispy Kreme signature coffee " your
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The Minority Voice Newspa-
per congratulates Justice
Patrica Timmons-Goodson on
her appointment and wishes
her the best in her tenure as
North Carolinas first African

300 E. 10th St.
(252) 830-1525

American Woman to the
Supreme Court. | ,

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THE MINORITY VOICE NOV. 17 - 24.2006 Pg8

Ed Bradley

CBS) Ed Bradley, one of
journalism Ts brightest stars
whose name was synonymous
with the CBS News magazine
60 Minutes on which he.
reported for the past 25 years,
died Thursday, Nov. 9, 2006,
in Mt. Sinai Hospital in New
York City. He was 65 and
died of complications from
chronic lymphocytic
leukemia. Bradley lived in
New York, but also had
homes in Woody Creek, Colo.
and East Hampton, N.Y.

Bradley spent nearly his entire
39-year career with CBS _.
News, where he rose to the
pinnacle of journalistic
achievement, at first on the
CBS Evening News and on
CBS News documentaries
and then on 60 Minutes,
where he compiled an
extraordinary body of work
that featured a keen talent for -
the interview and an intense
curiosity shown in his
investigative work. He was an
elegant gentleman who was
also known for his

impeccable clothing and style,
which included a small
earring in his left ear that he
wore since the late 1980s, and
a short, distinctive beard.

Bradley was among the first -
black journalists to make a
name for himself on national
television when his battlefield
reporting from the Vietnam
War " in which he was
wounded in 1973 " pushed
him onto the national stage.
He never forgot his roots, and
spent many hours of his ©
scarce free time talking to

. young minority journalists. A _ oe
~ the accused in a story that

© few years ago, he provided a ©
significant amount of money
to seed an annual $10,000
award given each year in his
name by the Radio and

Television News Directors T
Association to a promising
minority journalist.

to roll over in crashes in
2000; a 2004 segment that
reported the reopening of the
50-year-old racial murder case
of Emmett Till; and a look at

His career gradually built with anti-gay feeling in the military

reporting stints on Capitol
Hill, then as White House
reporter and then as the
principle reporter for the
renowned documentary series
oCBS Reports. � Bradley
became one of the most
recognized journalists in "
America soon after joining 60
Minutes. He was listed high
on the list of omost trusted
TV news personalities � in a
1995 poll published by TV
Guide. In the same poll, he
was rated second " right
behind Walter Cronkite " in

Bradley Ts true talent was his
ity to do any story and
look natural doing it, whether
clowning around with Robin

Williams, probing company
executives in an investigation
or conducting sensitive
interviews with bereaved
people. The range of
Bradley Ts immense talent was
demonstrated almost
immediately on 60 Minutes
with two Emmy-Award
winning interviews in his first
few seasons. In the first, an
insightful profile of Lena
Horne, the fragile singer
became so comfortable with

_ the young Bradley, she

unconsciously grabbed his
hand as they walked.

| Some of the more prominent

investigative work carried out
by Bradley included one of
his last reports, an |
investigation of the Duke
University lacrosse rape case,
in which he broke new ground
with the first interviews with

made headlines just last
month; a report on the
recalled painkiller, Vioxx, in
November of 2004;.an expose
on the inclination of Ford "

that played a role the beating
death of Pfc. Barry Winchell
at Ft. Campbell, Ky.,
broadcast in 2003.

Prior to joining 60 Minutes,
Bradley was a principal
correspondent for oCBS
Reports � (1978-81), after
serving as CBS News T White
House correspondent (1976-
78). He was.also anchor of |
the oCBS Sunday Night
News � (November 1976-May
1981) and of the CBS News
magazine oStreet Stories �
(January 1992-August 1993).
Edward Rudolph Bradley, Jr.
was born on June 22, 1941 in
Philadelphia and attended
local schools. He graduated
from Cheyney State college in
1964 with a degree in
teaching and taught sixth
grade for three years in
Philadelphia. He got a taste of
his future when he
moonlighted at WDAS radio,
doing the odd job for little or
no money. oI knew that God


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put me on this earth to be on

the radio, � he said years later.
He covered basketball games,

spun records and read the
news for the station until one

day in the middle 1960s when T

he heard about the riots in
Philadelphia on the radio. He
offered to cover the story for
WDAS and wound up

reporting the event,in phone
call interviews with
community leaders. When
he returned to the station,
they sent him out with a
recorder. Bradley never
looked back and reporting
became his passion.

Among Bradley Ts passions

was his lifelong love of and
dedication to jazz sealed,

_when he worked ata
- Philadelphia radio station. He

was a board member of Jazz
at Lincoln Center and was

_ instrumental in helping create

the new facility there for that
genre of music. "



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The Minority Voice, November 17-24, 2006
The 'M' voice : Eastern North Carolina's minority voice-since 1987. Greenville. N.C. : Minority Voice, inc. James Rouse, Jr. (1942-2017), began publication of The "M" Voice in 1987 with monthly issues published intermittently until 2010. At different times, the paper was also published as The "M"inority Voice and The Minority Voice. It focused on the Black community in Eastern North Carolina.
November 17, 2006 - November 24, 2006
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